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Championship Weekend. Deep Dive’s Best Bets for the Title Games

Drew and Andy saddle up for one of the last times this season and tackle the two games this Sunday. The sides, the totals, the matchups, the coaches, the intangibles, the tangibles, the trials, the tribulations, the Swifties.

Welcome to the acclaimed podcast the Deep dive featuring your esteemed hosts Andy monitor Andrew dizik powered by bet spurts welcome to the Deep dive here at your normally scheduled time time and play oh not really we’re a day late but that’s okay uh we decided

To wait an extra day since uh you know we broke things down on Monday um and we wanted a little bit more clarity on some injuries um I didn’t feel like doing a show that was that close together it was too close together we just said all this

And and we don’t really know anything new and the market hasn’t even moved really um and uh you know since then you know since we would have done the show 24 hours ago um one of my bets on one of these games you can’t get anymore and

The other one you can get at an even better number so congratulations on a oneone conference weekend let’s start thinking about the Super Bowl um I uh yeah I I really don’t uh have a ton to say about these that I haven’t already said but uh it’s you know a lot of time

Has passed i’ I’ve got some sincere thoughts so I’m and I have some things I want to I want to throw some things at you and get I think I have some good talking points to just uh get you kicking back and forth with me here um

Real quick uh coaching hires it looks like bellich is out because I mean there there’s two left and Washington seems to be waiting for somebody who’s probably playing in one of the games this weekend I think Seattle is in the same boat not only that Seattle you’re not you’re not

Getting rid of hey we we got rid of our 70y old to bring in another 71 year old at this point so I think who do you think Seattle’s waiting for McDonald I I’m not super sure I think it might be I think I they haven’t really had it much

For smoke signals okay um it’ll be interesting if slowick does end up up there I’m not sure who like the favorite is I feel like that would have been announced this week though if that was the I don’t know if there you know there

Could be a case of we want to do our due diligence and talk to you know the Ben Johnson’s and the you know maybe even Monk and I don’t I guess I don’t know who’s on their wish list right now so be interesting to see if they maybe even go

After a defensive guy here with uh you know there’s some good DCS that be that can be had although all the all the all the offensive and defensive coordinators just cycling around yeah at the same time though like if there’s one guy who’s proven he’s got the answers for Kyle

Shanahan style offense it’s McDonald and wouldn’t be the worst thing to have him as a head coach in Seattle when you go against shanan and McVey twice a year for the rest of ET Trinity so he has been yeah he’s been I mean I I don’t I don’t remember remember who was writing

This we’ll get into that game but like looking back at some of the offenses that McDonald has just absolutely put a [ __ ] you know slam the breakes on this year if they look really good the next two weeks do it against you know the the Chiefs and then whoever’s it’s

Like Jesus yeah and it sucks because at that point the guy might not get a job that’s you know we all say this when we run into these we’re like man how’ they keep both both of their coordinators yeah some teams are in a hurry because the the combine is in like 30

Some days the draft is coming up soon you need to get this [ __ ] done sometimes and every once in a while I said well we’re hiring we need to hire now and sometimes the the guys who are in the Super Bowl get to stay on their teams

Which is nice yeah which is nice um the uh no real other Canalis canah sure sure and Raheem Raheem weird because he was there he was with that team he was an interim for a bit I like him quite a bit because yeah he proved he can make something out

Of uh you know missing a few ingredients having to sub know figure out how to use 2% when you don’t have buttermilk yeah kind of stuff like you know it’s one of those no yeah no I don’t think there’s a single unit that overachieved more relative to expectations than the the

Rams defense like they were very perfectly fine and I thought they were you know they had the talent yeah I guess overachieved their talent level they had a talent level of you know a bunch of you know Fifth and six you know day three guys beat gamer saying I can’t

Believe Canalis took the job it was the you’re right it was the least attractive job of the cycle but you got remember man came up that that’s the thing like yeah he is gonna get paid head coach money now yeah less than what 12 months

Ago he was not even he wasn’t the OC he was a QB coach in uh Seattle right QB coach in you know in Seattle like Gino Gino essentially like didn’t right back and got him a head coaching job that’s a really nice Ascension for him toally um and then

The the Panther’s job might end up being freaking great for all we know because like you know Dave terer surely is not deaf he knows everybody’s spent this entire cycle being like who would work for that [ __ ] so like maybe he’s like you know what this time I’m going to

Take a little bit of a step back because you gota think he hears it like last time so I mean you would hope I would hope um but yeah the Atlanta one was a little surprising but you know there’s it sounds like there’s potential you could bring in some other good young

Talent from the McVey Hive on the offensive side with him like fine that’s a great call Canal same thing like I’m I’m all for rolling the dice with some of these young up incomers instead of the retreads that’s that’s cool I still may make this meme because

It’s not like there’s a million people in here and everyone will already have heard it but you know the the dragon dragon stupid looking Dragon yes I was going to do that but they were all three going to be stupid yes and then but it’s gon it’s gonna say Gino Baker and then

Bryce but the I was gonna lower it by really short Dave Canales I didn’t have time yeah and you’re right Patrick if Dave Canales gets a good year out of Bryce young yeah like you’re talking next you found the next mcy yeah he has like five years of I’m a generational

Quarterback whisper it doesn’t matter what happens after that remember right I mean McVey people forget McVey turned Goff around from a worse rookie year than what we saw from Bryce young right like like goof looked unplayable go looked unplayable under Fisher and McVey turned him around on a

Dime so you never know uh open mind and then yeah Callahan is a bit of an unknown because that’s I brought that up when we talked about it and he was one of the guys I had him on my short list of guys I hoped that would get a

Job because he’s kind of like the Green Bay Packers at the beginning of the year like I don’t know like but if if a bunch of stuff works out like this team could be really good this team might be garbage and it’s the same thing is like

Was it you know was it the head coach was it you know a lot of the players was it the scheme was it everything else was it luck or was Callahan a big part of what made that offense tick what they got out of burrow what they got out of

Jake [ __ ] Browning you know was and there’s enough of a it could have been him that I wanted to see him at the next level so I’m I’m excited yeah the biggest question honestly I’m I’m much more excited to see who the offensive coordinator for the Falcons will be

Rather than like who gets the gets a Seattle job course much more interesting same same okay um other business uh KY Brown brings up the uh the all important question should we be wearing tuxedos next week what is the dress code Black Tie optional but strongly recommended um

It’s not bad bash you can you can we can go we can do semiformal at least slacks guys I’m wearing joggers I yes no uh I’m glad he said that because now I kind of wanted now I kind of want to dress I might put but uh if you don’t know what

He’s talking about uh and Casey you might want to dress appropriate because you may be nominated forward I don’t want to spoil anything but um no next week is the the Deep dive uh the official deep dive the EXC me the original uh deep dive uh NFL awards show

It’s going to be a mix of semi fun and semi-serious with the truly absurd uh that kind of puts a a fun way to reflect on the 2023 uh season overall um and uh I honestly had so much fun making the awards making the awards up and making

Up the nominees that uh I think we’ll probably make this an annual occasion so be sure to be sure to tune in that’ll be Wednesday for sure Wednesday Wednesday at the normal time if you want to stream it live uh if you want to take part in

The um the Pomp and the circumstance uh it will be Wednesday 800 PM Eastern 5:00 pm Pacific with that I’m pumped I’m pumped for this like yeah it’s gonna be a good one guys like I can’t believe we’ve never done this all right uh you ready

To get into this thing yeah I mean obviously first we covered a ton of ground on Monday I didn’t uh so that was kind of a you know that sword cut both ways we got extra time to sit with the you know the games from the divisional

Round and we got to say a lot more in fact I sat down and rewatched three of them that afternoon it was great to have the extra time to take some extra notes to watched that and you know I think we figured out a little more about some of

The you know the reasons those teams won and lost but and I mean those conversations spun right into these games and we already talked about a bit so that we’ll kind of go a little more micro um the macro on this and we’ll I guess we’ll start with the do you want

To just start with the early one because that makes sense of course uh at long last we get Pat Mahomes V Lamar Jackson in a playoff setting um we’ve been deprived of this particular matchup for like the last couple of Seasons which feels unfair um they just passed each

Other in the Night Never quite yeah and actually if you go back in time to the last time we had uh Ravens V Chiefs with Lamar and uh uh Ms of the helm it wasn’t that the game where like the where the Ravens finally slay the dragon like they

Finally like got it done you a very close high scoring game I’m 20 2021 they played okay yeah and I think that was it like right like the Ravens came off of um it was early in the season yeah it was week two Ravens laid an EG in in

Vegas uh by the way which was weird uh to open the season and then week two they uh they went or they hosted the Chiefs and beat him 3635 haven’t seen these te teams play then since September 19th 2021 um very different rosters and coaching staffs for the Ravens um and

Slightly less Talent on the receiving core for the Chiefs otherwise you know yeah it was uh it was a different as beat Gamers pointing out wink yeah wink was a little more little more a lot more Blitz heavy especially compared to what we see from what we get from

McDonald but you know something I’m sure this has been pointed out and I I don’t know why it wasn’t something I thought of but remember these two coordinators faced each other in college like what two years ago oh that’s weird M McDonald McDonald and uh monin yeah that was the

That was a semi-final yeah wow it’s funny but uh no I just uh it was somebody had written an article about like how nobody wants to hire coordinator straight out of college but the Ravens did and it’s working out and obviously that might be something that other teams look at because it’s a

Copycat league and everybody else is just I mean all the OC hires seem to be just hey this guy was an OC somewhere else or was an OC that’s now a head coach and he got fired we’re looking at forel and we’re looking at Art Smith instead of looking for somebody who

There is something to be said from coming in with an outside view especially that the changes that you saw and I guess right into this game from what we got with Roman to monan and some of it was kind of on display last weekend that touchdown that we saw

From about the 15 that Lamar ran in I mean that was kind of Classic this is what we do now where we spread things out if you go look at the it’s I didn’t look at the all 22 but from where you see I mean there’s a couple of receivers

Way over by the boundary guys are playing they’re forced into a man where people have their backs to Lamar MH and like the one guy who who’s even looking at him has a guy who’s able to block him and Mark scampers in for the touchdown like yeah a lot of what they’ve done

With this spreading thing out you know they do spread things out a lot more and has opened up the you know the running game especially when you know if you’re able to go and you know I’ve always hated the we gotta run the ball to establish the

You know establish the run to get the pass game open yeah you know vice versa but sometimes that’s legitimately a thing like of course yeah because I mean there are teams like hey we know when you have a sub package in you have your nickel package in you have a a lighter

Package where there’s more corners less less big guys up front like we are one of the best teams against that and you know if you continually run plays that make them do that then all a sudden I mean how many yards do Lamar have uh yeah big big number big step up

Big step up in class defensively for both teams though yes yeah I agree that’s the thing before we get our hands too dirty on this let me give you some trivia you ready yes uh I’m going to go ahead and just assume because there’s a 99.9% probability that Lamar Jackson is

This year’s MVP yep uh very cool that we get a head-to-head in the AFC Championship game of last year’s MVP versus this year’s uh that is fun that’s got some juice haven’t heard anyone mention that um also a head-to-head between two players that each have MVPs like this is uh this is some

Serious Hardware uh that these quarterbacks are bringing into this match up Andy uh you can you name the last time we had an AFC Championship game between two quarterbacks with uh that were both that were two-time MVPs I mean it Manning Brady Manning Brady which it was Manning Brady in 201

20 15 16 2015 yes the Denver Broncos oh it was 2015 season so the game was contested in 201 but uh yes it was Denver Broncos New England Patriots that was the one that was in in Denver Broncos won 20 to 18 Manning was an absolute shell of himself uh Brady had a

Chance to win at the end of the game with or a chance to tie at the end of the game with the two-point conversion to grank they lost 20 to 18 um and boy oh boy there are a lot of parallels between that Patriots team and this

Chiefs team um just like real super good secondary like yeah well I mean just all kinds of there’s so many parallels like it’s kind of crazy like multiple Super Bowl winning coach uh you got you know largely got there by a defense like really weak wide receiving core uh Hall

Of Fame tight end like that if you were to tell me that like who do I don’t know if lik there yet but I’m talking about the Chiefs and the Patriots being uh being back similes and then honestly if you want to say that the Denver uh defense which we know was

Generational and won them a Super Bowl right that was the defense that then went on and beat the Panthers right um you know that this is obviously this is It’s differently constructed they don’t have a Von Miller generational pass rusher necessarily or at least that we

Don’t know that we know of um although matuk is making his name well you know well uh uh well known this playoff run so far um but uh no this could be very well could be a generational defense like we there’s definitely signal that this defense for the Ravens is um you

Know is is you know is outstanding very well coord ated uh healthy now Marl Humphrey probably going to go um I’m not exactly sure where you draw your plan of attack if you’re the Chiefs do you have a feel yeah let’s stick with that let’s sck you know spags versus monin um like

You said that the Chiefs secondary is not only good but the’re versatile and basically have I mean for the most part limited wide receivers every week sure teams have um I think it was Ted win the athletic I was reading something he pointed it out like the bills did it

Right maybe they ran a little too much but when they did throw they were targeting their tight end they targeted cook a bunch that’s kind of kind of what you want to do in this spot and you know it might be something that the Ravens are probably able to replicate again

Spread the offense out get them into a light defense it’s easier across the middle with both your tight ends at that point obviously Andrews um they still a little tight lipped on Andrews but they did wave a linebacker today to make you know roster room so I mean it kind of

Says more than anything Harbaugh could have said out loud zeitler was back um we didn’t really go through in injuries maybe we’ll get to Casey in a second but yeah Baltimore is fairly healthy in this spot which is obviously a Big Boon to them but they get their tight ends out there

You get the lighter Defenders and then you run the ball I wonder and I’ve seen this total drop a little I wonder if this is a spot where you know the combination of the three wide receivers see like a total of you know like less

Than 15 targets it’s a lot of lot of throws again to the tight ends a lot of throws to the running backs and a lot of running out of you know running out of spread sets like that running out of running running into even maybe heavy

Boxes if you you know if you want because these tight ends can block as well so and and it has been a team that’s it’s a hard one this is always a stat I take with a grain of salt because it’s so schedule dependent and it’s so hard to contextualize these numbers

Based on who you play but the Chiefs have not been good against QB runs whether they’re you know called or if it’s scrambled and a lot of that is just sometimes you know running man when you run a lot of man you’re going to like we

Said kind of have your back to the to the quarterback sometimes and I mean we saw that what was that play where Josh Allen was running and the guy just just kept going it’s like oh [ __ ] you know he can’t tackle him if he doesn’t know he’s

Back there at that point so that was M that was yeah that was Mahomes against the Dolphins that that was yeah that was M but yeah I know I know what you mean yeah that was you know that’s another thing I just wonder if it’s if it’s

Going to turn into a bit of a grind and so everything I’m saying makes sense from a these are some of their weaknesses against a good defense and it works but again it turns into last week where that isn’t an explosive offense you know unless Lamar hits some

Home runs unless Andrews or you know some of the other guys hit some serious yak and if you don’t have an explosive offense and it starts to become a higher scoring game then you need to make the adjustments and I don’t know if they I I

Don’t know if I love that so it needs to turn into a bit of a even though it’s not the the chiefs of old where they had Tyreek and you really saw teams actually doing that like trying to keep the ball out of his hands it might turn into that

Where we need to have long possessions we need to run the ball well we need to be doing short stuff over the middle and not try to press the ball down against these good Corners yeah okay and again on on the other side it’ll be interesting to see what spags does from

A blitz standpoint because you saw there’s kind of two pieces of data from last week like Lamar struggled with it sure but then he didn’t and you’re you’re facing a team who was able to make big time adjustments at half and kind of stymy what the you know what the

Texans were doing with the blitz obviously spags is I consider him a better defensive coordinator um probably two of the best course I don’t know name name name me five better defensive coordinators right now maybe Flores God he did a lot bit Flores yeah I don’t know that these are

These are definitely two of the tops um no question um yeah man stuff uh the I guess where I where I look at like the Ravens offense versus Chief’s defense I kind of just feel like the Ravens are inevitable like they’re going to score here and I don’t know that the

Chiefs I like kind of like last week right like was there anything that the Chiefs could have done differently if they could have had a redo in their game plan probably not like they gave up what they intended to give up and ultimately like their their opponent just ran out

Of juice at the wrong time um and you know Chris Jones is certainly a guy that is capable of disrupting in the fourth quarter he’s he’s a weird dude man like there’s very clearly like a he like has a meter of how much effort he can give

He has a meter of how much energy he’s willing to give in a game and he saves it he’s you know what’s the uh you know like the the Wii game where your HP you got to save up your B yeah you’re on the or or or you know the horse the horse

Riding game where you get to tell the horse you know you get a certain amount of like whipping the horse right and so your question is like playing the game like go go go go go go go like do you save it all for like the home stretch or

Do you try to do it out over you’re he has the NS he has the NS button the NS button when where are you hitting the when is he hitting the NS button he saves it for the fourth quarter very clearly um and uh like ultim yeah

Ultimately is that uh is that impactful like it kind of feel like you’re going to have three pretty free free quarters of uh Baltimore moving the ball pretty uh pretty c l like I I just don’t think there’s much that Spagnola can do um maybe they force Lamar into some

Turnovers it’s possible but I don’t think that’s likely um Lamar’s playing phenomenal football right now and mistake free for the most part other than a dropped pick by Petri so um yeah I mean I I have a tough time seeing this as a slow start for the Ravens offense

As we saw last week I kind of just think Ravens are going to take off yeah um like we said their’s strengths and this Chief’s defense is a lot better than some of the teams they fa based um recently are in the you know their one

Playoff game so far but it has been a rough run defense yep and this is a good run scheme with a good running quarterback and smart people who aren’t going to bang their head against the wall and be stubborn like we’ve seen in the past with these Ravens teams that

Have stopped short of you know their goals so yeah I do think so I I think that you know if you want to put the foot on the other boot there this is not how you say it and how the Chiefs have to win this is probably making Lamar try

To throw to the wide receivers sure they they might need to they might need to ramp up the blitz a little and try some different things disguise some blitzes force him to he can do it but it’s not gonna yeah he can do it but it’s not gonna

Be um like super high efficiency for them to make Lamar throw outside the numbers right it’s it sucks because the way the way you might have to do it is a good way to get beat as well yeah right but it’s that or just watch them cross

The street 100 times and score on you which they do now regularly yeah again so let’s say we get the Ravens with a 10-point lead yeah you’re you’re in you’re in a bad spot then because you have Pat Mahomes still so I know you still have Pat Mahomes but your defense

Is in hell at that point because then then they’re running the 14pl eight minute drive yeah they’re super capable of yeah and we haven’t any talked about like you know we’re almost making it sound like these are wide receivers have no shot they’ve been I just wonder I wonder what the you know

I wonder what the the game plan is going to be to get those guys open get them separation against some really good Corners some final thoughts on the Ravens offense um expecting outstanding pass Pro generally uh expecting Lamar pocket awareness at 100 generally uh expecting Lamar explosive runs occasionally um expecting a split

Between Gus Edwards and Hill like I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s pretty 5050 uh expecting uh a split in targets for tight ends between Andrews and likeley because likely’s emerged he’s perfectly fine to have out there as a you know as a as a second banana in two

Tight end sets or just your principal Target uh you know on on a given uh you know given tight end leak type of play so um I would expect that uh yeah they have more ways to hurt you now on offense and I would also expect that uh

P you know passing touchdowns are there there’s gonna be opportunities in the red zone to uh to really find um you know find the passing touchdown opportunities for Lamar so I don’t get why his with this unless it’s a blowout again I don’t think I don’t think he

Could go to cook very much he did have one nice run but that was against a team that kind of knew where they’re at at that I do I do I do kind of props wise just to close the book I don’t mind Justice Hill I think you see I think you

See maybe a little more okay kind of a split there and his his props like 30 30 yards so here’s what I gotta ask you then after saying all this the Ravens team total is 24 and a half juice to the under like they get that number more than 50% of the

Time yeah good special teams good kicker I do I do Wonder no real weather concerns I do ah this it’s almost certainly going to rain yeah kind of makes me a little scared this under that I still lean to this under despite you trying to scare me off it I’m not I’m

Not going to bet it it’s getting closer and it’s dropped to 44 at some of the sharp I’m probably off the under but it’s on its way down right I I wonder about uh gosh yeah now you got be thinking about the total yeah H you know I I do

Wonder if it we turn into a spinning it on the Chiefs and playing their game against them where it’s like hey the Ravens are up by seven 10 points in the second half and we get like three total points in the whole second half yeah because they just they just grind it out

They get three good stops on defense and that’s it that’s it it’s like hey the Ravens scored 24 in the first and we’re sweating it out with like a late field goal to get it I mean you’re you’re right it’s I do I do lean under I like

The Ravens quite a bit see that there’s some are there three and a halfs left or should out a luck on that if you look around there it’s not that difference index wise uh if you want Ravens three and a half it’s minus 111 so it’s kind of what

It was I’d rather it was like 113 yesterday they moved it to four but they they actually indexed it back in the direction of the yeah I’d rather get a four plus money okay um other side of the ball so if I take you back in time

To this time last year where Mahomes was hurt and he was a dog in the AFC Championship game at home and we’re like pulling we’re like how is this [ __ ] possible man it’s the only time in our life we’re going to get to bed on momes

Is a dog ever early in that week I mean early in the week there was like is he even gonna play oh sure his foot was so or foot ankle whatever it was was so [ __ ] up there was like zap rder film of him at practice people were breaking

It down the Twitter there was never a better time to be a Twitter doctor in your life than that week um the uh he ultimately played and beats the Bengals but I remember saying that week like this might be the only time you ever get

To bet on Mahomes is a dog in the playoffs not to be because the next week he was a dog in the playoffs or two weeks later I guess in the Super Bowl and I made a big deal in like this is feels it feels generational you’re get

To bet on Mahomes as a as a dog in the Super Bowl I don’t think we’ll ever see this again in our lives he’s now a dog outside of a field goal Andy all it took all it took was them not having any any wide receivers

At all yeah and going up against team that hasn’t played a bad game since October or whatever the more I look back at that too and I think maybe as we look back on this season if the Chief season ends this Sunday what a [ __ ] crime to

Not it’s not even what you’re paying him sure but like maybe not even for the fans or the owners of the team or the backers of this team but football in general football fans all over the world to not surround him with better offensive weapons for like a full year

Really does kind of seem like it should be punishable but at least like probation some sort of stayed time it’s not great and yeah that that is the big difference between you know this year and he’s done a lot and this coaching staff is still very good and they’ve

They’ve got it by but there has been some really tough hangs this season I mean that Raiders game where they just could not get it going and we saw as the season progressed that Raiders defense was pretty good like it’s like oh this is this is actually a decent unit

They’re playing good against some good offenses um you know the Minnesota game doesn’t count because of the quarterback but still like they stopped everything Minnesota threw at them for a long time they um not not just the the return touchdown interceptions which were nice because they helped them win the game

But basically every other Drive outside of the late ones they really looked good so you’ve seen it against a really good defense this team it doesn’t have that easy button with Hill it doesn’t have that easy button even maybe with Kelsey um later in the season he’s had the

Drops he’s a little and he’s a little older he’s picking up some injuries they’re going to be missing thuny almost certain I mean is that your re he’s yeah out out he’s he’s out out Edwards so Edwards the corner who had the concussion who knows it’s the playoffs

Gay gay goes he’s just been you know limited Sneed goes he’s limited Tony it doesn’t matter right and then peo is a weird one though I’m assuming he goes I’m assuming but a toe injury isn’t great for a guy who runs like key you know in the Broadway Revival of Stomp so

I I don’t I don’t know yeah jaf’s asking too ankle and toe I think he that’s not great I I think he plays but I I worried that he’s going to be less than effective and this is a weird defense to break down like you brought up uh

Matuk but uh this is the team that led the league in sacks the Ravens defense name name some other guys who had you know were up there in sacks for them because it’s a weird it’s a weird mix of players like and and and their leader is

Mat abuk he is an interior Defender because they they do such weird things with the the pass rush I mean off the I mean it’s easy to name Smith ran Smith who probably had what two or three yeah he’s he’s not even in their top Clowny

Clowny had Clowny was second he had nine and a half uhit man adaf o da OE was fourth with five sacks uh man uh they had a specialty guy old that old guy from the Patriots Kyle vanoi Kyle vanoi came back nine sacks froms nine sacks

They just bring him in say like we’re retooling you bringing him in he have nine sacks on nine pressures I feel like I barely heard that guy’s name called he had nine sacks on nine snaps man I mean he played a lot more and then yeah Queen Hamilton Urban some other

Guys but no real I mean outside linebackers but it’s uh it’s it’s been weird because you see this and I watched a bunch of this and um solak did a good article about um did you read that this week about the the movement prap pre read that read read

That if you get a chance it’s long but it’s it’s good the pre- snap motion stuff yeah and him and somebody else got into what the Ravens do with their their pass rush because like I just said they lead the league in sacks sure they just but they don’t Blitz much simulated

Pressures just to kind of confuse confuse the quarterback to make him pause just a hot second right yeah so it’s weird it’s like they don’t Blitz much but they can get the effect of a blitz with four guys because they bring all these people up like they’re gonna

Blitz and then enough of them drop back where it’s still just four people but sometimes you end up with a guard who’s just I have nobody you end up right and you end up with these free rushers on the outside so often that’s where you see like the Hamilton sacks

And stuff it’s like oh they’re bringing four but the left side of this line is just overwhelmed and there’s a free rusher they do a really good job of that and that’s going to be a fun cat and mouse game because obviously do you think that will be

Effective it it really depends on what we see I guess from and that that’s what I’m saying it’s going to be really interesting to see what the Chiefs do this I mean we’ve seen it before we’ve seen teams we’ve seen these teams yes here’s here’s another key point is Joe

Thun’s absence being overstated if he’s just going to be blocking air so that’s I guess so it’s uh aletti Alig grti um decent fill in but no I would be attacking that I think I think that probably affects your run game a little more sure but no I I would definitely

Find ways to attack what is now probably a little bit of a weaker side and it it’ll be it’ll be interesting to see because momes is is smart very very smart and you know they have a ton of film on this now it’ll be interesting to

See what you know what happens with some of these if they’re able to sniff out who’s actually coming who’s dropping back of course it really does help uh it does help the secondary a lot when it’s just like oh [ __ ] here’s some here’s a safety that snuck up but now he’s out in

Coverage and boom he’s on Kelce like Hamilton was blitzing but now he’s covering Kelsey Kelsey’s not open and I got a free rusher coming off the left do you think we see the best of Andy Reid playbook in the first half or do you think they try a little bit of

Everything and just try to hope and pray that they don’t lose the game lose distance so much distance that they can’t make it up in the second half I think I think the biggest way to combat confusion is confusion yeah like really make McDonald worry more about his

Coverages and again hearkening back to that uh the solic piece where he talked about you know motion and pre-nap motion and the biggest thing and you see this so much with Miami and obviously Miami just it was cold and they were injured and didn’t matter anyway but you know

When you do motion a guy all the way to the outside that changes everybody’s coverage you know it just doing little things even if it’s not something you’ve normally done doing things to cause them you know to have coverage lapses so even it’s like oh we’re dropping guys but you

Know this this guy was was originally dropping back into that middle of the field Zone where he was you know playing safety but suddenly this side is you know stacked with trips when it wasn’t because of the motion and that screws everything up like you’re going to have

To do some unique things on offense otherwise you probably just get eaten up by some of these blitzes again Mahomes is very good at sack ofoen but yeah a lot of teams have been good at sack ofoen then gone up against Baltimore and getting hit which I will I will give

Texans Credit they were decent okay so closing thoughts here um youan and under I played over at a bad number and uh I also am holding Chiefs to win the AFC from that Infamous 15 minutes at the end of week 18 pod where we disag I could

Not twist your arm that Chiefs for plus 441 was value you did not want anything to do with it um I’m sitting on that and not hedging so I guess I’m effectively on small Stakes on uh uh on Chief’s money line here um I’m not going to be

Regretful even if the Ravens win this thing 2710 like 2713 like if the if the if the Ravens defense keep the Chiefs in a box and that’s why this is UN under Ravens Cruz I’m G I’m still going to be like I was fine riding and Taking My

Chances with Mahomes here because that they’re basically the same BET right yeah I think that I think the over and the this is like a weird to have this highly correlated of a market in my opinion at this stage of a of an NFL season but I really have a tough time

Seeing like yeah I mean the the like what are the what are the outcomes here where the um Ravens don’t cover four and the game stay and the game uh goes over right like it’s I mean it’s possible you know I’m sorry I’m saying this backwards like a game where

The Ravens don’t cover but but they do keep the Chiefs in the teens right in a game where this doesn’t Chiefs don’t cover but the game goes over you know into the 50s right like I feel like there’s those are your most likely two game States and anything else is a

Little some weird [ __ ] has happens more sex than you expected a couple of turnovers a punt return touchdown right like there’s there’s weird stuff that gets you into the other areas here in my I do I do think that’s a good reason why avoiding this total because not only

That we we saw it last week when it rained what happened we had Defenders we had like three separate cornerbacks for San Francisco on their ass watching players run past them like hopefully we learn some lessons and we get the right cleats on our guys but honestly rain

Without wind I think honestly leads towards more over than under as far as weather goes and the Ravens have had some very weird stuff as far as game states where it’s like oh man they just I guess they’re going to like the Lions game and that was a way worse her

Defense but when this offense gets rolling and you know let’s say they do run up with a lead and uh the running game is just working and the Chiefs say well now we have to we have to bring people up we have to bring heavier boxes

And suddenly Z is open obj is open and they do start taking some big chunks so I agree with you there but I will say that I didn’t hate the Chiefs to win the AFC I just hated the number 441 wasn’t good enough I remember yeah the roll the rollovers got to be

North of seven no well they were dogs last week actually so was what was Wild Card minus 250 I I remember betting it at the bottom at minus 193 okay we’ll go bookmaker number well bookmaker is the longest go two 225 and then yeah they’re like plus 125 plus 130

Last week I I bet them and but actually what’s funny is I bet the I did it I rolled it over anyway and I’m not betting it this week I’m just sitting on my four yeah they’re minus uh or plus 170 right now so that’s that’s almost 8

To one almost 8 to one so it was a very bad number I tried just trying to make you money I I I respect sitting on it I don’t think I’d hedge um at the price okay it’s one of those where I mean so we couldn’t things could have happened

The Ravens could have screwed up and you know they could be a favorite here but at this point sure you have a you have a plus 170 dog and you got him at four to one yeah really the the bet at the time the bet at the time was that there was an

Asymmetric there’s gonna be some [ __ ] yeah know I there could yeah there could be some asymmetric [ __ ] on the part of maybe that was my that was my you like there not GNA be [ __ ] I just I just love the Ravens so much I’m like it’s not

Happening so yeah I I like Baltimore I still make it closer to five I made Lam layam here but uh probably just going to be player props for me or like I said I don’t mind Hill I don’t mind any of the running backs or tight ends maybe in the

It’s gonna be tough with likely and Andrews looking at the reception props um maybe running back receiving props Gus more heill than Gus maybe and then probably Lamar anything under 70 rushing yards which sounds like a lot but I’m still might just bet that over okay all

Right um you want to do a halftime show for both games or just a n we typically do both I’m I’m going to be around all right let’s do will you be at a computer yeah you can do both all right let’s do both um all

Right I don’t have much more to say is these are tip markets it’s tough I was going to say anything else I have um yeah like Chiefs the ra here’s like last final point about the over right and honestly I’m going to play some Al overs I’m not

Done here for sure like I’m going to get into this Market once they they put some bigger numbers up um you have a team that we all think is very good and matches up well against the opponent in the Ravens offense versus the chief’s defense which means

The Ravens in my opinion their floor their team total that might be the secret P by the way uh Team total over for the Ravens if you like if you’re if you’re so high on on uh everything Ravens we should probably give that a a some sincere thought um but you have you

A team that I think I have a ton of respect for offensively against a defense that is that has soft spots that fit hand and glove and then on the other side of the ball you have at at a minimum you have a coach and a quarterback who you know

Great you know 99th percentile quarterback 98th percentile coach and a ton of guys with experience and you’re just like hey just like don’t lose your [ __ ] here like like come up with some answers come up with something get get yourself into this game at some point

Even if it’s not going well and that’s why I think there’s there’s real realistic potential for this to be like I don’t know 3124 going into the fourth quarter like this literally could open up I think if if uh you know if everything is clicking for the Ravens

And uh um and the Chiefs just have to dig dig in and find an answer like it’s not crazy to me we’ll see the the the biggest you know the the biggest X Factor I think is what McDonald brings against the chief’s offense because it

Is a a lot of teams have run just straight up man and you run straight up man when you have an advantage in the secondary and even teams who don’t have great cornerbacks have done it because the Chiefs wide receivers kind of suck and the Ravens are a team that runs a

Lot of Zone they’re heavy zone defense so it’ll be interesting to see what they do in you know in coverage there what they do how effective the blitzing and the simulated blitzing is and then kind of devil’s advocate for you know my bets or the way I’m leaning is it’s a really

Good screen team and you can sh some of these blitzes you can beat some of these defenses by being really good at screens by getting guys moving across the middle like a really good tight end so it’s it’s such a hard offense to really pin down like what are they gonna do this

Week and it was nice they got a lot out of Rashid rice but it’s easy to take one guy away it feels like for a defense like this it’s a big step uping class for both offenses going against these D’s and yeah it’s uh I think the total

Is 100% hinging on the chief’s offense scoring into the 20s yeah at leastat they gotta get 17 21 they got they gotta threaten 20 okay excuse me um halftime interlude here uh geez weird ass games in the NBA going on tonight um Sixers just getting clowned by the Pacers uh

You got 150 points at halftime for the Celtics need it feels like golf golf one nice good job man good job love getting a pin winner cutline win to Pines by the way is gonna have I think a couple epic days the next two days so that’ll be fun

To watch if you’re if you’re looking for looking for a little like Sunny uh you know Sunny uh weather porn uh tune into Tory Pines and bet and’s golf we put a we put a free one in the golf newsletter every week I get to the point where now I’m

Getting worried because it’s 5 and0 on the season some pretty easy ones and another cutline winner so now I’m the kind of guy who hates a winning streak because it makes me makes me worry about the downturn but I’m I’m trying that was my New Year’s resolution was uh not be such

A little [ __ ] enjoy enjoy winning some bets so I’d like Michael Kim to win the tournament he got I got him at like a 100 to one he’s somewhere in the top 510 so golf is golf is T there’s a lot of lot of golf left

Um P want thoughts on Center joker I’m off Market on that number I’m closer to coin flip I hope it’s competitive uh I like meddev though quite a lot I played I laid the money line price and I took the plus one the minus one and a half

Handicap from me against the alcarez match felt like more of an aberration and the aberration was that he didn’t cough it up somehow after losing that third set he didn’t cough it up somehow and did he hit freaking 85% of first serve like do it again let’s I dare you

Like let’s see it let’s see you do that again like I I just can’t and even if he does do it again like I have give higher Faith than meddev getting some of those returns back anyway um I think I think we probably see I’m I’m medic Center is

It’d be fun I would love that I would would love that and I’m I’m I’m sitting Center I to get a his future home we kind of need him to get it done in four which is asking a lot but um I don’t know we’ll see how how about the Saturday

Final um I am 12 to1 ticket holder on genin when which means I am handcuffed to her at this point and I’ve been to one dog uh four plus 400 really yes yes the the market has just completely lost its mind on sabka that’s fine Gavin

Gavin’s got some Queen yeah I was late to the I took a teeny bit of her for Quarter Two just because the price was good but it wasn’t a very big bet and then and then once uh there started to be some chaos I caught a stale 12 to one

For her to win the tournament and um you know I don’t know man I think I I spent a lot of today by the way looking at data uh and trying to convince myself that jenin went is basically the next for bakana and Rach going to beat the

[ __ ] out of sabalenka in in Brisbane so we got we got a chance man we got a chance no bed for me I’m just going to enjoy that one I think Jen can I think Jen can win but I’m not like dying she wins I might come in live at a worse

Number because of what happened to sab’s head yeah well Sab sabinka could uh do you you know she’s got a little mental pressure on this one right she told she made a promise to her dead dad that she was gonna win two slams before she turns

25 and this is her final chance to get number two before she turns 25 so she better not choke just saying Christopher Davis haven’t seen the schedule it’s not at 2: a.m. well you’re lucky it’s at 2:30 a.m. Central so I I might not get up for that one it

Might be a ignore Twitter and watch it Saturday morning I’m gon listen to it on the radio yeah um all right second game all right uh this one is B more straightforward uh I laid seven at a plus money price with the Niners which feels like fake now that it is at a

Trending towards at 7 and a half uh 7 and half right now minus 104 at Chris um and honestly if this is I feel good if this is like I just got ahead of people who all agree with me who are smart I feel less good if this is like people

Being like Oh Deo might play I’m gonna play the ners man because if that’s what’s pushing this and then I’m like oh well that’s because I don’t really think that is a huge Factor here uh if dbo does play I’m expecting him to be more of a decoy if you will um

But uh that said like um the static part of the game for me and the static part of the handicap is much like the home offense versus Road defense we talked about with the Ravens and the Chiefs being relatively High floor I think the same thing exists here

For the ners in the against this Lions defense the Lions defense had has had an arc over the balance of this season where they couldn’t they couldn’t defend very well in the secondary they couldn’t generate a pass rush with four they needed to stop the pass so they decided

To integrate more and more and more exotic blitzes right that is kind of how they have solved some of their woses in the passing game is finding unique ways to bring pressure you know who that has worked against that has worked against specific quarterbacks who struggle with

That like Baker mfield you know who that does not work against is Brock py and the the most efficient offense world right and then you want a little extra you want a little extra Parmesan cheese on your uh on your uh your your your San Francisco yeah okay we’ll put put a

Little parmesan cheese on this um one of the greatest yards after catch teams that we’ve ever seen up against a team that struggles tackling in the second level uh uh oh um Brian branch of course is maybe the exception to the rule every other guy has a liability out there in

Terms of tackling maybe maybe something we should do next week inter dispersed with our Awards is a iies I don’t want to ruin one now but boy I don’t was there anybody who liked this draft by the L put yeah put uh yeah put put that

As one of the awards well we can keep adding we haven’t sent out the ballots to the 50 V yeah apology Z yeah AP yeah yeah Branch branch is fine like the linebacker they took is good enough and then obviously kimson leaport are very good extra p on your garlic fries oh San

Francisco does have very good garlic fries all right um yeah no the the the the fact that they struggle tackling in the second level the fact that the you know the the Niners are Yak Merchants that is just like it’s just perfect honestly the ners offense I feel like is

Going to flex hard in this one and it’s going to come down to the cover and the total is going to come down to what is what are the alliance produce okay and I think I think I’m gambling here that the front four for the 49ers defense is

Going to have a day and the reasons that I gambled on this are number one they’re at home and they’re up against a unit that has been playing their games at home for a little while now yeah time out do you know when the last time the Lions played an outdoor

Game um yes I do it was the Bears it was the Bears December 10th December 10 yeah you you when the last time they won an outdoor game oh was it the Bucks yes October 15th oh boy Tampa Bay um granted you know they didn’t play a lot out

Games they did win like three or it’s more of a statement about being on the road it’s more of a statement about being on the road right like if you’re if you’re offens be fine the weather’s gon to be fine it’s it’s it’s about the crowd noise it’s about the setting it’s

About the you know the the defense having a an advantage right um and I look at um you know particularly the you know the injuries for the Lions offensive line we’re expecting ragna goes is are you is it still true to say that Jonah Jackson’s gonna play I don’t know Jonah

Yeah dnp Wednesday and Thursday I don’t yeah I was Assuming he’s not good what was what’s on I really rag so it said ragn now dnp for Wednesday um and I think today ankle toe knee back is what they when they do the pr well his appendix is okay that’s good news yeah

Good see your shoulder’s fine I guess but you know no raag ragnow is extremely like it’s 5050 he gets knocked out of that game with that many injuries I don’t know that the clef r injury matters it’s been a few weeks there he’s fine it’s we have someone who returns

Punts uh anzalone was limited H Josh Reynolds was limited again maybe doesn’t matter as much leaport is fine Chase Lucas was a dnp whenever there’s a guy like that I have to like look like does this guy cycle how many snaps a nickel none he’s he’s a special teamers but

It’s annoying it’s like I have to look at this guy if he’s like a if he’s like a cycle in guy or not the game breaker he’s you know he’s near the bottom and it’s like no it’s all been it’s all been kick return so okay um obviously the

Biggest issues are the offensive line for the Lions and Debo for the ners but I’m with you like it has been a defense that’s looked really really Gable by an offense that can you know put together a game plan uh and be efficient on it and

If we saw the worst of pry non-concussed pry in the bad weather last week yeah he still scored 24 points sure if that’s if that’s your floor where he’s throwing multiple probably interceptions that should have been multiple bad passes looking kind of like [ __ ] in general if that’s your floor and

Again it’s not like Green Bay has anything right about home about defense but let me correct you on the record for this okay Green Bay did have a lot of the like the signal of like Browns defense when they played them where they generated they generated like 10

Pressures and they they didn’t Blitz for [ __ ] like they found innovative ways to get pressure on pry and actually what was it ran Gary Walker whoever yeah who Joe Barry swan song his his final his final Act is his uh yeah his uh his Grand Finale die

He didn’t die his Grand Finale uh he found ways to generate pressure without sending the blitz um and if you can do that then tremendous but we specifically know that the Lions can comment comment to the day by Fire and Ice 39 ragn now will play but he’s working with a

Critical health bar it’s like HS the screen flashing red like he’s going to have a tough time hearing the you know communicating with like that incessant beeping in his ears the entire game that’s the biggest that that’s the biggest thing is we haven’t seen this

Team on the road for a bit we haven’t seen him in the playoffs on the road and yes the the secondary is a little stinky but we have a good pass rush here so it’s that’s the strength on strength that’s really interesting to me and it’s like is Goff actually good versus The

Blitz is he actually good versus sack avoidance or is it just it’s been a really good offensive line and they’ve really overperformed at home and for the most part in the second half of the season it’s stayed fairly healthy so Jackson out ragn now beat up if we have

To switch ragnow matters a lot obviously outside like he’s in the middle and you see what happens when they have to replace that guy suddenly there’s two fumbles that you weren’t accounting for that normally wouldn’t have that happens all the time when we course it does we switch centers

Soh yeah if the Niners win that battle if they are able to pressure Goff sack Goff if they’re winning versus a top five offensive line because of some of the injuries and this game is over over isn’t it like yeah right that’s kind of my head that’s where my then then I mean

Getting even early down sacks takes away probably what the biggest strength of the Lions defense offense versus the Niners is going to be is hey we’re a good run team this is a bad run defense but when it’s you know it’s second and 17 after G’s pulling his face out of the

Turf you know that that middle offg guard counterplay or whatever it’s just not gonna it’s not gonna hit the same and maybe they’re still maybe they’re still effective at the run and they they do it it’ll help them get better field position for their punt yeah but that’s

It if they do lose that battle like they’re super dick they have to they have to get what they’ve gotten recently out of golf they have to run the bow well because I said that’s going to be a strength and weakness for them and you know obviously if they try to take away

Laporta you have to figure something out it has to be a big RS as ARB or or throwing to throwing to the running backs repeatedly but and you kind of want to test this team deep yeah I think like Goff does struggle with pressure and what’s weird is that uh the Niners

Generate pressure it’s just an absurd clip with without blitzing um the problem is they never really seem to get home which is weird uh need to just like finish some saxs guys please um if there’s interior quick pressure from Armstead and Hargrave here and then you know that forces go flushes him into

Chase young or or Bosa maybe we see some higher sack count in total um but uh that that to me I think is what you need to watch is the trenches and I think you need to watch it early because I think they’re gonna they’re gonna they’re going to execute

You know whip their horses early in this game try to win try to get uh some some uh comfortable stops against this Lions offense not let them get into Rhythm and uh and I think that’ll help generate a couple score lead before we get to halftime at which point this game is

Over so um lions with the with the deficit this year have you seen the numbers i’ seen I’m trying to think of the is it the the Green Bay game multiple score deficits have not gone well for this oh the Bears game again the outdoor game the indoor Bears game

Is the only comeback that I can actually point to of of of consequence oh yeah yeah no I’m talking about like the outdoor Bears game where they looked like one of the worst teams in the league at that point yes uh that was a tough spot not even their worst not even

Their worst performance of the year though which would goes to the um the Ravens Dan they just got Savaged that early in the season but then that Ro again both Road games uh the Packers game at home wasn’t great yeah the Packers game at that’s kind of that’s

Kind of when the Packers were starting to be like oh we’re we’re maybe a playoff team though that that’s a tough game that’s a that was there turning the corner game but but the point exists though which is the lions were seven-point favorites in that game they got knocked in they

Got kicked in the teeth early and they never really recovered um they ended up closing the Gap to seven but yeah Packers kind of took their foot off I agree I agree with the mil funter here too in the comments yeah right I obviously I’ve been I said

It on Sunday at halftime I said it yesterday like I’m on the seven like this is this is a a number I liked I love that it’s moving this way I’m with you I hope I hope it’s not Debo stuff and as James Davis is poed out as well

This is I’m like like you have that total I’m looking I’m looking for some alts okay I’m gonna see if uh there’s a I signed up for some new sports books when I was in Chicago because I didn’t have a ESPN and I can’t remember the

Other one so now I get a million emails so it’s like oh you have free bets I can’t use them here so I might uh pop down to Iowa and see what they have for some alt spreads on Saturday because I might do first half alts I I kind of

Like the Niners if they are humming to just hum the [ __ ] out of this as uh as the old saying goes and yeah I think if they if they win they win big I think at this point if fact that if you know the sev’s already sailed I think that’s the

Way you attack this game right and I guess like real quickly just to make sure that we’re not like completely just just uh well you might I mean you might as well sell it to yeah go just nine and a half like yeah get get a little weird make it a two-core

Must win buy two um the uh without I don’t want to like completely ignore or avoid the counter argument here which is well what if the pass rush for the ners doesn’t get home holds up think you see a game similar to last week where Green Bay

Controlled big chunks of the clock sure and the Lions can do something similar they have a better running game you know maybe not a better quarterback but a better offensive line like you said if if they not same quality offensive line maybe no you’re probably you’re probably

Right it’s it was better when at full health but now with Jacks out ragn now beat up it’s probably closer but it’s a better running team and if they if they are not getting you know long down a distance behind the chains as it were and they’re able to

Run um you know we see something similar last week but the difference being if the weather’s nice we probably don’t get bad party and we see you know more Effectiveness through the you know the San Francisco 49ers offense and I think the case there is this over is dead or

Not dead but like this over is get Fly Mur Gonna Fly it’s fly because even even with some longer drawn out Drives By the lions like they’re going to score okay and the and the ners will be able to answer then you know if that pass rush isn’t getting home this total maybe

Should be closer let’s prep for three things first is halftime um well for three things the halftime of of game one we’re is it fair to expect that Ravens are GNA have a decent lead at half time based on what we kind of know about these

Teams is it scary to take that under a little bit the second half yeah a little bit it’s scary but it’s not the same KC it’s not the same KC not 2021 but KC casy and honestly like Harbaugh in high leverage games has not taken his foot

Off the gas he’s he is he has been we must like like when he’s when he when he recognizes his enemy is legit and Pat m is an any reader legit he’s a foot on the gas guy I think we should prepare for Ravens with the lead we like the

Over Chiefs with the lead we like the under yeah and if it’s a and if it’s a score and answer game maybe we just we try to figure outside based on what we see in matchup wise maybe a team total okay okay uh and the night game we’re

Expecting ners to take a lead into half uh if the Niners are up by two scores at half time what are we doing we’re taking more ners more ners yeah we’re taking more ners if the Lions if the lions are leading or close or probably taking over

Okay I dig that that that sounds good okay final third thing we need to prep for is uh Super Bowl prices um what do you think oh I had mine I made my numbers for this some book a lot of books you know obviously put them out early which

Is fun some people took some swings at the the Niners prices over at Circa but all right if it is the ners facing the Chiefs I would have the ners as a three and a half Point favorite woo wow I know I’m a little two weeks in a

Row two weeks in a row um Pat Mahomes is going to be a dog with more than a field goal if it is if it is the Detroit Lions although facing the Chiefs and obviously I’d probably have to give a little upgrade if they if they really put it on

The ners uh KC minus two minus two and a half okay um Baltimore San Francisco is pretty much a pick man i’ I’d have I’d have Baltimore’s slight favorite there okay and then Baltimore Detroit is Baltimore five four and half five okay cool I’m closer yeah I’m yeah

That’s no no major disagreements with any of those actually I think you’re you’re right on the numbers which game do you want to break down the most I mean I want to win I want to win the yeah know yeah the the I I’d like I’d like a

Rematch of the Harbaugh bu just I I wouldn’t mind the favorites I love Pat Mahomes and I love how fun he is to watch ready for some new but I’ve gotten I’ve had that you know when you bring your plate back to the buffet for the second you don’t you

Don’t just get more of what you had the first time you don’t grab another salad go to not not comparing him to salad although I do love a good Caesar [ __ ] you don’t sounds good is uh the one with bacon and blue cheese what I had one

Those for lunch wedge sounds so good right now um but I know I’m sorry if you’re a KC fan I know obviously you’re rooting for them but I wouldn’t mind to see Baltimore get uh get to the top here with Lamar okay and yeah Baltimore San Francisco would be a great one because

It would be probably about a pick them and we’d have a very fun two weeks of talking about that one I 100% agree um it would mean rewatching thanksg a Christmas Day game which is going to be tough this a tough one uh basically any matchup is a rematch right yeah

Pretty much well I guess San Francisco Casey’s weird old rematch but yeah they played last year and it was not it was a noncompete but it was Jimmy G not the great Brock py will the Brock py discourse change if the Niners win can zincing l in this

Game or are people still going to be stuck on their opinion of him don’t you think it’s changed already a little yeah the the the yeah the the discourse wasn’t actually that bad and he kind of stunk so I’m not sure I know oh god Patrick why do you

Gotta do this did you see Florio had to write the [ __ ] article like with Harbaugh back does he give does he give Kaepernick a shot like it is 2024 Mike Florio stop the guy is gu’s not coming off the couch although flacko did it yeah um if it is Baltimore sancisco uh

Do we have any early preview of what the Super Bowl logo color scheme is g to be for next year yeah if it oh my God people love that people love that conspiracy people love Super Bowl next year by the way is New Orleans New

Orleans I very much hope to go that’s a very fun town not I’ve never been I could just I could take a boat I could follow the river apparently it’s not that hard to get media credentials we gotta actually try I’ll talk to Reed okay yeah supposedly yeah maybe maybe maybe maybe

I heard wrong but uh a birdie friend of ours was I think they they just have so much availability like if you if you’re with a legit company like yeah here you go yeah I’m actually I gotta work on this I this is on my list for tomorrow

I’m trying to get some credentials down for the combine so if you are in Central Indiana I might be coming to see you there’s a lot of good football people that are gonna be there I just yeah I just have always wanted to go oh the networking is gonna be absurd the

Networking is gonna be ridiculous um the uh what do you call it it’s gonna be like the new Sloan for the gamblers I feel like going to the combine I’m uh I don’t know how well I do in New Orleans I tend to get after it I’m too old for

That [ __ ] now although I was I was pretty well behaved in Chicago there was uh oh man there were some folks I thought we I thought the people I was with were going to fist fight some Packers fans they’re all Bears fans they’re just getting sick of the [ __ ]

I love it man um so I was I’m voice of reason now I’m older at this point I turned 40 this year guys yeah I’m excited to go to The Big Year 2024 Big Year so yeah it’s if I do go to the combine it might be like what

I’ve always talked about and what I probably will be doing with b bash like I will probably be in be in Vegas for b bash but I’m not buying [ __ ] tickets to B Bash you ain’t going to find me doing speed um speed networking if that’s your bag I’m no offense no

Offense if I’m in Vegas I’m drinking playing cards getting weird so same same kind of same kind of thing in Indie where it’s like all right I get I get credentials to the to the combine but I go to the combine for like one hour one

Day and I’m just I’m just at the bars at the hotel bars doing that sort of stuff without question I can’t I can’t do a scavenger on guys I just I don’t have that kind of energy all right man it’s callor night I’m G to get this put up as podcast and

I got to go pick up some kids from a basketball game and of course if you missed it off the top be sure to tune in next week for the very special original Deep dive NFL awards 2024 um all my bow ties are too colorful

I don’t have uh I’ve never owned a tux I’m I’ll tell you what actually is the The Classy stylish move is you just do the black neck tie a black neck tie skin skinny black and I go it’s yeah that’s a the dark it the ladies love it yeah but

The the the old the olds wear the bow ties at the blacktie stuff just that’s my that’s just my two cents but you know see you guys best of luck uh hit the like on the way out well I guess might as well ask for that keep screwing that

Up hit the like button honestly you know what you know what the algorithm doesn’t give a [ __ ] about us okay it’s not GNA [ __ ] help us like it all you want enjoy you guys we we we want to know that you enjoyed it right

But if you really want to do us a solid tell you have a friend in your life who is into sports betting just tell them about our podcast like they’ll if you like it they’ll like it like you don’t have to keep us a secret like word of

Mouth has uh really kind of lost its uh ability to to grow Grassroots grow a product like you get every week no shower fart guys you can’t have a shower fart this there’s no shower fart this week it’ll be literally me in the shower the shower fart prop of the

Week would be something like um dvin cook under rushing yards that’s a fun shower proba a couple have been talking about team secret pod play Ravens over that kind of combines some of our opinions on that game okay right micle micle Hardman over rushing attempts I dig that just so crazy my do

It again just do it again I don’t want yeah I’m not going to spoil anymore but if you don’t if you think there’s not going to be this is the most predictable one we were GNA do of course it’s gonna be a shower fart game of the year yes

Yeah and honestly like I it’s gonna be one of the tougher votes right it’s very I I I have seen the nominees I I gotta go back and probably watch some shower fart tape this is terrible don’t do that need that life no I’m not gonna do that all right you guys

All right call it a night good job good luck enjoy Championship weekend and we’ll do halftime shows for both of these games and see you Then I’m not going to be growning I have like a bright yellow bow tie I think the only bow tie I have is like bright yellow pokon like I hope people don’t think we’re building this up too much for the the award show it really is going to be

Quite anent I’m excited I’m personally excited maybe I’ll go buy a new suit jacket


  1. Para bailar La Bamba
    Para bailar La Bamba
    Se necesita una poca de gracia
    Una poca de gracia
    Pa' mí, pa' ti, ay arriba, ay arriba
    Y arriba, y arriba
    Por ti seré, por ti seré, por ti seré

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