Are THESE My New Irons?

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Matt Fryer

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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In this bag I have a new release of irons and one that I could potentially be using for the rest of the season today we’re going to have a look at them and find out if they’re going in my bag before we get stuck into the video guys

Make sure you are a subscriber to the channel by hitting the little button down there totally free to do we want to help you with informed decisions and better golf play Let’s get stuck into this video and the irons in question are the new blueprint s from ping and these

Things just as a first look when you get them in hand to me I’ve always loved the look at ping and these just keep going they also have as well running alongside these the blueprint T which are more of the bladed like version more of the players version which I’m probably not

Good enough so we’re going to take a look at the blueprint s today we’re going to play nine holes I’m going to see if I can shoot level power with just a half a set of them and if I do they’re going in the bag so we come down to

Poola golf resort we’re on the back now we’re going to play holes 10 to 18 3,200 y s off the yellow t’s for us in a par 36 I think I might be a little bit Hasty in level par given that the wind all of a sudden has just picked up to

Hurricane speed so going to give myself a little buffer anything within three over I think is um ago but what I want to do instead of just giving the normal data on the Sim and hitting some shots a few shots out on the course I want to

Play nine holes with them I want to see what the shapes like what it is like to work these irons obviously in the wind today we’re going to get a good idea of what the control will be like and also talk you through some of the data cuz

There’s a few different things in These Blueprints that we’ve not seen before from a ping so let’s go hole one is a par five going straight up the hill it’s uh one heck of a way it’s playing about 750 yards in this wind today but I’m

Going to get the four iron out give it a go I’ve got 4 iron 6 iron 8 and a wedge I’m going to be able to use putter as well probably before we tea off it’s notable that I actually play the I 230s at the moment so they’re there slightly

Chunkier brother I would say a larger sole a thicker Top Line a bit more of a a musly back as it were it looks a bit chunky as they going back so one of the first things that when you get these out of the out of the bag and you put them

Down that Top Line straight away looks so much crisper and cleaner as you actually put it in behind the golf ball let’s see how they go though probably shouldn’t have hit that so high but it felt good a little bit right wind’s got it okay we’re off we’re off

And running folks not the ideal Fairway finder I think uh need to switch on the old Noggin hitting it high in the wind is not a a good thing but luckily not too much to delve with we’ve still got one heck of a way here 400 yards going

Up this hill so I think it’s going to be 44 4 in today hopefully get me on that felt awesome that is such a good ball flight I’ll take that one sir I will take that one one thing with the looks as well is what you’ll notice the four IR well the

Three four and five look a little bit different to the rest of the IRS you’ll see a little bit of a pocket in here and the pocket itself is something to do with the design and the tech which I’ll get on to a little bit later on but even

When you put them down behind the golf ball what I do like from them is that from toe to heel they’re actually pretty length from three iron to wedge they’re all pretty similar but it appears that the longer irons are just a little bit more stretched to the eye because of the

Profile of them as where when you’re getting down into the shorter LS they look a little bit deeper and a little bit more compact both blended with that nice crisp top um thin Leading Edge makes it look a little bit more sort of players like kind it doesn’t look as

Forgiven as maybe the I 230s which I’ve got at the moment but it definitely looks a little bit more sleeker and looks a little bit more what would what would good word be like playy behind the golf ball not a great word but you know right we’ve got 180

For this third shot up the hill into the wind if I actually get this on it’ll be a miracle I’ve got to hit like a Punchy draw to try and keep it low and out of this huro be the one I’ve absolutely nutted that that was so good that flight I mean

I’m 10 yard short but no one was up there with a for iron not even tea Breezy I was quite lucky there that I had the back stop because a pitching wedge with that shot I could have made I would have had to get it pinned perfect

To spin up but lovely little back stop to give me a little bit of a creativity even with that being a pitching w it just looks as well the Leading Edge just sits so nice to the floor just feels like you can open it close it and get

Those different little shots with it play a variety of short game shots this will be a PA of the ages we’ll take that that hole four iron four iron four iron wedge put Lu set golf wasn’t interesting ehy not the shot we wanted wind got a hold

Of that one but we’re safe what’s good as well with these is when you’ve got these compared to the T model the T model like say is more of the players version when you see both hand in hand and when you’re looking down on the ball

They very much look the same but with the S you’re getting the benefit of the the cavity behind it so when you want nice little delicate shots and finesse stuff you’ve got like the look of the players one but you know you’ve got something backing you up as well which is

Nice sit sit sit sit sit sit came out a little flatter than I wanted that more of my fault not the irons there though turn thought the wind was just going to push that it’s our first bogey but I’m not too worried has actually Struck it nicely just that

Little bit too much turn on the iron coming in but that’s that let’s go and take a look a little bit about the technology down the next hole I think the first thing that we have to know is that ping have carried on with something that they didn’t do

For many many a year and that is providing a forge Club head 8,620 carbon steel forged head and then the also in the other irons that I alluded to the longer R 3 to five IR have that little pocket and that’s a forged pocket in there that allows for

Feel and also weight to be moved around the club head in the long Rion and then they have the an elasta inside the forg pocket which is providing that feel throughout the longer irons in the shorter irons from that 6 I am down to your pitching wedge you don’t see that

Because with the way the heads constructed they’re able to move the weight around anyway and from what you would think from this iron you’re not looking for like a distant super forgiving iron so it’s more about the shaping of the iron and more about the

Feel of the iron in those ones but it’s good to see again that they’re carrying on with the forging process in their irons this par five the 12 is going to play very different 468 yards today and it’s downwind instead of 560 straight into uphill let’s get the for iron flying down here

A pushed it idiot bounce the Trap oh that had a wild kick out the Trap then don’t know what that hit just down the right we should be okay I’ve only got 190 yards to the middle of the green I’m going to go pitching wedge cuz we’re downhill and the wind is that

Strong that I think that I’ll pretty much fly this onto the green be good be good be good be good oh just pitched in the slope at the front and just trickled off the green it’s going miles out here this wind oh feels like a different world Down Here Without

That wind battering you but just shy of the green just a little chip up now only got to get this on because I’ve only got pitching wedge it will run and it obviously is downwind I literally need to land this about here might have to cut across it to try and generate a

Little bit more spinny winning one of the other things as well that they’ve done with these irons is they’ve still got the hydrop Pearl 2.0 finish so moisture and water is meant to Glide off them a little bit easier so you get the the grip from you know juicy rof um

Throughout winter or if it is a little bit dewy in the morning you’re still going to get some good interaction off the groov there’s also a tiny Milling on the face as well that when you look closely at it you can see it in between

The grooves you can see it on the toe of the club not so apparent when you’ve actually got the club in behind the golf ball but from a closer inspection you tend to see that and again that’s just to help aid with the the spin the

Control these IR like I say the the S and the T are aimed at maybe your better player your lower handicapper who are looking for more of the the control the workability aspect the feel being able to get you know precise distance out of the club instead of thinking well I want

The forgiveness and I want to try and get the maximum out of there so just little factors like that all blend into these things and they did design them with the the top tour players your Tony fows your hins and such to give them their insight into what they would want

Let’s see if that little Milling can help me generate a tiny bit of scrier oh look at that spin go on then go on then yes baby no no how is that missed that was pretty much when that ball was about to go in that was Sign Sealed Delivered get the

Contract blueprint s you’re in the bag Eagle chipping yes baby then we just got get out of here you’re not coming in today son go on get up there boy anyway birdie back to level on to the next where you starting the golf ball that rock there and it’s going to move there

Okay that’s the swing so all you got to think where’s your Target Target Target Target wow that wind is so strong I’ve hit a worldy up there what is good what I am liking is the the control the shots I’m trying to hit like there a little lower

Cut into the wind you’re able to do it and work them and get that movability with each we with each iron whether it’s a wedge trying to hit a little softer one or the longer irons trying to keep the flight down with that and the mid irons definitely seeing that I think I

Get that that a little bit easier from the i230 with the I 230s you can do it but I feel like everything just wants to go up in the air a bit more and wants to jump a bit more as where these I feel like I’ve still got forgiveness but I’ve

Got that workability with it one of the other things that they’ve done amongst the irons is this little screw that you can see in the toe of all the clubs and then also inside the shaft right in the tip there’s a little weight and that’s for fine-tuning the swing weight you’ll

Get a lot of players that like certain weights throughout the clubs if you were to go to the pink Factory and get a fitting you would be able to find tune these but that’s one thing that’s in there on every ey and you’ll see so if

You want it a little bit heavier a little bit lighter you be able to tailor that feeling and then also what they’ve done throughout the models if you were someone who wanted the maybe blueprint TSO in the 8 n wedge you wanted something that was completely bladed and

You wanted that real sort of players iron they have a blended set and also the Lofts are the same throughout them so if you go from the s to the T or even the i230 from maybe four 5 six and then into the blueprint s in the next ones

The Lofts all match so you’re not seeing any big gaps throughout them which I think’s a a nice idea because even for myself would I potentially if I do have these in would a four iron with a three iron in the i230 just give me that little bit more forgiveness in those

Longer irons or do I stick with these and maybe nine and wedge I get in the te something that they’ve got covered when they uh when you do want to look at those bases into this par three I’ve got a pitch cuz it’s uh one heck of a windy

You can tell by my hair fluttering going to knock a wedge down up the right hand side and let it just almost play like a little draw pitch here just to get it chasing up the tear float it up hopefully the wind’s killed that a

Bit we’ll find out when we get up there I sense this putt is going to be quick be a bit more tentative H bogy H bogy not to be on that one tough that cuz I absolutely nutted that for I maybe the draw one would have been

Better but good to see I could get that workability on to the next anyway our 14th holes 330 again another blustery Affair so going to try and get that low four IR a little turn on it get that workability going ball in the back just hold loads of Loft off the

Face oh just necked it a bit got the lowness but didn’t get my turn that’s good that cuz it’s pretty poor striking I’ve still actually got some it out of that which is pleasing nearly a shank let’s see if we can get a little extra

Out of this one and got to get up high quickly and then got 170 I’ve got my six9 so 190 Club let’s see if we can just find a few extra yards with these have they got that ability oh that felt so good shame it’s just clipped the tree cuz it’s taken 10

Yards off it just shy of the green I tell you what the feel compared to the i230 is because of that Forge nature I’m really really liking that it’s it’s been a while I’ve had those in the back now for maybe a year the I 230s and I forgot

How good a forged head feels is just that little bit of softness and just sounds that little bit more Punchy when it comes off the face I am enjoying them might play a little flop with my w here wow that’s running those greens are slick

Today travel go on ah ah well that takes us to two over I don’t feel like I’ve done much wrong yet the IR are feeling good I’m liking them let’s see if we can pick a few up coming in 15th par War let’s go baby far away and it’s bounding down

Come on pitching wedge 166 up in the air let the wind bust it I don’t even think it has to be a full blooded affair turn on it not bad sir feels great off the club face that well a p it’s a nice little up and down return

We’ve not had it’s a little bit difficult with a wedge probably wouldn’t be choosing to play a lot of the shots with the wedge but I’ve hit some nice chips to be fair just that little bit beyond but it’s probably more me than the clubs one thing we need to talk

About is price how much these clubs are costing now the price upon first reading this I was a bit like uh and even with the g430 10K Max we’ve seen come out that’s at the higher end and these irons per iron RRP are 200 00 but looking at what the set might

Comprise of when you’re thinking of a player set of irons you’re looking at maybe four iron to pitching wedge that would be £1,400 about $1,800 I would think but then if we look at all the other manufacturers when we actually see them hit stores with a similar RRP they’re actually about £300

Less so I would hesitate a guess that a four iron to pitching wedge in steel you’re probably going to see actually at 1,199 1,250 so not as big or shocking as what the RRP rights because they fall in line with pretty much every other brand really in this bracket and comment down

Below do you think that it is just getting silly now or is that just a going price everything’s going up is that what we should be expecting to pay pay because I think you know we go about 10 years and we’re looking at maybe just under £1,000 for a set similar maybe

With a three iron in as well you’re going to be looking close to that 1,500 for a three included but I don’t think they’re they’re overly wild if they were you know the higher end of the 1000s getting close to two then I would I would have a serious concern with

Them that’s a nice shot gol shot if they did that every time I’d happily play onew for him let’s see if we can put a bit of daylight in between this ball and the [Laughter] hold how is that possible it’s gone over the edge of the hole at Dead We that was a easy path right two holes to go one shot left in the kitty see if we can get it get it done the 17th’s 420 yards uphill into wind dog leg left to

Right I feel like the for’s getting right battering today but it’s standing the test of time we can walk away with a par here I’d be happy it’s got it stinging low right to left oh that is just so good the best thing I think about these

At the minute is the feel they feel phenomenal off the face I’ve missed forged irons can I come back please right 200 yards I guess playing on a tabletop Mountain uh in a windy season is going to take its toll but do you know what these blueprint s’s have

Definitely stood up to the test do you know what I’m really like I’m really loving the the flight control the feel is like a massive tick and then this knocking the shots down hitting little workers something that I’ve sort of maybe taken for granted with my other

Ones just let the Wind Drift it you’ve just got to hit the shot just on the right edge of the green there that was nice felt good again just climbed a little bit but off an up slope pretty hard to keep it low just a bit right of the green I’m actually quite

Happy I’ve not gone in the bunker cuz I don’t want to actually scuff my nice wedge winds into us which helps is about 30 yards this so just float this pitching wedge up this should be a nice up and down keep us in that bracket K

Spint it’s not bad to be fair just a little pushy but we’ve got a chance of making another distinguished path this is quite a big pot because the last hole is a long PA three come on come on come on it does help when the greens are Al

Like actual snooker tapes are here at POA that you can get a good roll on them now and again right on to the last and give you my final thoughts on these irons well overall I’ve been mightily impressed with the blueprint S I think the feel is the top thing for me they

Feel fantastic the looks are really nice then that little bit of helping the longer irons and being able to work them is definitely what I would want from a player set of irons if we can make p here I’m definitely going to look at putting these in the bag because I think

I just get a little bit more from them than the i230 but if you’re in the market for a player’s iron definitely worth checking out price could be a little bit lower but so could many of thing let’s see what we’ve got anyway down here for R again to come to the

Rescue little Punchy number into this hurricane holding one closes out oh that c a hole in one oh no the wind’s got it well it’s pin high on the green did everything I wanted there I love that low little shot with them wasn’t meant to be to over I’ll

Take that given our windy and along the courses guys hope you’ve enjoyed the video we’ll see you in one very soon


  1. Once again, another "Are these going in my bag?" review and once again, no decision, no commitment. Wish you and your peers would stop using this ClickBait title and just do
    a review and let it go at that. Nice clubs though, glad you liked them.

  2. they look great, 2 over in that wind good going with no woods or wedges around greens. I game the i230 love them id happily blend the 7 iron on with the S model

  3. I think all clubs not just irons are getting too expensive but I'm just a broke bloke so I gotta stay with my 20 year old set bc I just can't afford it

  4. Evening Matthew I am sure a player of your standard could handle, these new Ping irons,iff Lee Westwood can, you can 😊 please keep up the good content, thanks from an old timer .

  5. Looks like I'll Matt got some new irons in the bag this season are you gonna have a mix set out a solid across the board?

  6. It’s not hard for me to put two and two together and make four. All these big manufacturers giveaway thousands of set of clubs thousands of bags of shoes thousand and thousands of dozens of golfballs . just think about that next time you spend 1500 on a set of plugs

  7. Clearly you strike well enough to play forged, CB players irons, Matt. I doubt you could have done better with any other irons, in those conditions. Nice clubs. BUT … Wilson Staff are nicer 😉

  8. Golf is getting way to expensive for us working blokes. I bought a set of ping eye2 becu for 550.00 as my dream set. All a working bloke can afford. Nice clubs though Matt boy.

  9. I went to Pula in the early 70's for my honeymoon. I don't think any golf courses existed then, but I did buy a rod and did some fishing in the lake outside the hotel. I know a lot of people will think fishing on your honeymoon!

  10. i own the i230's but only played them for a short while. Partly bad fitting and the head is just too spiny. These look right where I need to be.

  11. Great video and review. I am pretty much entrenched with my Mizuno JPX921 Steel forged. You do hit those well, Matt. I say go for the change.

  12. The prices are silly, I will most likely never buy new again- I do get my fittings, but I do have very normal settings so the used market are big for me. I wait for atleast a year, then I look for the set I wanted a year earlier. Now I am looking very much at P770 2021, the are down to 500 now for 4-PW.

  13. All mainstream manufacturers are way to expensive especially when you can get Takomo and Caley clubs for a fraction of the price and they both get good reviews by Matt himself

  14. Mr. Fryer, Before you switch irons, can we get a review on the Fujikura iron shafts please? Wondering how much of the “feel” in this video is due to the different shafts. Thank you.

  15. Like the name and they look class,learning as I go that ping irons you can't really go wrong🤷‍♂️
    "What's a good word here…???
    Playery!!" 😂😂😂
    Had a laugh there mate at your expense,hope you don't mind.
    Nice vid Matty and super well played👍☘️

  16. If a content creator would be honest and say "please subscribe as I make more money that way" I might actually do as they ask.

  17. Irons look good – slightly confused how this fits in with the Mizuno sponsorship though, I’ve heard they know their way around an iron?

  18. I describe forged irons in a weird way. To me they feel as if they stay on the club face longer as if you can feel the face grab the ball and throw it. lol. It’s so much easier to work the ball with forged club in my opinion.

  19. "You can tell by my hair fluttering…" LOL Just as a data point, I paid $799 for 4i-PW for my TaylorMade M2 irons 5 years ago. Their new Qi10 irons, same set, are $1099, $300 more. That's not too bad 🙂 The new Pings do look amazing, I may go try them out since I'm due for a new set! Thanks for the review.

  20. I knew as soon as I bought new irons (Apex 21) that Ping would release a new model that I would lust for the entire year. 😂 I was surprised how much I liked the demo G430s were. These look like the perfect set that I would have bought. Oh well the Cally's are no slouch.

  21. I've been a huge Ping fan over the years and played most of the i-series models from them (starting around the i3/i3+ days), but I'm not sure I'm sold on the BP-S yet. I did demo them back to back with my i230s, and I didn't see too much difference in performance. Maybe the BP-S's apex was slightly lower, but the distance was similar. They were not too demanding to hit, maybe slightly more difficult than the i230s with a bit more distance drop-off when you don't middle it. Keep in mind, it was only a 7-iron.

    What was surprising to me was the BP-S "felt" (i.e., sounded) like the T150 to me. A bit firmer off the face, even when compared to the i230s which are cast. I'm pretty sure I was striking both irons fairly pure and consistently, but I'll go back to confirm. I did hit the Mizuno 243s back to back with the BP-S too, and although some testers have reported they feel firmer than the 223s, they felt much softer than the BP-S. From what I've read, "softness" isn't primarily due to the forging vs. casting process, but more to the metal used and geometry of the club (225, ZX5, and i59 are all forged, but sounded firm/brittle).

    IMO, the BP-S are good irons with consistent distances and spin, but I'm not sure they warrant the CAD 2500 they're asking before tax (this is coming from a longtime Ping fan). At this point, nothing is kicking the i230s out of my bag in 2024, that is, until the next i-series iteration is coming out. They're just too good.

  22. Go back 20 yrs the ping i3 were £549, I tried the white dot stiff cushion shafts in a 6 iron and was hitting it 180, have irons, really improved twice over in 20 years.

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