Former NHL player and Stud behind BUTTER golf apparel JORDAN SCHMALTZ

I sit down with Jordan Schmaltz, former 25th OVERALL pick overall with the St. Louis Blues, and older brother of Arizona Coyotes player Nick Schmaltz. Jordan hung up the skates
and created BUTTER golf, a fresh new look for golf apparel. We talk about life after hockey and his 1st round mitts! #shortsvideo #subscribe #viral #youtubeshorts #funny

Good afternoon I am excited to have Mr Jordan schmalz with me here today Jordan other than being an entrepreneur was a first round draft pick in 2012 uh in the NHL draft St Louis Blues if I’m not mistaken yep all right yeah look at those the Terminator over there man he

Looks like he looks like singen Smith from uh from 1987 man I’ll tell you what that’s an intro um we’re gonna get into butter because I’m really really excited to talk about that um but let’s talk real quick about uh who you are and uh and

How you got involved with hockey yeah so you know obviously growing up just outside of Madison Wisconsin played all sports Growing Up played hockey played football played golf did track and hockey for whatever reason was always the biggest one or the one I like the most the one my younger brother Nick who

Plays for the coyotes like the most so yeah like you said we would be in the back backyard we’d be you know there was a pond nearby where we could kind of go skate And even in our basement our parents made like this hockey room with

A couple Nets it was basically like a soundproof wall that was just below the garage like an attachment off the garage so we go down there and blades on and play one-on-one and I would beat the piss out of them like you said because I was the older brother I always had the

Height on him I still do I think I’m probably the better looking one but just don’t tell him that um so yeah no it was great we uh we played all the way growing up we played our actually our younger days our youth hockey for the majority of the years we spent in

Chicago cuz that was one of the better teams so our parents were shuttling us down there on the Caravan like twice three times four times a week that was about a two hour drive one way so and they were both working full-time jobs I mean my dad an entrepreneur himself he

Had health clubs he was running this place called acceleration Madison back in the day which was to train young athletes train professionals so he was doing that my mom is a medical doctor she’s a radiologist so they were both working full-time they’ get off work

About 3 or 4:00 pick us up from school we’d grab a little you know Noodles and Company some to eat Panera Bread and and hit the road hit I90 head south down to neille so that was our life for probably five or six years and then I went over

To Green Bay in the USHL which is a Junior League it’s a top Junior League before college and I spent time there Nick played there as well a couple years uh after me because he’s about two years younger so that was cool I got a little

Bit of cup of coffee with him there as a uh he played with us as like a 15-year-old the one year I was a senior in high school he was a sophomore so yeah we spent time there and then onto North Dakota where we played and um you

Know both being firstr draft picks I was drafted by the blues 25th overall he was drafted by the Chicago Blackhawks we spent one year at North Dakota together before I ultimately turned Pro after my junior year and I played nine years professionally I spent time in the

Miners with the with the blues as well as playing up top with them for probably three odd years I was a lot of times that I was in the stands or they kept me in the locker room that’s probably where I was best in the locker room at that

Point right getting the boys going maybe the night before having a little red wine at dinner so right right right yeah so my uh my time over here didn’t shake out as as best or what I kind of envisioned it to be right I thought I

Was going to be a 10 15 year Pro I was a high draft pick for whatever reasons it didn’t really work out I think I don’t think I had the greatest opportunity and maybe I didn’t seize the the minutes I was getting so I played Seven Years over

Here and then I spent two years overseas I spent one year in Helsinki Finland where the sun sets at about 2 p.m. and you’re looking at your watch you’re like oh boy know if go to the Christian Ru Christian ru’s native home yeah exactly but you’re looking at your phone there

Donald and you’re looking at your phone it’s 2 o’clock or you’re watching you’re like the sun’s set I can’t go to the bar yet it’s only Tuesday and I’m going at three o’clock so that was a lot of fun though the the people there were awesome

The the sauna culture the uh the ice bath the plunge like they that’s like legitimate there they they are the people that sauna the best in the world these guys would be loading up the sauna with beers and getting after in there and so yeah it was cool and then last

Last year I was in Switzerland so that was that was a cool experience as well but I kind of ended with an injury I was out with a concussion for about nine months last year I kept trying to come back I wasn’t feeling great i’ get on

The ice i’ get dizzy or I’d have a vertigo like symptoms and I was all out of whack so I I ultimately came back here like in like last January probably right around this time the season goes a little shorter there it starts earlier ends a little earlier so I was the

Season was almost wrapped up and I wasn’t able to get myself to a point where I felt really good so I came back here did some rehab did about two months of work now feeling great but it really made me re kind of re-evaluate what I

Wanted to do and now I’m here and I I launched that company butter golf which is uh I kind of had launched it before I just went over to to Switzerland in 2022 so yeah this is where we’re at now and I’m in the desert posted up in

Scottsdale and uh I’m enjoying it it’s a a new ride in in media doing different things with the coyotes here some stuff at North Dakota in terms of some color work and some panel work and uh these live shows that I’m doing right now with with a buddy that we’re actually going

To Calgary next week so yeah I’m fired up it’s a it’s a new Venture and uh I’m hitting it with uh you know Full Steam as I would say yeah bro listen you you you you definitely have uh the gift of of being able to speak fluently and um

Like I said man I kind of like the vibe that that you that you bring and you know it’s interesting you’re what 27 years old I’m 30 oh you’re 30 okay 30 just turned 30 couple months ago okay is maybe your brother might be 27 yeah yeah he’ll be yeah 28 in February

Next month so yeah okay yeah apologies so I knew you’re still a young man I’m old I’m a 45y old so in any event um you still you know you could definitely be played right and and it’s funny that you said hey you know I finally feel good um

I’m feeling good and then I just kind of realized that you don’t want to do it anymore right you’ve kind of been there done that kind of thing exactly let’s let’s not sell yourself short man you you played professional hockey like this isn’t something you said you know kind

Of cup of coffee or or jokingly said in the stands um when you’re drafted in the first round right at at 25 overall you’re a stud right there’s no way there’s no other way to say that so I mean um I know you’re being humble and you’re being modest but let’s be honest

You were you were a phenomenal hockey player and I’ve gone back and I’ve watched and I’ve seen and you were a phenomenal hockey player I mean my son um plays travel hockey now right and I had him watch some highlights of you and you know he was like dude this you know

He was real that you were coming on and he watched you play so like it’s not I know how you’re trying to spin it but trust me man you know you you were there and you be very very proud of what uh what you’ve accomplished as I’m sure

You are you know for sure yeah you look back at it and I can even kind of digest it I’m still trying to work through that in terms of but no I’m at peace with it I’m happy like I say I tell all the boys

When I’m on the golf course you know if I hit a nice flop shot hey fellas those are first round Ms right there you know you can’t teach that right so so that’s what you know I am humble in a sense but I do got to bring that kind of that swag

And just funny jokes to it right so yeah hey boys those are first round Ms right there you don’t have those those are undrafted hands over there come over here baby right you gotta let them know about it man you gotta let yeah exactly

So so um you know I I had a a buffalo a a local Buffalo kid his name is Joey moldy he was drafted last year by the uh by the San Jose Sharks um he was a sixth round pick and then we had another local Buffalo boy uh Quinton musty who was a

First round pick in just this past draft right I haven’t spoken to Quinton yet um I will shortly but I spoke to Joey and it’s interesting what you had just said about North Dakota and then how you turned Pro right so did the Blues have the rights to you when you were drafted

Correct they had the rights to you you went and played a year at Dakota and then they said okay it’s time to come to us 20 yeah right right okay right right right let yourself marinate a little bit a little little sheeta seasoning um right I I think that’s you know the way

You just described that it’s it’s tough and and you have to feel a lot of pressure being a first round pick you know like Joey’s a sixth round pick and again I’m not taking anything away from that either but being a first round pick I would think as an 18yearold kid or 19y

Old kid that’s got to be tough mentally man that’s that’s got to be a lot of pressure right where you almost feel like you got to live up you got to live up to expectations of being a first round pick so while you’re sitting there marinating and and doing whatever and

Just trying to have a good time because that’s what it really should be about you know in the back of your mind there’s always this oh man you know am I living up to to the hype and what everybody expected from me and stuff right I mean did you ever feel that way

Did it did it kind of cut into the time you were having at North Dakota or were you just living in the moment and having fun yeah okay yeah yeah yeah right screw them with your head yeah right that’s what I mean yeah yeah they were stacked they were stacked dead yep

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right right yeah man you you teed that answer off perfectly that that thing went 360 in the air that was a great answer and I like your philosophy on that um and I believe one thing that I noticed that

You had said was the system and just kind of I believe personally hockey may be the number one sport with right time right place you know football think about it when you’re drafted football 18 years old man you’re playing next year right you’re the QB or the running back

They’re drafting you’re playing next year basketball same kind of thing baseball you can go up and it takes time right but hockey is just right place right time so the Buffalo Sabers are a perfect example of that where um and I love them right Patty Keta right he was

On the show he’s a great dude uh but he he you know drafted a little bit later and had the opportunity to play for the Sabers when the teams for years weren’t in any type of playoff run right like there they weren’t chasing anything it was developmental he was a local boy you

Know so it was great for the fans to see and he was so Scrappy I mean if you heard that guy’s records they’re awesome as far as these crazy weird records that he still holds in the NHL with agitating people um you know and even Robbie Ray

Right like I had Robbie on and and you know he was a good example as well like almost some of the NHL guys I’ve had on didn’t think they were going to to make it you know but circumstance and timing is why they did so um you know you hit

On that real real well and and again I think you’ve had an amazing career the Finland thing is crazy now that’s not all year round right is that s is that their winter it’s two o’clock dark yeah yeah yeah wow yeah yeah yeah all right hold up o well thank

You that’s what I was thinking right off the Jump Man like you know Alaska uh has that that tendency a little bit and it’s like you know alcoholism is at this crazy rate there and everything else and you know I and and I guess let’s answer that question what are these people

Doing are they just partying or like how is it over there as far as like you got me on Finland now bro you nailed me here now like how is it is it fun as far as the the the atmosphere and the lifestyle sure sure yeah yeah yeah straight up Savages

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I was going to mention that yeah yeah how were I I figured maybe you found a nice Nordic bride you were already you were already tied up before you went out there ah yeah yeah I was going to say where where are you

Ranking the honey babies the honey babies are right up there in Finland all right let’s not get ourselves in let’s not get ourselves in too much trouble here when the wives are watching so shout out to Finland we’ll leave it at that shout out to Finland let’s talk some butter baby let’s talk

Butter baby all right so tell me all about it right from the Genesis I’m super excited to talk about this um I’m kind of one of those nerds when it comes to you know clothing lines and ENT preneurial and just all of that man it’s

Just it’s my grind so tell me um tell me about it how it started um is it just you how’s it going go ahead they have yeah yeah yeah throwing it throwing it a timeout time Timeout on the field Timeout on the field when in Swiss elps did you at any

Point ever pretend you were in a Rola commercial with one of those big long things and do the Rola Rola did you ever at any point do that not a f you don’t like you don’t like the scalding hot cheese you know what some people like to

Pour it all over themselves and and there’s there’s a cult there’s a whole cult with fondue and it’s scalding hot and they want to just drizzle it off each other’s body so it’s a whole another world just Chomp it Chom it up yes there it is yeah yeah okay okay right okay

Sure sure so I I dig it 100% um I uh you’ve heard of waggle right so waggle was just I start I I I liked the hats right with the rooster on them um and I didn’t even realize that that was you know like waggle golf right

I just saw the Hat I checked it out I liked it so I think a lot of the marketing and and that’s why I think you’re going to be very successful with what you’re saying is the crossover there with the lingo I mean even calling the different apparel uh and again you

Know I don’t know if you do this or not I’ll be honest I have not been on your site yet I wanted to talk to you first um because I wanted to get the whole vibe of it uh you will see quite a few orders from D Scott I’ll be like my wife

When she’s on Amazon buying stuff they’ll just boxes showing up to the house here um but the waggle you know like I said just got me on on the rooster alone but I think and I don’t do you do this where you integrate say a line uh might be called uh the lettuce

Right or something like that where you’re integrating hockey lingo that’s cool that’s cool and I didn’t know you did that or not but seeing the way your brain works um you know I think that would be really smart too yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah no I love it dude I I love the whole the whole culture is amazing to me and and you know what’s great man his kids is kids do it now right so you know my son half the stuff he’s saying you know he he’ll go and

Play at a at a tournament we’re going to Cleveland this weekend a hockey tournament you know and and he’ll come back with a new word that I didn’t know existed you know because the hockey culture just comes up with them man and I I absolutely love it

Um nobody can do it like hockey man nobody can nobody can rival it are you where can everybody find butter right now is it uh just website driven right now are we looking at storefronts is it uh demographically right now or are we spreading out so

I’ll I’ll do a little name drop and like I had Johnny Damon on right and he was trying to promote aame which is his his energy drink and I couldn’t find it man I had to go uh you know I had to go online I ended up having to get a case

Of it right dropped off at the house and next thing I know I’m I’m in the the aame for $100 because I was just trying to try it you know and it was hard to get um how accessible is butter right now what’s your main source is it online shopping or

You know what it looks like the D the D12 logo remember Eminem and D12 that’s what and I yeah I saw it I’m like man that’s a sweet hat yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s rad man and I can tell you Buffalo might not be absolutely

Known for its uh its Gulf um as far as climate wi climate wise but there’s enthusiasts here like you can’t imagine I mean I have friends who literally you know from all levels that’ll go out uh you know and they’ll play 36 so it’s crazy golf is crazy in Buffalo and

There’s a really lot of you know there’s notot of nice courses Rochester has Oak Hill which is absolutely gorgeous you know they do the tours there and stuff so um my golf career uh I’m going to be getting your stuff straight up and down for the look of it and to wear it

Because my golf career having three boys under 10 years old that’s s a little bit of a Hiatus right now not much golf in being done man little hard to get out yeah oh okay all right see all right we got to talk name dropping all right I I

See what you’re doing here I love it man I love it so you’ve been to Buffalo okay yeah well get out of here oh we will 100 we will 100% reconvene then yeah yeah and uh I have some really cool ideas too we’ll talk about that after but that’s

That’s rad man that’s great thank you so much Jordan for taking the time um this was a pleasure this was cool uh really nice talking to you and I’m glad that I’m going to be able to promote butter a little bit for you and uh thanks for

Coming on and taking the time with me very cool all right man take care have a great day

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