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Brady and he can’t win without Brady B you know let’s just be clear the only time Brady in his entire career lost 10 games was his last year at Tampa Bay I know and they’ve had great those low-scoring Super Bowls were it wasn’t like Brady that was all Brady he he

Dived a game plan he did everything he he did it all I mean he made everything happen so you know let me ask you this cuz I’m glad we’re bringing this up so there’s a lot of people I mean media the people I talk to I’ve even I’ll be

Honest even my head is kind of went back and forth on you know who was the reason or whatever right so there’s a lot there’s a lot of people who say that bill Bel is is the greatest defensive mind of all time but now they feel like

Because of the evidence we have of his record without Brady either pre or or after post Brady that now people don’t feel like he’s the greatest head coach of all time what what do you say to to those people who say he’s the greatest defensive mind but not the greatest head

Coach I I think they don’t understand anything about football I mean that win on Sunday by the Chiefs did Mahomes play at Elite I mean Mahomes is really good but that was a team win that was a defensive team win Mahomes executed the plan perfectly and he did exactly

Footballs requires a team win Brady’s first Super Bowl was 143 yards passing 142 yards rushing and they stopped the greatest show on tur it takes all three elements to work together I find that really hard to believe they won 11 games with Matt Castle I mean nobody seems to

Want to remember that year I always say that nobody remembers everybody forgets about that because you got all these people on Twitter that think they have all the answers look it it’s a hard sport to win without a quarterback there’s no mistake in that and and had they had any quarterbacking play this

Year they would have won seven or eight games they had probably the worst quarterbacking play with with the blame being laid at his feet for for a trusting Mack and trusting you know uh uh you know the offensive staff and all that so I’m not trying to absolve that

But to me I think it’s a a little shortsighted when you just quote well this coach with that I mean look it’s not an easy sport to win in and it requires a lot of everything has to be aligned perfectly or else Warren Moon would have 20 Super Bowls you know if

That were the case I mean the Houston Oilers are the greatest team that I’ve ever been ever scouted or seen and they didn’t get and they got the one Conference Championship game I mean so it’s like don’t you know it’s ridiculous and they had a quarterback in Hall of

Fame if B coached that team they might have won eight Super Bowls yeah I love we say it all the time Jimmy Johnson would have stayed in Dallas who knows what Aman and them get I I was like shoot I thought they would have got a lot more segue real quick

Before you get out of here I gotta ask you about the Chargers higher you like it or love it Harbaugh well I love it because look I’m a big believer in in team culture physical and mental toughness something that that the last Guru didn’t even think I mean these guys

That that just basically look at the analytical sheet they you know there one guy doesn’t even think momentum exists in the league can you imagine that he wrote a column that saids there’s not such thing as momentum I mean and Staley who thinks he did a really good job on

Defense did he watch his defense did he watch it did they ever get higher than 20th overall so I think what Jim brings to the Chargers is toughness a culture mental and physical he’ll be really good for the quarterback they’ll have balance the team will win close games they could

Never win a close game because they didn’t have mental or physical tough us to win it when it got hard they retreated


  1. JB is an idiot at this point your bias is clearly showing it’s always all the coaches making players because you were a former coach your self pathetic

  2. There is literally no empirical evidence to show that Bill Belichick had any capacity to be a Super Bowl winning coach without Tom Brady.

    His record before Tom Brady was abysmal, and his record after Tom Brady was even worse! ❤😂

    The only people even attempting to make this type of justification are merely people who hate Tom Brady.

  3. Tell Teddy Bruschi, Willie McGinnest, Roman Pfeiffer, Ty law, lawyer Milloy, & company that that 22 yr-old kid was the reason that they did what they did from ‘01 until ‘ they won how many games in a row from ‘3 through ‘04? That was all a QB? Lol 👌

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