Golf Players

Brayden Maynard Talks GF Win, Collingwood Mentality & Brayshaw Incident | Ball Magnets Podcast #40

Season 2 of the Ball Magnets Pod starts today with Big Bad Bruzzy Maynard up first. Bruzzy talks through the Grand Final win, upcoming year & much much more.

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He’s a superstar he is an absolute Superstar Toms at the back Crips is too new yes oh how good was that all right today’s pod is uh one of my favorite teammates to play with uh we’ve become very close over the last 12 months I’ve been at the club um there’s

A a little group we like to call the slack uh Darcy Cameron Billy Frampton myself and the BR um and T will of course um probably one of the best text groups I’ve ever been in yeah like you’re probably we’re probably operating at roughly 100 notifications a night

Yeah bar Billy Frampton the BL never puts in we might have to uh we might have to give him the boot but no it’s a great it’s a great group to be a part of um yeah we do we do text quite a bit it’s I always think like what are the I

Don’t have a girlfriend obviously but you’re with with Ashley and the other boys have Partners I’ve found it quite funny like at the best and fairest trading to the girls and how they’ve actually got your phones and muted the group at times because we just like you

Spend no time talking to your partners at home cuz you’re too busy texting the boys just about absolute garbage oh man when I’m sitting there and I’m going back and forth with you boys and I end up just pissing myself Ashley’s just sitting there like going what are you

Laughing at like she’s getting angry at the be wants to be involved yeah she wants to be involved but she can’t because uh yeah no it’s actually quite funny when when we go back and forth message after message and we just start pissing ourselves and then she’s just

Wondering why why we’re laughing so much A lot of it is just to do with stuff that you know happens at the club during the day that um you know just little little inside jokes and things like that but it is funny because we spend all day

Every day together and then uh we’re all walking out of the club together it’s like all right boys I’ll speak to you in 2 minutes and then it’s straight onto the text group was hilarious yeah it’s gr no it’s a great group great group of boys I’d like to thank the sponsor of

This episode so Davos and Miles uh for those that don’t know uh they’re a wealth management company they’ve been very good to me and a number of other AFL players as professional athletes you know we Face a multitude of financial challenges throughout our career we’re time poor and hence don’t really have

The time to plan for our future a lot of the time so engaging a suitable wealth manager can insist in avoiding all the financial pitfalls and preparing financially for Life After football or whatever you do with your career so I highly recommend them you know fellow AFL professionals pass and presid been

Using Nick Davos from Davos and Miles Wealth Partners to secure their financial future including myself I’ve been with them for a number of years now uh you know they help with things such as cash flow and Capital Management finance and Lending Solutions tax planning and structuring investment and portfolio management what I have

Benefited from in addition to these Services is the transparency and tailored approach they take with my personal financial affairs which has allowed me to focus on my footy whilst they focus on growing and preserving my wealth accordingly so this can apply to anyone in whatever field you’re in

Highly recommend for all listeners that they check out um get a complimentary Financial Health check uh this is going to set up your future so highly recommend mate we’ve been on offseason it’s been roughly a month since uh the big day which is probably one of the

Most special Days of Our Lives and obviously you’ve been away we’ll get to your trip but um it’s kind of cool even to see you know a few the boys today like I feel like you’ve just got home and we saw quer and Joshy Doos in at the club and

Just that bond that you can already feel through achieving what we did oh absolutely I feel like like our culture over the last two years it’s like we we took off and we like from the moment fly actually came in it’s like we took off straight away like the culture was there

Straight away the connection relationships were just off to a great start and I feel like flies come in and actually really driven that and um I feel like this year in particular it’s just just gotten stronger and stronger and now we’ve won the flag so it’s like

We’re all best mates um and it’s the whole club thing as well like it’s just not the 23 that went out there and won it on the day like the whole club going into the club every day it’s just such an amazing place to be around and um

Yeah I can’t wait to get back into it like we saw Joshy deos before and Q and we s to each other we just want to get back and get stuck into it because we love training with each other love hanging out with each other so it’s such

A good to be around it’s a good sign isn’t it because you know you hear things about um you know prip hangovers and and things you know after after big Seasons but you know it’s hard to predict the future but I feel as though we’ve got a very driven group and like

You said you speak about the connection and the love for each other we have it’s like you know when you I’m sure you’ve had Seasons as well where you don’t dread coming back to training but you know you you’re not looking forward to the hard work to an extent whereas I

Feel as though we got a group that we love being around each other so much and we know the hard work’s coming you have to put it in but it’s like we want it and it’s and you know we got probably another month off which we’ll enjoy but

Yeah it’s you can already speak into a lot of the guys everyone’s feeling quite similar well I feel as though like it started from when fly came in again like and um and Wy the performance high performance coach he he came in and yes it’s hard work but like you said we love

Getting after it and we love getting better so it makes it a lot easier and if everyone puts in the work and we get a lot out of it then we see the benefits and you can clearly see that um what we did this year is From just getting

Better every day hard work and um yes it is hard but we just go out there and we get better we love doing it we love doing it with such a good group which makes it so much fun to come to work and um I guess I’ve never really been a part

Of a a club or a team um with just such high energy wanting to get better um it’s yeah it’s actually truly amazing to see what we can potentially do over the next couple years cuz I we’ve got the group to do some seriously special things yeah hopefully um yeah because

You know that feeling yet when the sign goes which we’ll touch on a bit later because some of the footage of you is pretty pretty epic we me and you had a pretty cool Moment On The Ground as well um we were grabbing each other and yeah

When it all sort of um came together but with even the offseason training for example and I haven’t been a part of a club that does it like this either and it’s probably one of W’s you know things and the high performance team in general that you

Know I’ve been at clubs where you you get you know you’re two weeks off and then you a training program that’s very regimented it’s this day it’s all mapped out and it’s all very like this and the approach here is very different in that we still haven’t been sent out a program

And because the whole idea of it is to have self-driven athletes which I I’ve never even thought of that but it’s like if you need support in an area whether it be strength with your weights or you’re running you can seek out a courage but it’s like a self-driven athlete

Shouldn’t be told what to do it’s like you go figure it out yourself so today’s session like we made that up ourself exactly which you know we might not have know it but I I like the idea of it yeah so do I I I can it definitely just comes

Down to the individual and we were saying before that it is it is a lot easier and a lot more fun if you do workouts with each other and in groups so uh we do do that and um I feel like if if you’re put in the work no matter

Of the situation you you don’t want to come back unfit so if you put in the work you know you you know you’re going to come back and feel good and know that you’ve put in the work to yeah come back and I guess get PBS and whatever that is

So um and you you quickly find out if you don’t do the work in the offseason that um it clearly shows so uh I guess it just comes back to the our group and how much we actually want it and because we’ve got the ultimate success we don’t we actually don’t want

To have a Prem hangover we want to go again yeah so um yeah the amount of times I’ve seen boys sort of getting after it going into the club it’s it’s a great sign in your season like obviously you’re a superstar player all Australian but even on best and

Feris night like I think one thing that was you you know you’re going to be modest but one thing that I thought was always going to be a given was best Clubman which I actually rate as an award across the competition that if you’re voted as that within your Club

That’s pretty special and I feel like you know you and Steele could have gone to one of you but you’ve won it back to back now which is pretty cool we’ll touch on that but also coming second in the BNF like you were a little you were a little bit

Surpr Josh deos obviously won um and you know probably does help if you’re play more games in terms of how the voting and things like that works and you know you tie with Nick for second and I remember because we were on the same table you were not ready for

That M I was not ready for it and I was actually not ready for the other award for the best Clubman I had gone and taken a I actually went to the toilet to take a Pierce and then I was coming out and everyone was like oh you got hurry

Up hurry up you got to get up on stage your name’s being called out for an award I was thinking like what award anyway so I come out the back from the toilet straight onto the stage yeah that’s right you didn’t even come back to the table yeah and I just stood

Up on stage and I wish I could have that moment back cuz I I feel a bit rude for it I just came out and said sorry sorry everyone I was taking a piss which was probably not acceptable and um to do that’s just you being you that’s just me

Right so um no very grateful and honored to be uh yeah get that award so um it it was a big night i’ probably had a few too many drinks before not knowing that I was actually going to win any awards but a heads up would have been good two

Speeches on the night spe um which yeah I mean back in the day I wasn’t too good at public speaking and I was going to say it’s probably an improvement on other speeches you’ve done in the past I think so I’ve come a long way with the speeches but I re I

Can still still get better with it’s all a part of the best speeches are the ones and I think pendal was the one that said it to you I was there he’s like your speeches are the best because they’re just so genuine and authentic like it’s not yeah the boring

Robotic answer that everyone wants to hear it’s like you’re going to get a bit of the BR well there was so many like thank yous that I didn’t even do like I didn’t even thank bolts I only really thanked fly hard on the spot yeah on the spot I

Was thinking like what do I say here what do I say and then um I sort of rambled on for a bit and uh yeah that’s that’s all she wrote so just yeah I was pretty I’m not going to lie I was pretty pretty pissed that’s what the b f nights for

And especially after you onon a flag you’ve uh had every reason to have a good night but um let’s get to the final series because obviously the Journey of the season is so long and there’s so many ups and downs you know what it’s like it’s a roller coaster you’ve been

Playing footy for a long time and um you know you go through each game and you know I’ve I heard this stat the other day we want to combine the three finals the combined winning margin was something like 12 points so we won by seven one and four four

Yeah crazy little margins where tiny things add up and so if you’re you know you start at the Melbourne game for example like we we were out to a big lead and then Melbourne came charging home in the last quarter um and obviously that was a that was a a tough

Game for you personally with you know the incident with Gus and you know you two being so close but um yeah how did you manage to get through that game because obviously clearly we know and knowing you it was a footy act accident yeah um but like even to say an

Opposition player who’s still a good mate of yours in the position was in like how did that make you feel and did affect your game on the day it yeah it definitely affected me because I know Angus on a personal level and I grew up playing Junior 40 with

Him and I was um yeah quite close with him when I I didn’t realize I’d actually knocked him out until I sort of just like walked the other way and I turned around and he was just on the floor and I was like holy [ __ ] so I went over there and to

Check on him and then I had about 10 Melbourne BLS come over and try to fight me so I was really really rattled at the fact that what happened purely an accident went up to smother the ball and um yeah obviously reached out to his family uh reached out to him and his

Partner Danielle did what what I needed to do and I felt like I really really wanted to show my love and respect to him and Danielle by taking them flowers a bottle of red and um yeah I just I just think it’s a pure accident and accidents do happen in

Football games and um my love goes out to him and i’ I still checked up uh I’ve still checked up on him a couple times um recently so yeah all love for him and um yeah I guess yeah it’s an accident like I said of course yeah and but people

Would think you know that whole you know how you’ve handled it post would be manufactured but the people that know you truly know that that’s just genuinely you like all the boys you know hence why you’ve been voted the best club and back to back he is the most

Caring teammate I think I’ve ever played with and obviously you play on the edge like on the footy field like you’re you’re hard and tough and you stick up for your teammates but you know off field you’re it’s almost like you’ve got like you know this split personality like I think I’m

Similar you have to be yeah you have you have to be this almost like character um that you become on game day to perform like I have to get myself into a state where I have to be like that otherwise I’m not going to play well I don’t know

I don’t know what happens it’s just like as soon as I cross a white line I this it’s just ultimate white line favor pretty much and but I’ve got like an extreme level of it like off the field like you said on the in loving protective do anything for anyone

If anyone ever needs help I’m there to help them and um but when I cross that white line I’m just like I just feel my I actually can feel myself just turn into this Super Saiyan yeah like super saiyan bloody competitor that just wants blood like you know it’s it’s pretty

Crazy to think that I can change um from one person to another when I cross that white line and I guess that’s just who I am and what makes me the football or I am like I wouldn’t change it for anything so um yeah I just love

Competing and I love the physical side of it and I think it’s so funny like you play with so many different guys across the the journey and different teammates and everyone is is different like some guys need to be um you know quite jovial relaxed and having a laugh like and

We’re we’re all very good at that too but you know you break from the three4 time huddle or whatever at half time there’s the BLS like literally still taking the genuine piss having a laugh and then there’s probably as we get closer to the game start again there’s

Guys like probably me and you that are no we need to sharpen here otherwise I know that about myself now like I’ve had games where I’ve tried to do that I’m like it just personally it doesn’t work I have to get into a state to do my bit

For the team otherwise you know you’re not going to yeah be at your best and at your Optimum and I you can relate to that I guess everyone’s different like I do see Jordy at half time just standing there um talking to Jackie the few bles are just standing around having a laugh

Chit chatting but everyone’s different you just got to do what you have to do to be able to go out there and perform so yeah I’m I’m like you we I like to get moving at half time and sort of get like sometimes go against the wall and

Just hit the wall a couple times just to get a feel and just get myself up and about and um yeah everyone does different things but I guess you just got to do what you have to do to be able to go out there and get after it 100% if

We move on to the next game so we have said the weake off um and then headed to the Giants game which far that was went right down to the wire as well um yeah that was crazy and it seemed as though from what I could tell I I don’t

Know have a lot to do with the backline but obviously Toby green being such a superstar of the com it seemed like you and Q both were you know supporting each other in a lot of those cont test like there was a couple of times where you know it

Might be you um holding out to and Q coming to the top and vice versa and not that it was a plan to on one thing but the care you guys have in the backline to look out for each other knowing that how dangerous he is and he still kicks a

Few freakish goals in night where can’t yeah you can’t do anything about that um you might been near him at the stoppage I was like freak left foot snap like how you going to stop that and you know what even makes it harder he’s bloody covered

Up in oil yeah but I reckon he put some sort of like vinegar oil on cuz he actually couldn’t tackle no I couldn’t tackle him but he actually with all due respect to him he actually stunk like he stunk of all this vinegar cuz it was all

Over his arms really so I reckon it’s a bit of a bit of a power play and actually really smart of him to do it because have to ask him about that yeah I know cuz he lathers his whole arms his shoulders and it’s not just oil cuz I

Remember back when we played Sydney in the prelim last year and buddy had oil all over his arms but that didn’t stink whereas Toby had this oil on him and it actually stunk like vinegar maybe get him away from you exactly right and uh it did

Work at some stages of the game you did have me uh thinking about it but um yeah obviously probably one of the best players in the comp and um it took quite a few of us to try stop him but he even even played one of his better games and

He nearly kicked that goal at the end which was I was right behind that um the goal line um it looked like it was going in I had the angle right behind it it it had more distance on it it probably goes in so yeah pretty scary

On the oil thing who I can started that whole thing cuz I look back to like when I used to watch footy as a kid and I just remember Ben Cousins with the oil did he yeah I don’t know like he was just Tom Hawkins always puts oil over

His arms I it’s actually really smart idea really really idea I’ve never tried I think Dangerfield does it as well there’s a few people that do do it um I yeah personally don’t think I would ever do that but I can see why they do that

Yeah yeah feel like you need a bit of a tan or something to do it like I wouldn’t suit it just like I wouldn’t suit I wouldn’t suit a are you going to get a Prem ship tap by the way yes and where are you going to get it yes I

Actually need to I was just thinking something simple maybe on the maybe on my ankle somewhere nothing silly nothing stupid but I’m still trying to figure out but I’m wondering if everyone else is going to get one well to run no M there’s going to be I reckon more than

More more will than warrant if there’s a tattoo artist out there I think Jam Jam’s already got his where did what did he get know I saw he sent me a photo of him getting his actually here’s a funny story I was at a mate’s wedding last weekend um down Mornington Peninsula way

And one of my mates huge P fan um and his favorite players Bobby Hill he’s getting on his quad photo a full photo of Bobby’s head with a norm wow good on it Die Hard some yeah well literally and we’ve met a lot of Pi fans who were die

Hards well you would have met way more than me being at the club for over 10 years but what are some funny stories of things that have happened with a pi fan I remember when we did that speaking night one night you’ll telling a few things about the funniest things you’ve

Had to sign and funniest interactions give us a couple of them because we love the pi fans and they they love us and they love the bronze probably more than you’d be top top three fan favorite easy man [ __ ] out some funny stories um so when we had the gather round in Adelaide

And we went trained at the stt I think it was STS over Y and after after the training session we went around and just did a signing session anyway there was this lady she was like mid mid-30s high 30s and she wanted me to

Sign a Le cuz she was going to go get a tattooed on her leg on her leg right on her Cal and she pulled up her jeans and she had the hairiest leagues and there’s no problem with that yeah but it was like this mid yeah mid 30y old with the

Hairest leagues man and I was like far out how moving on to like ride on this thing cuz I was so hairy though hairier than mine yeah and um so she so she basically wanted you to sign with the Texas so she could trace it and get it

Tattooed yeah so and I’ve had multiple people ask me to sign their heads but this lady man when she jumped over the fence she put her leg up in front of me pulled her jeans up and she had the hir legs and I I just sort of hit me for six

Did you still sign it I still sign it yeah so I reckon she’s got that tattooed on her leg which was um wasn’t conf frontting but it just sort of caught me off guard a little bit they love the BR so I love how it’s going this year from

Since I’ve been at the club it’s gone from brzy to BRZ to you like this video called the BRZ and the the boys call you the BRZ there only there there’s plenty of nicknames um yeah just BR brzy or the BR I sort of refer to myself sometimes as the

BR which can be embarrassing that’s the best in in the Tex gr when you go n po the BR doesn’t agree with that that’s the best that always gets a good laugh oh I’m just trying to think of some other funny stories um the one why you’re thinking the ones I always find

Hard are you’re very good with kids and I’m proud myself of being very good with kids as well but probably from the ages of like you know three to three onwards but I always struggle when someone’s like can you hold my baby and get a photo and

I’m like I don’t know how to hold a baby and I’m kind of holding it like a footy and I’m like I I don’t know what to do this thing so it’s always like this awkward photo where I’m sort of like holding it out here and like I feel

Uncomfortable I don’t people you don’t know you don’t want to hold their babies yeah I don’t know why they um why they want us to just hold their babies this is like makes feel a bit uncomfortable this this is funny we’ve had a laugh about this before the funniest ones are

When people say oh can we get a photo yeah and you go and you go to like put your arm around and get a photo and they go no no no and they just want to literally just take a photo of you on their phone as if they

Run and so you’re just standing there awkwardly with like a thumb up oh my God I don’t know why they do that why wouldn’t you want to be in the F or what annoys me when people go oh can I have a photo can I have a photo and then they

Actually don’t have their phone out of their pockets or the camera actually ready to take a photo sort of just standing there like yeah they’re the tough ones on which you know um the tough ones on days when you’ve got you know thousands of people to try and um

You know make their day and make them happy all respect for our fans we have the best fans in the land that’s for sure what 7,000 107,000 I reckon we going to top that I reckon we’re going to get um I reckon I’m going to say we’ll get 110,000 in

2024 from the we’ll reach New Heights and uh well it feels C yeah you know better than me but you know over the last two years it sounds like but even this year was just an avalanche of like Sunday games you’re getting 75,000 finals every game’s over 100 or

Close to it we had about we had like seven oh [ __ ] sor we had like uh seven Sunday games where we were averaging like a crowd of 60 to 70,000 like yeah that’s and the Fridays are always 95 M it’s I think is that the biggest difference from when new yeah I was

Trading to actually Michael Roberts the historian of the club today we were talking about how he’s explained to me that this was probably the biggest proship in the club’s history and he said I’m not just saying that because he’s you know historian of the club but because of the connection between the

Fans and players and it probably start stems from flies messaging around we’re going to give back after every training session every interaction you have ever with a fan you give them the time um you treat them like someone that you know if you treat them like a friend they want

One of us exactly and I reckon they feel that and then it’s it’s bought on this absolute yeah a I don’t even know how to describe it an avalanche and that is the biggest difference from the other clubs and I feel as though if you’re an aspiring footballer

Or a footballer if you were ever wanting to win a Premiership you’d want to do it at Callingwood because you can’t replicate that experience I don’t think Richmond’s pretty massive Carlton huge Club Collingwood yeah same thing AR we’re definitely the biggest AR we’re definitely the biggest in the biggest

Fan base obviously but the way that fly sort of got his message across to the whole K football club but our fans was something I’ve never seen before like the way he wanted to bring the fans along for the ride and along for the journey and which we have been doing

It’s literally in our D DNA board it’s one of our things that we pride our yeah but we actually made sure we really brought them along for the ride this final series and I’m not saying we haven’t in the past but we um yeah we made it a real Focus point and it’s

Literally we’ve said it all year they’re a 19th man for us and they do help us get it get us across the line and um cuz we’ve had so many close finishes they do help us get get us across the line in those close finishes and like you said

Before 12 points who’s to say that that doesn’t have that that’s the difference exactly right like some of the Collingwood chants throughout the game like I think it might have been gws or even in the granny in Brisbane they started the calling would chant like 5 minutes into the game like that’s just

And you’re out there and you can actually hear it and it’s such an amazing it’s spine tingling yeah it’s it’s euphoric feeling when everyone’s going nuts and saying the colonal chant that’s why uh I absolutely love giving it back to him and say in the Callingwood chant especially after the

Game let’s get to that now that was what I wanted to bring up so everyone’s sort of got their thing right so I’m not sure if you’ve noticed us after games after a win Dary Moore does this thing where he always walks through the middle of the

Go go through the cheer squad and he does this thing gets him up and about and does this your thing which I think you should cling on and clam you know claim this is starting the Callingwood chant for the fans so you did it Grand

Final week we did a lap like let’s get around the fans before we start training we’re on the far Wing having a stretch it’s pretty quiet then brzy just looks into the crowd and just starts going King wood and then 10,000 fans doing it yeah that was that was Elite that was so much fun and that that whole week in general is such an amazing week to be a part of I remember in 2018 just like running around get get everyone involved and we didn’t actually

Get the fans sort of involved with it all as much as we did this year and um yeah when we’ll running that lap we sort of was just running around stopped for a stretch and I was like I’m just going to do it here so I turned to the crowd and

Just started doing the Callingwood chant and everyone was loving it having a laugh and that’s what it’s all about I guess and then um yeah when the final sign went we all went bananas celebrated did what we needed to do but then I was

Like here we go I better go do it went to the go Square yeah I reckon from level one to the top tier of the MCG was just say saying Collingwood and I just I don’t know there were just so many emotions running through like I was

Emotional I was like happy sad but it was just absolutely crazy to be to sort of be in that situation and have everyone sort of looking down and just saying the I know exactly where it was cuz we at the club were talking about I

Said BR do you remember this cuz I was actually egging you on to do it so we we started the Victory lap you know where we come out of the race so there’s that end of the goals we’d gone to the other end and we were just sort of like

Sitting in there taking to I’m like bra and this this could be you here and you walk to the you walk to the fence and you start the con CH and then I just remember seeing like level one to four all black and white people just getting on board with

You I was like BR this is your thing now you can own this man it was the most euphoric feeling the things I do to sort of get that back like like was saying before the the want now cuz we’ve done it the want and the willingness to

Just come in and get after it and go again yeah it’s just something that I’ll um yeah I’ll cherish for and it’s something that we have to lead and keep doing cuz far out there’s no feeling like it like there was no that I’ve never felt like that ever so neither

Let’s go do it again 100% let’s do it again uh we’re going to touch on the granny CU we’re actually going to Chuck on a quarter right now what quarter are we thinking well I was thinking the third well Bel juice uh I was thinking maybe the third

Because only because what sticks out in my head well there’s that there’s this Kiki doing the second to howy to Bobby that’s probably one of the most iconic players of the granny yeah we can watch that because I that’s cool too but I’ll see the third because you do have this

One play where you stream off half back you hit Jamie he hits Bobby um from memory as well that’s the quarter you have your set shot you almost bomb one from 50 almost nailed you flushed it I did flush it and then I don’t know how

It didn’t go in I reckon the wind the very last second just took it to the left a bit and oh my God if I had to kicked that yeah wow I would have Gone Bananas but um he would have started calling on the I I had Jordy going

Around bloody asking for a handball and I thought no man just leave but now because I missed it probably should have given it to him because he was on that game yeah it’s um let’s cheuck the third one it let’s go BR let’s do it br


  1. Love ya lads! So proud of this group of pies, and equally proud of our great club! Floreat pica 🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤

  2. Bruzzie, you need to get a bit of sun on you. Your face is as white as a ghost or very vampire'ish.. 😂
    Hoping your shoulder is recovering well. 💪👏

  3. 63 year supporter, you don’t appreciate the flags we have won in that time until as a true Collingwood supporter you feel the GF’s we had lost, 2023 was extremely emotional for me, and still is, and will be for the rest of my life. My blood is black and white. My mighty Maggie’s.

  4. The kick to Howe which ended up finishing with Bobby’s mark and goal, was absolutely elite at the highest level! I don’t think it’s been given it’s much deserved recognition because Maynard made it look so easy! On a scale of one to ten on difficulty, it rates eleven!!

  5. Great insight from two professionals. The club has been consistent with a very clear plan with great execution & big changes culturally .
    2023 flag is in the history book. Good luck with the 2024 season, Go Pies .

    Don't give too much away, because the real test will be this year & the years to come when the other clubs are going to come harder.🦅🦅🦅

    May the magpies flourish

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