Golf Players

BORDER RUN | A Search For New Water.

In this video Reynolds and I hit the road and head down over the border into Northern NSW in search of new water. It’s a adventure into the unknown as neither of us has ever seen these systems let alone caught fish in them. We had been studying google earth for some time leading up to this first exploratory mission and had a rough idea of where we were headed and what systems we wanted to check out but really didn’t really have a game plan, we would just see where the day took us. With more hours in the car than on the water we felt the pressure of trying to make something happen and in the end we found what we were looking for and finished the long day back on our home turf fishing the familiar waters we had previously discovered.

Good Guys welcome back to the channel this session is going to be like a bit of an explore slash figure it out as we go type thing I’m fishing with Maddy the bass man Reynolds we’re heading for the Border we’re going to check out as many creek crossings and rivers and bits of

Water as we can just uh searching for new ground hopefully we find some good water and some bass along the way let’s get into it brother excited new water new ground he Big B get amongst us look at that sun creeping through the clouds it’s going

To be a day like new ground new water ho Heap and New Roads and dirt tracks leading to who knows what but it’s going to be a sick day I’m stoked to be a to exploring some of Australia’s best bass Waters like this has been a long time Coming That’s so cool all right first stop shallow Creek keep looking sard as are out you see those birds chasing that’s a car man about four different miners had a crack trying to get him from looking at this boat this Creek splits and it goes through a couple

Properties and it hits another road with another bridge this is cool and just checking out every little Bridge every Creek Crossing Reynolds is on Google Maps he’s like Googling hard going in and out of service he’s like ah every time we come to a bridge just scope it out

I shall little strin this thing yeah we’ll find better water it’s going to be a mad Day yeah should we go and have a flick down there let’s put our boots on mate time to put boots on the ground I just put the props on for this one we got to bring stuff in case we get done or something happens spin baits we got in the

L I need my no it’s on your phone isn’t it you come back to the car yeah I do have it on you well it’s on my phone I only got it is in an email oh wow should bought the jig I think that

Looks like more of a jig B is that a bird taking off in I saw something down here moving look that that was like a douche in there I just hopping Down Under that log I don’t what shoes yet do I it’s the way to go though isn’t

It you know what I mean swear that was a do in that bush there came here something from that how cool is this bait can work at top water oh no oh I stopped it for a second oh no oh no no this way damn it I’m getting wet shoes yes it

Y as will try and fish over here while I me right it’s got to be a bass in here surely oh don’t do that no now I’m going to snag on something thing see look at this that’s all Gorge bro let’s go there know what I’m thinking all you said there’s no fish

Above any of the waterfalls that would be a waterfall Gorge yeah but the top of it like the biggest one so can i’ be down we got to check it out down those ways a little bit further down that road to the next spot Reynolds Yeah man so we’re definitely going to be

Dropping first off we been here but we’re going to be dropping down and we should come across some some wider thicker bassier type water should be Wicked not too bad too bad And she’s got some runoff toour her but she’s not dirty dirty and I reckon this is one of Australia’s best Bast rers this is actually pretty nice looking water bro yeah let’s get some gear I feel how cold it is all right two rods I’m guessing yeah I don’t need three it’s a

Bit dirty for a jig bite I Reckon F yeah it’s going to be a warm day sh there under that tree might be all right yeah like she’s flooded like up but see it’s not filthy coming that high out the hills yeah he’s definitely out yeah it’s clean enough to see a little visibility is not bad you reckon

We cross here bro quite shallow and get up on that rock side not really not if it’s going to be a mission I wanted just to get down where it’s skinny enough to reach the other side got to figure it out mate it’s all new yeah up

Cast H I just got that cine light on really put you on for a second man this tell me you what are the B doing down should be coming back up Big Water Country like this too they could be out in that current CL look in the Car come back up you yeah we can check the next bit out over this looks like big water the hway doesn’t it reptile of some sort yeah it’s crazy cool there’s your Yi encounter that was Heavy footed whatever that was yeah the cows over there noow over there came from over there

Yeah I haven’t seen anything come out of there Reynolds has been carrying on about y’s all bloody morning on the way down here you’ll see we got a photo of him in front of that Yi cut out he’d be happy as if he sees the Y that sound right

Cool thin Val GR in there and everything all right so the whole idea today just massive explore come a couple hours over the border so I left Queensland into Northern New South Wales just looking at different little tributaries off the little you know the little systems that join into these bigger catchments we’ve

Made it to one of the main rivers it’s pretty dirty might give it a little play here and then we’re going to move again and end up back up a bit closer to home so we’re not driving home too late but it’s all about exploring today see

If we can figure out like I said in Queensland we’ve got rules where the landowner owns to the center of the creek bed if they own both sides of the property they own the creek bed so if you walk through the creek it’s trespass down here in New South if you access the

Creek at a public access point and stay below the flood zone you can legally Traverse up and down that system walk as far as you want so I believe need a fishing license for New South we’ve got that just going to cover some miles let try and fish as much as we can

As quick as we can just try and figure out where our Best Bets going to be to sort of hunker down for this afternoon hopefully put some fish on the board it’s pretty cool though mad Adventure crystal clear in it the shallows yeah is gorgeous she’s definitely been up and

Come back down before we got here this is going to suck if I fall going across here sketchy how’s that for mushi proper field mushy a campus or a avenus maybe something like that definitely not a aanad what’s it zanto xanad dermis that’s just a good old fashion eating Mushroom Dragon’s Teeth it’s crazy it wasn’t exactly the first stop the first decent bit of water we found no good but we have figured out that there is Camp access here and kayak launch paddle up it’s going to be a mad full weekend Mission we’ll do that at some point this

Summer going to make our way head back North get back up closer to the Border hit some of the waters up that way hopefully a bit cleaner bit skinnier easier to walk cast catch we’re going to have some lunch got some wraps there to make up chill out for a minute and we

Hit the road it’s been good it’s been good g hit the road oh no now those ladies that watch my channel are going to be like yes yes Maddie lunch of Champions Reynolds fuel us up for the Ava session So we got into our second spot got nice little bit of good Bassy looking water we’re just going to start hiking up working up current we’ll do a few hundred M maybe a bit further if we get some bass but it’s looking good this is looking [Applause]

Bassy it’s asking for a tree isn’t it oh top water bam was it a bass yep really 100% I didn’t even know I wasn’t watching [Applause] haha oh that was a b second stop couple cars we raised the [Applause] fish oh and again I was thinking that was a little

Bit too tight top water might have to change baits we might be on for a little top water bite surely that was a different fish oh fish fall on mine a full sore of [Applause] fish maybe they want a straight little hard body or they just want top water a oh yeah there

Go nice there you go I don’t want just top water it’s a nice little bass well done bro that’s a good start where you going to land I’ll go down here he how cool is that there we go first fish of the session little Aussie bass new bit of

Water we’ve had a good look around ruled a few places out this one looks pretty good though it’s a nice start got to be happy with that bro good stuff really cough cop yeah it out there bloody bastard see on that leaf now oh yeah that is a copy cop

C we must have said if this cop in there move on that was sounds like something I’d say yes I don’t like I don’t like those bu let’s move let’s move okay yeah that just proved my point didn’t it oh damn it dude that whole tree just fell off this this is

Hectic let do a little bait swap W that was close to my chunk bro you pierce that you’re getting it out please man we’ll get more we’ll get more yeah Reynolds oh you got him oh he’s off oh Reynold had him get another cast in there that’s cool oh that’s the shot

Dude no he wised up I too oh no I’m what am I over oh wow come off come on it’s got to be a big fish bait yeah I’d swap your surface now man yeah but something with better hooks if you’re concerned about your hook up

Right it’s got to be a bass in here that’s sp there oh he’s in there you’re in trouble if a big fish eats that oh lucky what’s happening rolds am I in front oh no I think I put p on small B on yeah we’ll stop up

Here for a drink break this next pool looks good oh dude it’s so warm oh he hit it that was the tiniest little eat man what he ring or Bass it look like my L has disappeared when sideway but just a gentle as take all right we’ve had a quick look

Here we got one bass Reynolds raised a couple on top water we’re going to move to the next Creek there’s another stretch Little Creek that feeds this that we want to have a look at so we go check that out for stop three it’s cool got a

Fish all right we’re on our way to spot number three for the day we found a few more spots but you know they’re too shallow too dirty didn’t look too great we got a bass finally got another spot to check out up here so number three there’s a few rows a

Couple on top water there yeah right we’ll keep moving hopefully find something Gold oh Med rold the best man yep here we pluck something out and stuff bro [Laughter] more than two shakes you’re playing with it I like to play with it it’s a great feeling all right where are we what have we done so we’ve switched over come back

Over the Border in a couple little contributories I believe that are running into some of our smaller smaller rivers and hopefully we can come up with a good bass we’re back on our side of the of the range we’re back in our catchment Reynolds has got us a bit of

Access here so we figured on the way home why not stop in what car oh no snag straight away he oh see it just miss me did you see that yeah that was gangster get him oh he’s the other way now yep got him little bass that be that one that swelled on

You man get out of there here we go back in our home Waters little bass that’s what we’re chasing all day didn’t quite get them at the new spots but we did find some good water like I said we definitely be back yeah couple little local bass ones

We would have stocked over the years it’s cool we’ll take that nice little work yeah brother keep raising them up for me man that seems to work yeah I know that’s the only two I’ve caught is you raising them up for me thanks man I appreciate it oh good fun Oh didn’t like it oh yeah oh watch him eat that good fish yeah good little bass dude I watched him eat that he’s a nice bass Reynold crack bass look at him go crack he’s cutting sick thought there’d be one off that cor hey that’s a nice fish man I knew there’

Be one off that Cor he ate right here that’s a nice bass oh got hit got whack go again dude he’s a nice fish it’s been a while since I caught one like that oh no that Hook’s just in his peek fin oh that hook was so about to fall out

Dude how cool is that nice eat right at my feet that hook come out of his mouth and just pin him in the peek fin that’s a good fish like that’s nudging 40 if you’re doing tip but like a nice 36 37 forer it’s a nice healthy fish been a

While between finding bigger models up in these Creeks since the floods we’ve had and stuff and all those bloody Wheels we got on the system lot of these fish get stuck Downstream but that’s cool we’ll take that ready to move on yeah but you know they’re going to switch on the top soon

Oh [Laughter] yep tiny Bass tiny tiny bass on that em Catu live chatter it’s a little guy this is cool Reynolds what that it’s been a mad day brother oh you’d be silly not to drop one down there wouldn’t you I drop one down there but just have

Right this is jig country this is bro getting a better reaction out of these bass at home here bit slow in the other places after two hits he felt it coming back you’ll get one brother you’ll get one you’ll get fish of the day you watch you go

DN Reynold is starting to feel the pressure he’s under the pump he got to catch a bass how can Matt’s bass fishing not catch a bass is probably what you’re asking yourself right now oh Reynolds is on Reynolds is on oh Reynolds is just hooked up he been stitched up what is

It oh it’s still there don’t pop got it out no oh it’s in there it’s coming oh it’s a m really yeah oh sick I just can’t all I order was a bass is a good one oh a little guy diss you up good it’s actually a little bit bigger

Than yeah yeah I wonder it got you in there oh that’s a gorgeous fish bro he’s SW engulfed it it’s just a little Stumpy oh butter fingers Reynolds here you go guys not a bass but a beautiful little by catch here look at that got to be happy with

That guys not what we were after but I’ll take that any day of the week just a beautiful fish the old Mar’s look at that e all right let’s fish a bit more and get the hell out of here he it’s been um sick day right coming to the end of the day

It’s been a massive day done some sick exploring back on some home turf got a few good bass Reynolds has got a gorgeous merry River Cod stitched him up for a second there basy mate they uh they got it over you with Bas here you had some gnarly

Fights with those things over the years so good to see him in this catchment love it oh man full on oh medy Reynold the best man


  1. Nice. Love seeing the leg work side of things too. Feels like a lot of my fishing trips lately, just trying to find new, worthy spots haha.

  2. Those chatter baits were my favourite bass lure for ages but I can’t seem to find them anywhere anymore. Where do you get yours from?

  3. What were you thinking coming South? Everyone knows you blokes up North have all the big bass 😂

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