Golf Players

1:06 Half Marathon during Long Run (30k at 3:13/km)

Another long run, this time at the Camel Trail in Cornwall. Stay tuned for new videos coming soon.

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F with the F straight to the top with the pace drop Pace too hot you can’t keep up when he heats up and takes the lead all you see is Drake University so it’s time to subscribe for the best of live and go stride for stride with the

Batman Pride it’s Adam fog coming at you with the top dog exclusive ad fog exclusive got the old massage gun going there Mr fog dog bit of a cold and Blustery Day what is going on here breakfast another long run day today got the new massage gun from Bob and Brad

Thank you Bob and Brad for sending this through not being paid to kind of give a review but I really enjoy using this massage gun Bob and Brad are physical therapists and they have a whole range of products for uh Sports staff recovery so a massage gun is a massage gun but

This one’s really good because it is quite small quite portable which makes it really handy for like traveling with and stuff we’ve just driven an hour we’ve been on holiday down in St Ives cornall we’ve driven an hour to lovely pad St it’s a lovely day here great spot

Very nice lovely sunny day clear skies no wind but yeah long run day uh this is great because sitting in the car for an hour uh you kind of them want to wake up a little bit especially when you’re getting into a long run day on a pretty

Chilly morning to be honest so I’m using this just wake up the legs a little bit and yeah it’s a really good thing their point of difference instead of just being some dude in a sweat shop Drop Shipping a load of running products massage guns recovery stuff ripoff

Normat Tech boots they actually know what they’re talking about and obviously a massage gun is never going to change too much but like there’s a whole range of products that they sell so um and they they know what they’re doing as physical therapist so check it out I’ll

Leave a link in the description but um yeah anyway going to pop the shoes on I I recently have been wearing Super Shoes for long runs and when I say recently I mean now for quite a long time I love them and I think your legs feel better

After running in Super Shoes so cuz it’s a workout we we get moving in long runs we don’t just kind of jog for an hour and a half it’s kind of like a proper workout you get you get moving decently so going to pop these on these are the

Velocity Elite 2 which is actually I believe coming out in January we’ve been wearing them for a little while now and we were wearing like the test version for quite a while love them I think a big upgrade from the velocity Elite one the original um which is also a great

Shoe they’ve obviously been out on the market for close to a year now but this is a a really big Improvement I think much bouncier you can you literally feel like well I don’t want to speak too soon but you feel like you could run all day

Um at a nice decent pace and hopefully that’s how I’ll feel today but we’ll wait and see we’re at the camel Trail I was here a couple of years ago uh yeah 2 years ago uh Christmas 2021 we had a little trip uh here while I was

Still at Drake um during the winter holiday and yeah had a few runs on the camel Trail so it’s lovely to be back yeah should be a good one plan is 17 to 18ish Miles um kind of anywhere from 27 to 29 Maybe give or take a little bit

Either side we’ll see how we feel um and kind of see how see how it goes yeah should be good fog Daddy on the bike bike bike bike bike bike how are you fog Daddy good raring to go bit chilly but that’ll change once we get going um yeah

Looking forward to it hoping to uh be able to keep up today the wind the other day on The Greenway was a little bit severe and uh as we were going into it even on the bike I couldn’t keep up which is a bit awkward but um today it’s

A little bit calmer it’s quite a strong wind but I think we’re sort of protected from it so we should be fine and um yep looking forward to getting going and looking forward to having some Cafe brunch afterwards banana number three of the morning but they’re not massive

Bananas by any stretch so fueling up nicely some people are a little bit weird and we like not eat anything before long runs like this and I mean it it work Works differently for different people but I definitely these days always like to eat a bit and I’m going

To have this and then start running with him 5 minutes from now so again don’t want to speak too soon but usually fine I don’t have any stomach troubles who knows sometimes I might but I think generally it’s fine so um yeah what Morning The Greenway conversion is a lot how do you mean cuz it’s not slippery here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah the Green Way at the moment is all mud isn’t it yeah so you’ll be going a lot the same speed will be a lot easier on here

It’s a much firmer surface here yeah yeah in fact this is a really good section it’s not all like this though 4K 4K in 3 minutes I’d say we’re going slightly quicker than maybe advertised am I right yeah 4K and I mean definitely straight out the gates as they say um

But I don’t know I feel like I just love getting moving pretty quickly uh it’s also like pretty cold so I’d rather get moving and like like feel good and warm up then like just jog about for half an hour and like build into it for a long

Time um but yeah 4K and I think the first 4K like 342 and then the rest in the 320s um but I feel really pretty comfy so hopefully it continues [ __ ] 15K under your belt still feeling good oh yeah I haven’t breathed yet no uh I have breeed plenty of times but yeah I mean I feel really really really good like and I definitely think the wind’s behind this more on the way back Weir right now feels like yeah kind of feels

Like it’s a little bit in our face but overall much more of a headwind out Tailwind back that first like 9 miles though has gone by like that especially cuz like like I haven’t run here really before I mean two years ago did a few runs here but nothing like this so it

Just goes by so quickly goes by very quickly when you’re doing this sort of pace wave Bridge is a little town sort of in the middle of what you’ve just done and we got there in the blinking of an eye it’s quite incredible when you come out the other side of there you’ll

Have 5 mil left and uh you’ll be able to open up oh you have let’s see how it goes no I won’t I won’t go like any quicker I’ve kind of as I was saying at the start like I kind of with the team we always

Like take our time and build down pretty progressively but when I’m on my own or always fog Daddy on the bike I love to just I I look forward to these days too much like I love just locking into the pace and just getting there pretty quickly and then staying there

Um I think yeah I mean hard long runs like well you’re not running like it’s not obviously all out like you’re kind of meant to be overall chilling like you should finish and feel like you’ve got another few miles in you if you had to

But I think like running them at a solid pace is just so good for getting more fit if you going out like if I went out and ran 7 Minute miles like 420 perk for an hour and a half or like 2 hours it’s easy but it just drags

On there is a benefit to it there is and obviously a lot of people do that and sometimes we do but I way way prefer doing it this way 100 times better yeah and it’s not like every run you do that’s more more than 6 or 7even miles

You go hard at you do have plenty of runs where you are running more easily I know what you mean about the long hard run though tomorrow I’ll run 7:30 mes morning the world is 20K you baby a littleit quick I feel I feel like what coming but we’re over 14 miles

Nearly there now yeah we’re definitely on the home with stretch we’re out of the little town at the halfway back Point yep so how far have we come 14 14 plus I’m about to hit 24K pretty much 15 miles isn’t it 24.4 sounds about right I think yeah it

Is is I can vouch for that 27k chilling 27k what two to go three to go maybe three okay Daddyo sounds good yeah just like I don’t know it’ll probably be three back to the car um yeah nearly there now still feels so good like just

Kind of in that perfect area you want to be working a little bit but like when I finish easily another 12K in the bank if I needed to use it one day mate one day one day quite an exciting prospect 12.2k 12.1 195 sounds right right that’s the warm up

Done 30k 30.0 4K 3 13s um definitely quicker than planned but I feel like I could probably have a coffee two or three ban chill for 20 minutes warm up again and probably do it again if I had to that would get tough 30k you had to go

Through the car part to get you your last uh sort of 400 m in but you seem fine fettle yeah felt good yeah that was really good um yeah I mean I don’t want to be constantly saying that you should run long runs hard I feel like that was

It’s just such a good way of getting in um like a long kind of tempo but you you should finish and feel like if you’re going to do something like this you should obviously build into it don’t go out the door and run 30k straight off the bat really hard because it’s stupid

And you’ll get injured and stuff like I’ve built up I I never used to long run more than like 20K or like 13 miles and then when I went to college it gradually picked up but it was all pretty slow mileage um sometimes kind of steady but

Um over the last kind of year is um we’ve built in these like Progressive long runs and today is definitely quicker to be honest than I was meant to go but in saying that the last few weeks like going out and back on the greenway in strapford it’s really muddy and

Slippery Under Foot and last week was extremely windy and so I feel like today the effort was honestly easier than the last long run I did I I honestly believe I could have just finish a marathon just then right right then and there but that’s not the point I’m not trying to

Run a marathon on but um yeah that was that was a really solid day um you were certainly able to maintain a conversation all the way through it there was no point when you were struggling for breath or you know going faster than felt comfortable yeah exactly and that’s that’s how it should

Be like I feel like the whole time you shouldn’t you shouldn’t feel like you’re like redlining and that’s that’s the thing and that’s why I wear Super Shoes cuz I feel like you want to finish and be like feeling pretty good and I’m not

Here trying to say oh I could go out and run a really solid Marathon to be honest I feel like now I I definitely could but that’s not what we’re aiming for um so yeah today was quicker than planned but I’ve got to take into account I’m

Wearing Super Shoes which a lot of the guys in the team don’t and so the the plan is kind of build down to like 520 530 per mile and I’ve just ended up averaging a little bit quicker than that felt good um and at the end of

The day is an hour and a half hour 35 of running so it’s like it’s quite a long distance but it’s not a really really long time on your feet and your body doesn’t really know how far you’re going it knows what effort you’re running at um and it knows

How long TimeWise kind of I guess yourbody doesn’t even know that but um yeah it doesn’t it doesn’t know how far you’re actually going so an hour and a half on the feet if you feel good then that’s that’s kind of what the aim is so

Yeah I got 3 weeks today 3 weeks tomorrow tomorrow yeah 3 weeks tomorrow no 3 weeks today no it’s a Sunday is it no 20th okay 3 weeks today till I race I believe happy New Year by the way this will be the first video of 2024 big year

Um don’t want to Waffle on but yeah really really solid long run pretty happy with that um it’s been H dog fans just turning up they’re too late nice yeah um it’s been a really solid kind of couple of months now um and excited to run 10% of that distance

In 3 weeks time that makes it seem pretty short so uh yeah you might have to go even quicker then touch yeah yeah good stuff done yeah


  1. that location is so beautifull, we have nothing comparable hier in frankfurt
    hard to see you missing out on paris just stay healthy buddy.
    how long do you take time of a sore throat?

  2. Couple of impressive long runs in these last two videos. Looking really fit. Strength is speed, should translate to some good upcoming racing.

  3. Few thoughts:
    1. You're an aerobic monster and in sick aerobic shape
    2. Excited to see how this translates into track times this summer
    3. That long run crossed the line to become a tempo
    4. You clearly have the potential to be a great half and full marathon runner. But your assumption that you could keep the same pace going for 26 miles today is the same mistake every rookie marathon runner makes. Get ready for a rude surprise at mile 22!

  4. this is stupid running. just run a damn half marathon if youre going to run hard. no wonder why this guy sucks.

  5. Great run Adam. I run in the VE1s on my long runs. Definitely feel they help. Hope to get a pair of VE2s before my half in March.

  6. Agree 100% about long runs; no point simply pending time on your feet, plodding along. not only is there very little fitness gain in such a run, I would argue it can make you very stiff and injury prone the next day! Whatever, this was a pretty good training run, Adam. You must be happy – and not a little excited – about your current fitness levels. Plans for the winter? Are you going to give indoors a serious go? Aiming at the GB team for Glasgow?

  7. Er what the actual fuck? I saw the title and thought I'd misunderstood so had to watch and could not believe the pace and consistency over such a distance. Incredible

  8. Great workout! Long aerobic/anerobic training is key even for milers. I'm excited for outdoors, especially this year.

  9. Definitely a great approach. I've been working in some faster paces into my long runs for my current training block (relatively fast for me, not actually that fast lol) and I can absolutely feel the improvements in my ability to lock in and shift over longer distances 👍

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