Wilson Dynapower Forged Irons Review! They might be for you!

We are reviewing the newest release from Wilson Golf. The Dynapwr Forged Irons, I.E. Dynaforged (yup I said it first) . See how these iron stacks up again the other Wilson Irons.
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Well I believe this to be the last iron review that we’re going to have for the season hopefully not but it is right now old golf company making a more modern iron what’s that going to be let’s check this out Next Welcome back to the MLF shop Jim mcclear here and this MLF Channel where we talk about Golf Club reviews golf club repairs and golf club fittings all so your scores can go low if you would hit that like subscribe across the bottom that way more of this information gets

Out to the YouTube Universe also join us on Mondays Mondays at 17:30 or 5:30 P.M p.m. on Monday to talk on what’s my George golf talk it’s the same thing that we’re doing here only live we talk to people around the world you will enjoy it join us it’s a good time okay

Iron last iron Wilson all right just last time I did the Wilson cavity back and I did the Wilson muscle back excellent clubs to be sure for a very small part of the golfing populace okay that’s for the you know what you would call better than average to Elite ball

Strikers to better than average ball Strikers okay that cavity back was really nice so they also have the dino power which they released last year which is the monster distance massive forgiving golf iron so what do they have in between well it used to be the D9

Forged now is redefined itself again in the Dina power Forge yes they are keeping on with the dino power what we’re going to call it here at MLF is we’re calling it The Dino forged I hope that takes off and I hope that’s going

To be a thing I think it’s just easy to say Dino forged it carries everything across what we want and that’s where we’re going to go so what is the Dina forged all right the dino forged is a forged face which they have right there

And it is in a a softer metal body or a skeleton that has a much larger C it a much larger sole a little bit stronger a little bit more offset so this is all those things all those things that the cavity back wasn’t and all those things that the

Dino power distance Club wasn’t all right it is a stronger lofted cavity back with a minimum to modum amount of offset with some forgiveness packed into it so what this would be is that players distance category this is by far and away the most popular category in irons

Of golf right now so why is that well it’s strong lofted clubs with a minimum amount of offset to modum amount of offset in order to help people that were ball Strikers or gaining that talent and but still are looking for that distance aspect in their game okay now what makes

This one so special well they got power holes Wilson has been doing power holes for years now and then they’ve jumped on the AI bandwagon and they have a team of people that work in the computer industry or work with the computer in order to specifically place these power

Holes now what is a power hole well the power hole is nothing well is nothing more but it is a slot that or a series of slots that it get as close to the face as they possibly can in order to allow the face to Spring a little bit in

Order to get that ball speed that they’re every everybody’s looking for in order to run it right out there as much as you possibly can okay that’s what they’re looking for and so it’s a it’s that tweener club right this is the one that we should see a lot

Of golfers getting into what do we got to do well we got to measure it so again just like I did on the CBS and the MBS I got the head only I corre I put it so that it would fit into my fitting system

I put it on the same shaft it came out actually heavier is the head was just a hair heavier uh in and it was more towards the sole uh it it wasn’t out of spec it just came out heavier okay uh it was right there the the specification for this wasn’t on the

Website my rep actually gave it to me and it was within a half a degree so that’s awesome so we’re right then and there so now that we know what we’re hitting let’s actually go hit it okay so we’re talking about the dino Forge it

Was a six iron and it was attached to a nepon NE Neo 950 and an R Flex just to keep it along with all my other irons that I’ve been testing as you can see here’s a select number uh so we’re going to view where they landed and as you can

See you know I’m not missing side too bad there’s a good group in the middle and if we look at the flights right here we look at it this way we’re talking about a six iron goes up the middle and in reality that’s a pretty

Tight pattern for my six irons I got a I can’t believe I let a couple get to the left but hey this is what that’s the reason why they test I’m really kind of pleased with the feel with this particular golf club and what it did so let’s do a little bit more

Analysis all right so we’re looking and the club is making a pretty decent path the graph the shaft is really not off awesome but it it’s working for me so we’ll go with that and now we’re going to go in here well let’s go back here so if we look there’s 170s

180s 160s or you know high 160s so this thing averages it probably somewhere in the mid to Upper one uh 170s when we get it done so let’s take a look and let’s because right now on the average it’s 173 176 and I’m hitting it uh at a 136 smash

Factor which is really not that bad 85 M hour and the spin rate is right on line with an average of about a 3° down which is what I would call somewhere in the average condition all right so now you’ve seen that now you see the

Grouping right I’ve got 10 shots in here so we got two four 6 8 10 shots so let’s go with the the five best so we’re going to take out about these five right here right and that’s going to be kind of Representative I think so let’s get to removing so there’s that

One and there’s that one and that one and that one and one more that one and there we go that’s what it’s looking like doesn’t look it doesn’t look nearly as cool as it did when it had all the shots in it but that’s more realistic you know that’s me

A little bit this way a little bit that way so I’m going to say that’s a little more realistic so now let’s go back to the The View and now it’s a 178 to 180 that’s a that’s a number for a six iron swinging still at 85 mph the the smash

Factor went up just ever so slightly the spin came down a little bit and it’s still right at the just shy 5,000 and that’s because if we go to the top with the very first one I hit was a low spinner hit it very very well just

Didn’t have a whole lot of spin on it the rest of them are pretty decent so now let’s see what it looks like when it flies it’s probably going to look just as exposed as before again a little bit tighter right in here with one flyer off to the right

Um I can play this and if we again we go back and look you know find in the middle a little bit one way or to another again at 178 180 not too far off as a whole but that’s what averages can do to you 85 137 and effect effectively straight and

Straight down the middle so let’s go back and talk about who this is going to fit all right I walloped this thing the difference between this one and the the MBS and the CBS was literally the so okay the so’s a little bit wider so if you’re a person that hits a chunkier

Shot or every once in a while we’ll get a little bit tired and start throwing it just behind the ball instead of at the ball this is the club that will help you the wider sole allows you to Glide out of the turf and not get stuck in it like

A smaller Soul would do that uh the face in comparison is in comparison to a fully forged Club this one is just a hair more muted like I said a hair more muted it is a it’s not a bad thing per se it’s just not if you and that’s what

This is all about because it’s a very large cavity back so offc Center hits is not going to drive up a truckload of feedback to you like it would be in a blade or a a player’s uh cavity back so it did exactly what it was supposed to

Do now it was easy to control I did hit a few bad shots and and I wasn’t penalized right to left as so much as I was front to back so it’s still there right uh I like this particular Club because it goes down into the gap wedge

And I think most of these uh clubs should have a gap gap wedge uh the the look of this club at a dress is very easy to align it sits really good behind the ball it looks really good at a dress and it it just they’ve really done a number

On the redesign on this they’ve done very very well so who does somebody like this fit well a lot of people this is the one that’s under the bell curve right this is the the club that goes under the bell curve this could help you know the guy that’s just becoming that

Good ball Striker or even you know even a beginning golfer that is just not worried about lefts or rights and still get that distance out there it’s the the average golfer that is looking for that next Club that’s going to help them lower their scores it could also be the

Better ball Striker that at the top end of the set is just looking to Nuke something you know that those long par fivs or long par fours that they need to just get something out there that’s what this could be for all right so what do

We have we have an iron that has the Wilson shield on it has the dino power and forged logo on the back of it lots of chrome going on so it looks good setting in the bag uh I think and I’m not 100% positive but I think the sole

Even got a little bit more narrow this time around this is what I would call an appropriate club for that person that tends to get stuck looking for a little bit more uh for forgiveness in that particular region this is it now when they first started it was grossly too

Wide I think they’ve hit the mark on this one now when you look at it the Top Line the top line is not super thick it is not butter knife thin but it is right there in the middle this club is hitting all the marks for being right in the

Middle okay and I hit it pretty good so we’re going to have to look at these guys so if you got any questions on this put them in the show notes below if you like what you saw hit the like button and subscribe so you get more this and

Don’t forget our live streams and as always let’s see your scores go low


  1. They would sell a LOT more of them if they didn't use that (likely plastic cap) thingy on the back of the face like so many do. Aesthetically it looks cheap, and occasionally one of them will fall off like one of my Pings did.

  2. Nice review! This is the first iron that I've seen Wilson do that I may want to upgrade my LP irons to. I may have to go to a local demo day this summer to test them….. Maybe I will get lucky and not have a demo near me this summer. Save me on buying new irons… 🙂

  3. Thoughts on comboing these with the CBs? I’m thinking 5-7 in Dynaforged and 7-GW CB. Based on the lofts there would be a 7 iron from each set. Thanks!

  4. I would really like to review and the details. I also like we didn't have to spend time once you hit balls. You've got right to the nuts and bolts.

  5. Thank you for this review, Jim. Not sure I care for the offset on these irons. Once Wilson puts them up on their website I'll do a closer dive into them and check out their spec's. As of now, I lean more toward the CB's.

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