Why I’m Leaving Discmania

In this video, Alex says farewell to discmania. It was a fun run and cool to say that I was a sponsored disc golfer but we will be turning the new year in a new chapter! Thanks for watching! Stay Reliant!

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I’m officially done with dis Mania let’s talk about it today I’m out here in Safari Smiles disc golf course in Bartlesville Oklahoma and I’m going to be throwing a bunch of discs that I missed and missed out on like throughout this year at DIS Mania and we’ll talk

About my experience at DIS Mania and then um moving forward kind of what I want to do with the channel and then also talk about just kind of what led me to this decision um so yeah I’ll give a quick rundown of the bag I got four

Discs from my buddy Noah Roland shout out Noah I got probably the Banger of the group The Franklin Night Owl this thing is a sleeper U Franklin if you’re watching this and I Ace you have to sponsor me couple glitches Simon glitch I bought this when they first dropped

That’s like I think this is one of two discs I bought all year after being on dis Mania and then I just picked this up uh one of the gyro paloa glitches as well a proxy not a ton to work within the drivers in mid-range category got a

Zone a get freaky UV Zone these are kind of nasty thanks again Noah another disc from Noah is a photon hex is that what these are Neutron I don’t know anything about gyro a Grace a super flippy uh first run Grace from Noah and then lastly a star destroyer also from Noah

That he gave me for my birthday when I was fresh off of knee surgery so it was really funny cuz he gave me a max weight Destroyer pop to and I couldn’t throw it but now we’re going to throw it so let’s get after it hole one is Par 3 310 right

There it is not a super hard opening hole I’m going to start with two off the top as you should got the hex and a star destroyer I’m probably going to throw a forehand on the Destroyer cuz I think this is overkill for that but got a

Pretty stiff Tailwind here oh so bad good thing it’s too off the top oh beforehand Destroyer it’s going to be way short but it’s better than the terrible hex that I just threw so I probably should have repositioned my camera this is my first time riding solo for a while and we got

New mics so I started playing Disc Golf in 2020 I was a CO golfer and ever since the beginning I’ve been like hype about dis Mania uh very first bag that I or very first disc that I had in my bag was a color fd3 I pulled out of the pond

Just throughout my entire time like I was there was hype about dis Mania cuz there were all the discs were rare at the time cuz they had just like split from Inova um so from the beginning I wanted to be a part of disc Mania like I

Deep down from the beginning I wanted to be a part of Team dis Mania um I knew I couldn’t do it like physically cuz I’m a old wrestler that has really bad knees and it’s just like I’m I’m not that invested to be really good at disc golf

Like I want to be CU I’m a I’m a competitive person but I’m not like man it’s r or dag I knew off the top that getting sponsored by dis Mania because I was a pro was going to be next to impossible so I had been making videos

For a long time and I knew that I could make like I could contribute something to the Disc Golf Community via cameras so I started recording videos I made a bunch of reels I talked there’s a whole video I talked about how I got sponsored

So I won’t get into that too much but all that to say I got sponsored by discmania last year just by making content that kind of targeted them and I was super excited to be honest like I was super hyped when I first got told that Kaleb was at Worlds in Emporia and

He was talking to the social media manager it from dis Mania that was kind of where he said yeah Alex is going to be on the team and I had I don’t know like at the beginning there were expectations of what it was going to

Look like and by the end of it I was I just found myself really frustrated with the whole thing and it wasn’t really because of their fault it’s cuz I had this idea in my head of what we should be doing and what like where I wanted to

Be with the channel and stuff and I honestly got really worked up about it and it wasn’t until this morning that I had I was sitting in church my pastor said we can get so caught up it’s something along the lines of getting caught up in thinking about ourselves

That we mess up the trajectory of where we want to be in life and whether or not you’re Christian that’s still a point that stands true like we can set ourselves up with the decisions we make every day to be on a certain trajectory 5 years from

Now and so when I first started out I was actually talking with a new potential sponsor and he just straight up asked me he’s like what do you want to do with Reliant what’s the goal with your channel and I told him essentially this is a something that’s been on my

Heart for a long time is to make make content that is a positive influence for people I don’t want to be like I the biggest thing that set me off and it’s kind of silly was Logan Paul a couple years ago he did some really stupid

Stuff on camera and there were a ton of little kids just watching him just eating their content up and it was awful things and I was like this is like so a role model for our youth and he’s like the older generation like pretty much shunned him as they should but then he

Oh I got people behind me we’ll pick up in a second we’re going to be putting with Franklin today baby let’s go dude tell me that’s not the putter of the year that’s disgusting what if what if hear me out Franklin sponsored me for my Putters for

The year how funny would that be I don’t know if Franklin even makes discs anymore I don’t think so but just imagine the only person person in disc golf to have Franklin RT night owls as their putting putter for the year if we can get this video to 200

Likes I might make it happen I that would be really funny but 200 likes we’re going to go hex again this is Hole 2 330 Straight Ahead white to white or Blue to White I’m going to put it on a touch of Hiser on the right side and

Hope it just pushes to the basket I think that’s a little inside oh it’s short way short Franklin will help us though I believe setting up yourself on a trajectory of where you want to be in 5 years and so when I started this channel I wanted to make

Good content for the disc golf community and along the way I got really selfish I started like I I got really enticed by the idea of being on team dis Mania and focused on like there were some benefits to that of obviously we got early releases of the disc so we could make

Content kind of get a little bit more exposure that way but the tradeoff was I was contracted by them so I had to tell you like this disc is amazing for every disc and like that’s not I think when you guys are watching you’re always watching that with a grain of salt

You’re like well they have to say that but now I don’t have to do that so we’re walking up on a group of people and they’re staring at me it awkward Franklin baby oh my arm is tired from carrying the camera that’s fine Franklin goes crazy talk a little

Bit while these guys are putting and then hopefully be ready I’m going to go Destroyer on the right side kind of soft so yeah I just got kind of like shortsighted on the whole thing cuz it’s honestly I could equate it to the Lone Star thing with all the people that they

Really wanted to be sponsored by a company and then they got the sponsorship from team lonar and it wasn’t what they were expecting and it’s not because team lonar like lied about anything it’s because they played the system honestly like the rest of the world does a lot of people were like

That’s so bad or whatever and most ambassadorships for large companies outside of disc golf are just like you get like exactly what lonar had set up and so when it started happening in dis golf everybody’s like oh but all the ambassadorships look a lot different and other companies and that’s because the

Other companies are doing more for ambassadorships than what’s normally uh given I guess if that makes sense all that to say I fell into that it was a little bit better than say the Lone Star thing but it still was the same concept like I fell into

The thought of being a sponsored player that’s got to get left fast that is so bad that Destroyer is a good Destroyer I’m a bad throw give it a little bid I think I’m going to go with the glitch this time oh Lord okay Franklin was the

Move that was so bad yikes on bikes whole four par 4 455 you want to place something that beats these trees on the left it’s kind of hard to got a strong right to left I should throw Destroyer but I want to throw the grace the grace before I got sponsored

Was like my go-to driver it these first runs beat up super nice and you could get like a super sick heer Flip or turnover out of them I actually threw it into the pond over there just like I threw my DD from dis Mania trying to do

The exact same shot I was trying to do a big turnover over the water and out of bounds and I just threw it nose up and on Annie and it just crashed into the water so that’s a sad face yeah I’m going to put this on a bunch of Hiser

And hope that it flips up and pushes straight and then that the wind will carry me back to the left left hopefully get maybe get an eagle look I think a destroyer would be like a the higher percentage shot but that’s okay like as I was thinking about these things with

The sponsorship and stuff of like what I started out doing and how I it became a selfish thing like it wasn’t Des mania’s fault I obviously fell into the sponsor like wanting to be a sponsored Pro thing and it was my fault that I did that but

I like I ultimately had to reassess of like what do I want to do with this channel what do we want to do with reliance and ultimately it’s to make content for you guys and so that kind of leads me into my part where I need your help um

I’ve been playing disc off for 3 years and pretty much a year and a half to two cuz I had like pretty much all dis Mania plastic for the this the year before I was sponsored cuz I was so excited to get it sponsored that I’ve missed out on

A lot of discs I’ve missed out on a lot of drops and I want to build a bag with a bunch of stuff that’s not just hype discs but like good discs if that makes sense cuz I’ve been only throwing like I when I first built my bag I built it

Around Paul MC Beth cuz I thought like he was hype when I got started playing and then it was dis Mania and so now I’m kind of in my own little world and I want to build a bag that’s fun so I need your guys’ help with that I want to I’m

Going to build out like a spreadsheet or a suggestion list and I want to build out I’m going to do a whole series Putters all the way up to distance drivers unless Franklin sponsors our Putters so drop your suggestions what do you want to see do like overstable

Neutral and underst stable of every slot so putter mid-range Fairway driver and just kind of go from there so that’s turned so turned yikes I’m going to go get freaky here wait that sounds weird I’m going to get freaky here wait that doesn’t sound any

Better UV get freaky just put it out to the left got to tail right to left a little bit so put it flat around Annie Maybe oh go in oh that was sick can’t wait to miss that with Franklin oh goodness air ball I got nervous nice whole five Par 3 290 um

It’s right there you usually play a Hiser on the right or a forehand I think if I throw it on a high if I throw it on forehand okay I’m going to throw real quick they’re waiting for me oh it turned kick right that’s gone I’m leaving that I

Think I’m going to try out the uh jarro paloa glitch I left my Destroyer we’ll call that one a bogy I was pin high but OB so got a stiff Tailwind I’m going to put it on Hiser put it high hopefully let it flip up and glide I don’t know

How stable these are but we’re going to find out oh it’s I mean it’s a Tailwind but it’s parked heck yeah that Destroyer slippier than I thought I guess that stinks it’s on the side but I didn’t really want to like that group had just let me play through and then I

Threw it and it fell down the Ravine so I didn’t want to have them wait to let me play through and then get up there and go get the thing and then have them wait to let me play through again so I’ll pick it up later I just want to

Have a stable distance driver for this uh round I guess so Yik not quite parked but nothing for a little work from Franklin you know what I mean oh Franklin definitely Franklin’s fault not my putt all right H 7 par 3280 it’s kind of like it’s either overstable

Flat that you get to not finish so just like skip it into the hill or a flip up with a neutral so going to go hex here put it on a little bit of Hiser I think the wind’s going to keep it from turning over so don’t think I have to worry

About that but if I stay on Heiser like that last throw might miss when I my thing when I’m throwing is when I’m pulling through I try to like muscle it and so I come up instead of staying on the That Swing plane I guess also my

Elbow hurts cuz I still rotate my wrist when I’m pulling through which is a super silly thing to do but I was so committed to throwing aneis for you guys that I’ve ruined my form so let’s try to fix it oh that is so in the water why do

I keep doing this yikes we’re barely safe for casual play usually if you don’t make it up to the Shelf you’re out of bounds so we’re going to play a casual today able to see me when I’m throwing this cuz I don’t really have a good position for

It so it might just be a hex on forehand turn it didn’t turn what a bogey man stink this is usually where an okay drive lands so it’s a good start do I give it a bid with Franklin or do I just throw it at it no

I don’t want to miss super long that’s a par or a bogey all right we’ll go tap in whatever Franklin hole8 par 4 495 wait I’m playing Blue to White no ho eight par 4 585 I actually got up to the other pad cuz I forgot we were playing blue

Pads this is the hardest t-shot I think on the course and the hardest hole I think to White it’s a little bit easier because it’s just a shorter version of the same hole um usually I throw overstable forehand flat and let it dump out but this is flippy flippy so I’m

Going to have to put it pump it on Hiser and stay on Heiser and hope it flips up and Fades so here we go turn that’s a bogey if I can get a decent out this will be I could still Salvage a par it’s not looking great

Though this is not a great spot to be got a little skinny guy here or I just go high I think I just go high and then try to play the backhand turn over with the grace yeah that’ll work yeah that’s actually right where I

Wanted to be so cool beans back to the dis Mania thing like there’s still molds that I’ll like I really enjoy like oh hello there’s still molds I really enjoy like the md1 the metal flake one is goated like I don’t I know the lozado is

Like a lot of people say that over the md1 but it’s gonna be hard to beat that out for me and then the cd1 is kind of crazy like for am where did my disc go for AMS the cd1 like it’s kind of stable but it’ll flip up for you so I it’s

Actually I think my furthest flying disc like besides distance drivers this Grace might beat it now but it’s pretty sick all that to say I’m not like mad at DIS Mania by any means like there were some things that frustrated me but I also need to like check myself cuz I was an

Ambassador I wasn’t like technically we were on the team but we were ambassadors we weren’t like touring Pros or like local Pros like Caleb so I think I’d usually go overstable mid-range on this shot but I don’t really have that so get freaky kind of driven and flat and hope

The wind carries me there and then Franklin will clean up for me that was not flat oh I’m pooping the bed guys I just covered that whole flight but just to be clear Caleb is staying with dis Mania he’s already announced it um he’s I’m hoping that

This is a big year for him like if he could get on coverage once or twice that could really help us I got to throw all right that’s a bogey so I’m really hoping that Caleb can like he’s been putting in a lot of work and like I

See that because I talk to him every day but just like grinding like working out all the time really working on his uh disc golf game so I’m really hoping that it pays off for him this year cuz it could be really cool to see where things

Go if like if he makes it on coverage one time that could be huge for relying and for him honestly like I think that Caleb’s an awesome dude that’s why we do this together but I think more people need to know that P nine par three 365 I usually throw cd1

On this one get a little flip up and then fade towards the end but it’s not quite far enough like it I can’t get it quite far enough when I throw it well with that doesn’t make sense I can’t get it there when I throw smooth cuz I lack

On form things but the grace might be perfect for this honestly I know it’s only 365 and technically downhill but it’s a tough t-shot you want to get something on Hiser that flips up or or if you have the overstable backhand that you can just kind of throw flat and

Power it but that’s a long power so I’m pulling them to the right sorry kind of a weird spot it’s kind of you can either Flex something throw a forehand turnover I think it’s a turnover for me I can’t throw anything else very well obviously forehand I’m going to put my I’m going

To turn it this time last time I didn’t turn it so I didn’t turn it that thing is so stable actually what the heck so I throw M bender on that exact same shot and there’s just like a slow drift to the left it’s like honestly I think the mind

Benders for a mid-range is the closest thing you can get to an ultimate frisbee disc and that’s why I liked it cuz I could throw it on like those step out touchy forehand shots not NE necessarily mad at DIS Mania by any means like I’ve said that multiple times like it was on

Me the decision to be to be on the Ambassador team that was my decision the thing that was silly about that is like there’s people in the disc golf world that purely because we throw dis Mania stuff won’t watch us and that’s not their fault like that’s that’s on me as a

Creator a content creator and it’s just a business perspective like standpoint like you don’t want to for the most part you want to have a niche and have a target audience which is disc golfers but as a content creator and taking a manufacturer sponsorship you’re automatically like you’re already in a

Niche which is your target audience and it’s small like the dis Mania world or not the disc golf world is a tiny audience in the first place and then to make it to make my target audience smaller by taking the team dis Mania thing is a silly

Thing if I want to make content obviously there’s people out there that do it and they do it really well but I think to have a good for me the best thing would to be not I guess for Reliant CU we already have the drops with Caleb Caleb will still get those

Drops and we’ll still make dis Mania content but I want to make content on like the glitches and the hex’s Not Just MVP I am a hype boy but or a fanboy I guess is what you’d call it but like The Clash stuff an ofal m it’s like all that

Stuff like there were a lot of molds I missed out on and I just didn’t buy because I was like I’m sponsored I don’t need to do that and that’s a silly silly mindset cuz like I could still buy discs that are fun but I just had this thought

Process of like I can’t if that makes sense and now I’m not Franklin for the win just kidding we’re still on whole nine but we have nine more come on Franklin a sorry Franklin it wasn’t recording but I’ll throw just to have a throw on camera for

This hole hole 10 Par 3 240 straight ahead I usually throw forehand I threw a forehand and it I burned it I turned it over there’s just like a right to left somewhat of a head I’m going to throw proxy up the middle kind of get it higher oh that is so much

Hiser thank you that was going to be so far in the water throw a little proxy forehand little touchy guy that’s par tap in real quick oh I got to do Franklin the honors that’d be so rude dude he’s so good come on the funny another funny thing about this disc is I

Think Noah found it or he was given it and somebody that whoever had it last put enjoy this one either I don’t think Noah sent that or put that but if he did let me know in the comments and I’ll apologize publicly to you on camera p 11 Par 3 245 it’s

Just right there it’s usually an overstable forehand Fairway or mid-range probably mid-range I think I could get the Zone there but I think the grace or the hex would be more fun do got now I got a Tailwind I don’t know how that happened um I think I go zone for the

Safe shot and then I’ll throw a Grace like flip up for fun I used that one but kick right or just go right oh parked okay I’m gonna try the the touchy flip up guy oh my goodness that was so far but that that’s the most piped I’ve

Ever had this that was wow it’s essentially a tap in but I got to give my guy Franklin the props you know and you guys wouldn’t believe me if I birdied and didn’t make the putt I wouldn’t believe me so for the sake of time I’m not going to do Blue to White

On this hole we’re going to go white to Blue I’m gonna give Franklin his one chance of an ace if I Ace Franklin discs I’m coming for you put on Hiser Alex oh that was so bad and that hurt my elbow a ton yikes time for Redemption I

Think I just murdered it on that tree oh this thing’s like already kind of tacoed Franklin for the people full that’s a good line it’s a par all right hole 13 25 is all um I usually go skip forehand on the left but there’s no

Chance of Ace there a lot of people go on this right side Hiser with something kind of stable not overstable but okay I’m going to go glow glitch on Heiser kind of hope that it flips up and then just kind of Falls I’ve already beat this up I literally got this today sad

Face I’m going to mull again I don’t really do that but that was just a terrible throw we’re going to go this guy the R2 glitch flip up flip up flip up kick right it’s like parked on the wrong layout is it a Franklin There Goes My putter this guy

Like it’s not that bad of a disc it’s super got me actually which is funny but I want for the people I want this to work for the people I don’t I’m just releasing Putters away early whatever I lied I’m not going to go for

A Mogan that’d be so lame and I’m not a lame I think I just give it a little bit on the right side here Franklin get left Franklin that’s in oh that’s short also those one speeds man whole 14 Par 3 250 just straight ahead there um it’s a flip

Up something that just goes straight I haven’t been able to flip the hex but I think that’s the shot or the disc for the ace run you know what I mean all right I think I just put it flat cuz if it turns whatever oh I didn’t put it flat kick

Right oh it tried to kick right whatever the the touchy flip up forehand or little turn with the grace again maybe that’s just the only disc that I need that thing is know what I have to send this back to you this thing is sick all right Franklin don’t let me down this

Time that was so bad oh you ever just like when you’re putting like you get in your head when you’re actually trying to make the Putt and then you like miss it really bad and then you throw a second one for fun and you just like kind of play catch with

The basket and you make it cuz same me too ho 15 265 it’s a flip up this one might be a harder t- shot than eight but it’s less punishing so on eight if you don’t make it out the Gap you’re like guaranteed bogey on this one if you

Don’t make it out you can scramble cuz it’s 265 ft so I’m going to put it on a ton of Hiser and then high and see if it’ll kind of flip up and ride to the right cuz you really got to I usually throw my uh color glow F3 that’s flippy

On this so this might be a little long for that oh that’s turned dude what on Earth was that I got a little bit of a right to left but maybe I rolled my wrist I can honestly say I’ve never been here on this hole I

Usually hit early I need to I have not been giving this Grace enough credit for the flip on that’s so far that’s a p whatever Honestly though Franklin doesn’t feel half bad I know it’s kind of a meme like everybody’s like when the pros are going to their are announcing that they’re leaving

Everybody’s like team Franklin but this putter like it is pretty gummy but and I know a lot of people don’t like gummy Putters I’m like a a weird breed in that sense but would be it’s not bad and it catches the chains like that was such a bad butt that kicks out right

Any other putter but not Franklin Franklin D homie all right whole 16 the other super daunting hole if you can make it through this hole and hole eight with a par you’re usually pretty happy um I’m thinking honestly about like ripping this on Heiser and if it turns

Over late that’s fine or just smooth I should probably smooth it on Heiser cuz I know it’ll turn the smart play would be the hex but I don’t get any turn out of the hex I could try to turn it but I think that I’d hit that tree so I’m

Going to throw Heiser cuz that’s my comfortable shot just smooth and hope now get maybe not to no oh what a rocket back to the middle that was sick that was probably my best backhand with that disc it is very Flippy though like it’s the perfect flippy disc

For me cuz the DD was that for me like I could throw it and get mad distance and not be the best thrower as you guys know but the grace that’s what it was before like before I got on dis Mania I had a couple Graces and I lost lost one gave

One away to Noah and it’s just such a good disc the dd1 was supposed to be that I think that’s what they were trying to do but they came out a little more overstable I think I like I don’t think they’re they’re straighter compared to like the d3s but they don’t

Turn as much as the dd3 if that makes sense like less fade but I don’t think that the negative one F turn on the d1’s is accurate like once you beat it in a little bit but still like I had one for almost the whole time the dd1 like when

It first came out and I just lost it the other day I don’t even know where I think I lost it in the same on that same turnover shot actually so I threw the turnover shot I throw it because I watched Kota Hatfield throw it in a

Tournament to it was he was like winning by a couple Strokes like spanked Caleb that day which is funny but I love you Caleb but it just was it was like such a cool shot cuz he threw a Zeus massive turnover over OB and then parked it from

Like it was like 450 or I think that might be an exaggeration cuz I was watching it as an amateur I thought it was the coolest thing ever so I’d like to get up and down but really I just want to miss these first two trees cuz I don’t think I’m

Birding oh that might oh straight skip that’s a putt nothing Franklin can handle if I don’t make this putt with Franklin I don’t want the Franklin sponsorship cuz it definitely would be Franklin’s fault and not mine I think it’s a straddle straddles are okay right I don’t want it I don’t want it

Anymore I rushed it it’s not your fault Franklin I’m sorry so I got sent some frisbees to make a video for from powergrip that it’s going to this video will drop probably next week or maybe Thursday I don’t know it depends on when this one comes out but they’re

Supposedly like cast aast rival as far as plastic quality and when I tell you these things feel pretty dang nice I mean it like I’m not a not paid by anybody I wasn’t paid in the first place but I’m not contracted by anybody to say anything but this plastic like

I’ve only thrown one of them in my backyard and it feels good so I about to shoot that video actually whole 17 par three it’s right there 240 it’s just a a Zone hopefully get a little skip the wind’s to push it down so I got to kind

Of I think I got to kind of rip it get hard left oh look at that I don’t know if you could see that but that was that was desired little meat on the bone nothing for nothing too big for Franklin you know what I mean yeah Franklin I love you I haven’t

Been keeping score cuz I really just wanted to make this video to kind of update you guys on where we’re at with Reliant um the other fun part is like the video side like the Prof the other side of Reliance I guess if you don’t know is we’re a multimedia production

Company so making ads commercials social media posts making content for people um I recently made one for idio and that’s why I got the shoes on and it was really fun like that’s the most excited I’ve been for a project in a long time cuz I’ve been working on this video stuff

For a really long time like I I’ve always known that I can that I’m decent at it and like recently this last year really invested in like um gear and time like I honestly this is kind of funny one of the biggest reasons that Reliant happened was cuz I

Was sitting one day and I’ve said this I think before but I was sitting playing League of Legends on my computer and like I was just sitting there playing and Ezra started crying and I didn’t get up because I was playing league so Megan

Got him and I she kind of got upset with me and I was like man is this really what I want to do with my life like do I really just want to play video games all the time and not like I there’s I feel like there’s something more that I

Should be doing cuz I spent a lot of time playing League of Legends and honestly like it was an addiction of mine and I still I play with my friend occasionally but other part of it was that the Wi-Fi blocked it cuz I work at a college campus so the Wi-Fi like they

Did a firewall update and it blocked it so I couldn’t play so I was like well I’ll just keep investing that time into videos and now we’re here like 2,000 subscribers which is sorry I’m going to cover my mic 2,000 subscribers which is super awesome like I I know it’s not

Huge in the YouTube world but just to think about like 2,000 people they’re like yeah this is this guy these guys they give content that I want to watch like there there’s 2,000 people that are subscribed to us that want to watch it so thank you to you guys again for

Supporting us it’s been super fun but I’m going to get this whole done so I can go shoot the other video whole 18 par 4 530 it’s straight over there you want to throw like a Hiser flip out the gap or you really just want to get out the Gap

Especially on Blue to White because it’s not that hard of a hole um I just need to play a placement shot get it clean out the Gap if I turn it a little bit that’s fine too that’s going to be okay oh don’t hit that

Okay I’ll be able to get up and down from there that’s fine um probably 200 from the pin I I like to go forehand here cuz the Gap is wider but the wind is pushing so if I showed the flight plate it’s not going to be great I think I’m going to go

Proxy just straight at it and hope it turns unless I left my proxy I could have oh no it’s right here heck yeah yeah proxy is such a good disc my friends are over behind us totally going to miss this putt and they’re going to RZ me just do it for Franklin nice

Franklin yeah they they got me that is going to do it for today guys thank you for watching and supporting as always we really appreciate it um yeah comment below what suggestions you have for discs I should try I’ve really not tried a whole lot of discs so throw out your

Favorite for each slot in the comment section and as always stay Reliant


  1. 918 disc golf is out of Tulsa and in a similar-ish place, maybe look into a collab. Also, if you get a chance to try out a watt it’s different than a glitch but may be a more consistent/controllable option than a glitch.

  2. Franklin disc being the first out of the bag was a great troll fake out. Definitely try a Crave. They are amazing.

  3. Wow what a throwback for me. I also go into disc golf during covid and one of the first discs my friend gave me was a Franklin putter.

  4. Was originally drawn to this channel because it was Discmania heavy. Excited to see what the future brings with the new changes. Also hopeful that Caleb can get out there and crush it🫡✅🤝🏻. Appreciate yall

    Doomsday Discs has a bunch of fun discs worth trying. Pestilence, Blackout, Desolation, Area 51, & Depth Charge are super cool.

    I’d love to see a RDG Stego video😜


  5. So some of my suggestions would be a Nomad putter, a Lizottle (which is a different disc then your favorite mid.), a Crave, an Opto-ice Explorer, and the Lux-Vapor Enigma (technically Discmania, but usually flips just right), Good Luck. I also have a mixed bag and it's fun, but I have found that House of Discs and MVP family has my favorite discs and plastics.

  6. Some good molds to try out are the Supreme line of Dynamic Discs. The Supreme Trespass is money and achieves the desired DD1 flight. I pair them with my DD3s. Looking forward to more great content!

  7. Someone needs to get Gannon to share this so he can make him putt with Franklin. We know Gannon is a troll and would surely get a kick out of this

  8. Sacred Discs Gnome, hooligan cash (unless Franklin sponsors your putter, LSD Penny Putter, Texas Ranger, hooligan flip, LSD Mockingbird, hooligan vibe

  9. Not gonna lie. Got carried away with discmania too. I think thay are awesome discs, but then you try discs like Latitude64 Fuse and MVP glitch and you find out, hey maybe theres more brands to this game. Anyway buy fuse, best midrange in my bag

  10. Hey, have you tried the Corvette? It's been my farthest max distance disc in my bag for over a year now. Straight flying bullet.

  11. Lat64 is my fave brand period but yes, the Grace is suuch a clutch disc.
    My sidearm drives suck but that disc always makes it work.

    It’s like a Wraith but but way better for whatever reason. lol

  12. Love this channel for new Discmania drops, but I get it, as I started around the same time and fell in love with Discmania. I appreciate your honesty about reviews, and would actually be interested in a “real” review of discs from this last year.
    Good luck on the new content, I’ll still be watching!

  13. Gyropalooza boxes are better than Discmania mystery boxes anyway. Come over to the real trilogy MVP/Axiom/Streamline.

  14. Kinda weird cause I was a mix bag then went full discmania because I enjoy their discs and i wanted to challenge myself with doing a one brand. I been wanting to do a full bag of each company and do a year or so with each

  15. Yeah as a content creator it generally hurts us if we lock ourselves into 1 brand, or 1 manufacturer and a small number of brands that use molds from larger manufacturers. I've been reaching out to different brands, and it's disappointing when any of them respond back with a request to fill out their street team application. I'm not looking for anything exclusive. I hope they understand what I'm going for.

  16. I agree that it might be childish but I won't touch a Discmania or Prodigy disc simply bc of the names.
    If I were a manufacturer, i can't really think of a more fun process than the naming of the disc.
    I understand what they are going for with the naming system and, as someone that is very analytical and overly rational, I would think that this naming system would appeal to me. It doesn't and I can't help but find it boring and lazy.

  17. My brother and I went as fake Franklin sponsored pros and placed second in a tournament. We didn’t use any of their real discs, but I’ve always enjoyed their putter. It’s actually not bad.

  18. Disc Suggestion: L64 Sinus is the most underrated overstable putter. It is the perfect flying brick that you didn't know you've been looking for. It resists the wind in all ways – not just headwind flipping, but also resists wind lift and dropping. Distance control has never been so easy, because it's rare to send it long, but you can also really rip on it and trust it's never turning over; so weirdly, it's both my distance control don't-go-long disc and my longest-throw throwing putter.

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