I’m Hitting My Drives LONGER than EVER BEFORE with this NEW METHOD!

LISTEN UP!! You need to be using this new method with your shoulders to tilt in the correct place in the golf swing, if you do, you will notice how you gain a lot more power and distance with your driver. The shoulder tilt is huge in the golf swing especially when looking for that effortless power. This move is MASSIVE but not enough golfers I teach are using this, since switching, they have noticed their golf ball travel a LOT further. You will see noticeable differences with your golf swing VERY QUICKLY!

Since using this NEW SHOULDER TILT I’m Hitting My Drives LONGER than EVER BEFORE!

In this video, Alex Elliot Golf shows you the shoulder movement in the downswing and where to tilt your shoulders, how much you should be tilting them and how this is done correctly using this super simple golf drill! You’ll learn the big difference and what changes you need to make to your golf swing to achieve amazing results. Regardless of your current golf handicap you can implement these moves easily and see improved golf scores at your next round!!

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I am still constantly amazed how many golfers are still not getting their shoulder tilt right when they’re addressing driver right I need you to promise me this if you’re not getting it right or you don’t know if you getting it right or you need an exact measurement you need to promise me

You’re going to watch this video because I want you to grab your driver and hit two de at least on the up because it’s going to add yards now you do not need a hoop at all this just sort of help helps me illustrate to you where my shoulders

Are and let this hoop represent where my club would interact with the ground okay so have a look at this and I I’m honestly Amazed by how people get this wrong what we’re looking for is for you to get that action so you can sort of

See I’ve got that spine tilt away from Target now when I’ve get that look where my hoop is look where it is it’s in that position isn’t it that’s what what we want and if we sort of extended that down to the ground that would be hitting up on the

Ball which exactly what we’re after now when we get it wrong when I see these shoulders too level like when I’ve got an eye in my hand look where my hoop interacts now it’s more of a downwards hit on the golf ball in that fashion

Like let me hit one away here and I’ll show you if you you’re doing this like stood here look at the angle of attack that I pop on this I mean that ball didn’t even get airborne and that’s what a lot of people are doing wrong like

Look at this here you get your shoulders wrong that’s how detrimental it is to your strike that is something that you do with a seven iron but got an easy step process got some exact measurements for you to bring into your game here now I often get asked the question Alex how

Do I know I’m doing this right out on the golf course and it’s a big one isn’t it cuz you want that confidence when you’re stood over the ball that you’ve got it right now first thing and there’s only three little mini steps that I got

Here for you we’ve got to have the ball position no matter how good our tilt is with our shoulders if your ball position is out of whack than you are going to be so use this routine it’s dead easy just put your ball in the middle of your

Stance turn your left toe out and all you got to do is move your right foot away so just in a shoulder width apart that way you guar guarantee your ball position is in the correct one every time just inside your left heel that’s

As easy as it can be I promise you that so that’s the first stage done and dusted stage one ball position stage two is this is one of the ways I want you to sort of measure how much tilt is good tilt now you’ll notice if I just place that club

In my sternum and I tilt to my left see how that Golf Club moves across me and sort of on my first belt rung on my left hand side here let me do this for you you can see this a lot easier it was sort of hanging around here here we go

Guys that is much easier for you hanging around here now we don’t want that because we’ve learned that gets our hoop working too down what we do want is this tilt enough to where this golf club hangs down near to this belt rung on your right hand side for a

Right-handed golfer so look I want that tilt I want that tilt look where it’s now hanging so can you see this is all relative to you this is all relative to the size of you because it’s different for everybody I just keep that tilt I

Work into the ball now look at the angle of attack on this one look at the launch on that I mean that’s just gone forever that has seriously just gone forever what you think of the sound of this ping driver by the way it’s a lot different

Different to what I’ve used in the past now have a look at this 1.6 on the up exactly what we’re looking for now that’s the first way you can do it I guess not something you want to do on the course this one however is something

You can do on every single shot with your driver now this final way right I said this is something that you could just take onto the golf course we’re on the 17th and you know what for the winter it’s not bad here at mom right now I would usually have my waterpro

Bottoms on I do have a few layers on though I would say so get your ball position don’t let that slack don’t let that go away I tell it to students all the time control the simple things left toe out right foot away now really concentrate on this one for me here

You’re going to take your grip try and keep your shoulders as level as possible just to start with before you do this next phase this is the final bit of this video but a cracker it’s gold in this bit so put your Trail hand your right

Hand for right hand a golfer just on your thigh wherever it lands okay so if I take it off wherever it lands I want you to go down your right thigh now to where your fingers are just short of the top of your knee so your longest finger

Is just short of the top of your knee okay just like that then come in underneath this way grab the golf club in your hand You’re Now set so again launch that driver and show your mates what you actually capable of actually unlock your potential this one

Went a little bit further look at this 272 just by making a simple change getting the shoulders right to make me more efficient and I know it’ll make you efficient because I’m amazed how many people still get their shoulders wrong


  1. Look at the difference in this! It’s crazy!!! I know you can get this too…I can’t believe how many golfers still don’t get it

  2. Hey alex sup iwatched ur last video and decided to put ur method to the test i took my 5 year old who obviously has not played golf and taught the method in ur video and i was abosolutley astonished i video recorded him before and after he lernt ur method all in 20 mins if u are interested in seeing the results tell me where to send the video

  3. This is the drill that people have been missing mate! It actually gets you into the correct impact position like the pros! Done this at the range Fri night and what a difference.. hit some bombs!

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