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The Nick Saban retirement AFTERSHOCKS PERSIST 👀 | The Matt Barrie Show

On the latest edition of The Matt Barrie Show, Paul Finebaum joins to talk big picture about the College Football season and Nick Saban’s retirement.
0:00 One week anniversary of Nick Saban retiring
2:00 Coaching is now a “younger man’s game”
4:40 Where it the Alabama job now?
7:00 Troubles already for Kalen DeBoer?
10:00 State of the Alabama Crimson Tide post-Saban
11:50 “The guy after the guy”
12:15 What is success for DeBoer?
14:30 “Meltdowns by the hour”
15:00 Finebaum’s mea-culpa of Jim Harbaugh
19:00 Final thoughts
#ESPN #CollegeFootball #TheMattBarrieShow

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It is a special edition of the Matt Barry show here on the ESPN college football YouTube channel we thought maybe the national championship recap was going to be the biggest story but as we sit here today with the great Paul fine bomb it marks the one week

Anniversary a week to the day that the college football world was thrown on its axis when Nick Sabin abruptly retired at Alabama since then kayin dor has been named the head coach he’s put in a St together as we speak there’s players portaling in and portaling out but Paul

You’ve had a week to digest first of all thanks for joining us you’ve had a week to digest an xab and retirement where are you with it it it’s still a lot the process Matt uh and I I think what what’s even more interesting is what I do in the

Afternoon talking to callers they’re still having a hard time with it but it’s now on and and now it’s really trying to preserve what he has built and with each hour he adds coaching uh assistance some very good U but continues to lose key players as we’re

Coming on the air here Caleb DS yeah probably the most valuable player on his team uh is moving toward the portal perhaps to Georgia uh that seems to be the likely landing spot and that’s a big blow I I don’t want to turn it make it into one player but sometimes these

Things uh circle around uh one individual and right now that’s the biggest story yeah Isaiah Bond was another huge loss for the Alabama chman Tide he ended up at Texas with Sark who continues to build through the portal you mentioned Caleb DS this is going to

Be probably one of the larger nil deals that’s not a quarterback we’ll see out there and so it’ll be interesting to see but the aftershocks of the Sab and retirement continue and more and more has come out you know ree Davis had the interview with him in the sit down and

He had talked about he didn’t know five minutes before that he was going to do this ultimately Paul I think we’re now at an inflection point in college football now that we’ve had a couple of cycles of nil and portal in that it’s a young man’s game coaching is now a

Younger man’s game and this isn’t to say Sabin couldn’t do it at what 72 years old he’s proven that he can do it but I think at the end of the day what we’re starting to see now is if you don’t have the energy to do this continuously 247

365 Paul it we might see other Legends step away we seen it in college hoops and now we’re starting to see it in college football yeah no I mean I think we’ve seen it more in basketball uh because there really aren’t too many people in in sabin’s League hwise uh

There are a couple but not many and I think you’re right uh and you’re you’re plugged in about as close as anybody mat so you’ve heard you heard the rumors all year he’s tired I mean he never you’ve never heard Nick Sav admit to anyone he

Was tired and this year he seemed to tell everyone who was listening he was was uh so I don’t think that’s a big surprise uh that he walked away and I think he also knew uh he left this place in great shape uh I mean yeah he was winning championships about every

Two. three years uh and he has one1 in in in three complete seasons uh but his last four years at Alabama he finished first second Fifth and fifth that’s hardly a guy who fell apart uh but by his standards it wasn’t good enough and

I think decided it it was time to go on and you know everybody thinks they know where he’s going next as as we probably do uh that’s not really the issue uh I mean unfortunately when you exit you’re no longer the story kayin debor is the

Story at Alabama yeah and and now as we Advanced the story and like I said it’s been a week ago today we’re taping this Wednesday at around 10:45 a.m. eastern that we were sitting there going oh my goodness Nick sabin’s gone we you know we talk about it all the time like you

Know Brian Kelly being in a good spot Lane kein being in a good spot Kirby Smart being in a good spot to kind of sit there sarc now of are they going to be in the league when Sabin walks away and the answer to that now is yes and so

You have to project forward of who’s going to be that dominant program because Paul I say this cautiously and I hope the listeners understand what it is I’m really trying to say the Alabama Job prick Sabin was one of need meaning prick sain post Jean star in wasn’t great they suffered quite

A bit Nick Sabin turned that into the most dominant program in college football but the job became great because of what Nick Sabin made it now kayn dor comes in follows an all-time great but where is the Alabama job now with knowing how what Nick Sabin was

Able to make it be yeah I mean it’s certainly uh I mean if we’re if if we’re watching this uh in in the parlan of Wall Street and Jim Kramer sitting here instead of me he’s he’s worried uh because I’m already hearing Alabama People Say Yeah there’ll be a course

Correction you didn’t hear that for the last 17 years of course correction was losing the national championship game to Clemson uh or Georgia it’s not uh trying to figure out where you are and and and I think uh you know dbor was probably as

Good as you could I mean if you and I were naming five names he would you know he would now be on it he wouldn’t have been on it before last Monday night right but he’s you know Dan Lanning Sark The Usual Suspects but when when you

Introduce a coach and and and under on the Chiron that’s what you put under the person’s name if you’re watching a sports center with Matt Barry National coach of the year I mean that’s that’s a pretty impressive thing to put on your resume as you’re being introduced at

Alabama yeah and he he did it for two years I mean his rise has been meteoric Fresno State kind of turned them around he’s an OC at Indiana got a head coaching job and opportunity at Fresno State he was there for a couple of years goes up to Washington here’s where I and

He takes Washington 11 and two and then undefeated into the national championship game he did a lot through the portal he didn’t build stability at Washington in that he didn’t go all in on high school recruiting which a lot of coaches don’t but he did it through the

Portal and now that he’s gone and most of the offense is gone we’re going to see with Jed fish who left Arizona to take that job what that program is going to be at Washington because I don’t think there was much left over so now you take a coach that’s got a small

Resume i’llbe an impressive one that goes to a program that Paul through pretty much 95% of Sabin 17 years there was done through the best recruiting in the country and the best talent development in the country and I don’t know that Alabama fans are going to sit back

And want this to be a microwave thing where you bring in a couple of portal guys heat them up try to compete move on to the next season yeah I mean the one thing you’re already noticing is are there sharks in the water yeah I mean and these aren’t just great white these

Are great white serial killer sharks uh and they’re they go by the name of Kirby Smart Lane kein uh Brian Kelly sorry I mean I would throw H Freez in there but that’s for another day I mean his program is uh is under enough enough problems from within let alone

From you know worrying about catching Nick Sabin um X Program so yeah I mean that’s really the problem and and that’s the one thing that you don’t get a chance well as you’re flying across the country Friday which is uh about five and a half hours from Seattle to

Tuscaloosa your program is under assault and there’s nothing you can do about it from 38,000 ft and and that’s really what how he landed and the and and and and I think he’ll C he’ll figure it out but before he figures it out uh he’s already lost his probably most valuable

Coach to various Robinson great recruiter great coach he’s already gone to Georgia uh he he’s lost five or six players in the portal and and one and the one we mentioned earlier Caleb DS people will say well he’s a freshman yeah he’s a freshman that very well made

The most may may have been the most valuable player on that team last year other than maybe Jaylen milro down the stretch well and I’m glad you pointed that out because that’s inflection point number two for me is that group of five had coaching jobs used to be I mean

One’s Sun Belt South Alabama and one is Mack and buffalo these used to be Paul legitimate stepping stone opportunities for these head coaches to then maybe get into you know a job let’s call it in the Mountain West maybe that’s a stepping stone or maybe a a bot tier power five

Job start building their career Paul they understand now group of five head coaching jobs your rosters are getting pillaged by power five I can’t remember the last time two sitting head coaches left for assistant coaching jobs to me that that’s a sign of what what’s coming

Oh you’re right and and by the way those are uh we’re talking about high-paying jobs at Alabama where you were on the center stage and if you’re successful you’ll you’ll land that big job that you probably would have landed anyway but you’re making a lot more money and

Getting a lot better experience being the coordinator at Alabama than the head coach at Buffalo or or South Alabama so yeah and and again I I mean he he I mean we’re we’re we’re talking here on Wednesday he landed on Friday afternoon that is not a lot of time but in in the

World that we live in it’s a it’s a lifetime yeah and that look end of the day Alabama and I had said this I had taped something here Matt Barry show last week about when you look at it because I I find and I said this and

There were a lot of people that didn’t didn’t like it but I I think that you would agree what was in it for Dan Lanning and sarc and these guys to take the job there was nothing in it for them because mostly sarc he can build in Alabama

Texas but Oregon sitting up there in the Pacific Northwest going to the big 10 with how Dan Lanning recruits he could legitimately win that conference year and and year what was in it for two of these stars of the sport to take the job I don’t think they settled on kin dor

But I think at the end of the day he was the most likely to take the job because the star coaches knew better than to step into a situation and replace Nick Sabin yeah and I think Landing is the most interesting and you know he had to

Lean on what Mario crisal did and Willie tager two coaches before him at Oregon and tager blew up you know chrystall is struggling may end up being successful but by the way speaking of chrystall if you’d gone back three or four years ago if he’d stayed at Oregon he would have

Been he would have been the leading candidate Nick Sabin uh but I I I mean it’s a cliche and I hate it because I live through transitions you want to be the guy after the guy that’s not always successful either uh I’ve seen the guy

After the guy in Alabama and it was Bill Curry uh and he went down in flames fle there after three years to go to Kentucky so that’s not automatic uh there’s no there’s no there’s no tried uh Axiom right now to describe Alabama because we don’t really know uh and and

Ultimately what is success for kayin debor uh If he if he gets to the playoffs NE next year that’s good but not good enough uh he’s going to be living in a long Shadow and yeah you know a lot of people have debated why was Nick Sabin at the Press conference

On Saturday and I’m told by people and I’m I’m and later today I’ll be talking to the ad at Alabama Greg burn and maybe get some more clarification that Sabin is involved and he’s involved because he has to be involved there’s so many players that he has agreed with to stay

That they need Sabin on board right now to complete the deals yeah he’s almost acting as a deao president and G CEO of the pro he’s gonna have an office there in Tuscaloosa I don’t know how well that’s ultimately gonna go with how sabin’s wired relative to kayin dbor

Kind of saying hey man like I got to be in your Shadow anyway you got a statue with with pies out in front of it like you know we I respect you I mean Spur’s got an office at the swamp the stories Dan Mullen tells me about him are

Hilarious but at the end of the day the boore has to build this thing through his eyes after Sabin helps secure some recruits and some portal and you you mentioned what is success for dbor you know in 17 years at Alabama 17 years Nick Sabin didn’t have double digit wins

Once first time that is absolutely insane that in 2007 his first year on the job was the only year they didn’t win double digit games so for me that says well you get year one maybe not to win double digit games but after that we expect 16 consecutive seasons of 10 wins

Or more yeah and Matt for any newcomers to this show um I spent 30 years in Alabama I covered the transition between uh Bear Bryant and Ray Perkins and that was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever seen because uh everything the guy everything the new guy did and by

The way he came from the New York Giants as the head coach so he thought he knew everything he didn’t know anything even though he played at Alabama um and the boore will will get a pass but this is not a world where anyone is patient anymore uh

And there will be meltdowns by the hour uh and and but he’ll have to he’ll have to endure that and there’s I have no earthly idea whether he will or won’t I mean anybody who thinks they know is just making it up yeah and well I mean

No one ever would do that on TV or in media make stuff up to create a good conversation just doesn’t happen uh I do want to get into this before we get out of here kind of a season in review Michigan wins the national championship they do so in dominant fashion over

Kaylin debor Washington Huskies now the next shoe for us to drop who who work in college football is Jim Harbaugh I was proud of you and your Mia copel on Harbaugh when you were going on the various television programs of ESPN saying you’ve never been more dead wrong

About anything in your life about the Jim Harbaugh experience I hope the Michigan fans now will welcome you into their living rooms but now Paul we sit and wait we know Harbaugh interviewed with the Chargers we know he interviewed with the Falcons we know based on some credible reporting from people who cover

Michigan football that negotiations with the Wolverines are at an impact because of certain Clauses in the contracts so this is going to be a two-parter for me part one where does this end with Harbaugh in your estimation I suspect it ends pretty quickly uh with whatever other job he

Wants to interview for and I I don’t understand how the NFL does it it’s very bizarre they they’re because of the Rooney rules they acknowledge who they interview this isn’t double secret he needs to go either he needs to come or go I can’t imagine why he would stay if

He’s if he’s trying to argue a cause in his contract that would make him immune from any NCAA violations that’s a non-starter you can’t do that right so I think he’s I think he’s on his way out and then it’s whether Mo gets moved up or they open that search I I think

Michigan’s in pretty good shape um and why I mean I think the biggest upset to me would be for Jim to stay uh because I think everybody has already discounted the fact that he’s leaving and that I think it’s an NFL story more than a Michigan story and and when when

I did that maypa I think sometimes Matt you just have to move on uh I I five years ago I would have just kept going as you know uh I would have been on the couch with and you would have tried to be getting me to be poly positive but I

I think you I came away respecting what Harbaugh did on the field and I’m I’m just so over everything that happens off the field uh in today’s world I mean we’re talking about whether Nick Sabin can can help out to buy players uh to give them enough money that he promised

To keep them to stay and I’m going to get upset about something that the NCAA is looking into that I that I think most of us don’t even understand what it’s about no I’m moving on yeah gazit look I said this on college football final directly after the national championship

That when you look look at at at Jim Harbaugh well what did he set out to do in his 10 years at Michigan he set out to return his Alma moer back to where they believe is the rightful place in college football which is among the nation’s Elite okay he struggled doing

That for a while he couldn’t get over the Ohio State hump he’s beat him three consecutive years he couldn’t get over the semi-final hump he did that well now he can and he can leave an arbor here you go guys I gave you 10 years a national championship three consecutive

Big 10 championships three consecutive spot PL I have elevated Michigan football back to where it needs to be it’s time for me to go whereas two to three years ago I think Michigan fans would have been pissed now I think they’re like you know what Jim we got

What we needed thanks brother you’re out and you know the most interesting part of this I think they just named a new ad at Ohio State Ross beor who uh who fired H freeze at all M and Jimbo Fisher at Texas A&M and the and the coach who I’m

More concerned about than anybody right now is Ryan Day you don’t throw up his Gody record uh I’m well aware of what he has done but but his popularity uh he looks like a a a busted stock on Wall Street uh and you know should he lose to

The new coach at Michigan whoever that is this guy’s got problems and what does that mean for Mike Elco who was just hired by borc I mean look he hasn’t even had year one and I think he was a higher amongst the A&M fans but now A&M going

To have to bring in an ad and what if said ad comes from I don’t know pick a school that’s got a hot trendy coach like now now we’re just now we’re restarting the cycle because you’re right what’s the one thing we in the media always say

When a coach struggles well the new ad didn’t hire him yeah uh that goes for every business and we are well aware of that even in ours um and and I I bring it up because as the season begins I mean people will speculate about Billy Napier

And and Sam Pitman and this coach and that coach but but I’m fascinated by the Ryan Day story because there’s never been a coach in college football history who has had a better record uh and is uh is talked about behind his back more today than Ryan day yeah keep an eye on

This one especially by the way with CJ strad who’s going to win Rook of the year he’s got the Texans in the divisional round of the playoffs and on that same roster with CJ strad Garrett Wilson Chris ol La uh Jackson Smith and jiga and a young Marvin Harrison Jr yeah

Uh so I mean again uh Ohio State’s one of the biggest brands in football Ryan day is one of the most successful coaches but Ryan uh as we say down here don’t don’t don’t buy any green bananas I mean your time is coming and I’ll tell you this and and I

Encourage you not to go down this rabbit hole but if you really want to get into some coaching craziness go find it on the internet the darkest part to the internet of this the theories now of the jedf fish move to Washington you know he only stays everywhere about two years

Right and now people are already placing him at Florida because he’s a Florida grad when Billy Napier gets canned but it’s like this dude hasn’t even coached a game at Washington and you’re already putting him at Florida yeah I remember the first time I talked to him and I

Know you know him better than I do uh but all we talked about was Spurrier um so yeah there’s a there’s another name out and I’m not I’m gonna leave it for the next but there’s another name out there who I think uh will be prominent

In if if a very yeah if if if lard ends up looking for a coach but I I don’t want to go there because Billy Napier is a good man and he’s he’s uh he’s done a good job of of uh of uh of of can I get

Back to you on that yeah yeah yeah just yeah yeah we’ll we’ll table the discussion we are just entering the long off season we got plenty of time to break down each team in their bonafides uh Paul Fine bom great stuff we gave it a week you’re were the most sought-after

Man in media after the Nick Sabin news a week ago today we’re glad that you made some time for us it was a great conversation but I don’t know how we’re going to move forward oh here I’ll give you I’ll end it on this one who now in your mind in college football

Is the top of the sport other than can’t say Kirby Smart because we know he’s but who now other than Kirby is the guy that’s a that’s obviously a difficult question uh but you know I I if I’m looking for a guy to buy stock in

That I think is going to keep getting better it would probably be Steve sarkees here I was going to go SAR or Brian Kelly I think LSU yeah just got over their biggest hurdle and with how he’s recruiting how he’s I what if we always said LSU could

Have been Alabama if Nick sain stayed any coach who figures that thing out you could have Alabama for a decade I think that’s where we are with Brian Kelly and LSU yeah I agree with you and it’s it’s not only from a recruiting standpoint he he hired Cory Raymond yesterday from

Flor why he how they let him go at Florida I’ll never know but he he is uh that that announcement alone has energized people in Louisiana because he he has brought in some of the best players in LSU history yeah buy your stock in Baton Rouge we we’ve got a lot

Of stock talk today maybe I will have my pal Kramer come on who by the way loves visiting the sports center studios very very interesting yeah big you introduced you introduced him to me one time up there that’s right he’s still bugging me look he’ll do that from time to time Paul great

Stuff look forward to doing this again with you soon between now and then I think I’ll you when the Harbaugh stuff goes down and we’ll we’ll dive into that hey my schedule I have nothing to do until July so call me anytime music to our ears thank you Paul Brea


  1. Even if Saban is there Paul and they get paid the NIL money they were promised they are still going to leave. The man that sold them on their dream is gone, his process, his system; it’s all new now. 💡 expect another 20 or so players to leave….

  2. That group Bonds and Down were never committed to Alabama, it was to Saban. This is not a young mans game. NCAA Screwed up with this NFL BS! Players are no longer loyal to their School. I know someone is going to state that well coaches leave…. Go ahead! NCAA is all about the money and college is now weak cause of the NCAA RULES!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Am I the only one thinking 3 years from now Schumann will return from GA to to his Alma mater Bama for the HC job the way Kirby waited and did with UGA?

  4. Did you not just see the Michigan team that Harbaugh resurrected into a power house 70s and 80s old-school smash mouth blue collar B1G team??? Ya know the one that just retired Nick Saban and 7 other coaches this season? The first B1G team in History to go 15-0 in a season and forst team to ever reach 1000 wins 〽️〽️👀👀👀🤣🤣ull never get to witness a true under dog team full of 3 stars doubted for 3 years in a row and proving all the "experts" wrong beating OSU and winning B1G 3 years in a row. Bama and OSU silver spooned and are expected to win especially with the multiple 5 stars they get every year. We just did it with a bunch of kids that wer never even on the top programs radars. We got too much heart and too much grit. It's a Michigan thing and both wolverines and Lions are showing you with their game play! It's absolutely beautiful to see and ull never understand. Wer the misfits, degenerates, outcast, litterally replacements. Look what Goff just did to LA the team that cast him away to be forgotten. Hahaha you just don't get it. Wer the Rocky of American football and America's true team on all levels 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽〽️〽️〽️〽️〽️〽️〽️〽️〽️🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁

  5. When has Deboer ever had to play games with his own recruiting class in this division of football? The correct answer is, NEVER. Deboer fled the UW because he had an empty cupboard. Only 25% of the UW team showed up for his final team meeting. That speaks volumes as to what his own recruits thought of him. Which Huskies are entering the transfer portal expecting to play for him at Alabama, other than no one? How many of Saban's recruits are leaving Alabama with no interest in DeBoer? Alabama won't fully grasp the full, extent of their errror until January of 2026 when Debeor is either fleeing or fired.

  6. If Nick would have waited another week to announce his retirement then the ability for Bama players to tranfer would have been limited because schools cut off spring enrollment is the week of the 20th.

  7. Fine, he can come into my living room, but if either you or Paul expect any Michigan fan to ever forget that he said we should be banned from the postseason, you're high. You're right, I'm not flipping the channel when he comes on anymore, but naw, ish is not all fine now either.

  8. Finebaum's Mom took his Saban and Bama Poster off his Basement Bedroom Wall and threw it in the trash.
    Finebaum cried and chased the garbage truck down the street.

  9. Who is Paul going to D ride now???? I mean what is that poor soul going to do with his dear Nick being gone?? Saban is the best ever but it will be nice to hear the Crypt Keeper talk about someone else!!! Please Paul diversity!!! You can ride multiple D's 😂😂😂😂

  10. ………..Su’a Cravens Claims Only the Pac-12’s Programs Didn't Offer Him Money
    The college football world has had a hectic 24 hours, with Nick Saban accusing Jimbo Fisher of buying players at Texas A&M and Fisher attacking Saban back implying shadiness at Alabama as well.

    A lot of people had something to say about this confrontation, but one of the more interesting comments came from former five-star USC safety Su’a Cravens. On Twitter, Cravens said every non-Pac 12 school that made him an offer included money in the offer. He claims Pac-12 schools didn’t out of fear of “the death penalty.”
    Cravens didn’t stop there, though. He said there were programs that offered between $10-20,000 just to have him visit the campus, and all of those schools were southeast of Texas. He added the new name, image, and likeness policy didn’t change anything, it just publicized what was going on with recruiting.

    “Recruiting was unfair up until NIL because only the SEC was allowed to openly pay for talent which is why they became so dominant last 13 years,” he said.

    Finally, Cravens called all of these schools, especially Alabama, hypocrites for the way they have approached recruiting lately compared to their public stances previously.
    “The blatant lies and accusations of other schools pissed me off a bit,” he said. “Especially knowing how they getting down out there lol ridiculous one sided hypocrisy!”
    Cravens was a second round pick by Washington in the 2016 NFL draft, but he fizzled out of the league, last playing for the Broncos in ’19. ……………….

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