Golf Players

Bobby Jones How I Play Golf (Chip Shots) Short Game

People work on your short game if you want to improve your scores.

Oh no it’s really a conference I’m sorry what’s up I don’t know get that he said something about slicing everything yeah probably going to cut our salary yeah look at that look at that stance look at that that’s great that’s fine that’s perfect yeah but the only trouble

Is that you can’t swing it that way sir I’d like to see Mr Elliot well I’m awfully sorry but Mr Elliot’s in confidence well could I see Mr holiday well Mr holiday is in conference too this is their annual meeting you see and he left strict orders they were not to

Be disturbed my business is very important well I’m awfully sorry but it’ll be impossible for you to see them that’s a nice way to do business but Bill and I can beat you two birds any day in the week yeah well money took is that so yeah let’s take him on this

Afternoon Char we yeah how about it baby not all the bragget well I’ve got an engagement yeah you would have I can make it by 1:00 you’ve got a DAT come on John clean up that business one and bring your checkbook Charlie yeah easy picking yeah well I’ll bet you

5 five and five right now okay I’ll give you the same so right hello call the country club tell him to have a boy meet me on the 14th green I want a practice bring your checkbook eh what did I do then you looked up on

That shot of course I looked up come on well why can’t I lost the ball more you know what I mean try standing back a little further or back of the ball yes oh I see like this yes all right how’s that now why did I shank that to the

Left put down another ball what is oh what’s the matter John oh hello Bob say what’s the matter with me well I could see all right how you missed that last why what’s wrong with what’s wrong what am I doing well Charlie I came down to practice these little shots myself

Stand over here and let’s hit a few and see what they look like oh thanks Bob have some B well now show me what’s wrong with it well in the first place you were crouching too much on that shot you had your nose down here against the ball and

You were tensing every muscle stand up fairly erect be comfortable this little shot ought to be played about like a long putt you’re fing gri brother oh no not at all I use just the ordinary overlapping grip that I use for all my other shot say George yes

Sir did Mr win in your phone well he’s been here for quite some time Mr Davidson yes he’s down on the 14th green now with Bobby Jones oh he is getting a little practice on us is he yeah let’s go get come hey what’s the idea yeah what’s the

Big idea get hello Bob how are you list what’s the idea we’ve been waiting half an hour for you up on the G Bob’s is just helping me with my Chip Shot you know that short approach of mine yeah we know well if he can help you maybe we’d all better stick around

Do you mind Bob not at all GL to have you Charlie shall we start at the beginning I think you better Bob I was just saying that this little shot ought to be played like a long cut you should stand up fairly erect comfortably take a nice long back swing be perfectly

Relaxed and then simply knock it up to the hole Bob I noticed you’re using a mashy iron for that shot do you use that club for all your chip shots no indeed I use at least four different clubs mashy on mashy mashy nibl and sometimes even a ni

Depend depending on the character of shot required now up here where I’m near the green and the hole is far back I use this mashan a club which has very little Loft because I need very little pitch and lots of roll then I dress the ball at a point about opposite my right

Toe and Hood the face the club slightly what I mean by hooding the club is that I turn it from this position which is its normal lie to this position then I hit slightly downward upon the ball I find that this gives me much better Direction than if I played the ball

Opposite my left foot with the club in its normal position what I intend to say is that my thought is always is to pitch as far as a putting green in order to avoid the uncertainties of the Fairway which may be between the ball and the

Green so naturally if I move back a distance then I must use a more lofted club now here I’m about 40 ft from the edge of the graen and follow ing the thought of always pitching to the green I must take a more lofted Club in this case a

Mashing you please try some more bill I want you to watch this left hand I always play a straightforward shot wherever possible and never make any attempt to put back spin on the ball unless it is absolutely necessary now let’s move back a bit and I’ll show

You where I use a mashing nibbling well let’s have some more ball you just watch a few shots here now back here it’s it’s just the same shot but with a more lofted Club because I have to pitch far in making this shot there should be no

Attempt to limit the use of any part of the body arms wrists hips and knees all should have their part in accomplishing a smooth leisur stroke with no suspicion of hurry why is it that often when using a mashing Niblick I hit the ball way up

Here in the heel of the club and it Shanks off to the right bill that’s probably because your arms are away from your body body at a dress and when you hit the ball your left elbow flies up now to prevent this keep your hands low

At a dress and your left arm straight until you have hit the ball now there’s just one thing more before we leave this mashion nibbly occasionally a shot comes up where it is necessary to apply a little backs spin to the ball in order to shorten its roll when this

Happens I move the ball up to a point about opposite my left toe and lay the face of the club off a bit like this then I hit slightly across the ball this shot is not intended to produce a vicious backspin but merely to apply the

Brakes a little to shorten the roll of the ball oh I got it I got it let me make a shot will you Bob see you carry me around will you good oh boy how’s that how’s that b father how is it Charles it’s a miracle

Is that so oh what we’ll do to you come let’s get going very much long what we do to you two up I’ll take the honor that’s probably the last time you’ll get it oh is that so so just for that I’ll double all bets with you all right hey hold

On hey fellas we forgot to aurn that meeting at the office this morning that’s right Bill well you’re the president we’re all here well I can’t go back to the office I move we second the been moved and seconded we adjourn all in favor say I

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