The REAL WAY to Lead with your Hips in the Golf Swing!

If you don’t push down, you can’t then move up through impact and therefore will be throwing away a ton of potential speed.

These two movements are absolutely critical with the lower body in the downswing to aid power development and consistency of strike.

Good golfers all make these two moves, sit (lower in the downswing) to then be able to move up into impact and rotate. If your struggling to get “open” at impact and searching for more club-head speed / longer drives, this video will prove invaluable!

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Yeah I’m going to take that one right guys welcome back to my channel today’s video is all going to be about the movement in the down so now I’m going to be demonstrating this with the drive but this is actually still applicable with irons as well and we’re going to be

Talking about that dreaded early extension so what we’re trying to stop is this movement in the down swing where we see your hips your pelvis moving forward W Wards towards the golf ball and that was why I was using this chair so what you’ll have seen me demonstrate

There was more of a sitting movement at the start of the down scen now I didn’t do this okay I didn’t sit back lean back into my heels I got my backside down and I’m also starting to feel like I can create some rotation because that is two

Big things we really want to use we want to push down into the ground why because it’s that equal opposite reaction when we push down we can spring up big power source then if we can start to rotate as well and get our body more open again a

Massive power source you would not throw a ball like that would you and generate a lot of speed you will throw it this way because you will add some rotation and that is a big big power source and that’s why we’re discussing this magic movement at the start of the down swing

So the chair exercise I’m sure you’ve all got something you can use if it can spin like a kitchen um Island stall like I’ve got here or an office chair amazing if not fine just a bog standard normal chair will do it you’ll still be able to

Feel like your hips are starting to rotate and I want you to get to the top of the back swing and I want you to sit by getting your tailbone back now you can see that isn’t me going backwards with my spine and my head as well so I’m

Keeping my head forwards I’m almost lengthening my spine angle right so I’m trying to get this movement at the start of the down swing and really starting to open up now where do I feel the pressure here mainly into my lead heel that is my

Left heel but I do feel some into my trail toe that’s my right toe as well so I feel like I’m starting to get this movement in the down swing very different to this position that we tend to see where all my pressure is toes and often when golfers are doing this

They’re kind of getting out their own way and the pressure may even be going backwards towards their Trail side they’re not going to perhaps feel that pressure into that lead heel that we really want so just doing some simple chair drills let me demonstrate that

Okay so I’m getting it so the the chair is just almost touching the back of my legs here in setup position as I said this is relevant iron or driver we’re going to make a normal back swing where I feel like there is some rotation and

It’s more my right back of my right leg pressing against the chair as my hips start to rotate but the key movement we’re really discussing here is this movement at the start of the down swing good golfers lower their body on the start of the down swing they don’t do it

In the back swing because if we lower in the back swing we’re going to stand up too early we do want to stand up in the down swing but where do we want to do it here okay through impact so we maintain our height going back we push down we

Squat down here at the start of the down swing and then push up on the way through because that is a massive massive power source getting your body to rotate getting your body to extend huge it also has the benefit as my body works up through

Impact this way my handle starts to rise and I won’t go into huge detail about this I have filmed some videos about it before so I will drop a link just here but if we can get that handle starting to rise the club head is actually going

To be accelerating to catch up with my hands and that again big big power source this is all about generating some more speed but it’s also about consistency of contact improving your strike I don’t expect you to hit shot with this drill I mean you could do

But sit down there I’ve still got my head forwards start to rotate my body and rise okay so I could hit some Shots by all means but I don’t need to I don’t need to this is an amazing drill and it’s trying to stop us getting this movement early in the down

Swing so just give the chair exercise ago so how am I going to take this to the golf course is perhaps that million dooll question right I’m just going to exaggerate the feel in a practice swing I’m not going to consciously try and take that to the golf course I’m going

To do the Reps I’m going to do the at home exercises I’m going to do the range time and on the golf course there’s a lot of dead time isn’t there there’s a lot of time walking chatting there’s not actually that much time hitting so use

That time wisely and do these drills and do these exercises let’s exaggerate that motions let’s get to the top let’s sit and squat and open that chair and now we can start to move up okay push down and open up and unwind that’s the feeling I’m really looking to try and create put

That into a golf swing without as much conscious thought because we haven’t got a a lot of time we’re going to relax we’re going to try and create some similar feels well that certainly felt go I’ll take that as well that certainly felt like I jumped I didn’t

Perhaps notice as much this move a little bit but I definitely noticed the upward movement through the ball and it’s very hard to move up through the ball if you’ve already moved up early in the down sing right I’ve got nowhere else to go so I must have pushed a

Little bit down to start to get this movement on the way through and I know it’s going to help your golf I want you to give it a go obviously it’s an at home exercise first of all but there probably are some stalls or some chairs or something you could borrow on the

Driving range to actually give that a go in between shots you don’t necessarily have to hit shots doing it but in between swings or maybe just do the rehearsal movement like I was getting there if that video has helped make sure you smash the like button and don’t

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