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It’s Episode 100! 🥳 | Sports By The Book Ep. 100

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Trail Blazers VS. Thunder
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[Applause] Welcome into the South Point Studio it’s Sports by the book along with Alex white I’m Matt n our man Ryan McCormack a very Dapper dresser behind the glass trying to make us look and sound good we’re back on a Tuesday be uh leaving tomorrow Jeff parl returns to this very seat

Hosting the rest of the week thanks for tuning in be sure to like comment and subscribe to South Point Studios be sure to leave your live comments Ryan watches things like a hawk and uh very very likely chance that if you leave a live comment it will get red on the air one

Way or another I know we’ve had some in the past yeah yeah I asked everybody to chime in with their favorite players tonight we got a good amount of NHL good amount of NBA and a whole lot of college basketball got a whole lot to go over

Tonight and uh we’ll be joined here in about 20 minutes by the wizard of odds himself and the the father of my co-host Kenny white legendary Vegas odds maker and really excited to get his thoughts on the conference Championship games and then a loaded slate of college

Basketball but we want wanted to get it started first here on the show with some NBA talk there was a lot going on in the association last night a lot of points yes a lot of news do do we start with the good news or the bad news let’s

Start with the good news the good news is that there were some shooting and scoring performances to be remembered and it was the 18th anniversary of Kobe Bryant put up aing one against Jaylen roseen company and he never let him live live that one down but on the

Anniversary you had Carl Anthony towns go off and then Joel embiid who really started the night off in a in a hot way put up 70 points it’s absolutely incredible and it was a really interesting point from Kevin Durant after uh the game in his press conference where they said hey did you

Hear that that uh embiid had 70 and Catman scored whatever and he was like oh it’s the way that what he said basically was that the basketball right now is being played at its highest level especially on the offensive side of the ball especially with these bigs that can

Shoot the talent is just incredible in the NBA right now so it’s a lot of fun to watch and yes so he scored 70 you just brought up Carl and then we still had um Giannis had an incredible night and no one even really talked about that

Ynis went off the triple double in that game yep was it 27 10 and 10 31 17 and 10 oh I was way off and then Luca also added a pretty good triple double like 18 rebounds too Oham just another day in the association the big difference between the big scoring performances

Though from embiid and Carl Anthony towns is that embiid was in a win and Carl Anthony towns was in a loss to the lowly hornets and Timberwolves head coach Chris Finch had some really strong words I don’t know if it would have been the same sentiment had they won but they

Lost against a bad team in Charlotte that has been scuffling listen to this I mean he he held no words back like I said there’s a lot of ways to be immature there’s always a lot of ways to be immature um and there was a lot of immature performances here throughout

The the roster we totally disrespected the game ourselves um and we got exactly what we deserve so disrespected the game I think that’s as about as strong of words as you could hear from a coach talking about his own player you make a great Point Matt if

They would have won it would have been a lot different but I can’t completely disagree with him because I mean it’s a team sport at the end of the day and they are trying to get their wins I know it’s not towards very close to the end

Of the season and that you know so it’s like right in the middle it’s not that big of a deal but a loss is a loss so from a coach’s standpoint I don’t I don’t really disagree that much so they’ll have to try to get it back in

Their next game but I I thought that that was incredible to hear a coach that soon after a game talk about his best score like that that’s true uh I don’t know if you heard Eric Collins the Hornets radio announcer television announcer rather some of his calls of

The the opposing Carl Anthony towns going off he’s one of the most excitable announcers in all of sports I see Ryan nodding his head he’s a favorite he’s like Gus Johnson but younger and crazier he just goes in like full emotion just yelling oh my God a yeah it it’s he’s a

Great listen and is it you know the Minor League Baseball guy in sometimes you just need to find something to get excited about Y and he’s one of the guys that’s still young enough and uh really excited whenever Carl Anthony towns did anything I think when he he made a three

To go from 48 points to 51 and you would have thought that it was a game-winning shot in the seventh game of the NBA Finals but no it was the the best player on the opposing team scoring above the half century mark so he he’s one of my

Favorites in in the NBA so I was watching the night’s game that went into overtime against the Devils but were you actually watching the game because you on our thread you brought up that embid had 70 points and you immediately jumped in so you must have been watching that

Timberwolves game well no I had been flipping back and forth uh Carl Anon towns had 44 in the first half and so he was on Pace for a much bigger game and then they just went flat in the fourth quarter they got doubled up and ended up

Benching him in the last four minutes and then putting him back in with 30 seconds left he finished with what four points in the fourth quarter something like that yeah and it ended with 6 too just uh you know burned out way too early in that game and like I said lost

To the lowly Hornets I think if it was a different situation Chris Finch may have held back a little bit but he didn’t he didn’t hold anything back so if they’re trying to keep the number one seed in that West that’s that’s a game they need

To win 21 game below 500 team so the scoring around the association was the good news the bad news for some it depends on on who you’re related to or you’re your allegiances the bucks after a 122 to 113 win are on the road fire their first year head coach Adrien

Griffin and it would be different if they were you know really struggling they’re 30 and 13 right however and not that this plays into the the decision 16 26 and 1 ATS what that tells me those two records just opposed against each other is they’re winning but not really

Dominating and I think there’s some other factors in there as well namely the expectation for this franchise when they went out and got a guy like Dame Lillard right well and and Dames said a great job especially shooting but not so much defensively right so they still

Kind of need somebody in that spot so I don’t know how much that falls on the coach I don’t know where you guys stand with this but I think that is that’s pretty crazy by your coach with a a winning record like that and it’s it’d be different if there was somebody

Internally that was ready this to step in I think it’s an interesting position that they’ve put themselves here where basically it’s Doc Rivers or bust that’s been the name that everybody has been throwing out there and as a I’m a lifelong Celtics fan so I’m a big Doc

Rivers guy but I just don’t know if you want to bring somebody external in although if there is somebody to kind of go against what I was just about to say if there is somebody who can manage those kinds of personalities and keep the asses on the roster just for fun I I

Think it is a guy like like Doc Rivers because he loves employing family members whether it’s himself or people that are on his team I think the only thing that I would say to that is that when you get to playoff time Doc Rivers is the one coach that cannot win game

Sevens yeah so look at his time with the Clippers yeah yeah if if you can’t if you push that series long you’re going to need to make a difference and Doc Rivers is the one coach that probably hasn’t I’d probably it’s hard it’s the guy’s first year is a head coach he has

A winning record 17 games over 500 and you cut him for something that we don’t even understand yet right I think for these guys it was the fact that they expected not just to win but to dominate and to be in a different position than

They are right now so I guess I could see that based on the expectation preseason but it’s always tough when there’s a guy like Giannis who you know has so much say internally in that organiz namely because he stayed and kind of has earned a right to have some

Some player Personnel decisions right mostly uh employing his brother I mean the the the Highlight RS are great I don’t know there’s a couple of lowlight RS going around about my man thanasis and uh I don’t know I think the three of us could put a solid rotation of defense

Against him just with some of his uh his offensive play in the paint but it’s just it’s crazy how much sa these players have now in the NBA and I like to think of Giannis not at that level of these Superstars but I mean now seeing

This happen it kind of makes me think that uh that’s definitely the reason it’s not quite the level of legm legm James but uh he’s he’s certainly getting there especially with this decision but a a slower night around the NBA tonight there are five games you’ve got to play

In one of them let’s get Let’s Get It Started that’s funny you just brought up LeBron James because he will not be playing tonight against the Clippers so I went under their team total under 112 and a half because the Clippers they lost to the Lakers on January 7th that

Was a very low-scoring game they lost 106 to 103 they’ve held their opponents to 109 at home so no LeBron James Clippers are going to be up for this one they’re going to want to get this win so I went over team total 112 and a half

And this is a game that opened uh 234 234 a half Market wide and right before we came on the air here I saw it all the way down to 230 and a half so I think the public is kind of getting wind even though it was announced what two days

Ago that LeBron was going to play in this one him and Anthony Davis spent too much time hanging out in the sideline of that that that Packers game I saw Anthony Davis get roasted on on social media cuz he was out the day before that Packers game with an Achilles like

Throwing and playing catch on the sideline which if you’re there you’re going to take that opportunity especially in Anthony Davis’s shoes a lifelong Packer fan but it’s just a bad look from Chicago too how does that happen I mean at least there’s familial ties we talk about our Las Vegas

Lifelong native who’s a Chicago fan but there there’s reasons at least yes maybe it’s just because we know you and we don’t know Anthony Davis person yet yet yet we’re getting there so you’re on Lakers team total under what was that number 112 and a half I W the game 525

526 on the rotation another thing though Clippers if you get a chance with live betting with them and they they’re down which we know in NBA that happens quite often I would jump in in that please tell us your story of the Clippers last game now I I will preface it by by

Giving away the the ending yes they had a 22 to nothing run to end that game now tell tell us your live betting story was Clippers who I forget who they were playing it was Brooklyn it was Brooklyn which they’re a team that’s always susceptible to the big runs

Against tell us your live betting Clippers story from Sunday night well so they were down like 10 in the fourth quarter and I jumped on at like plus 230 and then it went higher and I jumped at at plus 275 and then finally at like I

Don’t know 350 I was like all right if I make this bet they’re going to end up losing so I’m just going to write it out but I think I made three live Bets with them and cashed all cuz they ended up winning like you said went on a 22p

Point run so they’re really I mean this combination it took a little bit of time but they’re really good all together starting to get it together yeah yeah another game around the association that’s featured a major move in the total is Trailblazers at Thunder now the

OKC is a 14-point favorite I I wouldn’t lay that with your money but the the total in this one’s interesting it opened at 233 up to 236 overnight why do we think that is I I don’t know um OKC has been a higher scoring team but that’s a that’s a pretty big move

Here the Blazer is one of those teams where you never really know what kind of an effort you’re going to get uh maybe they’re just up for this one game against a a division foe somehow Portland to to OKC so that one’s interesting that one starts at five

O’clock so you got a little bit of time to take a look at that one a game that I’ve got my eye on for the night might have a a ticket or or two on this one five 17 518 nuggets laying 4 and a half against the Pacers this one starts right

When we get off the air here at four on the west coast I I I think the Nuggets laying four and a half on the road it’s a risky proposition but I think that they’re the kind of team that’s that’s motivated this time of year to really establish their position in the Western

Conference nuggets are tough right you never really know what you’re going to get but they are coming off no they did end up winning that game against Washington so yeah I mean two and0 in their last two on the road this is their one fourth Road game

Though Matt but they’re the better team that’s for sure so I don’t hate it at all we’ll see nugget L four and a half that game starts in 48 minutes well we uh wanted to get it started with the NBA because it was such a prolific scoring

Night there was the news of the the bucks now looking for Doc Rivers are bust as far as the head coaching search goes but as is going to be the focus all week here at South Point Studios we’re looking at the AFC and NFC Conference Championship games and we’re no

Different here on the Tuesday edition of sports by the book updated lines right behind us got the fresh printed Sheets still warm off the printer Ravens length three and a half at home against the chiefs with a total right now sitting at 46 points that’s gone up a little bit

Over the last two days maybe half a point lions catching seven on the road 49ers is a touchdown favorite in Santa Clara 51 a half the updated total right behind us and we’ll definitely talk to to your dad Kenny white about this but uh there’s a couple of plays that we

Like yesterday we recapped I think today is the day that we give out couple of leans couple of plays couple of props which we’ll get his thoughts on but right away my initial reaction and I it terrifies me it scares me to no end I like Ravens and I like

Under okay well two really good defenses favorites and under favorites and under go figure I know that that’s why it scares me um couple of notes that I made on on that game especially to the total because you’re a big totals player I’m not as big of a totals player across the

Board but NFL football is the one area where I do think that there are situations you can take advantage of obviously that’s where I have the most luck personally the Chiefs in the second half in the fourth quarter have been the best under team in in our lifetimes at

Least uh the Chiefs 14 and five to the under though full game this season out of their 19 games so far they’ve gone under in four of their last five five of their last seven so the trends go with the Chiefs against the League’s number one defense both of those put together

Lead me to like the under Ravens finished first in dvoa on on Pro Football Focus so everything kind of trending towards the under however the line the total rather kind of going up is it I’ve seen 44 and a half earlier in the week but I’m looking at the sheet

Right now 46 oh I believe it’s 44 and a half right now yeah so it opened 46 it is going down I think that was I think that’s what it opened as oh so I got a I got an old sheet but it’s warm it’s the studio lighting uh but

Still I don’t think that that makes a huge difference I could see the 17 to10 Final in this game easily man the more I dive into it the more excited I get about these two matchups especially this one right here I think it’s going to be

A great game I mean this is the heavyweight fight right we kind of made it out to be the bills and the Chiefs but this is it right here with how Lamar Jackson’s been playing and of course the goat Patrick Mahomes so these two it’s

Going to be a great game I don’t what I was just saying a little early on the on that nickname it was because yesterday I was bagging on him no so I know I know I know we rewarding our repeat viewers right okay yeah so I trying to give him

A little credit you know like I do understand okay but yeah I think it’s going to be a great game I hope it’s a little higher scoring than 1710 but I don’t hate that under at all I haven’t got to really dive into my totals and my

Team totals and all of that just yet but at the end of the show when we get to more of our picks I do have to have some leans and stuff here well you’ll be here the rest of the week this is my only

Shot to get them in for the weekend so I gotta I got to give you some early leans and some lines might might move against me but that’s the risk I’m willing to take being the Monday Tuesday guy well that Line’s moving with you so it’s a

Great time if you do like the get it early the other note in that game the Ravens finished the regular season running the ball 51% of the time which was the most in the league so you’re talking about best defense in the league team that runs the ball the most trying

To slow down Patrick Mahomes it is literally not David versus Goliath Goliath versus Goliath when it when it comes to playoff success and then of course the other game to follow 3:30 here on the West Coast on Sunday it’s the Lions as David the 49ers as Goliath

And the the Lions trying to play in their first Super Bowl ever and they’re they’re catching a touchdown the other thing that scares me is that I like them more than other people to cover seven I that one I don’t know yet either it’s tough I’m excited to get my dad on

Here because I did make the Niners more of a favorite than seven I think I’ve got them eight and a half but it’s really hard to handicap this because you’re thinking motivation from both sides well we know the ners they lost this game last year Brock pretty got

Hurt the Eagles went on to play in the Super Bowl but on the flip side how do you handicap the grit and the will to win and to make it to the Super Bowl for this Detroit Lian team so it’s tough I don’t I mean getting getting seven

Points in a championship game it’s kind of hard to pass up well like we said yesterday on the show it’s not a flash in the pan this isn’t a great story this isn’t an overachieving team Detroit this is a team that is slowly methodically and in my eyes the right way built

Themselves up to where they are now as not only one of the last four teams but in our eyes but more importantly in their eyes one of the top four best teams in the NFL I think that they they feel they deserve to be there and I

Think that that’ll show I don’t think that the nerves are going to play as much of a factor for this Lions team because of that belief it all starts with Dan Campbell uh kneecaps everywhere be warned they they might bite you if uh if the lions are able to to get past the

49ers the one note while we’re talking Trends on this game Lions in Road games this year seven and two ATS while the 49ers at home were just three and six against the spread very R part of that was because they had really big numbers to cover is the top favorite in the NFC

All year but still we’re we’re talking Trends well that one leads a little to the Lions and how many of those games were without Trent Williams and Debo Samuels because I think they did have a couple of those losses at home when those two were both out at the same time

So we’ll have to look into that but it’s going to be an interesting one lot of pressure on Brock pie now people are calling him out already and Ryan had to take on that right with um George KD sticking up for him yeah so this morning

On the on the Pat McAfee show George KD was was hearing everything that about Brock P not being good enough and everything and last year he took them to the NFC Championship Game this year he’s in the NFC championship game again and so I think they’re kind of adopting that

Underdog mentality even though they are seven-point favorites that the Niners are hearing the noise of they aren’t good enough and they they they might come out firing against this team that hasn’t won a playoff game since 19 or road playoff game since 1957 which was against the ners and

That’s older than our parents which I’m sure some some of our viewers makes them feel feel very old but you should nothing personal but that’s just how long it’s been yeah the Lion’s trying to do something unprecedented and the people of Detroit might burn that City

Down if they win the Super Bowl that’ll be that’ll be something to watch for sure I’m kind of rooting for not just with my money but with my heart we’ll see that game the 49ers laying seven total at 51 we’ll break those games down in some more detail we’ll talk the

College hoop slate of the night and maybe a little bit of hockey maybe some Grand salami talk with the Wizards of odd himself kyd Vegas on Twitter and X Kenny white the legend joins us next back in 2 minutes here on Sports by the book South Point offers all the types of

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Plaza it’s Sports by the book along with Alex white I’m Matt never here from the beautiful and sparkling South Point Studio love hearing Dwayne kuchi sing sparkling I don’t have the same accent uh Ryan McCormack behind the glass an and Andrew helping out Ryan any uh live

Comments of note thus far on the show um we’ve got one that likes uh Tampa Bay against the Flyers tonight they’ve won seven of their they’ve won their last seven in Philly okay we we’ll close the show with Alex’s hockey plays I do like that too it’s only like minus 110 I

Think they should be a bigger favorite there but I also like under in that one think it’s moved down to six I got under six and a half but it’s good to get the the line in your favor that yeah that be sure to leave your live comments let us

Know who you like in these AFC NFC championship games with the M line the spread the total we want to read yours on air and we want to get this guy’s thoughts on air it’s the wizard of odds himself over 30 years as a legendary Las Vegas odds maker and his most important

Statistic vital fact is that he’s the father of Alex white it’s the man of the myth the legend Kenny white thanks so much for making a repeat app parents it’s been a while hi hi Matt Alex thanks for having me on the show yeah it’s uh

Fun time of year um a lot of sports going on and um a lot of sports coming up soon too so going to be uh a great month of February and March yeah all of a sudden once you get past about the midpoint in January at least for me

Personally with kind of that baseball Centric mind everything starts to snowball and then once you hit March you’re you’re really rolling throughout the beginning of the summer so this is about the time when you can really start to make some of your assumptions thoughts things that you can formulate

For the rest of the season especially in college basketball which we’ll get to in a minute but wanted to get your thoughts on these two Conference Championship games and we we’ve talked a line about the Chiefs Ravens so we’ll lead off with lions and 49ers it’s a game that really

Two different schools have thought some people say the 49ers are going to roll some people say the lions are going to have the grit and the determination that it takes with a seven-point spread favoring the 49ers where do you sit on this game so there you go uh you know

Split right down the middle with a with a great number and again you know always say it’s the NFL expect the unexpected because that’s what we see year in and year out it just seem like uh out of this league because there’s so much parody there’s any any team can beat any

Other team on any given day and that’s you know it’s not just a saying it’s it’s very very true um the talent level is just very thin razor thin in this league but uh I I love San Francisco’s head coach shananne I think he does a tremendous job uh my new favorite might

Be uh laflor from from Green Bay um and he’s best friends with Shanahan those two guys are from the same mold um I was so impressed with the Packers uh offensively and defensively they were so much more well prepared uh than their two opponents the Cowboys and 49ers two

Really good teams so Ian I’m sad to see they’re out but you know at Detroit Dan Campbell uh try hard um his team is really uh they they play hard every single game it seems like and they never give up and that’s just that’s the they

They follow their coach uh I I made the game a little bit higher I made it nine and a half um Detroit going out you you mentioned the ATS records but for me it’s such a small sample size really doesn’t mean anything every game you know in this league is a snowflake uh

And Jimmy vicero tell you he’ll say Trends don’t pay the mortgage so um you have to have strong power ratings to follow but again this is such a tough League uh you never know what can happen and it’s all turnovers who takes care of the ball uh he’s going to win the

Football game I think it’ll be the 49ers I made it nine and a half um I’ll probably try to tease them if I can um maybe to the Chiefs uh in that second game let’s go to that second game and you just brought up turnovers and I

Found a great little stat here the Ravens first ranked first in takeaways they uh created 31 this season and then the Chiefs on the other side ranked 28th so it’s Patrick Mahomes it’s the Chiefs they’ve been in this spot six years now what where do you have this game are you

Taking the points with the with the Chiefs here yeah I think I think that’s a big hook that three three and a half is a a major number I made the game two and a half um Baltimore and normally I like to have about a two and a half

Point difference between my plays but I also try to calculate a percentage um of how far off I am of the line and on and off the three is four and a half% either way so jumping from plus three to two and a half is a 9% move um so that that

That’s plenty enough percentage uh to get me to take that three and a half with with the Chiefs in this game and you know I played Buffalo last week I still thought they were the right side um not not really happy with their offensive coordinator and so many people

Were speaking Praises about him but I thought he called a horrible game against the Chiefs they didn’t throw the football downfield Kansas City did and that’s why the Chiefs won this is a this is a passing League you have to throw the football downfield uh to spread it

Out to spread the defense out to to make the running game work better Buffalo’s Run game worked well last week but it could have worked a lot better uh in this one though I before that game and as I said I bet the bills I’d heard a

Stat that Patrick Mahomes has only been an underdog on the road seven times and he was 60 and one now it’s eight times he’s s0 and one six of those games he’s won straight up so man it’s hard to bet against Patrick Mahomes he’s the new Tom

Brady I think and the Chiefs could be the new new New England Patriots uh this organization they know how to win when it counts Yeah you mentioned it Alex the six straight year for the Chiefs in the AFC Championship game but one of the big differences for Kansas City this year is

That this is by far the best defense that they’ve had in the momes era and Kenny wanted to get your thoughts on this total at 44 and a half much much lower than the 51 hanging in the other game I like this one under where do you

Sit yeah I met at 39 and a half Matt myself uh didn’t play it under I’m a little worried about both these quarterbacks when you got two great quarterbacks uh going head-to-head like this like you did last week with Allen and momes that uh once they score the

Other team’s got to match that and get down the field so um I’m I’m probably going to hold off on this I may bet it in game if there’s a a flurry of points or a big first half May bet the second half under is again Kansas City Buffalo

Big first half but the second half went under and I wanted to get your thoughts as well on a couple of specific player props in this game uh there were two that I had my eye on I’m not sure if you had one or one or two that you were

Looking at one that I that I like is Gus Edwards over 38 and a half rushing yards for Baltimore I just think with this Ravens team running the ball over 50% of the time two top 10 defenses by dvoa I I think the Ravens best path to Victory is

A slow low-scoring game with a lot of running so I think Edwards who had 40 against the Texans last week in a game that uh you know could take whatever you want out of that one I think that he has at least 40 in this game but the one

That I really like and the one that I did some research on wanted to get your thoughts on this one more so Patrick Mahomes over 30 6 and a half passing attempts and while he averages 36.7 a game so far this year right on that number the thing that led me to like

Over on that really doesn’t have much to do with Patrick Mahomes it has to do with the Ravens defense when they allow 37 or more passing attempts listen to this number Kenny tell me what you think the defense for the Ravens eight and one this year when the opposing quarterback

Attempts 37 or more passing attempts they only loss this year was Gardner menu’s first start of the Year week three and a 22 to 19 loss he threw at 4 four times so this is a Ravens defense that really doesn’t care if the opposing quarterback throws it a lot and I think

36 and a half is a good number for momes well they had a lot of teams playing from behind all year they they had the best first half ATS record of any team in the NFL this year so uh they had the lead at halftime and probably a

Good siiz lead over most teams now the one thing I’ll say on that one be careful because if there is rain and there is rain in the forecast showers and Rain um NFL coaches get much more conservative when it’s raining they will throw the ball about 10% less uh when

When we get any any type of snow or rain coming out of the air so um be careful there coaches get conservative uh Gus Edwards yeah love him he’s he’s the bcal really basically right now running the football they do have Justice Hill out of the back field more of a receiving

Back um but I like Lamar Lamar over 59 and a half rushing yards we just saw Allen have a big game against the Chiefs uh we just saw Lamar go for 100 um I think he’s going to get at least 70 yards in this game that’s you know

That’s his biggest strength right now is is running the football so you’re taking the points with the Chiefs which is understandable who do you think actually wins this game I just think this is so cool winning as coach in Baltimore John Harbaugh he’s 16099 winning as coach for

The Chiefs Andy Reid 128 and 51 we’ve got the best going against each other right here and it’s the heavyweight championship right here who do you think the the Ravens can actually pull this off and win but you just think it’s going to be close or you think the Chiefs win this

Outright well you know I said for years John Harbaugh you know he’s got that great uh preseason ATS record and straight up record and I always say you know why because the guy has a great eye for talent and for talent that fits his system so when you got a guy that knows

How to bring players in and his second and third strings are better than everybody else in the NFL um you know he’s he’s always is going to be in the running for you know for the playoffs because he’s got great players and he knows how to bring guys in so um but

When you get to this point of the Season you know again it’s a crap shoot I made I made Baltimore two and a half as I said so I think they win the game I hope it’s by one two or three because I said I already took the three with the Chiefs

But I think Baltimore my numbers say they’re supposed to but again it’s the NFL expect the unexpected Patrick Mahomes uh has been an underdog what I say eight times and he’s won six of those straight up on the road and the only other prop uh between those two

Games that I’m even taking a look at at least thus far this is the last day that I host for the week so sometimes I’ll have to get these plays out uh just to just to get him out there in the stratosphere one that I do like though

It’s in the other game jir Gibbs over 14 and a half yards for his longest Rush he has gone over his longest Rush total in 11 straight games and I think the number may be catching up to him but I think he could bust one out for 15 or more yeah I

Like Gibbs over and I like Montgomery under because I don’t think Montgomery breaks a big run last week that 49er Rush defense did a great job against Aaron Jones until he broke a big run at the you know later in the game and Gibbs has that type of speed to break that big

Run I don’t think Montgomery does um but I I think one of my better props is going to be Jared gof under in passing yards you know when you play in a controlled environment uh uh it’s it gets a little bit more difficult when you go on the road in the elements and

Against a defense like the 49 ERS they held uh uh last week they held um the Packer quarter back to 194 passing yards which is amazing and I think this Packer quarterback is amazing uh um he he’s gonna be tremendous next year um I think he’s better than than than golf is

Golf’s median number 257 passing on the on the road against the average NFL team I think it should be more like 217 against the 49er defense no love for Jordan love Kenny huh no he loves he lik a lot lot of love for not so much for jar I I think of

Andrew Luck when I think of Jordan love and that’s what’s on the tip of my tongue is Andrew Andrew Luck but uh I think he could be that good or if even better that’s how good this good is I wish Andrew Luck was still playing I

Know I know he doesn’t want to but let’s talk about that total for that game the lions in San Francisco now we’ve been kind of keeping our eye out for this Lions team they’re a lot like last year great offensively and Jared G’s having his best season but then we’ve seen this

Defense slip up slip up teams have found holes they were outgained in both of their playoff games so far this year the total sits very high though it’s 51 do you have um a feel for this over or under yeah I made it 53 but I I hate to

Go over in a championship game and the Lions defense has found a way I don’t think they’re that good their defensive line is the strength of the team the linebackers are average and the Dbacks are average for an NFL team so San Francisco might be the team that that

Can exploit that defense def we’ll see if they do um I lean to the over but again I’m not going to bet it over because it is a championship game I’d rather look for unders um again I I I scare myself off that under in Kansas City Baltimore because you got two great

Quarterbacks when I go under in a game I like to have average Quarterback play makes me feel a lot better and and this one you know the lions are going to score that that’s my thing even against his 49ers defense getting all the credit in the world that it should this Lions

Team is going to score listen to this top five this year in points per game points per Drive yards per game yards per Drive yards per play and first down so this is a team that does it in both efficiency and volume metrics against just about every type of defense in the

NFL so I I would say maybe take a look I don’t know what the uh the team total on the Lions is is set at right now but would you maybe think about a play on the over and just hope that it’s a shootout because it would need to go

Both ways it it kind of scares me because again uh Lions Outdoors probably they don’t score as many points uh and it all depends on who you play cuz if you remember the Cowboys this year top offense in the NFL at home averaged 37 points a game but when you go back and

Look at the schedule they played they played absolutely nobody and that’s why the Packers were able to beat him in the in in the playoffs because they were kind of a a paper lion paper tiger or paper Cowboy I guess they were um but the Lions could be the same I’d have to

Go look at the schedule and see who they played on the road this year um I haven’t done that yet but I will be in the next couple of days he’s Kenny the wizard of odds himself you can fight him at kyy Vegas Kenny wanted to get

Your thoughts on a little bit of hockey Alex has a couple of uh hockey plays including a look at the Grand salami for today one of my favorites yes so we have to talk about this Grand salami I made it 50 and a half for tonight there’s

Seven games and I I’m seeing 50 I made it 50 and a half I’m seeing 57 and a half are you uh seeing value here in in an underplay that you should love yeah I do I I I didn’t have one overplay I think I had four or five

Under plays today in the NHL so um yeah this was a you know a league IAL I’ve talked about it several times on cbq about how high of scoring this league was the first two months of the season they were breaking records of how many goals they scored it was like uh 30

Years uh you had to go back to uh how many goals they were scoring this year but you know sooner later the defense figures things out and the defense starts to catch up and Under start to cash once again because again the books start to make adjustments game’s going

Over those sixes become six and a halfs if it goes over six and a half they become seven that’s you know it’s easy to adjust so but for the better um you want to wait till those six and a halfs and sevens start popping up in games

That it shouldn’t be that high so yeah I agree with you Alex I think uh Grand salami is probably a really nice play tonight and then you’ve got one or two games Alex that you’re looking at specifically in terms of a couple of one money line play one under one money line

Play so I think you’re on the same one as me Detroit is hosting Dallas unfortunately the Stars they’ve been very inconsistent this year ainger hasn’t been quite the same goalie I know he’s dealt with some injuries but the Red Wings have been very good fourth sorry they are um six and three

At home this year so I like them on the money line plus 125 and I think you agreed with me on that play as well yeah no I did uh you know since the calendar turned uh Detroit’s seven and2 um one of the hotter teams in the NHL

Right now they’ve been playing really good hockey now Jake otinger is going to go tonight um he did miss a month between uh December and January made his return but then uh sat out a couple games uh Scott Wedgwood had to go last week back-to-back nights uh for this

Dallas team so they they are a much better team with him in there but I still don’t they got iner is 100% so I like the way Detroit’s playing I like the plus price and then the one under that you’re on Alex is actually one that

Uh was a game that our live commenter earlier had yes so that is Tampa Bay and the Flyers under six and a half but I do think it’s at six now um any other hockey plays for you Dad besides that one yeah I I Tampa Bay I still think is

Way undervalued we know how good the lightning you know this is a this is a championship team they still are they have the be they have the best goalie of maybe all time in goal and vasileski you know he didn’t start the season for the first two months because of injury it

Took him some time to shake the rust but uh he’s starting to round into midseason form uh they they are really grossly underpriced game in and game out so um I like Tampa minus the price there in that one and um San Jose probably a live price again they played last night they

Win four to three rangers have been struggling on this road trip um that one’s an under game um and and I made a small bet on the big dog plus $3 all right Kenny time to talk college hoops and I mentioned earlier this is the the time of year where you can

Really start to take advantage of some numbers and really you know make up your mind about certain teams when they show you who they are believe them we’ve said that about NFL playoff teams and the same can be said especially in mid- major college basketball but this is the

Time of year kind of from just a meta perspective where the the Grinders can really take advantage and look at some bad numbers what what has been your experience over the years in seeing how college basketball is handicapped and kind of your thoughts on the strength of the game top to bottom

Nowadays yeah Matt you know every year is different and uh you know I I count on making a lot of money in November because it’s usually my best month because I’m way ahead of the bookmakers and the and and the odds makers but this was my worst November I’ve ever had

December did not get much better um everyone I’ve talked to in the business has all said the same thing that this has been the most unpredictable college basketball season um that they’ve ever seen uh normally as I said November’s really good Jan December was always good and January got better because

Conference play started and you really saw the true team’s colors now February was always the most difficult month it was just like the dog days of summer in August for baseball February is the dog days of winter uh for for college basketball teams because you’re three

Months in and you’re only a month away from March so it’s really a tough month you very unpredictable and this has been an unpredict season so I don’t I’m not sure what to expect I’m looking more ahead to the baseball season right now that I am to March Madness dive into

That a little bit more what do you think made it so unpredictable this year I mean the pace is up it seems like there’s way more offense going especially non con is that what you’re looking at or what you think the reasoning is yeah the pace could be up a

Little bit but shooting is uh you know it’s one thing that uh Stephen Cur Stephen Curry for the for the Warriors um such a great shooter um I think he drastically um reinvented offense for the rest of the world people saw what he was doing and they saw this little six

Foot two Thin little kid from Davidson shooting lights out and taking his team to the NCA tournament and deep into the tournament and then going to the Warriors and winning an NBA championship um and the guy can you know shoots the basketball coming off the bus and um and

It hits it from as long long range as you want I think kids started to see that and obviously the analytics now are dunks and threes that’s all they want no mid-range game so kids are now practicing and shooting more three-pointers than ever they’re better than ever shooting the basketball and

That’s why the scores are that much higher I think in the non-conference games this year I think that was one of the big things you know I’m an under player and I’m looking for under spots and boy all my under games were uh flying over by halftime so um it was a

Difficult year in that way I just have to make more adjustments because there’s better three-point shooting in basketball as a whole look what the NBA is doing we’re getting totals in the 250s now which you know 10 years ago 220 was the highest total well let’s take a

Look at some specific games tonight one of the ones that I’m on that is underway right now Dayton taking on Lal on the road I got Dayton minus 8 it closed closer to8 and a half and they’re up 9 to7 at the First Media timeout but one

Game that we wanted to take a look and Alex and I both had thoughts on it I don’t think either of us have an official play it was one that I had ready to go in the account but but back down on it’s another one that’s going on

Right now Butler at Georgetown Butler laying three what was your handicap going into this game because you never really know what you’re going to get top to bottom in the Big East no you really don’t and you know out of these two teams uh two really

Good coaches Thad Ma has done a nice job bringing Butler back I give him another year and we’re going to see Butler back in the NCA tournament again I don’t know if they’re going to make the same type of runs that they made with Brad Stevens but very well- coached basketball team

They’re in every game Georgetown on the other side Ed Coy’s done a very nice job with this team the defense is lacking um it’s going to be another year or two before coie systems are completely installed in this system for Georgetown and he’s going to be able to get a lot

Of players I think through the transfer portal so georgetown’s gonna be good but this number was right on for me um at three I was looking to maybe play the game over but the pace for George and Butler both slow kind of uh got me off the game but georgetown’s offense really

Good defense really bad and Butler’s offense has been running really well so that’s why I was looking over but I just didn’t have the pace number so I passed on that game what about Pittsburgh Pittsburgh is coming off a huge win they upset Duke they are playing at Georgia

Tech Georgia Tech getting points here at home did you have any plays in this one yeah I took Georgia teack plus the points because I expect a major let down I if Pittsburgh doesn’t win another game the rest of the year Jeff cable I third

Is going to be able to say we beat Duke at Duke and that’s you know it’s like Ohio State Michigan playing each other um it doesn’t matter what happened the rest of the year whoever wins that game it means something for Pittsburgh cable played for Duke and that was the reason

Why that was such a big win for him and his program um Georgia Tech Damon STM has done a nice job I like the way they play uh they’re a little under talented than other teams in the ACC but they play hard game in and game out at home

Getting points here um I think they get the lead early it may be a better first half bet than a game bet but I think Georgia Tech’s in this game all the way to the final wanted to get your thoughts on the only game of the day featuring

Two ranked teams going at it and it’s two teams that are succeeding in very different ways this year number four Houston length three on the road at number 21 BYU in Provo this is a Big 12 Conference game I got minus 14 40 on the Houston money line last night you

Basically can’t find it for under 150 now so this one probably closer to three and a half but BYU with such a soft non-conference schedule uh we were taking a look before the show they’re a top 20 team in kenpom in both offensive and defensive efficiency overall in all

Of the NCAA but when you take it to the Big 12 specifically they are ninth in both out of 14 teams in their first year in the Big 12 BYU the you know Top Sharp Shooting team in the country by volume but Houston very well could be by far

The best defensive team in the country as well so you’ve got contrasting Styles what are your thoughts on this game that tips off at six here on the West Coast yeah this GNA be a great game because BYU is really that good they are a good basketball team um and Houston

Another outstanding defense they they they are the best defense in the country I think Tennessee right there with them but Houston’s defense is amazing um you’re right about the contrasting Styles BYU wants to go up and down Houston loves to slow this game down to a crawl who wins that in this situation

You know at home BYU I think has a little bit of a chance to get this Up Tempo a little bit um and and that kept me off the total because I’ve been under with Houston almost all year long they’re just the best under team there possibly is because that defense is so

Great and they limit possessions in a basketball game this one might be a little different might be a little higher possession wise uh this is probably Houston’s first trip ever to Provo you know they’re going to fly into Salt Lake they’re going to take the bus

Down to Provo off the off the 15 and then they got a half an hour drive into the mountains you know those kids are going to be wonder where where are we going um and then they’re going to find out that they’re going to be in for a

Very Rous crowd for for Provo tonight for the BYU Cougars so I think it’s going to be a really close game right down to the wire um I’m going to watch it this will be a game that I definitely will probably play at some point in in

Game depending on who’s playing the best well that’s why I was excited to get 140 on the money line and South Point actually does have 140 right now that’s the best number Market wide if you like Houston to win you don’t have to worry about the points I like them on the

Money line well a total of that one at 136 wanted to get your thoughts on a game where the total I’m seeing at 157 and a half a full 20 plus points higher and that’s 659 660 on the rotation San Diego versus Portland we’re going WCC

Baby I like the pilots L three and a half at home it it’s the only home Chu that I’m going with tonight Portland they’ve won six of their last eight at home they’ve scored 72 or more in every game this season so they’ve been consistent on the offensive side uh the

Terreros of San Diego they’ve lost five straight overall four straight on the road and they’re averaging allowing 83 points a game so that’s why that total’s so high and the last note San Diego scoring 69 points per game on the road as an average this season so I like the

Pilots what say you yeah I do too the pilots have one starter out tonight though that’s uh worth a couple points so I I I made the game eight um with everybody in with that player out um I made it six so I I do lean to Portland I

Didn’t lay the price they they they’ had a disappointing year for me I really liked that coach shant leins and thought that uh this team would be much better than they are but they’ve underachieved and I think Steve Lavin is overachieved for San Diego so game kind of scared me

They are both definitely over teams but this time of year in conference games I just hate going over that big of a total that’s going to be a game I’m going to watch uh what the score is if I get a low-scoring first half I will definitely

Jump on the over in the second half in that game all right the AP ranking has been all over the place we’ve had a lot of upsets these last few weeks who right now do you have as your number one team on your power ratings yeah Purdue in Connecticut I

Have uh really neck and neck I think those are the two best teams in the country followed by Houston Tennessee and Arizona um and then Auburn Auburn’s really good in North Carolina has been uh in Fuego this year they’re just playing some great basketball looked like looks like they’re having a lot of

Fun together they just beat up on a really good Wake Forest team the other night so Wake Forest was averaging 8 80 some points per game and North Carolina’s defense really stymied him so um that you know those seven I think any of those seven could win at all but

Purdue and Connecticut especially Connecticut um they haven’t had their big man clinging most of the year and he’s back now played the last two games he’s a big difference maker in that lineup for the Huskies they are as good as they were last year uh they’re going

To be a fun team to watch I think the the huskys are going to definitely get back to the final four and when it comes to the Futures Market we just updated these numbers right before we took the air with the South Point odds right behind us they’re in lock step with you

With Purdue and Yukon but they’ve also got Arizona it’s Purdue and Arizona as the two teams the shortest odds at 7 to1 each uh five no six teams at 10 to1 Yukon Kentucky Kansas Houston North Carolina and Auburn is there anybody in that grouping of six at at 10 to one

That you think is ranked too high or too low outside of Yukon because you have them as as your number one in your power ratings well houst Houston’s my number three team and they’re they’re right there within a possession of Purdue and Connecticut so um love that team’s

Defense as I talked about before and you know when you look at these teams that do make runs uh in the NCA tournament out of nowhere normally they play great defense so some things I’ve looked at two two teams that I played three teams I played uh in the last week higher

Higher number um spread or higher uh um odds for these teams the Gonzaga 100 to one I’ve got him at uh uh I think they’re the 11th best team in the country it’s a it’s a program that knows how to win in the NCA tournament and two

Other teams Clemson I’ve got ranked the 14th best team in college basketball they’re numbers don’t show it but they have the talent I got them at 250 to1 and then Colorado is a very talented team I got them at 200 to1 Colorado’s huge I’ve seen them in person when they

Played UNLV it was right after uh seeing them play against Florida State it was the next day and you want to talk about two of the biggest teams in the country both Florida State and Colorado uh they’ve got a a really great Brazilian scorer uh Bernardo dilva is his name and

Uh a great freshman Corey I forget his name but he’s like their their car Anthony he’s got the the the cornrow and everything allot Carmelo at at Syracuse with Jim beheim so wanted to get your thoughts too you got Tennessee in there at 12 to one all kind of by themselves

Like you had said along with Houston probably the top two defensive teams in the country but I thought this was an interesting grouping behind them you got cron at 20 to1 Duke and Baylor at 22 to1 I kind of group them three together and then right behind them Michigan State

Marquette Wisconsin BYU do you think that that order and those odds are correct on those groupings of teams yeah they they look pretty good to me you know the one team that I I think I like the best out of that group is kraton uh they’re playing tremendous

Defense and they’ve got some really good scores um and again as I said I love Connecticut because I think they’re that good Connecticut made Craton look bad and I think they may be one of the only three teams in the country that could make kraton look bad uh Connecticut

Houston and Tennessee those are the three I don’t think Purdue could make Connecticut look bad but Purdue can outscore you and that in so many different ways so um they’re a little diff little different story than those three defensive teams but produ still good defensively just not great Ken you

Wanted to get a couple of more games uh your thoughts on a couple more games before we let you go including a couple that Alex has plays on one more total Miami of Ohio versus Central Michigan Alex you’re on under 142 in this one are

You asking me or are you asking him I guess I guess you guys you know you’re related same last name one one and all for one all right well let me get there okay so yes I have I made at 133 this one Central Michigan is 10-7 to the

Under 5-1 to the under so far this year in conference I wanted to look up their Pace but I didn’t get that far so made this I got under 142 here for Miami Ohio and Central Michigan what do you think about that number Kenny yeah you know I

Had uh I I played the uh dog Miami of Ohio I think this good basketball team um their best player the big guy Marabella 68305 was out for an extended period of time early in the season and he’s just kind of rounding in mid-season form hasn’t started a game yet comes off the

Bench plays 20 22 minutes I think you’re going to see those numbers start to increase and the more he plays the better Miami of Ohio is going to get so um yeah they they don’t play the Miami Ohio slower Pace uh Central Michigan a very weak offensive basketball team so

Yeah I could see this under um again um you got a conference play this time of year you got to look for unders this is supposed to be a very close game uh you hopefully you don’t get those you know uh foul hacka Shack at the end of the

Game fouling the opponent to get to the line and you know extending the game so this type of situation you hope you get a dribble out we appreciate all this time and you spending uh this hour with us leave us with h your favorite college basketball play of the

Night oh boy it’s good question you know I play so many games that I play most for the same amount uh um you know and I had a couple plays today that I liked I didn’t love um I would say uh Wyoming in San Diego State under 143 and a half is probably

My favorite play of the night uh San Diego State coming off a loss is not going to be very happy that defense is still very tremendous Wyoming struggles to score and they they don’t they play at a slower pace so I think the possessions will be down and maybe the

Wyoming team total under might might even be the better play in that game so that’s that’s probably my best play of the night though under Wyoming in San Diego State and the second best play is that somebody’s birthday tomorrow I won’t mention any names Matt but Alex uh

Has a birthday tomorrow 29 in holen happy birthday birthday to my beautiful daughter oh Kenny we appreciate you coming on so much we’re gonna have to get you back more often I know it’s been a while but we always appreciate your time always appreciate your numbers he’s Kenny white legendary Vegas oddsmaker

The wizard of odds some may say can find him on Twitter X whatever we’re calling it now at kyy Vegas also Kenny Whit for his player power ratings Kenny thank you so much thanks Matt thanks for having me on the show thank you always love having the wizard of

Odds on how did he get that nickname do you know the story I don’t uh we should have asked him we just missed out just missed out well I I think we know how we can get him on get him I’m pretty sure he just came up with it one day and uh

It’s stuck it works yeah especially in the day where marketing yourself is so so valuable in this industry yes but uh yeah Wyoming San Diego State under I like that it’s in San Diego it’s at San Diego State it’s at Vos Arena uh they will have a huge homeour court advantage

In this one Wyoming actually just beat uh Nevada in Wyoming Arena Auditorium is a really tough place to play in laramy so they’re going to be riding high but I think he’s right about San Diego State being more disciplined and more motivated more uh coming off of that

That loss what do you think about Boise State at fres State you have a play in this one that you like right yeah one of the one of my favorites of the day actually and it’s it’s scares me that I like enough of the road favorites but

This one is probably of the road favorites the ones that I like the most Boise State laying five and a half at Fresno State really no uh home court advantage in the the Central Valley in California 7:30 tip off here on the West Coast Boise State number 54 in kenpom

The Bulldogs of Fresno State all the way down at 218 Boise State coming off of a win against San Diego State uh last satday Saturday in in their last game the Broncos allowing 27% shooting from Beyond The Arc in conference play this year Fresno State not a sharp shooting team and I think

That Boise State too big too strong too fast and I I really like that number the other one as well is that the Fresno State Bulldogs turn the ball over on 20% plus of their possessions this year that’s 323rd in the country out of 362 so I like I like the Broncos Fresno

State one of the worst Mountain West teams that we have and then also we have Air Force which you and will be hosting and you’ll be at that game I will be engineering on the the radio side so I’ll be uh representing for the Running Rebels Scarlett and gray um yeah Air

Force catching 11 they are winless in the Mountain West Losers of their last eight in a row UNLV really starting to come into their own a couple of guys starting to really settle in and gain some confidence Rob Wy Jr the name we watch out for in this one yes I was

Watching that a Colorado State game he was a beast yes and Colorado State I’ve had this discussion with people in the past with how top loaded and strong the Mountain West is overall they might be the third best team and that’s saying something because you’ve got Nevada who

Started off so strong albe it with a a weaker non-conference slate you’ve got Utah State you’ve got New Mexico’s now in the rankings but I don’t think is consistent enough a day in and day out you never know what you’re going to get with them to really get there and then

Oh yeah you’ve got Boise State and San Diego State with UNLV kind of rising San Jose State coming up from behind here uh and Wyoming two and three in in conference play after they were expected to be in the in the basement so this Mountain West top to bottom there are no

Easy nights but for UNLV they started the season off with the top five teams in the conference in their conference slate and now they play the bottom four in a row so this is the first of four games that are very very winnable what did they finish against those top five

Against those top five uh three and two I thought so and they almost they almost beat so they they lost to San Diego State in their first conference game and that was uh I think an 810 Point loss but they lost to Utah State by a point

On that crazy five-point play they lost by a possession to Colorado State they beat New Mexico and uh they they beat Boise in Boise which is incredible so they they went two and three big your pardon if you include that San Diego State game in there but again you’ve got

The next four games very winnable if they go 4-0 they’ll be six and three halfway through the Mountain West slate it’s about as well as you could ask for at that point so the most important thing is to play how to continue playing how they have and not play down to their

Competition and they have been doing that certain points this year they took St Mary’s to double overtime they lost to Southern in in The Season’s opener so yeah same kind of exact principle I’ve always said that about the Pittsburgh Steelers and it’s one thing that is the biggest knock

On Mike Tomlin in my eyes is that they always play down or up to the level of their opponent and for you and LV this year it’s been pretty good because they’ve played some really really tough competition but yeah that’ll be uh interesting game 8 o’clock on the west

Coast nice and late it is your last show for the week any final things for you whether it’s Futures that you were looking at that my dad didn’t get to or any final plays you want to give out for the conference games this weekend I’ve

Got no Futures yet a lot of the ones that you and I had liked throughout the week moved against us Kansas wasn’t it 18 to one earlier in the week Kentucky Kentucky as well Kentucky getting haved in value over the course of a week so we

Might be too late to the party against some of those might have to take some of those long shots that your dad had mentioned those were really long shots G zaga yeah I don’t know maybe a little too rich for my blood and Clemson he can

Have he can have the Tigers best of luck on that one Kenny um I I like the Ravens if the game gets to three is a good chance that I lay it I like the under if it goes to 45 I absolutely will bet it I

Have no no tickets in pocket for this game yet those are two of my leans I will have the play on Mahomes over 36 and a half pass attempts I really really like that and it’s the one that I did the most Research into on my own so that

Uh just for the sake of my own work I’m gonna have to play that one very good and I would say I think we’ll get some more over money getting closer to the game with getting some public buying into these so you might be able to get

That 45 but always know what you’re going to get from the public favorites and overs that’s right because that’s what everybody wants to see well that’ll do it for the Tuesday edition of sports by the book Jeff parl will be back in this seat tomorrow Alex white happy

Birthday tomorrow are are you are you are you in the show tomorrow I am yes and I’m on punch lines so double duty for Alex we’re keeping her working on her birthday uh be sure to go wish her happy birthday on social big thanks to Ryan McCormack behind the glass and and

Andrew as well Ryan any final thoughts on the college basketball slate tonight uh my only thoughts are Wyoming has yet to win in a away game this year so I do like San Diego State and then I don’t think Bowling Green gets enough respect

In the Mac um they do have a brand new head coach yeah and Todd Simon he was a very good coach at Southern Utah um that program they’re only a one and a half Point favorite against Ken State tonight and uh I think that’s a a great money

Line price not not nearly enough respect for the Bowling Green Team so you heard it from Ryan McCormack San Diego State Bowling Green send your hate mail that’ll do it for sports by the book be sure to like comment subscribe let us know what you want let us know who you

Like for Alex white Ryan McCormack I’m Matt never saying thanks so much for tuning in Jeff parl back in the chair [Applause] Tomorrow

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