The TRUTH On How To Get “SHALLOW” In The Downswing || ON PLANE

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In this video, Adam goes over the truth about getting “shallow” in the downswing. We use the term shallow because most of the golfing population swing the club from over the top which needs a shallowing move. But to gain the most efficiency in the swing the golfer needs to be “ON PLANE”, meaning in the downswing (from the down the line view) the club matches the forearm. This has to be achieved by having the proper set up, perfect takeaway and correct transition in order to get the club on plane.

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In the beginning right here my hands go straight back down the line for a good 18 in right they’re being turned right down the line and then the club sets now from this position from there my body keeps turning and it moves my hands up the plane not up the elevator

Up the escalator yeah okay in the direction of my turn and just to be real real clean with this it’s just going in the direction of my shoulders so when I’m here it’s going in the direction of my shoulders and that just happens to be straight back with the hands and then up

The plane but if the cool thing is if you do this all one pace buddy and have your left shoulder Pace it it just moves it back there naturally in that direction for you steep golfers out there instantaneously your down swing will get more shallow when your hands

Are on the right path going back clubs more and the club’s more in front of you we you know we see it time and time again people work on these ridiculous shallowing moves that are complete manipulations of a downswing exactly doing that to try to you know correct

The wrongs of the back swing and I believe that you know a connected back swing good hand path Club on plane that right there is going to be your first steps to getting that club in the slot on the way down now here’s the thing that was the best of the day right

There yeah we use the word shallow because 90% of our golfers come in steep let’s fix the word shallow and just not make it about that anymore because I mean how many videos can we possibly make that say the word shallow on plane we’re just getting these guys

On plane some players get stuck underneath the plane we’ve been there before too yeah but I’m just saying you know some players get stuck underneath the plane we work them a little bit more on plane technically that would be getting a little bit steeper but the reality is the reason everybody hears

The word shallow so much it says because the majority of golfers you know majority of people have go in inside way back and then over on the way through and that’s typically what you see so we always talk about shallowing because the majority of golfers need a shallower

Swing what does that mean just more on plane on plane in the slot position here right Kev like right here in the slot position Club crawling down the forearm but of the club with the ball like just a position where if I keep turning everything goes down the line

With no manipulation right it’s it makes sense that if I’m here you and I keep turning I’m dead left if I’m under the plane here and I keep turning it’s out to the right with no manipulation right so the golfer who’s too steep coming down will stand up and not rotate to shallow

The club late the golfer who’s inside coming down will either Flip or try to come over the top at the bottom to try or from the top to try to write the wrong but if we get it in the right spot going back in here rotating on the way through without

Having to manipulate a Thing feel for me right now is almost like that yes where I’m just kind of sending the club up and then getting it as deep as I can the club stays in front of you the hands get deeper exactly yeah and the reason why

We’re doing that for the viewer is because if his hands just get deeper and the club follows that sometimes what can happen is this you guys if someone just solely thinks about the hand path and somebody’s sitting there lifting it like this and they need to get it more on

Plane with their shoulders and then the direction of their bodies turn it’s very easy to turn that club inside with you and that’s what he’s fighting right now he’s making sure the club is still staying in front while he makes that deep turn and that’s that’s huge when I

Go back the perfect hand path is underneath my right shoulder through my right bicep it should come down through that right bicep again okay that’s the key the club head the club head’s on top of my right forearm left arm matching shoulder plane back through the bicep with the club on

My right forearm again right through beautiful right there we have very definitive checkpoints of poor Zack off that like if you’re in the realm of right we you know it’s like for me right here hands straight back down the line of your feet right hands right in front of your chest

Butt of the club just inside the ball at ball right from here turn to the top left arm on shoulder plane Club face matching this lead wrist and left arm and then like that yeah exactly go it almost feels like I’m like it’s like my right scap is just like tight tight

Exactly you know what I’ve always felt too when I turn even though my left shoulder is dictating the turn I feel like my right shoulder blade like right here tucks back into my spine does that make sense like that right shoulder blade tucks back and it opens up that

Turn really gets the right shoulder blade behind the head okay this one here see how steep that is he me look at look at the hands up there guys watch watch the club come down right splitting his shoulder super Steep and open look at that between his forearms watch where he

Gets instantaneously when he gets the right back swing right so he gets deeper and watch how it comes down under the shoulder and on the forearm tremendously different right there thumbs up deeper turn absolutely right thumbs up deeper turn what would be the go-to drill for

You head cover under the right arm with which dude how many times have we done that right I mean head cover under the right arm with the thumbs up in the beginning now what does this head cover under the right arm do guys it just guarantees that his body’s going to turn

More to get everything to the top as opposed to any of the lifting which would then drop the right the head cover under the right arm this is a great drill for Henry great drill for my taller guy too have the lanky arms Square Club face Bud yeah I mean

The lower we can get it look at this club transitioning now who’s this guy I don’t know but that’s way more Square than and look at the club face way more stable than it’s used to being also yeah it’s like feeling like here and then almost like like you said these stay

Connected to the chest everything you feel that turn yeah and it just turns it back but like you don’t want these getting like out and loose like no that’s why I was saying I think for you you need to feel your arms literally plug in here and just maintain that

Connection with your arms to your body the whole way up and then be slow I mean that gets better and better about as you’re swinging now it’s like actually getting better and better I mean listen if you’re going to travel 3,000 miles to come see me and hang out

In beautiful sunny San Diego we might as well get the job done right yeah I mean you know just kind of but no you know what’s cool this this is how this guy and I work if everybody’s wondering you know how do how do Henry and I maintain um this consistency throughout the

Course of the year you know he’s in Jersey I’m here in San Diego poor Zack ol is trying to become a little more spread out across the country we’re working on that uh we have good plans to kind of get ourselves a little bit more spread out especially up in the east

Coast but this guy will come out as he talked about in the beginning of the lesson for you know a couple days twice a year and he’ll spread it out you know a lot of times this time of year is great for the college players because

You know you have a month off right and you come out here spend a couple days days go back well we do the majority of our work here and then we check in with 30 minute to an hour FaceTime and we’ll do that periodically you know once every

Couple weeks and you know it’s it’s it’s it’s when you come out here it’s nice to be in person and to grind all this stuff out and then what’s nice about the FaceTime is enough to where we can touch and go make sure that everything’s staying consistent nothing’s getting out

Of hand yeah it’s good for you to refresh and see like how what I do in the swing how the ball reacts and then when you’re looking at on FaceTime you don’t need to see that much it’s like you know’s to be there well you know we

Come out here we put together the plan for the season of what we need to be doing technically right and he gets playing a lot and these college guys get playing a lot and you know you guys can relate who play big money games on the weekends and maybe you know you don’t

Have time to practice throughout the week because you’re you know just getting right into the game or whatever or these guys are just constantly qualifying playing playing playing so it’s nice to get the swing work done now develop a consistent rehearsal that you maintain throughout the entire semester

With which is what we’re working on right now and then what we like what like I said what we do is we’ll check in Via FaceTime just make sure that those rehearsals and the swing is staying consistent at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the

Best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing

Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond La


  1. Best instructors in the game. Period. I will never get private lessons from anyone else. Watching your videos has saved me so much money that I’m saving it all to see you guys in San Diego one day 🙌🏻

  2. I wish I could make the trip to your area before the season starts up here in NY. Your lessons are so easy to understand! Keep up the great work!

  3. If any of you are making a trip to San Diego – make Adam part of your stop – in person its even easier.

  4. As a beginner golfer, your videos are so informative and addictive. Your instructions keep the golf swing simplistic and not overly technical. Would love to see a total beginner video series . Keep up the great work, Adam & Mike.

  5. i am one of those golfers who do crazy moves to not be steep. practice swings are money, real swings still come down splitting the forearms. Will investigate my take away! thx

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