My new LEGAL BUDGET GOLF BALL competes with TITLEIST PRO V1 on all tests!

We have found one of the BEST BUDGET golf balls in the WORLD that completes on all levels with a TITLEIST PRO V1 golf ball…

Last week we compared the CAITON 3 PIECE ball with a KIRKLAND SIGNATURE golf ball. To our surprise, the CAITON blew the KIRKLAND out of the park!

We would of never dreamt of comparing the CAITON with a HIGH END golf ball, but here goes…

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! £13.79 50% Off | Caiton 12pcs Double Layer Extreme Range Golf Ball, Golf Accessories,Extreme Challenge Fly Further and More Accurate

Join us at WWW.GOLFREPAIRS4U.CO.UK with Master Fitter Sam Smith for another golf ball test! These results are incredible!

#golf #golfballs #prov1 #kirklandsignature #caiton

Last week we did a video reviewing the Kon ball against the Kirkland and it blew the Kirkland out the park but it’s time to put it up against a premium Bower Prov V1 we’re going to test them head-to-head Sam yeah because a few subscribers asked for this video they

Were so surprised on how it performed against the Kirkland which you know we pretty much said it out of the par didn’t yeah 100% but can it compete with a premium ball that’s a big big big ass this is £13.79 a dozen it’s reduced its half price at the minute yeah uh from

AliExpress really quar of the price really yeah I’ll put a link in the description as well um yeah is a quar of the price I mean I’ve certainly said I’m going to be using it out on the course but there’ll be people wanting to know how it compares to prov1 so yeah should

We hit some shots yeah definitely like I said see see how it fars up we’ve got all our data up here from the testing aren’t we from when we you know obviously yeah like to be honest this W planned was it we thought it’ just be against a Kirkland and that’s it but

It’s you know been substantially bad would need to compare against a better ball really we actually thought it were going to be a flop in all honesty yeah but it’s performed that well we just thought well let’s get Prov V and and test a pro so we’re going to hit some

Shorts we’re going to hit five wedges five seven aons and five drivers with Prov V keep it consistent and then we’ll compare them side by side yeah perfect I mean this is my gamer as well so the Prov V1 obviously brand new out of the sleeve this is generally what I’d

Use in competitions yeah um and I do use I have used Kirkland in past for winter as a bit of a budget alternative now I’m probably going to be using Kon um so I just want to see really how it Compares with Prov so if you didn’t see the Kon versus Kirkland

Bll what we said were in the wedges that although it sounded a bit clicker it didn’t feel like a you know like a budget ball it didn’t feel like a a Top Flight or a pinnacle or a hard ball but it sounded like one but actually felt

Soft it it was funny went to 79 and Driver it sounded fine it just wedges it was a bit clicky and the spin was definitely lower so be interested in you know compar the will this ball ever not be the best ball in the market yeah it’s hold a

Manal for a long time on it yeah definitely again to be fair B speed is like the same yeah um just a bit more Spin and again bit lower launch so that’s quite similar to the Kirkland from the last video I think spin was actually high

With the Kirkland um but yeah I mean fairness k still two yards more bring Kirkland in yeah bring Kirkland in that’s have a lot um I think spin was a bit higher yeah yeah Fair bit higher uh ball spe were just slower and I I found

That to be fair when I I used to use kirkin in winter when I set the studio up and I tested data it was definitely a bit slower ball speed than like I say Prov but you know just as quick ball speed um I said spins the only main

Thing with a c and wedge but we know it was better on 79 in driver in terms of that what we said because it launches more it’s angle of descent yeah so again angle descent I think I reckon it’ be better on the Prov do you I reckon because it’s just more

Spin so 50.1 I don’t know 50.5 yeah so very very similar 48 for Kirkland and again I think it’s because it was just quite a bit higher launch that help of that angle of descent um but yeah that’s quite similar I’d say look at dispersion though Ken and

Trajectory yeah just a little bit higher is it you see PR one’s very close to it but yeah like said dispersion wise Ken was best as well um but yeah like I said it’s bit more realistic than you like I said already kind of comparing them to

You see ball speeds are going to be very similar so it’ be interesting when we get to 79 and driving with obviously being someone who’s a bit more you know you know a lot more about data than than we do let’s not let’s not like lie here

But what do you foresee with a 7 in and Driver having seen that uh yeah I think both people close yeah definitely a bit closer to the Ken um and then yeah it’s hard to say what it would do with spin obviously you’re used to pro1 anyway

Yeah um so I’d imagine the spin would be a decent kind of optimum number um but yeah I think ball spe is going to be the main one to see if it does kind of maintain a similar comparison to the Ken yeah um let have a lot

So that’s better that’s better found it again sometimes for get to turn like me up yeah sure feel wise again I’m guessing feels a bit softer maybe than the C yeah I think I’d be clutching at straws to say that but it it did feel good K yeah but if I you

Know I’ve used Pro for that long I’m always going to a pro feel cuz it’s just what I I’m used to yeah you just rever back to it don’t you but it’s it’s as close as you know it’s it’s closer than than a lot of balls I’ve tried right there’s your

Five right let’s have a look at numbers K Pro tell you what he’s done it on ball speed um just different flight so before the K was kind of higher launching and lower spinning in M Kirkland but Pro v1’s done it even more really yeah um again ball speeds basically mile hour

Slower definitely High launching and like I said you can see a bit lower spin In fairness per is not as consistent spin um same carry um I think we knew the ball speed would be definitely similar dispersions good again dispersions I’d say basically identical to both um but I mean for me

As a fitter I’d probably prefer the numbers of the Kon to be honest in terms of launch and spin angle descent would be interesting to to see how they compare again don’t be expecting any free balls off tius this year so yeah 49.3 I think that’s a bit high and again

Just because the launches higher uh what what 47.8 what about bringing Kirkland in just yeah so if we go Kirkland again again just ball speed with it but again launch and Spins quite slimit to the C but you can see substantially slow ball speed so it’s like nine yard

Shorter um yeah again it doing very similar things in terms of distance but you can just see ball flights are very different yeah you know kon’s a bit more penetrating with a bit more spin uh per one’s a bit more kind of high launch slow Spin and good stopping power and

Let’s just have a look at Club data just to obviously the few people at home probably wondering you know what’s going on fairness scen I’ve actually swung the the yeah you you swung PR a bit quicker to be fair so yeah is it every mile every mile an hour it’s about 2.7 mph

Ball speed I think so if you went to say that i’ say that’s got to be 4 mph if you went back to say 89.8 yeah have you agree about 4 mph so then that takes you close to the Kirkland again to be fair is basically where the Kirkland would be

Jesus so so it’s more efficient then it’s more efficient again you can see it you swung it slower with getting even slower ball speed it’s so even quicker ball speed and Swinging it slower so that’s why efficienc is even better lying Les are all similar Diamond lofs

Are a bit different um yeah that’s again I’d probably give that the K to be honest it’s not it’s not just took Kirkland that I I think at this point what we’re seeing is pretty impressive it’s in heavyweight division it is it’s very impressive like I said the minute

It’s I think with a cheaper ball you’d expect spin to VAR more um and again you hav you know that’s quite a bit difference really tight you know 166 deviation and again it’s not like the spin’s consistent but it’s like a bad average you bad consistency it’s a good

Number you know I’d always want to see for your Club had speed in the 6000s for spin like said for me Pro spin it too low I’d like to see a bit more ume this year get stock up on them while run off I think minute like I said driver is

Going to be I think a key one as well but the minute again it’s holding its gr 100% um right let’s let’s hit a few drives this is turning out to be uh very interesting is it very interesting from a from a ball that we thought were going

To be a flop to literally knocking on door a Pro V1 and offering it out we we we we wouldn’t have compared against a pro1 would we all I didn’t even think we never thought we were we were I were thinking ad Trel 3 and Kirkland I thought well Kirkland cuz you

Know obviously people it’s a good budget ball isn’t it but I’d have never put it against the prov1 no like I said it’s there definitely exceeded ey expectations on it yeah good job may this is potentially but again if for seeking maybe a few extra yards for a driver and

Pay nearly four times the amount this is the thing we’re not price Fair we’re not comparing a 40 versus 40 ball here are we we’re comparing a 13 B I’m saying for how much you’re paying it should be worse but should a lot it should be a lot worse

Yeah know I’ve just had a driver fitting off S and bought some orange Tees I’ve be inged to see Club up speed full speed’s definitely lower is it but again to be fair let’s see what it’s saying we’re not going to knock his beloved off well if you watch my videos you probably might be new to the channel I’m getting quite a few new subscribers at

Minute is that my club speed improves through confidence you know if I’m trying a club that I like or I like the feel of a shaft generally increases and the more nervous I am or I’m not sure about some it it decreases but they’re always within like one miles

Per hour or maximum 2 miles per hour yeah you’re a little bit slower so we’ll bear us in mind it’s well it’s not but I think that’s because with a Kon ball I were buzzing weren’t I you know you you pump puppet it’s like you get adrenaline CU you’re enjoying something I’d say

It’s close enough to still be a fair test but we’ll bear in mind that you you know if you do equation it’ll be a little bit kind of fur what are we talking then what would the difference Speed 2 m hour is it can only say I’m not purposely trying to change anything

U that’s just come through confidence well again you look at data like said ball speed I think we’ll go Club dat first before then we can work out ball speed you see yeah one and a half mile an hour I’m sorry yeah on it’s not a lot

No I thought it was two it’s it’s not a lot um stands are very high but again if if you think yeah two if it’s 2.7 mph per 1 mph Club speed yeah you’re going to be 3 and a half M hour something like again three and a half four so yeah I

Think it’s again very close in terms of ball speed if you’re being very exact uh but again you look at again it’s just a little bit higher launching a little bit lower spinning but again deviation better with a Kon like I said it’s six yards further but that’s mainly ball

Speed I’d say I’d say if they were very similar ball speeds um yeah I think if ball speed was same on that I think distance wise be a bit further just because it’s a bit High launch low spin but um yeah I’d say again it’s very very

Close Sam’s an absolute golf pervert and a numbers pervert for me looking at this is just a PGA Pro I’m looking at them numbers Sam and they’re just they like like so comparable oh yeah unbelievable I said they’re very close in terms of launching spin you know that can vary

From any change even like a shaft change or anything like that yeah um and like I said it’s we know Club speeds a fraction slower um but like I said I think if it were exactly the same and you were a robot I think both speeds would be very

Similar I don’t think there’ be a lot in it and then do you think that the the distance would be the same I think the distance would only be further on that because it’s more High launch low spin yeah so much ball speed I don’t think

Ball speed could get past that I’d say it’d be very if it is it’s like 3 mph or something I’d say it’s basically the same ball speed um so again if you then bring the Kirkland into it from before uh you were ball fitting for him

And it were a blind test and you only had them numbers in front of you is there any reason why you won’t pick the not really like I said if that if that to me said tp5 then I’d go tp5 I think again it’s where about people about snobby really

Because it’s a cheat ball you fig I want to play that but it’s like for you it’s actually better numbers um you you spin it a fracture more with a driver which I prefer cuz I think you’re bad shot when it gets a little bit flat but I think

You know going high te and hitting up on a ball more you can see your laang with nowhere near as kind of low as it used to be yeah um but again yeah you look at ball speed same as you know the pro really in Kirkland again Kirkland bit

Different ball flight um but yeah you can’t knock that ball for the price point I’m going to have a look on instag SC see if we can find him I think this is the biggest surprise we’ve done yet it’s the biggest in two probably two and

A half years of doing YouTube videos I would say this is up there with the very best found we’ve ever had it’s brilliant like I said it’s well it is it’s the best F we’ve ever had yeah like like you just can’t knock it you I don’t know how

We can conclude on that to be honest I don’t know I think we found the best budget ball in the world yeah it’s brilliant it’s unbelievable what the balls for that price it be like I don’t even know how much STS and distance 15 to 20 I think I mean if you

Put it against one probably like an inys maybe or something cathlon if you put it aside of one of them or like a SL it would absolutely embarrassing compete there’s nothing going to compete with that on that price is there like I said it’s just the efficiency you know that that’s the main

Thing we’ve you can see we’ve not purposely SW swung quicker to hit it further you can see the efficiency and how much you’re getting out of the all is just way high on everything you know Kirkland emper you one I’ll stick a link into the description I’m sure you’ll be

Keen to sort of have a little bit of a nausey and and see if they’re still an offer at 1379 but wow unbelievable definely get on course get James to try him as well so yeah we’ll get them out on in fact that’s a great idea we’ll have a match

For these out on the course and we’ll you know I’ll not even tell I’m not going to tell James how much these cost yeah I’m going to tell James this were a 60 golf ball yeah shall I do that yeah tell James this is a 60 golf ball from

Japan yeah cuz Japan’s Got a bit more it you think that exotic I don’t want to upset anyone in China but it’s got that exotic feeling golf a it so it’s a 60 pound ball from Japan should I go even more should I go 80 right you’ve got to

Remember those are going to believe you knows how tight you are well we’re going to tell James Robinson we bought I think a 60 pound a dozen golf ball from Japan and we’re going to test it out on course and I’ll let him have a couple of sleeves to test

Himself hopefully don’t Google him um and yeah see what he thinks we’ll have a match with him that’s a great idea guys if you’re not already subscribed hit the Subscribe button check out Sam as well www. golf repairs for you. uk. UK uh for all your custom fitting needs Club

Repairs yeah I guess I could post Stu to you if needs be yeah yeah people need a new shaft or something yeah can post it ship it back it’s no problem check out the series of videos that I’m doing with you’ll see you know getting have a nosy

In his Workshop see what he gets up to obviously we’re doing a few repairs in your Workshop aren’t we yeah um and yeah there’s no other man apart from Sam we’ll see you in a couple of days time guys bye


  1. ProV is number one, but not with amateur golfers, anecdotally you find more Srixon balls than Titleist, and when you find Titleist tends to be true feel. Is it because better players use ProV and don’t therefore lose balls? Not sure, i tend to play with low single figure golfers, most don’t use ProV in winter, some will in summer comps, most use Callaway or TM.

  2. Another great video Gaz, can't believe the pro v has been relegated from top spot. Only the Cadbury creme egg to beat 😊.

  3. Brilliant videos be interesting to see ho thru compare to a srixon z star from my own testing i found cheap balls normally are close to the big brand from say driver to 7 iron ish but once you get closer i found its night and day your doing some great videos definitely one of my favourite YouTubers to watch

  4. Great Vid again Gaz – Slazenger V300 SOFT – Best Budget Ball on the Planet – especially for beginners & higher Handicappers 58p per ball.

  5. Hi Gaz, love the vids, especially the fitting ones. Could you make a vid about what a custom fitting for a set of irons should involve exactly? I am going to take the plunge in the next month or so and would like to be aware of what should and shouldnt happen. Just an idea. Keep up the good work!

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