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How Christian Cage Became Wrestling’s Most Hated Heel

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Brace yourselves, wrestling fans! In this exclusive video, we delve deep into the unexpected and controversial journey of Christian Cage as he underwent a radical transformation, emerging as the most hated heel in the history of professional wrestling.

From his early days as a beloved face to the shocking turn of events that led to his newfound villainous persona, we dissect the pivotal moments that defined Christian Cage’s evolution into a cunning and despised antagonist on AEW

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#ChristianCage #AEW #Wrestling #Sportskeeda

What defines a standout wrestling heel is it merely their ability to incite booze provoke the ey of the audience but rather the skill of crafting a Persona that thrives on eliciting those emotional reactions and keeps you guessing when they’re going to come and no one does this better in televised pro

Wrestling currently than Christian Cage if you know someone better and you’re already freaking out watching this video we’ll get into the comments below it’s sport keer wrestling I’m Kevin Christian already has his place in the Hall of Fame but these days he calls himself the patriarch on aew television a character

That he has developed within the last year or so and with it he has become only even more controversial as an antagonist but this character has also breathed new life into his tenure in aew overall possibly making maybe the Final Chapter for him in wrestling a very

Interesting one and a very personal one admittedly Christian always excelled as a villain rather than a baby face but this latest iteration of it is something that is truly Exceptional from what we’ve seen before yet before delving into this let’s uncover how this remarkable Evolution unfolded believe it

Or not it started in WWE that’s right when Christian returned to pro wrestling after a seven-year long injury induced Hiatus at Royal Rumble 2021 it was a brief and emotional reunion with his childhood friend and long time tag team partner Edge well we’ll come back to

Edge later in this video coming back to Christian it was clear that he was here to stay he looked great inside the ring had an excellent physical presence and after negotiations unfortunately fell through with WWE Christian made the jump to aew and was back in the squared

Circle on Prime Time television in a role that really motivated him Tony KH instantly treated him like a big deal he went after Kenny Omega for the aw world title and even defeated him for the impact World title having a victory over Kenny Omega in 2021 was a pretty huge

Deal he was the guy Christian was one of the men to beat him in the middle of the ring and that is something special however he dropped the impact World Championship to Josh Alexander at impact’s Bound for Glory pay-per-view after this Christian began a friendship a mentorship if you will with jungle boy

And luchasaurus leading them to become aew World Tag Team Champions having them around new younger Talent created a different and fresh Dynamic however after the team dropped the titles to the Young Bucks the aew road rager in June of 2022 cage turned his back on jungle

Boy Jack Perry and attacked him out of frustration Christian then walked up to Jack Perry’s mother who is seated at ringside and said you raised a piece of right then and there Christian became a Despicable guy on TV not only this but the following week on Dynamite he came

Out to a chorus of booze and explained his actions why he did what he did yes the best villains sometimes justify the things they do and he claimed he disrespected jungle boy’s mother by claiming that she wanted him to be jungle boy’s father Christian further said that he never wanted to be his

Father figure because he had a father and his father was dead mentioning jungle boy’s deceased father beloved actor Luke Perry This became a regular and very controversial and jarring thing to see him do on television and he would mock his opponent’s fathers and gave him an edge in terms of the whole mental

Mind games of pro wrestling and it had a lot of people saying maybe they were going too far with letting Christian do this not even mjf who’s a guy who knows how to say some really testy things was going here and it was definitely something that aew would do that maybe

WWE wouldn’t Christian Cage proved himself to Be an Effective villain who got these really Hardy loud visceral reactions the following week he came out and said that he was sorry that jungle boy’s entire family wasn’t dead and they would have to watch him end jungle boy

In the middle of the Ring damn he also manipulated jungle boy’s former friend luchasaurus to join him starting a Feud with jungle boy Jack Perry at allout 2022 Christian defeated jungle boy Jack Perry in a mere 20 seconds but the Rivalry had to stop as Christian was

Dealing with some injuries and had to take some time off maybe that’s why it was only 20 seconds in the meantime jungle boy continued feuding with his former friend and Christian’s right-hand dinosaur luchasaurus and even defeated the monster at full gear in a steel cage

Match a real beauty of a match go seek it out this is when Christian came back back and decided to stick his nose in Jungle boy’s business again but this time Jungle Jack was ready and finally defeated his former Mentor at a revolution 2023 and it was at this point in the

Feud that Christian was there to put jungle boy over and he did just that a villain creates a hero not a bad problem he did his job but this is where our story really gets going in a different direction after closing the book on jungle boy Christian said his sits on

The TNT Champion Wardlow this turned out to be the best booking decision you could go with as he got to show more personality and have more time on the microphone talk him into the ring right like a jungle boy he talked about Wow’s deceased father yes he’s going to keep

This going and mocked him for this for not being famous week by week he became more and more unhinged when he had the microphone and the audience seemed to enjoy this new truly unpredictable and very emotional character the reactions got bigger and bigger regardless of those reactions being booze Christian

Found a way to make people care about what he said you didn’t not listen when he spoke and he had his match against wllo and he couldn’t defeat him to become the new aew TNT champion at double or nothing however he helped luchasaurus capture the title from morlow on Dynamite but he instantly

Proclaimed that he was the TNT Champion not his right-hand dinosaur of Destruction that actually won the match although luchasaurus was the recognized TNT champion and defending the title every chance he had Christian carried the belt wore the belt and talked about himself like he was the champion you

Know cuz he’s a real Despicable villain this became one of the best things on TV as people were actually invested in his storyline and wanted to see how far he could take this as a heel rain really sink to a new low or or a new high

Depending on how you view it he had his own 10-year-old daughter kicked out of the Arena during an episode of aw Collision all because she wanted to hold the title for a few minutes daddy says no Christian claimed he did this because he wanted to be a good role model for

His children yeah father of the year soon after Christian and luchasaurus would align themselves with swerve Strickland to form a new rivalry with Darby Allen Nick Wayne and sting oh talking about Nick Wayne he was a bright young Superstar and he was someone who unfortunately lost his father so yeah

Christian’s going to go after the new Young wrestler whose father was a pro wrestler who passed away we saw this coming yeah Christian proclaimed that Nick Wayne’s father who was deceased was a less talented wrestler who couldn’t be a world champion ah man this is getting harsh however his Feud with Darby was

Far from over so the young star challenged Christian for the TNT championship at aew wrestle dream it was a fun match and Christian managed to retain his title and that’s because Darby’s friend Nick Wayne turned on him to join Christian you know the guy that insulted his dead father became his new

Quote unquote father yeah this could have been the highlight of the night but people remember the night for one thing and one thing only do you think you know me you think you know me yes to the sounds of alter Bridge’s metalingus and sting at ringside Edge came back that’s

Right Edge Adam copelan now in aew jumped ship and was going to have a final just fun hug it out with Christian oh but it wasn’t going to go that way no we were finally going to get these two feuding in a way we hadn’t seen before upon seeing his friend Christian was

Truly shocked in that postmatch scene he didn’t expect Adam Copeland of all people to show up and Copeland stopped him from attacking sting and wanted to talk some sense into him Copeland I got to get used to saying that on the October 4th edition of aew dynamite called for a truce with Christian

Wanting to rekindle their friendship by finishing their careers together a that feels good Christian came out and embraced his friend with a big bare hug holding him close but still having the microphone near his mouth to say the shocking phrase go f yourself at first Adam copelan couldn’t believe why

Chrisan was acting this way and claimed that luchasaurus and Nick Wayne would turn on him at some point Christian did not take those words kindly and said that he was not their leader but their father yeah that’s what a father does right he then went off on Copeland and

Basically accused him of wanting a reunion only because Christian was more popular now in the meantime he was humiliating Nick Wayne’s mother Shaina Wayne and mocked her for being a waitress and even Nick Wayne disowned his own own mom to join his new quote unquote father yeah this is some soap

Oper stuff Christian and Adam started the Rivalry between two friends with Adam challenging him for the TNT Championship Christian did not want to face copelan so he tried to manipulate him with kind words but Adam was too smart for that game and gave him an answer with his own words saying simply

Go yourself leading up to the Adam attacked Nick Wayne in front of his own mom luchasaurus got involved however during the match the confrontation Nick Wayne’s mother came out and attacked Adam with a steel chair giving Christian the victory yeah the same mom who was insulted by Christian a few weeks later

She explained her actions by saying that Adam tried to end her son Nick W’s career so she had to protect him you know motherly Instinct Christian then called out Adam for even thinking about attacking Nick as he also grew up with a single mother like Nick that’s right

He’s going after moms too he then claimed that not only did he score the biggest win by defeating Adam but he scored in another way that night with a learing look over at shanea Wayne oh boy yeah nobody is on his level when it comes to Promos in aw right now we all

Know at some point that they’re going to come together and be a great tag team for one last run but Christian is really enjoying what he’s doing right now he is doing phenomenal work as the TNT champion and is truly one of the best non-main event performers in all of

Professional wrestling right now but hasn’t he earned a world title run at this point at least as a character it seems like he can manipulate his way into that but aw needs to learn that the art of striking when the iron is hot is an art that they can really perfect

Right now with Christian and now is the perfect time to maybe go with him as the top guy at least think about it within 2024 there’s not much time left and you got to use the time when you have it right Christian versus Adam Copeland is certainly some interesting stuff what

Are some of your favorite lines from Christian on the microphone let us know in the comments below


  1. It's Killswitch!! You just don't want The Patriarch come to your room & trash talk your father right?? 😂

  2. He doesn't need the world title or to be "the top guy". He's in the perfect spot at the moment and is fully over with absolutely everyone. Between the guys retiring this year (Sting, Bryan, maybe Dustin), the old guys getting older and potentially losing it in-ring or as draws (Copeland, Jericho), guys going back to the E (Andrade) or joining the E (Jade, maybe Starks) and guys seemingly unable to stay healthy (PAC, Kenny), they need to be creating stars out of the guys in their early-mid 20’s.

    And it feels like they are trying that (with varying levels of success) with the likes of Hook, Garcia, Top Flight, Fletcher, Hobbs, Takeshita and now Private Party are back too. They need to book them better though. Oh, and they’ve got Ospreay waiting to come in (can see him picking up the title in London).

  3. Christian Cage is truly one of the very best ever! 10/10 both in the ring and on the mic. Easily the best heel in wrestling.

  4. Christian Cage deserves a run as the AEW World Champion. He's the best thing in AEW and he should get way more credit than he gets.

  5. Christian Cage is doing some of the best heel work I've ever seen. GOAT level on the mic! 🔥🔥🔥

  6. CC: Nick Wayne. It's nice to meet you in personally finally Nick, I've heard a lot about you I've heard about your story, and I understand that you have a father….
    The Crowd: AAAHHHHHHH
    CC: And your father is D E A D.
    The Crowd: ooooohhhhh

  7. I don't follow the shows week by week but from my perspective MJF is the ultimate heel for me. He actually got me to believe that he's a POS outside the ring with his interviews on other shows.
    I later find out he's actually a nice guy and does so much backstage to help the production and other wrestlers with setting up their match.
    I've always liked Christian but I know him best from his Edge & Christian days in WWE. Even if I did a deep dive into his new Christian Cage character on AEW, I think it would be hard for me not to like him.

  8. Christian was World Heavyweight champion and ECW champion before but this Patriarch TNT Champion Christian is next level!!

  9. WWE 100% will bring up peoples dead parents, brothers, sisters, whoever…The problem is they force it and it sucks. This fits his character, WWE making Becky Lynch mention Charlotte's dead brother doesn't make any fucking since, thats how they woudl play it LoL

  10. False. Dirty Dom is the most hated heel in wrestling. The man can't even get a word out before being booed out of the building. 😂

  11. How bout when he asked at a scrum "how's everybody's father's doing?" WITHOUT EVEN MAKING A TINY LITTLE SMIRK when everyone started laughing? Dude really knows what he's doing 😅

  12. I always loved heels that looked like babyfaces, like Dominik since you know they can always have their sinister side on their pity faces. I can see that happening to Christian as well.

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