Breaking 70 in golf with tips and strategy

This video shows golfers how to break 70 in golf.
Kyle shares tips and tricks every golfer can apply to improve their game.

#breaking70 #break70 #golf #breaking80 #breaking90 #breakiing100

27 a little uphill plus spin I think it’s pling 130 cuz the heavy air but I’m going to hit it like 33 try and land it past kind of a good number try get one here that beautiful come back ah going left early but y was going that way at

The hole that would be my caddy experience little inside of that yeah oh that’s nice come on baby great makes a huge difference that felt so nice a to throw dot in there you already like uh you’re you giving me the instead of wedge that’s a that’s if

That’s not a full shot you saved me yeah it’s 3/4 of a shot you know what I mean like in all reality it feels nice like to when you make a smart choice and then you get rewarded hey um did you look at where we’re going

No I didn’t look at I grabbed the driver because it’s Golf and it’s not a par three and I didn’t look at anything and Kyle grabbed less than driver yeah how come tight hole water at 255 got to be short of that ah okay that’s

Good this is like the kind of things if you have a friend that’s get at golf do what you can to be around them because you learn things okay should be short of the trouble play it like past the pin you’re going to leave is a little collection

Area you can use that whole ridge but what do you think like 110 11 especially because the green I didn’t spin as much as I thought on the last hole that that ony the same Bridge your balls has a lot coming the was okay your ballun that

Div’s gone uh your ball spun like how it does on TV imagine the pace for like front edge like when I’m dying it on these kind of Parts you just want to like still think positive but definitely think about kind of easing it in the

Front side well we know that it’s a cup and a half to two cups that’s such a beautiful straight you if I had to hit it softer it would have broken more at the start the end of the day you know what’s going on I hit it front edge Pace it

Would have I think it would have taken the early break last time we were here we saw like a muskrat or something swimming around around in there like a be Doms you want to come here 145 flag yeah I don’t hate that I see water and I’m going to go

Right I always try and if I can hold off on hitting if someone else can show you the pace that helps a lot it totally is tripping it’s totally going right love that swing oh oh man so much turn on that you had those three qus outside the hole it helps to

See one first like it would have helped if I had put it first that would have helped you a lot to so what I like to do is like after my rounds yeah I’ll try and like on the drive home from like tournaments and stuff when I was a kid I

Would always like go through and like think about what I would change yeah like is it it’s I’m I’m like two seven Footers this already yeah going to be 5 in taller in Australia straight away five forgettable today trying to peel a little fade off that red building cut be

Fair it’s fine this is the this is the correct drop hit it so a clean lie with mud is almost easier than coming off to this see it see it to get it close to we the Miss on this play was really to the right side

If you H it where we are it’s so narrow I think it’s going to check the dream like it’s not firm but it’s not soft either okay got it two cups out let’s see if I can get one close get the unluckiest bounce lucky that ball just rolls so good damn

That look good right you got to like you can always trick yourself on those like you can if you talk positively to yourself you can like G yourself up just a little bit like I need to start like positive thinking yeah dude really narrow at 270 here is with like a

Fullish wedge I mean 230 250 is fine here either wood you think yeah wood it’s a little if you look at it from this angle it’s actually more uphill like look how far downhill I was in that bunker especially like I don’t think I added three for the uphill

But I don’t think it was enough know if you got to approach it on the left side right yeah this flag is getable I mean I’m trying to this one straight out of God I love the Rhythm there oh come back it’s like 15 ft past

I was really happy with that what CL did there and I could have played it maybe like seven yards less this a tricky read cuz there’s that Ridge there and that Ridge there left it’s got to go that way right it almost there’s a that there’s a

Ridge here which is going to push it right in the middle and then it’s going to go back left at the cup off your feet it goes right yeah just second just I feel like my left foot’s lower than my right right now yeah it goes left you yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s

Got to you got to go on the right side of the cup right a little bit what’s going to happen if we read it right maybe left early then straight the second half I’m going to play it I’m going to play a cight d I love that put come on baby I’m it

Out there I missed the line by a fraction and then it was a misre probably straight I think it went it looked almost in the middle of the two yeah quicker than I’m used to I’ve hit a few too hard yeah man that’s what everything I’m

Working on is rhythm way wrong on that ra that R effect is so much try it like this side yeah it looks and then it s it and then it snakes back it’s a double breaker I think it was straight we just kind of tued ourselves out of

It yeah I mean that would have been a straight to left tricky little that one I’m disappointed with my shot love that little what’ you get 103 you think it’s plank longer yeah there’s a ridge behind this flag you think it’s 110 yeah okay that’s a good number you’re in the

Breeze too you’re absolutely in the wind okay let’s did a little bit better than Lo hole but a good number here uhoh uhoh was so bad very disappointing little wed shot there good number good look missed the green missed the rock wall in the what are you going to do

Right almost dunked it in the hall just quit on it in a little knock down wedge here I don’t can get G wge today got to respond that’s all you can do you got this oh that’s just a golf shot oh not enough oh I was close to being good to

Just m hit at a fraction lot of so disappointing that shot I got it pretty flat on top what do you think it’s doing on top it’s moving gently right up that reach ah I hit it too hard dang it that’s so mighty bro way to recover yeah that’s it that’s awesome

Still okay chiping a putt for yep little 60 just going to throw it up there great beautiful birdie tweet tweet oh lucky it’s probably just right behind the tree right definitely hit the tree biggest play 145 here it’s pretty straight you’re right though it kind of it’ll

Work yep I didn’t even hit it that bad that’s just a bad light did I give it picked the wrong shot what do you if you were to do that again what would you do need a higher like just trying to play a high fade I was almost like driving it in

Low that was the hardest shot either of us pushed it just a fraction the read was good I just missed my line really good terrible it’s got to be pin high right yeah I like that I was really happy with that shot Jimmy Kelly taught me that Jimmy I

Heard you’s pretty good oh he’s a he’s a steward of the golf course he the golf course is always in better condition after he leaves it what do you see dude kind of fighting you see that old cup yeah [Applause] oh you’re good definitely left where I was aiming was so

Many such a momentum player if I can get one I usually just kind of make something happen up and down from 190 I could have been a lot worse I’m not unhappy with that that was hit hit a green yeah you think maybe he was just

Pushing the number too hard no that was a bad swing nothing more nothing less I didn’t see much break in the second half but it Brews a couple feet left as it comes up the teer yeah all the way from the right foot ah not hard enough worried too much about the

Line a bad cute little ducks are they Ducks I don’t know what they are think1 with a f here oh yeah KN down that lie was brutal dance killer oh my God you made it all right you’re on the green see that old cup like 10 ft short

Yes if you’re cutting from there how much would it break well I misread the it’s coming back it’s coming back oh I misread both ways I don’t know about that too much I thought it was going to break less at the beginning and less at the end be it with a held it

Fine that’s good that’s good that’s a foot perfect just pointing pars but you know what a par is a par pull pull out no no Oh I thought that was perfect straight over the flag you go sand wedge yeah Sand Wedge never got it out there

Second my t-shot was so close to being good I think go go oh was close dang I have read that that broke a shitload I thought he had a good read there God you didn’t miss that by a [Applause] lot this rough you got to wipe that ball

No no not I’m put him in the rough you have you have a full piece of dirt on that buer good number good club got to hit it good get it back there oh my ball get down straight right I got to hit it up here because it breaks so much under my

I should probably chip it chiping good I mean if you’re putting a ball down here the FL line is like our feet and it rips before it gets to us trust it cuz the hardest break is the first 6 ft and then that kind of like I saw how much it breaks was

Yours great mine I just hit it too hard yeah hey use Beauty oh my God last round of the Year bro Dy yeah 2023 uh last round of the year next year we’re playing here this time yep 165 days from today yeah mission is break path

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