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Aaron Plessinger is the Happiest Man in San Diego!

#motocross #racing #sports
Aaron Plessinger is FINALLY a 450SX Main Event winner! The 2024 San Diego Supercross started off dry, turned into the ultimate mudfest and then it turned into an extremely slick and technical track for the Main Event and that’s where Aaron shines. He won his Heat race and he won the Main, redeeming himself after crashing out of the lead with a lap and a half to go at Detroit last year (correction Josh said Indy in the video) and now he’s officially the points leader in the 450SX class with his teammate Chase Sexton in second.

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Good job hey thanks brother all right walk and talk with uh the most loved man in mcross this stadium was going crazy for you dude how’s it feel to be Aaron pleaser right now feels pretty good man feels uh feels the best right now no man

The last lap I could barely hear my bike and I knew CPE was coming so I had to stay solid but um dude we got her done and uh it was it was a wild finish to a wild night and I mean I think that’s one

Of the first times that we’ve had uh two mud races back to back so and you were cheering for mud last weekend and uh you got it again so yeah yeah I kept my goggles on this time though that was that was uh that was good but uh yeah

Man Redemption Redemption on Indie last year Redemption racing y um that’s what we’re on and uh yeah I’m pumped I’m pumped San Diego a better time than now what what was it like uh leading that thing was there any moments of tightening up was there any moments of Doubt or was it

Just like this is what I’m supposed to do this is where I’m supposed to be and uh this is what you know yeah I mean I I don’t think there was any moments of Doubt but uh I definitely felt Coupe he definitely closed up and I know

That uh Eli I mean Eli was racing both of us like when I say racing he was in the mix between me between Coupe and uh it was narly I thought he was C for the longest time and then uh I got behind clayon in the whoops one time almost went down but

Uh we kept her up we kept her on two and and uh yeah um but yeah yeah we won the thing and now we’re going back do some work and and try to win it again next weekend that’s awesome man uh what are you going to do to

Celebrate I don’t know does Alden let you uh drink a Coca-Cola in out no In-N-Out probably like Taco Bell or something really Taco Bell kind of guy In-N-Out to me overrated bro really yeah I’ve been there a time or two and uh you know what I like I like a good

Baked ziti with a lot of cheese really a lot of cheese that’s awesome anything with a lot of cheese man so good those fans man like could you hear the crowd when you walked up for opening ceremonies could you hear the difference between your crowd versus the rest or

Was it hard to tell on the podium it’s yeah I mean I can hear it it’s crazy because dude it’s like man it’s like when my song comes on you can start you can hear like the buzz you can hear the buzz and like I don’t know it gives

Me chills every time every time my song comes on you can just like hear everybody just like get a little louder and like stand up almost it feels like and and it it is so cool to to have that to be able to have that and uh for the

Fans to to really recognize I don’t know me and um it feels awesome and it feels so good I I appreciate them so much I mean we wouldn’t we wouldn’t be here for if it weren’t for them so uh uh hats off to them for sticking it out and the rain

I mean it rained for 4 hours today and and they were still here I mean some of them stood out in front of the truck for for 3 to 4 hours today and and uh just wanting to see me so um that’s unreal I

Mean to have fans to be that loyal to uh stick around in the Rain the mud the slop the cold uh that’s that’s really really cool awesome well congratulations thanks for your time man thank you yeah let amazing Grandma you’re on TV NBC post R show

Yeah and we got J D here course Ain mcken and Aaron I mean you’re on a high right now Smiles I just said to Jade I don’t think we’re going to see him wi that off his face a matter not for another week you’re on [Applause] [Applause] TV


  1. I agree, In-Out_sucks. You want a real cheese burger Mono Cone, nothing better. Go get you some Taco Bell bud, you earned it. You can one cheater meal.

  2. I 100% believe if he’d of stayed with Yamaha he would already have a couple wins by now. He was he’s just now getting back to where he left off the Yamaha. But so pumped for him.

  3. Howdy dardy do.
    Baby B our OG is full Ktm race team ready he wanted to know when your swinging past so he could sign you a poster 🫶🏼💐🐝♥️🌱Well done team

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