THIS is What Tiger Woods 2000 Swing FEELS Like

Ready to see if you can touch the sky? Go to to learn just how simple the golf swing has been all along…

Learning Tiger Woods early 2000 swing has been a long journey for me. For it to come down to something so incredibly simple, honestly, is a bit frustrating!

I can’t BELIEVE this was all I had to do all along, but my pain is your gain!

I’ve made it simple for you. Five videos, 60 minutes, and you’ll know what it feels like to swing like Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and many other GOATs.

Save yourself decades of brain damage trying to “dig it out of the dirt” and let me show you the short cut!

The proof in golf is in pudding – my swing matches up closely to Tiger’s 2000 swing because I now know exactly what it feels like.

And the feeling is WONDERFUL – it’s simply a throw from the top. That’s all that’s holding you back from tasking ball striking bliss and puring shots like you never have before!

So, what are you waiting for?! Go to and start enjoying the best ball striking of your life right now!

#tigerwoods #tigerwoodsswing #golfinstruction #golfswing #golftips

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In this video I’m going to show you how I learned how to swing like Tiger Woods 2000 swing by doing the exact opposite of everything that you probably have heard or read or saw on the internet about how to swing a golf club today so if that’s interesting to you and you

Want to learn what it feels like to swing like Tiger Woods in 2000 take a listen to this video when tour Pros were asked which golf swing they most wish they had the answer without fail was almost always Tiger Woods and Billy horel even more specific in said Tiger Woods 2000 swing

Now during that era he had the most dominant year in the history of the game and it’s not hard to see why when you look at the swing here tell me what sticks out to you to me it’s always been how darn simple it looks it couldn’t

Look any easier it couldn’t look any more effortless and it couldn’t look like he’s straining any less than he is in the swing he makes it looks so easy with such few moving parts and this has led me to spend more than two decades studying what it is that allows him to

Swing so easy with so few moving parts and hit the ball so well and so far and after all of this time studying the swing there’s one thing conclusively that I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind and that is that this

Swing was the simplest golf swing of all time it truly was the fewest moving Parts humanly possible to still have power to have control to have accuracy and what’s interesting to me about it more than anything is you can see now that my swing has gotten very very very

Very close to matching it almost identically at the points that it really matters and really what I’m talking about here are the Dynamics of the Swing you can’t fake this stuff the release the release pattern the way that the club is naturally moving through the

Ball the way that I end up in the follow through these are all things that are happening much much too fast to try and fabricate that in slow motion and that was really the the Catalyst for me starting to understand just how simple tiger swing was because he didn’t learn

Through mechanics in fact he has swung the same way since he was 5 years old let me show you all right you ready to see something amazing on the left I’ve got tiger as a 5-year-old and then on the right here obviously looks like somewhere I think he was at Pebble Beach

Here so obviously as an adult on the right and a basically a toddler on the left and now watch just how similar their swings are if we bring them close to the top we’re in almost the exact same position obviously Tiger’s baby goat baby Tiger’s got a uh a flying right

Elbow here but as they start you can notice the lower body position all of this stuff starting to look very very similar almost immediately and then as he starts down you’re like well surely the Dynamics of the downswing can’t be the same because you know tiger is so

Much more powerful oh really well look at that you see the old Tiger squat there look at the position of the right arm looking at the hips the legs they look pretty darn similar to me and as we keep moving down right as we get into

The delivery area take a look at that that looks similar to you obviously tiger baby Tiger’s pushing really hard off of that right leg there as a kid to try and get some power but you can see that he ends up in the exact same positions like almost verbatim now this

Is very interesting because as a 5-year-old you shouldn’t understand anything about complex golf swing Dynamics how to use your lower body how to use your arms how to use the ground for leverage how to maintain lag he doesn’t understand any of that stuff and yet look at look at his lower body

Movement it’s better than 99.9% of all the golfers on the planet already as a 5-year-old how is that possible now I get people email me all the time oh ignore tiger swing he’s a freak it’s you’re never going to swing like him he’s just a oneoff well a

Toddler figured this out which means a it’s not something that you can learn through mechanics tiger didn’t spend hours and hours on video in front of a mirror trying to perfect these mechanics there was no tiger squat kind of thing back then he did this instinctively which means it must be a

Feel that allows him to produce these mechanics and when I got that through my thick skull that you can’t learn this statically you can only learn this through a feel then all of a sudden things started to click and that’s where you saw my swing start to match up so similar

Because really what I’m doing is what Tiger’s doing as a 5-year-old here and I’m going to take this back to the top because you can learn everything you really need to know about the golf swing from just this one swing of tigers you’re going to see not a big hip turn

Not a big shoulder turn he’s really just swinging his arms up to the top and watch right here this is the magic as he gets to the top what’s the first thing to move is he firing his hips as hard as he can H doesn’t look like it to me

Is he turning his shoulders is he what is he doing he’s throwing the club from the top that’s the first thing that he’s doing his lower body isn’t doing anything in fact his whole body isn’t doing anything look at the the number eight on his on his jersey here or his

Shirt here it’s barely moving his hips pant pocket here barely moving shirt barely moving he’s moving his arms and hands and really he’s moving the club he’s moving the club head that was the Eureka moment for me to understand that the way to feel with the simplest golf

Swing ever the most efficient most productive golf swing ever was really understanding that you need to feel what every golfer is being told on the planet not to do which is you need to throw it from the top that is the secret to understanding how easy it is to actually

Swing like tiger it’s way easier than everything else that everybody else is trying to do right now it’s way easier on the body of course he’s uh driving really hard off here so that wouldn’t be so easy on my spine but the rest of it you don’t need obviously that huge

Lateral move and he got rid of that as he got older but if a 5-year-old can understand this a 5-year-old can do this and again not understand it intellectually this is an instinctive thing he wasn’t being taught mechanically oh you need to do this and then position the club here and then and

Then transfer your weight here and then at the you know the stuff’s happening too fast it’s way way way too fast and that’s when I started understand I have to think about this completely differently something that may surprise you but I firmly believe is that it’s impossible to release the club at the

Top of the downswing too soon as long as you move to your left side now surely this is just one of those feel versus real things right if you go and look online this quote from Jack Nicholas has been known for a long long time and

People will say well the reason that he felt that he could throw the club from the top is cuz he had such powerful leg drive but I think it was the opposite I think that Jack had such a powerful leg drive because he threw it from the top

Well I know that sounds completely outrageous but it is that exact concept that allowed me to get my swing to so closely match up to Tiger’s 2000 swing and to feel so effortless and feel no strain on my body no strain on my back and feel speed that I never thought I

Even had possible especially at this age I’m 47 years old now I’ve broken so many bones my neck’s fused I’ve I’ve had countless surgeries so my body’s a wreck and I want to swing as effortlessly as humanly possible while still not giving up any distance I love hitting the ball

Far that’s no secret so for me to be able to tap into this idea of throwing the club from the top rather than maintaining lag or holding the angle or any of these things that we see all over the place uh commonly taught today was a complete GameChanger for me and in fact

It changed the way I think about the golf swing forever and that’s what allowed me to match up so well to tiger and when you look at it in detail when you look at the really what matters when we’re actually hitting the ball the way that the club is working through the

Hitting area and where we’re hitting it in the face tiger talks all the time about hitting it dead solid in the center of the face that’s so important for good golf that happens so much more easily when you stop trying to do a lot of the things that golfers are trying to

Do especially when you see all the golf instruction stuff on the internet now most of these golf instructors are shelling out these tips they certainly don’t look like the goats and and that’s been my study for for my whole life I’ve been studying the golf swings of the

Greats I learned on Jack Nicholas golf my way videotapes I’ve been following tiger swing since he first came out on tour because he makes it look so simple and it is so simple and it’s the exact opposite of what everybody is trying to do and think about and teach in the golf swing

For me what I can tell you is this this is as simple of a golf swing as you can possibly get and I have done everything I mean everything I’ve had obviously my own ideas about the swing I’ve tried every other swing Theory out there under

The sun I love to Tinker and experiment and try different things and learn things but what I’ve really always wanted is just a damn simple golf swing that just works I want power I want repeatability I want consistency and I want to Pure the ball all the time I

Don’t want to have to work for it I don’t want to pound Gaz bazillions of balls I just want that ball to Rock It Off the center of the face over and over again and I want to feel like I did nothing to do it and the easiest way to

Do that is with your hands and that sounds completely contrarian to things that I have thought about in the past it sounds contrarian to what’s commonly taught today about this body swing and putting all this load and stress on your spine that for me is a thing of the past

Because the way that the goats swung the greatest of all time really wasn’t had have very little to do with their body whatsoever so here’s my proposition to you if you like Tiger’s 2000 swing and you think that my swing is close I’m not saying it’s exact it really doesn’t

Matter it’s the overall feel and dynamic of the swing that produces the shot but you can see that without me trying I’m not trying to match tiger position for position here at all that’s the last thing on Earth that you can possibly do the golf swing does not work like that

You have to understand the feel of the golf swing you have to understand exactly what it is that tiger is feeling in his swing and and and not just tiger the greats are all the same Sam Sneed Ben Hogan I Bobby Jones Jack Nicholas you’re going

To see all of them referenced in this video series so this is my proposal to you in an hour I can teach this to you that’s how simple this really is and think about it for a second tiger swing has always looked so simple it must be

Simple but trying to learn it through positions and mechanics and 3d motion capture and highspeed video and force plates and all those things it’ll only get you so far what you really need is to know exactly what it feels like that’s the only way to translate this to

The golf course to translate this to speed is not through mechanics and thinking about your back swing position the width of your arm here and your pressure shift there and all of those things you have to know what the whole feel is and that feel is really just

Throwing it from the top so I’ve put together five videos that total a whopping 63 minutes an hour long and and not all of that is instructional time obviously some of it’s just me explaining some things or talking about things so in less than an hour I can

Show you exactly how I feel and how I learn to swing like this how I learned to swing this close to Tiger Woods 2000 swing five videos 60 minutes so that’s the risk that you’re I’m asking you to put forth give me an hour of your time

And put this to the test that’s it it’s not going to take 60,000 videos or a catalog of instructional content it’s going to take take five videos and it really is just three videos with a couple of extra stuff so in less than 60 minutes I can show you how simple the

Golf swing really can be how simple Tiger’s 2000 swing really was you got 60 Minutes you’re probably going to spend 60 minutes looking for golf tips on YouTube or Instagram or Facebook or something later but can that person swing this close to Tiger Woods to can this person teach you how it

Feels because that’s the bottom line anybody can understand swing mechanics that’s the easy part understanding exactly where the club is and what the arm does and the leg does and the timing of all that we have all these fancy tools I’m standing on a $25,000 Force

Plate here in my studio we know all of that stuff that stuff’s easy it’s the creative side it’s the feel side that unless you can do it you can’t teach it and now that I know what it feels like I can’t look at the golf swing as a mechanical thing anymore it’s really

Just understanding and grasping this feel and that’s what I’m going to share with you in these five videos is how to feel how to correctly throw it from the top and if you can risk 60 minutes of your time and 47 bucks with bomic today that’s maybe a lunch at Chipotle for two

It’s not that much and you’re going to spend that much on a on a box of balls that you’re going to lose anyway but if you can risk $47 and 60 minutes of your time I’m going to show you how to swing exactly like this how simple it can be how much

Speed you can generate how easy and fluid and dynamic the swing really should be and that’s why all these Pros talk about it so simple they they don’t talk about swing mechanics they don’t talk about oh I put the club here and I do this I do that go and listen to Tiger

Wood’s talk about his golf swing it’s infuriating even the tour Pros are like yeah dude uh can you say that in English he can’t make it any simpler because it’s truly just a feel based thing for him and now it’s a feel based thing for me and that’s what I’m going to share

With you in these five videos so go to Rotary if you want to if you want to take a huge risk take you risk 60 minutes of your time and and a lunch at Chipotle to see if you can’t just get a taste of greatness to know what it

Feels like to truly be effortless feel what your hands are supposed to feel like they’re doing in the golf swing and have a fluid Dynamic swing that is this close to Tiger Wood’s 2000 swing

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