Golf Players

Cameron Young Swing Analysis Slow Motion

Cameron Young Swing Analysis Slow Motion Driver

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About Ross Eves Golf

Ross Eves Golf is all about improving your golf. From golf fitness, to golf biomechanics to beginner’s golf tips!

So, what’s my background?

Well, as most professional golfers my dream was to play professionally. However, that dream was a little lofty for someone with my talent. So, I decided to take a different route. This route was to investigate the science behind getting better, specially how to hit the ball further! After all, who doesn’t want to hit the ball further.

This desire to learn how to increase swing speed lead me to investigate the body in terms of golf fitness and golf biomechanics. This interest in golf fitness lead me to complete TPI Level 1 and 2; become a qualified massage therapist and then extend that knowledge by completing a Masters degree.

During my Masters, I focused my research solely on increasing club head speed through golf fitness interventions. This line of scientific enquiry provided me with first evidence and golf fitness routines which would increase swing speed and hence increase club head speed. Personally, I found this research to be extremely helpful, and I increased club head speed by 15mph (from 100mph to 115mph) within 1 year.

After this I have turned my attention to the biomechanics of the golf swing. This combination of golf biomechanics and golf fitness knowledge allows me to provide coaching to all levels to help increase club head speed.

Cameron young absolutely bombs the driver he’s up at 180 190 ball speed he’s one of the longest players in the game so we’re going to have a look at his swing today and see how he generates that power and that consistency so on the left we’ve got down the line on the

Right we’ve got the face on view now what I want you to look at from face on is initial takeaway and his head movement so what Cameron does is if we watch this initial head movement can you see how he rotates his head to the left

So what that enables him to do is generate a lot of rotation through the body through the neck now it’s very very important for somebody who’s Limited in Mobility to get that little bit of motion this way as if you’re a little bit tight through the neck it’ll be very very difficult to

Rotate the cervical spine so Cameron does a great job here of letting his neck rotate almost all Jack Nicholas to allow him to turn more freely it’s also worth noting I bet you that Cameron is left eye dominant because if he’s right eye dominant it’ll be very very

Difficult to see the ball with this head movement so if you are left eye dominant and do struggle with neck rotation it’s a great way of generating a little bit more turn so that’s his sort of takeaway with the head let’s have a look at the

Rest of the body what it does you’ll see a little lateral shift with the pelvis as you can see there little bit of a lateral shift and then as he gets halfway back you’ll see how wide he is those arms are nice and straight again

Look at that peak of that cap how much rotation he’s got really really powerful takeaway and then from down the line You’ll see if we watch that head you can see that head movement again here he’s going to rotate into that trail hip and again get lots and lots of width you can

See how much he’s rotated that belt buckle here unusual some some guys like Rory or Adam Scott are a little bit more facing the ball but it’s a great way of again generating more rotation I’m going to guess Cameron’s not the most flexible guy might be completely wrong you’ll see

This takeaway traditional one piece that butt of the club pointing at his belly button and the club face is nice and parallel to his back line I love that takeaway love it for power so as we move back further we’re going to take him to lead on Parallel again watch that head

Move and you’ll see how he continues to rotate that head and he’s rotating look into that right hip look at around here and the creases on his pants how he’s really rotating into that trail leg and then from down the line You’ll see this again he’ll rotate watch that pocket

Right pocket back something that Butch Haron used to say to Greg Norman so that you’ll see that right pocket starts to move back and then if we look there quite unusual in in a sense is look how dark straight that right arm is usually we see guys with a little bit more Flex

In that trail trail arm but Cameron doesn’t do that you can see how straight his arms there now you can see because he keeps that right arm so straight look at the width his hands are so far away from his body he doesn’t have much wrist

Set but it’s a great way of generating a huge Arc which he can generate more power and speed through doing that now as we wind him up to the top this is one of Cameron’s unique things about his swing is the Paw and I’m sure you’ve

Seen it at full speed I mean if I just play this through you’ll see look how long he pauses there unique it’s something that like hii mat does not a lot of guys would be able to do it and generate that amount of Speed Works for

Cameron I love that pause as a drill not sure many people could actually play golf doing that but we’ll have a look just positionally at the top you’ll see how much Cameron has rotated watch that pelvis again that trail hip watch how much he rotates that pelvis and again

Look at the width look how high his hands are away from his chest it’s a great it’s like Butch Harman always used to harp on about width width width he has got so much width you’ll also see how high his hands are can camera looks

Quite quite a tall fell so he can get his hands nice and high you see a lot of guys are more deep you know if they’re a bit shorter like Rory more behind here so really wide Arc I just love that position you’ll see how his chest is

Over the right leg you’ll see how much of his head has actually rotated if I bring him back from setup look how much his head has moved and rotated off the ball something that went out of fashion and sort of when Foley came around with tiger and tried to keep that head nice

And still whereas Cameron bit more old school gets Lateral with that head a lot of rotation and a lot of width now what this does like I’ve mentioned before it creates a huge art which you can create a lot of power now this next move is Cameron’s secret to creating a lot of

Speed so what I want to look at is look at his lead toe so as we start down you’ll see that pressure can you see that Gap dissipating between the lead toe and the ground there and then you’ll see if we look on the trail foot you’ll see how

That gap between the shoe and the ground dissipates again so what he’s doing is he’s driving really hard into the big toe and that allows him to drive vertically think of it like a vertical jump if you try and jump with your toes up you’re not going to jump very high so

What he’s doing is he’s loading that big toe that allows him to jump really high and apply a lot of vertical force in the swing and you’ll see just from a dynamic position look how his chest and his pelvis drop down and to the left so

Watch that again down and to the left but he’s doing that by pressing through the ground through his toes there you’ll also see this unique leg action that we’ll see later on he’s really driving that left leg or left knee out and behind him you’ll see that

From down the line if you watch this left knee watch these toes as well watch how he starts to drive into the ground drive that left knee towards the target look there boom into the toes and that left knee really drives towards the toe Target and then back now that is takes a

Tremendous amount of athleticism to be able to do that you can see how much he has now gained a knee flexion because he’s driving through the toes that’s nicely shallowed the club out but look as well look how much he has now we bring him down to sort of lead

Arm look look at how much he has rotated through through the body that club shaft’s like I say nice and shallowed out but look at the amount of rotation that pelvis is already turned sort of towards the target you can see on face on you can really see how that belt

Buckles pointing here look at that left knee how it’s really turned around that corner and then he’s done a beautiful job of look where the chest is pointing it’s pointing around here so we’re creating a tremendous amount of torque and stretch shortening cycle in the body

Which creates a lot of speed you can see how he’s maintain the angle with the club shaft creating lag and I’ll talk about this a lot how that right arm is below his left which helps shallow the golf club so a tremendously powerful position right there and it’s really

Really athletic so let’s bring him down a couple more frames then you’ll start to see look how much he rotates and drives that knee forward and he’s driving that left knee back you’ll see from face on watch this left knee watch that right knee watch how it starts to drive back now

Very very unique position in that look how far ahead that right that left knee sorry is away from that left hip now from a biomechanical perspective I don’t think for longevity that’s going to do him much good I think I’d prefer much more that left knee to be more over or

Under the left pelvis the left side of the pelvis I just think that could create quite a lot of torque through that knee potentially and also through the foot because we’ll see I’ll get rid of those lines to clear it up is watch as he presses through the ground through

His toes that right that left foot is going to roll there we go he rolls onto that lateral border of that foot and you can see how see that when you’re swinging at 125 130 that’s a lot of force through that lead leg lead ankle lead knee so I wouldn’t be

Surprised if we see some injuries in future from Cameron young just with that movement but it’s very very athletic and you can see if we just look at it from a gol swing standpoint again look how much he rotates through try and stop it impact like that’s just ridiculous look

At where his pelvis is pointing pointing out at the Target that chest has really opened up I’ll try and bring him down again to impact there you go you can see how much he’s rotated the pelvis those buttons on his shirt are pointing out at the Target is tremendous amount of

Athleticism he’s drove off that big toe of the trail foot that trail knees driving inwards and then because he’s pushed so hard he’s pushed that left foot but bring it a couple more frames off the ground you can see that look boom brings it off the ground and back

It’s something that you see in a lot of long drive guys watch this it’s very hard cuz the camera’s not the best on this but look you can see how it just pings back like I say it’s a move that you’ll see in a lot of long drive guys that left foot

Pinging back just because he’s applying so much pressure through the toe and it’s pushing off the ground and then it flings him back this way it’s something that you see uh Bryson’s trying to do you’ll see Bryson really flinging that foot around back here Kyle burshire does

It it’s a great way of generating power and you’ll see as well look how wide he m maintains that width through the ball look at that width keeps the width on the back swing keeps the width on the down swing it’s a tremendously can’t say enough tremendously athletic move does it stand

The test of time well we’ll see I don’t think he’s that old Cameron young I’m assuming he’s in mid late 20s but it’s a phenomenally powerful action he may have to change a few things as he gets a little bit older and his body doesn’t

Move as well and but like like I say it’s tremendously athletic and he can have maybe a short career but I can guarantee you it’s going to be a very very successful one and I mean let’s look at the Finish reminds me almost of Scotty Sheffer here or tiger back in the

Early days how that club’s wrapped around him that body’s really rotated and that pelvis is nice and high so what I mean by that is look how much that pelvis has changed in terms of the up and down movement so it’s here drops down and then boom up in the air and

That’s what I was talking about when I was talking about that lead foot and Trail foot and those big toes how much you can push off the ground to generate speed into the club and that’s reflected by again that pelvis move of moving down and then up great move for power I love

This guy swing I do worry a little bit of the longevity to it but I I’m very very confident that Cameron Young’s going to have a very very successful career

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