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The Rod Pedersen Show LIVE! | Jan 25, 2024

Let’s Talk all things sports on a Thursday, Squad! How about some NFL? How about some NHL? How about some CFL news? And MORE?!?!?! Let’s do it! Hit that LIKE button!

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00:00:00 Intro
00:03:00 HOUR ONE
01:03:30 HOUR TWO

[Applause] [Applause] previously on the red Peterson show top five teams in the National Hockey League followed by the bottom five H the number one team is the Boston Bruins everybody they are on a heater right now they have the NHL best win streak of 728 and ask Winnipeg who’s the best team in

The NHL it’s the Boston Bruins number two is the Winnipeg Jets and we’re going to find out maybe what they’re made off tonight in Toronto but they are missing two players including Mark shley tonight number two Winnipeg number three the Vancouver Canucks they got to be in there somewhere having their best season

In decades number four the Colorado Avalanche have won seven of their last 10 they are the hottest team in the past 10 of anybody below who are top three and the number five team the Edmonton Oilers I’m telling you right now if they were winning a playing a series they

Might beat Vancouver and Winnipeg they’ve won 14 in a row we all know number one Boston two Winnipeg three Vancouver four Colorado five Edmonton your bottom five teams in the National Hockey League are these 28th is the Montreal Ken The Losers of three in a row they’re actually 26th overall but they’re sliding

29th at Columbus Blue Jackets nothing more than a speed bump for the orders last night Anaheim is the 30th team proving that ducks can’t fly 31st team is the Chicago Blackhawks second worst team they’re nothing without Conor Bard that’s evident and the very last team in the

NHL is the San Jose Sharks it ain’t close there’s no reason for this to be challenged the rest of the way and their goal differential looks like it’s going to be an NH sh record they’re atus 90 get ready for the r Peterson Show So sure enough I score uh it ends up being the gamewinner I couldn’t believe I scored I looked in the net I looked up at the red light I looked at my sister and my girlfriend they’re freaking out I looked down the ice at the other end on

The SEC on second row cuz my dad was so tiny uh he’s he’s crying and my mom is just sitting there with her arms crossed not trying to show any emotion well mean I’m starting to choke up and keep acting comes over he don’t you cry don’t you

Cry this is the rod Peterson show yes it is hi everybody Welcome to the RP show that’s Alan May talking about his first NHL game with the Edmonton orders and how his family was all crying my family cried when they watched me play hockey too but I I don’t think it was

Tears of joy uh welcome to episode number 1166 of your favorite daytime Sports Talk Show we’re on National Television in Canada on Game Plus TV and in 31 us States including Oregon where my good friend CHR Sanford’s out there in Oregon watching on Game Plus TV right

Now we’re also on the radio in Atlanta we got it all covered WQ and streaming of course podcast form and YouTube live let’s bring in the Moose I was telling moose uh before we went to a that I’m feeling a little dirty I’m not going to explain why but I

Feel for for for a few reasons one is I feel bad talking about what’s going to be a bit of a theme today that’s NHL expansion to Salt Lake City because I want the 33rd team to be Atlant I don’t even want to talk about Salt Lake City

And Utah with the NHL it’s got to be Atlanta first but they’re the ones that’s in in the news and this is a PR game that’s what this whole world is folks if you don’t know yet it might be too late for you to jump on the train

It’s a just a PR game so I feel bad about that and I guess I will say this Darren why I feel bad is my friends here in Florida are saying to me see a lot of photos of you with mascots out in Arizona with a coyotes mascot you with

With the saskatch Ruff Riders mascot now you’re around our mascots here all the time Victory rat with the Panthers and Stanley SE Panther what’s the thing with you and mascots and I’m like well I don’t to say fetish would be inaccurate because I would denote a sexual term I

Have no nothing that way but I have a fascination with mascots and the thing is all our viewers and listeners in we even have our own we haven’t heard from them for a while but um yeah that’s why I feel bad can you make it feel okay

That I can move on and talk about these other areas and not feel you know tugged to the others we are an inclusive show Rod you and I are inclusive people so if you like mascots you like mascots if you like what was the one day cartoon characters Betty and Veronica if you’re

Into that you’re into that too yeah about that yeah I’m not into that I’m not no that’s what do you think I am some sort of crepo some sick go don’t judge the I don’t know what the cartoon character lovers are there is a name for that and that

Was the one show that we talked about it on the program today from ESPN Radio in Cincinnati moer nice job Clark just yesterday Darren said we got to get Mo Egger on the line to talk about Brian Callahan going to Tennessee and today we have it and James Roberts we’re checking

Off a couple of boxes here with James Roberts joining us from the offside hockey podcast it’s a Leaf’s podcast and he’s in Nova Scotia for sure in the maritimes I pretty sure it’s Nova Scotia so we got our Eastern stroked off with the leaf fans and the Mari times I’m happy about

That all in one James Roberts so those are the guests can you hit the quick six show horn please uh thank you so we do what we always do we open with the big story and I love this that it’s now now afternoon here out in the East morning out there

In the west but everybody’s still talking in my perview of last night’s NHL games before we look ahead to tonight because those are at least as exciting but we do that in hour or two number one Austin Matthews scored his NHL leading 39th goal it came at 413 of

Overtime to lift Toronto past Winnipeg in the opener of a home and home set the score was one- nothing Austin Matthews took a pass from Morgan Riley at the lip of the crease and red Ed the puck pass goalie laurant brasis ilas samsonov made 32 saves for his second shut out of the

Season and then those two teams will go and do it in Winnipeg on Saturday night on Hockey Night in Canada that’s the one thing that everybody I see still talking about and then here in Sunrise last night Matthew kachuck see his bobble head over my shoulder scored twice

Florida beat Arizona 62 in a game that started with fights off the first two faceoffs of the game and that’s kind of a funny story dropped the puck gloves hit the ice Ryan lomberg and Jack mcbaine they get it all cleaned up Wes mcau is doing the game if

You saw our my Instagram story it was like five minutes each for fighting dropped the puck another fight gadjovich and Liam O’Brien players from both sides met at Center ice in warmup like a schoolyard Rumble and it all had to do with the Panthers being upset what happened in

Arizona a couple weeks too go and the two teams met out there and Jason Zucker left Florida forward Nick cousins with a concussion after hitting him from behind that was on January the 2nd this is old school hockey and a couple of things I wrote up in the elevator Darren here’s the stuff

That people don’t see or get I it was quarter to 7 I wrode up in the elevator who who’s in there Bill Lindsay you know how you just you’re on that same vibration with certain people all you just say keep running into the same people all the time and the Panthers is

Great he now does radio for the Panthers and he’s on NHL Network he’s in the elevator and I’m like Billy uh ain’t you a little late and he was like two hours traffic getting here man he’s going I just flew in from Newark New Jersey this

Morning he was on the NHL Network I said you got you don’t have bags under your eyes Billy you got suitcases under your eyes but you’ll be good yeah two hours to get like 14 miles the day just before the game but he made it so anyways that’s the thing everybody’s still

Talking about the fights here and the Leafs win last night I’m and I got home in time I actually left in the third period this one was over early it was like five nothing at one time for Florida I came home caught caught the end of the Leafs game it’s a great night

For hockey for me how about you they still talking about it in your circles yeah they are and you know what it’s fitting that the game went overtime and both teams got a point in the in the Jets and Leafs game last night cuz they both deserved it the Leafs as a team

Team didn’t deserve it early man the Jets were all over him and playing well and deservedly so they are just you know playing so great but the way Sam sonov played in goal he was outstanding and there was a two on0 if you saw the highlights but two on0 he made two

Spectacular saves so he deserved himself to get that game into overtime and whoever gets the extra point gets the extra point but that was an entertaining game Leafs woke up in the third period the Jets were awake the whole game um what a what a fun night of hockey

That was and of course in the intermissions going back and forth to that Florida game to that was really fun they kept showing the highlights of that because uh just a great night of hockey all around and we needed that I forgot to mention and thank you

Ally from Tex Arana for bringing it to my attention I knew it but I forgot happy birthday to you moose knuckle Happ happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Daren happy birthday to you we won’t say how many years that’s that’s private information how are you celebrating

It having coffee and celebrating it with you and for those who are watching you were one of the first this morning I basically was sitting in bed having coffee watching sports Center and the text came in um this morning so that was great I appreciate that and everybody

Who’s writing in and uh here in wyard mom and dad and we’re going to go see my brother and his family my two nephews or three nephews now so we’re going to have H cake tonight nice Bob’s your uncle he’s got he’s rolling it all in way to go man um

And one other game from last night Nathan McKinnon scored three of his four goals consecutively in the second period for a natural hatti and added an assist to help the Colorado Avalanche beat the Washington Capital 62 we can’t forget about Vancouver Braden Shen scoring at 154 of overtime to lift St Louis past

The kuks 43 I say kukes and I may say that it’s if if anybody missed it Serena guessed it on a betting podcast here in Florida last week and they don’t really know hockey so they said uh Serena you’re the you’re the hockey expert tell us about the Vancouver kuks and the

Great season they’re having and how she kept the straight face I have no idea but uh yeah they’re really making noise those kukes I got to speed it up our poll question today is a hell of a lot of fun and you don’t even know what it

Is Darren um Clark and I came up with it earlier but it’s football right now point two well yeah hey sorry whoa itchy itchy trigger finger there I don’t I’m not getting to the poll question yet so just hang on I got him I got him got him n NFL NFL

Conference championships it’s a lot of fun I saw somewhere on social media and I’m I decided just this morning Rod you’re on social media too much it’s good and it’s bad but mostly bad but I saw the tickets for the uh AFC Conference Championship Game Kansas city of Baltimore going for

$600 I wouldn’t pay it but I’m cheap and if you’re a fan of the Chiefs and the Ravens you will but you’ll pay it gladly I won’t pay it nope I got it but I won’t pay it dumb but in the AFC it’s Kansas City at Baltimore the Ravens are favored by 3.5

The point spreads haven’t changed from yesterday at this time from BET Regal our official betting partner and in the NFC Detroit at San Fran 49 is favored by seven I was walking out of Johnny O’s gymnasium this morning and David was standing there I think David’s the

Manager maybe the head coach I’m not sure but he was holding the door open and he is like hey Rod who you got in the conference championships this weekend I said you want to know who I think will win or who I want to win he’s

Like whatever I said well I’m going to cheer for Detroit but I have no idea I’m out of the prodiction business I don’t know I’m just I’m P pulling for Detroit I said how about you and he goes well probably the Lamar Jackson’s from here and uh David said he’s a great guy

But he goes I’m sick of the Chiefs I’m sick of I’m sick of it all he goes and I get it he goes I’m sick of momes I’m sick of Andy reita and he didn’t say it but I kind of felt like it was like I’m sick of Taylor Swift I’m

Sick of it all I shouldn’t speak too much for David but are you sick of the Chiefs and the traveling circus that they are Zach keros and Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce they’re thing and uh maybe it’s turning some people off I can see how it would turn some

People off for sure but you know what I’m good about I’m good with it I’m not sick of it yet so uh you know what let him take his shirt off and dance out of the out of the the site and let Taylor Swift do her thing and you know what I

Think it’s good I think it takes a little the attention off of Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes continuing to win puts the attention somewhere else I think it’s okay okay cool there’s no right or wrong answer to it you want to talk about luxury Suite High Jinx I could write a

Book on that being on both sides of the T like it looked like that was there was a Gong Show what was going on in the field was secondary to what was going on in that Suite the other night in Buffalo with Taylor Swift and Britney Mahomes

And keros and them but uh there was one night in Arizona people know my friend owned the coyotes it was it was what was going on in that Suite was was not right and I think I told you I was with my buddy Murray farmer from Sask and I’m like

Murray I’m going to say something and he’s like no you’re not and I’m like no I got to say something this is wrong he goes it’s not your sweet shut up and of course these things don’t stop they just hey trust me I’ve been part of

It I’ve been on both sides of the donut it just gets Wilder and Wilder and Wilder that’s exactly what happened but Murray was right mind your own business um we’re going to go to uh a break in a minute and we’re going to talk about going to Super Bowl we have been

Approved not only for media passes for Super Bowl week but also radio row you heard it here we’re going to be live I’m sharing a suite the NFL got back to me yesterday and said Rod we’ve had unprecedented um interest for a spot on radio row so what

We’re doing is we’re going to split them up so you and this gentleman Frank from Fresno California are going to are going to share a suite on radio rooll if that’s okay and I’m like absolutely yes so you’ll get to know Frank from FZ know and all our viewers most we’ll talk more

About that in a moment and plus I have a role officially now a role at Super Bowl this year but here’s the fun thing and now the poll question uh it pertains you can roll it if you want guys for real for reals our daily poll question is brought to you by

Ke AO group and it has to do with this story the owners of the NBA’s Utah Jazz have requested the NHL initiate an expansion process to bring a franchise to Utah Smith Entertainment Group seg which also owns mls’s Real Salt Lake says it can accommodate an NHL Franchise

Immediately with Salt Lake City’s Delta Center serving as an Interim Home Arena Ryan Smith the chairman of the group said quote seg envisions a near future where the NHL will thrive in Utah and we’re 100% focused on making this happen as soon as possible unquote the NHL

Called Utah a promising market and said it looked forward to continuing discussions in a statement released after segs formal request so here’s the fun poll question today which is brought to you by ke Auto Group and at ke Auto Group you can buy with confidence knowing that they provide reports on all

Vehicles they sell get fully informed about your next vehicle by going to key team named be and this is why I said to Darren I feel dirty earlier I said earlier that I feel dirty because Atlanta Is My Jam that’s where I want the NHL to go but for the purposes of

Today and pick it up Atlanta you’re losing the pr battle to Salt Lake City here your options are minor league names the Utah Grizzlies the Salt Lake golden eagles the Utah Mormons which is what Salt Lake City’s famous for or other and leading the way right now is the Salt

Lake golden eagles on Twitter with 37% of the vote followed by the Utah Mormons with 24% what are they saying on YouTube Clark do you have a body of work a sample size 60% saying other so I want the audience the rod Squad to come at us

With some names I got some time to I’m not I’m not a fan of any of those so come up with something very original that like to see if there is an NHL team in Salt Lake City the 33rd team what it’s going to be called any suggestions

Moose yeah call them the Utah Jazz I think it would be cool throwback and then get a major league baseball team and call them the Jazz too it’d be such a small town thing to have all your teams named the same and it would be different than anybody else is doing I

Think it’d be kind of cool it’s like if I’m not mistaken the East Coast Hockey League in New Finland St John’s New Finland they had every team there was named the Grizzlies they had a basketball team a hockey team I’m like all named the Grizzlies under the same ownership umbrella I’m like yeah

Who can’t see this being a disaster oh I’m here to watch the Grizzly’s game why is there a basketball court on the floor I think I thought I’m kind watch I thought I was coming to the hockey they probably will Darren they probably will because that’s where the

World is now we’ll be right back we’re in the warmup and we are live on Game Plus television WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live the sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the

Right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s Lifeline

We’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can

Help you now you can throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the ice to leave behind a Legacy did you know that you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from maale donors increase chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their life-saving match

You could be a patient’s best hope be a hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience T 92518 303 92518

303t that’s P2133 here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the RO Peterson show today hey honey can you get one of the

Kids to show me how this Twitter thing works honey I need to get on Instagram time for more of the rod Peterson show we’re right back at it and I swear this Show’s going to be fast today too it is always the fastest two hours in sports talk around North America but how

About this back home the tele Miracle 5050 is another way to support tele miracle and also have a chance to win half the jackpot it’s truly a win-win for saskatchwan residents get your tickets now at telemiracle it’s where Darren and I were born and raised in Tel Miracle is Saskatchewan’s charity

And we’re pleased to partner with them to promote it and support it and now we’re asking you to do as well you have to be though in the province in the province physically and 80 sorry 18 that would really cut off the options if you were 80 plus no 18 plus to buy

Tickets let’s bring the Moose back in I will throw out a comment here Darren the birthday boy from Brian and Hudson Bay the Moose Capital uh he says good morning guys happy birthday Darren looking forward to the curling next week yes I’m sick of it

I hope the Ravens kick the snot out of the chase on Sunday wonder how many times they would show the sweet then oh yeah the raisin get up in the game and they’re all just glum and they’re not swag surfing they probably won’t even show it at all they’re to be honest

They’re acting like this is a new thing showing the sweets in sporting events particularly the NFL it’s not new uh when the Cowboys were getting club by the Packers in round one of the playoffs the camera was on Jerry like all game long we’re used to that are you hearing

Are you hearing that this is a new thing the camera on the I’m hearing it a lot it’s not new at all did you just start watching sports yeah it’s not new at all I mean even when there’s celebrities in the building they show them adnauseum right I mean

Detroit Lions games they’re showing Eminem like crazy every time that the Lions do something so uh no it’s not new but it is a bit of a phenomenon because it is Taylor Swift uh by the way the audience is rallying as they are want to do with regards to names of the team

Brandon Crow is watching in Manitoba and he says the Utah Rough Riders has a nice ring to it I’m I’m shocked you didn’t spit out your coffee there uh from from from BW in Edmonton says move Arizona to Utah the Salt Lake ice dogs I like the name but it’s kind

Of defeating the purpose Randy from Winnipeg writes in and says no to a 33rd team move Arizona if the arena deal Falls from BW also says the Utah Delta Flyers yeah no Paul in Humble says the Utah Salt Flats are you serious Paul that doesn’t really rally the crowd everybody get on

Your feet and welcome to Salt Flats Jeff the stamps fan writes in and says Salt Lake used to have the golden Flames wasn’t the golden eagles they were the Flames affiliate that Stu Grimson and thern flurry played for Ryan in Upstate New York says her good day Rod Squad since Utah’s

Nicknamed The Beehive State how about the Utah sting also happy birthday Daren that’s from Ryan in New York state thank you look at you Fancy Pants the celebrity um from Allen and sason he says congratulations rod and show for a spot on radio row with the NFL big time

Now loved the row at gray cups from what I understand and I didn’t go to gray Cup this year dealing with things here in the States but you were uh did you stop by radio row or is there still a radio row at gr cup good question good question I can’t

Actually confirm nor deny that I never saw it um and if it if it was there it wasn’t anywhere near foot traffic for fans uh yeah I don’t know you don’t know I mean I wasn’t there but Carlos in Indianapolis writes in says back in I think late September I was here calling

Taylor Swift a team distraction well here they are playing in the conference Championship so are you saying you you were right or am I saying you were wrong they’re still going so that’s the one thing that I I don’t like when people say I’m sick of the

Patriots they’re in the Super Bowl every year I’m sick of the Stampeders they the great cup I respect greatness in any regard I respect longevity I respect success if the chiefs were in the Super Bowl every year I I don’t care cuz they’ve earned it and to be honest

They’re just having fun and I’m going to say something else about AI which I actually let slip the other day in the kitchen seren and I were talking about it I said AI that artificial insemination thing and she was like did you just say like I’m sorry that’s from my rural upbringing AI

Had a different name when I was a kid on the farm artificial intelligence did you see the photo of Andy Reid kissing Taylor Swift on the sidelines you must have seen that no I didn’t no Google it Google it but it was all AI artificial intelligence listen I I factiously say forget about

All the threats that we felt have been a threat to S let’s say forget about covid AI could be the biggest threat to the world because what it’s doing is spreading misinformation and it’s tricking people for fun and don’t assume that it’s going to be used for good like LSD was

Supposed to be used for good and guns were supposed to be used for good you know what I mean like all these things AI will be the biggest threat to the planet there’s the meme today can you write it down Janet the Four Seasons writes in and she

Says I’m done with the Taylor Swift thing too I don’t care about her I just want football oh well don’t be such a such a hater that’s very narcissistic of you to say that that’s what I got when I said I was not a Taylor Swift fan are you looking it up

Darren yeah I just made a little bookmark so uh that’ll be the photo on the meme okay I’m so old school I actually write things Down’s wrong with me what a Los paper what a loser he actually writes things down what a jerk uh what you got an eraser on that

Pencil yeah Shane melonson from Deer Valley he writes it it says the Utah Jazz on Ice hey that sounds like a wonderful show that I’d like to go to I last night I wasn’t paying attention to this because I went to the on the intermission I went out to The Patrone

Patio and you didn’t come to a Panthers game with us when you were here because they weren’t playing but you if you saw it you’d love it so damn cold in that rink just to go outside you go outside to warm up here in Sunrise Florida I

Went out there with fad and Jake but apparently what they had on the ice and the intermission was the wrangling and Bar Brothers Circus is coming to town this weekend and it was like a snapshot I saw it before the game they’re like coming up in the first intermission the

Ringman ringman Brothers Circus a snapshot of this weekend show I’m like the circus is coming to town they still have that I thought they put a bullet in the circus years ago and then of course the squirrel that I am completely forgot and went out and

Met that on the patio and actually had a great time but I’m guess can somebody tell me what’s in the circus now I’m pretty sure it ain’t an elephant balancing on one foot you know or or a tiger threatening to rip off the The Host Bas that was fun that was great stuff

Man do they still have that I’m so glad to say I’m old enough to go to the circus when somebody might die that was fun that’s Entertainment I saw a great video of a circus where the lions were attacking the uh the ring leader or the host the

Lions were going after him and they were spraying him with the water host to keep the Lions down it was great but scary that where was that I don’t it was on Instagram oh I could tell I don’t even I don’t want to go down this road and I

Put it in my column today I don’t want to be the guy shaking my fist at the at the uh clouds but here’s the thing everybody wants to protect the kids ooh a tiger might kill them tiger Tamer it’s called life stuff happens mean the kid might be scarred

But you know what it happens you can’t mow every bloody potential obstacle out of the way because eventually life’s going to happen as my wonderful personal attorney William how who lives in sunlakes Arizona says sooner or later sooner or later life happens to you to every person could happen when you’re young

Could happen when you’re old but sooner or later it happens oh my God what about the kids what about them Jason and red deer writes in and says the Utah Salt liquers how about what a Salt Lick is by the way do you know what a Salt Lake Salt Lick is not really

It’s a big block of salt about the size of a car battery and we would put it out there for cattle and they would lick it they would lick it and you know what we’d lick it too it actually tasted fantastic I didn’t care that a cow would just lick

This thing this is tasty a Salt Lick I’m not joking a lot of people there’s a restaurant in downtown Calgary called the Salt Lick I’m sure a lot of people that being a cowboy town would know that’s what it is but a lot of people wouldn’t Carlos in Indianapolis says the circus

Story is going on the pre-show lineup isn’t it uh we would have to ask director Jordan he does that from BW in Edmonton writes it he says I watch the cats and bolts podcast with Don mlan last night great stories well it was Doug mlan not the guy that sang bye-bye

American Pie that was Don mlan byebye listen if we could get that guy now we’d be getting somewhere Don mlan sang American Pie drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry them good old boys okay now I know what we got to who we got to get on there Don

Mlan Doug mlan was the guest Jen at the Four Season says LOL I’ve licked the Salt Lick too God they’re tasty tasty blue size of a car battery all salt what are you looking at somebody text you Darren or you making more notes no just writing in our group chat this has

Got to go on the end of the year show the story on the salt L and Don mlan I haven’t even haven’t even got to Jim harot to the LA Chargers that’ll be next hour because Mo Edgar joins us next see you in hour two moose

Ora we are live on the game plus television network which is available all across the state of Ohio on the Buckeye Cable system we’re also on the radio in Atlanta WQ Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube Block [Applause] ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ik game nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of reana is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley

Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with spectacular views of the golf course and Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your

Tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 7311 1445 Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our in venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan

Experience we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed everyday in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s LIF we’re asking

You to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at [Applause] HGB here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is content

Us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most

Overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the Roy Peterson show today send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve it now back to your host Rod Peterson hey everybody if you haven’t heard Canada’s top men’s curling teams

Are in the thick of their season provincial playdowns in sasar next week but all across Canada the top men’s teams have their eyes on the Montana’s Brier presented by AGI it’s at the Brand C entering Regina and tickets are on sale now at ticks they range

From 20 4 to $70 depending on the drawn seat selection all youth tickets are $9.99 that’s the Canadian men’s curling Championship coming to the brand Center in Regina hope to see you there all right moer as we are on the cusp of the conference championships of the National

Football League Mo Edgar joins us from Cincinnati ESPN Radio how you doing Mo Rod I’ve never been better how about yourself oh good good good do you have any circus stories for us by the way I I just found out the circus is coming through Sunrise Florida this weekend I

Didn’t even know there was still a circus did you go to it as a kid uh no uh no Mom Mom and Dad mom and dad never took me to the circus and now as as the proud parent of a of a six and a half-year-old she has yet to ask me to

Take her to the circus the thing about going to the circus is to the best of my knowledge like as as a kid who is into like competitive stuff nobody wins or loses at the circus if I’m not mistaken so that carried I had no interest in

That and that remains to this day also let’s be honest clowns are creepy and elephants stink how about that well somebody might die at the circuses that I went to and that was entertaining enough for me well that’s different now now possibility we have the possibility of death you know

That you could have eight-year-old me you could have said hey Mo look somebody might bite it tonight you want to go to the circus might have been more inclined to say yes right you were going to the wrong places Mo this morning here as I was

Leaving the gym the guy said David said who do you got this weekend and I said well I’m cheering for Detroit I can’t pick winners I can’t uh I can’t but how about you I don’t maybe you will go out on that limb what are you expecting this

Weekend well there’s what I want there’s what I can relate to and then there’s what I think is going to happen what I want is the best possible Super Bowl and when San Francisco played Baltimore uh on Monday Night Football about a month and a half ago whenever it was I

Couldn’t wait for that game because I think those are the best two teams and then unfortunately uh San Francisco was terrible that night Baltimore was great they looked like the best team in the NFL but I really wanted to see that game the first time because it was a dud the

First time doesn’t make me want to see it any less the second go around I think that gives us the best game between the best two and most complete team so that’s kind of what I want what I could relate to though and I you know Rod you and I were

Talking two years ago when the Bengals made the run of the Super Bowl that was in 2021 they they broke a stretch of 31 straight years without advancing in the postseason when the Lions did the same thing for the first time since 1991 uh

Two weeks ago there are a lot of us who could remember what it was like watching Bengals fans and experiencing as a Bengals fan what it was like to see your team finally break through and win that elusive playoff game uh the Lions have never won a Super Bowl the

Bengals have never won a Super Bowl uh and so I think there’s a big part of a lot of us in Cincinnati who we can relate to what they’re going through in Detroit and uh you know because they’re new and because I think they have a really fun and likable coach and they’re

Sort of the the Bengals of the NFC boy we could relate to to wanting to see them finally deliver a a Super Bowl championship to the city of Detroit then there’s what I think is going to happen what I think is going to happen is Kansas City is going to be a really

Tough out for the Baltimore Ravens because what they can do defensively I I I will say this about Baltimore against Houston they avoided the tightness that I thought was going to come if they ended up in a close game at home with all the pressure on that franchise all

The pressure on Lamar but I wonder what it’s going to be like in that Stadium if we have a close game in the second half or if Kansas City plays from ahead from a gambling perspective if you’re giving me three and a half points with Patrick

Momes and a Chiefs team that let’s face it there’s a lot of folks who didn’t feel like they were going to be here against a Baltimore team that has with it a lot of pressure I’m inclined to take the three and a half points I think

San Francisco is going to win and cover the number against the Detroit Lions they’re at home now Debo Samuel’s Health would concern me a little bit but I just feel like they can take advantage of Detroit’s secondary the line for Casey and Baltimore is close cuz I think it’s

More likely to be a really really good game but from a gambling perspective if we’re looking at point spreads you’re going to give me three and a half points with the uh defending conference and Super Bowl champions I’m going to do that I’ll take those numbers I’ll take

Those points with the Chiefs even if I think Baltimore has proven all year long it is the better team and they are playing at home I could talk about this forever with you but I I want the reason the biggest reason we wanted to bring you on

Was to talk about Brian Callahan leaving the Bengals as offensive coordinator to take on Darren’s T Tennessee Titans as the head coach how will this affect the Bengals Brian Callahan gone well you know at some point there was going to be some sort of disruption to the coaching staff right I mean they

They had gone to consecutive AFC championship games made a Super Bowl and this year brought back basically the same coaching staff that was only going to go for so long and where the disruption was most likely to come was going to be on the offensive side of the

Ball because those are the coaches that are most closely aligned to to Joe burrow I think Brian Callahan did really good work here and and people are going to fixate on the fact that in Cincinnati he didn’t call plays to me that’s not what coaching is about coaching is about leadership culture establishment

Teaching coaching the positions implementing game plans who’s screaming the call into the headset is is not that important to me I think if you look at Brian Callahan’s role in helping the Bengals craft teams that were far better than the ones that he was coaching when

He first got here I think he would be very impressed I’ve always felt like the Bengals offensive coaching staff doesn’t get the credit it deserves for getting joe ready to play week one his rookie year when they didn’t have mini camp he was learning the offense from his

Parents house in anthens Ohio uh they didn’t have pre-season games and yet game number one Joe burrow played like a competent established NFL starter I also feel like the offensive coaching staff hasn’t gotten the credit it deserves for figuring out how to make the offense functional in that playoff run two years

Ago when every single week they knew they had to design game plans around a horrific offensive line I also think some credit should be given to the offensive coaching staff for getting Jake Browning up to speed and having him be in a position where in his first run

As a guy who was getting regular snaps in the NFL was able to keep the Bengals afloat the offensive coaching staff goes beyond Brian Callahan he was the offensive coordinator I think his work in those three instances are enough for me to think he deserves a chance to be an n NL head

Coach isn’t that Mighty big of you to wish someone well that’s so rare in today’s world um but to be honest I just look at the Chiefs Yeah you mentioned them at the Ravens um there’s a bit of a theme Here I had a guy like I say the

Jin this morning said he’s sick of the Chiefs I’m sick of them and but you look at they withstood the loss of Eric benemy and it’s not like he lit the world on fire in Washington but they’re going to raid your staff that’s the way it goes

And that hasn’t really been talked about going into this weekend maybe it’s not that big a deal yeah no I mean I I think from a Bengals perspective this was almost to be expected you know a year ago Brian Callahan did interview with teams didn’t get the job uh in an

Offseason where we’ve had Jim Harbaugh and Mike Vel and Bill bich available he to me still stood out as somebody who was going to be given a chance he kind of fits the profile of what teams are looking for right younger offensive minded and you know this is the the

Latest example I think of of the burrow effect which is why you know the Bengals named their new offensive coordinator today Dan pitcher I feel like if Joe burrow plays 17 games and the Bengals get back to the postseason at some point soon you’ll be reading about Dan pitcher

Head coaching bonafides this is just how it works and to a degree here in Cincinnati you kind of look back at this year and go God you know what they wasted continuity they went to consecutive Conference Championship Games brought back the same coach basically the same team same coordinators same position coaches and

You got to take advantage of that they didn’t this year but yes you have a you have a team that’s relevant every year you have a team that wins playoff games obviously the Bengals couldn’t do that this year because they didn’t make the postseason at some point somebody was

Going to poach someone off this staff and the guy who it was most likely to be is the offensive coordinator who’s worked with Joe Burke there you go man wonderful update this is why we did it Mo and enjoy the games my man we’ll talk

Soon I you know I just I get lonely when you don’t call me so thanks for having me hopefully it’s it’s been like two months hopefully it’s not two months next time if you ever need a Florida perspective on things you can call me as well if I need a Florida perspective I’m

Coming to Florida and I’m not bringing any microphones with me so bingo I gotta okay all right thank you man yep moer from the appropriately named moer show ESPN Radio Cincinnati we’ll be right back with viewer takeover after this we are live on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple

Podcast Spotify and YouTube Live This is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we

Want I’m Bridget laquette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous

Peoples it can be even more difficult because just over one 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey gives blood in helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at bahero doeses this look

Familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan Experience 92183 92 51833 pick up your phone and text R that’s p 692 51833 we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s lifel

We’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book on online at HGB business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod

Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out

How you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show did you know you can catch all the best moments from the show on all our social media platforms now back to the studio with Rob yeah the studio beautiful South Florida thanks

For being part of uh our show and allowing us to be part of your day before I jump into the sports update Steve morrisy is watching us on YouTube live and hey Steve thanks feels like he’s a new viewer he writes in and says hey Rod what do you think will the New

York Jets ever get back to the big game I ask about the Jets because they wear green and white just like the Riders and my high school team was green and white hi Steve morrisy again I I feel dirty today is a day where I feel dirty I I’m stealing

All these phrases from my mentors and passing them along and I just want to give you the credit them the credit to say that it’s not my saying that never is a long time or forever is a long time and Gary CH said that the famed CFL defensive

Coordinator um will they ever get back it doesn’t look like it’s going to be anytime soon but I would never say never uh they were seven and 10 this year despite all the squalor and hey signing acquiring Aaron Rogers via trade from the Green Bay Packers was supposed

To be all that and then when a guy goes down four plays into his first game we were all watching weren’t we on Monday Night Football you tend to think maybe the franchise is cursed I think there’s an argument to be made for that the Gotham green but Aaron Rogers is coming back

And they felt that all they needed was a quarterback if he doesn’t blow up the world between now and then because of all the crap he’s caused will they make it back they could they were better than the Patriots last year that’s not saying much who are four and 13 but look

Patriots going into uh a rebuild if you will with a new head coach they still don’t have a quarterback they got a chance but they’re in a very tough division with a couple of teams that are ticked off in the Miami Dolphins and Buffalo Bills and have something to

Prove coming back will they don’t give up is my long answer to your short question could happen thank you Clark telling me how much time we have left in the hour I’m trying to I’m trying to be positive for the guy sports update uh Jim Harbaugh was

Hired as head coach of the LA Chargers on Wednesday leaving Michigan after capping his ninth season as coach of college footballs winning his program with the School’s First National Championship since 1997 Jim will be the first former Chargers player to return to the team as head coach he played for

The bolts in 99 and 2000 before retiring following the 01 season uh new head coach Patrick Roa leads the New York Islanders into Montreal tonight the gold tending Legend is one and one since taking over the Isles from Lane Lambert who was fired on Saturday Montreal

Enters the contest on a three game Slide the Edmonton Oilers look to extend their win streak to 15 games as they welcome Chicago uh the Flames are home to Columbus tonight will Johnny grobi boo that’s all I want to know and Ottawa host the Bruins sports updates brought to you by

Common crown Brewing Company turning your everyday common beer into a unique and exceptional experience visit common.css from the comedic mind of Tina Fay comes a new Twist on the modern classic mean girls in Landmark Cinemas now hour two coming up after this brief pause on Game Plus TV and WQ Radio We’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s Lifeline we’re asking you to join the hockey

Gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB the sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look

No further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all platforms Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan

Experience nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of ran is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with spectacular views of the golf course and

Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 7311 1445 IKS game day wishes to congratulate the city of asan

And Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam 62133 92183 Pi up your phone and TT that’s P213 business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peters show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many costeffective commercial and promotional

Opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show so sure enough I score uh it ends

Up being the gamewinner I couldn’t believe I scored I looked in the net I looked up at the red light I looked at my sister and my girlfriend they’re freaking out I looked down the ice at the other end on the SEC on second row

Cuz my dad was so tiny uh he’s he’s crying and my mom is just sitting there with her arms crossed not trying to show any emotion well man I’m starting to choke up and Keith acting comes over he don’t you cry don’t you cry this is the rod Peterson

Show hey that was Alan May’s story of his first NHL game of which he scored in for the Edmund T oers man that was a great show yesterday and today’s been at least as good maybe even more so it’s been so much fun where where else can you combine Farm stories with Florida

Stories NHL stories Super Bowl stories like literally nowhere I was talking to a business friend of mine the other day and he was like who would have the balls to do what you guys do he was talking Clark about Tuesday you talked to a guy from curling Canada then you talked

About the Alberta Junior League teams leaving and then you had a Flames grade on entertaining as hell just like the circus just like the circus and um I would not James Robert’s going to join us in a second from the offside hockey podcast to talk Leafs and keep an open

Mind James because we’re going to have some fun there but we’re I don’t even know how the topic came up of salt licks and it’s what they kept listen do you have salt licks out there do you know what that is James salt no I

Don’t yeah okay it’s a block of salt the size of a car battery and we would throw it into the pasture with the cattle and they would lick it and it would keep them happy and then we would lick it as well and Glenn uh from Regina Glenn with

Two ends writes and he says I remember he goes I’m a member of the Salt Lick Club in your opinion which tasted better the red or the blue I I would I only had the blue the red sounds disgusting to me my got red salt lck give me a break so I

Have more on that but we’re here to talk about a blue team the Leafs and they beat the Jets last night one- nothing in overtime Austin Matthews with the winner 47 seconds to go how’d you feel about the game James I wasn’t too happy about the first

Period to be honest with you um again sloppy slow whatever you want to call it that team is not getting out of the blocks the way they should it’s like Babcock era all over again where they don’t start on time um they’re outshot heavily but they did turn it on and

Start to regain the game as it went on but yeah the game as a whole at least they were able to support Samson off give him the opportunity to find his confidence and make some 10 Bell saves out of Joe wool earlier in the season um but the maple themselves they got the

Victory Nick Robertson another player who looked good elevated minutes and oh by the way Sheldon Keefe did something that people say he never does he benched Austin Matthews and Mitch Marner and took away their power play cookies well hey so here’s the thing this is why I said keep an open mind CU

We want to have some fun here and by the way you’re in Nova Scotia where specifically are you oh I’m in Cole Harbor Nova Scotia Cindy Crosby territory Nathan McKinnon territory okay cool I just want to let our viewers know that’s where you’re from I watched your video this morning

You’re on there every day with your Leafs thoughts and I’m like oh this should be good the Leafs won last night and you proceeded to crap all over him for like a minute and a half I’m like what the hell’s this James is that guy I’m like dude they

Won you know how hard it is to win James like what would make you happy listen victories are great but the problem with the leaves are inconsistencies this season and I’m probably one of the most positive Leaf fans you can find I’m always trying to talk about the Leafs and figure out

Their problems but the power play is a problem the penalty kill is a problem what is the ultimate goal for this team this year it’s to win a Stanley Cup and when you’re bottom barrel for the penalty kill when your power play is gone one for 20 since the Isles game

When this slide started for the Maple Leafs it’s an issue and you know good teams they love a victory but they look at the Victory and say what could we have done better and Austin Matthews to his credit last night was talking about they were disconnected on the power play

How they need to find that Rhythm so yeah for me this morning it’s good to see a victory but it’s a one- nothing victory in overtime when you had five power plays and didn’t connect so it’s an issue to me where they need to start finding the Rhythm on those things

Because you’re going to start facing better and better teams down the stretch and teams that are fighting for every point and if you do not have these ducks in a row it becomes a problem and then it bleeds in to the Stanley Cup playoffs

And if the leaf want to go far what do you have to fix your penalty kill your power play because power plays are so finite in the power in the playoffs that if you don’t score on them you don’t get them yeah and I say this James and you

Know me well with the utmost respect I’ve told you I love your show and I believe you know the game all of that uh Sheldon 66 writes that he says come on Rody you should know that Leaf’s fans will complain all the time no matter what the way you’ve explained it you’re

Right they do need to be be consistent to win and the talents there it’s the and what have they not been what’s plagued them what James is talking about I guess I guess my point is I thought you’d be taking a Victory lap you almost seemed Ang Victory La there another video out

Before that one oh I was celebrating okay okay get excited see there’s that Mari what great teams do Rod is they look at their games and they say what can we do better to keep going and they always want to evolve learn and do better and I mean that’s what they need

To do here sure but you’re not the coach so I thought that you’d at least be happy the next morning uh Jay and Winnipeg writes in and says if the Jets play that way on Saturday with a few of their regulars back the Jets should split this series

So if you looked at it from a winipeg point of view should they be happy to get a point on the road How would how should they look at the one nothing overtime loss in Toronto last night well you lose Mory early in the game you have

No Mark shley uh you’re without another player on top of my head I don’t remember his name obviously a prominent guy up front as well um why can’t I remember his name anyways you lose those players and the leaf should have I wouldn’t say handedly beat the Winnipeg

Jets but you have lauron Brad Net who’s actually doing well this season as well but it’s a backup golender Leaf should have went in there on home ice and done took their their business so Saturday night with everybody back Winnipeg if the Leafs play like they did last night

Sloppy in the first it’s going to be the Vancouver game all over again where they’re down three nothing or more and it’s going to be an issue all night long cool uh well all the way here in Florida I heard the ripples of what Craig Button uh went off what game was

That where he said uh was that the Edmonton game where Sheldon ke should be fired I still haven’t seen the clip I just heard about it yeah I heard about it for days so I’ll ask you this does Sheldon Keefe last the season do you think and what’s keeping his job or has

Him on the brink of losing his job in your mind so on the brink of losing his job is the unwillingness to do what he did last night which is sit guys and put guys in positions who are playing well look at Nick Robertson for once he

Elevated a guy who was having a good game and rewarded him and of course it off in overtime Robertson knocks down the puck and the sequence evolves into Matthew scoring and winning for me those things will keep him getting fired because he needs to figure out how to implement and use his

Players the right way if TJ Brody isn’t going don’t keep forcing him down everyone’s throat and saying he’s our top pair guy with Morgan Riley put someone else up there see what works I’m not a coach I I don’t know what goes on in the room but it’s easy to see if a

Guy’s struggling you don’t keep putting him out there and running him out there and running him down and letting him get lit up by the media what’s keeping him here is the fact they the least have the All-Star game so he’s not going anywhere till after that they’re not causing any

Dark clouds they’re going to try to rectify the situation and two Brad tur living has a history of not firing coaches during the season so he probably will not fire Sheldon Keith through the season it’ll be an offseason thing and I’ve said this sh or um Brader livings

Come in like any manager does he’s overseeing everything he’s looking at the lay of the land getting a feel for everything seeing what’s going on on Here There and Everywhere but also allowing people to feel comfortable enough to operate and do their job not 3 months in not 6 months in but nine

Months in to see what they’re actually like because when a new boss comes in what do you do you stand up straighter you come to work on time you work a little harder because you want to show up and show off so he wants to see what

Everybody’s like as it evolves so the offseason will be the where the moves are made whether it’s Marner gone whether it’s Keith gone whatever it is it’ll be the offseason for Sheldon Keith but not in season I like it I like it a lot okay can you please tell James our audience where

They can catch your show and your stuff and all your Leafs great Leafs content yeah make sure you check us out on X now I guess no longer Twitter uh it’s just offside talk over on Tik Tok we’re offside T then over on YouTube we’re there as well check out the

Podcast we go live usually Sundays and Wednesdays and there’s someone who’s a part of the show who’s usually on there Mr clarkman Rose so shout out to him as well how about that producer Clark absolutely all right James thanks for this brother uh appreciate the chat as

Always keep it up talk to you soon no problem keep working on a tan buddy thank you absolutely I was thinking about this this morning there’s a tanning place right over here like it’s nice not having to go to a tanning salon don’t got to go I’m actually

Shocked this place not only is in business but is as busy is as busy as they are but they are so what the hell um Randy from Winnipeg writes and he says the leafes are too soft for a playoff run sorry well they’re in a playoff spot as we sit

Here today and it’s 111 Eastern by the way I see and I’m getting an amber alert Lake County kidnap children that ain’t good 111 Eastern just pointing that out 11 Mountain if you were into the astrology thing I’m actually really excited to get moose in for the next segment to talk

About all these things plus tonight’s NHL games I’m not joking I don’t know why and they say the best things are the ones that aren’t planned our bet Regal NHL Breakaway bet segment where we pick that night’s games in the NHL it’s a new thing called sport betting I invented it

We bet on the games for fun we’ve got no money on it no cheese no lunch it’s just fun and people are really into it uh we’ll be doing about do that next segment and talk about a lot of things like the game of the night and it ain’t

Close is the Islanders at Montreal and you know why right Patria going back in to Montreal we all know how it ended and to be honest this know for a fact this comes with age because we do studies on it and stuff saw Patrick W’s comments about going in he goes it’s

Always special he’s definitely taking the high road I’ve never met him I’ve been around him I just love Patrick walk because I’m a goalie guy was only 10 years he was there seemed like longer to me three finals three Stanley Cup finals two two Stanley Cup

Wins and I think we are all watching his his last game and how it went down and the Ugly distasteful nature of it and uh it’s all ugly but I can’t say enough about him for the way he’s handling this going back into Montreal because it ain’t easy and Raz

Agent is a very good friend of mine and uh we’ve been talking about this we are hoping to get him on our cats and bolts Florida podcast because Patrick I understand was here in the winter but now he’s coaching the New York Islanders and I saw Islanders fans this is kind of

Ranked to me but there now that we’ve joined this NHL podcasting Community which I believe offside hockey is part of there’s the Islanders our guy Coliseum Chronicles Joe Lao hosts a podcast on there and uh there are various Islanders podcasts and one of the hosts said if Patrick aah had been

Coaching this team all year the Islanders would be in a playoff spot well they’re not that far out and now raah is charged with getting the Islanders into the playoffs Now’s the Time to do it Lou Laro clearly knows that a general manager of that team but

Here’s the thing they’re not very good they beat the Panthers when they were here and the talk in the Press Box was that lane Lambert is getting everything out of this team and more because they’re not very good but in the end it wasn’t enough and he got fired and now

Patrick was there I feel like he might need to play goal but and they’re only one in one but they’re all excited there and at some point we need to realize probably long after I’m dead in God and that’s not going to be for a while but

So much of what you hear is bunk and when I said rah’s agent is a friend of mine that’s not false and this summer remember he coached the Quebec R parts to the Memorial Cup championship last year that ain’t a small thing Patrick roah and then he stepped down to pursue

An NHL opportunity and nothing was happening and the agent was like I don’t understand I don’t understand and here we are it’s a need thing four five six months later the Islanders needed a coach Lou Laro clearly knows what Patrick W all about come on into Long Island and that’s what

He’s doing so all this bunk that you hear 98 maybe 99% of what you hear is bunk and yet we’re all glued to it and I’m as bad as anybody spreading that stuff that’s a fact I’m not casting any dispersions here but you just can’t

Listen to it my dad told me that for years it’s hard not to especially now on the social media age where it’s pumped into your head all the time but you know Patrick W was black balled he was hard to control and they had to

Let him go in Colorado and here’s why he was stepping on Joe sack’s toes and he he he’s uncontrollable and he won’t take Direction well Lou doesn’t seem to have a problem with that if that’s all true maybe it is sounds like a lot of guys that I

Love here he is coaching the New York Islanders and going into Montreal tonight again as he said it’s all how come they won’t touch raah now even more I hope he goes in there and just rubs their face in it we’ll see that is the game of the

Night uh Randy from Winnipeg says did Lou make Rah shave I guess we’ll see I haven’t seen him on the bench yet with the Islanders he’s talking about Lou Lamar’s famous as general manager rule that you can’t have facial hair on your team my guess is that he did we’ll find out

Tonight won’t we moose joins us next we promis we would talk some NFL and it is only Thursday I will tell you that I’m very much looking forward to a football Friday and that’s when we will get out at every level NFL college CFL all that

Talk we do it on Fridays in the winter I’m looking forward to that too but bet Regal Breakaway bets and some NFL talk and more Super Bowl talk for sure we’ve barely got into that when we come back on gam plus TV WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms 9218 303 992 51833 pick up your phone and text RP that’s R Peterson 92 51833 everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you could throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a legacy nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of reana is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with

Spectacular views of the golf course and Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 73144 Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our in venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan

Experience here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve

It now back to your host Rod Peterson okay here we go welcome back everybody just before we bring moose in we’ve got a note from our friends at curling can the gold medal game is already standing room only and other scheduled draws are approaching the same status three weeks before the 2024

Scotty Tournament of hearts in Calgary scheduled for February 16th to the 25th at the wind sport event center in Calgary the 2024 Scotties which will decide the Canadian women’s curling Championship is proving to be a hot ticket and fans will need to act quickly if they want to watch Canada’s best

Women’s curling teams do battle live and in person they’re already plans in place for an overflow crowd for the gold medal game on February 25th to have a viewing party in the patch starting at 600 p.m. single draw ticket prices range from $20 to $59 get your tickets now don’t be

Disappointed Montana is coming up Montana’s Brier shortly after that in Regina you can purchase all the tickets at tickets okay let’s bring the moose in now holy smokes has this been fun I hope everybody’s had as much fun as I’ve had if you haven’t though it doesn’t matter

Cuz it’s my show and I’m having fun and that’s all that matters Darren where do we start uh do you have a you have a comment before I read some viewer comments or anything no I mean I can’t believe Mo’s never been to the circus that was number

One that stood out to me that he never went to the circus but I guess if he knew that somebody had a chance of had their head ripped off he’d have been all over it so that was good but uh oh my God yeah I don’t believe him

Yeah I’m well I do because I know a lot of people like that Carlo kako from TSN Radio in Toronto was the same if it’s not Sports they’re not interested and I’m like man guys you’re really missing out but that’s you you do you but man I

Would hate to be like that what happens if there’s a worldwide pandemic can you imagine if they actually shut Sports down for months could you imagine if that actually happened what would you do oh wait what would you do uh yeah I get it I know guys like

That if it’s not Sports I’m not interested now okay sucks to be you then but you know what you don’t seem upset so fine but that’s the thing during the pandemic I went to auto racing for the first time in my life and a car flew off

A tire flew off a stock car into the crowd almost killed somebody I’m like oo where’s this been all my life like Taylor Swift with the NFL where’s the NFL been all right and then we were talking about Salt Licks and have you ever lick one

And if you don’t know what it is never mind because we don’t have time to get into it Jim Wagner writes in from baloni and he says the circus is still alive and well in Saskatchewan it’s called moja how about that good day all hello he’s trying to find the play The

Page hit it hit it Clark he’s gone there you go it’s the it’s the delayed reaction one thing I’m realizing real for a second yeah can I get real for a second yeah am I trapped trapped in a Time Loop one thing I’m learning from this

Advisor and she’s been advising me for a while but I hadn’t seen her actually for a couple of years uh we went and saw her on the weekend and she said Rod not every action needs a reaction and I’ve heard that forever but I never actually listen to it I always had

Something smart to say and it’s kind of come back and bit me in the ass in in in a good way and a bad way but when he talks about the circus in Moose my joke was always hey did you hear Regina’s getting a zoo oh yeah they’re putting a fence around

MOA that’s that’s funny it’s just a joke but people don’t get over that stuff fast if at all or ever in certain places I’m like I’m just having fun God so anyway she’s like maybe bite your tongue a little more I’m like after 51 years I’m GNA start okay why what do

I got to lose and then the other one oh about the Salt Lick thing again they’re the size of a car battery and we used to put them in the pasture and cattle would lick them and then we would lick them just for fun and people would you know our

City or town friends would go ew what are you doing cows licked that and I’m like I’m pretty sure that cow’s tongue hadn’t been anywhere bad like one time in Edmonton it was gray Cup 2010 one of the guys in our group it was his birthday well of course what do you

Do you go to a strip club so we told the owner of the strip club that it was this guy’s birthday I don’t know let’s call him shadow and um how about that trying to remember how I’m trying to remember how it worked uh they had him and another guy they put

Him on the stripper pole that’s what it was and they asked them whoever they run your tongue down the the pole whoever gets to the bottom climb up to the top like monkey bars and run your your tongue down whoever reaches the bottom first wins a prize and they did

It and our guy won and uh they’re like here’s a shot and I remember the guy that I was sitting beside whose name whose initials might have been Derek Myers said how about that I hope that’s T I hope that’s turpentine in the shot glass or penicillin

Right a Salt Lick is nothing compared to that anyways back to having fun not that we weren’t uh the poll question today is what should the Utah NHL team be called the poll question is brought to you by Key Auto Group they’re driven by safety experience peace of mind with our

Comprehensive multi-point inspections visit key motive excellence your options are the Utah Grizzlies the Salt Lake golden eagles couple of minor league hockey teams have been called that the Utah Mormons because let’s be honest what’s Utah famous for or other and Clark said on YouTube other is

Winning and the last I looked on Twitter the Utah Mormons is winning so it’s interesting that people really weren’t down with the term Grizzlies or golden eagles before so so as I go to the text line uh Greg is watching in Edmonton and says uh Utah Peaks the

Peaks that ain’t bad mountain peaks right you get some good promotions Twin Peaks of course yeah I’m picking up what you’re speaking of what yeah running your tongue down the the pole I hope your mom’s not watching Darren Bob and Saskatoon writes in on the sober Carpenter text line 92518 333 says hi rod and Darren happy birthday Utah stole the name Jazz from New Orleans where it made sense Utah state bird is a California Gull that would be

Hilarious what would the Cal the Utah goals yeah I don’t think it’s going to be that but there’s a there’s a legend there’s if you are fascinated by sports teams names which I am and who isn’t a lot of teams you know took the name from

Where they were the LA Lakers came from Minnesota if you ever been around La there’s not a lot of lakes if you thought about it you would say why are they called the Lakers of all the names you could call them well they were the Minnesota Lakers or the Brooklyn Dodgers

Became the LA Dodgers you know all those names and it doesn’t really happen anymore I’m trying to think of teams moving Montreal Expos became Washington Nationals relocated teams thank God it doesn’t happen very often leagues don’t want to be relocating their teams are there any that come to mind

For you no Jets became coyotes Thrashers didn’t move um the Atlanta Flames right became the Calgary Flames that be one but no yeah oh and the rush I guess the Edmonton Rush became the Saskatchewan Rush yeah I don’t know whether it’s a good decision or a bad decision to

Change your team name I don’t know I don’t know and I’m pretty sure I’ll never be in the position to make that decision you know but I look at New Orleans the Charlotte Hornets moved to New Orleans to become the New Orleans Hornets and then mov back to Charlotte

To be the Hornets again so then New Orleans had to come up with the Pelicans and I’m like I was just in New Orleans Pelicans don’t from what I could see have any footprint in that town it’s All Saints all the time we had I was just

Talking to seren about this the other day she we were talking about our Uber drivers we had we were 10 out of 10 for entertaining Uber drivers and I said to the one guy I said does Drew Brees still live here he goes of course he lives here he owns this

Town that’s the wonderful thing you win a championship You’re Gold You’re Gold hey big time and that’s you know what I think that’s the biggest thing that works or doesn’t work when you move a franchise not that the Jets weren’t good in Winnipeg but when you

Move to a new place after a team you know leaves town and there’s not a championship history um you typically want to change the name and not be associated with the past um but when it comes to the rush I think they had just won an Edmonton right a league title in

The nlll and then they moved to catchu and I don’t think you want to drop that name after they won so I think that plays a factor well actually I was thinking about this the other day I mean I’m really enjoying hair I think that’s obvious to everybody but I’m looking at this

Panther’s logo and everybody who is anybody and I mean everybody loves the old logo they talk about it like every day of the panther the panther jumping out right everybody loves that one I can’t I think they call it the pouncing Panther or whatever and I’m like why the hell would

They ever change that but then I’m thinking I don’t know but my guess would be they were one of those teams that did a Rebrand that were so bad let’s change the logo and give people something else to talk about which is what I accused the Bengals of doing and that’s where Mo

Moer and I became friends I said oh they’re changing their jerseys but they’re still going to suck lo and behold they go to the Super Bowl and another famous Rod prediction Lynch would call it an FRP a famous Rod prediction Johnny writes us from Winnipeg and says uh do you ever see

Brook Henderson or jeie buard gorgeous Canadian women for Canadian content in Florida Golf and Tennis no I’m not a stalker and Brooks busy golf in I mean I read that on the sports side she’s not just hanging out jeie is just hanging out but you’re not going to find me

Anywhere near a golf course and probably not going to find me at a tennis court either so I see them as much as you do Johnny and Winnipeg on my Instagram that’s it although I did you were with me uh in Regina at the CP Women’s Open

Right and we met Brooke when she won it all weren’t you with me that’s right yeah I can’t believe how small she is she packs a lot of power and a not very big frame I’ll tell you that for free about Brook Henderson hey oh yeah and that was just such a cool

Week to be a part of and the fact that you know the LPGA Tour you know rolled out the red carpet gave us a space on the golf course to do the show from right there that was pretty cool I’ve said this many times I didn’t even really want to go I

Was doing my local radio show you were with me you remember I’m like ah I got to go up to the damn Golf Course ah well the weather was good so I was looking forward to that and I remember walking up to the Wascana golfing Country Club

Something I’ve done many many times I was like what the where am I this is the Super Bowl tents everywhere the big Golf Channel semi right stands right packed stands and I’m like what did you do to my little Golf Course here it was the Super Bowl it was the Canadian women’s

Golf championship for sure but it was the it was an LPGA stop it was a big deal oh I know we got to take a break here from our audience anybody who’s got a suggestion for the Utah NHL team’s name Kevin writes in is watching in Regina he says the Salt Lake polygam

I’m not against it uh I’m not against the name I’m against polygamy thank you for Michael Jay in Maple Ridge BC says the Brooklyn trolley Dodgers sure Brian and Hudson Bay says how about the Utah Mountaineers I think we have a winner guys I think we have a winner the youth

The Utah Mountaineers I like it we’ll be right back we’re GNA play bet Regal Deal or No Deal Breakaway bets how about that sports update on the way and overtime as well we’re live on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube Live 92518 303 92518 303 Pi up yourt R that’s P2183 did you know that you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors increase chance es of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their

Life saving match you can be a patient’s best hope be hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and

Scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience I’m Bridget lequette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant

From an unrelated donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey gives blood and

Helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at beahero this is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me

Down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we want hi my name is Logan Dan and I’m Conor Bard we’re both hockey gies blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a

Generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at HGB business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many costeffective commercial and promotional

Opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show oh yeah he’s back time for more of the rod Peterson

Show thank you Rick Reagan that’s a fact uh folks do me a favor you got to help me out here please especially the people watching from Saskatchewan right now would you please go to T miracle and purchase your 5050 tickets I literally don’t ask you to do a lot

That could help us out a lot pH Miracles come to us to help promote Saskatchewan’s charity and we’re happy to support it but but that’s where we need you tel Miracle you can buy your tickets right now you just got to be 18 years of age or over and in the

Province of saskat to do it it is the number one region for viewership for us the 306 rectangle so would you do me a favor by the end of today go to till Miracle 50 and purchase your tickets Please one half goes to support Tel Miracle 48 the other half goes to

The winner maybe that’s you this is what I do know moose you can’t win if you don’t buy a ticket scientific and I won’t take credit for it it’s a Gretzky thing you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take so please do me a favor by

The end of the day buy your 5050 tickets at T um apparently people think we’re a Sports Talk Show David and Winnipeg writes in yeah says happy birthday moose he goes I’m rolling with the Lions and Chiefs this weekend what are your thoughts from David and Winnipeg I

Think my heart’s with the Lions but I think it’s the uh Ravens and 49ers that will play for the Super Bowl there you go that was easy Raven although I like I like I think the Lions have a better chance to upset the 49ers do than the Chiefs do to upset Baltimore

If that makes sense Allen’s watching in Saskatoon he says I’m just looking out the window at the acreage at two blue salt licks going to go have to have a lick you won’t be disappointed and there is a restaurant I’ll never forget in Calgary called the

Salt Lake it’s best steak I’ve ever had in Calgary was at the Salt Lake I went there one time with George Cortez you know Jorge my good buddy from Houston uh and he’s there now he was was the he should be in the Hall of Fame that guy

Should be in the hall of fame five gray cups is a coordinator in the Canadian football league and I was pounding beers like it was my job and ordered one and by the time the server was like gone back to the bar it was gone George is like you should just order

Two you know what George that’s a great idea I knew you were smart I started from that point on doing that you know the other guy that I saw that did that was Ray Bor but that’s a story for another time John in Kansas City writes in he says Utah is the

Beehive State I always like the Cincinnati Stingers so how about the Utah Stingers I like it I wouldn’t immediately discounted I wouldn’t Mountaineers is what I like so far John goes on to say I disagree moose Chiefs all the way tomorrow was red Friday in the office and I’ll be in solid

Red Wayne and BC writing in and says uh breaking news Philip uh Blake is back with the saskatch one Ru Riders he sign sign an extension for 2 years offensive lineman which we will delve far more into on a football Friday tomorrow Randy from winipeg writes in and says assault licks and stripper

Poles what’s tomorrow’s topics trust me I don’t know and that’s why this show is so popular because not only do you not know the next word out of my mouth neither do I Ryan in Toronto writes in what do you got what do you got tomorrow’s poll question what would you rather

Lick the soul lick or the stripper B hell yes the thing about the Salt Lick is we didn’t just lick it to be deviant uh it tasted good we really liked it it wasn’t a one time thing what nothing I’m thinking about the poll question carry on okay oh no by

Bob writes in he goes I’m watching from Mesa Arizona forget expansion just move the coyotes to Houston or Salt Lake City um well that there’s a small problem with that the owners would be out 500 million us if not more that’s what the Seattle Kraken and Vegas golden knights paid 500 million

Each adds up to I’m No mathematician we established that but I do know that adds up to a billion dollar so just moving Arizona to Salt Lake City wipes out a half a billion dollars hey from WQ radio says uh Happy Birthday moose from WQ 99.1 FM the

Key the RP show Atlanta’s NHL show see that’s the thing that’s where I said I’ve been feeling dirty all day I don’t even want to talk about Salt Lake City as a 33rd team cuz we’re going to Atlanta I think it’s hilarious man this was a no planes crashed at the airport

Last night story and for those that don’t know that’s an broadcasting term for making up news because there’s nothing going on no planes crashed at the airport last night and then and the conspiracy theorists say they threw that out the people to distract you from the London Ontario 5 World Junior players

Story I just want to hope that that didn’t happen I want to hope that there’s a Santa Claus I want to hope that Co was real I want to hope that Donald Trump’s a good guy and I want to hope that it was just a coincidence that that news dropped from

Utah at the same day as the London Police Department statement how about you I’m a fan of that way of thinking you know if if you’re if you’re always pessimistic and always thinking of the you know the angle that they could be you know trying to take and the negative

Side of it it’s not a great way to live I like to take people at their word I like to you know uh think that things are real and you know what it’s a news story I guess we’re talking about Utah so I’m okay with

It yeah well if you if you if you don’t live that way cuz I’ve lived the other way that suck you’re going to get your heart broken if you do what we’re talking about here but it’s a better way to live we haven’t played bet Regal Breakaway bets yet so you’re going to

Have to stick around one more segment if you don’t mind and thank you Jen at the Four Seasons for reminding me about the orders going for number 15 tonight and raah returning to Montreal so we’ll play that when we come back I’ll just say this about Trump you know me Darren

You’ve been around me a long time and how I roll I gotten to know everybody’s name that works in the the American Bank Arena where the Panthers play and I asked them who is the most famous person that you ever seen here that you’ve ever guarded or worked at and they were like

Oh Glory estan probably Miami Sound Machine stuff like that iconic Miami singing artist and I said what about Trump and they’re like oh yeah Trump and one of the press block security guy Eddie he goes I got to work right in front of the stage for Trump yeah that

Was yeah he would be the most famous guy I’m like well I would like to think the president of the United States would be the most famous guy but who am I to say and uh Roseanne who works at the front security door I had asked her on

My way into the building she’s like I got to think about it get me on the end of the game and ask me when you leave so I did and I said Roseanne the guys upstairs were saying Trump is the most famous guy to ever be here would you

Agree she goes I took that night off so technically he I didn’t see him I wouldn’t work when Trump was here I’m like okay I get it I get it and she still didn’t have an answer okay Breakaway bets for bet Regal when we come back and over time we’ll be right

Back on Game Plus television WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live the sports landscape continu us to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ikas live we provide

Service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms [Applause] does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan

Experience hi my name is Logan stov and I’m Conor Bard we’re both hockey gies blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at

HGB ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver Del the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam [Applause] Here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the r Peterson show today you got something to say you want to add

To the show what are you waiting for don’t just sit there say something now back to the studio with Rod it’s been a day where I’ve just not felt good about myself overtime brought to you by overtime hockey Lanes by the way in Calgary proud partners of the rod

Peterson show baseball has batting cages golf has driving ranges why wouldn’t hockey have shooting Lanes if you love hockey which we do you have to get down to overtime hockey lanes and if you don’t go don’t tell me you love hockey cuz you don’t 28th Street North East

Where skill and fun Collide in beautiful Calgary Alberta Canada bring on in Moose the reason I feel dirty moose is that here we are making you work over time on your birthday so I’m sorry for that um regarding what should be the name of the expansion team in the NHL for Utah Glenn

In medicon hat writes in he says the Utah State animal is the elk so there’s a possible name for an NHL team in Salt Lake City sadly they might not win too many games at home P they didn’t get the joke in that but I did Glenn there you go the

Edmonton elk uh Jeff the stams fan says who thinks Gloria estafan is more famous than Donald Trump Freddy and Eddie the ushers of the Press Box at AER Bank Arena who Glenn in Regina Glenn with two NS says why would you suggest putting a team back in Atlanta where a team has

Failed twice before doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity om om Ottawa red blacks look it up wil in Steinbach Manitoba says hi rod and moose the Salt Lake City cougars because God knows we don’t have enough teams named cougar

Around but I’ll allow it Brady the Brady writing from Sask and moose he says hey Rod how you doing Happy Birthday to Darren AKA The Moose I’m holding out hope that Detroit makes it to the Super Bowl but I think at the end of the day it’ll be the 49 versus the

Ravens and I love the name Salt Lake golden eagles today we barely we didn’t even talk enough about going to the Super Bowl which we’ll be doing the rod Peterson show and Game Plus TV and WQ radio will be at the Super Bowl ryano radio and we’re sharing a booth with a

Guy named Frank from Fresno that’s as God as my witness we’re we’re sharing sharing it I don’t have his last name in front of me but we are conversing I’m just going to call him Frank the Tank and we’ll probably get him on the air Frank from Fresno he hosts a podcast

Up there and yeah so you’re all going to be at Super Bowl with us game plus will be there in WQ radio we are going to play bet Regals Breakaway bets right now where Darren and I do sport betting we make picks with no money on it it’s like sport

Fishing but betting are you ready I’m ready Philadelphia at Detroit who wins I’ll take the Red Wings uh I’m going to take the Philadelphia Flyers that works out great the Arizona Coyotes at the Tampa Bay Lightning can I go first I’ll take the bolts okay that works so well I’ll take the

Ys okay they got spanked here in Arizona in Florida last night the coyotes just I think they’ll be tired but we’ll see Boston at Ottawa tonight not who wins how bad’s it going to get I’ll take Boston times two you you same okay Islanders at Montreal Patrick Roa return return a to

Srael I think the Islanders win Patrick Wall goes into Montreal and wins D that’s two two of us the New Jersey Devils go into Carolina I’ll take the Devils I’m taking the Carolina hurries Nashville Predators at the Minnesota Wild big Central Division Clash there I’ll go first and take Nashville you I’ll take

Minnesota the Anaheim Ducks at the Dallas Stars Dallas it’s uh me too you’re welcome Ally the Chicago Blackhawks at the Edmonton orders it’s Edmonton for me dog yeah that’s uh me as well and Johnny hockey returns to the Shadle Dome tonight the Columbus Blue Jackets at the Calgary

Flames it’s not who wins it’s going to be Calgary I’ll take calary you yeah yeah do they boo Johnny good here do they boo him tonight or not they got bigger problems than Johnny goodro yeah I don’t think they will no I don’t think they will good people in Calgary uh

Struggling with their hockey team I do feel bad for them I’m conversing with a lot of the fans and it’s just very upset it’s very upsetting fake Gainer always waits to the end to write in he says can I vote for the NHL Utah country or Utah Rock

Compliments with uh well with the Utah Jazz music yo plus instant rivalry with a St Louis Blues I’ll hang up and listen that’s from fake G like it uh Glenn J jerck uh chernik says oh yeah I forgot I guess the Ottawa team in the CFL it’s a perfect example of third

Times a charm and a great point about poor ownership if that’s what you were suggesting is what happened in Atlanta no just that don’t give up on a city because it’s not necessarily the city’s fault man it was fun moose enjoy your base your birthday and have a cupcake for me you

Bet thank you guys we’ll see you all back here tomorrow for a football Friday yo who has more fun than us N [Applause] M

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