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Jamie Moore Updates On Taylor-Catterall 2 & Taylor-Cameron 3

Jamie Moore speaks to Boxing News’ Andi Purewal as he provides an update on Taylor-Catterall 2 talks and the latest with Taylor-Cameron 3.

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00:00 – 00:38: Jamie Moore intro
00:39 – 01:37: Christmas and New Years celebrations
01:38 – 02:26: Cameron Vuong camp
02:27 – 05:19: Cameron Vuong vs Jordan Flynn talks
05:20 – 07:54: Aqib Fiaz latest
07:55 – 10:28: Potential Campbell Hatton and Aqib Fiaz fight
10:29 – 13:18: Taylor-Catterall 2 talks
13:19 – 19:24: Taylor-Cameron 3 update
19:25 – 22:11: Fury vs Usyk thoughts
22:12 – 24:57: Joshua vs Ngannou thoughts
24:58 – 26:32: Parker vs Zhang thoughts
26:33 – 28:26: Buatsi vs Azeez thoughts
28:29 – 30:57: Tszyu vs Thurman reports
30:58 – 31:10: Jamie Moore outro

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This is Andy poral for boxing news for first time in 2024 I’m joined by Jamie Moore over Zoom Jamie good to catch up haven’t seen you for a while um do you have a good Christmas good new year is he still that new year period should I

Still be saying Happy New Year oh man it’s like the end of January nearly in it so um so maybe not but yeah it was nice thank you mate we had a nice nice break we actually had two and a half weeks off the gym like for the first

Time in seven years for over Christmas so um so it was soort of timing wise it felt nice that we could uh have a bit of time off and spend it with the family just on that note Jamie I imagine when you retired it was something which not

Just Christmas but the events and like your family get together senior friends like those periods where you have to sacrifice because you’ll be in Camp you’ll be training when you was fighting would have been somewhat something you was looking forward to getting back obviously now you’re training Fighters

Um does he still feel as much of a sacrifice now as what he did when you were fighting it’s probably more difficult to get time off over Christmas and New Year when you’re training Fighters because sort of for it to fall that he was going to fight in January or February when you’re

Fighting we s of few far between whereas as a as a coach if youve got a stable of six seven eight Fighters he’s more likely that one of those he’s going to have a fight then so so it’s just really felt well that it it fell over Christmas and New

Year that it was a time where we could have a bit of time off so it was good yeah a bit of time off but obviously get straight back into you got young Cameron vong in Camp getting ready for his next OU how’s he been looking yeah good good we’ve just we’ve

Just been to Dubai um we had a week training in Dubai with with him and Jack ceral um took our families as well so that we could sort of um have a little bit of a holiday as well so um so it worked well and yeah he’s been training

Right over Christmas and New Year himself was back at home and then as soon as we was back in in the gym first week in January was back at it but um but he looks after himself in between fights he’s been you know matum have kept him really active so we had three

Fights in three months um straight after his debut so so um it’s just more of a case of just keeping that sharpness in simy rather and start of getting him ready for a fight the Jordan Flynn fight Jamie I’m sure you’ve seen um the few back and forths over socials between

Cameron Jordan obviously Sam Jones getting involved Sunny Edwards getting involved um what can you tell me about is that before you guys are looking at um to take place as quickly or as soon as possible well listen it’s a good fight you know I I like young prospects who

Are willing to take risks and fight each other early on coming through because but it shows that the good character it also shows that um that the confident in yourself and they ambitious and just because you lose a fight early on against another good upand cominging Prospect doesn’t mean the end of the

World and you know he can always rebuild from it and learn a lot of lessons from it so uh so yeah I like it and obviously it creates a bit of a story and it’s you know entain people and stuff so um just one word of advice would always be never

Ever get into a Twitter spot with sunny Edwards that’s very good advice Jamie whenever I seees Sunny actually say to him I hope I’m never on the wrong end of your Tweet because I wouldn’t fancy my chances there but is it just ignor the best the best advice just ignore him don’t get

Involved is it is it something though is it a fight which from the S it’s aligned with what you’d like to do with Cameron vong yeah so Cameron’s one of those kids coming through where you’ve got to match him at a decent level um to make sure

That he improves and and and sort of progresses the way you want him to so so that it doesn’t go backwards um you know you don’t want good kids like him fighting journeyman for 10 or 12 fights where they learned zero lessons they may

As well go in in in the gym against some of the sort of Journeymen who around who just try to survive may as well hit a bunch bag so I’d rather him be boxing kids like Jordan Flynn who are gonna come ambitious try try and win the fight

And and and you take lessons on board one thing what I like about prospects not just my is when when they’re willing to risk losing a fight in terms to gain experience and make themselves a better fighter is a good quality you can’t be scared of losing the fight because you

Know you at some stage in your career you’re going to get to a point where you’re you’re in a 50-50 fight and you’re genuinely going to be thinking you have that little argument in your mind you know am I G to win this fight you don’t want the first time you’re

Having those conversations with yourself be when you’re going into a 5050 fight you you you need to sort of train yourself mentally as as well as physically and by doing that putting yourself in in competitive fights early on gets you ready or more equipped for further down the line when you’re in

You’re more competitive fights and it builds that mental toughness as well another young Char of yours who’s got to make his comeback this year and somewhat rebuild his A’s House Jackson shush sorry dog going NS he’s all good um how’s akib doing and how’s he looking towards 2024

Now yeah so akib then perfect example of what I’ve just said you know he’s young Prospect coming through we took a risk um he didn’t quite pay off but he’s T lessons on board we’ve learned a lot more about akib in that fight and he’s learned a lot about himself than we

Would have known if he’ have gone 15 16 and row against easy opponents he’s he’s actually been matched quite tough similar to how I would want Cameron being progressed um and you know I pulled him out of the fight not because I didn’t think um he would sorry I he

Was he was hurt from from from getting knocked down but it was more so that he’d not perform the whole fight the way he should have or how he can do and I knew he was going to sort of go all guns blazing and sort of gamble everything

Trying to win and 99% of the time that doesn’t end well and if it’s more of a devastating loss it’s a lot more difficult from a psychological point of view to come back from than it is now so you know he’s he’s he’s gutted obviously that he lost the fight but he

Understands the reason why why I stopped the fight and I’ve sort of I did it for the for the I’m not thinking short term and his ego and un upsetting people people who were there to support him I’m thinking of the long-term goal of him making sure that he hasn’t got those

Psychological scars of you know maybe ended up flatten your back and then you end up a little bit gun shy um it it was a competitive fight nip and to but he just he really wasn’t performing the way he should have or the way he can do um

So you know the reasoning behind that we we believe that we’ve we’ve got to the bottom of it um and I’m looking forward to re you know him coming back out now rebuilding getting a couple of fights under his belt I mean ree bot is a

Lovely kid and and he’s he’s been a top level Fighter for a long time but I still believe that akib can beat him and I’d love the opportunity to do that in another couple of fights time where he has a couple of fights where he he gets

To try and put the things right what he went wrong on the night and then I’d love the opportunity to do that again um I’m going to ask Jamie obviously there was a lot of talk about akib and hat and potentially facing each other but whenever he’s kind of brought up it

Seemed to be that there was a hope maybe for the British title maybe for uh further along down the lines in their careers but on the back of this defeat AI previously people were seen him as a big favorite against Campbell but on the back of his defeat now would it make a

Bit more sense to you to maybe look at a potential a FZ Campbell haton for it yeah well listen the only problem with that I see is I mean people have been talking about that for a long time but the different weight divisions you know I IID boxed

For the British Inc TI at Super featherweight and uh and from from all accounts what I’ve seen Campbell’s boxing at super lightweight so there’s two weight divisions in between so um so you know everyone loves a domestic fight you know or or a local rivalry um and

And if it would have made sense I’m sure or if it does make sense in the future no I’m pretty sure AK could box at lightweight and be competitive but I’d rather in box you know as long as he keeps one of the problems with AK is has

Been weight management in between and he knows that he needs to address it and he needs to be coming in sort of a a little bit leaner when when when he’s getting down to fights so but which which has been addressed and it’s it’s been stck

On board it’s been noted and and he’s going to work on that but I just don’t see the point in fighting somebody a couple of weight division is naturally bigger than you just for the sake of it because he’s a good local Derby do you know what I mean I’ve got a

I’ve got a lot of time for cellan um I’ve known him since he was a baby you know me and Ricky have been mates for for many years and uh and and it’ it’d be very awkward you know I wouldn’t want that F I wouldn’t want to be in the

Opposite corner to Campbell because I love him he’s a great kid but um but sometimes you’ve just got to do those things but I just don’t see the point in trying to push it and make it just for the sake of doing it it doesn’t make

Sense have to say Jamie I never thought i’ day you calling a man city fan a great kid and you saying you love him yeah no listen um at this moment in time United aren’t doing great hour but uh what what you’ve got to you’ve got to

Enjoy the times and and um sort of celebrate the successes you’ve also got to be humble in defeat on you you just got to take it take it on the chin and uh would absolutely dog [ __ ] at the minute I was about to say mate it seems

To have been quite a few humbling for you guys recently yeah exactly but just moving forward on to wider scale a bigger scale obviously I’m sure it’s something you’re probably a little bit fed up talking about but Jack cat Josh Taylor rematch now saw Jack’s interview last week suggesting deals were agreed

Spoke to Josh in Liverpool he said that’s not necessarily the case but by all intents and purposes is the fight that everyone wants to push ahead with now to your understanding Jamie how far off do you feel we are from an official announcement for a potential catch or

Taylor 2 rematch well from what I’ve heard the both both guys have agreed to to fight each other and they’ve agreed the terms so you know going off the the back of that if that’s the case then you you would imagine that it won’t be long before

They come to some sort of deal because there’s not much more you know on once you’ve agreed the money um the weight there’s not much more to to to discuss after that obviously the venue and stuff like that but um but yeah I mean I’m I’m

I’m a couple of times when the fights been made in the past I was always sort of a little bit unsure I was going I’m not sure whether it all happen and it didn’t it sort of fell through I feel more confident this time you know I get

I get the feeling that it’s going to happen this time so um and I’m glad because you know from a neutral point of view sort of sitting back and watching things unfold or the way they have over the last couple of years everyone’s sort of really looking forward to seeing the

Fight and see how seeing how it pans out seeing how both guys perform so so I’m glad and and you know they’re both going to get well paid for it which they deserve and um and it’s a great domestic fight it really is you know it’s a genuine grudge match between two two

Guys who who don’t like each other who who at the top end of the the sport and you don’t often get that so um so I’m glad for them both just a couple things with a thought interest kind of prod and probe about there was a lot of talk

About the weight for first and foremost would it be a catch right or would it be up at 147 we know Josh has spoken about moving up in we and what can you tell me about that H nothing can’t tell you anything my lips are sealed okay what

About the venue um obviously I know there was talk about he potentially taking place back up in Scotland you guys would prefer something a bit more neutral I don’t think Manchester would fall under that because Jack OBS being from Charley Manchester area so away from that is it likely to take plays

Back up north yeah no listen if I if I was guessing it’d be probably neutral ground um if anything it would be more leaning towards Jack’s own own venue because the first time it was in Scotland but if if it was a if it was a betting man I’d guess it would be

Somewhere neutral that’s good to know and then obviously moving on to another fight the trilogy Chantel Cameron Katy Taylor 3 I’m sure I’m not the only one who would very much enjoy L enjoy watching them two go out once again after the two first bouts just where do things

Currently sit with that fight as well J so genuinely um we’ve not really heard anything more other than what everyone else has heard you know both people want it um I know Eddie spoke about it being at cro Park um I’m not sure whether that is something Shantel would want to do

Because she’s been to doubling twice already but um but because you know I’m guessing they’re going to go do that in the summer and because it makes sense because it’s because if it’s going to be outdoors it’s going to be in the summer so there’s a lot of time involved in you

Know in between now and then so I’m assuming the they haven’t really sat down and had those proper discussions yet because I haven’t heard anything about it so um so the only thing I know is that Shantel would would love that third fight with K I know Katy um wants

It as well I know Eddie wants it so I don’t think it’ll be a difficult fight to make um my only guess he’s probably the venue that’s it obviously just by process of elimination there’s all that talk of the potential Amanda Sano rematch for ktie being the only one which could compete

With a Trilogy B but now that Kat’s vacated some of those lightweight titles leaves her there with just the super light white ones so it must be reassuring to yourself realistically it is most likely going to be Taylor Cameron fre it’s one which you look at from the outside and think it’s

The one which makes sense now yeah I mean I think you’d like to think so because both both girls now I’ve said it about Shantel Shantel was creating own own legacy and and those the first two fights between between the girls was unbelievable fights so

So they’ll both want to come out on top and and win the trilogy um so there’s no doubt in my mind you know I said it about ktie loads of times before she’s such a phenomenal competitor and athlete and she set the tracks for the way all

The girls uh are being able to sort perform at this level now and and earn the type of money they can do so so you got to take your half to her but I’m I’m confident Chantel can beat her and uh and I’m I I really do believe that and

You know I just I would love it to be on neutral territory so that nobody has advantages and it’s just purely based on who’s the better fire that was something I was going to ask obviously I know you know Katie’s had that dream of boxing back in Dublin

She’s done that now um she also has a a wider dream of potentially boxing outdoors in in Ireland has she shown a willingness for to maybe move away from that if you meant securing the fight securing the trilogy um with Chantel I don’t know and so I’m I’m with that’s

Not my job to have the discussions you know I’m the coach so I only hear what the managers and the promoters have had those discussions and I’m assuming it’s too far out for to have actually sat down and had those discussions yet so I haven’t heard anything about it one

Potential location I want to put on the table is do you think that he could do well out in the states out in maybe say New York and whatever where imag just because obviously K Taylor will have that massive Irish following and she sold out MSG with Sano but I imagine

Chantel would get quite a few to travel over as well yeah and I think Katy Katy sells in New York because of the Irish thing I think you know the fight over there with Sano was probably a lot of that was down to Sano as well you know create it takes two to

Tango and and they knew it was going to be a good fight so it created a great atmosphere but going off the first two fights think they turn out in the in the droves at New York so yeah I mean that that that’s definitely an option in my

Book you know from from my way of thinking um but I know I know I saw I saw Chantel’s interview what she did when she was talking about she was upset the way Eddie sort of um celebrated Katie’s Victory and and sort of looked upset when when she won the fight um and

I get that I you know he is the promoter of all him so I do want understand that um and and if he’s pushing to try and get Katy to fight in Dublin again and give her the advantage then that just sort of reinforces What U what Shantel

Was saying although if I’m a neutral stepping back on I mean Eddie shoes and so of he’s had Katy from the beginning he’s always had this dream in his mind of of doing a fight at cro Park then if you sort of envisioning then what better fight would you want

Than a Trilogy fight which is a decider to put in that venue so even though I’m Chantel Cameron Team all day I understand where Edd’s coming from but if I if I’m stting those negotiations in um as Chantel’s manager which I’m not but if I was I would be 100% pushing

Saying we need needs to be on neutral terit Kate ktie can have a a homecoming at cro Park afterwards as a farewell fight but we’re we’re not willing to give give up the uh the the the advantage of giving it to K at home maybe that might lose Chantel the fight

And that’s the risk what you have um you know because it’s a huge fight and I wouldn’t want that to happen for her but also I feel I feel like it should be a fair a fair draw jery just moving away from that just get your thoughts on some upcoming

Fights for I let you enjoy rest of your day Tyson Fury Alexander usk’s a matter of weeks away now that Undisputed heavyweight crown on the line what you think goes down in Saudi Arabia so I think you know they’re old saying a good big good big and always beat a good

Little and um I don’t think Tyson Fury will try and box with him to be honest I think he’ll put it on usk I think people have had most success with usk when they’ve made it simple and sort of not Tred to box why would you why would you

Try and sort a box with someone with his boxing IQ um and he’s got to use his advantages in terms of size we’ve seen that you know potential he’s a little bit weak downstairs I’ve Got a Feeling Tyson Fury boxes Southpaw because he’s boxed soupa in a few fights you know in

The past at quite a high level and uh and I feel like he could probably get his own jab off a lot better from from the southpaw point of view so um so yeah I think he makes it Messa Ro you know uses his weight leans on him Works him

On the inside but I think he boxes his southp it isn’t going to be a pretty fight um from when I ask people about it nobody expects it to be like a boxing master class but it’s certainly one which is exciting everybody isn’t it Jamie it’s intriguing I I mean the big

Question for me is I know I know these that little question of does Tyson Fury is he still still the fight he was because of the performance against Inu but for me that was just that he didn’t expect it to be a tough fight and then

Once you’re in there it’s Mo it’s really difficult to drag yourself back into the mindset it’s going to be a hard fight so I think I’m more intrigued by how does usyk deal with Fiora um you know that’s that’s the one for me I know it’s not going to be an

Exciting fight um you know i’ M Travis if you ask you ask me what heavyweight fight do you want to see I want to see fi versus AJ um I’d actually prefer to see AJ versus enanu than I do usk fi even though usk f is the the the number one

And number two whichever way you want to put it fighting each other but from an entertainment point of view I’d rather watch AJ versus enanu so um so bought from a F’s point of view then then fi for me it’s his fight to lose I don’t

Think usk is is going to be able to deal with him but that’s the intrigueing it for me how how is he going to deal with fur you mention him there though from an entertainment perspective you’d like to see Joshua and ghu a little bit more and

You get to do that a matter of Weeks Later back in Saudi Arabia um what what your thoughts on that match up I thought AJ looked superb in his last fight I thought he looked by far the best he’s looked for a long time and

And I think I did an interview with you um after the usk fight and the second usk fight and I was sort of saying he needs to get back to where he was where he sort of carefree and he just relaxes and lets his hands go and I think we was

Talking about how many different coaches he’s had and I’d said something along the lines of I think he’s got all the knowledge on board now he just needs to forget about thinking about it too much and just go in there and let it sort of flow out with him and that’s what it

Looked like last time it looked like he was an experienced fighter who got his confidence back who went in there let his hands go and got back to that sort of menacing destructive mentality so now that’s why what I seeing fight TI and fury now because now

I get I I I get the feeling we’re going to see Fury at his best and AJ at his best and then may the best man win um the question mark about this fight with Anu is it looks like he’s got a really good chin and ganu looks like he can

Punch and he’s said you know what’s getting me intrigued about it is what’s going to happen when AJ lands on him and then what’s going to happen whenu lands on AJ like you know going back to before the F before Fury fighting I would start saying this could

Be the worst thing ever for boxing because you get someone crossing over com coming to from from a UFC background and they beat the best heavyweight on the planet it’s not a good look but let me tell you we was in the UFC Performance Center in Las Vegas

2019 and ganu was training in the boxing facility B while he was there and he was he was SP in and he was he was training with his coach on a body belt and we was all looking at him going wow he can really fight you know and we were saying

You know if he turned professional he could probably do really well so it’s not like it was an overnight thing and he just it was a one Camp one fight went in there performed like that against F he’s been boxing for years he’s just not actually competed in a boxing ring but

He knows what he’s doing parang parang yeah sorry M dog’s yeah I mean I I don’t think you can take Parker’s last performance against Wilder you know I I’ve seen a lot of comments saying it was more down to Wilder’s bad performance M Parker’s been around at that top level for a long

Time and and I’m pretty sure if Parker didn’t perform the way dead then Wilder if it was a lesser opponent would have gone in there and smoked him and locked him million dollars so so it was definitely for in my book down to Parker’s performance why he

Neutralized a lot of the stuff what Wilder could do um I’d love for him to be Zang like like the only the only thing is his coming out party last time Zang was was pretty impressive and uh um you know thinking about Parker against the southpaw not really sure if if his

Style could sort of could sort of cope with it even though he’s probably had a lot of experience because Fior does like to switch um Southpaw a lot so if you’re asking me who I think could win I’d probably go Jang but I wouldn’t be surprised if Parker pulled it off

Because he seems like he’s he’s he’s in that Indian summer where he’s he’s got a lot of experience under his belt now and he’s still young enough and fresh enough to put that experience into practice Jamie big fight next week domestically Joshua batti and Dan aiz

Who do you think is gonna come out on top Dan aiz is a good fighter you know underrated I I was in there against him with Rocky Fielding I know Rocky was towards the end of his career but um but he’s very well schooled and and some of

The some of the stuff he does is is very cute and he’s like old school stuff um he’s got a lovely little short jab on the way in um his timing’s really good butat is huge at the weight and because of that little bit of needle there now and there’s that rival

Because they know each other um sometimes ego gets involved and when you start fighting with your heart rather than your head then that can you land you in trouble sometimes and we’ve seen in the past boat has been sort of talked into having a fight with somebody when

Really we know he should be using his skills and his his better assets um I’m pretty certain that a e is gonna try and do that to him you know try and drag him into a into more of a tough fight to um to make it more of his fight on the

Inside it’s whether boats he taught those lessons on board in the past where he’s been Dragged In and whether he then goes I know what he’s trying to do but I’m G to stick to what I need to do to to win the fight um great domestic fight I’m loving it

Um I’ve Got a Feeling B is going to have learned enough in the past to to pull it out but I think it’s going to be razor tight I think Aziz is going to really really drag him into a a hard fight down the stretch I think the last s of third

Of the fight he’s going to be really entertaining I think it Go of points um and I think Basi wins on points but I think he’d be really close final one for me Jamie some reports earlier of a potential fight up at 154 taking place

At the end of March between Tim zoo and Keith Ferman um interested in that one what do you think would happen if that one did take place yeah Zoo really comeing to his own um I like him I think he’s it’s always difficult with Fighters coming in the in

The dad’s footsteps and trying you know everyone sort of expects him or wants him to emulate the success of the dad so it’s it’s a lot of pressure and and and it I love to see successful kids come through like that who have sort of Stepped Out of The

Shadow with the dads and made something of theel under all that pressure you know I actually had this conversation the other day about Campell Lon I I’ve got so I admire him so much from the from the context of it’s so difficult to succeed in box

Him and for you to have the drive and determination to get up and do it every single day to want generally is to make a better life for yourself you know we’ve we the vast majority of us in this sport have come from backgrounds where

You go I’m never going to do anything if I just stay around here on this council state and boxing is one of the only Outlets where you can go that’s my going to be my vehicle to get out of this [ __ ] situation Campbell laon’s one of those rare

Occasions where he his dad’s very fortunate enough to have made a great career for himself and set himself up for life so he doesn’t have to do it he really doesn’t have to do it but he wants to do it which in many ways is more admirable than another Boxer doing

It in out of desperation I did it out of desperation I wanted to make a better life of myself he’s doing it just purely for the love of it we so in many ways he’s more admirable so the same with Zoo he probably didn’t have to do it but he’s

Doing it for the love of the sport because he loves to do it which makes it more respectable and for what he achieved now um he’s great that’s a Keith Thurman you know he’s probably passed his best but what it’s a really good yard stick it’s a good test for him

And um and stylistically it would be be a really good fight Jamie I appreciate you jumping on doing this Zoom I’m leave you to enjoy the rest of your day and the months ahead I’m sure I’ll catch you at a fight very soon thank you for speaking to me no he nice one



  1. A lost 😠 money on the 1st fight Jack was big underdog a a got 14/1 a was over the moon …. Lovely bit of value…… devastated at the end a hated the way Taylor was tell everyone that he thort he done enuff …. A hope we get more of the same fight apart from the result

  2. If Cameron wants to fight Taylor in London it’s in front of a few thousand. I think when the financial implications are understood they’ll realize why the stadium fight in Ireland makes sense. 💵

  3. Caterall & Cameron are both the b side. All Jamie’s talk of neutral ground is stupid. Fights happen where the money is & the money is in Scotland & Ireland

  4. Advantages! Didn't Cameron win the first fight! God this guy is a sore loser. If I was KT, I'd knock Cameron on the head and look for the Serrano rematch.

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