Golf Players

Golf’s Best Rotation Drills – They’ve Helped 1000’s Of Golfers! (Compilation)




Ultimate Guide To Rotation In The Downswing

Complete Guide To Shallowing In The Downswing

Ultimate Over The Top Fix Guide

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Use the code jchowngolf at checkout




My student who’s 75 years young rotates better than golfers in their 20s and has a tour proo level of rotation and it actually has very little to do with his flexibility and mobility and it has more to do with the positions he’s getting in in the golf swing so you’re all going to

Learn a lot here because there’s certain things you need in the go swing to be able to rotate and that’s the reason of you not having those of why you can’t rotate so let’s get straight into an analysis of my student swing noting the pieces that you need to be able to to

Rotate in your golf swing and then what we’re going to do we’re going to get onto camera afterwards and talk about exactly how you can go and do it at home get these pieces into your gol swing and a drill to rep out to be able to get

This great rotation so let’s dive into my student swing here and see why he rotates so well so let’s get straight into it as we said the pieces to be able to rotate are in his golf swing so let’s get to the first one here and that is a

Square Club face so we can see him taking the club back into his takeaway position see how the club face angle is matching his spine angle so what that means that club face is square to the arc so as he continues through his Golf String that club face is going to

Continue to be square to the arc which is going to massively help him to be able to continue to turn so explain after this exactly why that club face if it’s closed or open can really affect your rotation so let’s look at the next piece which is so important back swing

Depth with the hands and the arms so if I draw a line down here with the hands you can see it his hands are just behind his heels and his left arm is covering his shoulder plane so that this is so so important when it comes to rotation in

The down swing because this is what controls your club path if you’ve got great depth of your hands and passable amount so that is anything from ankles or behind of where the hands will be in this sent or arm leg left arm around the shoulder plane your Club is

Going to fall on path with you just turning nicely in good sequence in a down swing so many players who let’s say slice the golf ball when they get more rotation is because they’ve got bad arm and hand depth again we’re going to explain this all more in detail in a

Minute so the third piece so important Club shaft shallowing so see how that club shaft is shallowing in transition here so that nice pitching back of the club shaft as we’re going to see see in transition see how it’s at that more lay down angle than where it

Was at the top of the Swing so it’s not necessarily getting more into out more behind him so in path so a lot of people will think shallowing means more inside you can be shallow and be on the outside with your path it’s just the center of

Mass of the golf club pitching in this direction in comparison to where it was in the top of the back swing there so all these movements that good club face keeps the club face play Square to the arc as we continue to move through the good back swing depth keeps the club

Moving on path and the shallowing enables him to be able to have great turn going through that golf ball brilliant now the ball will generally go further than this it’s not for my student here because he’s using a foam golf ball so it will go further than that

With a normal golf ball but absolutely brilliant swing here there’s very little that he does here that is purely down to his Mobility now of course he’s in absolute brilliant brilliant shape for 75 for sure but rotation and getting good rotation is more about the constant

Speed of your rotation as we can see my student here constantly turning no stall out through the golf ball more than how open you can get how open how ultimately rotated Dustin Johnson you look is down to your mobility and athleticism but your rate of rotation staying constant

Is what we can all get we all might look different he’s not tremendously open at impact as you can see but he’s plenty rotated and his rotation is constant and that’s due to the pieces he has on his golf swing so let’s get on camera here

And let’s talk about how to get these pieces that you need in your golf swing into your swing so guys a brand new course is now live on my skillist and that is fixing your early extension master class and in this course absolutely everything you need to know

About how to fix early extension and everything you need to know about early extension and what causes it so we get into the root causes everything that causes that problem and in depth and then we get into exactly what to do to fix each one of those root causes with

The optimized practice structure and with all my students you see let’s say from my YouTube videos here where I do videos on how they fix their early extension those crazy big gains they make in a very short space of time it’s the same practice structure I’ve used

With every single one of those students I’ve achieved massive success in fixing this problem fast early extension is only a big issue in the go swing if you don’t know how to tackle it when you know how to tackle it it is very straightforward and I give you all the

Tools to be able to fix it in no time in this course so there’s a link in the description that takes you straight to my skillist page so the website of skillist and if you scroll down you’ll see online courses it will be right there brand new course absolutely

Brilliant there’s tons of info in there it’s absolutely going to be most comprehensive guide to fix your early extension that you ever seen online so as we saw there he has the environment to be able to rotate if you don’t have those key pieces in your gol swing

Rotation will become impossible and even if you do manage to rotate you will hit the ball absolutely terribly so it’s something you must need before diving into if your Mobility is good enough or not and then even if you do have the pieces you need to drill it out which

We’re going to talk about in a minute so let’s get straight to those pieces and how to get them into your golf swing so number one Club face as we saw there he has a nice Square Club face to where the club face angle at Shar parallel to the

Ground is matching his spine angle so and he maintains that square face cuz that’s Square to the ark throughout the entirety of his golf swing because if that club face is nice and square to the ark the body can just freely turn going through the golf ball if the club face

Gets too open you’ll have to stall and you would have to flip if the club face gets too closed you’ll have to stand up to raise the hands to open the face so it’s so important if you trip up on that one you’re not going to be very good

With it so first and foremost look at your grip if you’re open or closed you got to make sure is it happening from grip or is it happening from my movement in a takeaway or maybe later on so I would always recommend for players just to have a standard normal grip even

Though I personally grip with a weaker grip I find slightly weaker and standard grips better than strong because it becomes far easier then to be able to have a square Club face so for standard make sure you’re seeing two to two and a half knuckles in that left hand and with

The V from your thumb to the meat of your right hand there we want that line going up towards kind of like right Peck area so if you move back in what we’ll call a standard takeaway the club Face is Going to Be Square so standard takeway being having the hand around a

Hand distance from your right leg and the club head in line maybe even slightly outside the hands again for a standard grip if you can do that your Club Face is Going to Be Square so if we do a little drill from there I’m want you to get to that position so Shar

Parallel to the ground have your hands nicely get a fist distance from that right leg Club head around the hands slightly towed down and then we stop there and then we swing up and hit the ball that maintains that square Club face unless we do anything else funky

From there and then we move through and then that club face stays nice and square so that’s your drill to go away and do if your Club face is not Square you can do this for both of course strong or weak grip cuz you’re just stopping here making sure that club face

Is looking good and Swinging up and swinging through really really really important one to do and let’s say if you’re doing that and your Club face is still opening or closing very much so look at your wrist angles are you getting too bowed at the top closing it

Off too much are you getting too cued with that left wrist opening it up a load of different things which is why there is a link in description for lessons with myself online on Skillet we can get to the bottom of that but very much so get that first piece nicely and

Get that grip nice so the second important piece was back swing depth so depth of the hands and the arms so really from there we saw my student with that really nice depth now what we would classify is we said a nice depth of hands around kind of ankles heels maybe

Even slightly behind that so that’s where it’s not going to negatively affect you for your down swing rotation CU if I have this good depth and now I rotate in the downswing the club is falling on path really nicely and I can just continue to turn so for you golfers

Out there who let’s say try to get more rotation and straight away you start to slice the golf ball cuz you do this you just lift the arm straight up to the top of the swing with no depth massive lack of it to where these hands will be more

On top of really Bulls of the feet region so as soon as I turn down the downwing from there the club’s going to fly out in front of me cuz what we got to remember downswing rotation or any rotation in the golf swing has a effect

On what the hands do so if I outstretch my arm up to the top there and I rotate you’re going to see how the hands and arms are going to follow where I rotate now they’re not going to go dead straight out like you’re seeing here cuz

The ball’s on the ground it’s going to have a slight outward move hands also going to go down as well though but if I have a lack of depth that slight outward move club’s going to get out in front of me so make sure you’ve got enough depth

Of course we don’t want too much to where the arms are right back here cuz no matter how well you rotate you’re most likely still going to have the club stuck behind you so we really want to get that good depth and why we don’t see players get good enough depth is two

Reasons again one is a little bit of takeway those players will be going dead straight out with the hands they’ll be trying to get the hands going out or dead straight back and then that just encourages them to lift the arms up we want the hands to go be going slightly

In in a takeaway because we’re swinging on an arc in a go swing we want the hands to work on a mirrored Arc so that means they’ve got to go slightly in in a takeaway like I said a fist distance from that right leg and then from there

If we’re turning ourselves up to the top the hands and arms are naturally going to have an upward movement in the back swing but if we’re turning that’s getting the hands to go around us and now we’ve got good depth slight inward takeaway good hip rotation so we need

That rotation so many golfers will get the hands going out no rotation then the hands just go straight up you need the rotation to bring them around so that’s where if we grab let’s say a stick here put the stick in our belt loops again look at yourself on camera you got to

Know this before you come to the conclusion that your body can’t rotate get yourself to that first drill there sharp all to ground hands going slightly in we’ve got the first component depth and square Club face and then what I want you to do with this stick in

Between your belt loops I want you to then get the stick gradually going halfway to the golf ball that rotation is going to bring the hands and arms around more and that’s going to give you the good depth and of course this is a good one to where you’re feeling like

The stick disappears around you you can get some down swing rotation as well from there so one two there we go so if we can get that we’re going to get the good depth and then we’re going to really nicely be able to have another piece that we need to be able to

Rotate through that down swing so guys even though we’re talking about three pieces here and we’re going to get to the third one it is so important to know all the things that affect your rotation in the downswing which is why there’s so many more than I can actually say on

This YouTube video cuz it’ll be way too long that’s why I’ve got a course called The Ultimate Guide to rotation in a downwing every single thing that affects your rotation is in there and depending on what is wrong with your golf swing there is a plan in that course also to

Practice for that specific thing with great rotation drills there is a link in description for that and that would be the best way to arm yourself with knowledge and a plan to go about it that’ll be tailored to yourself it’s in the description Ultimate Guide to rotation the down swing a really good

One to have so the third piece so important shallowing the shaft so star that down swing with the club shaft slightly pitching behind you Center of mass of the golf club pitching down so Center of mass of the golf club is the balance point in the shaft there that’s

What we want to pitch behind us so if we can do that shell Shar then of course we just need to turn and that club Falls onto the golf ball perfectly so we need to shallow the Shar because if that shaft is too steep gets vertical in the

Down swing we continue to turn we’re going to massively chop down across it we’re going to be hitting down to the core of the earth so that’s why what we see with players when they have that steep shaft their body will reorganize itself to shallow out the angle attack

And that might be for quite a lot of players early extension because you can see as soon as I stand the body up Club shaft starts to pitch more behind that will shallow out Ang of attack but it will stall out your rotation not going to be good we might even see players

Excessively Trail side bent upper body massively spine tilting away and you’re going to see straight away what happens to the club shaft it shallows later so those are shallowing mechanisms reacting to a steep shaft in the early downswing or will stall out your rotation so that’s why we need this nice shallowing

Move and with my student he did that via having really good external shoulder rotation so that right elbow going more in front there now this is probably the one area in his golf swing where he is got some really good gifted mobility in because for someone his age again having

That degree of right elbow getting in front external shoulder rotation is quite rare that’s his shallowing method but there is plenty of shallowing methods out there to where I would recommend for most people just letting your pivot do it so that’s where we’re starting down that down swing leaving

The the hands and arms where they are soon as I turn down there the club shaft starts to shallow out and a great drill to do for that is to get yourself up against the wall or a net in my case it would be great if this is a net to where

You’re about grips distance with the wall behind you get the club touch the wall and leave your hands and arms up here whilst you turn the rest of your body so turn lower body mid torso first you’re going to see if I have really nice loose grip tension leaving the

Hands and arms where they are the club’s naturally going to start start to slide down the wall I’m not physically trying to slide it I’m letting my arms be nice and loose letting the club do the work round Midway down the club’s going to detach and you turn through but it gives

You that feeling to be able to do this movement get those arms relaxing get that club sliding down again absorb that feeling bring that feeling into the golf ball just like you’re trying to slide that club down via F arms nice light and loose boom there we go so that’s a

Really good one to do again it’s a very big topic it’s shallow in the golf club and I have another guide out there for this topic cuz it’s so extensive and that is the complete guide to shallowing in the golf club in the down swing but also The Ultimate Guide to rotation has

A ton of shallowing stuff in there also so really important because it is one of the main big key things in rotation and be able to rotate nicely down no matter what your age is but before we get into the drill here guys got to really know

That sh and the golf club yes it’s very very important but you don’t have to have this crazy kind of Matthew wolf like shallowing movement shallowing it a little bit will do the job for you so don’t have to try and get it crazy just

Get it a little bit in your swing now let’s get to the drill to do this is the exact drill my student did so he has the variables in his scull swing the pieces to be able to rotate but that won’t just make him rotate on its own he still has

To train the movement where a lot of you will train the movement without knowing that you need to have all these different moves in the golf swing so this is why it’s a long process to be able to turn better in a Down swing but it’s something that is so beneficial

Because it will cause you to hit longer straighter gol shots as soon as you get the movement in there which is why my student as you probably seen from another video recently with him can win some big big tournaments and what he did was the preset rotation drill so a drill

I talk about all the time on the channel I talked about in a video recently with the same student because he had some really really good success from this drill and now is opening up the hips as much as you can opening up the chest as

Much as you can weight is 90% on the lead leg right shoulder is down to the right hip there now what we want to do we want to turn in that back swing now do a half swing start off with spring back spring through and because I started in that

Rotation movement in that impact my body has a much better capability of getting back to that again so shortterm wise you’re going to notice when you do this it’s the only way you can actually get good rotation and hit the ball really really well but if you practice it enough for a good

Number of months you will get it into your golf swing it will start to gradually creep in so that happens with absolutely everyone happened with myself I did this draw a ton happens with all the students I teach on skillist everyone gets into a goal swing but

Everyone notices they H the ball really quite well when they do this starting off with so nice half swings and then building it up to Fuller swings once you feel more comfortable with it and then implementing that same feel to your normal swing to try and replicate

It but a very very good one just to rep out out over and over and over again so as you can see from both front on and down the line as a lot of you in the last video said could you have a front on video for that Absolutely I’ll listen

To you this is where it is so really good one to be able to turn and unwind as you can see there so it’s a long process like I said but it’s one that has massive benefits so if you want to rotate absolutely this is the video for

You again there is more in depth on The Ultimate Guide to rotation in the downwing everything on there even more so than a recent video I made a couple months ago which is a half an hour long video about the guide to rotation I still couldn’t put all the info in that

Either because the video would have been too long so again Link in description and for shallow and the golf club and maybe even if you want to fix your over the top there is a guide in there as well so if you enjoyed the video click

That like button if you got more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button and hit that Bell button to to be notified every time I put out a video now I’m going to share with you this one drill which will massively improve improve your distance

Just like it did with me and I leared this from my coach who is the number one long drive coach in the world current coach of world long drive Champion Martin borgy Lee Cox absolutely amazing drill you’re all going to absolutely benefit hugely from this so guys let’s

Run through exactly how I did this drill now I did it with a prgr little launch monitor here so it just gives you the basic stuff just gives you your Club headit speed gives you your ball speed gives you your carry gives you your smash Factor all that type of stuff this

Is crucial for doing this drill we need a way to measure what we’re doing so you don’t need a big fancy launch monitor a little one would be absolutely fine just like I’ve got here so what this drill was was swinging with an extremely short

Back swing and trying to hit the ball as far as you possibly can with that so what that encouraged me to do was have a lot of chest rotation that was the only way I could generally create speed was having a very fast chest rotation move with that short back swing cuz that’s

The area that I needed to improve massively back when I had this lesson so if I just hit some shots here and we’ll just get some general numbers I’m just going to hit some kind of normal Swings with an a not really going full out so there won’t be my full absolute yardage

We’ll just get a good little Baseline off it so there we go there’s our first one which you can see 106 bull speed 146 carat it’s pretty much what I’d really go for it out in the golf course so just another one to get a good

Number so there we go 111 there a little bit faster 154 let’s go one more just for normal swings not doing the drill this is important for you guys to do as well get your normal numbers and there we go so we can see again 111 155 so now the challeng is I

Have got to now go and hit and see if I can beat that with a half swing it’s going to be very very difficult but it’s going to teach you to ramp up the speed ramp up the speed of your chest rotation and your movement through the golf ball

To get that speed happening where it matters okay so here we go let’s do it so I’ve got to really turn my chest hard at this I’m only going to feel like any I’m swinging to about here probably look a little bit longer but it’s definitely

Going to be a little bit of a shorter swing so I’m really optimizing my move going through the golf ball so 111 was my best best was that ball speed there that I got 111 I wouldn’t look too much into the club head speed and this is not

The best one for Club head speed I definitely didn’t swing that last one at 108 with an eight on I can tell you that there’s a bit of a probably a misread there so here we go as far as I can let’s see if we could beat 111 straight

Away 111 again so as you can see really get here having to move quite aggressively and I think this is what a lot of players lack in their practice A lot of people are always scared to go at the ball if you want to start to hit the

Ball further you got to train your subconscious to actually move faster we all have a governor in our brain that really tells us what speed we normally swing at and we have to break past that Governor CU we can swing a lot faster and especially if we train in this way

So again really short back swing really as hard as I can turning through really almost feeling like my speed is post impact of all that turn so let’s see if I can get faster 110 little little bit slower but you can see I mean these aren’t long

Swings at all these are little half swings they getting relatively decent numbers I mean 152 with a little swing of course I’m going out here as much as I can but this is training that brain to work a little bit better and a little bit more efficiently so another

One fatted that we could see that definitely definitely fed that one 103 is a little bit of a drop down that’s the thing you’re moving as fast as you possibly can this little space of time there are ones that you’re not going to sequence everything you get a little bit

Of a poor one so okay here we go again let’s do a couple more really as fast as you can through that ball speed is the key here turn that chest very very hard 111 come on we can get it so this is the key when you’re doing this type

Of training so this is very much like over speed training to some extent but we’re chasing the speeds the ball speed more than anything that’s a thing we want to look at obviously Club head speed will be very good to look at as well any of those numbers bump them up

But we always want to try and beat those good numbers there 155 carry for that I’m happy with that so let’s go one more let’s see if we can beat it that felt like it no the same again exactly the same so this is where it can

Be quite a fun element working on it so now the good thing is let’s say you’ve done I don’t know good 15 minutes of that it’s quite tiring so you will probably 15 minutes of doing that in your practice session probably be enough but then here we go we’ve done them

Really fast swings let’s now get some more normal swings but feel that same element in there to see whe we can make some little records in getting our distance up this is the key to hitting the ball longer trying to beat your personal score there we go 112 okay getting there

But you can see it’s not massively different from those little half Swings with the Fuller one there so okay here we go another one big swing really turn hard through it let’s do it 112 again almost swinging out my shoes 90 M an hour Club head speed happy with

That that’s quite it’s definitely good for an A Time come on one more here we go because think this part I’m doing here is what you do like at the end this is not the actual drill the drill is what we just talked about the fast chest

Rotations so really as you can see technique has almost been thrown out the window here on how I’m getting this speed I just want to really go at it and then that will translate into my normal swing so it’s boost up that Governor that’s holding my speed so let’s go here we

Go 111 seems will be my sticking point today don’t look at that club head speed 107 that’s not right so as you can see short powerful move going through the golf ball as a drill brilliant brilliant one to do to ramp up that chest rotation ramp up just the general speed you’re

Going through the golf ball as you could see a bunch of different things that I was doing there my body was naturally doing to create speed it was extending way more pushing out the ground all stuff that was doing naturally to be able to hit this ball further so we see

Tons of times with players who are practicing in this way to create a lot of speed they start to get very advantageous things into their go swing without even trying to generate this so this won’t ruin your swing by any stretch of imagination working on that with especially with a short swing will

Actually make you a little bit straighter cuz again it’s utilizing that rotation going through the shot incredibly fun way to practice and something that loads of golfers do do even slightly in their practice and that’s practice for Speed as soon as I started doing that practicing for Speed

I became better a lot faster so portum element look at Bryson for example to an extreme extent what he’s done is incredible practicing for Speed even with just something like here I did all this practice with just an at in two like I’m showing here great stuff to do

So if you enjoy this video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video so get practicing with this you’re going to start hitting the ball a lot

Further just like I did I can’t believe how much easier this one move makes the down swing and that’s having your Club continuously Trail your right shoulder going through the golf ball now this move will fix your fat shot resulting in good crisp strikes it will also fix your

Slice shot resulting in straighter ball flights and it’ll also help you rotate better fixing that stall and flip of the hands going through the golf ball so that result in it’s a much better dispersion and power so this is the feel that a lot of golfers are continuously

Searching for to get the rotation into their golf swing it is in my opinion the only feel you can really have that gets you turning through that golf ball because it is the hardest part of the golf swing to turn through but if you get that right shoulder and make sure

It’s always ahead of that club head coming into the shot you can see it how it will automatically rotate me in both chest and hips so it’s something that is so awesome I’m going to show you a drill at the end of the video as well to

Really ingrain this in but it’s not what we see golfers do we’ll see golfers always have that club head winning the race to the golf ball so it quickly passes past that right shoulder coming through impact resulting in a ton of different bad shots but for you to

Understand this better let’s go from a side by side here of doing the move right shoulder beating the club to the golf ball and the opposite next to it having the club head beat the right shoulder and see what they look like from both angles and we’ll talk about it

And get into a drill afterwards so guys let’s dive straight into the analysis here of what to do and what not to do so let’s look at the right shoulder beating the club head to the golf ball swing so we’re going to notice some really good

Things happen here so this is my main feel I’m having in the downswing here so you can see coming through that down swing club shaft is looking nice and shallow but the main thing I want you guys to look at look at going through the go golf ball here look at the

Rotation of the body it is completely smooth look at that chest rotation how it’s just continuous going through the golfball there is no big stool out there so if we zoom in a little bit we’re going to see one really good thing we’re going to see how the hand path is nicely

Exiting left around us so you can see how those hands just disappear so that’s that passive release movement of the hands I’m not trying to do that I’m just continuing and keeping the rotation going through the shot and the club is going to follow the rotation so that’s

One big thing but why does that even matter it matters because of what it does to this here the club face you’re going to see how the club face is moving extremely stable going through the shop the rate of closure of that club face is very very minimal so what that means is

We’re going to deliver a nice Square Club face vast majority of the time and a way higher percentage coming through that golf ball if we we are keeping that club face Square to the ark it’s going to remain Square to the ark as we can see here so that means your dispersion

Of your shots are going to be way tighter so that’s going to be improving your scores that’s all due to the rotation this feel is encouraging you could also see here look at how that club is traveling look at here for example see how that club shaft is going

Right through my right forearm here so what that is that is telling us that club is moving perfectly on path so it really encourages good club path because if that club head is trailing that right shoulder the club is not going to get too far out in front for you slices of

The golf ball players out there you know you’re over the top swings it’s going to be very hard to do that with this almost impossible and because it encourages great rotation you’re also not going to be struggling with dumping the club on the inside so a very very good feel

Indeed so let’s now have a look at what not to do here so we having the club beat the right shoulders to the golf ball so a lot of golfers who have active arm swings this is you or have a stall out and a flip so if we look here so I

Still managed to shallow the club shaft which is good that’s my natural shallowing move so you can see here immediately the club shaft in a path sense is a little bit more on the outside you can see how it’s just above that right forearm so immediately here

Just a little bit more on the outside for some golfers who really will be a lot more so on the outside but more so than anything look at coming through the golf ball here see how that club does not want to exit to that left so that’s because the

Rotation as you can see with the body has completely stalled out here so if we have a little look now at the club face we remember what it was doing on the opposite here it was having that really good nice stable rotation but look at here look at all that club face closure

Those hands whipping over because if the rotation isn’t leading the swing what’s going to happen you’re just going to roll and you’re going to flip the hands so that means one shot you might hit good the other shot you might hit bad the other one you might hit it

Completely opposite direction so this is the definition of army golf this swing so you’re going to be left right left right entire time playing your round of golf so that’s why you need to keep your rotation nice and solid going through there if not you’re going to have a big

Hand release going through the golf ball and that club face is just going to be square for a split second that’s why you need to turn a little bit more like this one here going through the golf ball having that right shoulder beating the club to the golf ball because that club

Face rotation is way better and I tell you what that one will get you playing better golf so let’s have a little look at the front on angle to see the benefits this is going to make to your ball striking and your ball than Turf contact and a little bit of sharling

Benefits as well so again on the left here let’s look at that good one of having that right shoulder beating the club to the ball again this is very much a feel cuz you’re going to see here the club is generally going to beat the right shoulder to the ball but that’s the

Feeling we’re having going through there field isn’t real in the golf swing and that’s certainly the case with this but even here getting to sha parallel to the ground you can see it how those hands are almost on top of the golf ball there that’s because the

Rotation is so good and this encourages good lateral shifting as well so then that gets you into a position here when you’re at sha parallel to the ground those hands are on top of the go ball where you can just have a little brisk turn and you get here nice little bit of

Sharling with those hands ahead of the golf ball again I’m not trying to physically create that sharling it is the rotation and the good lateral shifting that having the right shoulder beating the club to the golf ball is giving me that’s why I said this is

Going to be a feel that so many of you are going to be able to play really well with and really create this good rotational move they’ve been struggling to create absolutely awesome so if we have a little look here at what not to do the club is now going to beat

That right shoulder to the golf ball so we’re going to see immediately here see how my body’s starting to tilt back a little bit that’s not going to be good for our striking and that’s a little bit different there if we go all the way to

Impact again on the good one we can see where are the hands in relationship to the golf ball here pretty much behind it where the hands in relationship the golf Bo what to do in front so tells you compression is going to be completely different with these two type of shots

So we can see very stereotypical C look at all that roll and rotation that is not going to be good for your golf scores so that’s of the wrists so not great and one more thing to note here guys have a little look at this I’m going to draw two lines through the

Middle of the body this is going to tell us again are shifting in the down swing let’s look at the good so you can see head still stays pretty much on the center line you can see see how the body has shifted there see how the right leg

That line is going through the right side of it and how it’s going through the right side of the chest as well that means the low Point’s going to be after the golf ball the low point is more in line with where the left Peck is so that

Means ball than Turf contact let’s have a look here on what not to do wow that’s a difference so you can see head behind the line only even slightly in contact with it you can see where’s the left side of the chest is going through the center line so that’s

Going to mean the low point is going to be roughly around here and hitting this shot here I remember I hit slightly behind it that’s because that those arms beat the club or beat the right shoulder to the golf ball that club head did and then Ang going struggle with low Point

Control so absolutely if you want a consistent swing that’s going to create good club path good low Point control and good rotation this is the exact field to do so let’s get to the drill now so the drill is a really really cool one because ultimately how you’re doing this

Is it’s not even focusing on on the right shoulder but the right shoulder has to work the way we want to to be able to achieve this drill properly so this is a very very common drill but our intent a bit different so this is where we have an alignment stick put the

Alignment stick up the left hand side of the golf club to where a lot of it comes up here so a lot of you who let’s say early release and cast you’ll be very familiar with this you got to swing through and make sure this stick doesn’t

Hit your side but to do that and to really achieve that good you need good rotation what gets good rotation having that right shoulder being ahead of the club head look how far away that stick is from me if I really get that feel it will never in a million years hit my

Side so for a lot of golfers who already have practiced this trying to let’s say get more compression which of course this does as well this is going to be a way to really get it there cuz this is one that LOL of golfers massively frustrate themselves with but let’s make

Sure that we’re having that right shoulder staying ahead of the club head and this is not going to hit our side boom there we go so again not hit our side through impact it will always hit our side as we’re in our finish as we get fully extended post impact so of

Course that’s how our swing is going to be a little bit slower here than it will be going through the golf ball so you’re not going to feel all too much pain and start with some half swings first right shoulder always ahead of that Golf Club

There we go so you can see just some more smaller swings and then when you feel comfortable you can really bring that swing length up with that same feel there we go and you can see from a slow motion there how well it gets you rotating so again let’s

Have a look at this one boom so nice passive release got that good nice rotation solid smooth rotation going through there this just forces you to do it cuz if you don’t do it what’s going to happen if you let that club beat the right shoulder you’re going to quickly hit

Your side so it’s a brilliant brilliant drill to do so of course once we’ve done enough of this drill we’ll get a very very distinct feeling the drills create the feels you can’t really get a very extreme feel without doing a drill so that’s why it’s just going to Aid and

Embed that feeling in even more of what that right shoulder feels like to lead the club and boom there you go I mean you’ll be just hitting nice rotational shots again and again and again so absorbing that same feel from the drill boom awesome so get that practice

In have a good go at that drill like we said if you struggle with any of what we mentioned in the video this is going to be a great feel for you to go and Implement it’s what I do when I go and play this is my feel I really like so

Makes a huge difference so if you enjoy the video click that like button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit a subscribe button hit a bell button to be notified every time I put out a video I couldn’t rotate in the down swing until I found this drill I

Used to Rack my brain and thinking why can I not rotate I do everything right but then I still stool out flip the hands through the golf ball this drill was the key for me to having that nice effortless rotation through the downswing now what this drill does it targets your hip

Tilt and having good hip tilt is absolutely crucial to being able to rotate if you don’t keep the tilt of your hips you will always stall out and you always flip and this is something that you very rarely see online really my channel is really one of the only

Places you see stuff about hip tilt on YouTube so hip tilt keeping the left side the ft of your hips down as we turn so with this drill here what I’m trying to do I’m trying to get the left hip to go down and around so I’m trying to get

This stick to point down and disappear around me as soon as I start my transition that keeps that inclination of the pelvis and that keeps me turning through the shot so this is something that no one ever considers when they’re trying to rotate better in the swing you’ll be

More focused on getting open well that’s only one portion you need you need to keep the Tilt cuz that keeps the rate and the speed of your rotation constant so for me what I used to do I used to raise up that left side in the downswing

Where what that would do that would have me stool out my rotation before I even got to impact I could sometimes get my hips open but I couldn’t keep that rotation going I would stall out here where it looked like I span out of my

Hips but in reality it was just my lead side of my pelvis was raising up stalling out my body I can’t continue to turn from that position so having this stick here and keeping it pointing down and around going through that downswing kept me to where my

Rotation was nice smooth and constant as you could see there and it’s just an amazing drill to be a to get this movement of that nice continuous rotation into your swing so let’s get a little bit more in detail step by step with this and talk about a good addition to this drill

Which will rotate all of it all of you could do this little addition I’m going to explain here and get ridiculously good rotation as a byproduct so wait around for that at the end of this bit so okay like we said stick pointing down and around in transition we want to

Straight away have this stick pointing more towards the ground and turning around there so what happens then as soon as we get to around Shar parallel to the ground that’s the bit where the stick will start to raise up I’m not trying to hike my hip up to do that

That’s called left side extension is what is getting this stick to raise back up that’s my left leg straightening which will then keep your pelvis turning through that impact area so we don’t necessarily want to keep this stick down towards the ground the entire time because then we’re going to

Have a fully flexed lead leg we want to have this left leg straighten as we get into impact that’ll raise the stick up but prior to that we really need to keep the stick down as we’re turning through that shot so stick down turning through it will lift up through the golf ball

Via left side extension now the addition is with the chair drill so you’ve seen this a lot on my channel recently the chair drill to where we want to push the chair back with our left side as much as we can in the downswing now why this is so good for

This drill because this targets the two areas of rotation rotation isn’t just getting open it’s also the rate of your rotation that like we talked about earlier in the video hip tilt controls the speed and the rate of your rotation is your rotation constant or does it sto

Out this really helps with that so doesn’t quite work on the openness getting more open more rotated more Dustin Johnson like can do but really having the depth of your pelvis so working on pelvis depth which is getting your pelvis moving more back so left pelvis depth being in the down swing

Left hip going more back will get you open keeping this stick pointing down around of course we know when it lifts up for impact but then that works on the rate of your rotation so if we could do let’s say half to three quart Swings with this because there’s a lot of

You’re doing at once you’re going to notice for you out there that you’re going to start to turn a hell of a lot better so here we go just going to do a half swing version both drills here there we go so you can see from there

Great great rotation so you can all do this drill have a good go at it do these two and you can see some crazy crazy good rotation pretty much every time you do it there we go so stick Point down down around pushing the chair back if you want both of them

Now be a great one to do but important disclaimer here a lot of you who can’t rotate in the down swing is because your swing isn’t in a place to be able to rotate so like I said at the beginning of the video I was to Rack my brain of

Why I couldn’t rotate even when my swing had the environment to rotate so what does that mean my club face was nice and square at the top of my swing and it was maintaining being Square in the down swing because if I don’t have a square

Face if I’m open I’m going to stool out I’m going to flip not going to be ideal so from there that one thing you need in your golf swing you won’t be able to benefit from any of this if your Club face ain’t square so from there as well

Depth of your arms at the top of the Swing have being deep enough so having your left arm more across your shoulder plane having your hands around kind of your ankle region maybe behind then that’s going to help you as soon as you turn club’s going to be on path if your

Lead arm’s too high and you turn the down swing you’re going to swing massively over the top so those are two really really important ones in there like we talked about hip depth making sure that right hip’s working back as well in that back swing keeping yourself

Moved back if your pelvis moves forward going up to the top of your swing you’re going to continue to move forward you’re going to early extend there’s tons and tons of things I could go on forever about about variables that will stop you or make you rotate in a golf swing I’ve

Got a guide of rotation on the app version of skillist there’s a link in the description all about that everything you want to know about rotations in that it’s important to have your swing in the right place if you want to benefit from this this is going

To help you if your swing’s in the environment so make sure you check out your swing if it’s in a good place on skillist so if you want me to have a look at your swing Link in the description for online lessons there but definitely film your swing see if it’s

In the place to rotate then work on these drills and you’re going to be good to go CU this is what helped me of why I couldn’t rotate might help you to if your swings in the right place so if you enjoyed this video click that like button if you

Want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button and hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video so here’s Two Shots one I was going as fast as I could with my arms the other I was going pretty slow with my arms and really

Getting through with the body what would be the faster one do you reckon the longer one and a straighter one it’s not the arms it is the slower arms and more body so especially in regards to the arms you would have thought that the longer one would certainly be with the

Faster arms cuz you swing them faster generate more speed but it wasn’t it was the slower one and consistently there too sounds weird doesn’t it but slower arms will actually get you to hit the ball further and gain way more control so let’s Explain how okay so just so we

Can see real time again let’s have a little look here fast arms I’m can go as fast as I can with my arms how far that ball gone so it’s gone quite far left 143 yards of carry about 144 and it’s ball speed 106 so Club head

Speed also was 78 so not really fast swing but I was trying to go at that with my arms I was really trying to hard release it through as well a lot of things a lot of golfers believe is how you gain distance so Angler feel in this

Next swing really slow with my arms in transition and I’m just going to turn hard and get through that golf ball and we’re going to see quite a big jump up so that wasn’t my best of strikes in the world I hit it a little bit off the

Toe but immediately Club head speed is 86.6 carry 156 little tight draw tiny bit left of the line that’s still going to be a pretty good shot we can see bll speed is now 113.5 so quite a big jump up in distance so why is that the case why was slow arms

Me feeling like I was doing less with my arms actually got me more distance so when we are hitting shots with a slower arm speed we’re going encourage more body movement so if we have a deeper dive into this swing with more of a body swing tiny

Push on that tiny push but still pretty good 150 yards a carry that’s about stock for a a on for me here in a cold English weather day so my body can start its transition better if I don’t start my down swing quickly with the arms my

Body can lead so then I can have that lower body mid torso start to turn naturally if my arms are giving myself time to turn so then that club is naturally going to start to have a little shallow move it’s naturally going to pick up a little bit more lag as well

So you going to have a lot more tension on that shaft so then I can turn that body through the golf shot and that Club is actually going to fall on the ball really really quite nicely to where you’re going to get some much straighter shots from Club face control even that

One I hit there slight push that’s literally going to be a couple yards right of the flag it’s nothing at all that’s a good bad one by really tall player standards I’m not a tall player so from there it’s just I can generate more speed from my body by giving myself

Time to turn where if I go more with my arms and I have a fast arm swing so here we go I could beat probably that number with an arm swing we’ll see cuz that wasn’t the best of shots so we go immediately you can see

Ball goes left wow that’s off the planet I mean look straight away 136 let me even try again see if I can get a longer one out that with more arms me again really hard to strike a ball left I mean that was complete fat as well let’s go another one really

Trying to whip those arms hard through the golf ball that was probably a little bit better again way left was one of my big thoughts there and really working the hands and wrists through the golf ball like a lot of you believe that will make the ball go

Further but you see from there that got me all out of sequence that got me to where my arms were ahead of my body in the race to the golf ball didn’t necessarily me and the club might be getting too far out in front of me it

Would was on these case of the shots but also there because I still had a square Club face so Square to the ark me trying to hard release the hands going for the golf ball every single shot went left so it went shorter and more Wayward so from

There me just changing the intent of my arms one was FAS as hard as I could in transition and through the bulf ball release and really resulted in that and the body ones were just really making sure arms were nice and loose getting the body just to unwind through the golf

Shop so because I hit a flurry of balls with the arm swing hit shot after shot I’m going to do the exact same with the slower arms and the more body so let’s do that and we’re going to talk about exactly how to do this with some good

Drills so here we go let’s look at some numbers so I’m really trying to go slow with those arms in transition really get that body moving so nice little push draw right onto the line there 153 yds 87 mph Club head speed 113 on the yard or on the bull speed

There so let’s go another one yeah that fell all right starting on the line maybe a tiny pull 150 yard that’s stock really 87 m M an hour or 888 so for some of you out there you might not be thinking that’s a a long

Golf shot for an 9 some of you probably can get it 160 plus with an 9 but I’m a golfer pro golfer who has cable py so I’m not going to be able to generate as much Club head speed as most people will but even for myself a disabled golfer

Can get these yardages out of clubs is great is really good that’s why I mean even for me I should be the advocate I should be the perfect poster chart for an armed golf swing because my disability is up my left side of my body that’s where you post into that’s where

You rotate into but I can still hit it further doing it with more body so that’s why learning to do this technique is good so here we go two ones less talking so you just feel like it’s more whippy I’m not trying to go at these hard so is that 158 there

86 Club head speed 114 pretty much 115 bull speed that’s good for me I’m really happy with that almost 160 a carry let’s do another one nice slow arms get that body to turn not the best of strikes that one bit toy it’s only going a little bit offline

Again it’s not bad number you see ball speed immediately dropped because of strike so it isn’t just as simple as slowing your arms and turning and just turning like a plank it’s not that at all you want to of course slow the arms down at the top you want to feel like

They’re not doing much at all to give yourself time to turn but turn in sequence you want your lower body in mid torso to start to turn and unwind a lot of you when you’re trying to get more rotation in your golf swing you’re doing

It like I said like a plank of wood everything’s moving at once you might think I’m not flexible enough to do this again I’m a disabled golfer you you don’t have to be that flexible to be able to do this you just need to train

It so we need to train that lower body mid torso to rotate first so we can get the good path control the good whip through the golf ball here’s how we do it so grabbing a resistance band that’s attached to an upright it’s the best way

For to do it in my opinion I’ll show you another way also get it up here and then all you need to do is turn that lower body a mid torso practice getting that movement in there really low body mid torso turn it a lot so really good

Stuff that’s going to train that movement because you’re gripping onto something resistance you can’t do anything with your arms so now you’ve just got to move your lower body and mid torso awesome stuff so brilliant brilliant one to go and do you don’t have to have a resistance Bano you can

Just get your left arm pin it across your chest turn your lower body mid torso just like so cuz you’re stopping your arms from doing anything completely from there now that’s the rotational portion of it but what about the slow arms I’ve got you so get up to the top

Of your swing with your left arm put your palm on the Bott end of the club now I want you to do again the same type of thing lower body M torso go but don’t put any pressure into your hand with bind the club that is the best way to be going

About and working this all drills without a golf ball all drills without it so that’s where you can really get this good practicing at home get it on the Range if you’re doing the r range with any of these do five of them and then do three balls feeling that same

Thing getting up there getting through that shot bit pulley oh 160 there you go did the drill straight away I mean it wasn’t the straightest ones it was a little pull that would have probably hit the left side of the green but compared to Let’s do an arm one bye ball 134

And out of bounds left even with one trying to get the club face open you know to have a good roll for it so Club face open and then have a good arm swing you need an open Club face for an arm swing I mean it’s just so hard to time

Up I can’t hit a shot with it 105 so it’s just it’s something that I mean that was a fat shot but it is something that it’s just it’s so much easier to make the arms passive get the body turning again those good few movements let’s do some

Got body moving nice passive arms let’s do three for the sake and let’s get up one and smack one see if we can get the fastest one yet without even trying to go at it slow arms just turn that body giving it time that could be

Good 158 I’m still happy with that 115 bu speed great tiny left of it fine with that fine with that so absolutely as you can see here now I’ve got a lot of practiceing with the fast arms maybe I might be able to make it work I might be

Able to make it work now I’m a golfer that’s versed in swinging more with the body as you see with my YouTube channel but that’s not the way I always used to swing I used to swing with my arms a lot I’m going to make a video just about

That very very soon let’s give an arm one to go again little bit thinny 133 it’s about all I can get out of it 101 Mall speed that’s good isn’t it so big difference there but absolutely I’m definitely biased on this I’ve had a lot of practice with swinging

The way I swing swinging more the body slow arms so it’s going to be much more of an apparent thing for watching me do it it’s going to be very apparent you’re going to see a lot of balls go more left for me than you might do for you but the

Distance when you get it there as you can see is very very different that’s about the distance I should hit it 133 carry as a disabled golfer that’s about how far I should hit it that’s what’s expected but I don’t I can still hit it pretty normal distance for as you

Saw there was a 160 that’s crazy for me so absolutely don’t set limits on yourself you can swing in this nice slow arms really get that body turning gives you time to turn gives you time to build up speed every other sport we lead with our body golf’s no different so if you

Enjoyed this video click that like button want more golf instruction just like this hit a subscribe button hit a bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video so I’m going to show you how to do this here getting through impact in an ideal passive body

Orientated way and it really feels like with this little technique I’m going to show you it feels like you’re cheating to be able to get this so let’s show you how to cheat to be able to get this really nice move going through the golf

Ball and what is it it is my main focal point on these swings are my right arm staying bent so going through the golf B with this bent right arm so why does that feel like you’re cheating and getting this down swing super easily from it cuz when that right arm stays

Bent going through the golf shop especially through the hitting area it can straighten after but we want it to be bent through the hitting area it’s because it forces pretty much everything we want to see to happen so it forces us to have good rotation because to be able

To get through the golf ball with a bent right arm you have to rotate that’s why we see with all these top players I’m showing on the screen now we see them have a bent right arm at impact so that’s one thing that helps with tremendous Club face control is having

That good rotation bent right arm forces that to happen cuz if you straighten the right arm rotation has to stall out to be able to make room for that right arm by backing out the way so brilliant one rotation awesome right side Bend forces it to happen because of course if the

Right arm is bent going through the golf ball the right side has to bend to a to get that club down towards the ground you can see that also opens up the body massively so again if I straighten my right arm instead my right side has to stay very

Tall has to stay very vertical again to make way for the right arm to straighten through the shot so absolutely awesome passive Club faces the next one so this is a byproduct of both of those rotation and right side Bend is when we’re keeping that right arm bent going

Through the shop means we’re going to have a good right side Bend good rotation Club face will nicely be stable and passive going through the golf B it will just be a byproduct so that means you’re going to be hitting straighter shots more consistently so if we can do

The opposite of straightening that right arm going through the shot you’re going to naturally like we said stall out the rotation you’re going to get taller so that means your hands and arms have to pass through quite hard that means you’re going to get a lot of wrist

Action going through the golf ball a lot of rotation of the club face so not a great one to do again if you hit tons and tons and tons of golf balls maybe out to make it work there are some pros who still have that little bit of the

Right arm straightening going through the golf ball here’s the thing you can give a professional any movement and they’ll learn to hit it to the Target cuz they’re top top players guys are watching YouTube videos are not the best players in the world so we need a more

Consistent move that funny enough the best players in the world are more adoped now anyway like they used to back in the past look at Sam sne here right arm looks pretty bent to me going through the golf ball look at his body movement pretty good so let’s talk about

Some drills so there two drills I really like for doing this one is one I’ve talked about a lot on my channel and that is the preset rotation drill so that’s getting into a rotated impact position where our hips are open our chest is open and our right arm is bent

And we’re making sure that right side is down towards the right hip right shoulder down towards the right hip weight 90% on that left side and then what we do we swing back and we swing through keeping that exact same structure of that right arm as we spring

Back through doing that a lot we’ll get this movement into your golf swinger it’s an absolute brilliant one so again let’s run through it weight 9 on the left side open up the hips as much you can open up the chest as much you can right shoulder down to right hip you can

See now the right arm is really nicely bent now what I’m going to do is swing back swing through keeping that same structure results in some awesome ball striking it keeps that right arm bent and it’s all matter of repetition from there so that’s a really good one here’s

Another really cool one so this drw I’m about to show you is one that was my very first drill for rotation that I was ever given when I was the student student and not the coach so this is hitting balls with your right arm only so we’ve all kind of played around with

This before hitting balls with one arm and some golfers will be great with it some won’t be and the golfers who won’t be good at doing this drill would be straightening the right arm who can’t hit good shots with one arm hitting it with the right arm so to be able to hit

The ball you have to rotate from here so you got to keep that right arm nice and soft and bent to be able to hit good golf shots doing it so keep that right arm nice and soft and keep it bent to make good contact you’re going to have

To do it cuz if I straighten the right arm it’s going to be extremely hard to hit that golf ball so again keep that right arm bent nice and soft turn through keep that right arm bent the entire time and you’ll be able to hit some good little shots doing that and of

Course what do we do from there we get that feel into it we get enough reps in replicate that exact same feeling but with two hands on the golf club and then we’re going to have that very nice bent right arm and then when we slow it down we’re going to see

Ourselves in these brilliant positions that good right side Bend good rotation good passive Club face cuz this has stayed bent so it does feel like you got a little cheek code to getting through the golf ball really nicely it’s a again a thing that we see that good players do

That this move is almost a byproduct of everything if we rotate well side Bend well of course what’s going to happen rice arm will be bent but we can almost reverse engineer it a little bit and do the right arm bit first and everything just starts to fall into place brilliant

One for guys as well cuz you out there who let’s say you Tred to rotate more you shank the golf balls cuz that right arm is still firing so often we’ll see guys trying to rotate and what they doing boom straighten the right arm they

Go oh God rotating makes me fat the golf ball it makes me shank the golf ball makes me just hit terrible contest cuz your right arm is doing this keep it bent turn through that shot so if you enjoyed this video click that like button if you want more golf instruction

Just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video now why you can’t rotate in the down swing is because of one of these six reasons and I’ll give you a fix for all these six

Reasons and none of these have got anything to do with your athleticism or Mobility it’s all your golf swing let’s get into the first one so number one your setup is terrible so two things here in your setup one your left foot position and two your posture so left

Foot position first what we see so many golfers who cannot rotate no matter what they do in that downswing you’ll see them set up to the golf ball like this with a dead straight left foot with a toe pointing in front essentially what you’re doing here you’re closing off

Your left hip capsule to the amount that you can rotate so if I try and rotate as much as I can with that left foot dead straight so let’s say I just rotate as much as I can that’s as much as I can go before I hit a brick wall so what I’d

Want people to do instead for the fix of this this would be to open up that left toe really make sure that left toe is poting out flaring that foot CU immediately you open up that hip capsule so straight away there you can start to turn way way more now this is about

Where I’m hitting the brick wall in my Mobility look how much more rotation that is so if you’re not flaring that foot out you’re not even giving yourself the slightest hope of being able to rotate so the second part of the set up and that is posture I see so many

Golfers set up to the golf ball like this where their pelvis is way behind them they’re really hip hinging and they’ve got their armpits in front of their toes what this is going to do is you turn back in the back swing your weight is now going to go into your toes

Cuz the mass of your upper body is too far forward so what we’ll see most golfers do if they try to rotate and let’s say this they successfully rotate the weight’s going to be so far on the toes they’re just going to fall forward forward don’t generally see that happen

Though what you see is golfers start to early extend you’ll see them with that upper body start to move up because then the upper body gets more in line with the lower body it’s easier for the body to balance but if you do that you’re not

Going to be able to rotate at the same time so you’ll hit again that brick wall and for the fix for this I want to see players in this type of posture I want to see them with their pelvis a little bit more tucked underneath I want to see

Their armpits more on the balls of left feet so right round kind of shoelaces region bottom of the shoelaces and then just have that very slight round of the upper back here so this will really make you function so much better in your golf swing because then as you make a full

Turn up to the top you can way easier get that weight and that pressure transferring into that right heel and now your upper body is already on top of the lower body you’re not so displaced in front it’s so much easier to keep your posture and your balance going

Through the shot it is just such a Surefire way to set yourself up to be able to rotate way way better so number two your Club face is either too open or too closed so let’s go to open first this is so common I would say 90% of students

That sending lessons to me who can’t rotate have tried everything and their Club face is like this wide wide open so if you have a massively open Club face and you keep that club face open in your swing if you rot so somehow magically you rotate from there you are going to

Present such an open Club face you’ll be unreal you’ll hit the ball off the planet right but what your body will actually do from there your rotation will slow so you can do this you can throw an early release it that’s where a lot of your early releases come from

Open Club face your body rotation has to stop to be able to do that and why the early release happens it’s because it squares up the club face so absolutely don’t want to do that close Club face players you’ll see some players here with a club face looking dead straight

Down to the ground and then from there maybe they’re trying to be like Dustin Johnson and now when you’ve got a club face that is this closed if you haven’t got Dustin Johnson’s speed and athleticism you will most likely have to stand the body up to be able to square

The club face cuz if you don’t get as open or rotate as fast as Dustin Johnson you won’t get that club face squaring up just via rotation mere mortals will have to stand their body up because that raises the hands up which then squares the face makes it Point more down

Towards a target for a closed face so the fix for this one make sure your grip is okay let’s say on the closed Club face side so many players are bought into gripping it super super strong that can very much have some huge downsides to it and some players will be gripping

Let’s say for an open Club face it very very weak so basic standard device that can hit a lot of golfers out there watching make sure your grip is nice and standard would be good advice there for you so making sure you’re seeing two and a half Knuckles on that left hand and

With that right hand the V between the thumb and the meter hand that line it’s going up towards right shoulder make sure that grip is nice and standard and make sure you’re doing this little takeaway drill here so get to sha parallel to the ground make sure your

Hands are about a fist distance from your right leg and make sure that club face is matching your spine angle so it’s just slightly towed down that’s nice and square so if my club face is now nice and square now I can swing up and swing through and that will allow me

To be able to rotate better through the shop because I don’t have to do anything to get the club face squaring in relationship to my target going through the golf ball so number three is a lack of lead arm and hand depth so what do I mean by that this destroys your rotation

So if I get up to the top of my swing vertically just lift my hands and arms straight up so you can see all my right shoulder look how vertical my lead arm is and you can see my hands the butt end of the club is it’s really down around

Kind of like my shoelaces region again so if I try to now rotate from here and I somehow magically successfully do that the club is going to massively fly over the top cuz rotation has a little outward force on the hands also when I rotate you can see how the hands are

Going to follow so golfers who have this position what they typically will do there they might be over the top but for stall out rotation player they’ll most likely subconsciously drop the hands down aggressively to make sure the path doesn’t get too excessive but your body is going to

Prioritize dropping those hands down in that short space of time that you’re performing a down swing over rotation so they’re going to drop the hands down by then you’re going to be pretty much square onto the golf ball with no rotation that impact you’re just going

To flip through the golf ball so what you want to do from there you you need to get yourself more around you need to get these hands more around you at the top of the Swing so you want to get this left arm more covering that right

Shoulder and you want to make sure these hands are more around where your heels or ankles are cuz then when you turn down the down swing that club’s going to nicely fall on path without you trying and a fix for this is a drill with a long alignment stick so get yourself a

Long alignment stick the swing plate with extension pole attachment would be great there’s a discount code in the video description for one of these and all you want to do place the ball about halfway underneath and have this stick roughly around your right shoulder in

Height wise so okay all I want to do from here is Swing underneath this and I’m going to have that more depth and I’m going to be able to rotate a lot easier but make sure when you’re swinging underneath this you’re doing it via rotating and getting a turn in the

Back swing a lot of the reasons why some golf is have that two vertical position at the top is cuz they’re not getting any back swing rotation you need to coil up in that back swing rotation like we said your hands and arms will follow your rotation so if you rotate better in

The back swing the hands are going to get more around you absolutely brilliant way to add in that nice depth to get more rotation this is a brilliant drill for it so number four losing your hip depth in the back swing so losing your hip depth what

Does that mean that means as you get up to the top of your swing your right hip is moving forward closer to the golf ball so if we move that right hip Clos to the golf ball and again I magically start to rotate the club is now being

Pushed way too far out in front of me it’s moved the whole swing Arc more forward so what we generally see players do from here is again they’ll just continue to move their pelvis forward their upper body will move back they’ll early extend which will get the hands

And arms closer to them so then they won’t have that outward effect of that hip moving forward so then they’ll just stall out their rotation big old flip not going to work very nicely for you where what we want to do in the fix we’re going to want to have that right

Hip move back as we move back in that back swing it’s almost like someone’s grabbing the right trouser pocket and just gradually pulling it back getting more hip depth depth means more behind so that’s going to Prime then you to get that left hip moving back the pelvis is

Staying back and is so essential for rotation now my favorite drill for this is with a camping chair what we do with the camping chair we just put it behind us make sure it’s touching just the top of our hamstrings here and all we want to do then is make sure we’re pushing

This chair back in the back swing and then we could also give it a good push back in the down swing that’s keeping the hip depth and again that’s going to be fixing one of the reasons why we’re not rotating in the down swing so number five you are too steep

In the down swing especially the early down swing so if we’re a golfer who is steep in that early down swing vertical shaft here if again they magically rotate from here they’re going to present a very downward angle attack of course but very across steep swiping

Across the golf ball not going to hit the ball to your target doing that so what we’ll generally see players who have that steep shaft do when they can’t rotate again they will either do a couple things they could early extend pelvis go forward up body go back CU see

What that does to the club shaft shallow zip or they could also have an excessive amount of side Bend early so where that upper body really side bends you can see what does that do that shallows the golf club later those are both going to stool out your

Rotation and stop you from turning so for the fix wise what we need to do we need to get shallower as we start that down swing now we don’t need a tremendous amount of shallowing a little bit goes a long way but we need that club shaft that Center of mass of the

Shaft here to start pitching behind us when we start that down swing so having that movement is going to be really help you to be able to continue to turn it’s really something that massively is a requirement to be able to get good rotation is a nice shallow shaft cuz you

Can see as soon as I start to turn I don’t have to manage any other shaft angle stuff to be able to get that club onto the golf ball successfully so the drill to do for it is something very very simple just get an alignment stick

Put it up the left hand side of the golf club just like so with a lot of it coming up here now we can see our shaft angle as we start that down for Steep golfers that stick is going to point straight to the ground and we want this

Stick just to start to point in front and have that good turn so I’d recommend a lot of golfers to do this without a golf ball first get the stick pointed in front and rotate but once you do enough of those and you get brave enough you

Could pause it at the top and then turn through the golf ball getting the stick to point in front let’s do one and then you’ll really start to feel that shallow shaft and you have to turn doing that drill as well cuz if you don’t turn the stick’s going to hit your

Side you have got to turn to make sure the stick doesn’t hit you before impact great drill now number six losing your hip tilt in the downswing so what I see a lot of players do they will be bumping their hips forward to start that downwing very common a lot of you are

Trying to do that but what that does that raises up the left side of your pelvis making it higher than where it was at the top of the back swing now what that does that makes it incredibly difficult to rotate cuz when that hip tilt raises left hip raising you can see

How the upper body immediately wants to fall behind there so that then makes rotation incredibly difficult to achieve this is why we a lot of you who try to bump and turn get a lot of back pain CU that creates a ton of tension in that

Lower back not very good for being able to rotate if you want to keep your back healthy so the fix we want to do here got to remember the golf ball is on the ground that’s why we need to be tilted to the golf ball we want to keep that

Tilt in the down swing so we need to keep this left side down as we start to turn you can see already my upper body stays on top of my lower body and I can just continue to turn going through there so the drill to do is just with an

Alignment stick and what you do with the alignment stick is you place it through your belt loops now what you do there you pull a tiny bit coming out on the right I mean I really mean a tiny tiny bit and a lot of it coming to the left

Don’t want to see that cuz that’s going to block your down swing so just the tiniest bit there and now we can visually see what our hip tilt is doing so what we want to happen here we want to have this left side the long part of

The stick immediately in the down swing to go down and around and disappear this is absolutely awesome of a rotation drill I’ve done it tons myself so stick to go down and around boom absolutely brilliant love it hip til is so incredibly important so many many golfers even very good golfers

Are completely missing this part of it remember you need to be tilted to the golf ball to be able to hit it and to be able to turn to keep the club on the ark so there we go there is the six reasons why you’re not rotating in a ding and a

Fix for all of them and also if you want more information about rotation there is a video course that I have called The Ultimate Guide to rotation in the downswing there’s a link for it down in the description everything you need to know about rotation how to get it into

Your golf swing again just like this all the little problems you can have in a golf swing and a tailor plan on exactly how to fix it for that individual awesome awesome guide the most in-depth guide to rotation out there so if you enjoyed this video click that like

Button if you want more golf instruction just like this hit a subscribe button and hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video in this video I’m going to give you a full guide to how to achieve and build a modern rotational golf swing this is

What we see all the top players in the world now start start to use lots of body rotation going through the golf board and like a lot of you have found out who tried to do this it’s way harder than they make it look cuz there is a

Lot of things you need in the golf swing back swing down swing and your setup to be able to achieve this if youve got even one of the things wrong or slightly off you’re not going to be able to do it so this video is going to be structured

In the different points of the GOL swing from setup back swing and different sections of the down swing things we want to see and that we need to have in our golf swing to be able to functionally rotate through the golf ball and have this move that we see all

The top players have rotating and the down swing is all about if your golf swing is good enough and in the spot to rotate so we need to make sure it’s cleaned up and we’re having drills at the end of all of these sections that

You can go and practice and at the end of this video there’s going to be a practice structure and the ultimate rotation drill that you can do once you got the knowledge to be able to get in there so this video is going to be more

Just info based there’s not going to be too many edits there’s not going to be too many side clips of things so it’s going to like we said be sectioned and get ready for a lot of info and for me to be talking to you for quite a while

As you can see in that video length so number one setup setup is so huge to be able to turn in that downwing and have that rotation body turn going through the golf ball so what we want to see for rotation with our setup we want to have

Our armpits over the balls of our feet so we want that alignment to be there armpits over the balls of the feet because that’s going to help your lower body manage the weight of your upper body through the swing and stay in Balance so then we’ll be able to turn in

The golf swing and keep good balance as we turn cuz so many golfers do this they’ll be having their armpits dead in front of their toes they’ll have their pelvis really stuck behind them and a lot of lower back curve so then the mass of their upper body is now in front of

Their lower body so you’re lower body now can’t really manage the weight of this upper body so as you turn we’ll see a lot of players here might be okay up to top still with the upper body reu front and then if let’s say they stayed

In this position in the down thing and turn their weight’s going to go massively onto their toes because their upper body is so far ahead of them and they’re going to lose balance and you won’t really be able to turn so what we see players do from there we’ll see them

Shove the pelvis underneath them get the upper body moving back to make the spine extend to one piece that keeps their balance but you still let your rotation cuz you early extend going through the golf ball that’s not the body rotation downswing we may even see some golfers

Have even in the back swing their pelvis move forward to regain their balance again make the spine more one piece so they can stay in Balance but again if your pelvis moves forward going up to the top of Swing there is no way you’re going to turn going through the golf

Ball so that’s why you need these armpits like we said over the balls of the feet and then you can stay in your balance and be be able to turn functionally and be able to hit these better shots through better rotation so how do you go about doing that yes there

A little drill for this little procedure now like we said armpits over balls of the feet really simple way of doing this I want you to stand to the golf ball initially with very very slight bending knees very slight dead upright with your body try to address the ball from there you can’t

So all I want you to do now is get to the golf ball only via relaxing your mid and upper back so I’ve kept the same Flex in the knees I’ve relaxed my upper back and midback now I’m on the golf ball so I haven’t gone and pushed my pelvis back

Got more knee Bend to get down on it I have just relaxed that mid and upper back there we go now armpits are over the balls of the feet but if you’re an individual with long arms like me you might have to have a little Shuffle back whilst maintaining that same structure

Of your body now you’re there you can do that every every time so have that straighter legs little bit of a flex tiny Flex in them straight back get the club to the ground by relaxing mid and up and back Shuffle back now we’re in that good spot now we can

Move so let’s talk about back swing so back swing there is a bunch of things we can talk about here there’s going to be almost different little sections to back swing here so we’re going to start off with takeaway what we like to see now

I’m going to talk about let’s say if a golfer here had a standard golf grip so more of what we would call a tradition grip or let’s say for takeaway CU this makes a huge difference your grip type to takeaway standard grip here so standard grip golfer what i’ would want

To see for a rotational golf swing here I would want to see this player have their Club face matching their spine angle so angle of the club face there matches the angle of your spine so what the takeaway would generally look like for a standard grip player would be

Their hands will have a slight in move very slightly inwards to where they’ll be about a fist distance away from the right leg when the hands are level with that right leg but we would also see how how that club head will travel just a little bit on the outside of the hands

There so we get into that position we’re at sha parallel to ground the club head is now roughly around my hands so that will result in that square face if then I don’t do anything funky with my club face or my wrist angles from there that

Club face is going to remain Square for the entirety of the Swing so why this is so important because if that club face let’s say is too closed pointing towards the ground in my takeaway I would have to do something to be able to resquare

It most likely I’d have to stand my body up to raise the hand to square it so that is not going to of course get you to turn through the golf ball if I had my club face too open rolled it on the inside with that open face there this is

A very Classic on for players who can’t rotate I would have to slow down my body rotation if it remains open to be able to square the club up so again not going to be able to have that body rotation release but if I keep it square and it

It maintains that throughout the swing I can keep that club easily without trying to do anything Square to the ark and I can just turn through and it’s going to remain Square so a little drill I like to see for players for that square Club face is to get themselves to where

They’re around Shar parallel to the ground so like we describe what we want to see about a fist distance outside that right leg I want to see that real Club face there being matching my spine angle and I want to stop here and now what I’m going to do I’m going to swing

Up and swing through so like a Ricky Fowler drill there so there we go stop there Club face is square swing up swing through and that’s going to make sure that club face is getting Square early and my takeaway isn’t stopping me from being able to

Rotate so now let’s talk about turn in the back swing and how the right arm moves in the back swing so this is a little bit about setup as well this right arm portion if we talk about that first I like to see players have the underside of their right elbow pointing

Out in front front of them but also just a little bit to the left there so why I like that is because it encourages the right arm to have more of a folding movement because if a player has their right elbow a little bit too inwards so

It’s pointing a little bit down the target line that’s going to force this to happen right arm’s going to get stuck behind the body and then if the right arm gets stuck behind the body or seamline we could call it here then it gets stuck so then what have you got to

Do to get to the golf ball you’ve got to St out your rotation throw the right arm so again if you have it just turned in you see we can see my little UFO there and then what we want to do is make sure that as we’re turning back now we’re

Encouraging the right arm to have this folding movement and the ideal right arm movement is like you’re doing a half of a bicep curl in the gym you’re doing a half bicep curl so you don’t want to do a full one you have no width doing that

You want to do a half repetition but you do that as you turn so half bicep Coe as I turn up to the top now my right arm is more in front of my seam line so then as I turn down the right arm can stay in

Front of my Pivot I can turn through the golf ball nicely not have to do anything that’s how my right arm can help me with my rotation so before we get into the turn portion there a great little drill to do here if you let’s say struggle

With this area have that right arm that good setup position unders side pointing in front and to the left and now what I want you to do just grip it with your left arm and then cup your right elbow with your left hand the back of your

Left hand now you can only do this half bicep Co going up you can’t shoot it behind you so just do these one arm swings and then you’re going to be able to feel that good right arm mechanics so here two drills you could have a classic ball

Drill so like here with the impact ball Tor stri a smart ball so be good with this got my good right arm position at set up keep it in between my arms through the entirety of my swing and then that right arm is going to be

Staying more in front of my seam Line If It Moves behind it drops so really good feedback it’s why tors roer smart ball is better than this one really because it doesn’t do what it just did there run away from you so keep it in between your

Arms then boom there we go so the turn portion here the rotation of the back swing getting so important there’s two areas of this two things it affects so what I’ll see for players who turn poorly that affects their rotation negatively I’ll see them get up to the

Top mainly just turn with our upper body and we’ll see their right hip start to move forward so where them when their right hip starts to move forward it’s just going to continue to go forward in the down swing you’re going to early extend you’re not going to be able to

Turn so I like to see players with their rotation in the back swing have their right hip start to go back so for players in their sequencing I like that to happen just after the takeaway and then have that right hip start to move back when the right hip’s moving back

Like someone’s grabbing the right trouser pocket it’s going to open up and rotate those hips rotating the hips is a better way to try to turn cuz when you rotate your hips the upper body rotates too so having that right pocket being pulled back off takeway there is going

To get those hips open but it’s going to get you hip depth so hip depth is so important it’s when that hip moves more back right hip moves more back more depth means more back then that’s going to encourage the pelvis to stay back as you turn into the downswing so it’s

Going to encourage you to rotate again see encouragement the environment to rotate now this again why is so important is back swing rotation when it comes to downswing rotation is the depth of your arms and your hands so with players who again don’t turn their hips very well maybe they moves forward maybe

They stay where they are they don’t turn them their arms will go up to the top of their swing they’ll have a lack of arm and hand depth where the left arm is high the hands are high so then when they turn the down swing what happens

From there down swing puts a rotation puts a little bit of an outward force on the hands now they’re over the top they’re going to cut across it so a lot of players from there they’ll either do that they’ll swing over the top or the rotation will stall and slow down

Because then the hand path needs to drop when your rotation slows down hand path drops so it matches up with that movement just in a very unfunctional way so good depth good hip depth arm depth all created by good hip rotation best drill to do for

This is with this chair here now this chair will really focus on getting that right hip back now we’re going to talk about this again at the last part of this video this chair and we get into the downswing portion so if I can get these bols to stop let’s just move them

Up I want to now push this chair back with my right hip in the back swing push it back like I said preferably after sha parallel pushing it back we can do it earlier like Rory maoy for example but if we’re pushing it back then we’re going to be moving getting that hip

Rotation when we’re turning in that back swing we’re getting that good hand and arm depth better you turn the more rounder your hands are going to go so you’re going to get more depth so then when you turn down club’s not going to be out in front of you and it’s going to

Really be a good one to do for great rotation and enable you to rotate hip depth is so important that’s why I got so many videos on my channel talking about it so that’s a good one you can do for the general rotation of your hips but let’s say you’re getting that hip

Rotation but you’re still not quite getting your arms around you so where that left arm is covering your shoulder plane hands are more around your heels or your ankles which of course helps you get the club on path when you turn the down swing you could do something like

This as a drill so where we want still want to get our hip turned still want to get that hip depth but here’s a swing plate so a swing plate with extension P attachment just a long alignment stick we want it to be pretty much over and covering our right shoulder maybe even

Slightly above it now we want it to be a hands distance outside the right shoulder and then all we do we get that good hip turn we could use the chair at the same time or we could just do this and just swing underneath it that’s

Going to give you if you struggle with that high left arm a good thing to be able to give yourself feedback and drill away that movement if you want one of these there’s a link in the description I’ve got a discount code for for the swing plate which is Jtown golf in

Lowercase which will get you 10% off at checkout so that’s all in the description so let’s talk about transition so going from back swing to downswing or you can say start of the downswing how to start that down swing so many YouTube videos are titled that

Like L of Min r as well so how you start that downswing is so incredibly important it is what I call the New Impact is your start of the downswing so what we want to happen we want to have so we’ve got all that good stuff before

Let’s say what we talked about in back swing got that depth right arm’s in a good spot we’ve got that nice Square Club face all the good stuff we’ve got that good hip depth also what we want to do we want to start the down swing by

Getting that lower body and mid torso to rotate first whilst the arms and the chest stay where they are in that first part of the downswing that’s going to do a bunch of things for you that’s one going to help this shaft shallow so the shaft is angle as shallow as a reaction

Going to make sure your grip pressure is fairly light when you do this as well I wouldn’t want it more than a four or five out of 10 in grip pressure so that’s going to help gravity hit that club and shallow out the golf club so

That’s one big thing two it helps the right arm get back in front of you so it should be already in front of your seam line but having that good movement there of having that lower body mid torso turn it’s like the left hip going back that’s

Going to get that right arm moving more in front you can see how that’s affecting the club shaft so it’s going to help shallowing it’s going to help the arms get back in front of the pivot and it’s going to help the club start to

Move on path cuz what I see with so many golfers they’ll be so eager to get this down swing rotation they’ll rotate the upper body too and that just gets the club flying out in front and chopping across the golf ball so that’s why you

Need the arms and the chest to be really patient that’s why I like the feeling of the arms being slow and feeling that sty of down sing really be slow with that upper body like in slow motion whil letting the lower body mid torso start to turn and move so that’s

Really good way to do it some golfers like see with quite a few of my videos some top tour players like John RAM for example will actually start his down swing before with his lower body before he’s actually completed it with his back swing so he will technically be

Completed with his back swing turn of his lower body when his left arm is about 3/4 of the way up his swing and then when he gets from left arm parrow up to the top he starts to already transition with that lower body into the down swing you see players like Lexi

Thompson on the LPGA Tour do is one of the longest players on the lpj tour we see so many golfers do that move and it can be a useful one for you out there to learn and really picture if you really struggle with that down swing sequencing

Too you have to have it in there CU that enables all these good shallowing sha like we said arms in front of the pivot and it helps you turn through the golf ball with good path otherwise you’re just going to have too much of an out to

In path if you rotate everything at once but let’s say if you’re too quiet with the body in general and the arms start to race first then your body’s not not going to catch up and your arms are always going to fire past and you’re not

Going to be able to use your body rotation very well so how we do it with this drill one that I see you see all the time on my channel resistance band tied to an upright I know a lot of you don’t like this drill but I do it’s

Really really useful so having this up onto an upright resistance band about medium strength one so then you grip it just like so in kind of like a makeshift top of the back swing cuz there’s resistance to it I can’t really do anything with my arms so I want to

Really feel like I’m not really doing anything at all with my arms not pulling it not doing nothing I just want to really get that lower body mid torso turning it’s like there’s something underneath my foot that I’m trying to squish I’m trying to smush underneath

Kind like my left heel you can see how that’s rotating my lower body mid torso getting my arms to stay there if I do that an absolute ton that’s getting all those good little Moves In transition that I want to happen that change of Direction then I when I replicate it

Into a ball I get those nice movements in there so have a good go at that that’s that portion let’s talk about the next one so let’s talk about mid down swing as down swing is really going to be in three parts here just like with transition

First part of downswing mid down swing and then through the golf ball all different things happen so this is why this is so important and I do have an even Fuller course on this which has got way more details on every little bit which is on skillist on the app version

Ultimate Guide to rotation and downwing it’s a link in description and I’m going to be making a new one very soon as well still going to have the original being able to purchase but keep tuned to the channel I going to be releasing a new one and it’s

Going to be on my own website as well so stay tuned so mid down swing really really important so we’ve got that good first move lower body mid torso separating so we’ve got that shaft starting to shallow right arms now in front of the pivot I’m moving on good

Path I’ve rotated with that lower body this is when I’m around left arm parallel in the downswing now from here what’s really important I want to keep the tilt of my hips so important this bit so my left side I want it to stay

Lower than my right so if I do that and show you with this alignment stick going through my belt loops here this is really going to be the thing that’s going to keep you turning and maintaining those good movements cuz if I say this is the left side of my hip I

Want this to continue to turn around so that’s where we get to the impact area which is sha parallel to the ground so if I can keep this stick turning down and the round then I’m in that good spot so that’s our little drill for this section can thinking transition stick

Going down around continuing to go down around and then let’s talk about after that how we’re going to move through the golf ball so we’ve got a good hip tilt like we talked about mid down swing through the golf ball so let’s say now through the golf ball the Impact Zone

Which is from Sha parallel to sha parallel so we’re at sha parallel what we should typically see hips should be this is all dependent on your Mobility this portion your hips let’s say for me would be just a little bit open to my golf ball so they’re pointing a little

Bit towards the left of the golf ball my chest if I’m swinging well should be dead on that golf ball Square to it so from here this is such a common question how do I turn through the golf ball how do I get through it this is where you

Want to have that hip tilt but this is where that hip tilt starts to raise up a little bit because this is where you’re extending your left side your left side straightens and your right side drops down so when that left side straightens your right side’s going to do the

Opposite and go into flexion so that’s where you see all these videos like mine or ar golf coaches on YouTube for example talking about right shoulder going onto the golf ball that and left side extension left leg straightening are paired together so let’s talk about that left leg

Straightening this is the thing that really gets you through that golf ball cuz when that left leg straightens from Shar parallel into the golf ball it pulls the left side of the body up it’s the whole left side extends so then that’s the left shoulder going up and

Around you can see what does that look like from a down the line angle rotation through the golf ball like we said it will get that right side crunching down too so the fuel here and the little drill is actually going to be two options for the drill so we know

Okay left side straightening which is going to force the right side more down but it’s going down as that right shoulder is moving so even though this isn’t about shifting in the down string it’s is all about rotation you still need to shift your weight gradually as you do this still needs

That pressure still needs to be getting on to the lead side otherwise you’re just going to chunk it so here we go left side is straightening as I’m going for the ball rotating me that’s get that right shoulder dropping down to ball that’s getting me open

That’s clearing me I don’t just want to continue just to turn through it without having any of the dynamic movements otherwise my club path we’ll just start to get a little bit out in front a lot of these movements we’re talking about in this video guys are going to be very

Instinctive you’re going to do them after you get in good positions but that’s why we need the knowledge of this area so left side straightening right side down going from Sha power to the ground is how we get through that golf ball it’s what whips you through and

Whips you open so having this stick in between your belt loops is a great one this is part of the drill I’m going to talk about at the end of this so after this section but we want to be feeling over that left side snapping straight

Going through the golf ball or a little bit of that or feeling that right shoulder dropping on that golf ball or the right shoulder feeling like it’s beating the club to the golf ball which is also a very very good feel for it they’ll both get very similar moves

In there and both keep you turning through the golf ball really really useful one little trick you can also do to get through that shot if I grab another ball if you’re someone who struggles with chest rotation is feeling or getting that head to swivel as you go through like a Dustin Johnson

David Deval anak curm Stan that type of stuff to a where if you get that head swiveling as you’re going through impact that’s going to force the chest to rotate as well taking your off the golf ball is a load of rubbish coming out of posture head up like that is very valid

That’s early extension but swiveling your head where you’re staying in your posture but your eyes are just looking down the target before you get to the golf ball is just going to rotate your chest it won’t do anything negative to you so if you struggle to rotate your

Chest absolutely brilliant one to keep your turning through so guys there we go those are the position so guys there we go those those are the positions we want to be able to get into or motions we want to be able to achieve in certain

Parts of the go swing to be able to encourage ourselves to rotate so as a little summary we want Square Club face more importantly right arm in front of the pivot good turn with good hip depth adequate arm depth we going to be turning nicely in that down swing we’re

Going to be separating low body mid torso keeping hip tilt extension through the golf ball sounds like a ton of stuff doesn’t it but you actually don’t need to try and do all of those that’s why I gave you drills at each part of it not

For you to do all of those drills you to know your swing enough to be able to know what areas you’ve got to work on okay because this part is what all of you can do so that last part is not what all of you should do again like we said

It’s all about what you need to do personing for your golf swing now here is a drill to be able to get yourself turning through the golf ball I can guarantee it but make sure you got the things in your golf swing so this is it so this is like the ultimate hip

Rotation drill it really is so this is where we’re having elements of two drills here so like I said this will make a reappearance in the video absolutely but we also have this stick that goes through our belt loops tiny bit of the stick on the right hand side

A lot of it on the left so that’s why hip tilt even though we only did a little bit of this video about the hip tilt like I said there’s way more on The Ultimate Guide to rotation about this but I still want to give you guys on

YouTube a taste of what everything’s about when it comes to rotation but hip tilt is so important if that hip tilt levels out it’s really hard to rotate really really hard almost impossible so we know okay what’s this chair doing we’re pushing it back the back swing

With our right hip pushing it back with our left hip that’s going to get the openness of our rotation that’s going to get the back swing rotation so from there if I can keep this stick going down and around and just leave it to those two points you’re going to be

Doing a really good drill like I said we don’t need to think about every single little bit because even pushing this chair back continue pushing back what’s that do that extends the left side as I push it through as well so it get see the rotation through the shot so stick

Pointing down around in the down swing push the chair back with the right hip in the back swing back with left tip and a down swing so that’s going to get you some really really good rotation you can start it off with full swing absolutely or what I would recommend don’t be silly

Do it with a half swing to start off with so really make sure you’re getting that down swing Motion in that half swing and then build it up as you go through here so again let’s do another one there we go just a little half swing feel really get yourself turning through

There so that is a great drill for you to go and do to feel the good rotation and really make sure you know what points in your golf swing are affecting you so that’s where if you need help absolutely there’s a link in the description there for me on skillist for

Online lessons absolutely brilliant way to learn remotely anywhere in the world you can get in contact with me we can do a lesson on skillist to make sure we’re working on the right things you don’t want to be wasting your time and spinning your wheels and you might even

Have a golf swing where you get in certain positions that I say not to get into in this video and still move okay you might be changing something that doesn’t need to be changed like we see out on tour we see so many players get into specific positions let’s say Justin

Thomas with a higher left arm K Mora carwa let’s say for example in a similar position still rotate incredibly well through the golf ball because they’re matching up with certain movements again talk about all that in The Ultimate Guide to rotation again that is in the video description as well but stay tuned

Cuz there is one coming out so absolutely guys don’t have to do all of these I say it again do not have to do all of them just what applies to your golf swing don’t even try to think of all of these at once know what bit you

Need get into but increasing the golfing knowledge of this area is so important golfing IQ is huge to being able to get better and have ownership over your golf s but all can have a good go for those of you who got through this video it’s

Long one so do that drill with a chair and a stick that’s going to be brilliant for you so if you enjoyed this video and you want more videos like this more of a complete guide let me know but other than that click that like button and if

You want more golf instruction just like this hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button too to be notified every time I put out a video


  1. Thank you for this video!! Perfect timing for my 2024 goals, my shoulder and hip stall like a car with a broken clutch!!!

  2. You notice the weight on the heels? If you're having trouble with shanking, keeping the weight on the heels can help.

  3. Shallowing the club is a term that to me is a bit confusing. If you compare club positions at 1:25 and 2:35, where the hands are at the same height, the club looks like it's in the same place using reference points from the tree. I.e. it came back down on the same path on which it went up – not really shallower.

  4. This is a late Christmas present 😊. Thank you and let's digest it. I have not watch it yet, but I know this will be good for me. Cheers

  5. Happy New Year! This might be your best video yet . Thank you. 🙏
    You certainly did not have to give out so much information, so that is very much appreciated !

  6. JC, I have been following you on YouTube for the last year. Thank you for all your insight.

    Just bought the ultimate guide to rotation…

    Looking forward to it. On the injured reserve for next several months. Had an operation before Christmas and cannot walk for at least another 4-6 weeks.

  7. JC, I've just come across you on here and will be watching your videos with interest. I too am disabled and have just taken up Golf 23 year after wanting to as i didn't think I'd be able to do it. Im only 3 month in but loving it. My big problem is the follow through as i have no left foot/ankle movement after severing my common peroneal nerve and damaging the tibial nerve.

    Keep up the videos mate 👌

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