Golf Players

Don’t buy the Taylormade QI10 LS Driver without watching this club comparison!



In todays video we’re taking a look at the new Taylormade QI10 LS Driver at with MASTER CLUB FITTER Sam Smith.

Come and check out our head to head golf club comparison @garymartingolf

#taylormade #qi10 #stealth2

[Applause] so in today’s video we’ve got the tailor made stealth 2 plus verse the qi1 ls both the low spinning tailor made heads or drivers we’re going to put them Head to Head yeah yeah’ be good and as you’ll know if you’ve been following the channel this is the driver I’m currently

Gaming yeah which I’ve said to you Sam I am not in the market for a new driver but we are going to put it head-to-head and we’re going to see you know what the differences are yeah first Impressions what are you thinking yeah it’s very good like I said you know very similar

In terms of you weight at the back sliding weight uh obviously they’ve done it for you know Qi s a quest for inertia so they’re trying to get even more forgiving um a few other people I’ve seen review it have said it’s very low spin so again it depends if that’s going

To be working for you does this sliding weight move as much I don’t think it does I think we can we can check how much it moves in a minute but you can see that you can only move it a fraction so I reckon it will go to about there if

You look there I think it does shift a bit more so we don’t need it in draw byas for you but again you look at toe I’d say toe’s quite similar in terms of how much we can move I don’t think it’s his draw biased do you think that

They’re anticipating this l b to be more for the person looking to fade I think so because if you look at the Q uh 10 tall Fairway he’s got a weight in the toe so again something like that would be quite good if you like looking for a

Fair award because again we can add a lot of M in another club again help um but yeah I think they’ve said it wish year to be a bit more fade biased um but yeah like I said you know silver kind of carbon phase I’m going to

Be bias here but I actually prefer the look of the stealth I prefer the red yeah people have color impresses blue I think it all depends on who you support that but yeah I mean look they’re freshen it up yeah I’m glad to see the price points not increased so

Yeah it makes A Change Is it um we’re going to keep it a fair test as well because obviously if anyone knows Gary’s Drive is 10 and a half but we’ve not been able to get a Qi 10 and 10 and a half degree so to keep it fair we’ve got

Stealth two and nine so we’re just doing head-to-head uh we’ll check the swing weights but I don’t think at the minute I can get the QI 10 to D7 um so like as long as we getting same swing way whatever that may be then it’s as Fair

As we can do it we can just test them like for life we’re still testing head tohe we’ll do your ventor shaft same as what you’re currently using so we know the shaft work I said in terms of Swing we you know we’ll check both kind of

Options but I can’t see it with a qi and getting it to where we need to be so I don’t see the point of kind of having one a certain stringway and one another one yeah so the minute we have kind of standard weights where we got it

D1 I’d say that’s not too bad anyway so let’s just check the qr1 before we H anything margin lighter bit lighter d z only one point Point um I’ll check if I’ve got one that’s a bit light to wait for the what that self to is yeah I’ll try and get them the

Same I’ll try and get them both to ZZ and it’s a fair comparison then plus probably just worth adding guys you know obviously if you like Club reviews uh there’s one thing we’ll guarantee you is that there will be exact comparisons Loft swing weight shaft you know got to keep it for

There’s a lot of rubbish on YouTube isn’t there you know when it comes to sort of testing yeah uh and you’ve seen with videos that me and Sam’s been doing how important it is to make sure that swing rate is right because it can change the you know obviously theight

Yeah it just changes a lot of stuff and like I said we know that these are definitely lighter than what your kind of preference is and what you need but just for the sake of this video we need to make it as Fair as we can if it’s

Like for like you know obviously it’s going to be true yeah exactly said I’ve gone to um 13 gram So it’s 15 before so should get us into d0 yeah that’s close you’re going to get it like C9 and 34s if I’m being very very picky so bit

Closer to but my shaft that I normally game and my grip well it’s actually a my club is it so yeah we’ve kept it fair in terms of same shaft same grip so we know that’s you know working well for you um test with pro1 and we’re going to test

With well I use a two and 3/4 T now so I’m being converted so the main thing I’d probably expect we have some a bit left because we can’t get face open so don’t worry too much Gary forit left might have to get done to do this

Test you fancy doing it don’t seven hours and do it yeah we’ll just say like obviously just say with your setup cuzz that’s closer to me watching that that’s closer spe to me in terms of what I prefer let’s guys we’re going to get Sam

To do this with it two drives there’s no way what do you mean you all right I just say that again convert yeah two that not too bad see if I can keep up with you Gary first impression on looks of the head yeah it’s nice like I said I always like

A bit more of a better player’s head yeah um anything that’s quite wide I don’t know I feel like I just can’t flight it correctly really I like a driver to be quite versatile I’m always kind of when I go on the course I’m always kind of you know low Fades kind

Of putting shots I’m not one for kind of wanting to hit it straight all the time so I like something that’s a bit small I can work with really so yeah that’s so my shots normally a bit of a drawer anyway sometimes it gets a bit too much that was better that’s

Better yeah look for we can get the there might be people people tuning in because they’re interested in the stealth 2 plus because obviously these have come down in price now you can get these at most places for like probably 350 something I’ve seen them like sort

Of 369 so you’re looking at sort at least 150 yeah it’s a fair bit cheaper definitely I I absolutely love uh the look of the face you know obviously as a better player if you’re watching guys probably agree you’d like to see it look a little bit open don’t you yeah yeah

Six nice yeah like I said it’s I’m not one for having it say as open as yours but yeah I like it probably just a tiny bit open yeah um again for me as well being left my miss it just feels like I can kind of just keep the face a bit

Square for longer yeah all right let’s go well Sky your b s no pressure yeah definitely a bit different look at a dress is it which you prefer then cuz I’m bias cuz obviously I game still too I think I prefer that how it’s not like a r it’s

Called Infinity Crown I think they call it it yeah where it’s like yeah just kind of all wraps all over in one there’s no kind of edge basically but yeah I prefer that Al qi1 at the back but I don’t think yeah you can’t really notice that um I’d say shape of head’s

Very similar face angle looks very similar um we so it it performs a bit more right sided which I prefer sharper right yeah it’s just just lot to explain in terms of I’ve got to admit with my stealth too I feel like it compresses the ball well

A bit like trampoline yeah um compared to tianium it’s like a softer feel but which I do like that’s about launch for me I better ball fly I’m kind of wanting feel like it’s got more spin when in just see kind of I’m striking it like that one it didn’t feel like a

Great kind of hit to be honest but it’s still dead straight decent number ball speed sure that’s a bey definitely look like it stores a little bit more but in like a good way I think the stal sometimes are just a bit dippy yeah um so yeah it’

Be interesting to see the numbers I compare I won’t say ball speed looks any different at the moment but we’ll say that’s another good shot it’s that four or five that sounded solid it’s a frozen R I say it’s do shape as much which potentially that’s for waiting yeah obviously if make you

Know G fade byas for both but potentially it’s just working a bit better but it’s just training the ball flight a bit well I think the only thing that’s noticeable is actually the shifting weight isn’t it really yeah like I said it’s I’d say it’s quite

Similar going from neutral to fade but I feel like draw it’s not as severe I think it goes a bit hidden underneath but it’s not as much um yeah we’ll check the numbers and see what see what it’s saying right then Sam what’s what’s surprising to you there um obiously

Dispersion with a Qi 10 is definitely a bit better I could feel that you can see in terms of like ball flly as well yeah you know the stealth right to the end kind of just start to drift off a bit to the left where qi1 just kind of stayed

Straight whether that’s you know being the newer model with kind of worked away for the fade weight to just you know do its magic a bit more and like you know just kind of get that face staying open fa all speed you for me there’s no gain

I’ve lost a mile an hour again that could be kind of user error I’d have to see kind of Club head speed um launch spin is definitely different um you definitely lower launch lower spin um so you can see why there’s a bit more in it you carries only one yard but it’s

Getting a lot more run um so OB say seven yards further total but for me it’s done it in the wrong way where dangerous way yeah it just gets a bit dippy you know it’s consistent so it’s not like it’s fluctua a lot and again numbers are more

Consistent in terms of launch and spin but you know for me that’s just a bit too low you know 2100s definitely a better kind of spin number yeah um so look do you think that’s because they’re striving to get more distance than they’re pushing to boundaries yeah I

Think I think again a few of the reviewers have seen that it’s definitely lower spinning than the stealth 2 plus unless for some people it’s great people like I said it can get a bit dangerous In fairness I’ve swung it a bit slower so it is a 2 mph difference so I think

Yeah I think if I have put the same input in you’d have probably got a bit more ball speed that’s crazy because that was the second Drive of you hit yeah so it’s not like you’ve like warmed up and then started swinging faster yeah yeah so you know whether that’s me or

It’s hard to say where like I said I think yeah i’ have swung probably a couple of Mile hours SW a couple of Mile hours quicker imagine what that number would have been yes I think we’ have gone probably about 280 yeah 310 maybe um but again it’s doing it in the

Correct way well I I think that’s getting very close to being a dippy kind of ball fly question for you then obviously you are the master fitter the shaft pervert Yeah if someone were being fitted for that qr10 driver would you purposely get them launching it a bit

Higher and more Back Spin even if it sacrificed a bit of distance um yeah if it fact gets you more control like I said obviously for me it’d be Cas of looking at a different shaft in that to try and get the spin up a bit more I

Like the launch I prefer the launch of a qi1 yeah but I just want a bit more spin but then if you do get that laune up and a bit more or sorry if you get that spin up then you’re back to the numbers of

The St yeah you can lose a bit of distance but it’s that balance really it’s getting the right balance of control and distance at the same time yeah if we’re doing head-to-head and thinking say someone games that now and wants upgrade is it worth it probably

Not U I think it depends on spin as well you know someone’s got that and still really struggling with spin yeah then yeah potentially if it can knock a few hundred revs off I think the most surprising thing for me was just ball fly this definitely went a bit straight

And dispersion was better yeah and you know I I could feel it I could feel that it was a bit more stable through impact yeah so I think we’ve definitely done something with this weighting system compared to last year which working a bit better but for me that’s the only

Big game I’ve seen really um just yeah bit straight to ball flight so as a fitter you know we’re talking maybe 349 549 200 difference I think it’s it depends on the individual if you know a lot of people just want the newest thing which is fine but we got to understand

That it’s not always going to be case that as better yeah like I said I think a lot of times you know for me for how much you’d pay for say that with upgraded shaft being very similar cost to that I think that could perform better than save something off a shelf

Like this yeah um so yeah but that’s the difference for me that’s a very good point actually if you if you put that 200 into an upcharge sha I think that would work way better fine tune the the spec of the better you could probably get better numbers with that than what

You could get with a stock sh yeah I meant like you know I’d say I bet you could pick one up brand new say 300 pound say someone sold one you know if you put in say about Ventus red TR at 300 you only what 70 pound more than

This offer shelf and I think you just get a lot more control and you better dispers better numbers from the an upgraded shaft and just getting a newer head yeah which a lot of people come to me you know they’ll come with say like a

Ping g425 or a TSI you know still really good heads just like a model old and like I said you know the most expensive shaft still cheaper than a brand new driver and I think you get more performance and benefit doing it that way personally um but yeah like I said

Very good product felt good you know looks good but you know in terms of an upgrade from a stealth 2 minimal I don’t think it’s a huge difference I think if you’re a customer or or somebody looking to buy a driver that’s never had a Tade

Driver I think you know I can go on record and say it’s revolutionize my game because they’re so adjustable aren’t they yeah like I said it’s just find the right characteristics of club like I said for you you need something to weight ports of a play with swing

Weight something you know very fade byas which we’ve been able to create um like I said it’s not for everyone um you know some people just want something that’s one weight part just forgiving which is fine must be like the normal Qi 10 yeah um and that’s thing you if you went

Normal qi1 that to get the spin up anyway you might be in that window you want so I think definitely don’t just go straight into the ls definitely try a normal head as well because that might be producing spin num as you need anyway to be honest cool I appreciate you

Testing that today Sam yeah no problem give some good numbers to help us conclude yeah all right Lu um but yeah another Wicked driver from Tor made yeah um but yeah just I don’t know just consider your options basically yeah so don’t just kind of jump into it you know

Definitely like said try a few options at a few places if you can like I said think is it going to be more beneficial upgrading like I said just for Shaft or buying a whole new club all depends what your current setup’s like really yeah guys hope you’ve enjoyed that bit of a

You know look at the new qi1 in comparison to a till made stealth 2 um for me I’m going to stick with my stealth 2 after what I’ve seen yeah I’m better off spending you know 200 or else in my bag yeah definitely like I said I

Don’t think it’ be minimal game it’s not like the ball speed is any quicker you know it’s even lower spinning which for you I don’t think you want anyway yours was just okay in terms of spin any lower just a couple hundred revs would’ be a

Bit dippy yeah so yeah I think if it’s kind of performed similar for you it just won’t work as well anyway thanks for watching guys um if you’re not already subscribed hit the Subscribe button go and check Sam out as well if you want any advice custom fit wise he’s

Definitely the man to speak to um you know obviously transform my driving as you can see couldn’t even hit that could I no you know so it shows how much you know fitting has worked for me and help my game um and yeah make sure you you

Tune in for our next video we’ve got some really interesting videos that’s coming out in these next few week yeah um so don’t miss any and we’ll see you in a few days time bye


  1. How much better can they be! There are some that just need to have the latest and greatest clubs-irons! If you like your driver, looks, the distance, feel and sound, stay with it until it fails. I had a Cobra Fly Z I played until it cracked. You should be able to lease your clubs as an option if you have to have the newest, like an automobile. Lol! I do enjoy these comparisons though guys.

  2. It looks like the QI10 max is the only one that provides benefits and most probably only to an inconsistent ball striker. No difference with the other models.

  3. I bought a Stealth plus 3 wood, last year at a great price! Rocket ship of a fairway! I’m not a fan of the Stealth 2 plus because of the big weight “gap” on the sole so when my local golf shop had a Stealth plus 5 wood at an amazing price, it was rude not to!

  4. Instead of spending big bucks on a new shaft to get more spin. .Just change your golfball. The shaft may change the flight of the ball,but does minimal for spin rate.

  5. Just changing the colour and saying it is better, longer and or more forgiving makes me want to stump up another £3-400 extra to upgrade last years driver. Not🤑 Looking at a shaft upgrade instead is a great option though.

  6. Well done Sam. I can’t justify the cost against the possible benefits. Think the comments at the end about getting fitted for a shaft upgrade makes a lot of sense.

  7. Stealth 2 just scares me with the amount of broken faces, its a joke and big reason why I wouldnt even consider one! Love the feel of the carbon face to 🙁

  8. I'm curious about you opinion on something Gaz. The rules of club conformity only measure heel-to-toe MOI, not combined MOI, and the legal maximum is currently 5900. So do you think the "10k MOI" craze actually means anything, or is it just a giant load of marketing bollocks?

  9. Interesting watch that Gaz, as I read last night that Rory has moved away from the Qi10 LS because it was too low spinning and is now using the standard model.
    Keep up these type off comparison videos, we all want to see these 🏌️

  10. Gary, any chance you can you get the same back-to-back conducted on the ‘23 Paradym vs ‘24 Smoke AI?

  11. Keep gaming that Stealth 2 until the face falls off and they will send you an QI…there is the win win.

  12. The Stealth was a disaster of a club, face falling off, Tour Pro’s refusing to use it as it was unstable, so if buying new now, swerve it like the plague.

  13. Great review. I currently own and thoroughly enjoy using the Stealth 2 plus equipped with a Ventus Blue Velocore. I am excited to try out the Qi10 and see how it performs.

  14. I'm favoured, $60K every week! I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America♥️♥️♥️>>>>

  15. Nice one guys very fair, nice to see the same test but with a 20-25 handicap, so we can really see what we would get, as in the real world most of us only dream of hitting it like you guys, keep them coming mate.

  16. The thing i like is you DO NOT promote a club to your viewers. I appreciate that the likes of James (and a few others) get to test a load of clubs and try to give reviews but you dont promote anyone. I enjoy the variety of different types of videos whether its fittings.. older gear and value for money products. The grip videos were brilliant highlighting the difference in swing weights

  17. Great vid, just goes' to show newest isn't always the best, any chance of comparing Ping G400 Max (apparently the first 10k gsm driver) and the new G430 Max 10k? . Plus Sam hits a decent ball, kaboom!!!!!

  18. Thanks for the review mate. Really appreciate the content. Looking forward to each upload. All the best legend.

  19. Another great video. Happy with my 2 month old stealth 2, still getting it dialled in.
    Good to meet you today at Whs meeting.

  20. A good honest review guys. Nice to have this sort of information if you’re looking to purchase a new driver. Any chance you could do the same with some of the new irons coming to the market?

  21. Like the look of the Pings. But just like the driver market, irons have gone expensive. Would be nice to see if you think that the irons have made a jump in performance.

  22. Excellent video. There are quite a lot of amateur golfers that this driver would suit because they deliver too much loft and spin at impact. Calling this a “better players” driver is a moniker that may have some higher handicap players shy away from it when in reality it would be the best club for them.

  23. WHAT A JOKE!!! I would 100% walk out if you guys were fitting me and told me you just said in this video…

    The Qi10 was 7yrds longer and straighter…it massively out performed the Stealth in distance and accuracy…WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT FROM A DRIVER?!?!
    That the beauty of the Qi10, you can play it with less spin and longer shafts than previous drivers BECAUSE THE DRIVER IS STRAIGHTER THAN PREVIOUS DRIVERS!

    What an idiot, Im sorry but I dont know what else to say. These guys are apparently not ready for new technology, they only know how to do fittings to hit specific numbers that have worked with past drivers.
    What a joke.
    So you want to bring the spin up, because thats whats worked in the past??

    Ill take the driver thats 7yrds longer and straighter, thanks 👍

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