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Manchester City sign Claudio Echeverri! | Transfer Talk

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Kalvin Phillips is having a medical with West Ham ahead of his initial loan move from Manchester City.

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Hi there this is transfer talk 7 Days remain in the January transfer window there is still plenty of time for teams to do business coming up on today’s show here and trippier is going nowhere this month there Bayern attempts to get him fail but Miguel almeron could be set to

Leave the latest on his future is on the way Tottenham have been the busiest so far probably because they’ve signed a player could there be further signings though and noo espito Santo is trying to reshape his Nottingham Forest Squad we’ve got news on two Targets to come

Good afternoon to you at home and to lnl R flex and Dan bardell who are joining us here this afternoon we start with breaking transfer news and it comes from Manchester City let’s go straight there live to our reporter Ben Ransom Ben what can you tell

Us yeah it’s been a deal we’ve been speaking about for a while but it is now officially complete and the ink is dry on cladio E’s move to Manchester City from River Plate remember he’s the under under 17 captain of Argentina he’s a player who’s very highly thought of in

South America and it’s a deal that City have been working on for a number of weeks the Argentinian transfer window officially opened today and claria eer has wasted no time in completing his move to Manchester City turned 18 uh a couple of weeks ago he’s a player who’s

Made six appearances for River Plate he joins for a fee initially of 12 a half million pound there are add-ons involved in the deal as they so of an not and he signed a four and a half year contract he’s someone that Manchester City a bit like julan Alvarez believed that in the

Future could be a real star of not only South American but World football so he’s joined officially Manchester City although he’s going to spend the rest of this canar year on loan with the club but where he’s playing at the moment River Plate he’s made six appearances in

The first team so far so a bit of breaking news for Manchester City just Al liveing up this transfer window a little bit in this part of the world and boy do we need living up let me tell you Ben it looks like one in one outs what’s the latest on Calvin

Phillips move yeah we could get a bit more life a bit later on couldn’t we because Calvin Phillips is having a medical at West Ham today now we know that the clubs have completely agreed this deal and my information certainly from chatting to people and people close to the deal

Close to Phillips and close to this club that realistically it’s a formality he’s going to be joining West Ham on loan so that’s a huge cue for West Ham and look this is a player who obviously is really highly thought of it’s he joined Manchester City for more than 40 million

Pounds from leads 18 months ago but it just hasn’t quite worked out for him here has it so for him to be having that medical finally he’s got that move sealed I mean look there were other clubs in for him it wasn’t the only offer on the table but once West Ham’s

Interest was Fed Up it seemed as though that was the most likely move and as Gary Neville and many other pundits have remarked on this one it feels like it’s a move that suits all parties Calvin Phillips not getting the first team football he would want Euros in the

Summer he wants to be playing football West Ham looking for that replacement in that midfield for Dean rice who departed in the summer so how will Calvin Phillips time Remembered at Manchester City yeah it’s an interesting one because he’s a very popular figure in and around the dressing room popular

Amongst the players and the staff I mean I sat down with him the first interview he did as a Manchester City player 18 months ago on their tour of the United States as it was then and he was full of excitement about what it meant to be

Joining Manchester City I mean he was full of life he was joking about obviously turning down uh the opportunity to join Manchester United being the fact he’d come through the system at leads he was excited to join uh the then champ iions to go on to win

The treble but it never really worked for him initially you remember he started having to play it as a kind of makeshift Defender he’ done the same for Marcel BSA at leads to to to play in and fill in when they had injuries so he did

The same for for City and he never was able to displace or even replace rodri when he wasn’t available in the center of that Midfield never worked with the two of them and this season really the writing was on the wall look he’s made minimal appearances his last appearance

Claim in the world world club cup when he came on Off the Bench in that game against youra red diamonds and he’s not been able to displace rogery even when he was available remember the suspension that Roger suffered missing four games this season Phillips didn’t start three

Of those it’s been difficult for him here Pep Guardiola sat in this very room and spoken about how much he likes him but clearly and evidently judging on his team selections judging on the fact that he would prefer to play two Central defenders in that holding Midfield role

When Roger wasn’t available it kind of showed he didn’t quite trust him in that situation what he was seeing in training week can’t be sure but Phillips for England has shown his qualities it just didn’t quite fit here and you have to say it’s a move that suits all

Parties and you’re going to be talking to Pep Guardiola shortly big game for Manchester City in the FA Cup against Tottenham coming up what else is going to be on Pep’s agenda today yeah it is a big game I’m sure pep will want to focus on that game because

Let’s not forget at that Stadium they’ve never even scored a goal let alone won a game so it is a big ass to go there it’s probably the worst possible FA Cup draw they could have wanted in this part of the world even though they are the

Holders even though they are the the treble winners quadruple winners if you count the FIFA Club World Cup as well um so look there’ll be lots of focus on the game but of course as always around Manchester City lots of focus on things off the pitch as well and not least

Those explosive comments from the UEFA president um that have essentially said and you can understand why they would say this uh Alexander sephin saying that they know they were right about charging Manchester City and finding them guilty ultimately of breaching ffp Reg regulations now let’s not forget that

Was in February 2020 that they made that ruling and the ruling was overturned essentially by the court of a arbitration for sports a few months later on Manchester City absolutely deny any wrongdoing they are facing those Premier League charges as well a year ago we found out about those and

Although we don’t know the exact date Richard ma Richard Masters has confirmed that a date has been set for that hearing as well sephine obviously given that fairly explosive interview for the daily to the Daily Telegraph in the last week or so and that almost certainly

Will be on the agenda for Pep Guardiola I’m sure he’ll stress the Line Manchester City believe they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong they’re fighting all of those charges and but look from guardiola’s point of view once again instead of talking about the management of the football team solely

He’s bound to have some other questions as well yes you’ll be able to uh see that a little bit later on here on Sky Sports News Ben thank you for the moment just to recap that breaking news that we brought you at the top of the show here Manchester City completing the signing

Of 18-year-old cloudia Chelli from riverplate he will go back to River on loan until the end of this year and he will join Manchester City then next January so certainly one for the future following in the footstep really footsteps of julan Alvarez that’s the easy label isn’t it he’s going to be the

Next Alvarez is can we expect that kind of impact from him you say that’s the easy label obviously a big fan of Alvarez I think obviously what we’ve seen and the trajectory that he’s been on is is incredible what I’ve seen him dub does a lot more is the Messi and

That’s kind of the weight and the expectation on this player particularly in Argentina um he’s someone that I know it’s going to be on Ice a little bit now obviously he’s going back on loan until the end of the the calendar year I think fans might have City fans might have

Expected it to be end of the season but end of the calendar year so link back up with the city in January but someone that they’re already getting excited about five goals and seven appearances in Argentina’s run to the quarterfinal of the under 17 World Cup scored a brilliant hattrick against braz Brazil

And it is stunning to watch um there side by sides of of Messi’s goal versus Brazil and et’s and they are so similar he’s someone that City fans are going to be buzzing about seeing him called one of the biggest talents in Argentina which at at that age is incredible um he

Had been linked a little bit to Barcelona he he’s uh Messi as his hero he said he he wants to play at Barcelona at some point shavey was asked about him and said that he was a real talent obviously barcel not in the position to to make any permanent signings at the moment

Um he’s known to be a hard worker he’s really tenacious and under what we spoke about earlier with what pep does and how he brings through these young talents particularly from the uh Elite development Squad into the into the first team and you know regularly coming

Off the bench for City I think he’s someone who’s going to fit in so well um with what PPP has created at city and and one that even though it’s going to take a little bit of time before City fans see him playing in the light blue

City in the flesh I think he’s one that they’ll get very excited about now that transfers confirmed I mean we’ve been talking about it for a long time haven’t we yeah lots to live up to for eter before he permanently moves to Manchester City next year we talked to

Ben there as well about the latest on Calvin Phillips and his move to West Ham do you do we think that City have got enough in the tank without needing to replace Calvin Phillips I mean he’s hardly played so you would suggest maybe they do exactly they they haven’t used

Him since since his rival um at the EAD and he’s just been on the periphery ever since sort of on the outside looking in with all their success and when there’s been injury problems when there’s been suspensions when there’s been bad form for certain players which doesn’t happen

Often at city but when pep has wanted to shake things up I remember a game at the Emirates when young Rico Lewis came into Central Midfield C Philip still couldn’t get a game um so the writing’s been on the wall for such a long time and I think Manchester City fans will be

Absolutely comfortable with the fact that you know Calvin Phillips is going to be moving on I don’t think Manchester City fans for one second will be worried that they don’t have enough dep I don’t think Pep Guardiola um more importantly would be worried that they don’t have enough debt Manchester City are

Extremely astute about how they plan what it is that they’re doing in the market when they’re letting players go and actually it’s been a surprise that Calvin Phillips hasn’t gone sooner really we thought that would happen during the summer we saw them up to go for Mato kovic from Chelsea OB Matas

Nunes um they were going to get patar everybody but Phillips was looking to to play so they’ve got more than enough to to cope without Calvin Phillips and Calvin Phillips knows this too I don’t think this is any anything new this is just the reality of the situation and

Just highlights exactly why he needed to leave y great to have a signing announced live on transfer talk from Ben there cladio ET signing a contract until 2028 he’s going to spend the rest of the year on loan back at riverplate at Pep Guardiola news conference coming up at

1:30 here on Sky Sports News so stay with us for that meanwhile it’s been a really busy few days at Newcastle hasn’t it at the start of this week it looked like like they might lose up to three players it might now just end up being one Kieran trippy isn’t going anywhere

Nor is Callum Wilson but Migel almeron May well believe him we’re going to start with gearan trippier Bayern Munich pulling out of the race to sign him last night how big a boost is it for Newcastle that tripier is going to be staying for the moment it’s massive for

For the fans of the club it’s a move that would have really stung I think that one would would have hurt the fans a lot he’s the player who kickstarted this new era at Newcastle showed a huge amount of faith in in everything that Newcastle wanted to build on the project

And so to lose him at what is really the first bump in the road since the Takeover would hurt a lot so yeah huge boost he I think one of the things that’s really interesting one of the things that would be quite important to the fans is he hasn’t agitated for this

Move like despite Bayern Munich at that stage of his career being quite it’s going to be an attractive prospect it’s going to be one that he’d have you know maybe thought about considered um but the fact that he’s he’s not pushed for the move he stayed very loyal to the

Club um he knows his role there he’s very close with Eddie how very close with with the uh the hierarchy at the club he brings so much on and off the pitch this is something we spoke about with a lot of these senior players particularly the England Internationals

He brings so much Tino lento um would mention that he could be you know a readymade replacement but he said that he’s learned so much and really cited the influence of trippier on his game um he said he’s desperate to learn from Kieran tell he on his debut apparently

Was there telling him all about the players he was going to come up against giving him all this information providing that reassuring voice and there’s a lot of young players in in this uh Newcastle Squad who are looking to break through and it would be something that obviously the club will

Want to develop in the future and having that voice that strong leadership voice not the captain but a real leader on the pitch and in the dressing room I think it’s so important to hold on to particularly when we’re going through this uh this bump in the road for for

Newcastle yeah as for outgoing Newcastle remaining in talks with Al shabab over the potential sale of migal alaron we’re told the Saudi pro league club are very confident of signing the paraguayan so is it all essentially just about the finances for Newcastle and this one and

And the fact that the money makes sense absolutely if you’re looking at the financials of selling Kieran trip here at this stage at 33 um with the time he’s got left on his contract versus a 29y old Miguel almeron um with with a lot more value to his name it’s they’re

Chalking cheese in terms of the different financials uh that that are available to to Newcastle should they choose to sell him um but you know our understanding is is that Miguel Amron wants to stay Ed himself to the Newcastle fans and when you look at that

Team when he’s not in it um it it doesn’t look the same it doesn’t feel the same he’s he’s encapsulated a lot of what Eddie how um has wanted his team to play like and he literally encompasses what it is to play for Newcastle United

Which is why the fans love him so much and he and he loves the city and loves the club so much has done so well in the last sort of 18 months to two years but financially look we we’ve seen um with the CEO of Newcastle talking about you

Know players having their price and the situation that they find themselves in and and the reality is Newcastle probably just a victim of their own recent success they’ve probably got too good too quickly um so that’s an issue but I think it’s important for them to

Try and keep him but if if if an offer comes in that is a suitable uh you know relevance to their financial situation with PSR then I don’t think they can turn it down it’s a really interesting situation cuz obviously like you said you know they’re sort of backed into a

Corner slightly by the the profitability and sustainability rules another player that they don’t they won’t want to lose you know like you say he holds a really special place in Newcastle fans heart scored the the first Champions League goal in two decades for them had a brilliant season last season will he hit

Those Heights again I know from a you know value perspective now would seem a good time to to sell him and fans will be really aware and I I really do appreciate and think that um Newcastle fans will pre appreciate the honesty of the club you know they they’ve laid it

Be they’ve said this is the situation we’re in Newcastle fans will want bodies they know that they need depth in the squad they know they they’re struggling so much with injuries um so I think you know the honest the honesty of of the the upper echelons of Newcastle I think

Will be really really appreciated by the fans and as much as they don’t want to lose players I think they’ll know deep down that it’s going to be the case at some point okay on the way the very latest from Tottenham they’ve been fairly busy so far plenty to talk about with them

Will there be more signings on the way over the next 7 Days Welcome back if you are just joining us reminder of the breaking Transfer News Manchester City have completed the signing of Claudia etet from riverplate he joins on a 4 and a halfe contract for a fee of around 12 a half million plus add-ons okay let’s talk Tottenham now we

Can go live to their training ground an POA cogo set to speak to the media this afternoon Jamie we is there and in position for us Jamie Good afternoon in what has been a a fairly quiet transfer window so far top have being the busiest I guess by default because they’ve

Signed someone could there still be more though coming in in the next week yeah David it it has been a busy January for Spurs so far and I think that will continue to be the case they are in talks with Club Rouge at the moment for Antonio nusa this Norwegian

Teenager extremely exciting prospect any deal there would see him head back on loan to Bru for the remainder of the season but I think the club are confident that they can get that deal done and hopefully sooner rather than later we know that they are admirers of

Connor Galler but I think that deal is very unlikely to get done for a number of reasons I don’t think Chelsea particularly want to let Conor Galler go um although they might be in a position Chelsea where they need to sell somebody at some point and I don’t think Conor

Galler is quite happy at Chelsea we know that an POA kogu likes to have players at Tottenham who want to be at Tottenham and who buy into the project here so I think that is one that is probably more difficult for them to do but look they have been busy already they have

Identified the targets that they wanted they’ve gone out and they’ve got them quickly just as they did in the summer as well I think there’s been a real sort of tidal shift um from that point of view for Tottenham since an POA kogu became the manager here and I think what

Is really exciting from a Tottenham point of view is with profit and sustainability rules looking now to finally have some teeth Spurs as an extremely well-run Club are in a stronger position the most to really kick on from the position that they’re in at the moment so look even if it was

To be just Teo verer Ru dragin and perhaps Antonio nusa heading back on Bru to Bru on loan for the remainder of the season I think that would be an incredibly exciting January for Spurs okay so what about outgoings then Pier Emil hoy’s future seems still to be a little bit

Uncertain yeah there there aren’t any sort of concrete offers on the table for him at the moment this could be one that drags out um right till the sort of very chime of 11: p.m. on Deadline day a week today but um I think that’s one that’s almost sort of inextricably linked to

Connor Galler as well I think if Pierre em hir does leave then it gives Spurs an opportunity to go for Conor Galler we know that in the summer transfer into Hy beer turned da opportunities to leave the club and that kind of sty tournament meant that they couldn’t couldn’t go for

Connor Galler I think another player to look out for is Ryan cesson perhaps as I understand it he was given that 20-minute cameo in Spurs last FA Cup match against Burnley to kind of put him in the shop window to see if there are any clubs that would be interested in

Taking Ryan ceson either permanently or on loan uh for the remainder of the season but again look if Spurs don’t get any other players out the door this month they already have managed to get a lot out there a lot heading back out on loone Eric Dy and Evan perich

Technically going out in loan but kind of permanent deals if you like because they will be seeing D the remainder of their contract at both Bayern Munich and huk split respectively so it has been a busy time for Spurs getting players out and a busy time for them getting in and

I will just say finally as well be hearing from ANA kogu at 1:00 but James Madison that’ll cliche like a new signing James Madison hopefully returning for Tottenham tomorrow night against Manchester City in the cup as well so lots of good news for Spurs at the moment busy January so far and I’m

Sure that will remain to be the case over the next seven days Jamie thank you an Posta gogloo coming up a little bit later one o’ here on Sky Sports News so then I mean Jamie’s kind of teed us up nicely Dan have Spurs won the window

With seven days to go yep thanks Dave um I think I think they probably have by default like like like you said that they’re the only team to have made a real signing of substance a permanent signing for money that’s going to play any football football this season because Manchester City’s guys heading

Out back up back on loan Tottenham so have won this window but arguably they they won the last window as well in the summer arguably they they made the best s in James Madison for around 40 million I I know he’s been injured but when he

Was there on the pitch he was such a transformative player for them really opened up the way totenham could play football and kind of he was the enabler of of an ball I would say the way Tottenham were playing football the way he was threading balls through to their

Forward players and he’s been a big Miss but the key thing for Tottenham is whilst he’s not been there they’ve kept going they’re still in the in in contention for Champions League places you know the squad’s in a in a very healthy position when when s comes back

When Madison comes back as well suddenly they’re going to have options From the Bench we said when when ver sign you know at worst he’s going to be an improvement to tottenham’s bench which is probably what they were lacking someone to come on and transform a game

If it’s not going their way so I as a villa fan I don’t really want to say this but Spurs feel quite well set to gun for the Champions League places now they feeling in a real really really good space and they could throw a cup

Run in there as well if they can get past Manchester City at the weekend that’s what the Tottenham fans want isn’t it challenging the champions league and having a cup run Spurs would say that’s a very very productive season so so so far yes Spurs have won the

Window because the only ones to do anything but I don’t think we’ll see much more from them but but you just never know you never know what can happen in this window I do think the last week will accelerate it’s been quite quiet for us so far but I think

The last week might accelerate if it does spurs could be a part of that cuz they’ve got a little bit of room with the profit and sustainability stuff yeah feels like they’ve been quite ruthless with outgoings as well as Jamie pointed out players coming to the end of their

Contracts and being moved out the door we’re going to move on go back to West Ham now uh and Calvin Phillips coming in West Ham could well sign maybe one maybe two Wingers at the moment talks advancing between them and Nishan over the permanent signing of Winger Ibrahim

Osman it’s understood the fee under discussion is in the region of 15 million they’re also looking at a deal for alad forward y however wages could be an issue on that front San why West Ham looking for a Winger like Osman right now yeah I said this yesterday

That sometimes clubs will make a signing in January L lot Manchester City just have it and send a young player back sometimes teams will make a signing bed them in use that half a season to bed them in get them used to the way the

Club is if it’s a new league for example like this would be for Osman get around the players get to know the dressing room make impact minutes from the bench and try and change games when things aren’t going well this is what Newcastle did really really well last season with

Anthony Gord they were going well they didn’t necessarily actually need to to make a signing last January but they spotted an opportunity to get a young exciting talent that became available Anthony Gordon was that guy they got him in and he didn’t make a huge impact in

That in that first half of the season for Newcastle but he went away in the summer had the under 21s came back for pre-season and Anthony Gordon’s been newcastle’s best player this season I don’t think there’s many fans that would argue with that this strikes me if West

Ham are looking at Young Wingers I don’t think it’s someone that comes into the team strike away I think it’s someone that sits on the bench and and does what what what I’ve just said but then you know they’ got a climatized to the Premier League they’ve then got a

Pre-season come back and if they’re a young exciting Talent they can make an impact in the Premier League next season and they’ve already got kind of half a season under their belt so West Hammer you know they don’t seem to be too hamstrung at the moment they sold deam

Rice for big money in the summer so they’ve kind of got two strands going at the moment where they’ve now got way they can maneuver and they can sign a young player for the future and because they’re going so well they don’t need to panic and throw someone in straight away

Then they’re also in a position where they can take advantage of a situation like Calvin Phillips get him in he improves their squad straight away probably improves their first 11 straight away and and they’re getting players in from a position of strength so I know West Ham fans have a have a

Problem with Moes and and the style of football but I’d say to them you see sixth in the league you’ve had a European Trophy last season you’ve had you finished sixth and seventh two of the last three seasons West Hammer this is the best start to a season they’ve

Ever had in in premier league history I I don’t know what more they want things are good at West Ham look at some of the trouble other the teams are having look look at Crystal Palace West Ham are in a good place and talking of good I guess

We have to talk about West Ham’s transfer hit rate a little bit because they have made some good signings in the past could Calvin Phillips represent the best signing oh of David Moy second spell in charge I think the proof will be in the pudding if if they sign him

Permanently in the summer obviously they have the option there um he has certainly the potential to be up there he brings so much um to the teams that he’s in we saw from his time at leads How High Caliber he is as a player you know obviously the England manager has

Has stood behind him as well um during the time he hasn’t been getting games at city um will he meet and reach the cult hero levels of jar Bowen obviously scoring in the uh the winner in the Europa conference League final he’s such a great signing coming from harand you

Know particularly his development and how much he’s grown I think at the start of this season but you know obviously last season as well I think that would be uh I don’t think he’ll quite reach those Heights um from how much the fans are behind the player obviously they’ll

Be very excited to get him in but it’ll take one of those moments I think one of those huge moments for the club to really be like he’s the best signing uh obviously has a huge amount of potential he’s a player who the manager has been

Interested in for a long long time and a player who wants to impress as well with the Euros on the horizon which I think could be a perfect mix it’s difficult though with the players that we just saw there on the screen in terms of you know

You look at talent wise with what Kudos is ceiling is and how and and what an exciting player he is if you’re looking at players who would and mam fans might not want to hear this but maybe within the next few years going up a level he’s

Definitely in there pakata was ever so close to going to Manchester City in the summer just gone obviously he’s been fantastic for them as well so it’s actually quite a high bar been set by some of the Moyes uh David Mo signings and Calvin Phillips could could be one

Of those in terms of reigniting his career and getting back to the Calvin Phillips we all saw at leads and the C Philips we all saw in the Euros for England there’s definitely a player in there so he can put his name in the Hat

But when you look at some of the players that they’re signing you had alz into that as well Midfield General gets about he’s he’s physical he’s powerful he can he’s good in the tackle it’s it’s going to be hard for kvin Phillips to be the best uh David Moyes

Signing but um he’s in some good company I think it depends how you look at as well isn’t it is is it you know we looking at from a readymade package point of view which I think Calvin Phillips is you know he’s coming in and he’s going to like the boys say improve

The squad potentially improve the starting 11 straight away in comparison with the the likes of Bowen and and others whose game has been elevated after joining I think it it depends how you look at it really West Ham are a really attractive proposition for anyone coming in at the moment you know they

They’re in the top six they’re playing in the Europa League they’re in London playing a playing a big ground or be you know people say it could be a bit solish you know it’s a big ground isn’t it it’s in London players are going to be

Attracted and want to come to West Ham I guess the elephant in the room is that David mois is contracted is coming to an end we don’t really know what’s going to happen with that at the moment whe whether he is going to stay on this has been a really really successful period

For West Ham there’s been time you know they’ve spent time in in the championship not that long ago they were a massive massive Club but they have had tough times where they have been in in the championship for them to be where they are now this is going to go down as

One of West Ham’s best ever per is and I I sound like David moy’s son at the moment but you know he he deserves a huge amount of credit whether you like the football or not you know you can’t argue with the results and yeah okay

Thanks for the moment load still to come we’ve got news from Aston Villa Nottingham Forest Burnley and Celtic on the way here on Trans Welcome back to transfer talk an S toou will be speaking to the Aston Villa head coach unai Emy a little bit later let’s join him live right now lots of talk John Duran andon what’s the latest on the striker future yeah kind of a little bit out in

The blue today isn’t it Dave that uh Chelsea are one of the clubs monitoring John Duran for a signing in this window he’s an interesting player is need Duran obviously a lot of a lot of villa minutes been watched by you and the panel this season but he’s a fascinating

Player because he was signed pretty much bangon a year ago very much as a developmental Prospect yes they spent 88 million on him but he was very much brought in from Chicago Fire to kind of you know to to back up and to learn from ole Watkins and that’s been mirrored in

The game time he’s had over the last year he hasn’t started a Premier League game yet had 25 sub appearances 14 so far this season and he started the season quite well getting a couple of goals in the Premier League Off the Bench against Palace and against Everton

Scoring a couple of goals in Europe as well but he hasn’t scored since September he’s got more bookings than goals in all compostions this season I watched him play in the game against zinsky moar in the conference in the EUR conference earlier this season he started the game was brought up at halim

Looked like a frustrated figure at times but it’s interesting isn’t it that Chelsea one of the clubs interested in him considering he fits the model of that recent recruitment doesn’t he he’s young he’s a project but he also fits some of the frustrations around what people have seen around some of the ch

Attackers this season frustrations in front of goal hasn’t got a goals per game record that everyone would wants to see wants to get behind so I think you know we’re not talking about Nicholas Jackson not talking about mudrick we’re talking about John Duran similar sort of criticisms around him lots of people in

The game think he’s going to be a top top player but obviously at the moment it’s it’s where is he best going to develop is he going to be Aston Villa is he going to be Chelsea lots of clubs are taking a look at him Chelsea or one of

Them be interesting to see whether Aston Villa decide to stick with him or to cash in on him because obviously that could affect any incomings coming in well let’s talk about potential incomings then what might Villa do in the next seven days well look the big Target they’ve

Been looking at this window is Morgan Rogers not not too much of a change over the last 48 hours obviously we know they want the middlesbor attacker two bids rejected so far middlesbor saying he doesn’t come close to their evaluation just yet interested to see whether the

Villa come back in for him obviously Rogers played against Villa in the third round of the FA Cup Rogers is an interesting piece isn’t he when I heard that he was that it was Villa coming in from I was like well vill are stacked up front you know the players they’ve got

Dii obviously and they’ve got Zolo and they’ve got Bailey but actually other than that obviously Amy buend is out longterm mer tayori the club said potentially they may move on from him this window as well so they’re looking for Squad they’re looking for not just a player that can improve the squad as

They look to Champions League and for a league push and all that kind of thing but also for the next few years ahead as well Roger still only 21 even though it feels he’s been playing in the efl for a long long time so yeah he’s interestes

In Target but obviously it’s going to see whether vill have a chance to push up their bids everybody’s talking about spend spending limits everyone’s trying to be cautious with their budgets hence the reason why this news about Duran could change things here at Aston Villa and we’ll hear from unai Emory after

2:00 on Sky Sports news andon thank you very much John Duran um every time he comes on the pitch something happens be it good be it indifferent but something happens yeah as Anton quite rightly points out lots of people in the game think he’s going to be a top player

Would it hurt Aston Villa supporters if John Duran left in this transfer window I think there’s an Intrigue around him because like you say you don’t know what type of player he’s going to turn out to be he could turn out to be world class he could quite easily Fool by the way

Side when he comes on you know invariably he’ll score win a penalty or you feel like he might get s off absolutely loves a slide tackle I’ve never seen a striker love a slide tackle as much as as John Durant does trying to think how how to word this but I almost

Think he needs a little bit of a a reality check John Duran you’re playing at a team at the moment who’s top four in the Premier League has got one of the best managers in the country a manager that’s visibly improved nearly every player at Villa Park you’re getting

Minutes okay you’re not starting in the Premier League you know you’re getting minutes in the cup you’re coming on an impacting Premier League games you’re talking about going to Chelsea who are stacked with with players John Durant is not going to go to Chelsea and suddenly be their number nine that starts every

Week I feel like a lot of this stuff that he’s been linked with at the moment he agent kind of touting his play around creating news around him and John Dean’s second choice Striker to OE Watkins who’s one of the best strikers in in in the Premier League and a striker who’s

Output over the last 12 months has been frightening so I’m not sure why he thinks he he should be if that’s the reason that that he wants to go for for more minutes John Duran should just be happy with with where he is in my opinion there’s been a lot of stuff said

Around maybe application in training not being what what what it should be the Villa fans like John Duran because you know he is a fun footballer to watch but if he wants to go and and he goes and I almost think well fair enough if you’re

Not prepared to stick it out and battle for your place just go and V Villa will get get someone else in but you do always carry that risk that you let someone go now and in three four years he turns out to be one of the best

Strikers in the league yeah I mean I guess from his his point of view he’s loved in Colombia one of their top hopes their you know number nine for the national team he plays he would expect to be playing more more minutes certainly from people’s view in South

America you would think his minutes have have been going up you all know the same as me Dave that you know he’s been coming on in games he’s been coming on earlier in games Villa when games haven’t been going well in recent weeks have gone to two up front and he’s

Played alongside OE Wat I don’t think he’s ever going to start instead of OE Watkins but there’s no reason that as time goes on in certain games he may start alongside him I think just because he’s playing up top for Colombia that doesn’t translate to you should be

Playing every week in the Premier League as a number none and you know I said if he goes to Chelsea he isn’t going to play Villa lost a player a few years ago to Chelsea car of car he CH with Mecca the kid barely played he’s barely made

An impact there so stay where you are and you know get your head down I think you you probably have to bear in mind as well that he’s a young man having left home at a very young age new culture new you know getting used to a new language

Really I know he spent time in America um so for him it’s it’s a it’s a hard time he’s going to have lots of people around him in the Premier League lots of eyeballs on him first time he have had good money as well so I think you

Probably have to bear that in mind for him and his uh his development but once to watch at Aston Villa anyway un emry coming up after 2:00 here on Sky Sports News on the way we’re going to talk Celtic the championship and the WSL as well well plus will centry be able to

Keep hold of in demand’s Cal Hair Welcome back to transfer talk now it has been an unusually quiet window so far despite profit and sustainability rules dominating this window the latest deoe football money League shows that there’s still plenty of cash coming into clubs in the Premier League and around Europe let’s take a look the figures released

Today show the highest revenue generating clubs in World football over last season and six of the top 10 clubs are from the Premier League but Real Madrid have taken top spot from Manchester City who joined Manchester United and Liverpool in dropping down the rankings Liverpool actually had the

Biggest fall of any club in the top 20 from third down to seventh but still made close to 600 million despite the profits it’s been a quiet window you can see the difference in the number of players signed permanently in this window compared to last January a stark contrast to last

January here 50 5 in January 2023 then look at how this translates into the financial side 78.1 million spent this time last year and then it drops right down we’re at 47.1 million pound at the moment so we can see just how quiet this transfer window has been with seven days left

We’re hoping that things might get a little bit quicker but Flex why do you think it has been so slow I think PSR has has played a big uh part in this I think we’ve seen the Premier League streamline their process we’ve seen the Premier League be you know really quick

To implement it we’ve seen obviously what’s happened with Everton and now potentially what’s about to happen to Everton again and forest with with with them going through more PSR situations so I think clubs are very aware that they need to be counting the books they need to be accounted for the books they

Need to be in control of what they’re doing um and operate so very smartly and acutely in in the window and we we’ve heard so much from Eddie how during this window um and obviously the New Castle CEO as well talking about just how strict it is and it’s different for

Different teams in terms of actually Newcastle find himself with a with a with a whole pleora of investment of resource that they can’t actually access yet they can’t they don’t generate that money yet to be able to go and spend and they’ve and they’ve spent big in the

Last couple of Windows and now they need to move on because of that but if if these you know restrictions weren’t there new Newcastle could absolutely go and spend and spend and spend which is why when the new owners came in everybody said hold on a minute they’re

Not going to be going to get bé they’re not going to be going to get Neymar slow down a little bit so I think clubs have been really aware of that um and that’s had a big impact on how much they’re spending in especially this window I the

Saudi influence as well we haven’t seen Saudi Arabia be half as active as they were in summer and I think that was expected you know how much business they did in summer um it might change we could obvious we’ve been talking about see maybe a couple of moves but nowhere

Near the numbers that we saw fly around in summer and I think obviously when you look at the how how incredible those numbers were you know that’s obviously had a big impact as well yeah I think sorry D I think Chelsea are a big rais

As well I mean most of that money from the last window last January was was Chelsea wouldn’t have surprise me of all of that that that was Chelsea you know they’ve been very very quiet we barely spoken about about them at all unless it’s them trying to set sell off players

Whove who’ve come through their Academy I do think as as people who work in transfers you know we were quite spoiled last January and Chelsea made it very very exciting for us with what they were doing but they were never ever going to do that again and Premier League teams

Are scared because they’ve seen visible action go against teams that have have style too close to to the wind I think also a significant P proportion of the the money from last January with the teams at the bottom of the division as well southon leester leads all spent

Good money uh obviously didn’t work out for them but we’re not seeing that really the bottom of the Premier League this time with Club spending money so uh those some of the potential reasons why perhaps we’re not seeing as many moves but you never know with seven days to go

In the championship centry are fighting to keep hold of calare who’s out of contract in the summer manager Mark Robbin says a contract offer is on the table but he’s unsure if it will be signed the truth of it is he’s been offered a contract and a really good

Contract at that um he is free to determine what’s best for his uh his future I would rule anything in or out you know and and the last question you asked is way above my pay grade so you know ultimately I’ll be told at some

Point if that’s the case so you know I’m hopeful that we can we can have him sign a contract is that realistic you know I think it’s 50/50 if I’m honest so but again it’s it’s up to him he’s been made a really good offer

Um and then it’s down to him his family his representatives to decide what um what what what his future holds nervous wait then for centry City supporters as they wait for news on the future of calare that contract offer on the table Celtic have received the bid from

Atletico Madrid for Matt O’Reilly we understand the offer is an initial loan plus an obligation to buy so how’s he done since he left MK Don Ellen well the numbers this season are incredible so 21 Scottish Premiership appearances 177 goal involvements 10 of those goals seven

Um he is a real bright spark in that in that Celtic team 23 years old Center mid Danish international there’s also interest from Inter Milan and Jona who are top of Liga uh La Liga just one point ahead of Real Madrid he he provided an assist against Athletico

Played the full 90 minutes of their two draw at Celtic Park we know how it ended when they went back the other way uh ended up getting batted 6 nil in their away leg but they’ll see the class those numbers don’t lie um I think he’s someone obviously that the manager isn’t

Going to want to lose at all Brendan Rogers has said he’s a key member of the squad and there’s absolutely no surprise when you look at those numbers yeah what about notti and Forest it’s a surname familiar to Premier League fans Raina and Forest want to sign Giovani Raina

Yeah I mean this is a player who’s been really highly rated um he was given the number seven shirt when jayen Sancho left you know he was the the youngest player uh to reach 50 Bundesliga appearances and and suffered a lot of injuries in the 2122 season which which

Really halted his progress he’s recently just become a client of George Mendes um who is the same agent as nunoo Santo as well so there’s there’s there’s a lot of talks about them them two clubs talking about bringing him there he needs minutes ahead of the cop of America as

Well so wanted to get into the national team of of of USA again to to to Kickstart his career again um but Morgan Gibs white operates a lot in the in the position that he plays in and will he get enough minutes it’s a chance for him

To get out of Dortmund it’s interesting I’m not sure if he’s going to get enough game time there you look at Ken hubson adori on the wing youve got Al Langer on the wing it’s Fierce competition for Raina but he is a very talented player um and definitely needs to get out of

Dortmund because he’s not getting enough minutes do you think that shows the power of the Premier League almost isn’t this you know this kid a few years ago was was touted as as the real Deale and for in the bottom half of the Premier League a few years ago this move would

Be Unthinkable but players just want to play in the Premier League where wherever it is and you mentioned that the strength and depth on Forest wing places but if he can get himself right I feel like he’s a little bit different to the players that you’ve just mentioned

And he could could make an impact and you know get his career back on the right track again Forest also have other options out wide yeah well so they have also been linked to Carlos Forbes uh Burnley have as well used to go by the

Name of uh Carlos boures when he was at Manchester City in their EDS Squad he signed from Sporting Lisbon in 2015 he’s a youth International for Portugal 19-year-old left Winger currently at Ajax made the 14 million euro move in August so hasn’t been there very long

But he’s made 16 appearances in the AA devis one goal three assists a Europa League goal and a Europa League assist only missed two League games owing to a knock so he’s been really consistent out there we know Vincent company at Bernie likes to look at players who have come

Through the city Youth System we see James Trafford there in goal uh CJ and Riley Riley and then last season of course T Taylor Hood Bellis so he fits the tastes that the manager would like but obviously there’s a competition from Nottingham Forest in there as well all

Right Ellen Flex Dan thank you very much for your time today great to have you in the studio good morning transfers is back we are here again same time tomorrow morning from 9:00 a.m. do join us transfer talk is also back at midday tomorrow remember you can watch us on

The Sky Sports YouTube channels as well and for a full Roundup of all the day’s news catch the transfer show tonight we’ve got an international special at 6:30 tonight Transfer Center is on the way next we’re going to hear live from Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola as they confirm the signing of claudo Eberry


  1. Lot of talk but not about Inflation and £ value went down 20% since Brexit should not 105 be arond 200-250£ instead for 105£ ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

  2. This transfer window is as drab as the presents in it who just repeate the same thing over and over
    Soooooo boooorrrinngggg

  3. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Blah blah. That brummie guy is coma inducing.

    Who is that lady tho?🔥🔥🔥🔥

  4. I want Claudio Echeverri to win the title in the second division when MCity are punished and thrown there. Finger crossed

  5. He was not bought to displace or replace Rodri, he just isn't in the same class ….. he was brought in basically to fill a hole left by Fernandinhos departure back to Brazil, but he was always gonna struggle there too!

  6. City always sign best player cheap and development into stars and people saying city spend alot i think other club are crap on transfer United, Liverpool and arsenal all crap in tranfers or just small clubs

  7. The signing of Claudio is such good business even if he’s a decent player that money is literally peanuts…the upside is so worth the money

  8. I think Kalvin lost Pep when he returned "overweight" from vacation..true or not it's what the coach thought…. Bielsa made him a world class player …he will be great for West Ham if he stays fit.

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