Instantly Improve Golf Swing Distance and Consistency

GRF Golf Coach George takes Simon through a few golf swing drills and exercises to get him tapping into a bit more distance and some consistency of strike with his irons!

As always a huge thanks to Simon for letting us share his GRF Golf lesson experience with you guys.

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

To clarify what we’re what we’re really wanting by end of session is distance and more consistency of strike yeah that’ be nice nice one that was a nice shot was a nice shot was it another one of the comments I get quite a lot is do you know where your feet are

Aiming and I’m like they’re never aiming I think they’re aiming do you think that matters a lot um I think over time it’s just I think they’ve crept round to compensate this over the top fairly typical flight trajectory Wise height wise relatively low isn’t it yeah for an eight iron that’s one of

That’s compared to the people I play with that like oh my it do does seem to go low I’m on definitely ball flights on the low it’s kind of on the low and short side carry distance there 112 with a total distance of 24 yeah that’s probably see I’d like

And it’s it’s cold with some old- range balls in my mind my eight iron is a 140 Club yeah well I know I’m not I’m not getting there at the moment yeah okay I’d like it to be but with I mean we’re on N degrees at the moment so if we had

20° and a Pro V1 or something like that this feels like the conversation I have with my colleague my friends on a like it’s cold it’s cold and winter it is it is it makes a big big difference for sure but it it this is only relative to

Today right so we’ll play a few more because haven’t got a huge sample size yet and that’s the sort of weaker cutting across it yeah well that’s yeah that’s it that is it at the moment yeah 109 carry distance different shape on that one drew a bit it did that’s very rare

Yeah there nor nor where i’ look to see where the wind is yeah 113 on that one so yeah there or thereabouts on the 110 M today no worries actually right-handed you said yes have a look here this is an infinity sign yeah I want you to make

That shape so a fig you could think of it as a figure eight if you’re familiar with that but just um I just want you to make a figure eight with the club yeah hi guys the grf travel Club it’s revisiting the glor resort we’re in

Turkey from the 10th to the 15th of March fourstar venue amazing courses five nights four days of coaching with myself and one of the JF staff Plus on the course with our JF Tour player Mark Foster we’ve got six places guys follow the link in description and we look

Forward to seeing you there how you however you might do it that’s it well done yeah and you can let the arm really go you can bring a bit more shoulder in make a bit more swing if you want awesome and it’s interesting which direction you’ve

Decided to do this in so I didn’t give you any influence I watched this I watched this a few weeks ago George and I had to go and my natural tendency yeah is to go that way I’ve tried to do it the other way well you’ve just done it there but

It say you’ve tried to do it you have done it you are doing it but it feels but if you said like you said you said just swing it just just do it and you went this way I went that way yeah this is the way you feel comfortable going

With the golf Pub in your hand so you’re doing this and what do you do in the swing it goes left yes because you have quite a downward angle of attack yeah which is actually so this I’ll explain it now so path is calculated by Swing Direction plus angle

Of attack so is it a downward angle of attack like you’ve got yeah or is it more an upward angle of attack like with a driver let’s say cuz cuz you can see what happens there I’ll keep the swing Direction at the camera but you’ve got

Quite a steep angle of attack which puts the path more to the right than the than the overall swing direction see here the swing direction is at the camera yeah and because you’re quite down on it look where the path is more to the right than this orange stick yeah see swing

Direction and then if we te up on a teg for a driver same swing Direction so the orange stick is still at the camera but look how far left that is isn’t it the path has come just because it’s on an incline and we’re on this upward part of

The Ark yeah it’s coming in well it’s more of an insign as well for driver isn’t it exactly and when we’re down on it we’re on this part of the arc so it’s going out there even though that swing Direction still the same your body knows this subconsciously it knows it’s going

Left like this and it knows you want to go over there and it knows it’s got to get the ball in the air a bit so what does it do it swings left and it just keeps that face open yeah cuz a closed face if I

Manage to close it I’m dead exactly CU if you bring the face inside your path and do that it starts way left and goodbye it’s gone and that’s your four lost balls in one round so what we need to play around with is that pushing a

Path over there so that we can then that invites us into playing around with release patterns and Club face control so that we could do this the opposite of what you do most of the time also what this is going to do a lot of people

Think oh they just get everyone to play draws it’s absolutely not the case it’s just because often we go to a draw because 90% of people just fade the ball and struggle to draw it yeah right so we go to the the opposite of the spectrum so that you can develop awareness for

This end and this end and what do we get by developing this end and this end we get everything in the middle yeah but also that draw seems to be a more powerful yes often people say this and often people think a draw goes further than a fade it shouldn’t if you’re

Playing the fade properly so back on here Club in right hand yeah figure of eight yeah go for it yeah whatever yeah just whatever way get swing and that’s it yeah cool and let you yeah go on just do this a little while just want to see how you’re doing

It yeah free up the arm that’s it the shoulder can be involved here we can see this is this is the swing Direction left yeah so let’s go the other way now well done to be honest that’s really impressive because a lot of people do this right they’re doing this and then

You say right let’s go the other way and then they just start in a different place and go the other way and go go the same way and then you’re like no that’s still the same way and then they can’t actually recognize it so the way you

Could just flip it straight away it was awesome I think I’ve cheated a little bit George cuz I watched one of your other videos and I had a little practice in the front room that’s fine that’s good that’s good this looks awesome now don’t need to do the Infinity but just

Go on that bit of draw Arc there that’s it well done and yeah you let the wrist go and let the handle lead for a bit longer on the way through so let’s say you’re releasing it at your at your phone in your pocket at the moment

You’ve made it later there now the butt end’s getting over to sort of the the left thigh that really that feels old and now notice how you’re moving you’re obviously shifting your weight from side to side it feels like that’s the only way I can get that to do that not there

What what’s another way you explore not that it’s going to be this far in an actual swing but how far can you get that butt end can you get that butt end left of you before you release it awesome while still going going to the right though that’s it yeah yeah good

Awesome hold it there and swing back and through one more time and hold it hold it yeah nice notice to get the butt end further over here you’ve had to sort of side bend a bit you’ve had to create some space now relax so before you were

Like this and shifting a bit and releasing it sort of back here somewhere yeah and then I said go a bit further and you started to do this yes you started to create a side Bend now two hands on the club just that same swing length just little half swings in that

Direction and let the face rotate more to the right so you see them sort of big thick green tree out there on the right yeah towards there that feels like I’m right over yeah go for it because you’re so you’ve been so biased to the left

Side yeah it’s been Bonkers and hold it there yeah there exactly notice where this club head is on the way back show me where you think your Club head is at this point in your normal swing yeah or take a bit of a normal swing yeah yeah up there

No nowhere near I would say it would it’s usually here where this club head is is it over yeah but but youve you’ve rotated a lot more that showing me there earlier it was like this wow so you hardly rotated one bit the arms just went sort of straight back the arms and

It’s hardly surprising why we’ve got a swing Direction left because how do I swing over there from here I’d have to do some super funkiness can’t get there not in an efficient way where it can go in quite an efficient way he out there here and that’s what

It’s been doing and that’s what it’s been doing and also because your attention was just on making a figure eight that is where the club Ed wanted to go in order for you to swing it over there yeah and look at that look yeah so

Just it can go straight it can just go that’s the figure eight now just do the sort of more draw Arc that’s it and then look where it’s going it’s going behind you and it’s it’s making you rotate so much more you never rotated this much in any one of those

Swings I I saw earlier it’s just opened up space in my mind absolutely damn this is good and let’s see what that does but I’ve never yeah that’s that’s a completely different feeling I’ve never thought I’ve never thought of trying to bring that intellectually you watch you watch

The videos and stuff yeah but I’ve never managed to I I’ve never consciously tried to get the butt of that that’s so much better side brilant cuz the club didn’t come here unnecessarily it went straight into the place it needed to be but that’s that’s so different George does it feel like

You’re dragging it way on the inside feels like I’m doing yeah and it might well do at this moment in time because we are we’re just conscious of this end of the chain what we’re going to do for the rest of the session or a lot of the

Rest of the session is explore how the body can be involved wow sigh that’s awesome okay and look at that so distance-wise that was about 110 but that was like a half swing wasn’t it yeah well two3 whatever it felt like a nicer contact the ball flight was better

Higher higher felt like a proper golf shot with a better strike we got the same distance as you were hitting with your full swing earlier and it was a well what would we put on it 60 70% swing wow Sor I’ve never hit shots like that right intentionally anyway you probably have by

Accident oh s well I could punch me way around with half shots yeah there’s no reason why not yeah they’re going the same distance it’s really good see how much more powerful the flight is it just feels so much more powerful yeah yeah the click off the face oh the yeah

Presenting sweet spot to B Shar beautiful yeah so we got 10 yards extra 120 on the carry PA 3.5 de right Club face 1.9 de right so you just got a beautiful baby draw also interesting the the launch angle has actually come down right cuz you’re delofting the club more

So your angle of attach shallowed but you’ve got more deloft of the club going on so we actually yeah so that’s to do with your spin rate because your spin rate earlier was about two 2 and a half yeah so now I’ll just expand the swing a

Little bit let’s see what happen cuz like you said these are little Punchy ones they like sort of half swings nice one didn’t quite get the face rotating as as as much as we’d liked but again that was one and that was a slightly weaker one little bit of

A cut 117 on the carry so even your worst one is sort of seven or eight yards further than your best one earlier yes just with a bit more that’s so much more positive optimal delivery of of of Club yeah yeah that that is so much so

Much more of a positive strike yes you can feel it it feels better off the face doesn’t it yeah that’s a big shift from what I’ve been doing for 20 years yeah frankly it looks like it as well yeah it’s awesome you did brilliant and that is that’s the kind of like right

That’s what else I’ve got me money for we say well should we going have beer Co that yeah that one feels like I want to slightly step back on that one awesome this is really working the hips your hips don’t get work very much

In you no no I sit at my desk 10 hours a day yeah the hip flexes get nice and tight yeah yeah oh yeah know my physio would be very happy seeing some some mobilization awesome very good grab your glub pass that test yes so good s this is fantastic you’re using the

Board to create power really the board goes first and the club swings and response in both directions can you sense that yes I I wouldn’t thought I would do that it’s awesome nice very good yeah that is a completely different shape without trying to make a different

Shape is it just a beautiful gentle draw pretty much every time isn’t it oh zimon that’s perfect that is so I didn’t realize that was going to be so satisfying it was fantastic that is 125 on the carry very nice very nice 126 carry yeah 143 total Brilliant

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