Golf Babe

Ranking All Pizza Tower Songs (Part 2)

Check out the game here:

Oregano Mirage (Oregano Desert) – 0:15
Oregano UFO (Oregano Desert B) – 3:05
A Grain Of Bread (Oregano Desert Secret) – 7:17
Tombstone Arizona (Wasteyard) – 8:53
An Undead Secret (Wasteyard Secret) – 13:00
Mort’s Farm (Fun Farm) – 14:27
What’s On The Kids Menu? (Fun Farm B) – 16:37
A Secret In The Chicken (Fun Farm Secret) – 20:00
Yeehaw DeliveryBoy (FastFood Saloon) – 21:27
A Secret in my Boot (FastFood Saloon Secret) – 24:28
Calzonification (Boss 2 Vigilante) – 25:57
Tropical Crust (Crust Cove) – 29:28
A Secret in the Sands (Crust Cove Secret) – 32:56
mmm yes put the tree (Gnome Forest) – 34:22
Gustavo (Gustavo’s Theme) – 37:43
Wudpecker (Gnome Forest B) – 39:48
Everybody Wants (Gnome Forest Secret) – 44:00
Extraterrestrial Wahwahs (Deep-Dish 9) – 45:17
An Interstellar Secret (Deep-Dish 9 Secret) – 49:24
Good Eatin’ (Golf) – 51:02
A Secret Hole in One (Golf Secret) – 55:05
Pumpin’ Hot Stuff (Boss 3 The Noise) – 56:50
Ooooh La Belle Noisette! – 59:38

#pizzatower #music #reaction #tierlist #indie #indiegame

What’s going on everybody it’s Izzy soda back again with the pizza Tower OST tier list now we left off at oregano Mirage oregano desert so let’s just get started with this part two more slap base action I love this Song Portento on that Square whoa flanger Effect we love flanger flanger flanger I think that’s what it’s Called this is a good Song Okay so I’m giving that Nest tier that is a really good song think I would put it above cold spaghetti maybe not Pepperman strikes cuz Pepperman strikes was really good all right oregano UFO okay this is like a more like calmer version I guess this one definitely sounds more

Like like Spacey than the other one like I mean it literally says it’s called UFO so that makes Sense I like that like those Rising Notes I don’t think I like this version I don’t think I like this more than the other one that fit all right Right Hasn’t really changed much oh oh [ __ ] never mind whoa there’s the battle toads guitar again literally right as I say it wasn’t Changing This version is significantly longer than the other One okay I didn’t think it was as good as the other one but I thought it was I still thought it was pretty good I think I put it um where would I put this I think it i’ put it I think above Wednesdays yeah that that’s I think that’s that’s that’s

Fine all right a grain of bread and a grain of sand oregano desert secret okay so this is just another secret song Again all of these are the exact same except for like the melody matching the level the levels Theme I might skip over these ones like not like skip the song entirely but like maybe like halfway through cuz they they tend to like Loop and then play Again Okay so that one was it was this one okay I’m just going to put it in with these ones I’ll put it there I’ll just put it there cuz I don’t even remember some of these all right oh Tombstone Arizona is a good one This is with the church organ right should Be Yep Oh here we go there’s that guitar pretty sure like almost all of these songs use a real guitar in them in them and very well I love This This is such a good Track it fits this level so Well N N Oh the howling in the background that is really good I think I’m going to put that in P tier above dungeon freak Show I love the use of the electric guitar in that and that and the church organ so yeah what is next and oh it’s another one there are so

Many I think there’s one for like every Level okay this one’s a bit better I think it’s just because of the melody for Tombstone Arizona N Oh I think it looped right an undead secret uh yeah it was good I think I like I like that one a bit more than the other ones I still think the one in Dungeon blood sauce dungeon was the best one but yeah overall it’s just another secret theme nothing too

Special mortz Farm Mort the Chicken okay this is I like how much different this song feels compared to the other ones this one feels is just this one’s just chill the other ones This definitely does sound like a song that would play on like a farm and I find that very Funny N this is a funny song I like It did it just loop I think it did all right um I think compared to the other ones the other zones it’s not as good think I’ll honestly I don’t think it’s I don’t even think it’s as good as the menu theme I think I think I’ll just put it in B

Tier all right what’s on the kids menu Fun Farm B okay this one’s this one’s already a bit this one’s already better voice crack He this one’s a Vibe I actually kind of like this One I like that little music box toy piano instrument that they’re using Here Oh Pitch change Why does it sound so scary all of a Sudden I’m not sure if it looped there and we’ll just we’ll just rank it just rank it um I did like it better than that one that one I think I would give it I think I’d put it here over unearthly Blues because I I did like that quite a

Bit all right so next another secret song a secret in the chicken what is the chicken’s Secret There a toy piano again All right I think it looped there what is it was this secret in the chicken this one all right I’m just going to put it in we’ll just put it here um ye delivery boy I love this Song this is such a good song I love it so much it’s so Goofy I always found this song and oreganol Desert Song to be so similar I think it’s cuz of the the slap base I don’t know why I think I like this more Though I don’t know what the vocals are saying I never figured that out don’t don’t understand what’s going on Here who um I think the composers or yeah Mr San is so good at making the levels fit the theme or making the the themes fit the level like this fits perfectly with the hey we’re not hey we’re not to you yet all right it was this one okay

That is a good song I think I would put that I think I’ll put it low P I love that so much I really love the use of like the whistles and the vocals and the the slap base and everything I think yeah I think I’d put it there

Eh I don’t know did I really enjoy it as much as I did Pepperman strikes okay I I’ll put it I’ll put it there I’ll put it there all right a secret in my boot another secret Song Again it’s just just Another like it’s okay but out of all the pizza Tower songs I wouldn’t choose to listen to the secret Themes All right so that one was a secret in my boot uh this one I’m just going to plop it somewhere in there I’m just going to put it there all right oh Calon ification I love this song this is probably like my one of my favorite boss boss themes in this

Game the guitar used here is so just nice to hear I really like that string pad The This is a really good song people sleep on this boss theme I Think there comes the best part oh those bells they’re from Kirby’s Dreamland 3 and they’re so Good Whoa Okay and then the base solo at the end all right I keep doing that I’m not trying to no stop okay okay that is I love that boss theme I do like it more than Pepperman strikes I don’t think gets quite Peete here uh you know what screw it yeah it

Is yeah it is people don’t like this boss theme I don’t know why I think it’s amazing I think it’s one of the better ones but yeah um why is tropical crust on here twice okay there we go go so tropical crust that’s the next One Mr DJ oh that was clean vocal that is definitely the same like come on from the Sonic 3 you all can’t see it but I am vibing vibing to These this is such a weird sax solo it’s an alto sax it’s from one of the sound fonts one of the many sound fonts that SAU man Uses actually I don’t remember if sa man made this one it doesn’t say here at the bottom it just says that the composers are those guys Oh there’s the Guitar And then the high hat solo at the end all right that is a really good song um that was this one okay I think that definitely deserved an aest here I think I’d put it I don’t think I no I didn’t enjoy it as much as I did

Yeehaw yeah I think I’d put it there that is I like I like the use of the vocal samples and like the then the piano and obviously the guitar the guitar the guitar is always good um what’s next what do we got oh I another secret Song How does that bit sound like megalovania all right again another secret song I’m just going to what is it called okay secret in the Sands all right secret in the Sands all right um I I’m just going to throw it in there all right next is yes put the tree on my pizza No Forest What monkey sound Effects Donkey Kong is that you Diddy Kong it sounds like Diddy Home I’m not going to lie out of the ones we’ve heard so far I’m not a huge fan of this one now we’ll just we’ll just keep listening cuz it could CH it could Change Okay yeah stop oh my God why is YouTube so [ __ ] shitty stop okay so that was this one out of the area themes we’ve heard I don’t think this one’s the greatest I think I’d put it high B I guess it was better than Mort’s Farm oh yeah it was

Okay next we got Gustavo good old pal Gustavo and Brick Not a whole a whole lot going on Here Did just Loop well we’ll keep listening just in Case I think yeah I think it did all right honestly I think that’ll be our first SE here it was it was it was just all right nothing special just kind of mid all right woodpecker this is the one with the Almond break isn’t it pretty sure it is yep

Yep I love almond Break I like how different this track sounds compared to the other one The Gnome Forest Okay my only criticism so far is it takes a bit too long for this Melody Melody to come In Ahahahahahahahahah W Nah I like it I like that I thought it took a bit too long for like that Melody to come in but um I’d say it’s a high a high uh did I like it I I I I I I’ll move to s i I liked it more than cold

Spaghetti all right actually you know what I’m I’m going to drop cold spaghetti down to an a yeah yeah all right next we got another secret level everyone’s favorite everybody like everybody wants to be a Secret All right I’m going to be honest it’s it’s just another secret song so I’m just going to throw it in B tier oh okay I’m just going to say it now this is my favorite track in the whole game and you will see why when we listen see it’s called extraterrestrial Wawas

Because it uses a WWA guitar I think that is a nice Detail Oh W It’s so good it is such a good song Hold on the good part is about to come in a minute all this this the whole song was good so far but this is the best the best part is coming It’s so Good Oh this brass part is also really good my favorite part is either either this part or the guitar riff or guitar Solo Oh Stop okay I’m not even going to hesitate I am putting that at the very top of P tier that is by far my favorite track in this soundtrack I love everything about it was just so good and it fits the level so well and I love that little da Punk

Solo in the middle it’s so good um and Stellar secret it’s another secret Song I think they I feel like they did deep dish n Dirty for the secret tee cuz I don’t really hear deep dish I don’t really hear extraterrestrial wahas This I don’t remember this Bit you know I don’t remember that bit in the last song I’m just going to we’re just going to throw it in be tier all right next good eaten my least favorite level it’s got a decent song though O Yeah I love this Melody O I love that little like choir synth or yeah choir it’s from the warrior land sound Font oh yeah the microwave samples I forgot about these A all right come on okay um it was good I think I’d put it I think I’d put it at the top of a i a low s cuz that out of these like compared to these area themes I don’t think it’s as good but I I think it

Deserves high it’s pretty good next is another secret theme a secret hole in One okay this this melody works better here not compared to the actual level theme I meant compared to the uh other secret Themes this is still again just another secret secret Theme W All right um again just another secret theme I’m just going to throw it in there okay pump and hot stuff this is probably my favorite boss theme has a lot of references in this one Sonic references specifically like the siren is from Sonic CD from um Stardust Speedway Oh yeah here we go that base that that beat drop is insane fun fact if you reverse this bit you’ll hear metallic Madness from Sonic CD yeah my favorite boss theme is either this one or one we’ll hear later the vocal samples are here are also well Done oh that’s Interesting the guitar is like panned to the right it’s going out of the the right ear all right that song is good really good I think I would put that um probably above its Pizza Time To be honest that’s a really good song um where’s the other one the noise at

One well I guess we just got to find it I found It I mean it’s nothing special honestly I wouldn’t even mind if this wasn’t on the list I think I I just i’ I’d put it there maybe above meat phobia cuz at least this one is not a minute long of just nothing except the same like Ambience

Noise but uh yeah it’s a whatever check so yeah I’m going to end this part here and uh if you all enjoyed please leave a like And subscribe and uh I will see you all in part three which I will probably do next weekend so yeah see you later goodbye

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