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Inside the Star: Cowboys Bringing McCarthy Back Looking More Likely? | Shan & RJ

David Moore of the Dallas Morning News recently released a piece saying a McCarthy return is the best option for the Cowboys. Everyone knows when Moore says it, that’s what the Cowboys are likely leaning toward. Shan, RJ, and Bobby react above.

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#DallasCowboys #MikeMcCarthy #DakPrescott

From news and notes to the coaches and players for America’s team let us go inside the star on 1053 The Fan still no news over there at the Ford Center of the star in Frisco yesterday in Cross talk the KMC Masterpiece said they believe if nothing happens by Friday at

The very latest Sunday based upon the Jason Garrett timeline when Jerry finally let him go that might McCarthy will be returning as the head coach of this football team good morning Metroplex hump day Edition and a shout out to the 6 a.m. club I’m Shan Sharie alongside Ralph James and now our

Cowboys Insider Bobby belt what are you reading what are what what you drinking what what you reading what you thinking uh I mean I it it it seems like it’s leaning more towards Mike McCarthy being back and So look Ryan make sure we focus on his eyes today I didn’t know whether you uh didn’t sleep yesterday you didn’t sleep I know for damn sure after this segment you didn’t sleep last night but look at the defeat look at the absolute defeat and then you you chose the wrong day to

Wear your hat backwards cuz you slows get that music get that zoom in music that they play for for different Hollywood shots right is perfect with bounc the feet in his eyes so we you each year when we preview things each year when we preview things we’re talking about oh yeah when Carter

Freeman in six months comes up to us and goes like hey guys I need your uh I need your prediction for the season come here tell me what you think the Cowboys record’s going to be when we get one of those or when we’re out there talking

About like what we see out on the practice field at training camp or it’s week three and they’re playing the Giants and we’re analyzing the game all of it ultimately will will mean nothing in terms of trying to project out to the Future because I can already tell you

How it’s going to end how it’s going to end next year is Detroit or San Francisco or Green Bay or whoever holding you down by the throat and beating the snot out of you and then Jerry standing up there and talking about how disappointed he is because he

Thought it was the best opportunity in front of them in the last 30 years and it’s all nonsense if you really cared this would have already been done if you cared about it now why do you think he could be coming back David Moore doesn’t write things for no reason in the Dallas

Morning News he doesn’t and Brad Sham this is this is the last three parag paragraphs of David Mor article David Moore writes before the game against Green Bay the only pertinent the only pertinent conversation about McCarthy’s future appeared to be whether or not the team would go deep enough to earn him an

Extension that’s off the table now how does Jones shift from that starting point to seriously considering a coaching change McCarthy has one year left on his contract so does Prescott unless until his contract is addressed a strong argument can be made that it’s in the Cowboys best interest to give these

Two one more year together before moving on that starts by letting McCarthy know he’ll be back for a fifth season before the week is done that’s a very strong take to have if you don’t already have an idea that that’s coming if he would have just left that first part

Like there’s an argument to be made I would have been like okay he’s just writing on both sides and you know you know compare contrast Pros cons but Denny wrote and that starts by letting Mike know before the week ends yeah it’s like you know like what was that what was that

Inclusion yeah there’s uh there’s a couple of schools of thought I mean one is like Ryan has the article up on the fan cam twitch and YouTube oh can’t wait to buy your drinks Pyon I got you too probably did he do he he he’s he’s been

I did a good drops yesterday he did a very good show the other day yeah this is a uh singular this is a good this a good like what is Jerry they them is God God I wasn’t there for that is Jerry letting him sweat is he just taking his

Time and doing his you know let his let his mood calm down I mean they still got probably 10 days of production on the Netflix series so you know they they got to fill with something you know I mean like and then you guys been tracking

This you should set up an account you guys have been tracking this Netflix series you Mota writing about this I just I can’t wait for the the the Deep NFL films voice like trying to spin the ending of that series of and then the Cowboys went out there and just

Embarrassed themselves SC 32 points sorry chop go ahead that’s what it’s going to be you know so like is he letting him sweat is he you know at what point does he owe his own organization and Mike for that matter an answer like you know like you let how long do you

Let Mike and limbo for you know he’s CU cuz the word is he hasn’t spoken to mik right like that’s that’s that’s a weird yeah the the David Moore article says they’re scheduled to speak Thursday or Friday that they have not talked yeah that’s a

Very odd thing to do like you know like there is a they don’t owe Mike necessarily anything but you know you do and also at some point as a manager you know like if you’re going to move on from him move let them know early that you’re going to

Move on from they’re thinking I think they has to be think they’re thinking and and I I like that I appreciate that I don’t I don’t I don’t want like some manager to come out or owner to come out here uh you know swinging from his hips

Left and right you know shooting from the hips or anything like that I just be measured about it I’m cool with that but also have conversation before Thursday too I don’t care how long they don’t speak to him uh after what happened uh and I’m just going to I’m just going to

Give you my honest reaction like my physical visceral reaction was disappointment uh because I want bill bellich I want bill bellich here or I want a hard ass um this team if you write down the different things that the Dallas Cowboys need and we should do this as an

Exercise later on just going around the room but the things that are on my list without hesitation are uh that’s coming up later I don’t want to set Bobby off this early I don’t want to get the zoom in shot again on the fake we’re already there but toughness details

Intelligence and not being completely terrified and s in your pants when the postseason starts um and I know belich has his downsides Hardball fine too hard ball fine too I can’t I have to be a little bit inspired to go in the next season that’s my biggest worry right now

Selfishly as a radio person I have to have a different storyline I have to have a different angle hope is such an important word my father told me this as I was growing up he’s like watch these Jesse Jackson speeches talking about h o p and if they bring Mike back

I don’t have any New Hope for the off season for training camp and for next year until we get to playoff game one and why would you think anything would be any different so this this possibility disappoints me right now what’s latin for run it back that’s what

They need to throw on their stupid shirts next year carp repeat sure whatever that may be this is just this is it when you see what happens on that football field which is to me you you guys might disagree to me that is the most embarrassing performance that

Football team has put on a field in 20 years that I can recall given the stakes given the expectations and everything else that’s just flat embarrassing it may not be the most painful but it’s the most inexcusable performance they’ve put on the football field and for you to see

That with questions already existing about his job and then you still go oh okay let’s do it again it feels like negligence what would this tell you about Jerry if he brought him back would this would this make you give some props to Mike bassic who always for years have

Sat in here and said Jerry doesn’t care he wouldn’t this whole write a check thing is a bunch of BS he’s totally fine with complacency 10 11 wins he’s good with the NFC East Championship how have you reacted to when Mike always says that and how would this make you feel

Towards those opinions I there’s too many people close to the team that when you and and you know we obviously get our own view of it publicly but there are too many people who talk about privately like it does not at him it does make him feel better

I just think the the evaluation process is broken the the the the process of evaluating why your team failed is just broken of course it is and so that like I I don’t think it’s I I just think it’s I I don’t want to use the word

That’s popped in my head but basically I just don’t think that they have I I I just think that Jerry’s completely misevaluated the cause of their symptoms you know people text line is is is and they can’t be mad about it by the way there’s they they have earn they

Have not earned the right to be angry about any of the criticism that’s levied against the Mike last Friday not want to talk about their toughness you you don’t get to have those visceral reactions anymore Jerry doesn’t get to be super angry and worked up when people say you

Guys fell short and you’re running it back on mediocrity again because it’s true until they prove otherwise here’s some of the stuff’s coming in the text line they need to go to witch Falls for training camp they need oppressive Heat uh we need we need to get a hard ass in

Here I agree jimy was a hard ass uh there’s plenty of hard asses that fail yes the Patriots uh used to train and still train in a very calm 78 to 85 de didn’t hurt them didn’t hurt them when they had Tom Brady where did the Chiefs

Train uh it’s hot I went there once hot it was it didn’t work when they had Alex Smith it works they got Patrick Mahomes I mean I’m not talking about going to a sauna I’m just talking about the stupid stuff we we see on Sundays with the

Penalties and and and getting coached up and you know little details I know that bill bich would fix all that stuff ass what he maybe fight with CD lamb I don’t maybe would he fight with Will mlay um yeah he might be trading one problem for another you might right you might fix

The penalties you might lose some of the locker room or or whatever it may be you know absolutely you might you you you but but but but I know that’s leadership would come into play that would fix hopefully fix that who knows 53 people quit on Sunday I don’t I’m not worried

About I’m not worried about locker room like like worse they but see they they quit at some point in that game yeah generally it was uh I think it was when uh old Brandon Aubrey’s foot connected with the ball with 15 minutes left in the first sh second quarter what was

That okay so you would have to you you honestly think that they were checked out mentally before the game started either com I don’t know how you want to describe it do you want to either describe it as completely unprepared which falls on the coach and staff completely terrified which Falls on the

Coaching stuff or just quit it’s one of the three that that F so what here’s what happened I don’t know if the first drive by Green Bay it became quit by the end for sure for sure yes yes but I agree with oh hang on it was six minutes

Ago they scored like they made it a two position game could have been it could have been the end um but the first drive happens all right and that was just a great drive by Green Bay give Green Bay the credit on that one and Dan Quinn the

Blame on some of that for soft coverage they were just like we’re not going to make mistakes they’re not going to beat us over the top we’re going to trust that Jordan love is not going to be able to you know patiently nickel and dime us

Yada Yad y then you get the CD drop on Third and eight and then they punt and then two plays later the interception that is when I think everything kind of clicked that oh boy here we go again it’s 14 nothing yeah you’re never going to convince me they quit a kickoff I

Think the Eagles were getting ready they were really close to kickoff to quitting I think they were they were they were out coached and they were uh they were terrified I don’t know if I can blame the coaches for The Players being terrified um but all all that stuff is

Semantics uh it’s just really uninspiring and it’s uh it’s a it’s it’s a little Sports depressing if this happens because then you got to worry about Jerry’s thought process and like have you ever said to yourself man if if they did that in that situation what else are they doing that we don’t

Know about like if Jerry Jones is thinking about this like that what other decisions does he make that stops this organization from thriving and getting to an NFC Championship game that’s what’s scary to me Damen Woody went off on ESPN about Mike McCarthy possibly coming back I’m damn sure getting rid of the

Coach I’m damn sure getting rid of the coach I don’t want to hear a damn thing listen we talk about I don’t want to hear about no 12 and five wins it’s that’s not it when it comes to the Cowboys everything when it comes to the Cowboys it’s about the postseason we’ve

Been talking about it year after year after year it’s the postseason when what are you going to do in nutc crutching time when it’s when everything’s on the line what are you going to do and yesterday we saw Matt lafl with the youngest team in the league in Green Bay

Go into Jerry’s world where they’ve been the most dominant team at home of any ball Club in the National Football League and absolutely dominate them and are we expect to run that back that would be crazy guess what Detroit’s not going anywhere Green Bay’s not going anywhere San Francisco’s not going

Anywhere I could go on and on these teams are going to get better in the conference we just say the Dallas Cowboys this was their best opportunity in like a quarter of a century to get to the Super Bowl and they got their ass handed to him yesterday and we supposed

To run it back jry Jones said to himself he doesn’t have have much time left okay he doesn’t have much time left running it back would be just stupid it would be totally stupid to run it back I agree Carpe reparte is what the truck or the

Gun text saying is repeat I don’t know that’s true or not sounds good yeah I I just I don’t know again I don’t know how you can see 53 when when 53 people collectively give you the say whatever is scared what you know unprepared whatever when 53 people collectively

Give you the same output the same energy that’s Coaching


  1. Jerry Jones became a Billionaire keeping our hopes up, not fulfilling our dreams. He has zero monetary incentive to win another SuperBowl.

  2. Belicheck hasn't won since brady left, so if he has to depend on the QB, how do u expect Belicheck to win. Brady won without belicheck

  3. The only way to make change is to hit Jerry in his wallet. Yall act like the Cowboys are God. Don't go to the damn games, don't by merchandise morons. He told the team he aint got much time left lol. Stephen gonna be holding up the Lombardi Trophy because his ass will be 6 feet deep.

  4. I agree with the take of wanting a hard ass coach. I also agree with the need for toughness, intelligence and details. I would add discipline as well. Dallas has the talent they need a kick ass coach.

  5. Welcome to Jerry's glory holes😂 This man knows how to draw money and attention to the cowboys even after making history last Sunday for the 1st #2 seed to lose to a #7 seed!

  6. This team has no accountability in this team. Dak knows This is the only team where he can mess up and still get extended. This is a flawed team. And i hope all fNs would stop this bullshit team. Stop listeni andfollowing this team. The team doest dezeve to be rewarded. Stop following 5his wack as team.

  7. Jerry Jones and his families business in Alabama was a bust for a reason. AND now Jerry is trying to break the Dallas Cowboys. Let the people own the Dallas Cowboys….like in Green Bay.
    Jerry Jones still has not fired Mike McCarthy because his hands are so soft in the circle jerk they partake in

  8. I swear on the Honor of my Mothers name, I will no longer be a fan of any type whatsoever if there is no coaching change.

    I alone makes no difference. But we could make a difference together.

    I sit by I passive participation in this world wide humiliation.

  9. We will be talking about the same crap next year at this time once again! These guys don't want to compete for championships

  10. What about Pete Carrol? Could he be a candidate? What do you all think? I think he’s a great coach and would be great for the boys. IMO

  11. He avoids hiring top-level coaches intentionally; he'd never accept a situation in which he wasn't the center of attention. That why he hires coaches like McCarthy, Garrett, Campo, etc.

  12. I said that 10 years ago. He has to much pride to let someone else run the team. I used to refer to him as the George Steinbrenner of football. 😆
    I’ve never cared much for him since he bought the team and fired Tom Landry that wasn’t right the way he did it.

  13. Is Jerry seriously this desperate to prove he’s smarter than everyone? I haven’t seen a single person (excluding Eagles fans) who’s in favor of McCarthy returning. Maybe we need to start an anti-smear campaign and make Jerry believe we love McCarthy like he’s Jimmy Johnson so he fires him just to prove he knows more than us

  14. Cowboys were living on borrowed time this year after the Detroit Lions got shafted in Dallas recently. Some would call the Boys getting smashed and embarrassed by the Packers is their karma. I would call it a fulfillment of who the Boys really are as a team once again coming to light. They've been a whole bunch of blablabla acting like they had an automatic path to the Super Bowl this year but now brought down to earth. But what's new? When Jerry says "we didn't see this coming" that fully proves they are waaaay past their skis and not in touch with reality. Living not only in "Jerry world" but living in a 'dream world' is the entire Dallas Cowboys organization.

  15. I know you so desperately want to blame it all on MM, Bobby, but it also has to do with leadership on the field and when you see your QB with his head down on the bench or sitting on his ass on the field like he is defeated (no pun intended), he has part of that blame too. The leadership of the team looks and acts like he is defeated instead of acting like this mf team isn't going to come into our house and beat us attitude and getting his players UP not down. I was thoroughly disappointed in Dak's lack of leadership (and I love Dak) that every player took their cues from and I must say the ridiculous change in the defensive scheme your team rarely played (zone vs man) that DQ did was a huge head scratch! Our players looked lost because of the lack of leadership on the field and not being put in a position to win from the booth!! They had no chance!!

  16. 28 yrs an there is only 1 common denominator an thays jerry jones he won 3 superbowls but he had all time great coach all time greats at qb at rb at oline at def u dnt have that now an most likely never will on the level they had in 90s so untill jerry self scouts nothing will change most likely

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