You’re Hitting The Wrong Part Of The Golf Ball In-Swing

Okay one of the most common faults I see in my lessons is a student not getting the trail arm pinned underneath the lead arm enough at the address position golf’s a sideways sport so it’s really important that we get this Trail arm pinned underneath the lead arm so we can

Effectively swing on this sideways angle see we commonly see students where the trail gets on top too much Trail arm is this way now coming into the ball going to be probably hitting more of the outside part of the golf ball with the handle back of the club head so again we

Want to feel like we’re hitting the inside part of that ball sideways sport sideways angle inside part of the ball

1 Comment

  1. I like the demonstration in the overtop view but your practice wing is showing a open club face so how are you shutting the club face in relation to your practice swing? Are you activating your right hand and rotating the club shut?

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