Golf Players

Episode 10 – Double Digits Baby!

Episode 10
Summary – In this episode Darryl & Jeremy are flying solo for our 10th episode! The episode is full of milestones for our little disc golf podcast. Jeremy ups his podcast set up. We talk about Edmonton’s putting league and some of the fun aspects of the location and games. Jeremy keeps his U-disc streak alive during the deep freeze in Edmonton when winter league was canceled. We touch on the big disc golf pro signings including some Canadian pros signing announcements. Darryl and Jeremy announce our plans for a Canadian Disc Golf Tour Fantasy Draft. Darryl tells us about the first Canadian professional disc golfer he met. We talk about Tundra Toss 3 and EDGA welcome day as well as some news involving Chain Out’s participation in the event. Darryl tells us about Thomas Gilbert’s most recent video of how much a pro disc golfer actually travels. Darryl shouts out our first official emailer to the podcast.

0:00-7:55 Milestone 1 and Jeremy’s podcast upgrades
7:55-16:00 Putting league update, Cattail Crossing, BR Disc Golf and Teri Hong’s putting challenges
16:00-26:45 Keeping your Udisc streak alive in the cold weather
26:45-34:25 Cheers, socials, milestones 2, 3 & 4
34:25-47:45 Canadian contract signings, Canadian Disc Golf Tour Fantasy Picks
47:45-56:00 Canadian pros to watch in 2024
56:00-1:05:06 Tundra Toss 3 announcements
1:05:06-1:15:15 Thomas Gilbert and what it takes to travel like a pro
1:15:15-1:17:32 Shout out to Paul Graff

@EDGA @BRdiscgolf @hyzerbombhong @cattailcrossinggolf @outofboundsrestaurant @Kristinswirles @maxregitnig @alden.c.harris @ChunkDisc @GanderDiscGolf @zoelorenzboser @sofiadonnecke @PursuitOfMotionPhysio @thomasgilbert54 @paulgraff @johendersondiscgolf @udiscapp
#PuttingLeague #NorthSideRules #StraddlePutt #SpeedDiscGolf #CDGT #CanadianDiscGolfTour #GanderSlander #TundraToss3 #SesameStreet #TheCount #UdiscStreak




Hey everyone welcome to chain out podcast I’m Jeremy with me as always is your co-host Daryl what’s happening everybody glad you could come along and listen to us on a special occasion how are you doing Jeremy I’m doing great special occasion darl what special occasion are you

Talking about is it the one I’m thinking about we’ve well we’ve got a lot of things to talk about a lot of special things happening on this episode but I mean the big thing that we can start with who thought that we would ever get episode 10 episode

10 boom after this I’m not going to be able to count the episodes on my hands anymore exactly I know 10 episodes one a week two and a half months we’ve been at this joury that’s all it’s been it feels like well I mean maybe when we start our patreon and we

Released those episodes that are in the vault to the uh the special subscribers but those ones are going to stay hidden for a while but we’ve uh yeah actually full 10 episodes that we’ve released anyway that’s right and those hidden episodes because I know some of our

Listeners are going to want to see them and say could it you know we’re still working in polishing right now this is actually a little bit polished compared to some of those episodes yeah they were um they were a lot um there were a lot to be desired

Yeah right they were very rough around the edges like you said if if people think that we’re Rough Around the Edges now well you know if this is if we’re recording now in uh 16×9 4K those ones were recorded on uh High eight video cameras that’s right it was on a

Photograph machine or something like that was what it was exactly yeah someone had to keep turning the wheel to keep it going showing our age now Jeremy but speaking of technology and looking and sounding great I didn’t realize that I was going to be joined by a professional radio

Broadcaster with a professional R uh uh professional radio broadcaster voice well I’m so glad that you noticed I thought that was your cue to give your uh your deepest darkest late night late evening drive home uh radio voice well I can do that so welcome to Cheno podcast where we discuss all

Things Canadian disc golf Alberta local you name it we talk about it there you go I I’d listen to that show oh well that’s good that’s what we’re doing I we have to listen to it every week I’m glad we like it exactly it’s good job I’m on

One right and I edit it I listen to it 15 times before it actually gets out to the listeners so yeah for sure well you know what it was you’re sounding good you’re looking good you’ve I mean there’s so much to there’s so much to talk about to start with people that are

Just listening on on Spotify hopefully there’ll be no more scratching there will be no more echoey tinny sound or anything like that you’ve got a new microphone set up yes and I do apologize to our listeners on previous episodes if they heard scratching that was not our

Guests that was a microphone hanging on my shirt but we’re trying to correct that and one of the big points was is that you and I have done these podcasts we’ve had guests on done a number of them by ourselves and side by side when

You look at you and I you know maybe your production’s a little better mine’s better but we feel pretty good about it but then last week we go and we have a professional podcaster as a guest yeah and I I I gotta say Joe just showed us

What it’s supposed to be like it it’s amazing that you know you this this term gets thrown around but you know social media influencer but she definitely influenced you because after you watched that episode back you were you definitely said that you needed to up your game and up your game you did

Jeremy you’ve definitely taken the step to the next level now we’re not we’re not quite at Joe’s level just yet I mean obviously uh our backgrounds have something to be desired we’re working on it every episode we’re trying to get better and she lifted the bar for us but she definitely influenced

You yes she did and uh hopefully our listeners are noticing the changes cuz we’re always trying to get better continuous Improvement is one of the things we say behind the scenes on a when we’re talking and we’re planning and strategizing and thanks to Joe for so many things thanks for her coming on

Um our last episode that was amazing it was so great to talk to her thanks for all the support she’s giving our podcast as well and yeah the motivation she did to say hey this is what the next level looks like she didn’t say that but just

By watching back that episode that’s how uh she impacted me that way so thanks Joe yeah yeah I think it was you know it’s been a great week for us since that episode released like you said the support from Joe and the support has grown in in our community as well and

We’ve seen that um you know there there there’s one way that you can track it in this industry whatever whatever this industry is classed as but in in this podcast world that we’re doing you know the likes and followers and comments and things like that has increased so we

Thank everybody for um for listening for watching for liking and commenting and things like that and if this is your first episode if you just watched Joe’s episode maybe this is your second episode that you’re getting into watch welcome along this is what we do we have

A little you know we have a good time we talk disc golf yeah we talk disc golf and we talk Canadian disc golf we talk Alberta disc golf we talk about what’s relevant in in that area and Arena we will touch on some of the big stuff

Because sometimes big news is just so big but we know there’s a lot of people covering it so you’re going to get your Canadian content when it comes to tolf with chain out absolutely yeah and and then for the people watching as well you’ve ued your background game as well

Jeremy I mean you’re looking like you’re on Celebrity squares or yes uh it could be Hollywood Squares Wheel of Fortune I don’t know what’s behind that disc or that disc I just uh tried to you know the board games that’s another passion another hobby of mine but that was

Another thing I noticed was that nice clean look that Joe had and I’m like how can I do that and a whole bunch of uh Construction paper and some discs and look where we’re at you don’t have to tell them how you did it Jeremy you have

Some sort of you know mysticism there you smoking special blocks that I got specifically for this uh reason no you’re looking awesome you’re sounding awesome ready to go for me episode 10 we got to roll out the barrel a little bit right that’s right and you know I can’t can’t continue without

Complimenting you too is I see you’re sporting another piece of edga gear today yeah got the nice uh Wonderbread stamp or Wonderbread design uh on the hoodie yes and I’m going to tell you right now if you’re looking you know we’re El in the winter we’re coming you know the the

Temperatures are fluctuating but if you want a nice warm piece of clothing to wear while you’re out dis golfing get the get the Edgar hoodie because tell you it is so nice and warm so nice and warm almost too warm at times I think depending on when you got a whole bunch

Of lights and spotlights on you exactly yeah to say that it’s not it’s not really a hoodie that you want to be wearing inside in a small office with lights on you yeah I’m I’m a little bit uh it’s a little bit warm in here but we’re plugging away we’re uh things we

Do to make the uh the show look better that’s right well let’s talk a little bit about a couple things that we haven’t got a chance to touch on and one of those things is that we’re two weeks into putting League now that’s happening in the Edmonton area yeah and I’m

Participating in that it didn’t quite work with your schedule but I’ve gotten out the last two weeks nice how’s it been going for you well the first week I felt like wow I felt like I started right where I left off when I ended putting League last year so it was like

No reset no nothing to learn I think I had a hot round where what you’re doing is you’re doing three rounds putting 25 putts in total five from 15 ft then from 20 25 30 35 and I had one round where I got 18 of the 25 putts and I was pretty

Happy with that that felt good uh and then we go into this week that just passed and it felt like I forgot how to putt all together but isn’t that typical the way that we play disc golf like you have that hot round you one week you play and

You can’t throw a disc wrong and then the next week it feels like you’re holding a plate in your hand and you just don’t know you know it feels like a for an object in your hand right you don’t know what you’re meant to be doing with it that’s right and sometimes with

That too is you go okay yep I’m going to release it and then you throw it right and you didn’t even mean to do it and i’ I’ve seen it on the on you know the pro coverage and it looks crazy and you’re like how are they doing that and then

You realize anybody can do that yeah exactly it’s just one of those things it’s human nature yeah well so with putting League 2 this year last year I guess I should start with that last year we were our first putting league with edga and we were in some schools we were

In some small older schools not a lot of space and that that’s what it was it was a school we did putting League we were there we left that’s how it worked out this year edga got an arrangement with a location called Cattail Crossing and it’s a golf course it’s a restaurant and

It also has a um kind of a reception area or a hall area attached beside the restaurant y so we have that whole Hall area space and we get access to this restaurant so the last two weeks I’ve had a chance to go and try a couple meals there before

Putting League starts I got a chance to meet Brandy who is the manager who helped facilitate this arrangement for putting league with us amazing lady she’s so nice so kind and so accommodating she just wants to make sure that our putting leagu is a success like I was worried that were right next

Door to the restaurant and I’m like you and I love the sound of chains but I don’t know if while you’re eating your dinner that’s the sound you want to he but apparently uh it’s not a big deal they knew what they were getting into and they’re more than happy with it so

That’s been a a a great change this year is the venue the location yeah that’s awesome and what about the turnout is H has it been well supported definitely I think we’ve had I I’d have to guess I should have counted is what I should have done maybe I will

This week but maybe about 30 people is what I would say are there so w that’s good yeah from what I understand the location is on the north side of Edmonton right on the outskirts yes North Side kind of you go out 127 Street past the police station and the

Correctional facility there right head east a bit and you’re there but for me I think it took me 20 minutes to get there from work 20 25 minutes so it’s not not bad at all yeah I know I think Brock was the one that set it up yeah Brock is organ

The VP of Ed yeah I think Christen must have had a hand in this because it seems like everything is on the North side again so I need to get it I’m not going to let this die well you know which side is better right there you go yeah apparently so

That’s that’s the rumor yeah so no Kristen’s involved she was actually there last week she was but she was putting I don’t know what she was I don’t think she was doing too much more than that but she was doing putting she was looking good there she had five

Nomads in her hand and was putting those down like nobody’s business but uh there’s a good turnout of edga board membership you know Mike K’s out there and Brock is there Tim is there you know I I could go through all the names but I’m still got to remember some because

We do have some new members so everybody who’s out there and helping out that’s fantastic the other people who are out there is uh BR dis golf is one of the sponsors and they’re a dis golf uh store out of Cameros right so they’re sponsoring it and representing them each

Night is Terry Hong who is an Alberta F Foo that uh we should work to get on the show sometime because another great FBO player from Alberta and uh Terry’s been making the night fun it’s been a good time so what happens is you’re doing your regular putting you’re doing your

Three rounds of 25 putts and then sometime in between there you mingle over and you go see Terry and week one what she did was she set up a basket 25 feet away and she said you’re going to go and you’re going to shoot 25 putts or

Throw 25 putts and they’ve all got to be straddle and now okay if you don’t know Terry she does have a very good um Fitness background and a coaching background and that type of thing there and I I think I saw through it right away I think she just wanted to make all

Of us Putters start squatting and getting in our exercise cuz by the time I did 25 straddle putts I felt like I’d squat quite a bit your thighs were burning a little bit there they were yeah yeah and that was good because that’s a obviously you know everybody has a style

That they like to putt but a straddle putt is a great putt to have because how many times do you end up where your disc lands right behind a tree how you going to putt you can’t putt with your normal staggered stance if that’s what you use

So you got to step out and do the straddles so yeah that’s it I mean it’s one of those things that there’s so many things that you don’t don’t practice because you think oh that never happens but that is that one or two times it can happen per round you know that could

Save you one or two strokes and then that could be the difference of first place second place right maybe not in our case but not yeah not in ours might be 42nd Place to 41st Place yeah but you know but yeah no definitely practicing those um and I’m sure like you said

Everyone has their favorite stance for putting so during those first 25 putts everybody’s going to be using that familiar stuns that they want to use right so good to take you out of your comfort zone and just see how good you are that’s right and I think I really

Like the way that um Terry and BR are building these extra side plan because what what’s happening is every time that you sink a putt and she’s videoing every one of those putts so I don’t know if she’s going to be putting together some sort of stop motion or time lapse or

Something um at a later date but it also gives her a chance so that she can interact with you and then count the putts later but every putt that you put in puts your name in for a draw and I believe it was like a $25 gift card to

BR so that’s fantastic it’s great so this week here what she did was she tied up some of the chains on the right side of the basket put you out 25 feet and you had to throw 25 anheiser putts so they had to come out come out on an

Annie and uh if you ask Mark because Mark was their friend of the show and uh he said Jeremy you made it look like you were going to throw Annie but if best they were flat Annie but I was I was telling them you know what they started to go right before they

Came back left that’s Annie it doesn’t matter how it happens exactly yeah that’s awesome yeah and and it’s another good thing is that she mixing it up every week you’re not having the same you know the same drills the same stance the same you know whatever every week so

Mixing it up every week keeps it interesting obviously keeps everybody coming back from work to see what she’s going to come up with next week I’m excited yeah we’ll see what she does come up with now it was good to have putting League because uh at the time of

Recording right now the weather has finally broke right yeah we are no longer in the Deep Freeze and it was quite the Deep Freeze that we experienced anybody in any of Alberta for that matter whether you were Edmonton or Calgary we had it how many

Days do you figure that was of that deep cold weather we got well I think it it started over about the Thursday Wednesday or Thursday I think is when it started to plummet and then yeah it must have been all over the weekend so I

Don’t know five or six days at least I would say if not longer yeah and one of those days with I’m just going to mention the temperatures that it plummeted down to like we’re used to cold weather in Alberta but I think this is probably probably the lowest that I’ve

Ever seen numbers you know showing up on uh on the Weather Network when I and I look to see how cold it is it was- 44 and it felt like- 54 is what I the last last number that I’ve seen recorded so I don’t know if you’re’ seen any different

But minus 54 was uh you know I think wind like we said like we said before once you get down anything past minus 30 minus 35 doesn’t matter what the number is it’s just as cold at that at that temperature anyway but yeah and and the

Funny thing about it is before the cold snap minus 20 and whatever we were seeing if we saw that was feeling cold and it’s just so funny how your body adjusts to the point that now that the weather is broke after having that deep cold weather you go out there and you go

It’s kind of nice out here but really it’s still really cold yeah well you know what everybody should have been wearing they should have been wearing their nice Eda hoodies and that would have kept them nice and toasty and warm yeah and if they had two then that would

Have taken them through that super cold weather there we go but yeah like you said the uh the weather’s breaking now we’re starting to see the temperatures rise up again well and part of that was with that cold weather it ended up cancelling winter league um on the

Saturday that happened in there that would have been in week um I want to say seven was it I think it was week seven so there was a decision to be made on it and maybe it was week six but the decision to be made on it was whether we

Would have a round a week round where we would play two rounds in a row to make up for it or we tack a extra week on to the end of the league so we chose that as the option but we a little bit of inspiration

Because I think when we were on the show and we were talking about that cold weather winter league coming up you made me call out and I said oh I’m going to call this out and you said we’re going to be a stickler on what calling out is

Jeremy it’s not being wishy-washy it’s actually making a decision exactly yeah so I’d made a decision that I wasn’t going to play in that episode and as a result winter league was already cancelled so that that was decision was made for me but then what started Weighing on my mind

And not just mine but also Janna’s a listener of the show was that if we didn’t play on Saturday cuz I don’t know if udisk rolls over on Saturday or if it rolls over on Sunday yeah I’m not sure but with this streak right like and you

Had said you know your streak got reset when you were not feeling well there so that that had happened but I was still running a 41 we streak and Janna knew she had a good streak too I think she was at she said she was a couple weeks

Ahead of me so she must have been at a 43 we streak so she went out bundled up played nine holes at Hermitage and took some pictures and I think you saw them she was just totally frosted over her hat her her face covering everything was

Frosty so real big props to her for getting out there and getting nine holes done at Hermitage yeah absolutely I mean I commented on it as well like it takes takes a different type of person to have that commitment to disc golf you know keep that streak alive to want to go out

There you know even if you only did the nine holes it’s it still counts us around and yeah good props to her like you said we’ve mentioned her before on the podcast so well done to Janna for going out there keeping that streak alive I know somebody else who did it as

Well yes there is somebody else and that would be me so yeah check our Instagram or Facebook you’ll see the or even on Tik Tok or or even on uh YouTube I think we posted a a nice little video that you put together um of what it took to keep

That commitment alive and it was a little different I think Janna might have played a regular round my goal was to get a little content and get in and out as fast as I could so I put on as many layers of clothes as I could

Grabbed two discs a Putter and a mid went to liol played nine holes and ran as much of it as I could yeah I think uh the end of the video you or maybe at the beginning of the video you posted the time that you started and the time that you finished

And how long did it take you to complete your nin Hole Round took me 14 minutes 14 minutes and I think you finished was it four over four over yep I had actually a couple decent putts but you know what I found was remember when we said if it’s cold your discs are

Going to be understable yeah well I was throwing for my mid was a wombat 3 which is a slightly understable disc and I threw a couple forehands and that thing turned into forehand rollers in the snow well that’s good that you know and so so forehand roller so they they were

Understable or they were overstable no no they were they were understable so I think I had um tried to throw them flat but they would just stand up on their end and then and roll and just roll down yeah I’m not familiar with the wombat so yeah it’s not too understable

Just a bit but anyways 14 minutes and now my wife was really great she came out she parked she took a couple of those videos that one of me running thank you very much Jen shout out to her I don’t know if she listens we gotta got to get her on as a

Listener what do you mean she doesn’t listen I don’t know she hears my voice enough she doesn’t want to hear another hour exactly this is her break from you she doesn’t want to carry on listen to you again that’s right so she did some of the videos and that and then of course

So she was waiting the car was warm so as soon as I was done I was able to jump back in the car and we went home and then she looked over at me and she said so now I know Jeremy it only takes 14 minutes for you to do n

Holes yeah when you say you’re gone for two hours where are you what are you doing exactly I said but but but but and she’s like and you only shot plus four I’m like but but but but oh that’s funny yeah no that was good good um like you said I know you

Were doing it for the content and things like that you you kind of messaged me beforehand some ideas sort of thing but um yeah it seems to be you know one of those things that I mean were you doing it for the content there must have been

A little part in the back of your mind that was actually doing it to still keep your streak alive oh no that it was that was foremost in my mind I said I got to keep my streer alive and this isn’t going to be a regular round because I

Just got to get it done that was what I knew I wasn’t going to be taking a lot of time on the T box this was get out there and get the C get the nine holes in and then get back out again but I

Thought can I make this fun and that was what I hope uh if anybody for those who watched I hope you enjoyed it because that’s what it was it was about fun yeah it was funny that you say that it was it was funny to watch you throw that drive

On well I don’t know which hole it was probably hole two or three uh six six oh that was six okay but um yeah before the disc had even left your hand you were almost starting to Sprint after it I’m surprised you didn’t overtake the

Disc but maybe it was the layers in the snow yeah exactly yeah I’m pretty sure that’s a competition Daryl that’s a sidebar of course but there’s a competition where it’s like the furthest you can throw a frisbee and catch it I think that’s part of like the the

Competition they do every year yeah yeah I’ve heard that as well yeah I was thinking that you were going to say because I know there’s um like Guinness records and all that for the fastest round of disc golf and things like that and certain requirements that it has to

Come into but I I wonder uh you know maybe we can do some research or whatever but if anybody knows what the uh the fastest round for a round of dis golf is I mean you must be flinging that thing as far as you can and then I guess

At that point you’re only as slow as as you can run that’s right and and it’s also your shots do have to be somewhat accurate because if you throw way wide and you’re taking five or six shots on a hole well that’s going to slow you down you’ve got to still have a

Little bit of accuracy or at least putting it closer to the basket each time yeah no exactly yeah but yeah good good um good job for both uh chain out podcast host and chain out podcast listener for keeping their streaks alive so good job for both of

You thanks Daryl and I did not keep my streak alive I let mine the lapse and I’m starting all over again so I uh didn’t venture out this time well and I guess maybe that’s something about it it depends on how how many weeks you

Have of your streak so 41 I went out in that weather what did you have four going maybe five going yeah it was yeah not very many yeah yeah so but I think if you were at 4041 you would have been out there right beside me I’m

Sure yeah I probably would have been if you know it’s a different story when uh I mean yeah I probably would have done and I think I would have only done because you did oh that that competitive if I’m keeping it if I want to keep my streak alive then I’m obviously trying

To keep be keep competitive with you and if you went out then I would have had to gone out yeah so with that in all this talk about udisk streaks so you’ve reset yours a number of people probably did who didn’t get out I’m sitting at 42

Janna sitting at 44 drop a comment let us know what your U disc streak is and if it’s it’s really high we want to see a pick from your phone too CU we want to want to see the proof that you’re at 97 or whatever you’re at so yeah

Exactly yeah now we won’t have a problem this week because with the weather winter league will be back on so we’ll be at Rundle and we’ll give you an update after that uh probably on our next episode but it is good that we’ll be able to get back out there and play

Again yeah I’m excited to get out again although the uh the snow has fallen so we have to go back to the ribbons or you know going out with a partner and things like that but uh it’s excited to get back out it’s been a while yeah well

And if you can find some people to go out you can get out and you can socialize and and do all that stuff that makes a good round just want to pause for a second Jeremy because I’ve been I’ve been waiting for a break in the conversation

To acknowledge it but I just want to say Cheers Cheers the minions say cheers okay good that’s all I wanted to say just wanted to make sure that everybody was aware that we’re still keeping the streak I see I can keep this streak alike streak alive episodes I go with a drink I’ll

Keep that that’ll be something for the future that’s right so Daryl what do we leave to the end of the episodes but we’re not leaving to the end of the episode this week we say it we say it every week that we need to shout it out earlier and then

We kind of get distracted I mean In fairness to us we’ve had a lot of guests on the podcast recently so that’s been our main priority uh making sure that we accommodate them for time and things like that make sure that we’re available when they’re available so um things have

Kind of cropped up in that regard but we always leave it to the end if you do get to the end of the podcast you will notice that we tend to shout out our socials at the end um but we’re not going to do it this week if you’ve

Gotten this far in the episode which we hope yeah drop a like on the video or or on the uh podcast let leave us a review on Spotify and apple if that’s where you’re listening if you’re watching on YouTube uh leave us a comment make sure you drop a like on the

Video and subscribe why not if you’re already listening to this far you know hopefully you’re enjoying it subscribe and you’ll get to watch all of them and get notified whenever we drop another video so yeah if you want to follow us on YouTube search for YouTube forchain

Out podcast same on Facebook if you want to follow us over there Jeremy keeps that up to date uh that’s chain out podcast on Facebook chain out podcast on Tik Tok we’ve been uploading a few more videos on Tik Tok as well now uh we are on Twitter but that’s kind

Of a repost from some of the other socials but chain out podcast on Twitter as well and on Instagram chain _ podcast so make sure you follow us over there um we’re always putting content out daily content in fact yes you’ve been doing a great job

About that um always I always want to give you a pat on the back you mentioned I do Facebook and you said I’m putting content regularly well not half as regular as you do so great job on everything you’re putting out there for us and and as your our listeners if you

See something that you like let us know if you see something you’re like H not another one of those let us know that too we want all kinds of feedback because we’re trying to make a a product that you want to consume and we appreciate you for listening to it and

Being part of this with us and I Know It kind of you know like I’ve said before if you’ve listened to the other epod episod where kind of gets it falls on deaf ears almost when the uh the host of the YouTube channel or the podcast or whatever says don’t forget to subscribe

And leave a comment and leave a like smash that like button yeah it really helps the algorithm but you know I don’t think we’re really too concerned about algorithms and things like that at this point I think what we’re concerned about is that people are listening and they’re

Leaving a comment to say great episode I like you know maybe they’re not saying great episode but whatever whatever they want to say just to interact with us to let us know if we’re doing a great episode tell us what you didn’t like leave a comment just to so we know that

The people that are actually watching the videos get to this point in the video and it’s not um you know a 10-minute watch and then it’s you know it might count as a view but are you actually watching the episode and getting some uh some benefit out of it

So yeah so definitely so you guys just so you know darl and I enjoy doing this and we’re going to continue to put out this content by you guys leaving a comment and giving some feedback you can help us Direct on what you want to hear but rest assured we’re going to keep

Putting it out no matter what so yeah absolutely now you were talking earlier about a bunch of achievements that we had um so talking about our social and this is not call out to keep subscribing we did that part but we do want to give you guys and celebrate some of the

Things that you’ve helped us achieve with our socials so far and darl’s got a a little list for us that are couple examples yeah so I mean there some of the uh the Milestones might seem little to you but to us there there kind of Leaps and Bounds you know from what we

Expected and from where we’re going and what we can see happening but on the last um episode or sorry two episodes ago um we mentioned that on YouTube we had 40 subscribers which was double what it was the previous time that we announced it but now as of today we have jumped up

Again and as of today we are up to 53 subscribers which is amazing for us to think that we’re you know we’re jumping you know every every time we check we’re gaining a subscriber a day sort of thing or they keep going up so yeah keep um whatever we’re doing we’re thankful for

Everyone that’s tuning in from however you’re finding us whether it be from watching previous episodes or whether it’s um you know you stumble across us on Tik Tok or Instagram or however it’s getting out there but we appreciate everyone for subscribing yes and I don’t know if I’ve

Ever told you Daryl but I grew up on Sesame Street that was that was the show that’s what brought me up and my you know I have I still have a Grover stuffed animal he’s one of my favorites right uh but I also do remember the count and that’s what I’m getting

Reminded of this EP uh this one here so it’s like 10 10 episodes 53 subscribers like that’s what I that’s what I feel like and that makes me excited yeah exactly well I hope you don’t want me to do the voice but you could do the next one as

Well but the little milestones and like you said we’re not really keeping track of who beats who or or where we are and things like that but another Milestone that we recently hit um well there’s two really but on uh on YouTube one of our videos now has over a hundred views 100

Views that one caught me off guard I wasn’t expecting it yes 100 views yeah so go and go and have a look on H there you go go have a look on YouTube Excuse me go have a look on YouTube and write in the comments which episode got over

100 views hopefully by the time you get this to watch this video there’s more than one definitely yeah and the other other um Milestone that we just hit which was just recently um one of our reals on Instagram we had a notification but it far surpassed the notification the

Notification was that one of our reals had over 500 views but when we last checked it I think it was at 5 670 670 views oh that’s hilarious yeah so six I don’t want to say any more numbers now that’s it if you say a number the Count’s coming out this

Episode yeah that’s Please Subscribe please comment everything is going up and thank you for everybody who already has and for everybody who’s sharing this with with their friends and with their family we really appreciate it thank you now one of the things we are going to

Get into and we want to kind of this is a little early in the year we’re still in offse and uh talking about offse um there’s a lot of different stages of offseason I guess you could kind of say we were talking about that a little bit

Off air it feels like when you get into disc golf offseason then that’s that’s it it’s off season and then you get into uh playing season and tournament season but really the way we look at is uh there’s a little bit of offseason and what that happens is usually Before

Christmas before the end of the year everybody is very Cy about what’s happening players don’t tell you where they’re going and what they start to do is they start to dump their discs and they start to the manufacturers start to dump their discs so that starts the

Rumors are they moving are they going somewhere else and then after that what happens is we get into the new year and we start getting big announcements of people moving and where they’re going to and we start to find out that information and then we start to see

That they’re putting out their um tournament schedules and and that kind of thing there and after that we get right back into uh what do we get to the all-star weekend yeah and then we get right into the season so we’re kind of right in the middle of that and there

Were some big announcements here and as we said we’re Canadian disc golf podcast but we do want to mention There Was You Know big announcement Eagle McMahon of course going to MVP reuniting with Simon that was a big one yeah and what else yeah we also had gur leaving prod of and

He signed with dmania Y and another another no name big name Rising Star joined him at at dmania Alden Harris good to see him he left um Prodigy as well going over to dmania and on the Canadian side speaking of dmania Max vnik also resigned with

Dmania so six years I believe that he’s uh been with dis Mania now yeah and and Max is one of those guys I think you’ve had a chance actually to see play when you were spotting out at uh the Edmonton open at Bailey Crossing last year right

Yeah yeah he was one of the os’s over there yeah I think he ended up finishing second at that tournament but yeah definitely good guy seeing him throwing on my hole yeah and I saw him out at TCO as well and yeah he’s a great player so congrats to him on having another

Contract with discmania and hope to see lots of good things out to him and then we do have some pros maybe Canadian Pros who haven’t really announced where they’re going and U where they might be we’re still waiting to see I think if Shantel binsky resigns with Prodigy and

Um and I don’t know if uh Thomas Gilbert’s contract is up or not but he’s with thought space right thought space currently yeah I think uh and I think like you said to a certain degree I think I don’t think we’re going to see too many more announcements I think you

Know people want to get um they want to get those announcements out the way they want to get them um signed and things like that so that they can kind of move forward get that prep workk going for the rest of the offseason so that they’re good to go

Don’t have to do any press or don’t have to keep things under wraps much longer because imagine it’s it’s kind of difficult for when you’re you know you’re going to sign with another team or a manufacturer um you know you you kind of have to keep your obligations to

The the sponsor that you’re on but yet you also want to be getting out there and you know you know being more vocal I guess you’re excited that you’re just signed with a new manufacturer you want to get out there maybe you got a you

Know a new stamp on a disc that you want to promote as well so uh you don’t want to leave it too late in the season to be announcing those sort of things but true and well once you do kind of get that under wraps and they start announcing

And then they start planning what their tournaments are I hope to hear soon a little bit more about the Canadian disc golf tour because we haven’t heard we’ve heard a lot about the pro tours that are happening down in the US but we haven’t heard um any of the locations or the

Tournaments that are going to be part of the Canadian disc golf tour this year we do know some of them that were part of it last year for example tournament Capital open out here TCO in cam loops um the Big Bear classic in Canmore was part of it Falcon’s flight they were all

All part of it last year hopefully they are this year as well but we want to talk about the Canadian disc golf tour for a moment because darl you had a great idea of how we can kind of have some fun with the tour this year and

Maybe get the audience and the listeners involved as well yeah you know it was kind of inspired by a few other podcasts and things like there where they um they’ve done their own takes on the uh the pro tour but they’ll do a a fantasy pick um they’ll different versions of it I’ve

Seen um but you know on podcast Two Hosts each get their picks and uh pick their players and then uh you know whether it be week by week or at the end of the year um bit of a fantasy uh disc golf draft bit of a different spin on it

For us uh I know you were excited about it as well when I mentioned it so it’s it’s going to be good because it’s not just going to be on the pro tour we’re actually going to be uh using the Canadian disc golf tour so we’re going

To be picking different players from the pro tour so that’ll get you you know hopefully we’ll be throwing out some names that not many people have heard giving other people shout outs on the on the Canadian tour and uh hopefully you’ll get to learn some new names uh

Going forward yep so if you want to follow some sort of fantasy draft for the disc golf pro tour which is the one that a lot of people are familiar with in the US lots of podcasts can take care of that for you but we’re going to

Specifically when we talk about Pro Tour we’re talking about the Canadian disc golf tour and we’re going to follow the Canadian pros and sometimes we’ll get a US Pro come up to some of those tournaments as well but that’s the one so if you get out there and you go to

Cdgt so the initials Canadian dis golf you’re going to get some information there but Daryl we worked we you know spitballed we threw some things around why don’t you let everybody know what we’re going to try to do with uh with this fantasy pick yeah we went back

And forth on a few different scenarios and and a few different ways on how we thought it could work and I think we came came to a conclusion in the end I think that works for for everybody so the way that we’re going to do it is

We’re going to pick six players uh six Pro players every week or every every tournament yes every tour has to be three Mo as well as three fpo so we have to have six players on our on our team for that tournament but we’re going to

Do the picks in a snake draft so whoever picks first gets to pick the you know the top pick they get one pick then it goes to the other player that person then gets pick two and pick three and then that will go back over to the first

Player where he’ll get to pick uh pick four and pick five and so on and so forth down until we’ve got 12 players picked right and with that we’re not going to focus on one that’s it’s open pool it’s no fpo pick who you want yeah absolutely it’s not no first FBO it’s

It’s mixed pick pick who you want whoever you you think is going to do best for you that week now the reasons why you might want to pick certain people is based on our scoring system is whoever you pick if they win the tournament you’re going to get five

Points if they come in second or third so if they make a Podium finish that’ll be worth three points and then if they finish in the top 10 that’ll be one point so best case scenario every one of your pick finishes first second and uh on the podium six

Spots available the best you’re going to get is 22 points right so you could end up with a 22 and zero a week 22 points for the person that has the lucky picks zero for the loser hopefully you’re not predicting what to come well you never

Know but yeah I think it’d be pretty hard to pick uh you know top six on you know top three on both sides but um that’ll be the scoring so what that’ll do is then week by week or sorry tournament by tournament um we’ll be adding up those total points so it might

Be 10 points to 15 points you know one week it might be 12 to six the next week it might be 22 to zero the next week so we’re going to add those totals up at the end of the season the person with the uh the most point points is going to

Win the points total right now flip side to that if you win uh let’s say you win 16 to 15 uh total points that week well then you’re going to win on that tournament sorry uh you’re going to get one point in the the tournament standings so tournament by tournament

Whoever wins regardless of points if you just win if you have the highest total you’re going to win that week so at the end of the season we’re going to see who had the most amount of of uh tournament picks um tournament wins right so that’ll be the second way to win and

Then if it turns out that I win the the weekly points the total points um league and Jeremy just happens to win the weekly uh the tournament uh League yep that’s where you come in you the listeners you the viewers because every week we’re going to release our

Picks and then however it works we haven’t decided on the ins and outs yet we’re going to we’ll release more dates but when we get closer to the the draft and things like that the T the fantasy drafts but when we release our picks you’re going to have a chance to vote on

Who you think has the better team and who’s going to win that week so if at the end of the season I’ve won the points totals for example Jeremy’s won the league totals Whoever has the most listener viewer picks will be the deciding vote

So you get a chance to vote as well yeah I think that’s a pretty fair way of doing it right I think it is and the nice thing about the Canadian disc golf tour is you mentioned weeks um but really and you had said tournaments it’s really what it boils down to his

Tournament so there’s going to be a lot of time so we may have our picks decided for a tournament a week or two before the tournament happens and then you’re going to have a chance to vote for a couple weeks for who’s got the better picks and then we’ll see what rolls out

Of the tournament and then we’ll start getting ready for the next one yeah I think uh you know it’s just ingrained into me to say weekly picks and all that but yeah definitely picks picks for tournaments um who knows what our schedule is going to be like when we

H get back into the Disc Golf Scene obviously uh we’re going to want to be playing in a lot of tournaments this year or as many tournaments as we can um we hope to have some guests on the podcast so we’ll have to try and squeeze the podcast interviews in

Excuse me um as well as you know our own uh League um participation that we’re going to try and get into as well so the summer months are definitely going to be busy for us um whenever we release the episodes what we were discussing was maybe having a a quick short 15 minute

Or whatever it might be a little side podcast that we released so you’ll still get the weekly episode where we talk everything disc gol have some interviews things like that but we might also look at releasing a smaller bite-sized fantasy podcast as well or episode maybe

We’ll still I it might still be under the chain out podcast um brand or not brand but it’ll still be it’ll still be us but instead of it being your Wednesday um weekly episode you know we might release one on a Thursday or a Friday just closer to the tournament

When we make our picks um and release that one as well so you might be getting some bonus episodes for that so stay tuned we haven’t exactly decided all those details yet but that’s what the draft is going to kind of look like um I’m excited for it I think uh you

Know I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do the Canadian tour again and I think the way that we’ve have it set up the fact that we have to pick three Mo three Foo and like you had mentioned before like if it is a weaker male field or uh Mixed Field you the

No and you know that there just happens to be you know like you’ve said before it doesn’t nothing stopping any of the um professional players you know South of the Border coming up to play in any of the tournament so there may be one week where who knows Paige Pierce comes

Up and and wants to participate in a tournament you might think that she has you know she’s got that nail that win nailed in so you take her first yeah that’s exactly how it could happen now I would tell everybody who’s listening is this is our way we’ve actually gotten some feedback already

That people have enjoyed our Canadian content side because it’s giving them an opportunity to hear more about Canadian disc golf and stuff that they may not have followed before so this is just one more way that we’re trying to offer that to you and get some names that maybe are

Not your household names we want to start making them your household names and getting you to pay attention to them beyond the Simons and the Pauls and and all of those people so what I’ve got here and I’m not going to spend long on it but I’m just going to throw some

Names to you these are some people who were leaders in the 2023 Canadian Disc Golf Tour tour so when you get to the cdgt doca website you’re going to check this out now who finished first last year in the mo side was someone who’s relatively close just in the neighboring

Province to us and that’s Casey Hanam so that everybody everyone should be familiar with that name and if you’re not get familiar because you’ll see him around he’s a great player I think one of his uh handles is like chunk discs or something like that isn’t it that’s what

He is on Instagram yeah chunk discs yeah so he’s a great player he came out to the Edmonton open this past year and and we got a chance to interact with him and he he took part in the gander slander that was there and he threw so many

Discs after his round to help for our entertainment and to get us some prizes and that was that was great a really good guy you know one of the recent Trends on Instagram was to post a photo of you with the first professional that you ever met okay and I never had a

Photo with him but Casey was the first professional that i’ ever been with and you know obviously casy was sponsored by Gander disc golf and I volunteered at the Edmonton open he was there as well and you know after the tournament everybody had packed or everybody had

Left all the players had gone home I volunteered to help take down you know the tents and things like that and everything else that needed to be helped out and Casey was there right there with me he was taking poles down to the tents he was packing things away you know just

Such a good guy that you know he’s not one of those uh mpos it’s going to be like oh I finished the I finished my work now you know I’m a I’m a discer I’m going to jump in my car and head home or whatever he was doing I’m sure he was

Probably staying or had some ties to Kelvin anyway so he couldn’t leave until he left but yeah no definitely you know not afraid to get his hands dirty either so yeah good good guy yeah that’s awesome it just shows you how down toe uh some of these Pros are and how

Accessible they still are and that’s what that’s what’s great about this sport so other names and I’ll just uh blast through them here is uh Brian Free you’re going to want to check check out Noah Higgins he’s out of Calgary he was also at that same tournament of course

You know Thomas Gilbert if you don’t um get following him because he’s uh one of the Canadian mpos who goes and goes out on the disc golf pro tour we mentioned Max retnik earlier he’s won yeah and then after that I’m going to leave it to you that’s the top

Five from 2023 if there’s any names you wanted to highlight there uh darl go ahead but um no I just I was just going to say if you look at the standings you know you might you might see some names that you recognize but they might be

Further down the list but if you look at across you’re going to see the total um you’re going to see their total points for the season but then you’re also going to see the breakdown of the different uh tournaments that they played in and just like you said Thomas Gilbert is

Probably you know if not the one of the top Mo players in Canada the best Canadian you know um disl for export whatever you want to call it but he only finished fourth on the list you’re thinking well how good is he if he he had 283 points and Casey was 200 points

Ahead on 485 but if you look across obviously with his schedule Thomas only played in three events Casey played in five so just because they’re lower down the the list doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re they’re not great players it just means that some players are just staying on the east side some players

Are staying on the west side like you said max also goes down and plays on the um the pro tour as well so um yeah definitely go and check out their names and all that and uh see you know there’s a lot of Edmonton uh Pros on there that you might

Recognize people in our area you know Riley Douglas is on there he finished 18th uh Jeremy goer you know lots of different names on there that you’re going to recognize but hopefully you get to recognize a few more in the upcoming weeks when we uh start this yeah that’s another good point to

Know early on and and uh just to say that this last year was the first year of the Canadian disc golf tour they had nine events and one of them was a major and that was Nationals in Thunder Bay so that one gave one and a half times the

Points but I don’t think uh well actually I know you and I looked through it and there wasn’t a single player who was able to get to all nine tournaments last year but maybe this year now that it’s the second year and people are still in that planning stage if they

Announce the the tour stops soon then we might see players who make it to seven eight n stops on that tour but let’s not forget to move over to the fpo so on the fpo some of the players that you’re going to want to watch is uh finish

Number one last year was Colleen McKinnis she’s from uh Ontario or out east I believe I’m not too sure but I’ll believe okay well that’s one of the things we’re going to learn number two is someone we’ve already mentioned tonight on the podcast FBO Alberta player Terry Hong Terry Hong just

Finishing just Five Points behind Colleen so must it was a tight race there right to the end and like you said uh well we get her on the show which we’re going to work to do I’m sure she can tell us all about her experiences in

The tour and what she’s got planned for this year so that’ll be great that’ll be a great episode yeah in number third or in the third position was Gabby Lee and she’s another uh Great Canadian Foo and she’s sponsored announced that she’s sponsored by MVP this year MVP yeah

Absolutely yeah I think she’s resigned yeah and then Sophia deneki she is on the list she’s also sponsored yeah and just as a sidebar um she just announced that she’s going to be going down to Australia to represent Canada um I forget which tournament it is or which

Um what she’s representing Canada in I think it might be you know what I’m G to let you carry on the names and I’m going to find out for you because that’s important okay and while you check that then I’m going to just announce that the

Fifth person on the list is Jessica Gia and again if you look on the foo list you’re going to to see a number of local names and people you know Zoe Loren boer’s on there she’s a great Alberta uh player you’ve got Shantel badinski who is one of the other players who goes

Down to the States to play in the dgpt and as we mentioned before the first Canadian player to win a dgpt event and um so she’s she’s going to be someone to watch if she gets to play some of these events this year and then also we we we

Would be remiss if we didn’t mention our guest from last week Joe Henderson is on here as well yeah yeah no oh and for that matter too sorry I got a one more shout out with that for that matter as well not only is Joe Henderson on there our other

Fpo guest Kristen swirls is on this top list as well so lots of people we’ve already talked to and people we hope to talk to that’s uh who you got to watch out for yeah no I’m excited to to go through the list and you know the more

Episodes we do to be able to go through these lists and just check off the people that we’ve had on on the on the um the podcast yes but I want to just circle back to Sophia Deni that she recently posted uh her and Stuart mckisic are going to be part of the

World team Canada world team Disc Golf Championship going down in Australia so I’ll put a link in the in the description there because they are releasing some pretty nice sick um stamped discs um they look like they’re Innova Discs um they’re going to have expect to see some Firebirds Valkyries

Shrikes destroyers wraith Tauros the list goes on she says with the the stamp on it so I think every stamp or every disc that you buy is going to support her efforts and and the team Canada for going down under to represent them down there in that tournament so yeah good

Good for her great so stay tuned that’s what’s going to happen with the Canadian disc golf tour and our participation in that uh in that tournament yeah and hopefully we get to play it a few of those events too cuz they are out in our area and I’ve got them on my

List yeah speaking of uh looking at tournaments that we’re going to play and we want to play next year one of the ones that we would want to play is that this episode that you’re listening to our planned release date and we hope that you’re listening to it at that time

Is January 25th so tonight at 8:00 p.m. this is where I want to get the radio voice now I’m really loving this darl do it do it go for it tonight tonight at 8:00 p.m. mountain standard time in Edmonton Alberta Tundra toss 3 registration opens be there or be Square so to totally pumped man yeah no I’m excited yeah I uh so this was the like I’ve mentioned before this was the event where I went and picked up my bag tag last year because it’s like you said it’s um not only is it the tundra toss 3

Um tournament that’s happening there the one day two round [Laughter] three you didn’t do it on Five Points three points one point no I I I had to give the listeners a break okay but I did it in my head yeah there you go um not only is it the

Third edition of the Tundras but that’s where I went and picked up my bag tag last year so the the tund toss tournament um as well as the welcome day where even if you don’t want to participate in the tournament well I I don’t know why you wouldn’t um but you

Know anybody that just wants to go and pick up their bag tag support edga become a member um that’s happening there as well yes and when we had Tim on the show he talked about it and had some different ideas for this year and we recently were able to have another

Conversation with him and he let us know that this is the start of the year the start of the league he wants it to be a really good Edmonton Disc Golf Community event so he’s talked to a number of different people I’d love to mention all the names but I don’t know who’s

Actually officially in or not but we’re talking about owners of disc golf courses we’re talking about um dis golf stores we’re talking about well we do know who the lead um sponsor is and that’s Pursuit emotion and that’s uh Tristan Pisa he will be there and um it should be

If you went last year and you enjoyed it it should be just as good but even better because you’re going to have a lot of representation of disc golf people in the community uh there’s going to be a disc swap I really enjoyed that last year still throw a judge that

Wall-E had uh put in there and I a soft judge that I like yeah and lots of reasons to come I think there’s another reason to come too isn’t there uh Daryl there might be I think I mean it hasn’t been announced yet you mean I guess I guess we can

Officially announce it now can we can we break this news I think we can do you want to use your radio voice again no this one is all Daryl well on site for a limited time come and get it while it’s hot no it’s not working is it it’s

Working it’s doing well keep it going just keep rolling your very own Edmonton own chain out podcast we’ll be on site we’ll be doing some interviews we not sure exactly how it’s going to work but we’ll be interviewing players uh probably be there in between rounds we’ll have

Something set up so if you even if you’re not a player even if you just come down to the welcome day if we’re available come over and say hi we’ll get you on the podcast we’ll do a quick interview find out how you doing how long you’ve been into disc gol if you

Got any interesting stories you want to share with us we’ll we’ll add those as well and uh yeah we’re excited to be there yeah we’re we’re very excited to be part of it and thanks to Tim for inviting us to be part of tunder toss and we are still playing you know what

It might look like we we don’t have that written in stone yet but we will be there we want to maybe one of our thoughts is that if we can get talking with some of our listeners and talking with some of the people there maybe what

We can do is take all of that content and put it together into the faces of Tundras welcome Day 2020 3 that or 2024 look at me still living in the past so we’ll have it official but if you’re there come over say hi we’re happy to meet anybody who’s listening to the

Podcast and hopefully get some new listeners out of it as well I think the two of us are pretty friendly and uh if you don’t approach us we’re probably going to approach you so yeah exactly we’ve said all this now so we want some content so if nobody comes over and

Talks we’re just going to walk around and just put the camera in your face and shove the microphone and either that it’ll be here’s Jeremy at tunder toss here’s Daryl at tunder toss was anyone else there I don’t know they didn’t want to talk to us I don’t know

Yeah we’ll just pan around and see all the people’s back back of people’s heads that’s right no but yeah I’m excited to be there um like I I wasn’t this when I first started last year so I didn’t participate in the tournament um but I’m

Excited to uh to get in and and get registered so I’ll be registering in a in a in a short little while here um that’s right making sure I was going to say goals for this tournament we’ve mentioned it before both of us at Rundle our best scores are

Plus one even kind of in that range neither of us have been below par I’m going to put the heavy weight on my shoulders and say tunder toss Jeremy’s goal is to be underpar for one round there you go you heard it here first be be optimistic that’s what I like Jeremy

Yeah I’m not expecting that I like to keep I like to live with my feet on the ground oh ouch burn no the way that I look at it I haven’t broken even par in the summer in dry conditions when I can do run-ups and things like that so I don’t know how

It’s going to be um you know whatever the weather is going to be like when it happens um playing two rounds in the cold um probably doing a lot of stand still throws yeah I’m not going to be so boulders to make a prediction of what

I’m expecting I just I expect not to come last right there you go I shouldn’t say expect I hope not to come last gotcha well the one thing that gives me hope in my goal is that I’ve talked to Mark Mark has had his best rounds in the

Winter when we did our last review of winter league and Steve Newman shot a minus 10 at Rundle in Winter those scores are out there so for me to say I got to get one stroke better than my best I I hope I’m not putting the bar too high even if it is

Winter but you got to bear in mind as well this is coming from somebody that shot minus8 a lights out round during the winter league at Hermitage so if you’ve got a minus8 in you then you know and I I said it I said it before when I

Was starting off playing this golf is that my scores at Hermitage or Rundle were coming down and down and down and I was getting birdies where I wasn’t getting birdies before and I got down to that plus one plus two plus three around that level quite consistently I I just

Felt that breaking even was just around the corner but it never came but who knows what’s going to happen uh this year yeah the other thing I forgot to mention about tunder toss and I’ve seen this at putting league is edga had made a bunch of um or had a bunch of Anova

Discs uh what do you call that inov labeled emblem no no no no not not the Innova part what do you call when you Crest a disc what do you stamp there you go that’s the word it was eluding me I told you words elude me sometimes I

Catch them sometimes I don’t but yes edga stamped a number of Inova discs or Inova depending how you want to say it and you can see two of them behind me right now I’ve got a makeo on the one side in the purple and I got a Toro on

The other side and they’ll have some of those for sale as well and they’re really nice disc they’re very you know just Sleek kind of um like I don’t want to say the word plain because that’s not but plain in a good way that’s another

Word how do you say that one you know it’s like it’s just clean and crisp the way they look elegant elegant I like it yes yeah no I know what you mean some stamps you know and I think I’ve said that before about MVP is that they

Really know how to do stamps but you look at some other brands um or you know some other designs and it’s it’s one color like a silver foil or a gold foil and the way that the design is you can’t really make out what is that is that is

That the Kraken is that a merry Poppins or you know you don’t really know what it is because you can’t really make out the design but you know having it nice and simple nice clean elegant design you know you know what you’re getting you know what it is that’s

Right now there was one other social media type thing I wanted to talk about and I actually want to throw it to you on that is we talked about Thomas Gilbert and Thomas Gilbert put out a cool video that I’m going to admit it now I’ve only seen the thumbnail and

I’ve got it in my watch later list but it was uh about what it takes to travel as a pro and you had said you’d watched it and said it was a must watch that’s how it got onto my list yeah no it’s just really interesting when I first

Watched it I thought it was his tournament list for 2024 but it wasn’t until I realized that it was actually a review of his 2023 tour season and just the the amount of you know we I don’t know if anyone else feels like this but when you you know you tune into the

Post- production coverage every week or every when you know whenever the tournaments are on and you know oh you know you’re watching Waco you’re watching DLo you’re watching MVP open you’re watching all the different tournaments from different places and you just don’t realize that you know

They’ve got like a week in between or five days or whatever it is depending on you know when the tournament schedule is but these guys are traveling so much to get from tournament to tournament and it’s not always you know obviously everybody would hope you know the greenhouse gases and environmental and

Things like that you would hope that they start on the east coast and work their way to the West Coast or vice versa or north to south or whatever however it works to but just watching the video of where he started he started in

Um um I want to say Severn Bay but it’s not Severn Bay um like did he start right where the pro tour started no he the the the map started from his home base I think and he flew um you know just the way that he flies all around America and that he’s

Going back and forth from tournament to tournament and then it wasn’t only his tournaments it wasn’t that flying from this place to that tournament to this tournament to that tournament he actually had um his car Journeys and airports and things like that so he would fly into Charlotte and then a

Drive down to the course and then a drive back to the airport and then a fly to Pearson International and then a drive to his house and then back to the airport fly to Vancouver drive to cam loops drive to Victoria back to the airport so you definitely see all his

Travel um throughout the year and it’s really something to you know and that’s Thomas Gilbert I don’t know if he’s an average you know um touring professional in regards to the amount of tournaments that he plays obviously he came up and played um uh let me have it I have it he played

Foxwood open and TCO and he played Seven tournaments in Canada okay seven wow yeah so a couple that we may not have heard of but he played TCO he played Foxwood open um had a bit of a break he came back up and played Dream Maker open

In Southampton uh quite near his house in Ontario there he played in the Canadian Nationals um then he played the dmania open um over there uh on the island then he played I’m going to butcher the name but it’s La okay I think that was pretty good

Pretty he Al if I didn’t say anything you would have thought that sounded right right sure you wouldn’t have called me on that um and then he played in the Ontario prenal Nationals as well so um but he documents all of that and then obviously he played in Europe last

Year as well so his flights to Europe and where he landed in Finland and the different tournaments he played um and he accompanies it with photos from his journeys as well so he’s got cool photos to go along with the tournaments and just you know stops along the way um but

Just to see the amount of travel that he does like he’s always traveling he’s always moving from tournament to tournament and if there’s a down week you there’s like smaller tournaments that he he uh makes a note of the tournaments that he plays but even on in

Down weeks or things like that he’s playing tournaments just to keep his um you know just to keep his form going and keep it keep active and things like that um but it’s really quite amazing to see how much effort and time and mileage that he goes through in a in a touring

Year well and then they go out and they give their maximum effort for three days or four days or if it’s world’s five days at a tournament and and then get on a plane and do it all again I would have thought that with all of that travel now

That you mention it that he would have been all right that’s it I’m done I’m going back to Toronto I’m going to stay there for the off seon and I’m going to get started next year just take a rest and a recharge but what does he do he

Gets on a plane and he goes to Costa Rica yeah exactly yeah no it’s it’s amazing I mean you know good for him right I mean maybe that’s what you need after a full year of touring and uh you know keeping your body healthy trying to stay injury free and things like that

You just need that thing at the end of the year just to relax and Let Yourself Go I mean obviously we spoke about it before last week with Joe Henderson that She interviewed um Thomas and when they interviewed him he was in Hawaii on P um P’s recommendation right

So I’m not sure the timing of that one whether that was offseason or whether that was a down week or whatever but yeah good for him to you know you need that once you once your body gets that tired you need that relaxing you know

Why would you go and relax in on in Ontario during the offseason when you could be down in Costa Rica well and it it sounds like a a tough task to do all that and I don’t know if I could handle it but I’ll tell you this I’d sure like

To try if I had that opportunity yeah no I wouldn’t say no but I mean you know we obviously hear a lot of the uh you know there’s a lot of M players that are or professional players that are always talking about van life touring life things like that

How they have their vehicles and they drive from place to place you know some might be nicer than others some are touring in RVs and things like that a lot of I wouldn’t say a lot a couple of people are are flying right for tournament to tournament but uh to see

The amount of time that he actually does fly um compared to the traveling that he does because obviously being in Canada is you know he can’t bring a vehicle down with him so he must be flying to an airport picking up a rental and then driving to the tournaments that he has

To go to for the couple days that he’s there back to the airport and on to another flight somewhere else or even you know there’s a couple times where he drives from um I’m just trying to think off the top of my head now the ones in Texas wakeo

And um the open at Austin oh the open at Austin yeah so he would drive between those two I think they’re back toback weekends so um you know he’s he’s driving that distance there but yeah it’s just amazing what goes into being a a touring Pro and what that will also

Tell me too is when they finish around and so they’ve done all this travel they’ve finished this round they’ve been committing everything they can to it and then they still spend an hour an hour and a half talking to fans and signing discs I’m going to have a heck of a lot

I’d have patience if I meet any of them I’ll have even more patience with them knowing that that’s their that’s what their life looks like to to be a pro disc golf player yeah no I mean it’s one of those things I I heard uh Eagle talk recently

On another podcast saying about that the things that he regrets not necessarily regrets but wishes that he could do differently was you know after a round when when he’s he’s won a tournament or whatever he can spend 15 20 minutes signing discs but if he’s had a bad

Round he regrets those times where he hasn’t he said he he doesn’t like to admit it but he has walked past you know the kid with the outstretched disc asking them to sign it just because he had a bad round and he wants to that’s the last thing on his mind but right

Hindsight is always 2020 and then you know days or weeks later or whatever he thinks back and he thinks you know what why was I it wasn’t that he was being such a jerk but obviously Time Heals all wounds so he thinks you could have spent

10 minutes just to sign those disc even if it was just you know whatever it might have been but but he just shows how much he is grows as a person that he says that he’s not admitting or he’s not understating that he won’t do that in

The future as well there might come a time where he’s had a bad round and the last thing he wants to do is sign a disc but he tries to keep it in the Forefront of his mind that it’s only 10 15 minutes those bad feelings will be gone and at

Least he can look back on it with yeah I I had a bad tournament but at least I signed that disc rather than I had that bad tournament and I remember walking past that kid and that’s all he’s going to think of me now whenever he thinks of

Ego McMahon he’s going to think that jerk didn’t even spend five minutes to sign that disc for me well hopefully he doesn’t beat himself up because everybody has moments and great for him to recognize and another thing too that’s probably tough in those situations is you’re feeling bad at that

Moment and the last thing you think you want to do is stop and talk and sign a you know an item or whatever it is but that may be the very thing that you need at the moment you just don’t know you need it because the positivity of that

Interaction and the joy that’s going to come out of it is going to be something that’s going to bleed into you and probably bring you up at a point where you need that positivity yeah yeah so M mad respect is that what the kids were saying mad

Respect to if they were they’re not anymore I’ve just ruined that phrase Daryl stops another phrase mad respect to the touring professionals because uh there’s a lot more into it than what we think I mean yeah okay they’re still getting paid to play disc golf but they uh definitely put up with

A lot as well yeah so kind of I think we’ve been talking for enough for this episode or we should probably start to wrap it up but you know I normally take on the Romper Room shoutouts but yeah I wanted to hand the mic over to you darl

I don’t have a a magnifying glass or anything that I can use in front of me but uh yeah I just wanted to give a quick shout out um we mentioned earlier on in the episode about ways you can get in contact with us you know dropping

Likes and comments and things like that on videos and our Instagram and all our socials but um somebody who did reach out and sent me an email um and I want to give him a shout out just to shout out our listeners and that was uh Paul

Graph who sent me an email um he listened to the Joe Henderson podcast uh the Joe Henderson episode episode and uh he had some comments to say about that episode so I just wanted to say thank you for listening and thank you for the email and uh hopefully we get a few more

In the future yeah thanks a lot Paul um I had a chance to meet Paul and play with him at the Hidden Gem last year we got to camp together had supper together he’s a great guy it’s glad to know that you were listening Paul I didn’t know

You were and thanks for the comments we appreciate it uh keep them coming keep emailing us guys let us know how we’re doing we appreciate it yeah now you know what I’ve got to say here at the end Daryl is that by this point everybody should be signing up for

Tunder toss getting their registration in eventually they’re going to get to play in tunder toss they’re probably going to pick themselves up one of those nice edga discs maybe a make3 like I have behind me maybe a Putter and when they throw that putter at the basket for

That first time there’s one thing it’s not going to do and it’s not going to chain out thanks everybody we talk to you next week thanks everybody for listening I’m watching and subscribing and liking and everything do it all email hey bye Bye A

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