Golf Players

Rory McIlroy’s OVERLOOKED Heel-Move (Every ELITE Golfer Does This)

This is just one mandatory element you need to do in your swing to be an elite ball striker. We cover even more in the HITBOMBS Program.

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What if I told you that Rory mroy actually lifts his heel in his back swing would you believe me let’s find out throughout the history of the game we’ve seen some of the greats like Jack Nicholas and Arnold Palmer lift their lead heel off the ground in an effort to

Create a much bigger turn in the back swing more recently players like Bubba Watson and Justin Thomas are starting to implement this back into the game not only does it help us create a much bigger turn in the back swing but it can tell a lot about if our timing or our

Sequencing is correct if you get to the top of your sewing and we see that lead heel replant towards the target so the heel is getting closer to the Target that’s a sign that we’re getting to our lead side in time if we go to the top of

A swing and we see that lead heel work back or replant away from the target that’s a sign that we’re not getting to our lead side in time now through my observations I’ve observed three types of players and we’re going to put them into three different buckets

So we have um the guys like the bubble Watson and the Justin Thomas where it’s much more obvious that foot is getting off the ground pretty significant um that’s going to be pretty easy to determine if that heel is actually replanting forward uh therefore determining if they’re getting to their

Lead side in time now the flip side of the spectrum uh we have Players whose foots don’t get off the ground at all okay so in that case it might be a little bit harder to visually determine if they’re getting to the lead side in time it might require more uh in-depth

Look looking at pressure plates and the third type of player is the hybrid of both of those so they keep their foot on the ground for most of the back swing and then right through the transition we might see a a little bit of a move towards the target the player I’m going

To use as this example is Rory mroy so I asked you at the start of the video does Rory lift his heel and the answer is yes so we’re going to pop up the rear view and you can see that Rory makes a big

Shift off the ball as he gets to the end of his back swing his right hip has more of a late reentering move and that lead heel gets airborn moving in the direction of the target so because it landed forward we can assume that he’s

Getting to his lead side in time a great way to work on this is to grab a te we’re going to set this up just outside our left heel like that get set up and we’re going to run through a little sequencing drill so we’re going to make our shift to our

Right we’re going to wind up to the top okay as the right hip Works back I should feel that left heel actually Hammer that tea into the ground from there I can turn and r rotate as hard as I want um but ultimately if we can get

That lead heel working ever so slightly towards the target that’s a great sign that we’re getting to our lead side early enough in our transition for other videos on improving your golf swing head over to hip and check out one of our training blueprints that will not

Only get you swinging it better we’ll get you swinging it much faster in the process we’ll see you next time

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