Setting The Right Forearm Like This Creates A Smooth & Effortless Golf Swing!

Setting your right forearm like this will create the effortless smooth golf swing you’ve been looking for in your game. In this video, Harry dives into the only move you need to make to set this right forearm into the perfect position along with a drill which involves the backswing and downswing to make sure you’re getting the very best results from setting the right forearm like this in your golf swing!
00:00 Intro
00:53 Causes
03:27 The Forearm
05:50 Backswing
10:33 Downswing
14:22 Full Swing
17:15 Recap
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I’ve had a lot of my online students asking me how does the right arm work in the goal swing how should we set this right forearm in the goal swing as this is a really important topic to discuss I’ve decided to create a full breakdown

Tutorial on how to set this right arm in position we also going to be looking at why we should be setting it in this specific position and a three-step drill that we’re going to be diving into later on to help you create this effortless and smooth goon that you’re looking for

With this right arm set in the correct position so for those of you who are new to the channnel welcome my name is Harry PJ go professional transforming golfers worldwide from the golf projects and feel free to drop a comment down below it’s zp or drills video topic you’d like

Me to cover in a future video and if you do come so far and enjoy this concept make sure you hit the Subscribe button the bottom right hand corner of the screen so you stay up to date on my latest uploads coming out every Tuesday and Friday to help you improve your game

So setting this right forearm in position then for left-handed golf is going to be the left forearm so what we tend to see a lot lot of players do is that when they come to gripping the golf club they’ll grip the golf club like this here and when you have a look at

This position here it doesn’t look wrong at Alles doesn’t look anything wrong there does there when we set this club to the ground like so you can clearly see if we kept our eye on the focus point which should be this elbow here it is facing away from us going towards

This camera angle here what I’ve done to do this is I’ve gripped the golf club we get what we call this internal forearm rotation so internal think of internal as going towards the body and external going away from the body so internal rotation going towards the body to grip

This club you can see that as soon as I grip the club my elbow now is facing away from us away from the golf ball towards that camera over there so what happens is when we set up in this position here Watch What Happens here I

Can take the club back all the way up on plane up to around parallel here here just about but from this position here I can only do one or two things I can either have a lot of rotation and drag this elbow this way to the top of the

Swing causing this elbow to get very flared out stuck almost behind the body or if we’re limited to how much rotation we can create then we’re going to end up lifting the club very upwards again where’s the elbow facing too far away from us getting this very much

Disconnected position so as we come to transition in the down swing well if we’re going up this way struggling to get that rotation taking place we’re going to come straight back down like so because we’ve got this very disconnected swing taking place from the arms and the

Upper body we’re going to get this timing and swing sequence so out of syn during the down sying phase and for those of you who get this rotation are able to take this club into the top of the back swing and get very rounded here well we’ve got to react we can’t swing

This club going this way otherwise we going to get two stuck so what do we do we force this upper body to begin that downwing phase and get this club traveling back trying to get it onto plane but the tendency we see is I’m going too far over plane so we either

Get too steep from disconnected here and very stuck or we get too steep from getting too over the top in to down swing and that massively affects the strike affects the distance and the overall consistency to your golf shots so we want to be making sure that during

Our setup rather than seeing the elbow in simple terms flaring away from the body we want it to point towards the body so what I’ve just done there is I’ve just took the club and I’m going to start off just a nice little simple drill simple move you can do every time

Before you set up is have this right palm facing towards the ground okay this is very internally rotated remember from what I mentioned before internally rotated here causing that arm to move towards the body so we’re setting the this internally rotated position all I’m thinking about though from this is just

Seeing the right palm facing towards the ground to get this externally rotated we just move the right palm Towards the Sky to get it to face towards the sky you can see there the difference that has on where that elbow is and my entire forearm to get that right hand that

Right palm moving from pointing towards the ground to up towards the ceiling above me that helps us set this arm in this lovely position at the start of the golf swing but the question is how do we then grip the golf club we don’t grip the golf club like

This do we so go over this again take this Palm pointing Towards the Sky like this and then all I’m going to get you to do from here is ensure that the only thing that’s going to move is your wrist so you can see there I’ve done my very

Best there to avoid this entire forearm from going back to internal rotation I’m just ensuring from this position here that this hand is just twisting to face the grip so we’re just getting that hand to twist and face the grip a good checkpoint to make sure you’re doing

This right is this right elbow or left elbow being uh left-handed golfers is pointing just underneath your Trail chest muscle okay so Trail chest muscle your right chest muscle or left chest muscle for left-handed plays again so all I’ve done from here is I’ve just simply gone right palm to the ground

Right palm the sky twist the wrist so it points towards the club and then I can just grip it as usual and a good checkpoint again is getting that elbow pointing just underneath the chest so now when I come to set up in this position here it’s going to make it so

Much easier for us to take this club back all the way up to the top of the swing and now diving into the drill so step number one how do we start this golf swing with this right arm set this right forearm set in this position that

We’ve got it to well going back to what we noticed earlier what players have the Tendencies of doing with this internal rotation we get either to this way or to upright and I mentioned the the common similarity of this earlier what was that the elbow is flaring away from us so we

Want to see this elbow staying a little bit more closer to us and if I just do this now without really making a golf swing I’m just moving my hand up to the top what am I doing with my trail arm here I’m just folding it up to the top

Of the Swing so this is all we want to be we just want to be allowing this arm to fold upwards in this natural motion and you’re going to find it so much easier now we’ve got this Trail arm set in position and what have I done though

Just to get this movement taking place here okay well if I stop rotating I have simply done a bicep curl all I’ve done there created flexion all the way up to the top of the Swing doesn’t need to be properly extended like this because the tendency

Is for us to get too stiff and then it makes it difficult to take the club back so we’re setting the arm like this here and we’re just doing this bicep conb okay so then when I add some rotation into this that helps to set that arm

Into the ideal position look at where the right elbow is there it’s pointing towards but it’s fairly close to our body it’s staying nice and connected with the body working way up to the top of the swing before we move on to this I know what you’re about to say I know

What you’re about to say because quite a few plays on tour a few swing it up to the top with this flared elbow out very high up to the sky but they’ve got other swing mechanics that they’ve trained for so many years to allow those movements

To be right for their swings it’s really important we find a much more reliable more consistent top of the back swing position to help us then create this smooth and effortless down swing and over golf swing in your game we’ve got the right arm we’ve spoken about that

Bicep kill taking place well if I was to take the club and I’m going to grip it just nearly halfway like this here with the grip pointed towards my my Target and I just fold this bicep curl okay but all I’m going to do from here is I’m

Going to get the club to move this way and how am I doing this here I’m getting this club to move this way well I am just simply rotating I’m simply adding this rotation as I’m flexing this Trail arm getting this bicep Curl curling this

Arm up to the top of the swing just simply get this back of yours facing towards the target those of you in the indoor golf facilities it’s going to be facing towards the net so just ensure that you’re getting that back facing towards the target getting this bicep

Curl curling this arm up to the top of your swing once you’ve done this a couple of times to get a good feel for this back to Target bicep Cur it up to the top with this Trail arm setting position you can then add your lead arm

Your left arm back on the club left handed golfer is the right hand so when I take the club now and I’m going to set up just start off of a couple from this position here just so we get used to this I’m just going to Simply think of

My lead arm as the guide taking this up to the top of the Swing so I’m pretty much forgetting that it’s even there I’m just thinking all that movement that folding actually has taking place from the trail on setting this position here getting that back to Target you can see

The club obviously starts from parallel to the ground but as I’m folding this Trail arm up to the top of the Swing getting this back facing towards the target you can see how easy it is for me here just to get that club in a more connected more reliable top of the back

Swing position similar to Rory Tommy Adam Scott I could go on really nice set in position up to the top of the swing and now how do we get this move up to the top of the swing from the starting point the address position it’s that

Simple all you need to think is rather than right how do I take the club back to here we’re just thinking of that bicep curl again and we’re thinking of this back facing towards the target rather than starting from here now we’re just getting it to start from the dress

Positions two hands on the club and all I’m doing here is I’m just feeling and imagining this bicep Cur taking place up to the top and allowing that back to face towards the target just ensure this Trail arm is set so you obviously if you

Want to do this again you can do before taking the swing have the Palm facing towards the ground rotating it around Palm to Sky and I’m just simply twisting my hand to grip the club here same two feels bicep cool it up to the top and get this back facing towards the target

So there’s stage one of the drill then we can start to add in the squatting motion this pressing adding this pressure into the ground because too many golfers I see have a tendency as soon as they get to the top even with this lovely top of the back swing

Position is they find it difficult to just get this natural transition taking place they’ll always have the tendency to throw their arms out use the upper body to begin that golf swing when it should be the swing sequence should be starting from the lower body so to get this transition this lower body

Initiated to begin this downwing phase like the pros do on tour we can do this to is by allowing the feeling of that this squatting motion taking place here and you can see when I’m doing this I’m not moving my upper body whatsoever I am simply just getting getting into this

Position here and squatting lowering myself towards the ground one key though I want you to take from this is we are not whatsoever trying to transition transfer this way onto the lead side just yet too many players I see when they do this they try and transfer that

Pressure here okay and how ground reaction forces work for every force acting on a stationary object think of the stationary object as the floor your mat that you’re hitting off at the driving range or the grass out on the golf course there is always an equal and opposite reaction so if we’re getting

This force is pressure into the ground going this way into the lead side where’s the reaction going to be we’re going to be pushing back off in this direction so just before we make contact with the golf ball too many golfers I see they’ll try and get this pressure too early and

Then they end up having to push out they press and when we get this Force taking place it pushes them away from the golf ball that’s why you see quite a few golfers get this early extension when they’re trying to transfer the weight onto the lead side in the down swing so

What I’m doing here the feeling is getting up to the top of the swing for stage one and then from here now we’re just simply adding this pressure getting this squat taking place in the down swing again no movement whatsoever from the upper body everything’s staying nice

And still in this set position that we had it from the top of the Swing I’m just ensuring that that pressure is going in the middle of my feet if you do have the tendency okay don’t need to over complicate things for you but if you do have the tendency to forward

Shift when way too much and almost get this slide taking place you can exaggerate this move even more just feel the pressure staying in this Trail side of the body if we get it in the trail side of the body slightly more we’re more inclined to then push up and

Through to Target if we were to jump up we would squat down wouldn’t we so what’s going to happen now we’re pushing upwards we’re getting this effortless power this effortless motion by getting the pressure into the ground to get that equal and opposite Force taking place so

With a squat to here and then I’m pushing upwards and when I’m pushing upwards here you can see that I’m allowing my chest to face towards the target so I’m getting this squat then I’m pushing up and through chest facing the Target and you can see how

Effortless that is for me to do I’m not trying to swing the golf club here all I’m doing is getting that right arm set in position position getting that bicep Cur to take place and then I’m just simply forgetting about what this does in the down swing I’m just squatting

Down and then pushing up and through we want to be ensuring that the arms and the body the upper body are nice and relaxed once we’ve set the club at the top so we’re staying nice and relaxed here and we’re allowing the lower body to take care of that down swing bringing

This all into one motion hit five shots in stages so number one with thinking and before we do this we’re thinking this Trail arm setting position taking this Palm pointing it towards the sky elbow in position pointing just underneath the chest twist the wrist grip the club okay so bicep curl it up

To the top back to Target and we’re squatting down feeling the pressure 50/50 or slightly on the trail side for those of you who’d like to exaggerate this and we’re pushing up and through like so and you’ll notice on the trapman here if it picks up no probably had it

Too far forward this is the new IO so I’ve got to make sure I have it in the perfect position and with the new mat it’s difficult for me to um get right so I’m going to take it from this position here and let’s see what happens to the

Next shot so you can see there that wasn’t a lot of effort whatsoever was it I wasn’t forcing this down swing to take place I wasn’t forcing anything I was just trying to get a good feel for those three movements taking place in my golf

Swing then again you can go a little bit quicker still doing this in stages build it up to your fifth one once you’ve done your fifth one now we’re bringing this all into one motion so from here we’re just going bicep curl Squat and turn up and through working up to the top

Down and through like so and then again we can start to build this up build up that speed just allow the club to do whatever it needs to do on the down swing just getting that squat pushing back up all the arms or the right arm

Needs to do the right forearm needs to do once it’s set in that position in the golf swing is get this bicep curl up to top of the Swing so a little bit quicker all in one motion so it’s up oh well I ramped up the gears on that

One that probably wasn’t gear two that was more like gear three or gear four but you can then start to bring this into a full swing and then if you’re suffering with the strike a little bit trust me on it get used to feeling this motion this dipping motion this pressing

Into the ground and then pushing back up getting that chest to flow towards the target to move towards the target a few of you may be thinking well hang on a sec we shouldn’t be dipping in the golf swim we should be keeping our head still

The head is allowed to naturally flow in the golf swing but also it will feel like to you you’re dipping this much almost like half a foot but when you watch yourself doing it on camera you do it about this much half an inch trust me

On this that’s all it’s going to take to help you transition and get this club working back down on this natural plane this right plane that we after to get more consistency get better ball striking and develop this effortless and smooth goal swing that we’re all looking

For just like the pros do every single time without fail out on the golf course so quick little recap just before we finish we spoken about how we don’t want this internal rotation with the forearm at the address position we want to see this external rotation so right palm is

Going to point towards the Sky elbow is the good checkpoint pointing directly underneath the chest twist the hand over to grip the club like so then when we make our swings all we’re thinking about is this bicep curl and getting your back facing towards the target for stage two

We’re feeling this squatting motion taking place directly in the middle of both feet 50/50 if not favoring more on the trail side and then from here we’re pushing upwards and through and getting this chest to face towards the target down swing arms are relaxed allowing the

Lower body to take care of the Swing so one more shop just to finish let’s see what we can do full speed that was really nice nice little draw on that one so you’re not just going to gain more consistency from this you’re also going to gain more distance

With that effortless smooth golf swing taking place so if you’ve come this far and go ahead and give this a try then comment down below or reach out to me on my website to let me know how you get on from watching the video by all means hit

The Subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner here so you’re kept up to date on my latest videos coming out every Tuesday and Friday to help you improve your golf and you may as well check out this video over here if you’re looking into improving your ball

Striking with the irons a great simple the number one rule to hit in the sweet spot every single time thanks for watching we’ll see you next time


  1. Really great video
    Like the feel of the internal rotation of the elbow.
    Do you also rotate lead elbow?
    Driving range opens in 2 and half months
    Can't wait to try this for more consistency

  2. Very useful Harry! Using your tips really starts to work for me. I was surprised how well it went today when I practiced on the driving range, and playing 9 holes after that. Even with windforce 6 I improved my distance and direction. Thanks 🙏🏻 gr Conny

  3. Great lesson Harry
    Your explanations are very clear
    I seem to have a disappearing trail elbow-I think secondary to incomplete rotation
    I’m sure this leads to numerous inconsistencies and club face manipulation
    So I will try your drills
    I’m from Australia
    How hard is an on line lesson to organise?
    Richard Bourke

  4. Really liking your instruction. Very calmly and quietly explained at a good pace. No background music, nothing hurried, which is great. I have gained a lot of useful advice. Many thanks for these videos. Regards from very much a senior in Portugal.

  5. You say move the hand without the FOREARM twisting, how do i do that? I don't have twisting joins in my wrists. Upper arm can rotate in shoulder socket and forearm can rotate the hand. Just tonclsrify, you meen don't rotate the upper arm only your forearm riiight?

  6. Your video was a light bulb moment for me. You were able to break down each sequence and joined all the dots from hand grip to takeaway and back swing. The most significant for me was to squat down instead of weight transfer diagonally to my lead foot. This explains why I was getting soreness on my left hip and loses power as I swing through. Can’t wait to get out on the range to practice on the squatting down first before pushing up on the swing through. Thanks heaps from Perth, Western Australia. 👍👍

  7. Magic move! This feeling 💪🏻 on the takeaway has totally changed my swing (along with a nice smooth takeaway) Followed by the squat to start the downswing 💵💵💵💵💵💵

  8. This video is exactly what I need to work on. My problem has been swaying forward from the top of the downswing. Your description of the squatting and pushing upward through the swing clarify for me how to correct it. I'll work on that today. Thanks, Harry.

  9. Hi Harry, just rediscovered this a few weeks ago after struggling for more than a year with my game. Did start 5 years ago and really made good progress specifically due to my iron game. However, that suddenly all fell apart a year or so ago. I mean big time apart, not your typical up and down everyone has in golf I guess one time or the other. I couldn’t hit straight shots anymore from Pw to the 2. Now, for whatever reason, I reminded myself of what you talk and teach here (which I already did in the past) and I can only say whow, what different that makes. Last few rounds literally saved around 8-10 shots on 9 holes repeatedly! Hope it really will last now and get into muscle memory ;). Since it worked to well I thought I try to also do this for woods and driver. It does work for the fairway woods. However, I am unable to do this with the driver. Literally can‘t find the ball with the big stick with this move. Seems all wrong from position to distance to ball to …you name it. Stil believe it should work though and that I just have to do a real new start from the tee with this move. Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated….

  10. Great video especially the explanation for the squatting move in the downswing. I will test this on the range this afternoon!

  11. Thank you for finally mentioning the squat! I had no idea and have kept wondering how the heck to use “ground” force. I’m looking forward to trying this out.

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