I finally got to play Stafford Woods, the #1 course in New Jersey! I had a great time and we’re just getting started for 2024! Stay tuned!


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Save Stafford Woods baby let’s go it is official the tour is starting back up I just hit the road this morning left Massachusetts and today I am playing my very first Course in New Jersey the number one rated Course in New Jersey Stafford Woods as some of you who might know in the Disc Golf Community Stafford Woods is kind of under the gun right now the surrounding communities are trying to come to an agreement but it’s going to hinder the disc golf course more than likely but there’s a huge petition it’s

Got thousands and thousands of signatures including my own and here we are there’s the course map and if you want to pause it you can read what’s going on here I just read it just to get a quick update as to what was going on

But I know that the community has a lot of support and just in case something went wrong I knew I had to get out here and help out to public ize the issue as well as play my first Course in New Jersey and this one has been long

Awaited but I have a funny story about this board you guys might know from a meme a couple years ago there was a little thing that said don’t Litter don’t do this don’t vandalize and it was saying don’t be a brody because Brody was a brand new player at the time and

Caused some commotion and some some controversy but I gotta giggle out of it Stafford Woods Finley banon Jacobs who I F Junior worlds with this is his home course and with uh what’s going on I can only feel for him because of course he grew up playing that would be like Devin

To me and if anything were to happen to devans that would absolutely devastate me and break my heart so I feel for anyone who Stafford means a lot to them and I just hope that publicizing the course and spreading the word a little bit more can help the situation but here

We are whole one a little foggy day with the snow melting that looks like the basket right there well before we get started here I figured it’s best to clarify I very much prepared to come here save Stafford Woods baby let’s go haven’t really been throwing that much

Lately but let’s see little FD Heiser flip action oh it’s perfect oh I threw it perfect oh I threw it in the basket oh my Lord we’re going to just go one and done so the offseason is over my time at home was amazing Ellie and I moved in

Together had the best winter I’ve ever had with the snow and everything like that even on top of it just so glad to spent the time at home so that that gives me the motivation to love being out on the road once again and grind it

Out for another 9 months it’s always an exciting time when the new year turns around and it’s time to head south for the warm weather the weekend that Ellie and I just had it was amazing we had final putting League of the Season then we went to Oliver tree concert in Boston

The next day we hit up the New England Aquarium and then go going away party for myself at my mom’s house with all my friends then Monday night we’re at the Bruins game as my Christmas gift to her and I second row and the Bruins absolutely whooped up on the Jets and I

Got this brand new hat I’m feeling really good Bruins are looking really good they better not break my heart again this year for my first hole in New Jersey I want my first birdie in New Jersey yeah a I should have puted that second

One now it’s wet I don’t know if you can tell but the snow on the ground there’s not much but it’s starting to melt so that like fog that lifts from the ground it looks kind of eerie out here shout out to Jared Black from Guardian aliens

He sent me a care package with a bunch of these towels and typically I just go for like the cheap Walmart towels and not these like ones with the patterns or anything but these are the best like artwork towels that I have come across so far so shout out to Jared Black h

Two Par Four and I can’t remember what position I just played I think I played the B so I guess we’ll just keep playing the B it looks like there’s two teads which oh okay I think it’s up there but obviously we’re here and not there so I’m just

Going to keep throwing this FD until it stops working don’t hit it oh yeah oh landed right on the short pad they clearly have two pins and two T’s but uh they have silver and red baskets I’m just going to play the Reds cuz they’re easier to see

On the camera camera but I think we’re going way right here and I’m going flip dog DD sidearm it’s one of my new favorite shots to throw come on oh just tagged it all right had to one the sidearm eventually you could see the basket far left in your

Frame oh see I thought I was going to be going turnover here but it looks like I might want to cut the corner yep go in oh buddy right over the top that was better than I could have asked for rain maker shout out to Ben

Kenny for giving me this beat up Rain Maker there’s just certain discs that if I have them brand new they mean nothing to me but something about getting a super beat up disc that’s beat up to Perfection that’s extra special if you don’t know Ben Kenny he films a lot with

Simon nowadays he’s also known as intern Ben on the Nick and Matt show now known as staggered stance but most importantly Ben Kenny is running the Northeast disc golf Expo for the second year in a row this weekend in boxboro Massachusetts of course my tour schedule didn’t line up

With it unfortunately I’m driving South just in time to miss it but if you are somebody that likes new disc releases and you live in the New England area check out the Northeast disc golf Expo this weekend all right the famous hole 3 if you are a disc golf nerd like me you

Might might know whole three for two things in 2018 I want to say when gatekeeper media was first breaking out on the scene they had an ace on the short pin here in the women’s Global event that made it as like one of the best aces of the year and then the

Stafford open in 2021 silver series Harry Chase also known as Harry chance also known as Harvey chance aced this hole on camera and I got his name wrong of course but I’m going Skywalker it’s not that far but we just want a Skywalker Ace guys every every body knows

It oh I put too much Hiser yeah dead centered the tree all right let’s try one more we go uh the disc to match the Hat Seine fd1 too high o I just realized I think that’s water so maybe not the best decision there to throw funzy all right so confirmation it

Is water but the good news is they both bear cleared it over so no lost soldiers today I don’t think I could do my signature shimmy on that ice it don’t look much of ice anymore hold the phone hold four all right so part four again I can

See the Red Basket all the way down there it looks like you want to get there eventually seems like there’s a weird Gap here but I’m just going to play it the way it’s probably intended to be played I just have a lot of respect for Adam Harris the designer so not gonna

Play a gap that probably wasn’t the intended way to play too far NOP should be nice I’m not sure I thought that my drive was actually too long straight and it was actually kind of tight inside but it’s just like a Hiser shot here and I’ve been dying to

Show this disc on the Vlog shout out to Jeff hillstead traded me on Reddit he’s from Colorado and I traded him my ice clear Crown Stone cuz the flex one for the tactic was just a little a little too soft for my liking but I also have

The non Flex one sea line tactic so I’m lucky but I’m just going to rip this method High hard heer it’ll Glide left it might be a little short but I loved the way it flew and that is going to be one of my new favorite discs this

Year I guarantee it ever since the sea line tactic came out I have been screaming for a sealine method I just had the dream in the image in my head once the sea line tactic came out I’m like wouldn’t that just be the best disc ever and I actually brought it to Austin

Montgomery’s attention last year or two years ago now and he said maybe we can do it like a April Jewels or mystery box here we are mystery boxes are our way and the Sea line method is out to play and I’m so excited I probably should have gone like md2 and instead of

The method I don’t think I needed this much beef I just need a more straight fade but we got a birdie put there it is I’m having a great time this is an interesting teapad because it seems as though there are two Fairways but the t-

Sign only has one basket and it’s right under the tree over here but 390 that’s typically a full rip with my beat up Skywalker nice Hiser flip come on baby be good well I threw it on too much Hiser got it pin high but we leaked it

Left and right on the other side of this log right here I like these putts typically I like to see them go in even more stay up really had the line all right hole six already quite the significant amount of par Force um like I said I knew nothing about this course

Really i’ just seen a couple videos I’m ripping dd1 don’t hit yeah buddy that’s a dd1 Max flight baby look at that thing go hard tactic shout out Mike Carmen I just lost my hard tactic on the ice at buff on a hole that doesn’t usually have water on it so

Hopefully this will be good enough this is first throw with it oh it’s more stable than the one I had okay all right not ideal let’s try rain maker beat up Ben Kenny rain maker that looks better is it far enough oh Bary Mill not the best

Approach so you just make up for it with a solid putt come on hey well that didn’t go as planned tactic putt yeah there it is all right but I was trying to practice the sidearm up shot there so no real complaints but we will settle for far how far

300 fd3 Title Wave fd3 is it far enough barely short little uphill putt all right finally got another Birdie on the board 400t par 4 I’m just hoping that this shot can be a great example as to why I’ve been waiting for this Seine method so bad I need the GL

Glide of an md3 but the fade of an md4 this is the best of both worlds whoa buddy another good one earlier I mentioned the 2021 Stafford open that was the Silver series that Mato won his first prot tour win I didn’t get to see

Much of the coverage all I know is that mtio shredded and it was like not even close but the thing that you don’t see is like this is mato golf these tight little 400 foot par fours because they’re windy through the woods I wouldn’t pick anyone else in the world

To win a tournament on a course like that other than mattio maybe Simon but Simon’s weird sometimes I’m sure you can’t see the basket here but it’s tucked around the corner here and it looks like a perfect shot for a tactic Redemption that’s it oh yeah that should be very very

Close I’d say that’s pretty good Redemption close enough method putt all right hold nine I’m deciding to play the short cuz it looked like too fun of an ace run not to throw and we’re not really keeping score anyway but I’ve got this brand new sine md5 shout out to

Jesse magn Di and X-Wing super sick purple blue swirl and this is the maiden voyage it’s my first throw with it go in oh it didn’t really beef as soon as I thought it would but she’s parked first throw all right hole 10 looks like perfect Cosmic Fury hole dead

Straight too much heer come on man well it’s probably a birdie putt but I’m not really proud of that effort birdie putt time I believe that’s four birdies in a row par five we’re looking at at a a full s here so Skywalker because it starts with an

S is it too straight or is it left it’s got to be good it’s got to be good so I don’t think I filmed a vlog since this has happened but I posted on social media recently that the Skywalker is officially sold out on the dis Mania

Website and I made a post asking everybody what their favorite color is a lot of people said the blue and white a lot of people said the radish the pink and green I’ve got the black and white beat up and then the brand new blue and

White in the bag I like that combo but just shout out to every single one of you who bought a Skywalker shared posts about the Skywalker the next chapter begins I have broken through my first Signature Series disc it sold out so now the road ahead can only lead to great

Things this is one of my favorite color combos I requested it the blue camo with the blue BL and white absolutely money all right we’ll go Skywalker around the right or around the left and try and bend it back right a little Branch tweak but I hit my Gap and I’m in the

Middle of the Fairway so that’s a wind this is a shot I’ve been working on lately little soft bid from a standstill backand Cosmic Fury turn all the way in there oh man it chained out that was for Eagle taping birdie though that is when you when you

Play up north and you got the snow you can’t do those long jump puts so you got to have that like catch throw like a touch catch Mato shout out to Mato he gave trevan and I some tips on how to learn that and you know you’re going to have

The best teacher in the world but if you don’t get out and practice it’s never going to be as good as you want it to be uphill shot to the left but we’re going to keep the cosmic Fury hot rather than throw something overstable straight disc on Heiser with a lot of

Glide just like that no trees please I think that’s parked let’s see if it’s close enough for a bag on camera in hand rain maker putt that’s six birdies in a row with a chain out Eagle in between unfortun my foam battery is really low so I’m kind of sprinting

Through this but I might have to skip a couple holes in order to outro at the end now I’m finally repping for real but we’re going with the X-Wing md5 that could do it drop drop oh back toback Ace runs with that thing one putt only one chance to keep the birdie

Streak alive I got a little too greedy went for the ace but we can make this putt No Doubt oh yeah I lost count of how many birdies that is in a row but it’s a lot and it makes me happy whole 14 is a flex

Sidearm so I figure I might as well keep going with the X-Wing cuz it’s on a hot streak let’s just rip it oh it’s too much rip that is a highlight putt away from keeping the birdie streak alive it’s a big one means a lot Let It Rain On Me There raining

Birdies out here I feel like freaking Mato four holes to go and not much phone battery got to capture this birdie streak looks like we’re going out in the wide open I’m going pretty flippy Club breaker on a lot of Hiser I think that’ll I’ll do

It going to be honest with you this might be the end of the birdie streak this H looks hard I can’t even tell where I want to approach it but I’m just kind of trying to split these trees and just get in the woods Skywalker ah it’s too much

Turn you know wasn’t even close to what I was trying but I think that’s a look threw it a little long just turning over a crap ton wed to flex back and then I got an extra kiss that kept me left but oh boy this is much more of a hope and a

Prayer than I thought um all right it’s probably actually a flick putt but I’m just going to try and bang this ah well that’s the end of the streak folks probably should have gone dline m D there but with the phone battery I didn’t want to come back to my

Bag all right guys the birdie streak is officially over and ho 16 was just a freaking fog field so I skipped it but here we go whole 17 par 4 520 and it looks downhill so we’re playing for the eagle with the dd1 to make up for our lost birdie oh freak yeah

I think I hit something but angle height width spot on not sure if you can see the basket is right through this Wishbone here the typical play would probably just be like throw a sidearm out to the left but I want to challenge myself so I’m going to try and split

These two little V trees with my p3x not ideal Spider-Man doombird 4 don’t know if I’ve shown that one yet magneti my boy Jesse all right one hop Skipper out to the left this is the tournament play I guess tournament play is to throw it straight into a stump all right hold

18 good round ah I remember this hole very vividly cuz I remember mtio throwing the shank shop sidearm and I got the idea to throw my brand new Sky Stone pd2 the problem is I need to throw this on so much anheiser in order for it to hold but I’m up for the

Challenge oh I hit a tree late can’t even see because of the fog I tagged the last tree probably this one could have got myself to 30t if it was skipping good but we’re set up for a perfect sendoff putt to finish with a nice

Birdie it’s got a heer oh he didn’t heer in time all right one more try Kaiser oh oh all right guys that’s going to do it for today’s round I don’t know what I finished at but I it had to be double digits cuz I birdied from 7 until

14 with some other birdies mixed in between so definitely proud of that round but you know snow on the ground wasn’t too bad of an effect it just uh made it so I had to keep drying my discs off but you know somebody might not always stop to play around if there’s

Snow on the ground especially alone well I’m not alone cuz cuz I brought you guys with me and that makes it all fun but once again remember guys save Stafford Woods this was an incredible course shout out to Adam Harris and everybody else in the community that has made this

Place as special as it is today and I hope it stays that way for years to come but I got to hit the road tomorrow I’m going to play Lake Marshall for the first time so today I played number one Course in New Jersey Stafford Woods

Tomorrow I play the number one course in Virginia Lake Marshall so stay tuned the Vlog is is Back The Season’s rolling and I’m ready to just keep on filming and I’m taking you with me so like And subscribe and I’ll see you next Time


  1. I realize i might have not given you the best directions on how to get back to the parking lot after 18 but i hope you found it fine. Was cool to see you out there dude.

  2. Love seeing the big pros stop by and play your local courses. Especially when they make the same mistake off the tee on hole 2 as you. Save Stafford Woods!

  3. So great to see the pros stop by a course one plays regularly. Wish you would have went for the big boy on 5 instead of the little guy but its ok! Also what an up shot on 15!!!!!

  4. Hell yeah brother! Good luck on the tour this year. Try to stay consistently in the top 40 and we all know you can win if you put it all together, and don't give up on the videos, your positivity always shines bright.

  5. I been watching you for years my guy before they offered you a deal on discmania which was a blessing for all the work you've put in. It's been great watching you grow and making a name for your self. Keep up the grind my dude. 💯🤙🏽🥏⛓️

  6. Congratulations on selling out the Skywalker. I look forward to following your 2024 journey!

  7. It would have been great seeing you with the mass guys yesterday at the NEDGE. An all mass auto disc. Simon, Paul, Marky and you. Go Massachusetts

  8. I'd love to see you play some of the courses in NJ, no pro tour stops so not very many pros play the courses

  9. This was my local course and the only course I've ever played when I lived in NJ. I miss the good mix it had of wooded and open holes. Holes 3 and 10 are the closest I've ever come to an ace… both hit of the basket 😢.

    I've since moved to TX. On your way to Waco or Houston you should stop by and play Shawshank DGC about 1hr north of Houston. It's a great prison-themed course with 23 holes…. my new home course and is be honored to pay a round with you.

    Great vid and keep em coming!

  10. I know what you mean Pierre (Pier) South Dakota has had all but 1 of best holes at Steamboat park gone so course is garbage, sad part is I was one of the 2 main kids, my brother was the other playing where holes for course should be with 3 adults My dad and 2 others to help make course. I even created a hole for people to play one before 2011 Missouri River flood was better and harder due to bushes being taller but is still hard hole now bushes have grown. Due to moving a playground from back section where a new much needed water treatment plant went, a hole should be removed and really whole course removed due to overcrowding now and moved if I can find a spot/course.

  11. Just left srafford an hour ago. Great course in jersey! Gotta check out a few of the others, alcyon, tranquility trails and sovi.

  12. Congrats on selling out on Skywalkers, Casey! Got the blue/white and the purple/blue which I absolutely love. Best fairway in my bag! Can't wait to see a Skywalker 2 drop! 😁

  13. Just played a tournament at Stafford yesterday. I love this course so much and I hope it can stick around. Save Stafford Woods.

  14. Good luck Casey. I met Simon at the expo and was wondering if you would be around. I met Ben kenny briefly and he made me feel like I was the only one who showed up. Great humble kid. Your putting looks stellar btw.

  15. I'm from Texas but I go every year to play in the NJ state championship at that course, I won the MA2 last year.

  16. Another fun video Casey. I've certainly helped in selling out the Skywalker… I've got 6 of them & my fav is white with a yellow center… looks like an egg & it's money. Kaching baby! Good luck on tour!

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