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Ryan Ripken Show Episode 48 Baltimore Ravens & NFL Playoff Recap

Ryan Ripken and the boys react to the NFL playoffs and what’s in store for Lamar Jackson, and the Baltimore Ravens

[Applause] A A He [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] Welcome in episode 48 I think is what we decided but hey hey everyone happy Monday day hope you had a great Monday or a great weekend I think all of us in Baltimore had a great weekend wow guys Baltimore Ravens going to the AFC Championship game we got a few people in

Studio real quickly we got Zach is alive and well still here yeah we’re still doing good how can you not be good after this weekend I mean we’re we’ll get into it but what a time to be a Baltimore sports fan baby it is and we got Kevin

Oyster Striker Rost Striker locked on back in the house man if we thought last week was crazy guys I mean can you imagine what’s coming up can you imagine what Sunday is going to be like I I what you tweet Zach you don’t want to be an alcoholic beverage in Baltimore it’s GNA

Be a horrific day to be an alcoholic beverage in Baltimore next Sunday I can tell you that take it to the literal Bank literal to the bank for so many reasons but hey guys welcome in let us know where you’re tuning in from I thought it was so cool we did a live

Show a special show on Saturday which hey I I see right here Erica you said please do a show on Sunday we are and Brad I’m about to get to you I’m sorry don’t worry the guy that does it behind the scenes don’t get too angsty don’t

Get too uh eager I like to say but Brad the man who makes it work behind the scenes how we feeling uh feeling good man and cries M I’m with you waiting to hear something someone acknowledged the Ravens played on Saturday look watched some some ESPN today and it was all

About bills Chiefs and obviously another electric match up between those two teams but yeah Ravens did play there was other other games that that went on this weekend we’re gonna talk about all of those and I’m super pun for it my man yeah I mean tremendous and we’re GNA dive into a lot

Of things Ravens obviously and I think that everyone there was just this huge relief for the first time in the history of the Baltimore Ravens they’re going to host an AFC Championship game it’s going to be electric you get the defending champs coming to Baltimore so much to

Dive into personally I’d like to just mention and thank all of you we won over 4,000 subscribers on the weekend here everybody and yeah we’ll get the collaps around Kevin you better be Clapp say I was waiting I was waiting for Kevin stop CL for longer now because I know sees

There was the fake news about me not being excited and clapping I’m going to clap all the way through yeah Kevin’s not going to stop clapping until he sees himself off the camera he’s not getting chance with anything now after last time no no doubt about it and he should clap

But again guys thank you so much we’re building something here we’re really excited about it and our goal to start the year honestly to end 2023 was a th000 subscribers and we already are over 4,000 so if you’re new to the channel thank you for tuning in hit that

Like And subscribe button and for our regulars that come back and make this experience what it is how we doing great to see you we appreciate it all so to let you know what’s on the docket for tonight we’re going to touch on a little bit of the opening with the Baltimore

Ravens as always then we’re g to type dive into a couple spicy topics before we have our guest former Baltimore Raven wide receiver Mark clayon came here in 2005 uh first round pick I believe it was 22nd overall he is gonna be joining the show awesome guy and and I can’t

Wait to to talk about a lot of different topics with him and I think you guys will enjoy it he’s a great dude so without further Ado though I want to talk about something guys that we all know this in Baltimore and it’s starting to get more attention

The atmosphere the electricity that is MNT Bank Stadium and Kyle vanoi was on the Pat McAfee show to talk about especially during the anthem the o just how amazing Baltimore is at the bank so Brad if you can play that for us tune in the national anthem because they they’ll

Say oh that star banner they say oh louder than it’s the loudest in the in the whole business and it’s amazing to play in front of awesome home of the oh that that got me fired up heing K vanoi talk about the o on Pat McAfee

Hearing any player talk about the O gets me fired up but especially in these situations because it is so special it is one of those things that you don’t get anywhere else but Baltimore well and this will be his uh I think he said fourth AFC Championship game uh in his

10-year career so if anybody knows what an electric atmosphere looks like in the playoffs it’s that guy that’s C and I mean this is Bal we know Baltimore sports fans here if you follow the teams you know what the fans bring and it there is something about that o and no

Matter what stadium the that the raven the Orioles play at on the road you hear it but a playoff game in Baltimore in January really nothing like it and I bet it’s going to be even louder come this Sunday when they play the Chiefs but Kevin we talked about this in general I

Mean there was a little bit of stress but just the overall relief excitement about what these guys are doing to me it was one of the best days I can I can remember in Baltimore really in the last decade for the Baltimore raid yeah and

Speaking of the oh I mean look not every Ravens fan is an Orioles fan and every Orioles fan is a Ravens fan there’s some overlap and then there’s some not but I mean whenever I go to a sporting event that’s not in Baltimore I still do the O

And people are like what in the world are you doing but I think a lot of people also know about it and it’s cool but I agree Ryan to your point there were a lot of narratives that were crushed on Saturday and I think that was some of where the nervous energy and

Nervous excitement was coming from the day started off I mean I remember coming in here to do this pregame show on Saturday it was Electric in here it was electric out there it was Electric in the Lots it was electric everywhere and I think all week all anybody was

Thinking about was the Ravens game on Saturday and we saw the Ravens get punched in the mouth at the end of the first half and what did what did they do in 2019 when that happened they kind of laid down and were they weren’t in the

Game as much we saw Lam more jet that Viral picture of Lamar the stair leaving five seconds to go in the half and he was looking at somebody like they were not going to survive that halftime speech and my favorite thing was Lamar being asked asked after the game who

Spoke at halftime he said I did it was me and of course he said it was too inappropriate to say but which I love about again what what did we hear all week from some of the national media and some of the fans Lamar can’t win in the

Playoffs the Ravens aren’t good in the playoffs they can’t get back to the AFC Championship game and I think all of that stress from going into the locker room at 1010 at half I saw I put out a tweet that said what’s your Panic meter

I saw a lot of people in the you know two three it’s it’s only halftime there were a lot of people up there at the 8 n10 range and Baltimore came out they shut out Houston in the second half didn’t allow him in the Red Zone the

Entire game was it was electric and the best part about it in my opinion guys was the fact that we heard all week about well the seats aren’t selling the Stadium’s not going to get filled up this gonna be a bunch of Houston fans and there were what seven pre- snap

Penalties five false I can’t remember the exact numbers but there were a lot of pre- snap penalties the Ravens fan were they were the literal 12th man out there on the field I know Seattle has that thing but Baltimore fans showed up and it kind of encapsulated how big of a

Day it was for the city and now they get to host the first asan championship game in Ravens franchise history well you just brought up that people here all week were ready to watch this game not only people here uh let me see where it just was right

Here Chris hits it it was the most watched football game ever on ESPN that’s crazy 31.8 million and you know why because Lamar Jackson is must see TV brings eyes to the television screen yes he does and hey Chris Shout Out you Chris hope you’re doing well by the way

We got a catch up but it’s exactly right it was a a must-watch game for all Ravens fans but it was a must-watch game for all football fans and you saw Lamar Jackson do everything especially in that second half what couldn’t he do in that second half we’re g to dive more into

This Ravens game in a little bit we have Mark Clayton coming on S soon oh KY Ren Jr Jr is looking good today Kyle damn right yeah damn right he is you know I was a little bit nervous on a side note with with K Ripken Jr being the the uh

Head coin or the honorary Captain we can save save that do we want to talk about that yeah talk because you hid this from us and I yeah you have to bring it up now okay confession everyone and I’m sorry if this uh if I if I misled you

But I was scared shitless about the whole situation with my dad being the captain because when he told me about it he went I’m going to be the honorary Captain the first thing that went in my mind is this is not the first time and

Actually the last time he did it was in 2006 in the playoffs and Kevin do you remember what game that was I do divisional round Colts no touchdown scored in that game only not great divisional memories in Baltimore before this weekend yep so that’s what I looked at and I go are you

Serious are you putting the Ravens season in Jeopardy right now Calvin but I said some streaks have to be broken you know pun intended playing a lot of games whoa but but anyway the curse is gone we can forget it but he’s not going back out there again okay he did his

Part good great grand wonderful but yeah guys I’m sorry because if I told you that Zach you would have been in a would have been a mess I would have being a literal mess I’m the most superstitious person I actually just did I just did push-ups before the show because I did

Push-ups before last show and it was our best stream shout out to you guys so I had to do it again like that’s how superstitious I am if Ryan would told me that beforehand I might not have shown up on Saturday we been like what’s the point what’s the point yeah I’m glad

Like you said streaks are just meant to be broken they are they are um he’s a good kid I’m glad it worked out for him and I’m glad it worked out for the team now let’s dive into a couple spicy topics because we are gonna have Mark

Clayton on to talk a lot about more about the Baltimore Ravens and again if you’re new to the channel hit that like And subscribe button uh we’re going to talk more about ravens as we go and a couple other highlights that you guys should hear about but guys how about

Another spicy topic let’s flip to the other side the number one seed in the NFC the San Francisco 49ers survived the Green Bay Packers and I mean survived and unfortunately you’re a Packers fan look tremendous game from Jordan love tremendous game from that Packers team but the big moment that switched it all

Really was when Anders Carlson missed that 41 yard field goal I believe when they were up for what happened Brock pry went down and scored and the rest is history the Niners hold on but how about the comment Tom raldi was reporting during the game we can’t show you the

Actual video but Tom raly said when he talked to Matt laflor he says that he says a prayer every time Andrew Carlson goes out and and guys I feel for him and we saw it in the Bills game too we’re going to touch on that in a little bit

But Justin Tucker appreciation actually both of you guys tweeted this out three years I’ve been doing it for three years me and uh Kevin have this thing going on right now don’t it’s never planned but we seem to at least once a day have a tweet yeah way too similar within 10

Seconds of each other we’re the same person it really is crazy like something will drop and then 30 seconds later me and Kevin like a second apart have almost the exact same caption it’s like well played well played great minds think alike is what I say that’s right

So but but on that case though guys and we we saw it it was and there’s been a lot of debate about this but this is how fragile kicking is especially in these big moments and for for Baltimore Ravens fans we know that Justin Tucker is not

Going to be perfect but I think everyone’s so accustomed to how Elite he has been when you look at other teams even on quote unquote down years for Tucker It’s still top of the NFL he’s still a guy that you want constantly but right now for the Packers and it’s not

To say the Packers I know Brad I’ll let you get your point the Packers very well could have lost this game but you could feel the momentum switch just like that yeah for sure and there was couple things that I thought that was interesting about that game you you we

Touched on the kicker obviously but and just the way that he lines up seemed very weird and why didn’t Matt laflor just go and try to find a kicker like anybody anybody this guy missed six extra points in the regular season I I just don’t understand why they stuck

With him but that’s probably another conversation for another time they drafted him yeah which is we were just talking about this pre-show that it is one of those things that’s probably why they stuck with him because they spent a Draft pick on him they did and they did

Say that they are in it for the long haul they are in it to help with his development which you know what I appreciate but you’re right Brad in these moments yeah it it is glaring and we’ve seen other team the Rams did it right before the playoffs they got rid

And added Maher back to the to the lineup that’s my thing too like you know if you were if you really want to invest time in this guy okay fine like invest time in him next season or in the offseason not in a playoff game when you’re going up against the number one

Seed and it was rainy like just the way that guy lined up it was just it was all very odd um but man Jordan love look guy balled out all the way up until the last 30 seconds of the game so like the the if you’re a Bears

Fan bottom of the barrel you’re still going to live in the bottom of the barrel at this point between the Lions and the Packers like I don’t see how the Bears are going to come out on top anytime soon sorry it sucks to suck and

It sucks to be a Bears fan yeah and to Brad’s point I think that again if if you release Carlson who’s picking him up you put him back on the practice squading him for the long hole you put him there and that’s fine you bring in a

Veteran and you make it if you I think Rita hubber was the one who said it if you’re if you miss six extra points in the regular season I’m not taking to the playoffs no it’s it’s Hit or Miss do or die and that’s what people not that

Carlson was having a great season but you know the point that was made is kicking is so fragile in the NFL I’m gonna I’m gonna do it I know some people will not like it I’ll bring back up Billy Cundiff in the year he missed the

Field goal he had a good year yep that year but it’s the one kick that we all remember and I think you know to an extent rightfully so right I mean it was the one of the biggest gaps in Ravens history if not the biggest but we see

All the time how the fallof from kickers can be from one year they’re awesome and then there’s one kick or there’s one season and they’re terrible and they never recover from it and that to me I mean I appreciate the longevity of a Justin Tucker and just what he’s been

Able to do and how consistent he’s been both power and accuracy wise but I mean the Packers decision to with Carlson here it’s not the only reason they lost the game right but I I think it’s one of the most glaring reasons that they at least didn’t have an opportunity to

Either go into overtime or obviously win the game I think it does get magnifying though because kind of what we talked about the kicker people say it’s your only job and yes I get that and it is an insanely hard position because you’re only judged off of two or three plays so

It is tough when you’re a kicker and you do Miss in a moment like that because no matter what happens after if you lose the entire fan based media are going to point to you and I think also I mean out of every position in football I mean

It’s not like if the Packers were to get or just any team were to get rid of a kicker it’s not like it’s a new quarterback and you have to install a new system and everything you got to learn a Playbook right there there’s to an extent you got to learn a couple

Things right I’m not saying being a kicker is just you go and you kick and that’s it but I think it’s one of the biggest positions where you can just plug a guy in and expect him to produce I mean the Packers had Justin Tucker you

Plug him in and he hits those field goals like it just it just is what it is so I think it would have been easy for them to again if they wanted to play for the Long Haul get rid of Carlson for the playoffs put him back on the practice

Squad because I don’t know who was going to pick him up with the way he performed this year it’s almost like when the Bucs picked Robert Robert aguo in the second round yeah and they stuck with him even though he was horrendous for pretty much his entire career but they stuck with

Him and stuck with him and stuck with him because they took him literally a second round and they they’re kicker situation has been kind of viy ever since then well and here’s a here’s a context to for Carlson by the way his brother is Daniel Carlson who got off to

A rough start in his own career and then settled in with the Raiders and is now considered one of the best kickers in the NFL but for Carl for Anders just to give a context a little bit on him he is perfect within 40 yards he was 20 for 20

And this is where it got a little bit dicey for him he was a seven for 13 and field goals longer than 40 yards four of eight in between 40 and 49 and three of five 50 longer so look and that and that’s the part of it you don’t not

Going to say plays come down to one or two here but when it comes down to points and there’s going to be mistakes like the Packers could have done some things better right but when you’re when you get points and and you have that long drive you had that uh kmax uh

Message up there about the long run you have good momentum and then right there was a momentum shift and in the blink of an eye the Packers went from maybe at least it’s overtime or you’re winning this game to wow we’re out just like that and that’s where a fantastic story

Is now met with a really abrupt ending to the season for the Packers we could talk about that for a while but again in Baltimore grateful for Justin telker feel for Carlson I hope he bounces back but the Green Bay Packers nonetheless are a team that you are gonna have to

Look out for for the rest of the year or for the rest of the years and Brad and I talked about with Jordan love we said in the beginning of the year Brad we love Jordan love we l this talent and I’m glad for him and for Packers fans it has

Finally come to fruition yeah I mean what I’m saying is like it it it’s gota I don’t know how the Bears overcome Jordan love and uh Jared gof and Dan Campbell at this point like what the the Bears are just gonna have to either be a

Wild card or not make the playoffs for the next 10 years and but you know what time will tell we’re gonna have to find out but it looks good for the pack it looks good for talking about the Lions here Brad it’s a good little spicy segue

How about the Detroit Lions and you know what’s if you love good stories how about how loyal fans are Detroit how long that they’ve waited and Dan Campbell all of his messages now that he has done over the course of the last few years and to see it all coming together

Brad we have some of those videos right of his speeches yeah so the the one that I’m going to show you guys is the one from the before the season even started and then we’re gonna fast forward to this past weekend so take a look at this

One man I swear to you all I think about is you guys that’s all I think about man that’s all I think about is you guys and how I set you up for the best possible the best possible Advantage I can give you to have a season I swear to you man

I just need you to trust me that’s [Applause] all you guys you guys are unbelievable man I I’m telling you we talked about it all all year this started a long time ago you’re Built For This you were built for this man and look what you guys did you went out

There and the way it’s another hyp team that we knocked off it’s the next H team that you knock off do you know how hard it is to win in this league in the playoffs sir do you understand what you’re doing right now what we’re capable of that’s two all

Right that’s two we got two to go with a Buy in the Middle with a Buy in the middle I’m unbelievably proud of everybody in here man coaches player that’s a way to mount up man that’s that’s not that’s a that’s a difficult team to beat man all right I got one

Game ball man in the game need play Dirt [Applause] por hey man love y’all boys man uh from the support in the linebacker room the coaches staff organization offense man uh three years man took me three years to get the pressure interception but uh but it mean it means more because the

People who believed in me you know a lot of people didn’t the room this ball you know I got to give it to the linebacker room because I said we was going to read one back and God we [Applause] did hey you got to believe how far we

Can go man believe it now believe it now uh this is a good win enjoy it man yo this come once in a lifetime like Alex you tell me man a lot of people don’t make it this far but we did man and everybody in this room man everybody in

Here deserve it that’s why we here like Co said hey man time to prepare for S FR hey you know th this ball Club just feels like it’s destined to get to the Super Bowl bro like I know the 49ers best team in the NFC and I don’t think

There’s any disputing that but just given the momentum this team has got right now and and and the way that Dan Campbell makes you want to just run through a brick wall unbelievable stuff given the fact that this guy started what three was it three 16 what they

They lost like 10 in a rows first season and they were trying to get him in golf they’re the the Detroit fans were trying to throw him out of the city and just to see him turn it around like this has just been an incredible story really

Really happy for Detroit fans yeah I mean this is look I may maybe I’m a sucker for it when you’re in the the the grid of it and as a fan you sometimes get lost in the the the struggles right you’re pissed off you’re ticked off you know

What sucks is being on a losing team in professional sports because you’re also playing for your job you understand the the pressure and impact you have on a city and what you’re seeing right now is a culture changed in Detroit that all they knew for decades and decades and

Decades was loss after loss heartbreak after heartbreak or just not being involved in any of the equation or being a part of the conversation of being contenders and now you have a guy that embodies what the Detroit Lions are trying to be and everyone’s buying in

And it man if if the Ravens don’t win it I would love to see Detroit continue this run it has been amazing to watch yep and you can it just it’s infectious and I think again people in Baltimore are spoiled like this is amazing the Ravens are having their first AFC Championship Game

Detroit has waited decades decades for this moment and they are they are not for gon to forget that hopefully for their fans it’s gonna last for a long time Brad yeah yeah absolutely uh couldn’t be happier it was it was a great game Baker Mayfield play

Played his ass off they need to sign that guy I mean it was it was it was a tough game obviously you don’t want to see him throw an interception at the end of the game like that but how many times have we seen that when there’s so much

Pressure on the line and you’re trying to get the ball down the field we’ve seen it a ton of times so I I’m not gonna uh fault Baker for that but he played his ass off all the way up to yesterday and uh deserves a contract for

Sure well you know what we got a baker believer coming on next actually and we’ll be we’ll bring him on here and the guy that that we’re talking about here is former first round pick 22nd overall in 2005 of the Baltimore Ravens played Five Seasons with the team and I

Mentioned he was in Oklahoma Sooner so you know he’s a he’s a big Baker supporter let’s bring on Mark Clayton can we Brad yeah we go Mark what’s up how we doing you got oh you got the sooner in the back right there sooner you know yeah you gotta represent him

Got a little painting up there hey you got both teams going there I love it yeah hey so since we’re talking about Baker off off the GetGo and I know you’re you’re a big uh sooner believer I mean Baker talk about a guy we talking about stories they wrote him off you saw

During the year uh he was playing defensive lineman on the practice or sorry the year before practice squad on the Panthers and then there was reports of him possibly being the backup quarterback for the Ravens offered him a contract right and then all he did was lead the Buccaneers uh to the NFC

Divisional and and really changed his career around oh absolutely you know it well first of all I appreciate you having me on bro yeah Round of Applause for him real quick Kevin get man you caught me that time you know it said a lot there was a

Deal on uh X the other day and it it talked about the six black quarterbacks that was in the divisional round I thought it was awesome now obviously we offered him you know a position um but no do B Baker’s a dog and he’s a dude been at from day one and

It’s it’s it’s crazy I’ve seen him when he first got to to Norman he wasn’t he had he they allowed him to practice but they they couldn’t put him on you know scolly yet and he’s out there and I I’m watching the quarterbacks and at that time it was Trevor Knight and another

Guy I don’t even know a couple other guys but then there was Baker and I was I just he just looked different and I was like man who is that kid and Coach is like oh that’s Baker May who just came from te I was like man I I don’t

Know what it is but that kid different and obviously I mean sure enough like he he just ripped it up but his personality is infectious he’s been like that like even in that practice he’s not he’s not in the guy he’s not even on scholar yet and you could tell his engagement with

The guys was just different and so I I mean I I’ve latched on from then just as a fan and and being one of the underdogs myself I was really small dude when I got to college and I wasn’t I didn’t have all the stars and all that stuff

And it was just a grind and you know the the the the ability to kind of not see anything and but what I need to do to get to where I’m trying to get to is something that I I saw with him and he does it with Charisma a lot more

Charisma than I do than most to be honest um and it’s fun to watch yeah I think a lot of people especially at least in Baltimore will be biased in the sense because you played for a division rival or Baker what I’m talking about playing for Cleveland so even if you

Really like him I mean Zach you even talked about this it was you really likeed Baker from the beginning yeah I’ve Loved Baker at Oklahoma I thought he was just the passion he played with and just like kind of Mark how you kind of just said like just the way he led

And how everyone bought into what he did and does and the way he carries himself I love that about him and it reminded me of the Dan Campbell quote when he told the story that we watched uh last week where Baker showed up to throw for his

Receivers that were being looked at for the NFL draft despite the fact he had just thrown a few you know hours before for his workouts he had workouts coming up after and so many quarterbacks would say ah I’m not you know I can’t do this I gotta help myself so Mark like what

Kind of stuff does how does that impact uh locker room when you have a guy that has a leader who just wants the best for everyone no matter who it is and no matter what he has to do like you said it’s it’s infectuous um I mean I know

We’ve all been in locker rooms and you just know what it means to have a locker room that’s on the same page and cohesive and everybody just get it like we’re we just get along it it makes getting on the field or you know when

You go and play the game it makes it very seamless it’s it’s easy and it’s fun and and you’re playing with your boys it it’s almost like backyard ball again well speaking of uh infectious personalities or you know draw drawing attention or people see seem to

Gravitate to him I think the guy that people were doing that besides Lamar Jackson we understand Lamar Jackson but roquan Smith and I don’t know if you saw his outfit coming into uh the game on Saturday but I want you to listen to the clip here from roquan after the game of

Why he chose the outfit that he did so Brad can you pull that up for us guys who wear the black hats are feared or bad guys uh is this a role you’re adopting for the postseason honestly uh when I seen it in my closet I actually

Supposed to wore it um in Arizona with PQ but I forgot my boots so uh I brought I had my boots at the house today and then I was just like hey when I was thinking about it this morning I’m like hey they are the Texans and they are the

Cowboys but you know I got this hat on so I’m daddy so did did anyone did anyone in the locker room call themselves Daddy when you were playing marker I think it was understood no self-proclaimed daddies well I think that’s amazing yeah so so how about that I mean

So ran Smith’s embodied is there any connection you can because obviously you were there when Ray was there Ray Lewis playing in Baltimore are you seeing any type of similarities between the two obviously different personalities but both everybody is gravitating towards those guys as being leaders uh of the

Franchise bro it is it I’ll say an insane passion it’s like every fiber every little all the way down to the toenail to the last F follicle on his hair is all ball and all whatever the offense is um any and everywhere I have to be to

Make the play like he’s it’s it’s it’s beautiful to watch and I know obviously Ray loves that and uh you know in Baltimore how we are and what we stand for that’s it’s amazing did did anyone have like dress up like that though did anyone have those types of moments I

Mean I I when I played baseball we tried to do like a flamingo shirt type of thing unfortunately we lost like seven games in a row so we we we banned that from uh the from the clubhouse but you do you guys have any superstitions on on

Dress ups or we you know you guys you guys had it y’all are the most creative bunch of in professional sports that there is to me like I trained out an API back in the day and oh man the uniforms they wore to workout was was unbelievable I like what they come in

Hunting gear one day they come in h fly fishing gear one doing squats like why I don’t understand well why not Mark why not do it you know that’s that’s it why not I don’t know but no we didn’t have any of that it was we’re pretty pretty

Much you wear your suit you wear whatever you wear and get to the game take care of your business and take your ass home yeah it’s like what Jason Kelce says he he doesn’t like playing dress up he likes playing football and I feel like that has kind of more recently I do

Feel like it’s been a thing for walk-in outfits for these games and I feel like for a while that wasn’t a thing and Jason Kelce is holding on to the fact you know whether this was his last year or not he did not like dressing up going

Into games he’s like I’m here to play football I also love how he like roin said I thinking about it I saw my boots like the day of the game and I was you know what let’s let’s decide this because I know I think some people take

You know days to plan it out and kind of figure it all out but he was just like all right we’re gonna do this right now and Mark first of all good to see you again and I feel like with the Ravens and ran and Ray that connection’s been

Made right but for him in the pregame huddle like he is getting the guys fired up and ran and everybody’s talking about how for him he’s the leader of the defense he’s the guy that gets everybody fired up but for you you were in the Huddle for those Ray pregame speeches

What was it like being in there for those and just getting fired up by him almost pretty much every game yeah so as a so early rookie about two years but rookie for sure it was like they had the hair on the back of your neck standing up and

You’re ready run through a brick wall easy after a while it kind of Fizzles down cuz I’m a re I’m on offense you know I don’t I don’t need all that that I just I need to I’m I’m brain you know I gotta be more engineer more you

Know uh very precise and precision and quick and you know settle down plus I’m a I’m a lover boy I’m not you know I’m not I I was a Defender I grew up so I was a linebacker cornerback and all that when I was younger and then then I moved

To quarterback when I was in middle school and then in high school I played quarterback and then I end up playing receiver so a little bit of that aggression that I had when I was younger you know defense was in there a little bit but it wasn’t it wasn’t what that

Was I probably played like two plays in high school and one play we played Martin High School in Arlington Texas and Jimmy Dixon who was the number one or two running back in all of Texas at about 62 230 240 whatever he was came around the corner and I’m at corner

Subbing for the guy that was hurt and I’m supposed to hit this guy running right at me and I’m at 145 is 147 it didn’t happen like at all and that was my last play on defense ever and so you know I no they they they were great you know early but

As time went on it was just like you know this cool let’s let’s get to the game like I’m ready to run by somebody yeah I didn’t think about that I guess as a wide receiver him screaming that you need to go take everyone’s head off doesn’t necessarily it’s like actually I

Got to make sure my head doesn’t get taken off when I’m out there so little different mindset between Mill linebacker and wide receiver out there speaking of that Mark do you remember you know because of that with receivers you especially you know you getting hit over the middle it’s different nowadays

Right the rules have changed and and everything has changed a lad to play right now yeah all the especially you know now we’re hearing the the fumble out of the end zone rule might be taken away after after what happened with micle Hardman but for you do you

Remember the hardest hit you took as an NFL player oh God I took a few bro I took uh so in practice one time Corey Ivy caught me slipping I didn’t see him and I turned around and he just SP like right in that sweet spot and uh I

Couldn’t see out of my left eye like I couldn’t like I couldn’t I don’t know what happened but I was I couldn’t see and then it came back slowly but that was a that had never happened before so CI got me and then the game you guys

Remember Bob Sanders yeah oh yeah course got he took himself out of the NFL like he took me out one play uh on a Crossing route and just just downhill full speed got me I remember I got caught and I sna my head on the ground and I was woozy

You know back then there there’s not the you know the protocol and all that stuff so I just you know made it mosy my way back and kept going but uh that one was one and then another was uh Koo Kennedy he hit me on a slant route on

Third down and I I had to run the slant and I know he was throwing it to me and I knew he knew that he was throwing it to me yeah yeah yeah true it wasn’t pretty I felt like I shrunk hit me right top of my head and I

Ah yeah that one was that one was rough it just it was and then actually Brian Dawkins got me one time too and it wasn’t so much like a hit it was like a a crumbling that made you feel defeat like a little lamb and you just had to go with

It so I mean okay when you know it’s coming too you mentioned that that there was you up you tense up yeah yeah you’re like and you gotta catch this you’re just sitting there I mean what what is that feeling like a [ __ ] like I like

It’s just like all right you know say a prayer and hope it ain’t that bad I might as well catch it because either way true true thank you might as well catch it might as well that’s what I scream at the TV as I’m not getting hit

Every time a wide receiver drops it I’m like I’m like you might as well catch it I’m like so Mark is it one of those things where after you take a big hit like that do you kind of look at who did it and if it’s a guy like Brian Dawkins

You’re like okay that happens but if it’s someone else you’re like damn he he’s the one who just laid me out like that do you have that kind of pride in you where you’re like okay it’s Brian Dawkins that happens no no it it is it’s

An understanding of the fact that you in the NFL and everybody really can hit like yeah they want they can hit they understand angles really well actually I’ll take it back raay you know when he was on manic cast was talking about the angles that the Eagles was taking and

They were I watched the game the other day there were angles it was like man what what the hell is going on crazy but at that time you know especially in our division the angles that the guys were taking were spot on and they could all

Hit small or I mean I I mean shoot um who’s my guy uh Minnesota Viking quarterback Winfield incredible at all of 58 you know 185 whatever and he would take on a guard like he didn’t care and it was it was incredible what a different what a

Different time and place uh so for those that are tuning in right now we got Mark Clayton former Raven former first round pick for the Ravens also but you’re a stud at we were talking about this Mark I want to see you I’ve heard about we I’ve heard about you as a basketball

Player and uh maybe I can beat you in golf definitely not basketball but I’ll give it a go um but if you’re tuning in everyone if you’re new to it hit that like And subscribe button uh we’d appreciate it but Mark we’re talking we’ll talking Ravens and Mark getting

His Bell rung at least seven eight nine hundred times uh we actually Rocco’s somewhere behind screen here we might let him in if we want that’s our other guest we’re not sure if we want to yet Mark but he’s a little bit late he was traveling Brad I think you got a

Question right now yeah so so mark first of all thanks for coming on the show man really appreciate it I uh I was just kind of going back and just kind of obviously doing some research for the show and then realized uh that you had played with Joe flaca for short stint and

Like we’re we’re seeing kind of like this revival of Joe this past season and just how the guy just continues to sling it you know it’s it’s hard to believe that he came in the league we were talking we kind of to me person thought about this with Tom Brady right because

Like he had been in the league for a generation obviously he was played an elite level the entire time but you have a guy like Joe who played at an elite level at one point then kind of we did he was just on the bench for quite a

While and then all of a sudden goes to Cleveland and just lights it up I mean obviously you know you you play with him when he was a lot younger but is are you seeing the same old Joe like and and can you can you see him playing somewhere

Else next year uh yeah absolutely that arm is is is pretty damn young it’s crazy he was I mean he had more more arm than he absolutely needed uh from day one he like I mean to me it’s like U really having a Lamborghini and you know

All the horsepower that you have you don’t need it yeah and his arm is like that and I’m like man looking at him now was crazy there were some throws that he was making that was just and and they were just you know kind of flick of the

Wrist throws and you’re looking at like that’s that’s ridiculous that’s that’s you know your Josh Allen that’s momes like these these guys that that can really like sling it he was doing that in that little run that he had and it was it was really impressive but I’m I

Was also not surprised by that because being with him early his his arm Talent was was crazy so does he have you know one of the one of the best balls is that just one of the prettiest balls in all of the NFL like I feel like everyone it

What I put in the pre-show meeting do not ask about Joe’s balls like that well stop yeah you you made it you you you you in the pre-show meeting you I asked about I asked about the the the ball path I didn’t ask about Joe’s balls here

Zack but that’s a okay pass it says don’t ask directly about his balls Mark don’t you do it no okay did he throw did he throw a good ball I think everyone Cooper was talking the trajectory thank you there it is right there we go thank you yes yes Joe he was

Great don’t you love this show don’t you love it I hate it here Mark I do I swear um spiral Aaron spiral is the word spiral great ball great SP did he throw he threw one of the best spirals Mark yeah espe on the go about the Deep

Passes the spiral it just it was just so pretty spinning up there you know coming down I was like man because Amari Cooper talked about it too and I mean Amari was pumped when he came to Cleveland and he goes he goes it’s just it just seems like it’s he’s mesmerized when he’s

Gonna catch it it just looks like it’s a great ball to catch and Amari balled out when when Joe obviously um came on the scene there and Amari is one of the best wide receivers in the NFL I think people sometimes forget that just be given the opportunities and circumstances so I’m

Sorry I got off context with that um but for everyone thank you for letting me know yeah I know uh the good gmon gang yeah I know seriously moon at noon yeah I know he’s a married man I got it I’m well aware you know it’s it’s all good

Hey um for those that are tuning in again uh with Mark Clayton like And subscribe uh Mark I told you we have another guy that’s usually involved with us his name is Roco sangro he works here in Baltimore and Fox 45 he’s a part of

The uh the program of our show uh are we gonna let Rocko in Brad should we oh there he is thanks for showing up I won what’s up Mark how you doing man I’m good man glad you could join us yeah finally Billy traffic was killing me man

I had two hour drive up here I’m at my girlfriend’s place right now so you know what they say in the team meeting yeah yeah yeah exactly I should do push-ups or something 10 minutes early is on time Rocco that’s that’s what they say Kevin Kevin you of all people can’t talk [ __ ]

Today so I was here 20 minutes early I was here 20 minutes early just 30 minutes after he said it year no 10 minutes after I said it unbelievable this is this is how it is all the time man I don’t know how you follow up a

Question that was just asked like I I have no clue how that that’s gonna happen out of control Ryan just asked you but you know out of control it was you guys took it the wrong way okay we got the point all right bar Rocco why don’t you ask your question thanks for

Joining the show anyway all right Mark you went through the last head coaching chain for the Baltimore Ravens from Brian bck to John Harbaugh I want to know first of all you saw Harbaugh dancing you saw these these coaches the assistants dancing in the locker room what do you

Think of that was was Harbaugh doing that the first you know you got two seasons with them those two seasons that you were with Harbaugh in Baltimore and what was the early impression when you guys go from one head coach to another what were your early thoughts of of John

Harball when when he first came in and took over before he even got hired when you guys heard the Rumblings what did you guys what were your initial thoughts with him coming in here yeah first of all I I actually enjoyed uh coach coach bck because he was like um at that time

I mean obviously he had had all of his success for the you know he was established and we had a veteran team and so the way he treated me as a rookie was basically like a vet and I appreciate that because you know going into it I was all I’m coming from

Oklahoma where I was uh leader a grinder I did all the extra work and made sure you know the guys went out and ran extra routes so we did you know extra kid whatever it was and so going to the NFL was just like oh yeah I’m I mean this is

This is my my backyard this my play this easy money and so with Billy he kind of let you you know have your space and do what you do as a pro which I appreciate it um then when we made the switch Harbaugh was a little different appro

Approach uh to dealing with us and you know although we had a veteran team harau wanted to put his foot down and make make his his stance and you know it started off it actually started off Rocky um you know training camp we I think shoot the players had a I mean we

We was standing up we were about to March uh probably like three days in the camp uh like n ain’t G we can’t be doing it like this Co don’t work like that that ain’t what we used to and uh you know he came back and you know we just

Went toe-to-toe but out of that friction basically we you know was able to communicate and get to a place where it was like you don’t have to treat us like college kids or kids at all um and vice versa we’re going to respect what you

Want to do and how you want to build this team and where we want to go um at the same time and you know that after that there was of course a lot of growing pains and all that that happened but what came from it I I thought was

Very very positive um you know coach and and the leaders and you know the other guys been able to communicate and get on the same page and put a plan together that worked for everybody and obviously in those first uh what three three years

That I was with him I think we went to the playoffs a couple different times in a uh AFC Championship game and so that was a a really you know cool experience to have but a lot of it came from that initial uh conflict that we had in in

The in the beginning where it was like nah nah we ain’t in college no more man you ain’t fed to be running us like that like it ain’t that ain’t what it is going GR that’s interesting to hear Mark honestly because for him it was kind of Uncharted Territory uncharted

Waters for him being a head coach for the first time and for you guys going through the coaching transition that changed so I’m sure there was a little feeling out on both sides like he was trying to feel you guys out trying to figure out like what to say what to do

Um how to get the best out of you guys and you guys were were trying to probably get the best out of him as well it’s like the iron sharpman iron mentality yep everybody wants to win a Super Bowl I there was no mistake about that and then obviously you know with

The leaders that we had J’s and Ed and Ray and all those guy like it it was all about Super Bowl and we just you know had two different views of how to get there yeah so so with that I mean there were a lot of strong veteran presences

In that locker room 1,00% so Mark I don’t know if you’ve seen the videos of John Harbaugh after some of these recent games of him just going crazy and and dancing in the locker rooms would would that have ever happened in your locker rooms when he when he was first starting

Out no was so serious man it’s kind of like Bob Stoops and Norman too like it was it was int like we every the world was on his shoulders and and he he couldn’t he couldn’t raise up like he couldn’t raise up to do any move you

Know and everything was was was business and we had to you know be locked in and we we had to take care of our business this Harbaugh is amazing and so fun to watch uh I’m so happy for him and his family and then obviously you know what

That that does to the the locker room room and the whole building as a whole because you know that’s that’s not only after a game um and so I also know like his personality is he’s what he is is is ridiculously personable uh he cares you

Know deeply about each guy as much as he can and um he takes that very serious and he you know a big part of the the the meshing and the fiber of what makes each team the team is that harbar takes uh an assertive effort to make sure that

He knows each guy like he he really does which is really how would you rate his dance moves have you seen them are they good oh they’re they’re like um like uh a solid actually they’re solid 10 like white boy like that it’s it’s about energy anyway if

You bring the energy all of it it’s all about the energy at this at some some people aren’t you know talented in that in that way I can’t I’ve been told I think I’m a good dancer but then I’ve been told I’m not a good dancer but I

Have great energy and I can live with that I can live with that put it like this if if Chris Brown was dancing there and Harbaugh was dancing right there I bet there’d be more cameras on Harbaugh without a doubt he was definitely the more ENT I don’t know if

It was a better dancer but it was more entertaining absolutely yeah so Mark when John kind of came in this is what I’m kind of just thought about this is that when the conditioning test kind of changed because I know the Ravens historically have a very tough

Conditioning test that not a lot of players are fond of is that kind of where is that when it started did bck also have a tough one no bck was uh pretty pretty easy um I mean it was like a 300 yard shuttle I think two 300 yard

Shuttles at 25 yards back and forth back and forth back and forth um I mean I you know just playing basketball I I pass that um then Harbaugh you know he he wanted to put his little spin on it and make it a little longer um and the time

Was a little faster so yes more difficult yeah I’ve I’ve heard a lot of things about the conditioning test yeah not a lot of great things training camp too so training camp we went live we would go live uh like in both practices that was extremely rare like oh wow

Would never do that like he’ll never do that well the Ravens they they move some stuff around right with the training camp practices they moved the time where you know there was less heat in the day and figuring stuff out because it used to be was they used to be in the

Afternoons if I’m not mistaken or they moved it yeah because that that he can get crazy in training camp oh yeah nowadays with the rules and you know the player safety is in place and you know it’s it’s uh it’s pretty cake bro like in comparison is cake and well I think

The rules too you kind of mentioned it where you mention you love to be a wide receiver today all these rules are favoring the offense he can’t get hit over the middle all these unsportsmanlike and player safety stuff I mean you had you had to worry as a

Receiver when you were playing about getting cracked over the middle and there was no penalty for that you just move on and play the next down exactly like nobody flinches or bats an ey it was just either it was a good hit or it wasn’t yeah what a time what a time to

Be wide receiver wasn’t that a great time and actually uh our our good friend Sam and joku with Ravens talk we just had him on last week he’s saying you know get ready suit up on Sunday Mark got a few more catches in you I know Justin for has his helmet ready to

Go he put those tweets out there so yeah oh my did you see the put out Madden in a minute huh did you see the meme Justin put out it’s like he put make the law he justfor it yeah yeah foret is oh he’s he’s magnificent he’s awesome yeah great

Yeah he’s great all right you know speaking of that though of saying you Su up Mark I think this has been a topic at least for the Baltimore franchise right it was and and the pressure started around right before you came in and then obviously you were drafting the first

Round and the notion was that the Ravens were having a tough time Drafting and developing wide receivers like the pressure for you I remember when you got draft to come to Baltimore yeah and I was ecstatic just like everyone is everyone wants to see people have that

Success but were you that aware of that type of pressure coming in because let’s just face said I mean before you came in and then even after that has been the growing uh narrative in Baltimore is that drafting a homegrown wide receiver has been a a tough task do you feel that pressure

Coming in absolutely not no hell no I was it was like I you know I watched like NFL football so I I watched I was a basketball guy I watched first like full college football game when I was a senior in high school it was U versus

Notre Dame remember it vividly but um after that you know NFL I would watch it but I wasn’t paying that much attention to it I also didn’t think I was going to get draft I I wasn’t planning on going to the league at all out of high school

I was going to the Air Force but I started getting recruited late like going into my senior year and then that just changed the D trajectory and so getting to college was like happy gol lucky happy gol lucky getting to the league was just like this is like unreal

I’m Legit pinching myself and so my mentality my whole setup was all like I’m just I’m just Happ to be here and I know I can do it because God put me here and then obviously I I you know accomplished what I’ve accomplished so

I’m supposed to be I can do this is no no big deal so I never felt that type of pressure but what I did not know or understand was the scheme in offense in Baltimore and what it had been uh so getting into that was like you know I I

Got the Playbook I probably learned the playbook in in like a week or two like it didn’t take long to learn that I mean I even when I got traded to the Rams I got there on like a Tuesday well no Monday night well T and Tuesday I got in

The book and by the time we had practice on Wednesday afternoon I had the plays like they were like damn how you do that I mean well I had like a photographing memory so I can like I and it’s fading now it’s fading now but but then you

Know I I could I can rip through some stuff and then I’ll just boom let’s go do it and so getting to Baltimore was like man I know this offense and that’s it like I’m I’m ready to get in and play and make my plays and you know do what I

Do because I’m not having to think about the offense I can just think about you know what we’re scheming up that week or what what the hot reads are or what the defense does what we’re trying to exploit like I can do that now as a

Rookie because you know I was able to read playbooks pretty quick I think that comes from in a quarterback too but um and but I didn’t I never felt the pressure of you know doing anything above anything that I hadn’t already done at Oklahoma in the NFL I was expecting to just continue

Doing what I did at Oklahoma but little that I know we don’t run offense like that and the ball ain’t coming like that so you’re not likely to really put up numbers like that and we also had a guy on the other side who was a veteran uh

In Mason who demanded the ball like he knew how to get it I didn’t and my personality is just hey y’all let me know what to do where to be and believe me I’ll be there that was it and so no I never felt the pressure like that which

Made that experience also really fun for me uh you know being a rookie and having Deion Sanders going against me in practice Ray Lou every you know lineup at corner every now and then um and play against that defense you know week in or go against that defense week in week out

And practice and then all the games playing against you know whoever it was that week was just it was it was it was a blast I had a blast and my entire the rest of my career it it got kind of I recognized it probably my third year

Third year Underneath It All I asked aie to get me out because I was like I don’t understand why y’all pick me at 22 and we don’t even throw it like I don’t throw it to me like I I really I would love to have the ball like I can make

Play and it didn’t make sense to me I you know if it would you know let me go um and it didn’t it took five years and then I got traded to the Rams and that very first week um uh coach said hey we’re throwing it are you going to be

Ready I was like absolutely first week 55 pass attempts Sam Bradford was slanging that thing yeah he did Sling it for like one whatever and I was like oh yeah I’m home this like college again you know and this is fun it became you know fun

Again yeah I mean that’s a part of it I think rock you have something piggybacking off of that yeah Mark exactly I mean you kind of touched on not not getting the ball and you felt like you should be getting the ball more at that point in time there was kind of

A narrative before the season began and even kind of dating back to last SE season it seemed like as well that wide receivers didn’t want to play here in Baltimore and Lamar Jackson was a reason why it was like a narrative out there and I thought that was crazy I know a

Lot of people here thought that was crazy what were your thoughts when you saw that kind of circulating were you were you just shaking your head um as as a wide receiver what what are your thoughts and how many yards what kind of numbers do you think you’d put up with

Lamar Jackson as your quarterback right now if you’re in your Prime well it is it is is not it’s not so much just about Lamar being a quarterback is who’s calling plays and what plays are being called what re what are we doing in pract like how are we working through

These reads and all the progressions that that is so important and which is why I think Lamar’s development would have been much faster had the offense been uh what it is today if monin was around when Lamar was a rookie he’d have at least two MVPs by now probably this

Be his third and definitely probably would have had a deeper run in the playoffs but now um and so I’m I’m like man I I would love to play with a Lamar in this offense for sure playing in the other offense not so much you got

Nothing do with Mar no but that I think that’s been the narrative though that’s that that’s the point of a lot of people we’ve heard of well who wants to to catch balls from Lamar Jackson oh he’s not a good pocket passer he’s not a good quarterback to make those throws we’ve

Seen it it might not look the unor or it’s to people it’s it’s unorthodox the way that he does maybe he’s off balance but the Precision where he puts the ball it’s it’s it’s stupid I mean you’re watching that as a guy you’re saying No this guy can this guy can sling it

Around the field absolutely and you don’t you only get good at doing it by doing it this is the first but a part from his which blows my mind U MVP season that I’ve seen Lamar be a able to just drop back pass like just drop back

Like we should been we should have been dropping Lamar Back in regular passing situations on first down third down second just depending on the circumstance but definitely some first down dropback passes that open it up and or you know whatever basically your playbook is wide open with Lamar um

And the dropback pass has to be a a pivotal part in what makes this offense extremely unguardable because he can actually really throw the ball and so if if in the season the first season maybe his second year or third year or fourth wherever as you’re developing him and in

Drop back passing is not always going to be awesome he’s going to have to make mistakes he’s going to have to learn from those mistakes he’s going to have to grow in that and then that’s what development developing is and is guiding someone through those mistakes to be

Great period and that’s what I feel like Lamar didn’t get early and but he’s getting now and I mean he was fortunate to to to to shine like he did when in his MVP season um man he’s shy I mean he’s he’s he’s he’s made so many plays I

Mean even in the two years that he got hurt our record and everything that he’s done has been you know been great and so I’m just glad that he has mock in there to kind of open it up and allow him to flourish in a in a whole new way

It’s been fun to watch I think everyone I think Baltimore fans realized that but that’s still been the narrative around you know media in general the National Football League but I I I mean I’ve always want this is the thing I and we’ll have a couple more questions I

Know I appreciate your time and and hopefully this isn’t too bad dealing with Rocco on no but the one thing I always bring up to guys because it it it grinds my gears is when when people that are watching is they will say oh well you

Know Lamar can’t do this but then when you listen to players on the defensive side go I don’t know how to guard him I don’t know how to stop him I mean I think isn’t the biggest compliment as a player to be your peers saying the dude

I don’t know when when that dude’s got the ball I don’t know what to do he’s the best player on the field I mean I think people are not listening to the the San Francisco 49ers the second best team quote unquote in the NFL their def

Def is saying we had no answer for him at all I mean that’s got to be the biggest compliment the by far by far to be unguardable if there’s it’s like if if there’s a play to be made he can make it whether that is getting out of the

Pocket or you know breaking a tackle using your legs or standing in the pocket and throwing a 42 yard dot down the field or a 22 yard over route to Isaiah likely that by that much misses the defender’s hand and Isaiah snags it and goes in for the score uh he can beat

You in a number of ways and the legs his legs have been the most elite and then knowing that the arm Talent is there gives him the tremendous upside because you can always develop as a passer nobody can just go get Elite leg Talent no that just you just don’t go get leg

You ain’t gonna go to Amazon and by Lamar like legs it don’t I wish yeah know Kevin we know I wish I’ll take a few uh you know I’m a little short so if he can maybe donate some of his height to me too that’

Be yes so Mark we actually on a side note here so actually it’s a good time to bring up our sponsor Adam’s Jeep of Maryland by the way right behind ride the Jeep je Kevin you riding the Jeep there you go I almost rode the Jeep over top of my micing the Jeep

Now what what’s Mark what you love the Jeeps wifey loves the Jeep wifey loves the Jeep well hey you gotta come on up here Adam’s Jeep am Marland will love that by the way but Adam Jeep from Maryland they’re up in Aberdine uh they’re a proud sponsor of the Ryan

Ripken show they are fantastic but the reason why I brought up the sign too we have a thing now Mark uh if you’re taller than the sign and unfortunately yeah we only have two people that have to really be yeah so Rocco’s one of them and Kevin is you look you look great

You’re a good kid but what can I say I I was not gifted height did the did the picture did the picture that I posted did that not like look like I was five fo did you post a picture no he no oh of Melo and Rudy yeah oh can we pull that

Up oh my God I took a picture with Melo and Rudy Gay at the Ravens game oh my yeah I’m like 5 seven maybe 58 59 who knows I keep getting you know every time I go maybe 510 5’11 who knows but I look like I’m five I’m 5’2

In that picture it looks Photoshopped it looks we it’s bad yeah see I’ll be honest and I’ll say I am 5’6 and 24 25ths but since the 24 25ths thing I is it wrong for me to say I’m 5’7 I feel like it’s not

Wrong for me to say 57 if I’m 5’6 and 24 2 Roco just said he was 510 511 might be 512 even though he he said he was anywhere from 5’7 to 5’11 that’s a pretty big rate man my there’s a new infomercial or what was it it was like

Some new Stacks oh there it is here it is here it is wow bro yeah I saw that immed over me I had my aunt reached out to me she’s like she’s like did did you shrink or those guys just really tall I was like they’re basketball players like

Relax combination I’m not Shing right now like the honey I shrink the kids movie you got a little shrink ray and so bad you should have cut off the legs and like gotten on your tippy toes there needed to be more need to be like some

Game plan going in here yeah I didn’t realize Rudy Gay was taller than Meelo though I didn’t either man I didn’t even realize that yeah I didn’t know that this is the real breaking well that’s also the part of it too is that’s also the part of some of the NBA guy guys

That you watch and you’re like oh the guards like Steph Curry like Steph Curry is not a short individual like for maybe maybe for NBA standard but dude’s not small like I don’t know what to tell people well it’s like when uh where did Draymond Green just go he was at some

Football game earlier this year I think it was with the Chiefs and it was him like standing with other NBA players and they walked over to the football players and he’s like six inches taller than everyone like even the lineman and you realize oh being small in the NBA is you

Are a massive human being you have the massive human beings like ad and Jared vanderbelt and the Dow went to the the P the 49ers Packers game and those got 80s huge 0s a monster football Boulder shoulders un that’s why like so I actually tweeted this out from last night’s game I’m sure

Everybody’s seen it but the Jason Kelce like look at look at him holding that beer can and like the size of his hand oh man like giant human the guy who can snap a football yeah Mark Mark are you doing that if you come up for the game on Sunday oh

Happily got gotta get you around we got to get you around the Lots here make sure uh my wife she probably she probably kiss my belly button something weird we we’ll have a chug off on the big screen between Jason Kelsey and Mark Clayton mark it down that’s what check

Out Jason’s wife too in the background she’s in the top left there yeah she’s like y that that’s typical Jason that’s oh yeah oh yeah you gotta love that you know what I loved about with Kelsey too is that he was in the Lots in Buffalo just house houseing

Beers being in the atmosphere people were loving him and I mean Buffalo’s got a great atmosphere I feel for their fans that that was a tough moment and I Kevin I think you got you got a question about the atmosphere here in Baltimore we know that that Baltimore likes to uh likes to

Bring it especially uh from the fans perspective yeah well I mean one more point on the Lamar thing is I think the one thing that stands out to me about the whole Lamar discourse of oh wide receivers don’t want to play with Lamar which is untrue is when Juju misher was

A free agent he was I think the three teams were the Chiefs the Steelers and the Ravens he wanted Michael Irving podcast and he was asked about oh what about all these teams and he said you know I love Lamar I love to play with Lamar but the offense is it’s it’s not

For me and again every goal of everybody’s different and John harau said I think look if you’re a wide receiv you want to come here you want to win football games and you want to know be a part of a winning team and a good culture but again some people just want

To catch footballs targets and that’s what it is and I know Mark it’s different for everybody right but if you’re sitting there as a wider receiver and you’re a veteran looking to maybe rebuild your value let’s say and you go to a place like Baltimore and you get

Three targets a game or four targets a game that’s not a place for you to be if you want to rebuild your value on a one-year deal and maybe secure one more long-term deal before you go so I think that that kind of puts thing in perspective where I don’t think Lamar

Was ever the issue I just think it was circumstance with the way the offense was agree I th% it’s another thing too because with the atmosphere in Baltimore this these fans they love their team 1,00% you I mean you you have Texas Roots Oklahoma roots and obviously that

Was a part of you you growing up through growing up in college but you’re drafted by the Ravens what did you know about Baltimore before you got there did you know anything and just say you know what the hell’s in Bal like what what’s in Baltimore or did you know what you were

In store for I did not know I I was I’m untraveled as it as it comes just little hood dude we I didn’t I didn’t we didn’t know I didn’t think that you travel I didn’t know anything about going out of state or experiencing any other place until college but uh getting to

Baltimore was like wow like first I was like man there’s a lot of black people here like this is I didn’t even know go then it was like uh my first you know you had to get stuff I got a little condo the Target or whatever I go to to

Get stuff for it and then at the checkout you know in Texas down in Oklahoma it’s you know thank you have a nice day everywhere all the time thank you con have a nice day yes sir no ma’am I said you know thanks have a nice day

And like lady just looks at me like like get out of here next enjoy your day like what I was like okay cool and and come to find out you know and the North East you know it’s a little different down there the southern hosit not so present so yeah it was a

Little different man but you know as I got in it’s like but what is true is everybody real like I don’t know you so I don’t even say nothing to you like what do you do for me all right [ __ ] you but that is it how it is though it is

Yeah but if you’re in like you you family and it’s true and I’mma tell like it’s G you’re gonna know what is real I’m not gonna sugarcoat nothing and I’m not gonna smile so down here like people would definitely be like haha he he and at the same time literally just hate

Your guts and up there that’s not the case like people just tell you they hate your guts yeah straight up and I respect I I fell in love with that the realness of of of Baltimore now in the draft did you know it was going to be Baltimore

The whole time I know you be picked were there any other places that you thought hey maybe I could go here maybe I could go there or did you really think it was Baltimore the whole time uh actually I thought I thought for a hot second I

Would end up in Dallas at the number 20 pick uh they had took uh Demarcus Wear okay early they had two first rounds so they right right and then with the second one we my agent and he thought maybe they’ll go offense and they didn’t and so that was one I was

Like oh maybe I you know go back or be around the corner but after that he was like uh you know I didn’t expect I didn’t know where I would go he’s like you could be somewhere late one early two um but then I got a a message that

Said uh Baltimore is probably gonna take you and the rest is history the rest is history and here we are and here we are now you’re entrenched with uh the Baltimore Community um whether you like it or not uh hey but before I got we’ll

Get you get you out of here in a second we appreciate your time with it everyone if you’re new to coming on here we’re with former Baltimore Raven former Oklahoma Sooner Mark Clayton wide receiver a guy that wish he was playing in the NFL right now he can still kick

All of our asses if he wanted to and except golf we gotta figure that out I think I could give you a run we talked about this you’re you’re a guard you’re way quicker than me I’m like yeah hesy step like it’s yeah I got all that you

Still got you still got it I’m hesy like can I can touch the rim a little bit but I and it’s my first step is is where it’s at must be nice Mark must be nice Mark speaking of Oklahoma drill mark would whoop me in an Oklahoma drill oh

Yeah so Mark we have so Nick Nick Moore who’s the Long Snapper for the Ravens he out for the season but Nick yeah so Nick was gonna be on tonight he might be on on Thursday but he we said for his uh his uh C celebration to return to

Football no or or it’s just part of his recovery program the rehab program it was to take or do the smelling salts and then Oklahoma drill Kevin uh in studio yeah very nice you know and then he works up to NFL players but you know we start off

Easy yeah and then Rocko’s next oh we he can just build up in studio yeah I’ll go after I didn’t agree to anything like that no that’s yeah you didn’t but now it’s a part of the thing crazy you know the other part I’ll I’ll I’d like to I’d like to to play

Basketball against Mark or I’d like to see Rock go one-on-one with with Mark to that’d be amazing wow Mark we gotta get I gotta I gotta see it man we got and I already told you about some some of the basketball growing up but at the house

We got to talk more about that um and if you guys are new to the channel hit that like And subscribe button we try to do this Mondays and Thursdays we’re doing a special show on Sunday for a pregame show here in studio again engraven I see

You talking about the NBA Jams toury if you’re looking from behind there yep we got the old arcade game in the back oh yeah yeah fire yeah there it is exactly so mark this this studio is kind of it’s it’s uh it’s usable like we try to make it interactive it’s it’s

It’s pretty massive space but you can’t really tell from this sign or from there but we got we got a lot going on we got a lot going on but we’re GNA keep expanding and there’s so much room for activities and I saw someone say could

There be a collab with engraven in the future I don’t know maybe there’s another date that I haven’t mentioned yet so stay tuned on that as well engraven we appreciate you as always you are uh he loves theen he’s he’s the one that we talked about this he was the uh

Made this all kind of the next phase right he brought the attention he brought the the standard to what it would be for for Raven’s content team keep it clean team keep it clean not to you know aent Graven like that but I remember being like 13 years old and

Like me and my friends would be two years ago 10 but you know i’ would be like team keep it like that was a big thing everyone you know engraving that OG OG he is an OG and you’re a good kid Zach Zach’s the baby of the group Mark

Um we try to remind him of that when you when you were playing he was like I think just born so I was I was six when you were drafted so you know okay yeah I you know I was there we’re just trying to make sure when he goes out in fed

Hill after the after the games if if we have to pull out of the it was more like Mark Clayton’s on the show I was like that’s actually the first wide receiver I really remember as a raven so uh this is big big for me you were like the

First in my memory that’s like Mark Clayton’s our wide receiver that’s great way hey last thing then Mark we’ll get you out of here and I know and I appreciate your time sorry if we took up too much you’re good um oh that’s great well maybe we’ll take up more of your

Time now you’re and now you’re staying on I’ll be back yeah and that’s great and Mark is staying the rest of the year but last thing want before you get out of here there’s a couple things I want it’s a two-part question sure but one

You were on the Ravens in ‘ 06 when had the buy and that was when my dad was honorary captain and it’s his fault you guys lost that game not yours 15 to six was the final but that was the narrative going into this game in 2019 for the

Baltimore Ravens was can you get past that that hump and you guys kind of dealt with that and that’s stung and I think a lot of people here it was 2019 is the one that moved do you remember that game in ‘ 06 I mean that that had

Do it hurt it hurt it was tough because that was a hell of a year and you know having air magire we was just you know we knew we were we were on our way and to not be on our way was very difficult

To to deal with but uh yeah that was a it was a great game then you know when you take that week off and this is what I said about this year’s team too taking that week off the one thing that is tough and other people will you know

Have said it and I heard it is passing game passing game is is is is really hard when you have not been in game full speed repping it um but I was confident in the fact that we had defense and then we have the number one run game which at

The end of the day if if you can’t throw it that’s okay you run it you squeeze the game and you let your defense hold you down until you figure out a way to make a a play here and there to bust the game open and that’s surely what we did

Which you know to struggle the first half was understandable to to me uh but then making the adjustments and awaken the the the lion yeah awesome yeah it um it really was and we wanted to ask this question I have one more for you but because biley we

Appreciate the the donation to it but I mean I think we got to ask it too and we’ll give the round of applause there thank you thank you keev Kevin Kevin way a Clap by the way Mark’s clapping too Bailey’s my guy Bailey’s my guy well

So Bailey wanted to ask then best moment as a raven for you uh best moment as a raven um I’d say getting dra getting drafted going in the locker room and then first first game was a Sunday night game uh so it was it was Peyton Manning

On the other side the co and so I it was just like it was unbelievable I didn’t in pregame warm-ups I they had to pull me from like half half field like from 50 do the thing because I’m looking at pton and them do their thing

But I was like man this is bro that’s Payton bro like that’s that’s Payton like pton Payton Manny bro so was that kind of your like holy crap I’m in the NFL moment looking across the field and Payton’s warming up absolutely absolutely and it was because I I mean

And Dion so going oneon-one with Dion in training camp was another um but that the lights the the atmosphere the crowd Ray like all that like that was that was a lot more emotionally engaging like it was it was crazy awesome that’s that’s awesome okay and last thing because it’s kind of

Touching on being Star Struck at least in your moment in the NFL you’re with the Ravens uh just talking about quickly you know we we talked about how passionate the fans aren’t here playing in Baltimore I mean we had a clip of Pat mcy even talking about how crazy it is

To play there in the oh in the national anthem we won’t play it for here just because we’ll get you out of here but you know what I’m talking about because you’ve been here I mean y I feel like it’s it’s a it’s a HomeField advantage

That I don’t gets I don’t think gets enough credit at least on the national level oh yeah that’s all and so um first when I having that experience to me I was like man this is like OU East this is like being in Norman just on the East

Coast because they are loud and Rowdy and then on top of that we got Boomer in the national an so I have oh in the National which is awesome um but no the fan base is is insane and you know just the other day I I saw the the stats the

What was it four the leg uh four the leg false starts yeah five false starts two delay of games yeah seven pre- snap penalties seven PR the the I was like the flock is flocking and it’s real flock was flocking and that noise is crazy and watch it we watched and just I

Could hear it you know is is that kind of deafening like you hit peak level and it keeps coming just like it like when you’re on the field the only game that I was like where we were on offense and I had that experience was versus Texas A&M uh when

I was in college and it was impossible to call plays literally uh Jason had to walk one by one and call the play tell me to play tell him to play everybody to play it was unbelievable and it just is the be like if you have that advant if

You have that it is a true Advantage because it’s one one thing that the offense has to deal with before they snap that ball that’s awesome well guess what that’s gonna be a clip by the way play the play before the play you know that’s where the 12th man kind of comes into

Advantage you know not many people this is why the Ravens wanted HomeField Advantage because of situations like this where against a young hot Texans team seven pre- snaps penalties really can shake a team like that well then you just get in your head because that that

Was a young Texans team too and so the first one happens and then you kind of get in your head a little bit then the other one happens and then you’re all in your head about it and then just it continues that way the mental the mental

Aspect of football I think is so interesting to me because it can have an impact and obviously impact the play on the field like we saw in the Houston game no Mahomes Mahomes even said it he said that one of two places he’s had to use a a silent count to his offensive

Lineman because they couldn’t hear him was at the bank the other was Seattle so HomeField Advantage is going to play a huge factor in this game for sure yeah it definitely will should be a great one in Baltimore Chiefs Ravens on Sunday I think you guys have heard of it it’s

Going to be at 3 pm in case I think some people will be at the bank Mark I I’ve taken up way too much of your time uh again sorry for Rocco and and oh Zach actually was having fun you know it’s all good well I app I appreciate you um

And next when you’re here too uh we hopefully get to to talk in person but we’ll get some NBA Jam going when you uh for sure yeah most all righty Mark well I appreciate you enjoy the rest of your night we’ll talk peace see you mark all right guys

My God awesome that was awesome that was great Mark’s awesome I mean let’s just again for those that just tuned in or you just missed it you can go back and watch it that was former Raven Mark Clayton first round pick in 2005 played for the team for five years stud athlete

By the way he doesn’t talk about it enough if for being honest I mean he the dude can ball and basketball like he is a beast and the fact too how about that he was thinking about Air Force you know he wasn’t even thinking about NFL or

Even being a high pick I mean that was that’s what we love to see and and clearly uh I just thought there’s so many things my my brain’s G to explode because there’s so many clips that we’re gonna have to go through to push out to everybody unold stories are awesome and

I think that to me is one of the most intriguing things because I I hate The Narrative of like athletes are athletes they’re people and they’re humans and I love getting to know them and getting to know their stories that was that was awesome that’s he was talking he said

Something about coming to Baltimore and that whatever the woman was looked at him like oh yeah like what are you what are you talking about what are you talking that was hilarious but but that’s the beauty of it right and I and I think and I’m glad that we’re able to show that

And experience that and and I will thank uh Mark over and over definitely ow a a meal maybe I’ll take him to the iron rooster too shout out shout out Kyle and the iron rooster there they hook us up oh they can get I can give them a plug

All they want they Kyle and N rooster is great we’re gonna have more events with them coming up in the future I’m telling you but talking about hospitality and good people good people at the iron rooster especially uh if you’re a big fan of the roost Arts I was just gonna

I’m thinking about those now that you said that oh remember when we ate all those without Rocco yeah remember remember when you uh BR and without Kevin remember remember when you brought them on Saturday for the uh pre-show you remember that remember when yeah yeah you remember remember when you did

Remember what time you showed up for the pre-show I I was there there were no roof we know we know you’re we know know starts and you didn’t deliver on your promise so that really oh my God hey hey jackass I also brought you Ro starts when we were doing stuff at Fox

45 so what are these hold your they’re like pop roosters what hold on like homemade Pop-Tarts what really yeah but massive massive so now I have to eat an egg on a burger with a roo tart on it no two Ro Tarts Kevin a burger an egg

Between two Roost Tarts after he does smelling salt Al so also that was the thing for us when we keep bringing up selling smelling salt so by the way thank you all for tuning in by the way this has been a really great last few

Days and and really it’s it’s all of you tuning in constantly that is making this great we’re going to dive more back into a couple Ravens things there’s a couple other highlights we want to talk including Josh Allen Lamar Jackson uh there’s a there’s a video that we want

You to um see but the what we want to just bring up is we got to 4,000 subscribers and we just really started doing this twice a week back in September we got over 4,000 subscribers and our goal then was after 4,000 subscribers we were going to try

Smelling salts now Kevin’s never tried that so and and some other people on here have not so we are going to do that but again we’re growing quickly we have a lot going on and we really appreciate all of your support so if you can continue to hit that like And subscribe

Button we appreciate that now guys should we just continue with a little bit of ravens talk because it it it involves since we talked about Lamar Jackson that is the Hot Topic around the NFL and it’s really been the quarterback play right so uh and we’re g to um we’ll

Dive into this quicker so Brad there was a comment on ESPN on get up talking about with Josh Allen that was a tough loss by the Chiefs or by the bills to the Chiefs obviously we know Lamar Jackson won but Dan Orlowski and Ryan Clark had a very interesting

Conversation about what Lamar Jackson has had to do and did Josh Allen do enough for the bills so I want you guys to listen to that and we’ll react on the other side here Buffalo is great Josh Allen is the only quarterback in the history of the NFL I have a question

Count for 50 touchdowns in a season and not get to the title game he’s done it twice Jos Josh you’re big we’re on the goal line let’s quarterback sneak it okay that’s great good job Josh so my my my I think he’s great let me be very

Clear to all the people I think Josh Allen is amazing I think he is ultimately talented I think he’s doing things with the football I’ve never seen done at that position he’s still not great he’s still not the winner that we always try to make him be we keep making

Excuses for him like like he’s LeBron right like before LeBron went to Miami and took his toal to South Beach and made the big three this is what we always did oh but he’s this and he’s that no when he does it he does it guess what’s about to happen what guess what’s

About to happen we are one week away yeah one week from during Josh Allen’s tenure Patrick Mahomes going to a ton of Super Bowls Joe burrow going to a Super Bowl and Lamar Jackson going to a Super Bowl right what we never do what we

Never do is come in here oh my gosh Lamar wasn’t helped by anybody poor Lamar poor Lamar no it’s Lamar got to win Lamar got to figure out a way all this season Patrick got to figure out away Patrick got to make these guys around him better they’re dropping the

Ball but this team shouldn’t look like this oh why is Patrick freaking out guess what Patrick has done he rided the ship Josh Allen had a chance it’s fine to come in here and say that he played great but he didn’t do enough cuz that’s the truth he didn’t where we disagree

Cuz I do believe I’m I have told you this what’s SC they lost but they lost not because Josh didn’t do enough there’s one play that we could point to and say man Josh I would have love for you to have made a different decision there’s so many other a missed field

Goal trying to get two free Runners on Patrick Mahomes and get him to the ground a bomb to a guy who’s a one at wide receiver a bomb to sherfield another bomb to sherfield make one of those make one of those and then we got a different conversation

There’s all right so let’s talk about this for a minute here because this obviously devastating game if you’re a Bills fan and and Tyler bass who’s been a great kicker and we mentioned it earlier you can be great all year but when you have that moment it’s magnified

That was a tough moment and that was a really good game I feel like the Chiefs and bills always have these types of games but Brad a lot of people and I know because you have a different perspective on it you don’t agree with Ryan Clark and that’s saying that you

Believe that Josh Allen really did do everything he could do unfortunately it wasn’t enough for them to come out for the victory so it shouldn’t be on him yeah I just feel like that Ryan Clark and myself were watching two different games because there was two giant plays

To sherfield and to to Diggs in which both of those passes were dropped other and and and Josh Allen played a Flawless game we always kind of get on Josh for turning the ball over a lot he didn’t turn the ball over once and no he didn’t

Have a bunch of yards like we expected him to but again quite a few drop passes that were actually deep balls Kansas City had I believe four more uh chunk plays and plays that were longer than 20 yards or more and and it was it was the

Bills that that fell short of that I think they only had one and then you had the defense that was totally beaten up Pacho ran all over them so you know I I I I understand what Ryan Clark is trying to say but it was the bills that didn’t

Do enough to Win It wasn’t Josh Allen in my opinion well you know the crazy part you bring this up the bills control time of possession Zack like it was the bills had the ball for over 37 minutes and the Chiefs then just they took advantage of their opportunities when they did and

Credit to the chief’s defense they didn’t allow those big plays but the the to Brad’s point they were just misses but isn’t this the conversation that happens with Lamar Jackson or other quarterbacks quarterbacks get a lot of the blame when they don’t win and right now Buffalo when we’ve looked at this

Hasn’t gotten back to an AFC Championship game in in what since that one game of the step Stefon digs picture not there he’s still standing there watching apparently they update it they updated every single season what is it four four now four straight four four years so uh

I I agree mostly with Brad I think the bills overall lost that game but I don’t think Josh Allen played this perfect game I think he missed a lot of balls especially to Shakir I think that one that should have been a touchdown he got

I know it was said in here he lost a fumble that they got back in a classic Josh Allen playoff way where he just fumbles it out of nowhere but I think overall the bills just I don’t want to say they got lucky because obviously that missed kick you’re you don’t feel

Like they got lucky but that almost felt like a ball don’t lie moment because of everything that had gone on prior in that game you had the botched fourth down going for it where the Chiefs had 10 guys on the field it looked like looked like a I don’t think that was

Actually called going into the play I think they noticed the Chiefs had 10 guys on and quickly audible to a go fort Chiefs go down fumble it through the end zone then you had first play of the game Stefon Diggs fumbled the first play of the game and the bills smartly knocked

It out of bounds maybe it was the second play of the game for a py but there were just plays all along that you just felt like okay the Chiefs have this under control which was weird because like you said Ryan the bills controlled time and possession but it didn’t feel like they

Were controlling the game it felt like the Chiefs just kept having these moments where it was like oh they can put it away they can completely take over and then the bills would get out of it somehow so it was a very as always entertaining game between those two I

Mean they’re instant Classics every time but it was a weird feeling where I couldn’t pinpoint who lost it for the bills but I don’t think it was just Josh Allen but I do think he could have done more yeah so I mean just to give a point

Of of this as well and just to give you a final stat line on Josh Allen and and Joe you know this is the thing football is a team game those conversations on on ESPN are garbage of talking about but the narrative is and this is what we

Talked about because Lamar gets this all the time in Baltimore is well Lamar doesn’t win but it is a team game and for Josh Allen to give the context he was 26 to 39 186 yards passing touchdowns and he ran for two touchdowns and also ran for 72 yards I know a

Quarterback that runs for a lot of yards too but he’s not viewed as the same player as Josh Allen we just mentioned him he’s Lamar Jackson but the point being the bills for some reason what whatever it is uh and Kevin if you I got a question for you with this because the

Question at least that Ryan Clark was trying to make was that why does it seem like there’s an excuse that they don’t win and I agree it’s it is a team game and I’m 100% gonna say that it is not just on one player and I thought Josh

Allen and the bit what was been Josh Allen’s Achilles heel Kevin Kevin turnovers turnovers right so Josh Allen protected the ball it was that at the end of the day though the bills just didn’t make a they made one less big play than the Kansas City Chiefs yeah

And it is a team sport and for me I don’t think placing all the blame on Josh Allen is the right thing to do it’s like I don’t think putting the blame on any quarterback is the right thing to do 100% there but I think part of the point

Ryan was trying to make there when he was going on this rant was you know in particular he brought up Lamar and mahom but even if you want to just take them homes part out and talk about Lamar when you go back to the Pittsburgh game when

His receivers had seven drops what were all the headlines in the National media it was is Lamar living up to his contract this that and the other Lamar can’t beat the Steelers yeah so for a game like this with Josh Allen where there was a fumble the chief should have

Recovered but they didn’t there was there were turnovers here and there but they weren’t turnovers you know that that’s just the ball bounces one way the ball bounces another way that’s just how it doesn’t matter if it was almost a turnover if Tyler bass makes that Feld

Goal if it goes to overtime and if the Bills win we’re having a completely different conversation about Josh Allen was super clutch here and there and he had a great game so it’s a matter of circumstance of how the actual result went and I think Tyler B look Josh Allen

Didn’t go out there and miss the field goal but he played a part in the loss even though I did think he did play relatively well but to blame it all on J Shon I don’t think is The Right Move no I I agree and I mean Rock I can see you

You’re shaking your head up and down or whatever way you’re shaking it but again this is just kind of what we’re dealing with and I and I do feel for Buffalo this felt like this was G to be the opportunity if you were gonna break through and it’s kind of like their

Kryptonite the Packers their Kryptonite in the playoffs has been San Francisco right and in this case Buffalo’s Kryptonite has been Kansas City and you have it at home it doesn’t help too Bolton board material Deon was it Deon Dawkins thats Temple guy to youy know

Know I know what he said but still to you so so people that didn’t know Deon Dawkin said Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs haven’t played in Buffalo when it’s when it’s fully packed and they won’t be ready it’s game time and then uh Patrick Mahomes clapped back after it

After they won but rock it just the reality of of how it is Buffalo their best shot and unfortunately for them it was a great opportunity that they let pass by yeah unfortunately and it’s this fan base has dealt with so much of that over

I mean just dating back to to the 90s and before it’s like when when you get to four straight Super Bowls and can’t win one and then you think you have a team in this generation to go out and win a Super Bowl but you can’t get to

The game it’s like you seem like you’re so close you seem like you’re one of the favorites it seems like Josh Allen and other guys you know skill position guys are going to get you in the best position possible to go out there and win one and then you run into a brick

Wall that is the Kansas City Chiefs and it’s tough but I agree with both Brad and Kevin on this Josh Allen did not lose them this game obviously they didn’t win it but to lead a 16-play 54 yard drive and to set your team up with

A chance to kick a game time field goal and you know they they still could have lost they still could have lost Patrick Mahomes could have drove down the field they could have kicked the field goal they could have scored a touchdown they could have put the game away it’s tough

It’s things it’s weird it’s I’m looking at the comment it’s weird I didn’t think that’s oh that that comment yeah that’s that’s Mark that Ain that ain’t happening dude that’s what I was saying it’s not weird for the bills it’s weird in my mind went a completely

Different direction when I saw he get so distracted by the comments he does you would think a guy that’s on screen and on air he’s gonna be locked in add but I I that that’s a 50,000 subscribers yes that’s exactly you might need to make that happen R Kevin Kevin what are we

Doing feet picks at 50k call it only rip we’re gonna call it anyway so keep going we have to cut yeah cut that out and edit that in the video but the fan base I do feel bad because the Buffalo Bills fan base they’re so passionate they’ve

Done so much for the community bills Mafia not only for their Community but for other communities as well donating to players Charities helping players out it’s really cool to see and to see that fan base I know nobody’s going to feel bad for the Buffalo Bills fan base not

Having a Super Bowl or not you know not winning one in in this time and getting there but it’s like it stinks I hate it for them I hate it for the city because they rally around their team you saw people shoveling snow um having a great

Time and no questions asked they were like you know we’re going to do what we can to play this game to make it happen so I do feel for for the City of Buffalo I think I really do hope they win a Super Bowl at some point in the next

Couple of years I mean I know Ravens fans may be indifferent they’re like screw the bills I hope they never win one but just as a football fan in general I I would love to see it happen for their City I would too and unfortunately for them it it’s been a

Lot of heartbreak and and the reality is in the AFC too quarterback wise three of the best quarterbacks and I know people don’t like the Bengals Joe burrow is in that category too but you have Patrick Mahomes Josh Allen Joe burrow and Lamar Jackson four of the best quarterbacks in

The NFL are all in the same conference it’s going to be really challenging what’s going to get harder for the bills is that their cap situations only going to get more challenging as as as the years go on for them and you’re gonna have to try to figure out is Joe Brady

The interim you know offensive coordinator going to be um brought back you know do they want to go a different way and in that case we would if they decide to go elsewhere we’d have two of those quarterbacks having new offensive coordinators next year if uh Kevin you

Want to talk about what happened in h Kansas City or not Cincinnati we got a breaking news breaking breaking news we need one of those like banners that we can pop up whenever there’s breaking news wait yeah there you go someone someone edit breaking news into that break breaking news breaking news

We got the banner yeah we have a head coach opening that’s been filled but it is not a Ravens coordinator mik McDonald it is a Bengals coordinator Brian Callahan the Bengals offensive coordinator since 2019 appears to be headed to the Tennessee Titans as their next head coach so yeah good good luck

Guys what I mean this is who they replace Rabel with look I’m not that was a disrespectful thing to say maybe maybe we’ll see what the Titans do but like if I’m a Titans fan I’m G to be like you’re kidding me for this guy what are we talking

About Ian I guess they’re doing it the Bengals have not had a great rushing offense under Callahan I mean obviously the the burough success is there so I guess you bring him into work with Levis try to you know get his career to where buroughs is or close to it or whatever

But with Derrik Henry potentially on the way out there in fact it’s looking like he’s on the way out there so I I don’t know you got to get some wide receivers in there maybe Taj Spears is the answer running back got to find maybe chika

Conqua was the the tight end but they’re gonna have to do some rebuilding on offense and you know maybe Callahan has the future there but I’d say it’s I’m it’s not terrible but it’s uninspiring for me that’s yeah that that’s a that’s a much more respectful way to put it I

Basically just threw out all the words from a fans perspective oh yeah Brad Brad was unfiltered reading on mind Brad you like boom phone came up for Brad and he was and it’s just like he got the notification let let let that’s unfiltered yeah absolutely such a huge

Fan of of Mike Vel and for for him to get replaced by by but I don’t know I just I just thought that perhaps maybe it would be a big a much more uh tenured and uh uh head coach that had seen a lot more than uh Callahan I mean listen

Hopefully they do well I just don’t see it happening I’m going to call it right now the Titans are the the bottom of the barrel next year I’m going to call this right now potentially this could be the first Ryan Ripken show on freezing cold takes we’ll see though we see it could

Be we will see we will see that’s an honor though yeah yeah that is an Honor’s face just plastered all over it and the Titans fan base coming for his neck engagement I’ve been freezing cold taked once I have two but it was for a good reason I can’t remember I can’t

Remember what it was but I got on there for a good reason and that apparently never happens so yeah I I got on there for predicted end being on there Jack Flare’s line and I was like he’s got everyone’s hot right now he’s throwing seven Innings of like two hit ball and

He got pulled in the second inning and all of a sudden I started getting all these notifications I was like oh no and freezing freezing cold T and there you are and and there it’s at this right here this this what Jos this is what I’m

Saying like and and we talked about this when they actually got rid of Mike Vel and and it started to leak out as to why Mike Rael was released and and there were some rumors flying around about how he hand handled his situation in the Ring of Honor for the Patriots or

Whatever like the the the the Titans front office is a mess and it just don’t I just don’t see that changing anytime soon and when you don’t have a good system in place from the front office perspective and we’ve seen this plenty of times right I mean yeah the Cleveland

Browns made the playoffs because Joe flacko did Joe flacko things but I mean we’ve seen how bad it’s been in Cleveland and and and even before Joe burrow landed in Cincinnati how bad it was there from a front office perspective obviously the Panthers are there too

Like this feels bad it just feels bad and I just I think the Titans are I think they’re more ownership issue than front office at the moment I think that’s where the disconnect is between I think the owner at least from rumors like from what we heard early on in

They’re so involved yeah it’s just a very I think that’s what Vel uh that was a big thing was he wanted a clear cut who is in charge who does he was saying there was a lot of communication issues in the air there so it will be

Interesting to see with a new firsttime head coach how that kind of you know works out and they wanted to go to a more a different an offensive type of field too I think this is this is for will Lis yeah and and look Jake Browning

With Joe bird being out and you can say that they have some good weapons on the offense which they do but you know Brad Brad Brad’s not giving the guy much a chance to start off but but you never know but the reality is when you’re

Looking at that AFC South right now the other three the Titans are the team that’s that is going to be projected lowest right now when you’re looking at the Jags Texans and the Colts all of their ceilings and all where they expected to go are much higher than

Where the Titans currently are so we’ll figure that out I don’t know if we have enough time Brad to do the Kyle vanoi the way we want to we do all right let’s do it real quickly because we gotta be out of here by eight o’clock here so we

Wanted to play another video real quickly and if you’re new to the channel hit that like And subscribe button but Kyle vanoi was on the Pat McAfee show and they just were talking a little bit more about really just this the last recapping in Baltimore here so let’s

Play the video for you so we can save some time was dominant has been all year it’s been kind of the story is just like Lamar Jackson stats aren’t insane whenever try people are trying to compare his stats to other MVPs the defense is just like smothering and

Dominant and it’s just like you guys just just dominate teams seemingly is that how you guys view the games is that the purpose cuz you guys get up two scores and it’s like the other team has zero chance with the way you play ball why is it that way with the way your

Team is constructed from behind the scenes I think it starts with the players uh we’re a player-led team honestly it’s been awesome being around a leader like Lamar Jackson on the offensive side and roquan Smith on the defense those are two leaders of our team they’ve done an amazing Go amazing

Job uh put putting their uh voice out there to say we’re not just trying to win we’re trying to dominate and stay locked in uh you’ve heard Lamar say that over the course of the Season uh he means he means it and he means business and that’s kind of our attitude right

Now you saw the coaches and the players excited after this last game uh and you know it kind of went viral a little bit but it was like enjoy that minute of Celebration and then right after that it’s stay locked in and on to the next

Like we’re focused on uh this next game and we’re excited for the opportunity to play the Kansas City Chiefs I mean what what a story it’s going to be that’s a new America’s team and you know if we got to play the villain we got to play

The villain I don’t know if you’re the villain against Kansas City Chiefs uh if you guys want to tell yourselves that to motivate yourselves go ahead and do it there’s a lot of people excited for Taylor Swift and uh Travis and Pat to maybe not make it to the Super Bowl but

I will say watching your locker room in John Harbaugh who he very rarely gets talked about as one of the great coaches in in the NFL everybody else’s name seems to get uttered but he’s been there for a long time won a Super Bowl there through numerous eras and obviously

Number one seed here in 2024 so obviously lots of good things to say there from Kyle vanoi and man like what a c like Kyle vanoi goes from sitting on the couch kind of like a similar situation with the Joe Flaco and then just comes in and and lights it up

I actually didn’t realize that until he said it today that Kyle vano has only had 10 years in the NFL just feels like very short for a guy who continues to play at an elite level and for him to talk about Lamar and and roquan Smith in

The way that he does it just feels like he knows what it’s like to be on a championship team he knows what it what it’s like to play with the greatest of all time and so for him to to have these types of words uh and and describe Lamar

And even ran the way that he does it just makes you feel good that and makes you feel like this team is really kind of destined for the Super Bowl yeah I mean that’s the hope that’s the goal and you love the fact that they’re enjoying themselves and and rock you’ve been in

The lock rooms you know being able to talk to guys the energy is infectious and but you can tell there’s a determination this team is ready to keep going and understand we’re going to celebrate the small victories as Kyle vanoi talked about but the job’s not finished they got one more here in

Baltimore and then hopefully one more out in Vegas no and you can you can tell that that’s how players feel right now it’s you know it’s exciting to be able to advance to an AFC Championship game um and and host one for the first time in franchise history but players aren’t

Satisfied guys with with just getting there they want to win this whole thing like this is just another step in getting to their goal what they want to do and that’s ho that Lombardi trophy in Vegas that that is the goal that is what they all set out to do at the beginning

Of the Season Lamar Jackson he even said it after after the game he was asked and he goes if the team going to the AFC Championship game if it’s starting to feel like it’s getting closer for him to holding the Lombardi trophy he goes no because we have to finish still the

Playoffs we’re not in the dance yet but I’m looking forward to next week to be honest with you I’m not even thinking about the Super Bowl until we handle business so it’s one game at a time one game at a time as cliche and his football talk as that sounds that’s how

These guys feel right now they’re on a mission you got guys in the locker room that have won a Super Bowl been there done that the Odell Beckham jors the Kyle Van no they’re not going to let these guys get complacent roquan Smith while he hasn’t won one you think he’s

Going to let anybody complacent right now you think he’s going to let anybody get get super excited or super high on getting to the AFC Championship Game absolutely not that guy’s a warrior and hearing him just some of the things he says and I’m telling you what he needs

His own quotebook he does need I I need a Taylor Swift and roan SM so badly it’s it’s probably gonna happen he’s definitely gonna be asked about that this week and I cannot wait to hear what he says you should do it guys like guys

Like that I’m not gonna be guys L why do we have you all right anyway guys like that will not let this team get complacent John Harbaugh will not let this team get complacent no they’re in a great position right now they’re locked in like they’ve said all season long and

They have their sight set on what’s in front of them right now and that’s the AFC Championship game against the Kansas City Chiefs Sunday 3M at the bank it’s going to be rocking you got to be the champ you got to beat the Champs to be

The Champs and they’re going to have the chance to do that this Sunday in Baltimore last remarks then we’re getting out of here Kevin and Zach because you guys both are on the same page here I mean Kevin I think the same sentiment Baltimore is ready to go this

A moment they’ve been waiting for in their their history of their organization AFC Championship game in Baltimore their their leaders of the team have them ready for it they’re ready to rock this is what they’ve been working for this was this is what you work for all that hard work in the

Regular season all the wins all all the growing throughout you make sure that you get there and you do it so they haven’t earned anything yet no nothing is given everything is earned and I think if they they can get the job done they have a couple of weeks to then earn

The next thing and then of course after they win the Super bowl or if they do it the job is finished there uh I think they won’t say it but they all wanted Patrick Mahomes and the reason is because of what you just said Ryan this team is so built on they want

To be the best they want to go toe-to-toe with the best players on the face of the Earth and at the end of the day Patrick Mahomes is still the best quarterback in the league whether he’s put up the stats this year or not whether he’s had the help or not

And at the end of everything if the Ravens were to beat win the Super Bowl I wanted the Chiefs because I did not want that Narrative of they didn’t go through the Chiefs to win it now there is nothing you can say the Ravens were are hosting Patrick Mahomes in the

AFC Championship with an opportunity another opportunity for Lamar Jackson company to end narratives and go to the Super Bowl and if that does not fire you up and don’t watch football why are you in far in fire in if that doesn’t if that doesn’t get you going then just

Don’t watch football great way to end the show and your good kid Zach but hey we’re gonna be back again on Thursday for a live show we might have a special live stream on Wednesday morning hint hint so if you guys we might see you Wednesday but thank you guys for joining

Us if you’re new to the channel hit that like And subscribe button or if you’re a regular make sure you hit that like button we can’t thank you guys enough we just had former Raven Mark Clayton on for this episode go check it out if you

Haven’t but we will be back soon thank you guys all for joining us and we will see you for another episode of the Ryan Ripkin show enjoy the rest of your evening all right let’s get around oh yo y claps all around good kids oh good


  1. Man, it's kinda crazy to see the difference between that 2008-2018 Harbs and just how different he seems ever since Lamar became the leader on offense

  2. Cal Ripken Jr. made the crowd erupt like a nuclear explosion!! That ICONIC wave to the crowd got us jacked up beyond comprehension!!!!

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