In this video I will be talking about the differences between swinging an iron, hybrid and wood and the misconceptions that a lot of players have. Knowing the differences and similarities can help to make your journey of playing better golf much easier!

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Music track: Morning Coffee by Soyb & Amine Maxwell
Royalty Free Background Music

Music track: Travel by Lukrembo
Background Music for Video (Free)

So in this video you guys are going to learn the difference between an iron a hybrid and your woods and some reasons as to why you may be struggling with hitting your woods and hybrid so a lot of people think that there’s a big difference in the swing with the wood

And a hybrid but the truth is that all the swings should be quite similar the driver may be a little bit different but irons hybrid and wood should have a very similar swing with very minor adjustments so if you enjoyed this video be sure to hit the like button and if

You are new to the channel subscribe to the channel because it really helps me create more videos like this for you guys let’s just start off by talking about what the differences are between an iron hyr and wood and the first that’s pretty obvious is just the

Overall length of it okay so I have a seven iron here I have a four hybrid and I have a three wood okay and you can kind of see the difference in how much longer the hybrid is and how much longer the wood is in comparison to the iron

The next big difference has to do with the design of the club you can see with the iron the bottom of the iron the is quite is quite narrow okay so the narrower it is at the bottom it’s easier for the club to actually dig into the

Ground okay but with a hybrid you can see that it’s a bit wider so with a hybrid you’re not going to be digging into the ground as much just because of how it’s designed okay and then with the wood it’s it’s even wider okay but that doesn’t mean that you have to start

Thinking that you’re swinging more upwards on it or more level to the ground you actually still want to make sure you hit down on it but because of the difference in design it’s not going to react to the with the ground the same all right so the next big difference or

Or kind of misconception is that you don’t have to stand like your posture further away or or closer when you hold a iron versus a hybrid or wood you can kind of see that my posture is going to be the same okay I’m holding the grip in

The exact same place um but because the length is different for each Club um I’ll be physically further away from the golf ball but I don’t physically have to get my hands further away from my body stuff like that as the club gets longer okay maybe only with a driver okay

Because the balls teed up but because the ball’s on the ground right you’re your posture is going to be fairly the same but you’re just going to allow the length of the club itself to make you stand further away from the ball so now from the front view I’ll just kind of

Show you the big differences with ball position between um Iron hybrid and wood so when when I’m gripping a seven iron this this uh Club in the middle of my stance this is going to represent the center of my stance okay so when I grip

A seven iron you can kind of see that the ball is actually positioned maybe just slightly uh further forward um or to the left of middle maybe like half a ball uh left of center okay now the difference when I grip um a hybrid is that you can see that the ball

Is maybe positioned a little bit more half ball further forward than with an iron and then when I grip a wood again it’s a little bit more further forward than the hybrid again another half ball or so you don’t have to have it way forward with a with a wood when you’re

Gripping it you don’t have to put it in the same spot as a driver but it does change a little bit okay and the reason why it changes is because of the difference in the length of the club because the length is longer um and the ball positions a bit more forward

That’ll also like you won’t hit as down on it when it’s doing that but you still want to try to hit down on it okay but this is just the setup differences uh when it comes to ball position and it’s not a big big difference and the next

Difference has to do with how you’re you’re positioning kind of your upper body and lower body if you’ve watched previous videos of mine you know that when you set up with an iron we want to make sure that the center of the hip and the center of the shoulder is fairly

Close to being pretty much on top of each other we don’t want too much separation here or kind of going forward like that we don’t want the upper body in front of the hip we we don’t want the hip too far in front of the chest kind

Of like this you either want it on top of each other or maybe if anything just have the upper body Center just slightly more behind the lower body Center so when I grip the hybrid there’s that change in ball position but we don’t have to start making any adjustments

With with where our upper body and lower body is we want to keep it the exact same so you can kind of see my my my upper body is still pretty much on top of my lower body Center just the only difference is obviously the length of

The Club how far the ball is away from me and the slight change in ball position and the same goes with the woods okay so now when people start to grab their Woods because the ball position is further forward people tend to set up very similar like a driver

When they when they use a wood okay so that means they start to get their upper body to tilt to the right or the to the trail side and that is actually going to encourage you to swing more upwards on it which we know that we don’t want we

Want to make sure that we’re still hitting down on the golf ball with with the iron the hybrid and the woods you’re still going to set up with the upper body and lower body pretty much on top if anything with all clubs maybe just that slight difference at a dress but

Not very much okay we don’t want a setup like this again very very similar to um a seven iron setup and a hybrid setup we still want to make sure we encourage ourselves to hit on a downward angle okay so now I’m going to hit a couple

Shots I’ll hit a few shots with my 7even iron first and what I want you guys to pay attention to is the attack angle number and my low point Point number using the trackman okay so I just want to prove to you guys that um no matter

What club it is as long as the ball is on the ground you have to be hitting down on it to some degree okay so I’m going to hit a few shots uh with my seven iron and then I’ll just kind of show you the Numbers you can see the attack angle number it’s minus 5 so 5° downwards on it okay and my low point is yeah 10.8 cm in front of that golf ball okay so I’m hitting downwards on it with a seven iron I think for the most part everybody

Knows about that so now let’s take a look at the hybrids this is a four hybrid um I kind of borrowed this from the facility so because I don’t really own one but I used to have a hybrid but you’ll see that I I hit the same exact way as an

Iron yeah so you can see – 7° down that’s quite a lot I mean I I hit down on it quite a lot that’s still showing you that I’m still hitting downwards on it with a hybrid even okay so let’s hit one more so again I’m hitting downwards on it low

Points in front of the golf ball so now let’s go on to the woods okay so this is my 3-wood as I’m changing the clubs here all I’m doing really is just adjusting that ball position a little bit I’m not standing further away now that I’m

Hitting a wood I’m not trying to lean back behind it it’s the exact same obviously the length of the club is causing me to stand further Away so I hit that one like a little bit thin but you can kind of see I’m still hitting somewhat down on it okay now the longer the club gets obviously you’re not going to typically see that the you hit more and more downwards on it if anything because the club gets longer

You’re going to start to see that you’ll hit less down on it but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t intentionally try the same things um as you do with an iron okay so one extra point about the woods themselves now a lot of people struggle with it because the 3-wood now

Starts to have a lot less Loft on the club than uh other hybrids or irons so this one I mean for example my 3-wood um it has like 14° of Loft so a lot of people like that may not swing it very fast may not be able to get the ball off

The ground after a certain point um with certain loss there is a speed requirement okay so if you don’t swing it fast enough or hard enough then it’s hard for the ball to launch off the ground off the face okay so if you swing it really slow with this low lofted Club

You’ll see that the ball doesn’t carry very much it’ll kind of launch very low and like roll a majority of the way a lot of people are confused about that but that’s the reason so if you find that you don’t swing it very fast um what you can do is

You can try to use a a wood that has a higher Loft on it okay so that’ll give you the best chance to get the ball in the air and instead of just trying to struggle or try to do other things to get the ball to launch higher or to try

To swing up on it you don’t definitely would don’t want to do that thank you guys so much for watching now if you have any more questions about the iron the hybrid or the woods you can leave a comment down below just be sure to follow me on my Instagram at Jonathan

Koss and if you are still new to the Channel please subscribe to the channel so you can see more golf related content


  1. Awesome very informative, didn't realize I was doing what you said as far as setting up with shoulders behind the longer clubs. I'm sure this will make me more consistent.

  2. So concise and informative. Felt like you were speaking to me about not getting the ball airborne with 3 wood: you’re not swinging fast enough. Got to fix that or stick to 5 wood. Thanks.

  3. I take a thin divot with my hybrid and thinner divot with my 3 wood. Didn't know if that was right, but after watching your video, I realized that I've been swinging correctly since I'm supposed to swing down. Thank you!

  4. I‘ll try to keep my ballposition for irons, hybrid and fairway woods in the same spot – about 1 club head length inside of my left foot. Only my right foot moves further to the right side depending on the club – which gives the impression that I my ball is moving further forward. Anything wrong about it?

  5. Jonathon can u teach me online I will pay you,all I need for you to teach me is how to help me hit the same spot on the ground repeatedly please low point please I will pay for a couple online lessons Anthony from pgh pa

  6. I originally noticed you bc we share a last name. Luckily, i have found your videos to be clear and concise and always informative. Keep up the good work!

  7. JKM, lets us know when you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area. We would love to play golf and have a lesson clinic with you ⛳️💪🏼

  8. Could you please make this kind of video about the driver. This one was so simple yet eye opening. Thanks!

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