Golf Players

How the club face should be used through impact

So many golfers need to know this. It amazes me how many amateurs don’t know this. When I learned this I broke 80 regularly.

Okay so now we need to talk about the club phase so I’m going to show you some video first here one of my favorites with this is Tiger Woods with his two iron he called the Stinger watch this club face control that he has through the ball watch watch how the stable

Let’s call it stable the club face is through impact here did it twist see how stable it is isn’t that amazing so the face angle through the bottom we need to stabilize it right let me show you some other footage of this that’s pretty good so uh there you know

That guy you ever seen Zack Johnson that guy uh from the Midwest this guy you know I think so yeah isn’t he from Iowa or something I don’t know this guy also if you look at his Club face through the ball here I mean this thing look how

Stable that is right and so these guys aren’t twisting it let’s look at DJ Dustin Johnson made $30 million um you know two years ago or whatever it is now since then he hasn’t really golfed you know no he yeah but it’s like you know he hasn’t done too much after winning

All that money on live look at this look at this club face did his Club flip right you see how straight it is even with an iron watch this we take a look at him with an iron and we zoom in here on that watch his Club face through the ball

Here see the face where’s that face pointing you see that yeah so what these guys are doing is they’re getting their face of their Club pointing pointing straight out okay now let me go over how we’re going to get this to happen okay and so I’m going to show you now a video

From padrick Harrington about the club face that I found that I like and so that’s probably for me oh is it most likely but feel free to check yes yep I’m I send you text and email I’m sending both all right so check this out watch what he says

Here and then rot it Square through you see his hand look at that left hand and look at the club face you see that and so and watch his hand movement again here watch this watch his left hand watch what his left hand does watch this and then rotes it Square

So he’s rotating it square with his left hand right to get it to be squared up now I call this suating Ben Hogan called it that so that’s why I do that because I’m a big fan of Ben Hogan but it’s called left wrist superation right and

Look at this look at this hand see the hand see how it’s turning this way and so we’re trying to it’s like unscrewing a screwdriver now what’s really neat is I have a tool that I use now that I’m gonna help I’m going to show you uh that

Actually helps us determine if you’re doing it which we’re going to do next

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