Callaway Golf Balls Review – Chrome Tour, Tour X, Chrome Soft – 2024

Ryan Rastalls tests out and compares the new 2024 Callaway Chrome Tour, Chrome Tour X & Chrome Soft Golf Balls.

00:20 Callaway Golf Balk Overview
05:00 Indoor Golf Ball testing
14:20 Trackman data analysis

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Hello there everyone and welcome back to the channel today we’ve got a brand new range of golf balls from Callaway golf to talk to you about so we’ve got the new Chrome tour Chrome tour X and the new chrom soft balls to tell you a little bit about the technology but also

About how each of these balls could suit your game so as usual if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button see loads of more content from all of us here at golf shake to help you play more and play better so let’s talk about these golf balls well chrom soft has

Been a golf ball that’s been around for ages and it’s kind of a family that has evolved over the years into chromes soft chromes soft X um and chrom soft XLS throughout the last few years Callaway have tried to kind of differentiate between chrom soft and the new Chrome

Tour and Chrome tour X golf balls by kind of making those two sort of stand alone as their tour level ball if you like and the chrom soft now kind of suit The Wider range of golfer now it it was a little bit kind of blurry before in

Terms of what golf ball was going to suit you but hopefully during this video we should be able to show you which of these golf balls will suit different types of golfer so let’s start with chrom soft okay this is the one that many of you will have used over over the

Years really I mean and it’s a golf ball that has evolved um kind of the last few seasons really to be one that is slightly softer in field to the other two golf balls that have been out but maybe hasn’t spun as much and this model is is similar in

That in that regard it’s a three-piece construction that we see now um we’ve actually got one of the new uh retail boxes here for the the true track version that we see there so the boxes stayed the same color so it’s that nice red color that we all associate with

Chrome soft when we go in the shop this I’ve obviously got the 360 uh printed vers version but we’ve obviously got the true track version the Plain White Version there’s lots of different types of golf ball uh that are available in Chrome soft now so like I said it’s a

Three-piece construction it’s going to feel really really soft off the face um in terms of the long game Spin it’s quite low so for those of you that spin the ball a lot this could be a really really good option it’s also less workable than the other two golf balls

So potentially if you’re someone who does slice the ball a lot this chrom soft golf ball could help you out it’s not going to feel quite as good uh and spin quite as much as um let’s say the um the Chrome tour when we have a look

At that around the greens but it’s still going to feel soft and it’s still going to spin a decent amount as well and like I say with it being threepiece slightly different construction to the other two so let’s move on to the Chrome tour and

Chrome tour X well I’ve only got the box for Chrome tour here but you can see brand new color in this gold color it’s a black box for the the X as well and in this golf ball we’re going to see a four-piece construction same with the X

As well there’s a few different sort of propriatary technologies that CA have used in all three of these golf balls so in terms of the um hyper fast soft core so they’ve changed the Core Construction in these golf balls completely to make them really quick off the face but also

Feel nice and soft which is quite a difficult thing to do because normally soft you equate to being quite slow off the face but what Callaway have managed with this and the Precision technology that they use allows that ball to come off quicker and the Precision technology

Is all about getting you to hit more greens as well so in terms of the the core technology that um that’s going to help you hit it a bit further we’ve got a urethane cover on these golf balls which obviously adds to the quality and

The feel of it and in terms of how Chrome tour and Chrome tour X kind of work with each other we’re going to find that Chrome tour is going to feel softer so when we hit it with driver and when we put and chip with it it’s going to

Feel softer it’s going to be ever so slightly lower in Flight in terms of your long game and it’s not going to spin as much as the X around the greens as well so you’re going to find with X it’s slightly higher launching in the longer clubs and we’re going to get a

Little bit more spin with it and it’s certainly going to spin more around the greens but it is going to feel firmer so that X feels firmer the Chrome Tor feels softer but we’re also getting different spin characteristics with those two balls now that’s what Callaway say we’re

Going to hit some on the track man in here we’re going to put all three models to the test and what I’m going to do is hit some with a 54 degree wedge so I’m going to hit some little kind of 50 60 yard pitch shots with each one and see

How the spin differs I’m then going to hit some full seven iron shots with all of the golf balls and then drivers as well to hopefully give you a bit of a flavor of how each of these golf balls performs at the sort of swing speed that

I’m hitting them at and shows you the differences in speed and launch Etc and which golf ball could suit you the best right let’s go hit some so as I said we’re going to start off using a 54 degree wedge so I’m just going to hit some little kind of 50 60

Yard pitch shots with each of the golf balls and give you a bit of feedback as I go so I’m going to start off with chrom soft so this should feel extremely soft and maybe not spin as much as the others but we’ll have a bit of a look at

That when we get to the data at the end certainly does feel very soft off the face um almost feels like it kind of melts onto the club face when you hit it actually and I’ve always found that with with chrom soft whenever I’ve used it particularly chipping and putting it

Does feel extremely soft some of you out there will absolutely love that feel with a golf ball but some of you absolutely won’t some of you will really like a ball that feels a little bit firmer but like I say it does feel feel extremely soft and certainly even when you’re kind of

Bouncing it on the wedge there you can feel just how soft it is on the uh on the club face right let’s move on to Chrome tour okay so this should feel that little bit firmer um should still feel quite soft though yeah so it out of the two tall

Level golf balls Chrome T is the softest feel remember so let’s have a few hits with that yeah there’s definitely more of a click off it than there was with chrome soft so very different sound does feel a tiny bit firmer doesn’t feel like it

Kind of sticks to the face like the like the Chrome soft did there’s definitely I don’t know if you can pick that up just in the audio that clicker sort of sound that we get with it which is what you would kind of associate with a tall

Level golf ball to be honest so yeah it does feel that bit firmer but I wouldn’t say it’s a firm feeling golf ball but it’s definitely that bit clicker right now when we move on to uh Chrome tour X this one is the one that should feel and

Sound the hardest and clickiest but we’ll probably um spin the most on these sort of partial shots that we’re hitting here yeah definitely clicks a little bit more doesn’t it when we’re hitting it um which I don’t mind to be honest it you know I’ve used chrom soft x uh for

The last couple of years and certainly it certainly sounds and feels a little bit more like that some of you may not feel any difference between the three golf balls and that’s absolutely fine but um you can definitely feel it’s a bit clicker now the only sort of

Negative I would have on that is that sometimes when I’ve used a golf ball that does feel a little bit firmer and a bit clicker when I’m putting with it I struggle to gauge the distance as crazy as it sounds it just feels like it I

Need to hit it softer because it it clicks a little bit more and it sounds a bit firmer I know that’s a bit of a stupid thing to say but as soon as I’ve moved back into a kind of softer feeling golf ball I’ve always found that I got

The distance better on on my putting and my chip shots really but um but yeah I mean it does it does click a little bit more than the others and it does sound that little bit louder you can definitely hear that when you hit that shot right let’s move on and hit some

With seven iron and see if we can feel the same difference so we’ll go back to Chrome soft again uh with 7 iron and see if we see those same things so remember it felt very sort of buttery soft off the face yeah and it certainly does again

With 7 IR really it feels extremely soft when we hit it we get a nice High Flight with it but it’s pretty straight so this one should be the golf ball that moves the least in the air if you like it’s the one that’s kind of designed to do so

Again yeah it feels nice but like I say it’s much much softer than the golf balls I’m used to really um let’s just hit one more again doesn’t feel bad it just feels really really soft off the face which some of you will absolutely love right let’s move to Chrome tour so this

Is where we should start to see bit of a difference Maybe firmer feel and maybe slightly lower spin than what we’re seeing in the other couple of models that we’ve got certainly a difference in the sound when you strike it that little click that it’s got in

There but again similar result nice and straight again feels really good off the face I would say of the ones that I’ve tried so far the pitching and 7even iron shots have felt the best with with this golf ball with the Chrome tour but I’ve not hit the X yet with the 79

So certainly sounds really good I think off the face it’s more of a like a crunchier sort of sound when you hit it let’s move on to the X and see what we do there similar sort of sound really to the Chrome tour um remember this should

Launch and spin a little bit more on those on those longer shots and nice sort of straightish shot um yeah feels really good again I can’t really tell the difference between those two balls when I’m hitting them now we’ll see better when we get hit in a

Load more shots and have a bit of a look at the data but yeah certainly the two tall balls do feel noticeably different now when hitting a longer shot than the Chrome uh soft so yeah let’s hit some drivers let’s see exactly how they perform with those as

Well so we’ll now hit some with the driver starting off again with chrome soft so remember this was the softest feeling certainly I thought so when hitting the wedges and the 79 we’ll see what it’s like when we hit driver feels quite good um definitely on

The soft side I would say but still still feels better than I was expecting it to certainly doesn’t feel as soft now I’m hitting driver as it did when hitting um the 79 and the wedge just hit a couple more but yeah feels good off the face certainly feels firmer than I was

Expecting it to and definitely firmer than it felt when hitting the iron and the wedge so let’s try then Chrome tour again this one with this with the 79 there was definitely a difference in the sound between chrom soft and Chrome tour and Chrome tour X so maybe we’ll see that

With driver as well definitely feels firmer off the face 100% but not in a bad way um kind of what I’m used to feeling when hitting a driver really so yeah I think it kind of stacks up quite well with what I’ve used in the past feels good feels really really

Solid like the feel of it um and yeah it just kind of reminds me of the golf balls that I’ve been using you know I’ve been using golf ball now for quite a long time and um certainly doesn’t feel too different to the balls that I’ve

Used over the over the past couple of years so I’ve generally been chrom soft X I’ve used LS a little bit but X more often than than not and it certainly feels similar with a driver to that right let’s try the X again feels good definitely a higher

Pitch sound that first shot I’ve hit there was a good strike and I can definitely see it’s peaking a bit higher than Chrome tour did but that’s what it’s exactly what it’s designed to do again interesting to see when we have a look at the numbers whether that’s the

Case definitely comes off a bit higher yeah I don’t don’t know why two decent strikes there but definitely a bit more launch still nice and straight pretty good and again feels really nice off the face but there’s a definite difference in the in the height that it’s getting

To again feels really good all of them feel really good um it’ be interesting to see when we have a look at the data how they differ in terms of the spins with all the different clubs that we’ve used um but yeah let’s go and have a

Look so now let’s take a look at the data when we’re using all three of these golf balls so we’ll start with the wedges okay so the 54 Dee wedge uh we can see there the most spin out of all of them I was getting with chrome soft

Okay so that’s slightly different to what we would have expected um and certainly what callway saying they’re saying that X should spin the most for those kind of partial round the green or pitchy sort of shots and I’ve actually seen it spin the least okay so it may be

Me um don’t get me wrong but but yeah certainly we’re seeing chrom soft spin quite nicely um in terms of the um distance control and the kind of feel as a feedback thing I actually found the Chrome tour probably felt the nicest to pitch with off the face um it certainly

Felt harder than chrom soft I for me chrom soft just feels too soft to many of you out there who don’t hit it as hard and don’t compress it as much you’re probably going to find it it performs really really nicely and and certainly price point wise it’s the same

As all you know across the board with all three of these balls so we’re expecting similar performance when we move on to 79 we can see that now the the spin is again the highest in Chrome soft which um is a little higher than I

Would expect to hit it with a with a 7 iron certainly the uh the X around the 6,000 Mark is kind of what I would expect and the um Chrome tour dropping slightly lower than that we can see that the difference that that has on the

Distance in a full 7even iron is so from chrom soft so 179 carry 185 then we’re going 182 carry carry 190 in the uh chrom Chrome tour and then in Chrome tour X we’re seeing 186 carry 193 so I’m getting a little bit more ball speed out

Of the X when it comes to hitting ions which is not what I expected to be honest I thought the Chrome tour would probably be better um and be just purely because of the lower spin we’re actually seeing that little bit more spin for me and a little bit more ball speed now

When we move into driver this is where we see a bit of a difference in the spins again Chrome soft spinning the most so and that’s kind of what I would expect and we can see the distance difference in the three of them as well

And a bit of a difference in the height so what I’m seeing with um Chrome soft is that it’s peaking around the 100 foot Mark which is about the same as Chrome tour uh spin wise though it’s about 200 RPM higher in spin so uh so the Chrome

Tor spinning that a little bit lower which is why I’m getting a bit more run out of it also the ball speed ever so slightly quick quicker at 170 mph versus 169 so it’s negligible really the difference between the two but we can see in terms of total distance that

Equates to about five yards all right now then when we look at Chrome tour X I can see it’s coming off quicker um it’s spinning nice and low really 2,600 RPM which is good but if we look at the carry it’s up nearly 300 yards and 320

As a total and it’s going the highest yeah it’s almost 20 ft higher than the other two golf balls at its peak which again is what it’s designed to do so what I would say is throughout this test I’m seeing some of the golf balls kind of book the trend of what they’re

Supposed to do and what they’re designed to do but overall when we look at the driver numbers we’re seeing pretty much exactly what they’re supposed to do so we’re seeing that the the x is the higher flight in golf ball we’re seeing a little bit more spin with it compared

To Chrome tour but still lower spin than Chrome soft which is probably what I would have expected um when hitting these drivers without even knowing much about them but we can see that’s quite a big difference in distance from uh chrom soft to Chrome tour X you know it’s 10

Yards which is which is quite a lot um but overall having hit them all which ball would I put in play well looking at the data here I would say the X kind of wins out on the long game so the seven iron and the um and the driver stats but

The uh when we’re looking at the wedge the actual the Chrome soft is actually spinning a little bit more now that might be something that I would look for in a in a short game um kind of the way I want my short game to be I want

Obviously plenty of spin run the greens and a lot of control but um certainly the Chrome tour for me has spun a little bit more there as well so I’m kind of a mixture I think I would probably go for Tour X just purely because of what I’m

Seeing with the long game and I don’t know whether it’s a bit of a anomaly that I’ve seen in in the shorter game stuff that it spins um a little bit less yes but I think feel Wise from putting I think I’m going to prefer Chrome T so

Yeah I’m a little bit Torn To be honest I mean I I would say if you’re that player who really does need a bit more Spin and help then Chrome soft is the ball for you if you want something that is going to spin a little bit lower than

Uh Chrome tour and if you want that slightly higher flight um and a little bit firmer feel look for Chrome tour X but yeah hopefully that’s giving you a bit of a feel for what these golf balls are going to do for you you when you try them you may find completely different

Results to me but go out and try these golf ball cuz they are extremely good um Callaway are coming on Leaps and Bounds all the time in golf ball technology and to be honest over the last three or four years I’ve thought they were very good these are even better and certainly when

I got to test them over in Texas against the industry leading golf ball of prov1 um I saw quite a big jump in the ball speed that I was getting when we tried it over there so it’s yeah I mean I I definitely to say go and try these golf

Balls go and see if you’re going to get a distance difference and and a bit more ball speed go to a good Callaway fitter and someone that’s going to allow you to try different golf balls if you got any questions about them obviously pop them in the comment section below be more

Than happy to answer anything that you’ve got around golf ball and which golf balls might suit your game a little bit better and we’ll see you all very very soon

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