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Women’s Singles Ceremony | Qinwen Zheng v Aryna Sabalenka | Australian Open 2024 Final

Watch the ceremony following Aryna Sabalenka’s win v Qinwen Zheng in the final of the women’s singles at Australian Open 2024.

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Welcome to the official Australian Open TV YouTube channel. The Australian Open 2024 main draw runs from 14-28 January in Melbourne. The tournament takes place for the 112th time and is the first Grand Slam of the year. Novak Djokovic is the men’s singles reigning champion and Aryna Sabalenka is the women’s singles reigning champion. The tournament takes place on 25 hard courts, including Rod Laver Arena, Margaret Court Arena and John Cain Arena. Look out for highlights, press conferences, memorable moments and much more!


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We Mica and welcome before we begin I’d like to acknowledge that we’re andry people of the coola nation the traditional owners on the land on which we gather and tonight pay our respects to their Elders past and present I extend that respect to Aboriginal and Tate Island of peoples here with us this

Evening and on behalf of tennis Australia I’d like to welcome the governor general he Excellency The Honorable David Hurley the Victorian Premier The Honorable Jinta Allen the Deputy Prime Minister The Honorable Richard miles and Victorian Minister for tourism Sport and major events Steve demopoulos and all other dignitaries and

Government Representatives that are here with us tonight joining us on court for the presentation is the chair of tennis Australia Jane Herer Mr Ling Fang the general manager of luu laa tournament director the tournament director Craig Tyler tournament referee Wayne McKuen and to present our trophy tonight celebrating her 50th anniversary of her

First Australian Open win a seven time Grand Slam singles Champion ion gulon KY well the dean Aur Memorial Cup which is awarded to our champion tonight has been traveling around Victoria over several weeks with our AO on the road team and is now safely back here on Rod labor Arena

She certainly is a very fine piece of silverware it’s defy everybody I’d like now though to invite the chair of tennis Australia Jane Herer to say a few words what a beautiful night for tennis sport plays a really important role in uniting community and that’s ever important in an uncertain world and

We’re so proud to announce that we’ve had over a million people from all parts of the community come and join us at the Australian Open to enjoy one of the world’s best entertainment and sporting experiences and we’ve also had had over a billion people around the world enjoying the spectacular tennis over the

Course of the last three weeks and we’re really proud of the unied effect sport brings to community we’re also really proud of our 12,000 strong people across this site in all manner of jobs from ball kids to umpires to security teams to all the guest services people who

Work really hard to ensure that everybody comes everybody that comes to the Australian Open enjoys a really amazing experience and leaves with a huge smile on their faces and we’re also really proud of our sponsors we have amazing Partnerships from Rolex to the Victorian government to Kia uh luo luou

And uh Emirates we’ve got amazing Partnerships that run deep and they enable us to do all the things that we do here and we’re very grateful for their support now tonight was a night for our reigning champion and she demonst demonstrated all that she’s made of and we’re really proud of her performance

Tonight and we’re very proud to have a firsttime finalist in chin Wen uh demonstrating to us the power of her game and she is now firmly on the world stage so congratulations to both of our contestants tonight and both of these women are amongst the most EX EXT ordinary

Athletes in the world they’re inspiring women to pick up rackets girls to pick up rackets all over the world and we’re really grateful for the amazing experience that they’ve had in Australia the last month each of them has done an extraordinary job and Arena has a second time Grand Slam champion at the

Australian Open congratulations thank you very much Jane We Now call upon the chair umpire for the women’s singles final JY kol from Spain I’ll ask him to come forward to receive a gift for the part that he’s played in tonight’s [Applause] final the toping presented by our referee Wayne mccuan and so

This young woman has entertained us this tournament with her vibrant personality and a very powerful brand of tennis she’s brought a whole new fan base to our sport her rise to stardom continues and next week she’ll move into the top 10 on the WTA rankings for the very first time in her

Career please welcome Jun chinwan to accept her finalist trophy well first of all I want to say uh congrat to Arena to have such wonderful match here and it’s my first final and I’m feeling a little bit pity but that’s how it is this experience for me and in

The same time I want to say thanks for all the fans who come here to watch me and yeah I feel right now very complicated cuz I feel that I could do it better but I didn’t die in this match but anyway I want to say thanks to my team to help me

Arrive here and yeah and also I really enjoy to play in this Australia Open that was amazing memory for me I’m sure there’s going to be more and better in the future and thanks for all the sponsor and thanks again to all of you guys thank you

Well what a year it’s been since capturing her first Grand Slam Title Here on Rod Laver Arena her consistency has been exceptional so much so that she reached the Pinnacle of our game in September of last year by becoming the world number one but there couldn’t be a a more

Perfect way to kick off a new year than by going back to back in Melbourne please welcome the 2024 Australian Open Women’s singles Champion Arena [Applause] Seena thank you so much oh my God thank you thank you than You um f first of all I want to say thank you even for uh for being such an inspiration for all of us and receiving this beautiful trophy from you it’s a pleasure for me thank you so much for everything uh uh secondly I want to congrats Tan on

Um an incredible couple of weeks here in Australia I know this feeling it’s really tough to lose in the finals but you’re such an incredible player and such a young girl and you’re going to you’re going to be in many more finals and um you’re going to get it and just

Congrats to you I want to say congrats to you and your team on an amazing job you guys done um no it’s not going to be Ryan okay um thank you for everyone who make this tournament happen tennis Australia director of the tournament everyone who was helping me during these two weeks

It’s it’s been amazing couple of weeks and I couldn’t couldn’t imagine myself uh lifting this trophy one more time and it’s it’s it’s unbelievable feeling right now and I’m really speechless and um um as always my um my speech going to be weird so it’s not my superpower but I’ll try my

Best um Team wow you see guys I put a little bit of pressure on them after Brisbane final and we did a little bit better in this one um but yeah thank you so much for being by my side no matter what uh I think I think I have everything um I

Mean what I forgot what I wanted to say but without you I wouldn’t be able to to achieve so much in this sport thank you so much for everything you’re doing for me I’ll just keep repeating the same that I’m saying on each speech so thank you so much for everything you’ve done

For me I mean without me you wouldn’t be that good as well you know let’s let’s accept that fact Um and and actually I never I’ve never speak about my family on the on the winning speeches before but I actually have to say thank you so much for for everything they’ve done to me um should I keep speaking English because they they not going to understand

Me but I hope that they’ll translate um so I I love you so much and uh you’re my biggest motivation and everything I’m doing I’m doing for you so I’m sending love and I really miss you so much thank you guys and did they did they speak about

Incredible crowd here not I think I forgot but actually guys thank you so much for for all the support during these two weeks I really enjoy playing in front of you this is what makes this place special and that’s sorry I said it again so I love you so much and I can’t

Wait to come back and hopefully thank you guys thank you wow that was long sorry congratulations once again Arena well played well that concludes our official presentation there will be a photo opportunity and then Arena will be completing a lap of Honor uh with the trophy the Daphne atur Memorial Cup

Would you please give these two wonderful women a final round of applause as we wrap up the women’s single sonon for the 2024 Australian Open Well what a wonderful moment for both players heartbreak for chin wayen but a lot of learning I suspect chander not just on the court and to go through that match but to get up there on stage and to have to feel the hurt the disappointment and have to stand

There it’s not easy but it’s all part of the learning curve yeah it’s the the toughest thing to do after the immense disappointment of coming so close to a trophy and to not be holding up the number one but I think for Jang chinwi you know she’s such a dynamic player

She’s going to be a star and you can see her see how she just radiates out there you can really feel her personality even the way she communicates how she she makes her self understood it’s a special thing and we’re looking forward to many more of these big bches from her and

Arena savena how cute was she at all smiles and rightfully so after defending her first major title getting major title number two and perhaps being able to appreciate it a little bit more it’s different every time and you know saval Linka she has just been awesome here in

Australia these last couple of years yep she looks right at home here on Rod laa Arena R up yeah it was really unchallenged all tournament long and no one was able to get anywhere near the performance that she put on from start to finish and to be handed the

Trophy from such an incredible champion in her own right Ivon gulon Ki I me you see the players all tournament long appr appreciating these greats watching them appreciating their tennis supporting them and it’s just so nice to have them a part of this ceremony as well yeah 50

Years since ion last won it here and you can see the the photographers all waiting to get that perfect shot I can only imagine how big this would have been back in China for chin W and the and the excitement that she brings to the sport worldwide yeah absolutely we saw pictures of

Alina behind the scenes watching this match and you know she was the inspiration for a player like Jean chin win you know she has led the way and and how gratifying it must be for Lena to see this this young player this young Chinese woman in this moment and she’s

Going to learn from this experience playing against a champion like sabinka I mean this is what the sport is all about it’s the highs it’s the lows and everything in between and you just appreciate it that much more when you do get to the top of the

Mountain she said she was a little disappointed with her performance but I don’t think she needs to be disappointed she should be proud now sinka can can be a little more creative learn from her trophy lift last year and do it a little bit better yeah this is the

Moment so welld deserved all the hard work all the fight the sacrifices you make throughout the year in the off seon putting the work in and it’s to try to be in this moment it’s been 20 years in the making hasn’t it 25y old and start of the game at 5

Years of age and always been destined for greatness but I feel chander that sa Linka is just getting better and we may not have seen the best of her yet I’m sure of it this is always a fun shot the spider Canam kind of from up above with the Melbourne

Sign it’s a dynamic shot of the champion with the Trophy and I do think savena is getting better I think she’s trying to add components to her game and when you have as big a game as she has in the next step keep consistency but also you look to move forward and we saw her do that in this

Tournament most notably in her semi-final match against golf she did it just enough in this final match as well and that would leave opponents nowhere to go to can’t just float the ball back up the middle when you’re trying to get her shots back in play so so much to look

Forward to for arena sabinka and it’s just a start of this 2024 Season a little bit of a reward for the ball persons who you know are some of the unsung heroes of these tournaments that’s right they were lucky enough to be selected to do the final tonight what a thrill it is for them to get this opportunity right here on Rod La Arena

Yeah this is where Arena sabinka can walk around and so many fans who have been waiting patiently to get a shot of her up close and personal two-time Australian Open [Applause] Champion history suggests it’s hard to do go back to back and let’s wait till Australian Open 2025 where she goes for a three PE you know she hinted at that fact fingers crossed as she spoke during the ceremony looking forward to coming back and potentially defending her title once again but you

Know let’s stay in the moment this is pretty special te her team will come out and’ll enjoy this Yeah no player is an island they have so much support their teams behind them sabinka spoke about her family back home playing for them and there’s so much that motivates a player behind the scenes motivates them to try to get to this moment that’s a lovely touch is

Spectacular she’s like I need the trophy yeah on D bra on the right the coach he doesn’t say a lot you don’t get a lot out of him but now you can’t lift the trophy when you didn’t win it though that’s kind of a no no There l


  1. Wollen wir solche Sieger wie Sabalenka als Siegerin sehen! Siegerin ohne Vorbild Funktion, die im letzten Spiel mit eindeutiger Führung ungeduldig über den Patz läuft und den Ball wütend auf den Court schmeißt. Unzufrieden wie ein unreifes Kind das nicht schnell genug seine Belohnung bekommt. Ich sage da auf jeden Fall nein. Sie hat Power und schießt jede vom Platz aber technische Feinheiten wie Volley, Überkopf, Slice oder Stoppball beherrscht sie nicht wirklich. Dann lieber eine zweite Sympatische Verliererin die nicht grunzend über den Platz läuft und so tut, mit ihrer Mimik nach verschlagenem Ball wie kann mir so was passieren. Dafür sind eindeutig technische Defizite vorhanden die durch die Powerschläge kaschiert werden. Aber wer will das als Fan im Sieger Rausch hören. So ist das auch bei den Jungstars der Männer. Zverev und Alcaraz sind da Ausnahmen. Schade das der Tennissport derzeit so "schwach" ist.

  2. Aryna Sabalenka Is from Belarus but we don’t see the flag of Belarus, she is independent player. Nobody mentioned Belarus on this ceremony except China which Qinwen Zheng represents for and we can see China flag.

  3. Такой бездарного финала видеть не довелось. Выбывшие явно в недоумении:как можно было проиграть этим дилетанткам…

  4. Congrats, Aryna. Congrats, Qinwen, for reaching to this level of a player, you will become less nervous and will get there. ❤God loves you too ❤️

  5. Aryna, without a doubt you are the most enjoyable tennis player to watch and listen to. I love how you don't create unnessary drama on and off the court like many other players do. I'm looking forward to seeing you win another tournament in person someday soon. Bravo!!! 🤗👏👏👏

  6. Her father died 4 years ago at the age of 43. She promised him she would win 2 grand slams before 2025. Now she realized the promise, saying I miss you already.

  7. она Беларука и просто хорошая девушка, но меня сейчас забанят за то что я написал что она из Беларуси) вот и весь показатель всей Западной демократии)) или тупо лайки запретят)
    now this comment will be banned because in the civilized world of democracy)) or likes will be banned)

  8. I feel as of she is the female equivalent of Roger Federer. A talented player, humble and a person who makes everyone laugh and love her.

  9. we are just learning to love you more and more Aryna

    you are such a great person
    i cant wait to hear your speaches

    i am so happy for you

  10. Zheng opponents were below the top rank
    Sabalenka fought the no. 4 and no.9
    For me Sabalenka got the edge
    When Swiatek lostt in the 3rd round, Sabelenka is favored to win the AO.

    For Zheng, you would see a comeback
    It will happen and she would again be in the Finals. The next is history.


  11. Австралийцы,как всегда великолепно проводят турнир ,не смешивая спорт с политикой. Очень приятен сюрприз от молодой китаянки Циньвэнь! А Арина,повысив свою стрессоустойчивость,продолжает покорять спортивные вершины. Женский теннис прогрессирует и становиться все более эстетически привлекательным. Казахстан.г. Алматы.

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