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The Rod Pedersen Show LIVE! | Jan 24, 2024

Hump Day is here but let’s shake off those blues and get talkin’ sports! Washington Capitals Analyst Alan May checks in plus we speak to Voice of the Calgary Stampeders Mark Stephen!

#cfl #NHL #NFL


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00:00:00 Intro
00:03:00 HOUR ONE
01:03:30 HOUR TWO

[Applause] previously on the r Peterson show so forget about the games of the night we’re going to pick them all the winners Ottawa Montreal who wins I’ll take Montreal um I’ll take Ottawa Dallas at the Detroit Red Wings Dallas Jake CER is expected to start I’ll take the

Start okay I’m going to take Detroit that that’s easy this is going fun yeah Tampa Bay at Philadelphia that’s a real knocker I will too Vegas at the Islanders I’m going to take the Islanders oh perfect cuz I’m taking Vegas Washington at Minnesota I’ll take the Caps um me

Too St Louis at Calgary I will take the Calgary Flames yeah I’m gonna take the Flames too okay Columbus at Edmonton I’ll jump out and I’ll save the Oilers yeah um I got to save the Oilers yeah but it’ll be somebody like colbus or San Jose that’ll ruin it Buffalo at Anaheim uh

Anaheim times two and the New York Rangers at the San Jose Sharks New York yeah me too get ready for the r Who’s your favorite Allstar celebrity Captain Will Arnett who I couldn’t pick out of a police lineup Justin Bieber whom we all know and I am a fan of the beibs Tate McCrae again lineup me not happening and of course Michael bubbly bobly and he’s got my boote and the

Commercials are funny too Darren he’s knocking on the door I have the bubbly can I get some BB know it’s bé bubbly bubbly it’s funny this is the rod Peterson show hi everybody yeah I hope you’re ready for some fun today for the next two hours at your favorite daytime

Sports Talk Show as always live on the game plus television network on the radio down there in Atlanta WQ we have some troubling expansion news from the NHL as it pertains to Atlanta today we’re going to get to that amongst a lot of things as you see if you’re watching

On television or streaming I’m in the Florida Studio we’re it’s game day the Florida Panthers our home tonight to the Arizona Coyotes one of 32 other teams that I used to call my favorite teams in the NHL so it’s a battle of two of my favorite teams tonight here tonight in

South Florida let’s bring in the Moose he is in the chicken capital of wyard Saskatchewan moose what’s your update make it quick cuz we got a lot of stuff to get to today no update I got hot coffee and I’ll tell you I’ve been cramming in the last three minutes

Because you told me a couple show topics so I’m ready I’m ready for yeah I didn’t want to catch it with your pants down yeah I didn’t want to catch you okay can you uh the guests are Alan May of the Washington Capitals television broadcast and Mark Steven the voice of the Calgary

Stampeders a lot of news with them yesterday good and bad and Calgary sports can you hit the quick six shorn please fire it up by the way I had a far less exciting morning today than yesterday I didn’t meet any NHL players kids or uh anything like that it was

Just a very straightforward day and it’s allowed us to keep our mind on the news what do we do every day with the quick six show topics here in the warm-up we talk about the big story and I don’t know about you but here’s mine five unnamed members of Canada’s

2018 World Junior hockey team have been told to surrender to London Ontario Police to face charges of sexual assault the globan mail reports the charges stem from an alleged sexual assault at a hockey Canada a golf and Gala on June 18th 2018 in London Ontario and the charge is reportedly relate to the

Alleged group sexual assault of a woman in a hotel room which followed said Gala TSN reported in May of 2022 that a woman referred to in court documents as em had settled a $3.55 million lawsuit against Hockey Canada the Canadian hockey league at eight unnamed former players and if

You notice the glob and mail story today says five members not eight so again it’s the big story I can only imagine what coffee row is all across Canada obviously doesn’t move the needle at all anywhere outside Canada but that doesn’t make it any less is important news um I

Said that we would talk about this and this reminds me you know where I learned of this this morning surfing Instagram spitting chicklets they had taken a screenshot of the Rick westad tweet he was the guy from TSN that alerted the world of these charges and

Uh in some Circles of hockey Rick weste head isn’t very popular I can tell you this he don’t care and I still don’t understand TSN is the right rights holder the television rights partner of Hockey Canada so how that all relates I really have no idea I proudly proclaimed on this show

Yesterday that I’m a hockey candidate guy and I still am and pretty much anybody that had anything to do with Hockey Canada in 2018 around this they’re long and I mean long gone so I’m still a hockey Canada fan but you’re seeing the insinua well I

Guess my point is uh this is why I just feel that I can’t work in the industry anymore because I remember being pulled aside by teams back in the day and saying yeah we’d rather you didn’t talk about that this specific incident with our team or this or the fact that we

Lost on the weekend I’m like well what do you want me to talk about well we have two players signing autographs itself at mall on Saturday could you talk no I’ve got a show to do it’s the rod Peterson show and we’re going to talk about this because everybody else is

Talking about this and I see spit and chicklets can get away with it and Rick westad who works for the TV right right holder of Hockey Canada reported the whole damn thing so we see where it goes from here and my take on it is simply this I read

The story that there was a $3.55 million lawsuit and I don’t understand how and why that wasn’t the end of it I’ve there’s not a lot of coverage out there right now on this because breaking story today um but the globan mail has something TSN has something something called insurance has

Something cuz I did a search on it and it had to do with how Canada’s insurance was affected by this but again there was a settlement agreed to and I would have thought that would be the end of it but one of those stories said but because of public pressure the

Case was reopened by the RCMP and it’s led to this five players now facing charges and have been told to show up at the uh is it London city police or RCMP Detachment either way they ain’t fooling around nor am I this is a a very very

Very serious situation and this is the latest and there are many offshoots off of it and I’ll get to those but what’s your take on this the big story today yeah it is the big story and you know it’s unfolding my first thing would be um just because players are called in

The five players eight players nobody’s been charged yet right so I I would say let the process play out a little bit and see where this goes because you have players among them who have denied it agents have denied being involved you know in the past things like that so

Let’s let the process play out and you know assess this as we go um and see where it goes from here but yeah you know when you see the names of Dubay and and Carter Hart now you start to link it to that event and there’s going to be

More now that are going to get come out there’s players getting pulled from practices what we’re hearing across the league so um we’ll wait and see where this I hate and loathe when Sports and news intersect but it does happen and it’s never good when it does humble Broncos

Bus crash this situation there’s me there’s tons of examples of when Sports and news intersect and very rarely is it ever good and um thank God I don’t know enough about it the difference between Rick westad and the global mail reporting they’ve been told to come to London to face

Charges of sexual assault yet as you said cuz the article says that nobody’s been charged yet so I don’t know they’re facing charges what does that mean they show up and then they get charged I don’t know and I’m glad I don’t know the interesting thing is there’s a lot of

Heat on NHL teams to discipline these players because some of them are on NHL teams and I’m not going to spend any more time on this uh go to your local Facebook group or Twitter if you want to have that de debate I’m not interested

In having that today but I would say do you with your current employer want to face discipline from your current employer for something you did in the past with another employer that had nothing to do with where you are I wouldn’t think you would so that’s my take on that do you

Have a the Ed and CH is kind of going and I don’t really blame them everybody is actually I’m glad you asked because this is the one thing I been thinking about when it comes to the players and I need need to take a minute on it because the

Reaction on social is going to be well their careers are done right well it’s over not always the case the careers will depend on how the players handle this right at this moment in time they need to go to the police and accept the consequences whatever that is and however they react

Apologetic remorseful whatever their real reaction is and how they handle this will determine how they come out of it we’ve seen all types of bad situations Tiger Woods has been able to come back from a bad sit you know what I mean it has happened in the past and

It’s completely up to how the players are going to handle the situation it’s an interesting comment from Jeff the stamps fan thank you for joining us today Jeff he says I can’t stand the hockey types who think Hockey Canada and its top players are beyond the law and uh that’s his comment we’re

Inclusive here you say whatever you want doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to agree to it but I’ll say it again all the people running Hockey Canada is that they didn’t have enough of a scandal with the wexit the five Alberta junor team’s leaving to go to the BC Hockey League

Which falls under the hockey Canada umbrella and then this happens here just oh my God it’s like Eugene Levy and splash what a week I’m having you know what I mean like it’s oh my God why those jobs pay so much what I know it’s like the trash can is open

Let’s take out all the trash at once I’m not opening it twice to have the stink come out of here twice it’s all happening at the same time well remember this what I said I don’t know whether it’s true or not but I saw a meme that said 2024 is the year of

Karma you can take that for whatever you want but it’s been interesting to watch yeah so they they are going to face the music and so I for anybody to say hockey Canada things are above the law I don’t know how that how you could say that but that’s your opinion and

That’s why this is the view for sports fans this is the daily Coffee Talk discussion and there that will be a theme throughout today because that is the big news but there’s more so let’s move on thanks the guests today by the way Alan May of Washington Capitals television

And and Mark Steven the voice of the Calgary Stan Peters on the ice can we talk about that third period goals by Conor McDavid Evander Kane and Dylan Holloway broke up a 1-1 game and led the Edmonton Oilers to a 4-1 NHL victory over the visiting Columbus Blue Jackets

Oils win streaks now 14 we all kind of thought that would happen brand that they would win last night Brandon s second goal to the night scored with only 50 seconds to go in the game was the winner as the visiting St Louis Blues rallied from a 3-1 deficit to beat

The Flames 4-3 McKenzie weager Noah hannahan and jagor Sharon goic provided the offense for the Flames who have lost three in a row there is a mild part of me that misses walking into the gry eagle Event Center in Casino or the ace airport Casino or Sentry Downs cuz all

Those people had an opinion on the flames and their faces were all the same it’s God this dawned on me today as I was writing my commentary and you go can go read it at Rod right now Darren this decision of whether or not the flame should go into a rebuild is

Making itself I wouldn’t say to leave every matter in your life that you don’t know the answer to just leave it and the answer will come to you but in this case it is the Flames aren’t challenging for junk and they’re currently clearly not with this group so break it up

It’s time if you if they don’t you can really see why Flames fans are so upset with the franchise I know yeah you have to do something because it’s just not there and last night’s game so disappointing the way they got up in that game and man

I love watching McKenzie weager play and it’s been a bright spot on a tough season for the Flames but the goal you give up late the fourth goal with less than a minute to go that’s a real Heartbreaker and doesn’t that just sum up the flame season you’re right there you’re so

Close but just not good enough right and in the NHL if you’re not good enough you are so far away from being able to win a cup that’s the unfortunate reality of it and they’re going through the same thing in Pittsburgh you just can’t take the

Risk of trying to add assets at the deadline it’s better to go the other way probably so you see why they’re upset and that’s the thing we’re lucky that we grew up in Saskatchewan where we didn’t have a big time other than the Riders we didn’t have an NHL team we didn’t have

An NFL team we could cheer who for whoever we want right and for me it was the Dallas Cowboys and uh I look at that today I saw a thing on Twitter the Cowboys logo it said who do you think of when you see this you know what I

Thought Jerry Jones that’s wrong who thinks of the GM or the owner but that’s who I thought of as a as a Cowboys fan that’s why I’m ready to walk away from them CU I know nothing’s ever going to change and I kind of feel that’s the

Thing with flames fans they can’t walk away it’s their team they can’t I got a hilarious story for you I met a guy Cesar luchero the other night you see him the gentleman in the wheelchair we had did a hand off with the Matthew kachuck bobblehead I

Got him one and he had his buddy with him his buddy’s name was Connor and Connor said who do you cheer for in the NFL and I said well the Cowboys but I’m I don’t know I’m thinking of giving it up and he goes come on over and cheer

For the Dolphins man it’s just as painful but less pressure nobody expects anything here with the Miami Dolphins so cheer for the Dolphins it’s a lot easier I’m like dude I get it I get it patri w is now one and one as coach of the New York Islanders Nicholas rah’s goal Midway

Through the second period stood up as the winner is the visiting Vegas golden kns Edge the Islanders 32 those are some NHL leftovers obviously this it’s going to be a theme to the whole show today NFL the Tennessee Titans have hired Bengals offensive coordinator Brian Callahan as their head coach tasked with

Trying to turn them back into winners and groom will Levis into their franchise quarterback the Titans announced it this morning that they’re hiring the first of the 10 candidates they interviewed you sir are a Titans fan last I checked how do you feel about Brian Callahan taking over your team I

Feel really good but I was going to say Clark we got to get Mo Egger on the phone cuz he’ll know everything about Brian Callahan and maybe he can give us a good assessment of the new Titans coach um the thing that struck me is he

In his kind of U some Media stuff that’s being posted he’s offense first and passing game first talks about the need for a passing game if you’re going to win you have to pass the football Tennessee has typically been especially under Rael and even before this a run

First team always had great running backs which has been good and defens minded lows scoring tough and I love that but it’s time to throw the football and play with these other teams look at the teams that are left great offenses so uh that’s what I hope he brings to

Tennessee and will Levis has that offensive pedigree um this is really exciting for will Lev’s future I appreciate everybody who’s just showed up for our coffee discussion we started at noon Eastern but I see the I know you can’t all make it right on time so what we’ve talked about is the big

Story five members of the 2018 Canadian World Junior Team being summoned to London to face charges for sexual assault NHL leftovers NFL leftovers we got our poll question to get to when we come back more on wexit NHL tonight and whatever else you all would like to

Discuss it’s a it’s a great day here for talking Sports and we’ll be right back on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube Live the sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s lifel

We’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hand now all the gold medals in the world can

Help you now you can throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the ice to leave behind a Legacy did you know that you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors inre increased chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their

Life-saving match you can be a patient’s best hope be a hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and

Scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan Experience T 92 51833 92518 303t that’s P2133 here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today hey honey can you get one of the

Kids to show me how this Twitter thing works honey I need to get on Instagram time for more of the rod Peterson show yeah I know I know it’s the greatest daytime Sports Talk Show thanks for joining us and by the way the tele Miracle 5050 is another way to support

Saskatchewan’s charity tele miracle and also have the chance to win half the jackpot it’s truly a win-win for saskin residents you can get your tickets now at Tel Miracle please bring the Moose back in and uh just delving into the comments for a second Jay and Winnipeg writes in obviously

We’re we’ll get to the Jets and the leaf tonight I understand there’s a very large portion of our audience that would like us to dedicate two hours to that game but we’ll get to it um but Jay says samsonov for the Leafs tonight you’re the Leafs fan I’m seeing a little bit of

Samsonov coming across my timeline what’s the story there with a goalie for Toronto we played well the other night and and you know um we thought he was done you know he thought this was going to be Martin Jones’s team thought Joseph wall maybe it’ll be Samson of um you

Know I’m I’m okay recycling guys back in and giving them a second and third opportunity you never know when a when a guy’s going to find his game Oiler fans were ready to write off Stuart Skinner they weren’t going anywhere unless they got a goalie right well Skinner’s found

His game and they’re rolling 14 in a row so if Samson Hof can play tonight great but these are big games and we’ll be glued to our TV sets yeah please don’t get me started on the Stuart Skinner thing I know you’ve heard it I just oh I

All along was pumping his tires no no you don’t know anything Rod by Oiler fans and now he’s setting Grand breaking Grand fears records and he’s the greatest thing ever and I I sit here wait for an apology what I fully expect to hear coming from the back room Skinner you’re talking about

Skinner oh my God I know right well and by the way when I say this is the greatest daytime Sports Talk Show obviously it is but the shows that I watch after we’re done like pardon the interruption and around the horn and even the McAfee show replays on all the

18 ESPN channels uh none of them are talking about what we’re talking about they’re all talking about the same stuff we’re at least talking about the NHL and Hockey Canada and the CFL you know what I mean so it’s the same thing they’re doing we’re just talking about different

Stuff and it’s fun as hell by the way I’m not done yet with the NFL there’s my God they know what they’re doing don’t they Joe Barry is out as the Green Bay Packers defensive coordinator after a turbulent third season on the job that ended with a loss in the NFC divisional

Round of the playoffs just get this Green Bay ranked 10th in points allowed 17th in yards allowed and 23rd in yards allowed per play during the regular season with a defense featuring eight former first round draft picks that included a brutal three-game stretch and then late in the season where they

Allowed 29 Points a game and went one and two against the Giants Buccaneers and Panthers I’ll tell you something you you’re not old enough to remember truly get a kick out of Jerry Glenville but you’ve at least heard of him right you’ve heard of Jerry glenell of

Course yeah the old coach of the Falcons and I think the Houston orders and he was the defensive coordinator of Hamilton not that long ago he’s the guy that left tickets for Elvis Presley at the will call of every game that his team played at just in case Elvis

Happened to show up this was after he reportedly died in 1977 Jerry Glenville was still leaving tickets for him and but he was the guy that coined it the NFL stands for not for long the not for long league so I mean it’s one thing to

Get fired and whether you get upset over it or not but in the NFL you really can’t cannot cuz it’s the not for long League meet uh speaking of the Las Vegas Raiders hired Tom Tesco Tuesday as their next general manager passing over interim champ Kelly for the position

Kelly could remain as the assistant GM the position he held under Dave zegler who was fired on Halloween by the way before we move on to other topics our poll question today pertains to the NFL and I’ve only been wanting to ask it since Sunday

Night it’s brought to you by K group at ke a group we’re driven by safety experience peace of mind with our comprehensive multi-point inspections visit ke a motive excellence and it very simply is who are you cheering for the rest of the way in the NFL playoffs because it’s down to the

Final four bet Regals odds today their uh point spread have uh been updated a little bit it’s Kansas City at Baltimore in the AFC Championship Ravens favored by 3.5 and then in the late game it’s Detroit at San Francisco in the NFC championship game and the 49ers are favored by seven

I don’t think we need to spend any more time on this I’ve said it’s Detroit for me moo says it’s Detroit unless you’ve changed in the last 24 hours which is possible I assume you’re still going with the Detroit Lions I’m going Detroit with a runner up of whoever wins that game because

Everybody seems to be crapping all over Brock pie so if it’s not Detroit it’ll be Brock pie but yeah go lion Jeff the stams fan says I guess Detroit yeah I mean when your team’s out what are you going to do but I didn’t expect the Cowboys to even be playing this late

I don’t care about Detroit any other day there’s only one other Detroit Li there’s only one Detroit Lions fan that I know and it’s Dustin neelon you probably know that from TSN the voice of the CFL and I don’t even know why he cheers for Detroit I think he wonders

Why he cheers for Detroit but here they are in the final for and uh you got to cheer for somebody you got to have a reason you know so that’s do you know any Detroit Lions fans no he he comes to mind you’re right um that’s the one that comes to mind

Although yeah a bunch of random people are popping up as lions fans now but a long time no he’s the only one that always going to happen um always what do I say we do the same thing that MCA pardon the interruption D but we just talk about other things let me

Just pigeon drop in droping with a few com comments like a pigeon crap all over everything and then the here’s here’s the pigeon comments from the text line 92518 3033 sober Carpenter text line sober Carpenter non-alcoholic craft beers proud partners of the RP show all the Great Taste without the hangover in

Regrets 90251 8333 brought to you by sober Carpenter what does Johnny Athens call it the devil’s juice not sober Carpenter Brian in Hudson Bay writes in and he says the Flames organization reminds me of the Riders as long as they can wallow around 500 or so they think

They’re really doing something oh just hang on uh yeah I don’t have time I don’t want to go there now but thank you for bringing that up Brian the comments by Jeff Reinbold here the other day where there he said there’s two kinds of owners in sports

The owners that really really are will do anything to win cut off an appendage to win a championship and then there’s the others that as long as we’re making enough money and can show that on the balance sheet we’ll all be fine and cover our asses and I think we can all

Kind of identify who those teams are so I’m just glad that Reinbold actually came out and said it David and Winnipeg says I just watched a bell let’s talk feature with Carol wagland and former NFL player Brandon Marshall powerful interview it made me see some of the struggles that people go through

In a different light ah it’s a long he go when I saw a news story of a famous person being in trouble I would think what an idiot why would they endanger their career and status now when I see a news story of someone getting in trouble I’m going to

Hope they can get help if you’re struggling there is help available talk to a friend cooworker or family member don’t suffer in silence thanks rod and bell for helping others on their healing Journey and David also says my NFL hopes are always with the 49ers but if I was a

Betting man I would go with the Ravens uh in my 12-step meeting this morning that’s one thing I talked about I struggled with a lot of things for a lot of years and the people around me didn’t have any idea how to help because they didn’t know they were it’s not their

Fault they weren’t trained and it is what it is now we see what the issue was we move on if you want to hang on to things that’s on you if you want to be part of the 2.0 come on along it’s entirely up to you but I’m not the same

Guy Brandon Marshall is not the same guy once you seek help Cory Perry is not the same guy um Ted in Edmonton writes in and says my money is on Kansas City okay and oh oh boy a dawn I’d love to get your take and the audience Dawn box office Dawn writes it

There’s still a box office anywhere he’s a good friend of mine Don he was in the pep Band Don says hey Rod I just noticed that there are only three Canadians on the Canucks roster at the moment thoughts signed box office Dawn I don’t want to beat that drum anymore I used to and I actually thought the Winnipeg Jets let’s forget about the

Ks I haven’t looked at their roster but I’ve been looking at the Jets roster for years and I’m like there’s not enough Canadians on here and I think a lot of us felt that way but at this point they well Vancouver is the number one team in

The NHL Winnipeg’s close so who the hell cares does it matter I mean here we are now didn’t Vegas have the most Canadians last year and they won the Stanley Cup I mean Don Cherry’s retired bro it ain’t about passport anymore so that’s my take you yeah it’s not do they embrace the

City though and represent the city well and are PR to be playing for the organization I would say that’s really important outside of like Todd berzi Brennan Morrison and Trevor Lindon you know and L Longo they’re all swedes right the two sadine twins Marcus nasland or Russian with mcy all your

Heroes so this isn’t this isn’t something new for the Vancouver Canucks organization and you know what it’s in one of the more Multicultural cities in the world too so uh you know what I I think it’s okay embrace it as long as they’re proud to wear the

Jersey yeah I sit here and talk a lot about being old man yelling at Clouds hiking up my pants moving to Florida and I’m that guy but I’m trying to be way more open-minded I mean I was the guy that said the voice of the Pats should be saskatchwan from Saskatchewan always

Has been nobody listens voice of the E ERS from Pennsylvania the girl that analyzes the Blue Jays games I can’t remember her name now she’s new but she’s awesome and she’s from Houston Texas I literally can’t remember her name doesn’t matter where you’re from anymore that’s not a thing agree or agree or

Disagree yeah it’s not a thing again it it’s more about how you approach it and are you you know do you wave the flag and are you proud to be from there now and be living there and working for that team or supporting that team we’re

Playing for that team right and the city how many times do we see I mean let’s look at you brought out the Blue Jays you know Jose Bautista Jay’s Legend he’s not from Toronto right but he’s going to represent Toronto and the city’s proud of him and he’s there and he’s adopted

Into that town I think that’s a good thing that’s the thing it hasn’t always been that way but it’s that way now and I’m actually really grateful for that because here in Florida I’ve told a lot of people this this week people always had the wrong impression they said he

Loves being in saskat and a big fish in a small pond no I hated it and you were with me I hated that that every I couldn’t go anywhere without people knowing who I was I didn’t like that I just like I like doing the job but I

Didn’t like having everybody’s nose in my business here in South Florida 10 and a half million people nobody knows who I am and guess what nobody cares and it’s awesome um Brent watching here in Wellington Florida he writes it says was it Aqua Velva or Old Spice in the da

Cherry commercial saying the Russians have never won the Stanley Cup I can’t remember that Serena will know I’ll ask her but I do know it was Maurice rocket rard in the Grecian formula commercial remember that one there’s a guy in my club who looks exactly like Maurice rard

I feel like I did walk up to the guy one time in my club and I said you look like an old hockey guy are you from Canada he’s like I’m sorry my name is haime I’m from Chile okay well you still look like an old hockey guy

Forgot where I was the Grecian formula you don’t remember that Grecian for Alan May will know and he joins us next see you an hour or two moose look it up dar it’s on YouTube gracian formula we’ll be right back on Game Plus television wqr WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live [Applause] ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of reana is one of the finest Golf Course courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer

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Book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 731 1445 Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan

Experience we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s Lifeline

We’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB [Applause] here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us

And we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most

Overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve it now back to your host Rod Peterson all right welcome back everybody the RP show continues and let

Me remind you candle as men’s top curlers are into the thick of their playoffs and their eyes are set on Regina for the Brier presented by AGI the Montana’s Brier in the brand Center in March 1st to the 10th tickets are on sale now individual draw tickets are on sale now $24 to

$70 all youth tickets $999 get your tickets at tickets let’s bring in Alan May I’m sure he was smiling at this you remember the commercial Allen right the old two minutes for looking so good Maurice rard commercials right I can barely remember it but I remember it and it’s lot of

Cheesy commercials back in the day oh yeah okay hey you’re from Edmonton I don’t want to blow your cover but you identify as an Oilers fan even though you got the capitals gear on right now I want to know your take on the ERS 14 game win streak please I’m loving it and

It just goes to show that a coaching chain was change was needed because you know if I had some swiss cheese here that’s the fense they were playing at the start of of the Year this coach Chris noblock has come in and he’s got them playing so incredibly well without

The puck they’re playing a more patient game they’re not you know prone to the same big mistakes and I don’t identify as an Oilers fan I am one and I don’t hide it from anyone and I make sure that it’s out there I’m very proud of it it

It was a lot of tough years though and a lot of busted draft picks but it’s great to see uh these two incredible players uh bring their team along and to see that Arena it’s the number one money-making team in the National Hockey League and they’ve got good reason to be

Happy right now they’re packing the building uh the players are playing a great brand of hockey that I believe translates to better playoff hockey and at the start of the year it wouldn’t matter if Patrick raw and Maran brur were your two goenda coffey’s influence on this team

Since because he came along with noblock well I’ll tell you what one of the things about Paul is he’s got an incredible amount of self-confidence that he transfers to you he’s one of the most engaging guys to speak with like when he when you’re talking to Paul he’s

A Hall of Famer this I idolized this guy growing up I you know I played in some alumni games with him and I was just so happy after those games that he wanted to hang out and talk to me and he makes you feel great about yourself and he’s

Given these kids a road plan on how to play the game he he’s he he’s taking the complicated part of the game away and he’s making it an easier structure to play really there they some of the defense and I wanted to get rid of all six guys that were playing every night

And now I look at all these guys and they are legit and Paul’s had a great you know people say well he’s never coached before you know there is a lot of learning that’s gone on in Youth Hockey nowadays like 18u and Below uh

You have to be more of a teacher more of a communicator and I think the number one thing with cough is he’s an all World Communicator he looks you in the eye he he doesn’t break you down he builds you up a John Torell I played for

A long time ago uh we had our you know we were enemies and then we were on the same team and I look and I hear of all these things about him but he’s another guy you want to go in his office because he’s not going to strip you down he’s

Going to build you up you’re going to walk out 10 feet tall and bulletproof and I think Paul coffey’s been doing that with the Evon Oilers please just because it’s entertaining and I know you came here to talk about the capitals and we’ll get to that but talk about your first game as

An Oiler cuz it’s awesome and I’m sure you don’t mind retelling it well some of it I don’t want everyone to yell at me but you know the big thing when I got called up and I I felt really bad because I think it was Glenn Cochran

Who just passed away in the last week or two uh I’d seen him lose a fight the night before against my buddy Lyndon buers in a boss in a Bruins Evon game and I had played I’d been sick for a little while I got back one game and

Slatz was at his first and maybe only ever minor league hockey game that he had ever watched as general manager president head coach of the Oilers and he asked me if if I wanted to come home for Christmas and I I had a really good game best player had a two minute and

5sec tilt with Rob Ray at Center ice it was absolutely awesome and that was the first shift of the game um and then he asked me if I wanted to go home for Christmas I was like who wouldn’t want to go home for Christmas well I fly back

The next morning I I get home pretty early uh early enough to get a morning skate in and everything and instead of staying at the hotel I went to stay at my mom and dad’s house and their phone rang and rang and rang and rang and back

Then everyone used to smoke the the house was like a cloud so I took it upon myself Wayne Gretzky style to go to the arena at 2m and you know it was pretty cool I had a very eventful training camp so when I got out there I had played

That game and I I couldn’t believe it I had all my enemies became Frenemies that game and then I had the people that were my best friends were there my grandparents were there uh it was pretty cool my dad had seats in the second row my then girlfriend and my sister were

Sitting behind the goal about seven rows up by the Zamboni where I actually sat uh growing up well before the game uh just before the game at two minutes and 35 seconds this one’s always ingrained to me is my chief uh uh my uncle who was

A chief of the hobma band uh comes in the dress room he’s got a headdress on he’s got the buck skin jacket on and now my secrets out that I’m I’m a native and uh you know because I didn’t like taking you know what the guys were throwing all

The time back then you always try to minimize the be in the brunt of you know the the attack the attacks which you know they weren’t really attacks but it just you don’t want to give them so during that game I end up scoring a goal

And in the morning when I did get to the arena I found a penny and I found this Penny or actually slotz found it he said Al tape that to your skate you’ll score tonight so sure enough I score uh it ends up being the gamewinner I couldn’t

Believe I scored I looked in the net I looked up at the red light I looked at my sister and my girlfriend they’re freaking out I went behind the net again and I was getting a little choked up because I looked down the ice at the

Other end on the SEC on the second row because my dad was so tiny uh he’s he’s crying and my mom is just sitting there with their arms crossed not trying to show any emotion while I’m skating to the bench and I’m getting a little choked up seeing how happy and proud my

Dad is and all of a sudden I hear from the bench some little war cries and I was like oh my God they got me and I’m starting to choke up and Keith Acton comes over he don’t you cry don’t you cry don’t you and he’s jabbing me with

His stick so and anyways after at last shift of the game I am out on the ice inside the dzone we’re only up by a goal I believe and it’s to the right of Grant fear and slats as he goes out as I go out says don’t fight so I assume because

Cha basil McCrae Dana meren their their biggest guys are all in the ice that meant fight you know slotz was a psychologist so I thought I just skated out to Dana M and that was my guy left defense I skated out cross checked him cross check we end up having a big time

Fight and I get kicked out of the game you know it’s the LA at the last it was basically what 30 40 seconds left the game whatever it was I go in the dressing room and uh you know I’m expecting to get Pats in the back the

Guys are going crazy Messier is the greatest guy to be a teammate with and it’s like a party and the last game before the Christmas a couple day Christmas break and slatz comes in and he goes turns the music off and which normally doesn’t happen the coaches just

Let you be after when and he goes I thought I told you not the fight I go I thought you’re using reverse psychology on me and he goes if I was using reverse psychology on you you would know give me my penny back and I gave him the old you

Know whatever’s in there and uh there’s no way he was getting that damn Penny but it ended up being an incredible night the restaurant that we hung out growing up all the cooks were there when we got back after mess’s party that night at my parents house it it couldn’t

Have been a better first goal in the National Hockey League especially for my parents to be there uh so many friends but the whole day was so super surreal and just a blast and I’ll have that the rest of my life I know our team every

Time we go into Edmonton or play the Oilers they show the clip of it and you can see how shocked I was when I scored the goal so it just an absolutely incredible memory that’s why I asked folks Allan and I have done a lot of uh Banquets

Together and everybody loves that story and hey L speaking of first nation’s hockey players I don’t need to ask this you must have shared your descent with Ethan bear and uh how’s our Warrior doing there with the caps well you know Ethan is you know he came

In here everyone had been skating he’s coming off a shoulder surgery and I I thought he’s played fine and he’s still just hitting a stride one of the things with Ethan right now is he moves the puck very nice he doesn’t overh handle he he likes to shoot the puck which I

Appreciate because the D here have been overh handling the puck but he still got to get his legs under him uh the other night I talked to him I guess a week ago Thursday before the St Louis game and we’re talking I go how awesome is it to

Play here in the states he goes oh it’s amazing no one knows who I am we can walk around uh we’re not criticized for everything we do when you know go to the grocery store go to a restaurant no one knows who he is no one knows who most of

The players are and it’s a hockey town that pretty much sells out every game so he’s enjoying the part where he’s not getting blown up on social media he’s not getting blown up in the media for every play and you know conversely I listen to my buddy Bob stofer’s podcast

Or radio show every day and every pass every goal is life or death and it’s so hypocritical we’ve got guys here that haven’t scored in a dozen games that no one knows and they’re not harassing them they’re not getting beat up online and if they are just it’s just one person so

He’s loving that part I think he’s going to get better and better as the season goes on we have eight NHL defensemen here right now so they’re going to flip-flop really the bottom six guys not the top two as Carlson and farari but I expect Ethan as time goes on as he

Really gets his legs under him starts getting game legs game shape uh he’ll be ready to really start taking off he’s still a young very good hockey player thank you for the answer thank you for the analysis and as always we talked about things you would have never

Guessed we were going to talk about today Al I appreciate it good luck we’ll do it again soon see you take care Rod all right Washington Capitals TV analyst Alan May WHL sjhl I think ajhl and for sure NHL Alum we’ll be right back with a sports update and viewer take over we’re

Live on game plusus television WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live This is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the week weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we Want I’m Bridget liette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous

Peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey gives blood and helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at SLB hero does this look

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303 Pi up your phone andt RP that’s P2183 [Applause] we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s LIF we’re

Asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB business owners ad marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson

Show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out

How you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show did you know you can catch all the best moments from the show on all our social media platforms now back to the studio with Rob hey it’s a quickie here um and I

Apologize to my guy Stu a fireman out there in chillak VC he’s texted in on the Silber car Silber Carpenter text line he says Hey guys great conversation question for Allan among alltime rivalries where does the mid 80s estan Bruin’s wer Red Wings ranked for you and

I just saw it so Stu I apologize the next time Alan May’s on I’ll ask him you got to make sure that you’re watching but uh yeah I don’t look at this when the guy’s on Terry in medison hat writes in and says a step back in time LOL hey

Peterson 2 minutes for looking so good that’s the commercial from Maurice rocket Rashard you guys didn’t think we’d be talking about that today nor did I but you never know what’s going to come up on this program do you sports update Adrien Bel Trey Todd hton and Joe

Mau have been elected to baseball’s Hall of Fame while Billy Wagner and Gary Sheffield fell short the three players will be inducted at Cooper to July 21st along with manager Jim Leland who was elected last month icho Suzuki arrives on next month’s Hall of Fame ballot CC Sabathia 2 Canadian Shay gilges

Alexander in the Oklahoma City Thunder visit the San Antonio Spurs in one of eight games on the NBA slate tonight the Hamilton products coming off a 33-point performance in their win last night over Portland 111 109 news from the CFL Drew Brown won’t be hitting CFL free agency

The Ottawa red black signed the American quarterback to a 2-year deal today the CFL Club acquired Browns rights last week from the Winnipeg Blue Bombers for a fifth round draft pick Brown was slated to become a CFL free agent February 13th he spent three seasons with Winnipeg the truth is he heard the

Stadium is going to be called Princess Auto stadium and didn’t want to play there I’m joking sports updates and hockey coverage are brought to you by Crown Brewing Company turning your everyday common beer into a unique and exceptional experience visit common medic mind of Tina Fay comes a

New Twist on the modern classic mean girls in Landmark Cinemas now so moose rejoins us an hour two and we will be playing our NHL bet Regal Breakaway bets predicting tonight’s winners and in the National Hockey League we will if we have time get to our NHL top five bottom

Five I really want to do that but we’ll bring in a lot of your uh audience participation and the voice of the Calgary Stan Peters Mark Steven will join us to talk about the big stamps news yesterday some good some bad and uh we’ll obviously get some Flames talk in there as

Well uh that is all coming up let me just uh dabble into this for a second sliding on over to the streaming audience oh John M om awesome story interview and story with thank you John Omen Winnipeg he’s actually surprisingly docile given the fact that Jets visit the Toronto Maple

Le tonight are you docile John we’ll talk about that a lot next hour stick around everybody after this brief pause We’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s Lifeline we’re asking you to

Join the hockey givs blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB the sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more or pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look

No further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible rible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan

Experience nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of Regina is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with spectacular views of the golf course and

Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 73114 445 ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan

And Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam 92 51833 9 2 51833 pick up your phone and text RP that’s Peterson 92133 business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many cost effective commercial and promotional

Opportunities Tell The World about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show who’s your favorite All-Star celebrity Captain Will Arnett who I

Couldn’t pick out of a police lineup Justin Bieber whom we all know and I am a fan of the beibs Tate McCrae again lineup me not happening and of course Michael bubbly bubly and he’s got my vote and the commercials are funny too Dar he’s knocking on the door I have the

Bubbly I get some bub know it’s bé bubbly bubbly it’s funny this is the rod Peterson show that is a fact thank you Rick rean welcome everybody to Canada’s favorite daytime Sports Talk Show here on the game plus television network and we’re on the radio at Atlanta WQ and streaming

Coming up this hour the voice of the Calgary stamp Peters and iconic Calgary broadcaster Mark Steven that’s in segment three of this hour but we are currently in segment one sorry yeah segment one of our two please uh bring in the Moose the Moose is with us we got

A lot to get to here today we got some interesting comments have come in I just want to update everybody on what we talked about last hour the big story five members of the 2018 Canadian World Junior Team have been told to show up in London to the police department they’re

Facing sexual assault charges we talked about that an hour ago not going to talk anym about it here now NHL leftovers from last night the Edmonton ERS won their 14th in a row we talked about the NFL playoffs and that’s the poll question they’re down to the final four

Who’s your favorite team left who are you cheering for Detroit’s way out in front of that we didn’t get as much into the wexit as I’d like to Western exit but we will the five Alberta Junior League team’s going to BC if you don’t think that’s a big story then you don’t

Know hockey and all the rest uh but Darren is there something do you have a burning desire to share before I pivot with topics here I did my homework you saw it um hell of a commercial the rocket for Grecian formula my God two minutes for looking so good was pretty

Good I heard phrase yeah have have you have you never heard of uh that commercial or the phrase 2 minutes for looking so good well yeah I’ve heard two minutes for looking so good but I had no idea where it came from it came from that commercial so

It’s funny because I do this and I’m very grateful Darren came down here in April for our 1,000th show and this is currently our 1165th show so you know the uh the setup here this is a covered in patio in Florida they call it a Leni I call it a

Line n and nobody knows gets the joke which I think is even funnier so and then you know just on the other side of this wall is’s the house so Serena’s in the house and sometimes she listens to the show sometimes she doesn’t so just

In the top of the hour breakout went in there she’s like what the hell were you guys talking about on there Maurice Rashard I said that old commercial Grecian formula two minutes for looking so good where he was the referee and she’s like we cuz she’s Canadian nobody

Knows that but she is she was like we are not right as a planet like Canada is its own planet for commercials like that yeah yeah yeah it is and it only matters to us and that’s all that matters so anyways John M is going to be I

Shouldn’t have brought it up John M ‘s gonna need to be shot with a tranquilizer dart because the Winnipeg Jets visit the Toronto Maple H tonight it’s by far the game of the night in the NHL and maybe okay we’re going to play right not right now but very soon bet Regal Breakaway

Bets he just wrote Into the commentary here the comments what a peg Jets what a peg Jets what a peg Jets what a peg Jets what a p Jets that’s what I’m saying shoot him now with a tranquilizer dart um oh I came up with a phrase this

Morning as I was driving to my morning club meeting sport betting is that a thing sport there’s sport fishing there’s sport hunting why not sport betting where you bet on the results but you don’t put anything on it cash a lunch nothing what do you think I I feel

Like I just coined something sport betting that could be a thing I mean sports betting is already a thing but sport betting oh yeah playing for free right sport betting just for fun I’ve never done that before you don’t like the result you throw it back right you forget about it it’s like

Uh me stumbling upon the combination of ranch and salsa to this day nobody’s told me since I brought it up that they’ve done it before I’m calling it ransa it’s incredible it’s like discovering plutonium by accident Ranch in and the only reason I found out is I

Mixed it on my plate I’m like this is amazing how’s nobody ever come up with this ransa watch for it at a grocery store near you soon um the reason I’m getting to all of this uh if I’m getting to anything Darren W uh worked in Salt

Lake City writes in and he says big news in Utah Jazz ownership has made direct inquiries into NHL expansion into Salt Lake City and have offered an immediate venue Etc there are those that say if this is to be believed or not we’re in the conspiracy theory age that the NHL

Was sitting on this story and they just dropped it today whenever it came out that those five Junior players from the team Canada were going to when the crap was going to hit the fan we’ll drop this expansion story to get distract everybody whether that’s true or not I

Don’t know but it’s going to work for us here right now um and I I saw the headline before Darren in Salt Lake City wrote this in that that what are s something Entertainment Group has commissioned the NHL to look into Salt Lake State that doesn’t mean anything

There’s a lot of people that would like the NHL to do a lot of stuff doesn’t mean they’re going to do it ownership group wants their City to be considered and their ownership group for every ownership group does every city that doesn’t have a team wants to be

Considered doesn’t mean the NHL will did you see the headline this morning I saw the headline you know they requested the information from the NHL tell us what it will take tell us what the process is for an expansion team well I know a time or two I’ve inquired

About a gym membership but doesn’t mean I’m going to buy one or go you know yes you know I know so we’ll see you one of those teams yeah they you know Salt Lake City has hosted an Olympic Games you know they’ve got the NBA maybe the NHL

Would be a logical Next Step sure and it’d be one of those cities to inquire about but we’re so far away from them being considered the front runner for the next expansion or anything else um but it is something to distract everybody oh in that case it worked but the thing

Is I don’t know very much about Salt Lake City I’ve been to the airport that’s it it ain’t exactly a hot tourist destination what do I know about Salt Lake City I think it’s number one for porn downloading in America number one the most porn downloaded is in Utah I

Believe that’s the case I’ve heard that it’s very boring not a lot to do there so yeah you Darren and Salt Lake you tell me if I’m wrong on that but Atlanta is the city that I’m hot to trot on because we air in Atlanta on the radio every day

WQ right Ryan all radio we’re set up to we’re Atlanta’s NHL show we’re not Salt Lake City’s NHL show so they have a venue who cares Atlanta’s got multiple venues to play I’ve had a lot of friends that have played there and do not ever bring up

That they’ve had two franchises that had to move because that doesn’t matter so has Ottawa in the Canadian football league and the third time was the charm I keep bringing it up all the time and I will keep bringing it up as long as people bring up that inan argument that

The flames and Thrashers had to move so I want to see Atlanta first it’s 6 million people it’s the Hub of the South not Salt Lake City give me a break where are you on there where would you like to see the 33rd team go um Houston jumps out to me we were

Down there Houston would be a good fit um Atlanta would be fine uh Kansas City would be good there’s a lot of options Utah didn’t jump out to me as the next destination um you know maybe it’d be one down the line but I think there’d probably be better fits if you’re just

Looking at it from yeah where would you like to go uh see we talk about this all the time uh Jeff and Yorkton writes in he says Rod it’s all about the money if Utah wants to pay the insane franchise price then Gary will go there it’s always

About the money my money people tell me always just examine who’s got the most to gain and ding ding ding you’ll find your winner it’s about the money sorry but you can’t but you can’t just stroke a check otherwise Jim balsley would have had a team in Hamilton if it was only

About the expansion check the money conversation is about that expansion fee but also TV merchandise the the economy longevity it is money but it’s not just one check I kind of wonder that movie Blackberry which you and I went to together did we not you and I at Landmark Cinemas

Blackberry it was about the Blackberry that was the whole idea of the movie but there was a great scene in there Jim B silly who was if not the founder of the Blackberry well he basically was just like a raving lunatic in the NHL Board of Governors meetings in New York like

Throwing Cher is over because they weren’t going to give him his team they weren’t going to let sorry they weren’t going to let him buy the Pittsburgh Penguins and move them to Hamilton right wasn’t that what the story was it’s like 20 years AG right they would let him

But yeah you and I were leaving the theater going is that accurate cuz you know you look at winning time the Lakers they say the guy that played Jerry West and how they made him look like a raving lunatic the family’s very upset by the way they made Jerry West

Look so I wonder if the B silly family is upset that they made Jim look like a complete lunatic in the show Blackberry I kind of have the sense that they didn’t it was nailed and that’s why he didn’t get a team uh Wayne NBC says how many teams is

Enough I’d like to see less teams not more from the random Canuck which oh my god do I have a story for for you the random Canuck writes in it’s 111 Eastern by the way he didn’t say that I am saying that it’s 111 Eastern so imagine manifest the perfect outcome to

Your current situation I did I did it works the random Canuck say number one Houston number two Atlanta number three Salt Lake City number four Kansas City number five Milwaukee so there’s a sports betting show that airs in the same Studio as Serena and my cats and bolts podcast

That we do on the Panthers and the lightning and last week they asked if I could come on and talk about the National Hockey League on their betting show and I couldn’t because it was airing the same time as this one so Serena went down there and it’s called

Online Sports bet Darren try and keep a straight face keeping in mind that these are nice guys they’re like well let’s talk about the number one team in the National Hockey League Serena the van Vancouver kukes what do you have to say about the kukes I was like what she came home and

Told me that and she goes oh it’s not the first time I’ve heard that cuz remember that she lived in California for 10 years but tell us about the Vancouver kukes true story that’s pretty good I wonder what team would get mispronounced the most Vancouver never came came to mind

As being you know mispronounced but away we are let’s talk about the Arizona demon box oh no the kukes the canuk from the random kanak writes it and says my God I know I know you have no idea you have no idea oh boy and

She’s I did I tell you this she’s going to rip some heads off this afternoon when we record our show because a new podcast has popped up here in South Florida called the cats and rats podcast did I did I tell it’s spelled exactly like ours cats and rats

I’ve told a few business friends of mine and sports friends here and they like like I’m not as mad I’m a little mad but I’m not as mad I was talking to our guy Jeff this morning from estan cuz I talked to a lot of people moose our

Hotel Year from the you know I said how would you feel if a hotel popped up right across from your hotel right across the street and they called themselves the days in spelled D A Y ZN d a y ZN N I said you’d be furious he’s

Like of course I would be I said well that’s kind of how I feel so anyways yeah that happened Darren in Utah writes it and says wow I think I’d better move Salt Lake is only the second largest airline Hub in the US and makes billions in tourist Revenue that Olympic

Thing in 2002 must have been a fluke Atlanta okay oh yeah like we didn’t have the Olympics in Atlanta 96 uh any thoughts we nothing about the porn downloading nothing you got nothing to you got nothing to say about the porn downloading isn’t that an attraction that’s on the pros list not

The cons list who said it was a problem yeah exactly I said I said said to my friend vau who the guy that we connected with the guy that I connected with my best friend when we were kids got back together here this summer I said you

Know you look a lot like the kid from Two and a Half Men in the early years the early episodes he’s like that kid was cool I said I didn’t say he wasn’t why’ he take everything as a insult anyways um Jeff the stams fan says Salt Lake City makes more sense than

Atlanta don’t agree but I guess we’ll find out that’s why they have votes for these things or as they say who writes the biggest check again it all comes down to money which there are people writing in here regarding wexit the five Alberta junior teams going to BC and it’s starting to be

Reported enough that I think it’s true $1.2 million in expansion fees for a flipp in junior a league $1.2 million expansion fees for those Alberta teams that’s 6 million the BC League’s get a pocket for junior a hockey you going to tell me it’s not about the money which

I’m kind of somebody again a media person in Calgary told me just the other day they said you have really found your Niche with that talk show because you can do whatever you want nobody can tell you what to do you’re living where you want to live it’s all coming up Aces

That’s the thing I don’t want to be The Insider guy you see it’s come out what Cory Perry did in Chicago why he had his contract terminated I don’t even want to talk about it here but it has been reported today and I’m like I was fired from my

Last job for this kind of stuff not no not no it’s been reported stuff that goes on millions of times a day around the world he was fired for it and clearly the Edmonton orders didn’t feel like it was that big of a deal because they signed

Him Mark Steven on the way we be right back uh it’s hour two of your favorite daytime Sports Talk Show coming at you live on Game Plus television WQ Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube Live The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms T 92518 303 92518 303 upt that’s P2133 everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you can throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a legacy nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of reana is one of the finest golf courses in in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with

Spectacular views of the golf course and Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 73114 45 Does this look familiar your fans deserve deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan

Experience here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today send that your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really

Deserve it now back to your host Rod Peterson yeah here we are please do not adjust your sets the host is wearing a crown and a robe uh by the way everybody I want to tell you the Kinsman Tel Miracle 50/50 is live now it’s a wonderful way to

Support Tel Miracle but also a chance for you to win half the pot you can buy your tickets now it’s a truly win-win for Saskatchewan residents he just got to be in Saskatchewan and over the age of 18 buy your tickets now tle Miracle we’re about one month away from

The draw okay let’s bring the moose in Moose I figured why not wear the crown what the heck you if you don’t remember the Maurice Rashard TV commercials that we talked about last hour for creation Formula 2 minutes for looking so good you definitely won’t remember on what

What nights did Johnny Carson wear the Swami uh Crown can can somebody please that’s older than both Darren and I write in and tell us tell me how often Johnny Carson wore his get up I don’t even remember his name I want to say Swami but that’s not it wasn’t Chris Burman the

Swami yeah Chris was Swami was he was a Swami okay I don’t even know what Johnny Carson was when he dressed up but whatever if it was once a week I’ll do it if it was twice a week I’ll do it but it’s fun it’s fun and for to that end

We’re going to play NHL top five bottom five are you ready we do it every week for bet Regal our official betting partner top five teams in the National Hockey League followed by the bottom five at the number one team is the Boston Bruins everybody they are on a heater right now

They have the NHL best win streak of 728 and ask what a p who’s the best team in the NHL it’s the Boston Bruins number two is the Winnipeg Jets and we’re going to find out maybe what they’re made off tonight in Toronto but they are missing two players including Mark shley tonight

Number two Winnipeg number three the Vang couver Canucks they got to be in there somewhere having their best season in decades number four the Colorado Avalanche have won seven to their last 10 they are the hottest team in the past 10 of anybody below our top three and

The number five team the Edmonton Oilers I’m telling you right now if they were winning a playing a series they might beat Vancouver and Winnipeg they’ve won 14 in a row we all know number one Boston two Winnipeg three Vancouver four Colorado five Edmonton your bottom five

Teams in the National Hockey League are these 28th is the Montreal Ken The Losers of three in a row they’re actually 26th overall but they’re sliding 29th at Columbus Blue Jackets nothing more than a speed bump for the orders last night Anaheim is the 30th team proving that

Ducks can’t fly 31st team is the Chicago Blackhawks second worst team they’re nothing without Conor Bard that’s evident and the very last team in the NHL is the San Jose Sharks it ain’t close there’s no reason for this to be challenged the rest of the way and their

Goal differential looks like it’s going to be an NHL record they’re at minus 90 don’t adjust your sets minus 90 the San Jose Sharks what a season they’re having that’s our top five bottom five for B Rego agree or disagree I I’m I’m with you um it’s

Going to be a debate where you put the Oilers because they were so far behind everybody that you know they’re on the heater and I think they’re maybe in the top 10 teams points wise um they they they’re definitely one of the top five best teams today in the NHL so I like

That um don’t look now though uh seatt or Seattle San Jose’s won three in a row I just looked at that I’m like where did that come from but that’s that’s just they’re gonna they’re still the worst team in the league yeah exactly so uh I’m pretty good with your top five bottom

Five okay thank you so I’m checking uh in with the audience 92518 3033 Jerry bus this is this is hilarious David and Winnipeg writes it and says Jerry bus I’m like no no no no no look it up from winning time watch the series have you

Watched it on the rise of the Lakers and they never ever really did fall and the bus family still owns them no it wasn’t Jerry bus that they had a problem with as much of a lecherous carousing womanizer that Jerry bus is portrayed as in the show his family

Never had any problem with that played by John C Riley it was Jerry West right I believe Jerry West the guy that is on the NBA logo that was portrayed as a tyrant I think it was Jerry West but it wasn’t Jerry bu it was Jerry West that

The family had a problem with just to clarify that I remember it’s been a couple years since we watched that since it came out but dag nabbit is that ever a great uh what else do we have here oh thank you Nelson I don’t know how he knows

This our VP ASM events but he says carac the Magnificent the Mystic from the east no specific dates just a reoccurring character how do you know that Nelson you’re far younger than me and I think younger than Darren he must have Googled what are we talking about carac that’s who Johnny car Johnny

Carson was I’m sorry uh with with his outfit carac the Magnificent no specific days okay I just here’s why I just think why the hell wouldn’t we have fun with this you got 8 million shows out there studies will show two million podcasts alone with everybody looking the same and talking about the

Same stuff why wouldn’t we put a crown on once or twice a week and have some fun with it for God’s sakes I often think about cuz people send us these photos from the bars where our show is on all across Canada and I’m thinking people must want I I

Want to see their reaction when the guy’s wearing a crown I know what I would think what the hell is this now speaking of all of that oh Nelson says he’s a big late night fan thank you thank you thank you thank you that’s why he

Knows uh Colin in Ottawa says they toned down Magic Johnson ‘s womanizing in season 2 I wonder if he threatened HBO after seeing how he was portrayed in the first season well I don’t need to watch the documentary because I lived it as a fan and I remember the life of Magic

Johnson you know what I’m saying oh yeah I I will never forget they were renovating the old Seattle Key Arena uh I think I told you the story on the air when we went through there with the PA Raiders in 93 I was the 20-year-old voice of the PA

Raiders and uh that was around the time the news came out about Magic Johnson and if you don’t know the news that I’m talking about look it up and because they were renovating KY Arena the team was playing in the near well somewhat nearby Tacoma doome and I wrote a

Shuttle down there 22,000 seat Tacoma Dome it’s really cool on the SeaTac strip and uh it was something it was some I watched the Timberwolves play there and I believe Golden State Warriors against the Lakers by the way Darren speaking of me sitting on a park Branch just babbling to the person

Beside me whatever my stories are I have friends on a cruise right now you know them I think Pete and Shauna Engelhart of Regina they were in KML Mexico and they were taking photos by the sign of it yesterday you know what the first thing

Was popped in my mind you I never told you this I’ve never told anybody this story I almost kild a man in KMEL Mexico what how about that it’s a little it’s a little island uh which is a ferry ride off Coastal Mexico no true story and you’ll know the people

Involved carel Carmelo carteri was with us my longtime color commentator and our sales manager Ron Almer we spent the afternoon floating around in the PO we went to Hooters for a while then we went floated around in a pool drinking all day we got to get back on the ferry to

Go back to Cancun uh or was a playdale Carmen that was a long time ago when I was drinking but they were painting a park bench and there was a sign on it so as we’re walking down the the street I’m talking at car bahah not really paying attention Almer runs up

Aside and takes the sign off because it said wet paint and he goes Rody why don’t you sit down on the bench take a load off I’m like that’s a good idea Ron so I go to sit down I put my hand down first wet paint so I came running after him

With my hand of wet paint right and he trips on the curb and falls into the street and a car comes along and just missed his head and if you know if you’ve ever ever had that moment where in a split second you have a lot of things run through

Your mind my life didn’t Flash before my eyes his life did and I’m thinking oh my God he’s going to smash his head like a pumpkin because I saw the car coming and he just missed and then a guy came with his bike and went Thump Thump right over his head broke his

Glasses I’ll never forget oh God yeah yeah yeah and uh we had a guy with us by the name of Ken Ashton so Ronnie’s laying there in the street K grabs him by the head he goes how many fingers am I holding up Ken sitting 10 feet away

Goes free we’re like not you him the guy that just got run over in the street of Kimo Mexico so anyways he lived to tell the story and uh we go and then then at night we all went out for supper and our station manager who you

Would know I think you had a you did a deal with them that they went back on so you would know exactly who I’m talking about says to me heard you tried to kill our sales manager today well yeah but it was an accident and it was his all

Them didn’t yeah he started it like we’re a bunch of 10-year-old kids so anyways that happened Ah that’s pretty good though hey take the sign why don’t you have a seat take a load of he deserved it that’s is that what you’re getting at he deserved it W so anyways all these

Things if you would have sat down you would have got up and never known there was wet paint on there yeah exactly almost killed him man in KML Mexico Colin in Ottawa says you knew about Magic Johnson sexual escapades and the rural Saskatchewan of the 1980s uh you’re Colin you you met him

Right Darren you met him in Ottawa you guys are about the same age I met him yeah right over your head Colin you’re not getting it and I don’t have time to explain it uh Before I Let You Go dub tonight Tri City at wache Everett

At Colona the top press specs game is being played tonight where’s it being played I saw the ring but I can’t I didn’t yeah okay thank you I’m full of good question I don’t have a lot of answers uh somebody will let me know but the top prospects games being played oh yeah

Well bren’s watching and uh Wellington Flor says Blame it on the tequila was that monton how about that okay well that was a different different rank angle of the rank than I saw I snuck into the rank in monton one time I told you that story right I

Bought a couple of subs and told told them that I was delivering them for the owner and they led me in I wasn’t doing anything nefarious I was just wanted to go see the rink and I knew there was the only way they were going to let me in is

If I concocted a story so I bought a couple of subs from Subway if you know me well enough this will not surprise it this was Uber Eats before there was Uber Eats it was uh not that long ago 2019 touchdown Atlantic that’s why I was

There it was the middle of the summer I’m like I want to get inside and see that rink how could I do it I got it I’ll go to the security desk with a couple of subs and tell them I’m delivering them no problem have a great day moose say hi to

Your parents for me you bet thank you Mark Steven joins us next we are live on the game plus television network WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live 92183 92133 pick up your phone and text RP that’s Peterson2 did you know you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors increase chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their life-saving

Match you can be a patient’s best hope be hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible over Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and

Scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan Experience I’m Bridget lequette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant

From an unrelated donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero

Join me in hockey gives blood in helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at beahero this is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training

For and all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we want hi my name is Logan stov and I’m Conor Bard we’re both hockey gives blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood

Donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at HGB Business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many coste effective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world

About your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show oh yeah he’s back time for more of theod Peterson

Show hey everybody Canada’s top men’s curling teams are into the thick of their season the provincial playdowns are coming up and their eyes are firmly focused on the brand Center and Regina for the Montana Brier presented by AGI it’s March 1st to the 8th we want to

Send you you can get your tickets now at ticks ranging in price from $24 to $70 depending on the draw and where you sit but all kids tickets are $9.99 ticket I hope you enjoy the weekly curling interviews we’re doing with the big names because it’s

Been a lot of fun Scotty is in Calgary by the way and we’re going there now at the beautiful wind Sport Arena but we’re going to talk football first with our good friend Mark Steven i a think about it Mark because there’s a lot of things

To get to with you but it was a good news bad news day for the Stampeders yesterday would you mind recapping it and filming our audience in yeah first uh thank you good afternoon it was yeah a pretty crazy day in Calgary uh we got the news of

Something that had been speculated for a while that John huffnagel would be stepping aside into more of an advisory role so he leaves the day-to-day uh you know comings and goings of the stamp peders Jay mcneel had been brought on just under well I guess about a year and

A half ago in a business role now takes over as the team president so he’s uh in charge of everything it’s quite a story he was a player uh played 14 seasons and went into a business career and then returned to the staff Peters so he takes

Over as the boss of the Calgary stamp Peters while all this was going on we were starting to receive word that one of the you know highest profile and most popular Stampeders in recent times Bruce coverton had pass pass away at the age of 57 and yeah it was unexpected and

Caught a lot of people off guard and there was a lot of emotion in fact they even did a video uh acknowledgement last night at the Flames game so yeah this caught a lot of people off guard so it was a day where a lot of good news came

Out that the stamps were under a new Direction in the sense that Jay mcneel has the top role but very unfortunate on the Bruce coverton’s passing yeah yeah just terrible and I I my condolences to you Mark and the Stan Peters fans and all the rest with tuna

Did his career did does your has yours completely spanned his cuz the years were somewhat close am I right there was an overlap I I was a reporter not the broadcaster of the team but you know I knew him from the day he got here I mean

He was the first pick in 1992 and he came to the staff Peters so yeah I was with him from the day he talked to him regularly from the day he arrived until I saw him most recently at a luncheon in October so that would have been the last

Time I talked to him so yeah I’ve known him all the time and always had a chance to say hello to him and he was a regular at stamp Peter practices and different events around the city as well so yeah he was one of those Larger than Life

Figures yeah I got to meet him too just a wonderful guy he would Converse on Facebook too when I wasn’t in Calgary number one overall pick multiple great cups won hell of a resume and he left a a big void there’s no doubt that will not be filled as far as the huffnagle

Mcneel news will stamps fans see any change to the to the naked eye with HFF out of this role and Jay in it not really I don’t think so I mean uh one of John Huff nagle’s many legacies is the fact that he’s made some very very significant transitions with seemingly

No hiccups I mean he left the coaching ranks he uh you know became GM only then he left the GM spot only and gave it to Dave Dickinson or Dave earned it and then also this move as well there haven’t been the massive upheavals that some other organizations go through it’s

Been a model of stability so that’s one of the many things he could take credit for is the fact that you know he kind of saw around the corner and had plans in place for all the inevitable transitions that would have to take place I got to ask you this and I know

You’ll give me the honest good when things were tough for the stamps in the summer and the fall and you were there you were calling the games all those stamps alumni were saying to me ah they’ll figure it out they always figure it out they’ll figure it out and

Dagnabit they did I’m sure you would have liked to have hosted a playoff game but you surpass Sask and the standings to make the playoffs Mark you know one of these years it’s going to catch you don’t you I don’t I think that’s a dangerous game to

Play well I think it is to an extent that U you know here’s what’s happened the last couple of years they’ve uh certainly been stalking Toronto and Hamilton with a lot of players so you know they’re going to have to maybe do something a little different to maintain

Uh players they’ve done started to do that they’ve signed some guys to multi-year Deals the guys that are their core but I’ll be blunt there’s going to be some guys that move on they were six and 12 last year so that was indication that things weren’t all as they

Envisioned so uh you know they will figure it out I think they will but they’re goingon to have to make some modifications to an extent on some of their free agent strategies and I think you’ve seen that already correct me if I’m wrong but it’s Hamilton in there in week one right yep

Yeah yeah that was a colossal oversight by the CFL last year not having Hamilton come to Calgary so they’re going to rectify that at the first possible opportunity and obviously it was a good news not only for bivi Mitchell but for people here that he patched over his

Differences with the cats and I mean it’s almost certain that he’ll be here for opening dat I do feel like and I think you would agree the football gods do eventually work things out properly in the end like maybe if if Hamilton was scheduled to come last year maybe B wouldn’t have

Been able to play because of his injury now he will I agree totally yeah I I agree it was a tough year for him on a number of fronts but Health was one of them he he really didn’t play all that much last year so you’re right I mean

You can’t guarantee anything and he was hurt for the bulk of last year and I have no idea when he would have slotted in to come to Calgary but he might not have been on the trip that’s certainly a possibility watching the Flames from afar I feel like this decision will be

Made for them that they need to scrap everything and go into a rebuild because it’s very evident to me they’re not going anywhere will they reach that conclusion or what do you think well I was there last night and if they didn’t reach that conclusion they

Better in a hurry this this is just as good as this team is going to get okay they’re uh team that’s kind of hanging around the playoff Chase there’s sort of a maybe we can make it with a couple of breaks kind of thing but this is as far

As it’s going to go and yes they’re going to have to uh decide on a brand new Direction um you know it’s just not working uh this is as I say this is as good as it’s going to get look they got two more games in what was sort of a

Vital home stand they’ve got Columbus and Chicago that they should be favored against those teams no guarantees but let’s just say they win based on the standings that only makes this home stand a six-game home stand 500 again that that’s not good enough and they can’t say well maybe these guys will

Beat Nashville tonight that’s where they are and uh it’s just as far as they’re going to go it’s not good enough as currently constructed just while I have you the Scotties is in windport Arena and um I know you like to follow business as much as Sports to a degree and that facility

Has turned out to be better than I think they thought man the tickets are almost gone they don’t even know who the field is well I guess they’re I guess we we do now uh just over the last say yeah yeah why why is Calgary such a tremendous

Curling City in your mind you’ve been there throughout yeah well first of all you’re right about the windport facility uh we lack sort of a medium siiz facility a good one here um you know there’s the Saddle Dome but there’s only certain events that make sense to be

Played in there uh but as far as a sort of a next tier facility it fits in the middle there’s some smaller facilities the Corral which was the original home of the Flames is gone so that’s one reason why it works uh they’ve marketed it well it’s not only the home of

Curling remember in the uh pandemic year they held every single curling Championship that mattered there so that was really exciting uh number three is the Serge basketball team of the CBL plays out of there and did quite well and there’s and there’s a number of you know just tournaments minor hockey

Tournaments and things that are played out of there it’s very busy I mean uh people outside the city of course see it during the high-profile events but it’s always busy there with numerous tournaments and events going on so it’s a combination of things and yeah Calgary

Does have a reputation one time when the Brier was held here they had the record it was since Eclipse but uh no it’s it’s had a good reputation and I’m looking forward to it it should be very exciting indeed if you can answer a quick one Colin watching in Ottawa wants to know

Your take on otwa and their new starting quarterback Drew Brown what’s that going to mean to the franchise well I hope it works out for them I mean there’s been instability there on so many fronts and those fans there have been kicked around so much ever since

They played in the 18 gray cup is he the guy he certainly showed flashes but I’m G to caution you about this it’s a different world when you’re the the number one guy and people are focusing in on you I’m not saying he can’t do it but remember they went down this exact

Road with Nick Arbuckle there were a few issues that didn’t work out it’s not all Nick’s doing but it’s a different world would you’re the number one guy having said that I do understand why they went out and did it it’s a bold assertive move to get ahead of free agency and

Sign him to a deal I’m not going to say he’s going to guarantee success because they’ve got some other issues there bigger than quarterbacking hope Missi gets back and the two of them give Ottawa some hope because I think if I added it up right since they played in

The gray Cup in 18 they’re 14 and 54 that that’s just not good enough so there are quarterbacking issues but there’s many other issues there as well that’s really bad mark uh appreciate it always appreciate it man thank you chat with you soon okay take care thanks for the

Call the Stan Peter’s voice and longtime outstanding Calgary broadcaster Mark Steven overtime coming up next we are live on gam plus TV WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube Live The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all platforms [Applause] does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan

Experience hi my name is Logan stov and I’m Conor Bard we’re both hockey gies blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at

HGB ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of Estavan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting system if it’s time for an upgrade let us show

You how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam [Applause] Here’s how your business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across

Canada on gamep plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today you got something to say you want

To add to the show what are you waiting for don’t just sit there say something now back to the studio with Rod okay overtime is for our Calgary friends overtime hockey Lanes in cow toown 28th Street Northeast most fun you can have with your skates on where skiled and fun Collide head on

Down look up Randy and Michelle and tell Rod sent you uh uh uh uh uh where do we start um Colin in Ottawa are you still there he had a I I hope you’ve all had as much fun today as I have but he had a

Bit of a cheeky comment earlier when I said that we all knew what Magic Johnson was up to back in the day we don’t need to watch a Netflix documentary or Amazon Prime documentary to know and I looked it up November 7th 1991 was the announcement that Magic Johnson tested positive for

HIV that’s what I’m talking about but you probably you you might have been Bor Clark was born that year so he wouldn’t know how did we he you very cheekily said how would you know in rural sasan what magic was well we had a thing it was called a newspaper I

Right yeah crazy and we would read these things called the newspaper we would go down and we would buy them at the local store it was like 50 cents maybe a quarter and that had the news was in the news was in it so that’s what we did I know it’s crazy

Nelson who’s been hanging with us all day hey Nelson since you got all the answers can you tell and you do I don’t say that factiously what is swag surfing Clark doesn’t know don’t bother Clark I asked him he didn’t know I don’t know what’s swag surfing Nelson you must know it’s a

Dance well thank you thank you Clark has told me it’s a dance I know but what specif where did it come from and why I saw Taylor Swift doing it and the only reason I ask you Nelson is because you’ve had all the other answers today

And again I forgot carac carac was the name of the character Johnny Carson was when he wore a crown on the Johnny Carson show I’ll try carac regarding NHL expansion to Salt Lake City the NHL the uh the potential ownership group in Salt Lake City’s come

Out and said they have asked the NHL to look into expanding and having a 33rd team in Utah so Nelson writes in and says the National Hockey League released a statement regarding Salt Lake expansion they are impressed with the conversations they have had with the ownership group over the past two years

And look forward to continuing to talk he says they didn’t say yes and they didn’t say no sounds a hell of a lot like Randy ambrosie don’t it we’re talking about talking we know where that went Jeff the stams fan says I remember it was all over the news oh yeah was that

Ever there are those that say the NHL threw out this Salt Lake City News Today is a red herring a decoy a bait and switch for the day that the hockey Canada news came out that five members of the 2018 World Juniors team has been summoned to law London Ontario to face

Charges for sexual assault I don’t know whether they do it did or not who knows I think they’re matching up the timing I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt sports update on this Wednesday the Winnipeg Jets fly into Toronto for an all Canadian match up

With the Leafs tonight Jets have one eight of their last 10 lead the NHL Central division with 64 points one up on Colorado the Leafs are fourth in the Atlantic with 54 points uh holding a wild card spot also tonight the league leading Vancouver Canucks play host of

The St Louis Blues Canucks have won three in a row Blues coming off a 4-3 win in Calgary last night sports updates brought to you by Landmark Cinemas in theaters now the B The Beekeeper one man’s brutal campaign for vengeance takes on National Stakes after he is

Revealed to be a former operative of a powerful and clandestine organization known as the beekeepers starring Jason stay them Jos Hutcherson and mini driver and also brought to you by common crown Brewing Company turning your everyday common beer into a unique and exceptional experience visit common.css had TVs back then too Rody

Yeah exactly right Chad and Lethbridge says I hope the Flames show up tomorrow Rody the return of Johnny hockey 2.0 should be some boo Birds Colin in Ottawa says I’m talking about what preceded and caused magic getting HIV he was diagnosed with it so I kind of just deduced what was going

On Glenn in Medicine Hat says late to the dance here today so maybe you touched on this but a couple of players from Canada’s 2018 World Junior Team have very recently left their NHL teams for personal reasons could be a coincidence did you ever show up late that was the first thing we

Talked about today in the big story and I guess the last thing that we’re talking about today tomorrow hopefully the news is better see you then who has more fun than Us M my

1 Comment

  1. They are being told to surrender, which means they are facing charges!
    Ridiculous this wasn’t handled in 2018, other than the lawsuit for damages.
    I guess they are lucky they are millionaires, cause they are going to lose their shirts in legal fees

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