Loft-jacking and Delofting Golf Clubs?

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Nobody likes to cheater in golf am I right nobody likes to play with somebody who’s cheat not count Strokes or just taking gimmies nobody likes a cheater right so we don’t want to be associated with those golfers and we certainly don’t want to be one of those golfers is

What I’m talking about today a form of cheating got [Applause] to hey everybody and welcome back to golf test dummy the channel where I use my game to help your game the question I have for today is is this cheating I’m pretty sure it’s not but I want to ask your

Opinion is it cheating to deloft your clubs now before you answer that with a hearty hell no just hear me out all right little bit of backstory I have been participating in some debates online over the last couple of years in comment sections and on forums and I

I’ve gotten a lot of mixed sort of opinions about this but take for instance what is referred to today as Loft jacking on clubs if you don’t know what Loft jacking is it’s essentially what most people view as a marketing tool and very likely probably is just a

Marketing tool where you take a seven iron and you stamp seven on the bottom of it but instead of it being 33 or 34° or even 31 or 32 you crank it down to a six or even a five iron loft of 26 27° but you still stamp a seven on it and

Then all of a sudden magically the golfers that use it say Wow I hit this 7even iron 20 to 25 yards further than I hit my other seven iron and there’s a lot of people who see right past the smoke screen and past the marketing and they say yeah but you’re not really

Hitting a seven iron it may have a seven written on it but it may as well have a five written on it because it’s you know a whole 8° stronger than what a normal 7even iron is but I had a conversation with a Club fitter recently and I asked

A few things this this guy had a wealth of knowledge about Golf Club making and history and fitting and all of that he was well-rounded and uh in a pretty respected position I would say in his profession uh but I had some sneaking suspicions I had some theories about how

This Loft jaing came to be and it really I think it’s really only been in maybe the last I don’t know 15 years of golf I I could be wrong about that but that’s that’s probably in the right area but I think that’s when it started was

Probably about 15 years ago and I started to to sort of ask myself questions about it and I formed a little bit of a theory and I was asking him some of these questions and he confirmed what I’ve thought the whole time take for instance the clubs I have here you can

Use just about any clubs but let’s just take the Tommy armor 845 Max that I have in my hand now it is marked as a seven iron it is an undercut cavity The Loft on this club is 31° now the Tommy armor 845 irons that I had that were not the

Max Irons but they were created in I believe 2019 and this is the 2021 version so this is a couple of variations after that uh but the 2019 versions that I had had a 27° 7even iron that is pretty strong Loft jacking that turns that into essentially a six iron

Or maybe even a 5 and a half Iron by traditional standards I’m not sure but now this one is 31 and I had to ask myself why would they add a whole four degrees of Loft back to this club that’s an entire club’s Loft most Club gapping

Is about 4 de between clubs why would they weaken this back to be more like a traditional players distance seven iron when before they were going to a seven iron that was 27 degrees and giving people more distance what why would they do that and the answer as I dug a little

Bit further in it started asking questions lined up with what I’d been thinking for years and I don’t think the Loft being cranked down was the original I don’t think that was patient zero or the start of the number line I don’t think that was the original thing that

That club makers started to do what I think happened was they looked at golfers and they realized that they had trouble getting the ball up into the air sometimes for a lack of speed especially as you age you get older you slow down you don’t have the speed or if you’re

Just an amateur who doesn’t understand all the Dynamics to the swing you just don’t swing quite as fast unless you’re really athletic or strong or uh you know really just quick with your hands but they have trouble getting the ball into the air it’s why the hybrids and the

Tight lies came about it’s why all of those clubs came about is because they wanted to help golfers get the ball in the air one of the main things that you enjoy as a young beginning golfer or an old beginning golfer for either one is

To see the ball take off in flight and soar into the sky and that little white ball disappear off into the blue it it’s just that’s that’s the magic right that’s the drug that keeps us coming back is that ball taken off in the air

But if you if you don’t have the speed or the ability and you don’t understand how to apply the club to the ball just yet you want to be able to get that ball up in the air still so they started lowering the center of gravity when you

Went from Blades to cavity back irons what they were doing was moving the weight that was in the central part of the club to the perimeter to not only enlarge the sweet spot but also they started to add a little bit of weight toward the bottom because that lower

Center of gravity helps get the ball up into the air well if you do that and you put the center of gravity on a say 33° 7 iron really low and you get good at it and you make the center of gravity really low to where it really helps you

Pop the ball up in the air well now it’s going to go super high for that 33 or 34 degrees of Loft and it’s not going to go anywhere it’s just going to pop up in the air and parachute back down you’re actually going to lose a little bit of

Distance and you’ll get more spin on the golf ball which is going to make it go shorter still so what was the solution well we got to help them get it up in the air but man it’s going so high now let’s just crank down the Loft that was

The theory that I had from a long time ago he said the exact same thing I would say my theory is pretty much confirmed I need my launch angle to come down a little bit lower to actually give me more distance I was looking for some help because I’m not really fast I

Didn’t increase all of it from just the tech that’s built into the club and the forgiveness I also increased it another way which is why I asked the question a is it cheating when they Loft Jack these clubs are you really kind of telling a fib or or kidding yourself when you play

Those clubs is is that something that makes you feel guilty do you feel guilty about that do you feel like that’s against tradition do you feel like you can play that and still hold your head up high the other thing that deals with delofting irons and delofting clubs in

General has nothing to do with the actual equipment changing its engineering at all but the golfer themselves this is no secret you’ve probably heard this before but just in case you have it the pros are not delivering this seven iron back to the ball with its true Loft they are impacting this golf

Ball with the shaft of the club the grip well ahead of the ball and they’re delofting their clubs so this is why I asked the question in the beginning if the pros are taking a 34° 7 iron or a 32° 79 or whatever they have and they’re delofting

That in how they present the club to the the ball at impact if they’re delofting it themselves physically and creating a 26 207 or whatever degree seven iron at impact for them is that not just the same since you don’t present the handle ahead of the

Club face and you have the shaft pretty much sticking straight up and down because you’re an amateur who doesn’t have proel skill you’re getting your equipment to do the work for you is that cheating I’m I’m asking for a friend now I didn’t pose the question in this video

Because I have some magical answer that I want to trick you into I pose this question because I legitimately want to hear your thoughts and feelings on this that is a good strike man I just love these clubs what’s in the bag 2024 is coming next video but I legitimately

Want to know your thoughts on this the pros are using technique to deloft a seven iron and essentially make it into a five iron the amateurs who don’t have those abilities are delofting their clubs by buying them off the rack already Del lofted because they don’t have the technique and the ability to

Present it with that that extreme forward shaft Lan or that really strong forward shaft Lan I should say is that cheating is it any different than say the different drivers that they come out with the pros would use like the ls version low spin version of a driver

That has a differently shaped head a smaller head it’s got less forgiveness but we would probably choose a Max version or a draw bias version so that it has Max forgiveness and it actually helps straighten out the ball flight and we don’t have to hit on Center strikes

All the time is that cheating is it different than Del lofted pre- deed irons I don’t know I don’t really have all the answers all I know is is that I love of hitting golf balls I never get tired of it I can never hit enough golf balls and you know

What none of us will ever Master this game none of us are going pro so in my opinion you should just do whatever makes you happy and whatever helps you hit the ball closer to your Target and shoot lower scores thanks for joining me today is a question I needed to ask

What’s in the bag is coming next week I promise I’ll film it for you guys we go through the whole thing the whole kitten Kaboodle I’ll give you the reasons why I chose the items that I did why I’ve made the changes that I have and why it’s

Helping my game and I have big expectations for 2024 see you next Week


  1. The PGA mandates everything else, why are they not controlling club lofts too? Perhaps this is the way for regular golfers to beat the new ball regulations, by using stronger lofted clubs.

  2. If you have proper gapping from Driver to putter, does it really matter? A jacked 7i is great unless you're missing necessary yardages between a strongly jacked PW and 50 degree.

  3. Chad, is it cheating that they’ve done something to make the game much more enjoyable for high handicappers, outside the professional levels there are way way more high handicappers out there than low ones. With the golf ball advancements stronger lofts are gonna stay on the green more often no matter what number you put on the bottom of the iron.
    Better golfers really don’t like it when someone reaches a par 3 with a 7 iron while they’re hitting a 6 iron

  4. My theory is that when a Pro hits a club that they de-lofted to a 30 degrees, it will go further than a non de-lofted 30 degree club (with the same clubhead speed), because they are compressing/trapping the ball against the ground.
    I may be completely wrong, but just a thought.

  5. Chad, I don’t believe it’s cheating. Whatever clubs you play and their lofts are not going to put the ball in the hole any quicker, that takes swing improvements and course management. If it did, every game improvement, and especially, super game improvement clubs would reduce your handicap, and they don’t. It just makes playing more enjoyable. Ex. I played with a guy recently, and I hit my 8 iron to about 160 yards, he hit his 8 iron to about 175 (he has super game improvement irons and I don’t ). He bragged about hitting it farther than me. I said, you should, you’re playing super game improvement irons with an 8 iron loft that is normally a 5 iron (my 8 iron is closer to a traditional loft). Then I told him, after the hole was finished, that he double bogeyed and I had a birdie. So, who truly has the bragging rights? Play whatever clubs you want and only worry about your game and how you perform, after all, the competition is the course and not the other players. Cheers.

  6. Not cheating, tune your equipment to match your ability. Your buddies are cheating by stealing club selection.

  7. My ordered from the manufacture 5 iron was 21 deg., same as my 4 hybrid. I had 2 deg of loft added to it. Difference in carry 5-8 yards from where it was carrying before. Just weird to me.

  8. The loft on my Tommy Amour 845s 7 iron from 1998 is 38 degrees.

    If I remove the iron numbers off my clubs does it change my game?

  9. The pros have the technique, the physical gifts, and more or less unlimited access to the best fitting technology available today. So, they are able to determine the best fit in equipment for their desired result. Is it cheating to do that when such things were not available 20 years ago? I would say no, OBTW, their livelihood depends on how well they score, so of course they find the best equipment for their swing. Knowing how far / high / how much spin you get with each club is what's important. The number on the bottom is there to make sure you get the right club in your hand.

  10. Seriously? Who cares how you deloft your clubs. If you can't modify the loft dynamically with your setup and swing mechanics then have at it with modifying the club face. There will be trade offs (i.e. distance gaps, getting approach shots to stay on the green) similar to deciding what ball to use. We're all limited to 14 clubs (and no swapping out clubs during the round) and if there isn't a rule about how each club face needs to be lofted then it's fine. End of discussion. Next you'll be asking if it's cheating if we don't all use the same type of putter, or grips, or shaft type, etc. Let's move on to something more interesting.

  11. I agree, it is cheating, yourself that is. It discourages development of your skill. Yet, playing and having fun should be enough.

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