My AVERAGE Yardage for EVERY Club In My Golf Bag FREDZ

Curious about how far your clubs can really take you on the golf course? In this video, I share my average yardage for every club in my golf bag. From drivers to wedges, you’ll see my personal stats and hopefully improve your game too!

Right I’ve made some swing changes my golf ball is going a different distance than it was before how far does each Club go and how do I use that strategy to help me on the golf Course so firstly I’d ideally test this with the type of golf ball that you play with on the golf course I like to choose one golf ball and use that one golf ball for the entire year or at least the whole season or if you’re not going to

Go that hard maybe just in competition use the same golf ball so you get the same reactions from the golf ball if the golf ball goes too far one day or too short one day you know it’s not that what else is causing those discrepancies

Even if you use the wrong type of golf ball for you at least it’s the same golf ball and it reacts in the same way so if I grab a couple of the golf ball that I play with on the course which is the striis and Zed star divide then they’re

Going to react the same in here than they do on the course I’m just getting my raw data numbers the elements on the golf course will change your golf ball a little bit winter to summer it’s going to vary but at least you’ve got a baseline number to work from cold

Weather your Baseline number is going to be a bit shorter hot weather your Baseline numberers maybe going to go a bit further it’s maybe going to run out a bit more but you’ve got a fundamental number to work from so this is my 60° wedge and I’m just going to hit a few

Full shots my previous number on here is 98 yards and I’ve just hit it 98 chances are it’s going to be quite similar cuz I do recheck my wedges way more often than every other club in my bag these are the most important ones for me and if I’ve

Got a competition coming up the least I need to do is get the yardages from my wedges so I’ve got three different swings that I put on the ball and I’ve got my full swing I’ve got my feet touching and I’ve got another one that’s

A bit of a fingy Dan greevy release one type thing that is specific to me but I’ve got three different swings and I do this and then I’ve got all my wedges and I put all three swings on each wedge so I only need to remember three swings and

It’s written on here you can write it on your phone cuz sometimes the WR wrting wears off and normally for me when the writing wears off I want to redo my numbers anyway little bit to the right going to go one more for me I kind of want three

Good feeling swings I kind of bailed out on that a little bit left the ball out to the right that was better Bosch so on this software it kind of gives you a nice little average between three shots or so select shots go in for these three 99

103 101 go to next club and that’ll be 56 previous number 109 do I still get 109 or has it changed little bit of Back Spin very nice BOS now you might get some variance in your shots when you do that and if you get some variance you’ve got 30

Yards of green to work with and if your variance is 10 15 20 yards different good strike to bad strike that’s fine as you progress you’re trying to get that 20 yard variance to 15 you’re trying to get that 15 yard variance to 10 it just

Gives you an idea of how much you’re improving if you keep track of things like that 108 110 109 that has not changed gap wedge 52° wedge previous number 122 do I still get that I can feel my swing just slipping back to Old Habits my other video goes

Through my swing change and how to implement it how to get my swing change to the practice ground to the golf course this what I’m doing here is how I get it then into competition there’s a better swing Oh I pushed it got to keep on top of

It yeah much better new swing do the new swing let’s check where we’re at select shots 121 123 125 I’m going to hit one more cuz I think that 121 I just slipp back to old habits and the 12325 I was bang on my new swing so let’s get one more that is

Spot on on new technique yeah I literally just hit the the same shot three times lovely select shots 123 125 124 so that number has changed slightly but I know some of my other numbers through the bag have changed a lot 46° wedge this is a 138

Stick this is X100 Target step shaft old video but I’ve kept this in the bag cuz it does what it’s told and I quite like having four wedges cuz then I have one swing four wedges makes four numbers then I have a reduced swing and then I’ve got four wedges that’s four new

Numbers and then I have an even more reduced swing and then I’ve got four wedges I’ve got 12 numbers then so I’ve got 12 number Matrix off the te I’m trying to hit the ball into that area cuz more often than not I’ve got a wedge

Shot that will go pretty close to the hole tiny bit heavy looking good sometimes what I’m looking for here to see if maybe I hit the same number twice and then one just goes in a different yardage one just drops way short goes way long how much am I going to vary

From my midpoint if I’m getting my midpoint really close together on one Club I want to try and leave that yardage as much as possible and if I know my a time maybe just gives me random numbers and it doesn’t quite behave itself i’ want to get that

Checked by a club Builder just to make sure there’s nothing wrong with the loft or the shaft or the grip or anything like that but I know that that club is less consistent and there’s another club that is so can I choose a different club before that to leave myself the club

That’s more reliable statistically 139 1 139 138 go to next Club 99 old yardage 152 what does it do currently swing change it’s different ripped it I’m not actually that worried about left to right variant I’m just looking at front to back I’m not really got a

Target in my mind there if I get the front to back just right I’m more functional on the course if I go into a pin and I miss left and I miss right but I know my yardage is when I get one at the pin I’m on it if I’m hitting it long

And short and left and right I’ve got to fight a 3D Circle to try and get the target which is much harder to do 1591 161 162 next a IR old number 165 oh that feels so good I’m hitting this flight more often I’m kind of getting

Quite close to the center line which is nice to see so since the swing change I’m seeing far fewer shots flip left far more shots go straight at it pretty safe to say that’s going to do a similar sort of thing 180 1771 179 go to next

Club just a little bit too much draw I’m still within the width of a green I’m more than happy with that make sure those old habits don’t creep in stay on it there we go feeling pretty good 192 19389 next Club 6 iron old number 188 1 199 woohoo beautiful

Slightly thin how much does that cost me oh was $199 I still hit the same carry it’s fine so that third shot was slightly thin it’s gone 202 the first two 199 199 202 I’m just going to hit one more of these to see if 19 199 pops up

Again where is it going to be is it going to be above Below on pretty 199 again1 199 it is Select shots I’m going to select the 399 I’ll keep all four in so five iron old number 205 let’s put the green back a touch go

215 that was heavy and horrible I’ve got to be excited over it and someone’s trying to phone me I will call you back in a minute swing change there he is Bosch oh I like that part from that overd draw let’s get rid of that drawer chest position he’s neutralize the drawer and

The carry is the same just go one more decent swing now different types of practice to get to this stage where you’re more repeatable he says as he hooks one but I’m interested in the carry you might get to an area in your golf bag where you start to get more variants more

Spread if you’re really tidy with your wedges your eight IR your 7 ir and then your six iron just goes don’t worry that’s a very common thing if you know your six ir’s more more variable but you know your 7 O’s pretty pretty tight use

The 7 o more hit your 7 o to the front of the green don’t stress yourself over a club that’s statistically not as successful I’ve been through a few tests with my for iron because I identified from a gapping that my for iron wasn’t working my for IR was doing the same

Thing as my five IR before Oh that’s bad so old habits just creeping in I’ve done too many shots without any practice swings and I’ve just slipped back to Old Habits my previous video goes through my swing change and how to get the process going so if I use the concept from

That then I’ve neutralized it lovely old habits die hard so I have had to hit more shots with that club so it’s already picked 214 211 216 keep that 211 in there as well 4 IR so my 4 IR is a bit different this is a zx4 this is a

More forgiving head it’s Hollow head construction it’s chunkier more forgiving I’ve got a slightly different shaft in it 105x in instead of 120 stiff that I have in the others and since I’ve had it I obviously haven’t nailed down an actual yardage for it in my head it

Was 223 so let’s see what it is 225 so with this at this top end of the bag this club is just so much easier to get through the ball he says and then he drop kicks one got a bit excited there so I can still

Drop kick it if I don’t concentrate I need more blocked practice I need more varied practice practice I need to do more practice swings before I hit the shot totally not plugging my other video slightly thin how much does that thin strike cost me a little bit so I’ve

Misstruck that and it’s dropped back to where a five a good five iron would go so you do get crossover sometimes which is fine that’s why we’re looking at the average all right one good one there he is Bosch 12 223 222 select shots 2 2 26 227 223 couple

Of Scrappy strikes so I know with my five iron and my four iron I get more bad strikes I get more odd ones that don’t behave themselves they’re those shots out of 10 that just don’t behave with more Loft in my hands lower down

The bag I get more shots out of 10 that are successful as I squeeze up to the four and five iron it’s less that helps me accept bad shots on the golf course and just get on with it two iron gold writing gold number black and gold feral

Velor axium 105 stiff and a black and gold grip need to get this green back so I know roughly what this club does but it is good to just check tune in make sure it is doing what it should do i’ got a feeling my new swing change won’t

Be quite as good with the two iron little bit curvy decent numbers very decent numbers I had this down in my head is carrying about 235 rolling up to about 250 that one was considerably healthier better version of the shop before well about the same actually 264

Let’s see if I can neutralize that fade a little bit get my chest over here which then makes me hit down on it which I don’t really want to do with the two iron no h swing change not as effective at the top end of the bag I don’t think

So I might have to let it draw because when I’m drawing it I’m shallower into the ball when I’m doing the new swing change I’m steeper on it which isn’t ideal with a two iron but if I come out today and realize that I’m not getting a

Consistent number to work from I know that I haven’t got a consistent number to work from and on the course of I’m under pressure I’m not using that club if I don’t know what it’s going to do General play yeah go for it match play

If I’m two up yeah I’ll use it if I’m in stroke play is it the right thing do I have another club that does the same yardage I’m looking for that’s easier is there a fivewood is there a seven wood or can I just sort my swing out and

Bang it at the pin raw that’s carry 244 242 that’s nice one more one more that was good so instead of my chest being past the ball I want it at the ball yeah okay it was a swing problem not a club problem lovely 260 carry wise select shots 244 245 247 next

Club now what I’d love to do is stand here and go this is my favorite club last year I hit my best shot all year with this club but if I said that then I’d probably drop kick a few get the green at 275 I’m going to hit it off the

Ground I don’t want to make it too easy for myself if you only hit a 3-wood off the te use it off the te when you’re testing this yeah I love this thing not much is going to get this out of my golf bag 260 carry 279 finish nice but do that twice

More then Yep this is good slightly thin slightly pushed what ises that thin strike cost me in carry 244 I got overconfident all right let’s get focused into the target there is my car Target better I just need to commit and finish the shot I need to actually hit the ball

286 I can’t go for the which I have explained in other videos check out the channel if you’re new to this one yep I like this club one erand shot my fault 282 so carry 260 265 266 I am happy with that deriv now I do mess

Around with drivers and shafts quite a bit but this is the one that goes in the bag if I haven’t tested something else out if I haven’t tested something else out this is the one that goes in the bag more often than not trixon zx5 9 1 half

LS on 9° Cleveland sha so that’s 1 and 1/2 de lower than standard that gets this down to 8° on the lower LOF setting it sits more open which helps my overdraw Ventus Vore black 6X this is a demo shaft with VOR now the reason I

Want to know what the carriers on my driver is because if there’s a bunker on Fairway and I know my driver carries a certain number quite repeatedly I can go over that bunker if that number is good enough and get around the corner or something like that or if I need to just

Know how far on a dog leg how far it is when I run out of room into a trees if those trees are at like 3:30 then I know okay I might reach them I need to get a bit left of them or hit a three-wood if

There’s a bunker at 320 I might run into it if I know what my numbers are and I know I can plan around that if you’re working around the 200 Mark but there’s a bunker at 200 your driver’s going to go into it maybe hit a club that won’t

Go into that bunker if you go in that direction Nick falo style oh that was horrible so the swing change I’ve put in place I need to blend the idea when I get up to my Woods it’s not a good idea for the woods I’m more

Over here I’m more down on it with a wedge and an iron that’s really good with a driver I can’t be over here I can’t be hitting the ball down because then I’m trying to bottle out of it I’m trying to bail out out so I need to get

Over here I need to get through the ball that way but I’m controlling where my sternum points it’s better but it’s still bad sometimes we have to go right screw the swing hit it at that tree let’s do that pick a tree in the distance send it at that tree

Lovely I got through to a Target I wasn’t trying to mess around in the box of thought all right let’s pick a tree just to the left of that one yep lovely 298 on the first shot 299 on that shot and then run now I do generally feel like I’m swinging it

Quite well I’m still in between new swing and old swing got to keep on top of that nice just dipping a bit more 290 something carry 290 325 finish but I’m carrying it between 290 and 299 if there’s a bunker at 285 yep fine go for

It so this is where I am with my current yardage is dispersion not too bad a bit more variance than I would like just on the left hand side more than the right but again that’s a swing issue that’s coming in I’m getting through the ball well I’m creating quite nice numbers 100

108 124 138 160 178 so there’s a big jump here there’s a big jump here and then it tightens up up this end the 4 iron used to be the same as the five iron but I’ve had to use a completely different model just to get it to jump

Up to this area but it is what it is I’m not going to try and at these too much I’ve got a pitching wedge that’s a wedge wedge instead of a set wedge the set wedge might be just a little bit further off and actually might be a better

Midpoint but I like the partial shots I like all the shots in between these ones that I create with that pitching wedge so I’m going to accept that and just take it from here off the tea I’m trying to get it into this area on most par

Fours and Par fivs 138 160 178 1 191 199 212 225 244 I’m quite happy with those bits they are what they are I’ll go and play with what they are I’m not going to fight it but I’ve got to this stage because I realized statistically that my

Old 40 was here so I made adaptations to my golf bag to do it in terms of this bit I’m making adaptations to my swing to try and level this out and try and get those directions a bit tidier I’m still mid-process in that swing change

Then we go across to the driver I could probably do with getting more out of my 3w to close this gap down but realistically on the golf course 200 is about the area that I put a lot of value in there’s a lot of long par fours that

You might have about 200 into so if I’ve got choice to go past the pin short of the pin that’s a bit tighter here I quite like that when I’m hitting this yardage in it’s normally like a par five I don’t need to be right next to the pin

I don’t mind being a little bit short little bit long whatever that is relative to the hole that is just nice because I know it’s going miles maybe I’ll try out the new Callaway stuff and just see if the gaps here are better but if they’re not I’m more than happy with

Those results hopefully that gives you some ideas in the process that you have maybe go through a gapping just see what your clubs do see what your yardages are look at where your strongest points are look at where your weakest points are if the weakest points could be a change of

Club entertain a change of Club if your strong points are really strong you got really tight dispersion on certain ones try and use that yardage more often if you can use that yardage once in a round of golf great if you can then use that yardage two three times in the next

Round of golf even better cuz you’re really good from that range give yourself the chance to use your strengths but do something something like this to find your strengths in the first place but you’re also looking at clubs that are statistically less less reliable and if they’re less reliable

Fine when you’re under pressure when you need to succeed if you’re in a match or you’re in Stoke play on the last two holes and you’ve got a shot that needs a club that you know is not great pick something else use a different strategy

Do whatever you need to do to get the ball in the hole in less shots I like to imagine if I’m going to play a shot 10 times how many times out of 10 would that shot be successful with my two iron it’s not 10 out of 10 with my 7 iron 8

Ion 9 iron nine times out of 10 I’m going to hit my number I’m going to hit my yardage so I’m happier with certain areas of the bag not with others use that strategically as you play and I’ll see you on the next video


  1. I’m getting on really well with the Dan greaves pitching (A1,A2,A3). Always struggled with the pelz clock face DG’s method is so much easier to repeat

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