Learn everything about the golf grip – fix a slice – fix a hook – hit it longer – just fix your grip

People really don’t understand the golf grip. As a matter of fact, I don’t think some golf coaches understand it.

It seems amateurs and professionals focus more on the under hand to ‘strengthen and loosen’ when in reality it should always be relative to the lead hand. This video does a deep dive into the golf grip and explains how it has changed, and how it can fix your swing, almost immediately.

Big thanks to golf distillery. They have a great site with some amazing graphics that they list as allowed to use as long as we don’t edit them and give them credit. And I give them loads of credit because making those graphics is really time consuming. Thanks again.

Let’s talk about the golf grip there’s a lot of misconceptions a lot of misunderstanding and frankly there’s a lot of changing that’s happened in the golf grip in the last 10 to 15 years so in around 200 2010 some of the oldtime players talked about how the the younger players and

The new stronger players were going to a stronger grip which meant they were rolling the hand over the old time grip was more neutral and it got stronger and stronger and stronger until recently where it’s going back to neutral so let’s start with let’s start understanding the basics of the

Grip it used to think that the grip was played with neutral hands just like you were passing a volleyball so you’d be slightly down the left side of the club if you’re right-handed with your left hand and slightly down the right with your right being down this Center Line

Slightly left would be a very neutral grip which means that you would come through with the back of your hand that would sort of force a push or keep it into a cut and prevent the hook as players got stronger and stronger and more athletic like tiger they went to a

Stronger lead grip which means it rolls over a little more and a little more until now players are almost here where they can see two to three Knuckles but not five two to three this hand always plays off of this hand so this was a clock this is the big

Hand and this is the small hand this gives you the hours of really weak or really strong and then this hand works with it and sometimes against it depending on how you hold the club to force your hands into a proper grip so let’s go through a neutral grip into a

Strong grip we’ll get some close-ups and hopefully by the end of this you’ll understand what grip you need to play good golf so to have a neutral grip I’m going to come in drop this hand in into the left side and it goes down the left

Side of your alignment on your grip this hand drops in and snuggles over the top now there are really three primary grips that people use the interlocking which interlocks these two fingers holds the club and grips so these two fingers are interlocked this is an interlocking grip so if somebody says what’s an

Interlocking grip that’s what it is if it’s an over lap it means the hands are in the same place but instead of winding these two together this one lays Over the Top This creates a slightly weaker connection between the two hands the baseball grip does not overlap

The hands and creates sort of a stronger right hand which limits the turnover because your hands are farther apart the farther apart your hands are on a club the harder it is to turn them over the more overlapping it is the easier it Smooths over

If I say lay it over I mean interlock but you’re welcome to do anything you want so let’s go with a neutral grip what does that actually mean going to drop this hand in slightly there I’m going to drop this hand in and interlock

And lay it over the top so there is no space between my palm and my fingers when there’s no space between the hands the hands are are joined together and they’re working together the more space I get the more one hand begins to overpower the other and it’s

The back hand so as the back hand gets a little stronger it rolls under the reason this is called strong is because when I put them neutral again the club is closed so I grab it underneath and feel like I’m holding it open but when the two arms end up together and in

Parallel the Club closes that’s strong so I’m going to go to neutral drop in neutral drop in neutral and I’m just going to hit some really simple shots to show you what a neutral grip should look like throughout the swing now this ball is only flying 120

130 it’s a pitching wedge into the wind but the goal here is to get a straight flight so neutral neutral I want my hands to work together on the takeaway when it gets really strong people tend to really pull this hand in so I like to be a little more neutral on

Both hands and try to come through with the back of my hands that’s why I would be neutral now in a neutral grip we’re talking about hitting with the back of our hand throughout the swing the back of the hand with a stronger grip we’re talking about chopping with the butt of

Our hand more we square with the butt and the Hand pushes through now there’s some great great videos and I’ll link them below that talk about the transition so I’m going to touch on that shortly so again I’m going to strengthen my grip a little more and this hand has

To still say snug but now you’ll see that you’re looking at the underside of this hand and the butt of the other hand this is a slightly stronger grip and this will usually cause a draw for me now they say that a strong grip the stronger the grip

The Finish ends up showing the Palm to the hand at the finish so a strong grip ends up showing my palm whereas a neutral grip ends up showing the club vertical so I could drop it so when you look at some most of the oldtimers they used a

Very neutral grip very weak and they came through the ball very weak that ball goes up it floats right doesn’t have a lot of power draw but it’s softer and it lands softer this is a stronger grip and that ball I turn and I end up

With my palm and that ball draws into the wind so in this case I’m playing with a slight crosswind so I might use a stronger grip to bring the ball into the wind to guide it to make it drop now at this point you’re wondering how do you choose your grip well what’s

Your ball flight the biggest mistake amateurs make is they adjust their grip with this back hand they reach over they reach under they reach over they reach under this is the small hand this is the big hand this hand determines the proper place for the back hand in other words

If I’m here with a neutral grip this hand needs to be over the top because we don’t want the hands separated we want them snug so if I reach under I now have a separation where you can see this crease in my palm okay this might feel like you’re getting stronger but you’re

Making your hands fight each other so if I want a stronger grip I still need to have these hands over the top and snug together but if I want it stronger I rotate this hand a little first and I put this one in the same place now I’ve

Got a stronger grip to draw the ball I finish here but my hands are still working together as opposed to this hand is neutral and this hand reaches way under now I have a propensity to hook the ball because that hand’s going to take control because that separation removes the ability of

The two hands to actually work together in the golf swing so now we understand that this is a weak grip and this is a stronger grip and if I want to be strong strong I put the strong in and I put this here and now I’m going to have to really push

My hands out in front of me and for a punch shot I may actually do this to hold the club face from releasing but that’s not a good full shot that strength in the front grip and the strength in the back hand is going to either prevent the release or force a

Release that makes a pull that’s not necessarily a good way to golf in the wind if I want to hit a knockdown I may do that I may show you all my knuckles I may reach under I may press get the club straight and punch the ball with no

Release but my grip is working against my swing that can be helpful in this scenario because working against my swing prevents the release now at some point I swing hard enough in this position that I have to release and I hook because I turned it over because

This hand at some point with the strength is going to take over and going to take the ball left or it’s going to hold it way back and go right but mostly left so now how do you choose your grip well for the most part your swing path is the most

Important part in golf because if you can get a straight swing path you can create a strike that goes straight so with a neutral grip and a straight swing path I get a very straight ball that’s neutral so I end up here instead of showing my

Palm the important part of this is the neutral grip if I get very very weak in this grip when I bring it up look how open the club is so now I’m weak in here and if I don’t Don’t Force this shoulder over which is not a good way to swing I

Can’t swear the square the club so a weak grip Way open is really only used when someone is coming across the ball because they’re coming so far into out that they had to leave the club open to get the ball to go straight this is where someone says fix

Your grip but you have to fix your swing path for now we’re talking about the club path so you start with a neutral grip with both hands so this one comes in slightly on the left side this comes over the top and snugs there’s no release in here the club is square I’m

Going to start with just a 60 yard shot to try to get my club path to come through the ball nice and square every time once I feel like I can hit this club path with my grip I can adjust my grip slightly stronger if I need to but

For the most part the neutral grip promotes the straight straight line Club so how do you how do you actually start changing your grip well the first thing is not to care where the ball’s going try to get neutral in your grip either down the center or just a little

Off center left try to get neutral in this other grip which means dropping it in over the top with no space and I just want to hit short shots I don’t care about the speed or the power I just want to try to hit a straight shot where I

Can control the club head because if I get to a point here and there’s going to be a point where I’m too strong and too under I’m not able to control P this club head through impact without getting my hand so far in front that it gets

Obnoxious okay you always need to have forward press but the more you go strong the farther the press needs to be and that’ll cause problems on its own so we want to get to a point where we have a little forward press and a moderately neutral grip that we can strike the ball

On the down swing with the hands in front but not have to force them so far to keep the head Square so I’m going to hit a couple more balls here That was thin and one last ball now it’s better so my alignment in my swing path at this point when I’m working on this grip change is right down this Edge at around the white pole through these wires but my goal is is to be neutral neutral and

Swing short and just try to drag through and I can kind of tell the strength of my grip by the top of the swing like I said if I’m coming through and I’m finishing here my grip has been a little more neutral but if I’m finishing here with this Palm my

Grip is a little stronger so do it again neut shaft forward neutral grip neutral grip take the Press punch the ball so that’s the gist of how I start to work with someone on explaining how the grip works now I’ll put some close-up pictures here and there to sort

Of explain the difference how do you test your grip how do you actually know a second way to tell how good your grip actually is is I’m here and I get a really strong grip on the ball and here’s the ball what if I reach to this

Ball I don’t like that feeling how about this ball oh I really don’t like that feeling this ball oh I don’t like that feeling this ball don’t like it this yeah perfect now if I get to a neutral grip and I reach for this ball I could

Hit that this ball I could hit that this ball I could hit that see I have a larger range where my contact point is good and that’s how you can figure out how is my grip for my mechanics of my swing so that’s the end of the

Grip at this point I like to say hey if you enjoy these videos if this is information that’s helpful to you just maybe click the like And subscribe just so I can notify you when I make more of these when I make simple videos that I

Don’t think are mass marketed I turn off the notification Bell so I’m not going to annoy you I’m only going to put out the notifications when I put out a video that has real good information that I think people are looking for I promise I’d keep this under 15 minutes so that’s

The end of this video hope you enjoyed it press and send

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