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King Of The Hill, But Golf

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We’re jna and today we’re playing King of the course the three of us are competing in these 18 holes to see how many holes we can win it’s a 1 V one format if you win the hole you stay on if you lose the hole you sit out the

Next hole the person coming on has to either beat or tie the current King of the course in order to become the current King of the course if you win a hole that’s two points and any birdies on top of that is one point and at the

End of the round Whoever has the most points between us is Crown the king of the course oh that’s money that might go in WoW good HT oh no wonder you didn’t go to college oh no didn’t tell me to move it this isn’t freaking the

PGA wow go ahead oh my God In The Water still make the par I want to see it big day today new style competitive video here today the entire jna crew competing me vers Owen vers John seeing who will be crowned the king of the course so Ash

I are first and then Owen will play the winner of the first hole on hole two yeah start us off Johnny all righty it’s a good ball right there yeah that’s a coming to play today better watch yourself shot this was the first warm-up session where it felt like high school again

Actually putting quietly by ourselves it was kind of scary I don’t know it brought like a little tickle to my tumm whoa what the Hang oh no first hold Jitters eh that went straight left welcome back that’s a great t- shop same with you we’re bringing competition to the

Channel usually we’re on a team competition baby this is high school golf remastered High School golf was you guys’ Peak got 50° in hand straight down wind right side of Green oh never mind good shot thank you got to make that for par I’m not coming out here with a ton of expectations

Today I’m just looking to get some points one’s probably even good for the cam in I’m the underdog game plan’s quite simple today folks I’m playing the course not you guys playing the course I’m going focus on my game let you guys do yours go oh that was a horrible kick yeah it

Was let’s go two P for pie oh and I’m facing you next Hall okay oh wow I really like playing my own ball feel like I’m by myself playing competitive golf again make it oh my God make it let’s go in the water still make the par I want

To see it let’s go I’ll give it to you that’s a good one how is it that slow no way you lose from 50 yards out I don’t want to see that happen easy yeah power’s on the first all right we got to do a little tie

Breaker this is the only time this can happen is on the first hole we’re going to do a closest two putt sit all right you win that’s cool where was it that was right here just put it close John oh my go I win the first hole after going into the hazard let’s

Go this is fun I’m having fun yeah yes you’re having fun I don’t care that I hit my drive in the water and lost a tp5 having fun hey Siri Q my turn you’re lucky you got a p five why cuz his birdies are one point I guess yeah

That’s what I’m going for today too one point I think I can do it after whole one I officially have two points on the board if I birdie this I’ll have three if I win it you have five I’ll five if you get Bird yeah stay there it’s going forever

Downwind those hit hard okay I’ll play it will play all right on hit a good one it’s not bad oh I we just right rough yeah I think you’re fine over there yeah that felt good I I hit the center of the club face just put a little fade on it

All good well this is the first time where I’m not happy to have you in my car I’ll just say that wow we’re competing we’re competing we competitors I need you I support I feel like I’m an underdog here I feel like gingers need

To come out if you guys are on my team comment down below let me know I got 216 ah turn back turn is that under that tree yeah I think it’s under the tree he hit his a little further do have to say come on you got to knock this 164 yard

How far did you have I had 215 there’s an advantage there 164 downwind fly or lie sit good shot that’s a good shot this guy loves it he’s fired up let trickle down onto the hole run it up got a bad kick off The Fringe wow that is going left what he doesn’t

Realize is if he makes that Putt and I miss mine he moves on oh if you make this whoa whoa whoa if I make this you make one point from birdie I know what do we get if we get an eagle nothing right in the heart all righto if

You make it you move on I know no go all right Ash takes hole number two I take hold number two all right I mean losing to a birdie I can’t be mad good good yep you got five points right off the getto yes sir I knew C man wouldn’t

Get it done that’s why I got to come back in this is fun I know this is way different this is way different when you put competition into the golf scenario that’s when Ash truly comes out like you guys will see he’s going to go like 500

Under this video can you get a Triple Crown three holes in a row oh no I almost topped it get lucky bounce through those Hill it could give you something I don’t know we’ll see we will see stay stay there stay this be good oh yeah you’re more than fine all right I

Think I’m the ash killer today yeah you think you’re going to beat him on I think I’m the ash killer shut him down if you guys are enjoying this content little 1 V One V one different style Go Down Show some love hit that subscribe button for us on the road to 100,000

Subscribers what are your predictions for the round today I feel good I feel are you winning what am I going to say no well I didn’t know if you’d say no I think you’re going to win which would be a reasonable option I would beg to differ I got it certainly not prime

Shape but we’re not out of it how many cart girl numbers have you got this weekend this our third day here two or three that’s it well that’s it for you let’s assuming like at least five it’s the best you can do run it’s

Not bad at all get up and down for par got to get more than par though we really think John’s making par knows the ash killer coming you really think that you really think that bro oh no oh a short wow wow are you praying on his downfall no yeah that’s

So rude yeah let’s keep it gentleman like here please did you hear about the new store John you left your approach shot short and you didn’t have a tree in your way I know they’re just building up little gas station between our balls here are you kidding me Ash d

I just get so quick calm down wow oh I’ll give it to you you’re good you’re not going to three-putt from there that’s two points on the board for me 5 2 zero Johnny’s on the Board the best part about today is there’s no expectation for me I haven’t played this weekend yet I’m kind of the underdog I’m the cameraman and if I beat you guys you know how bad that’s going to look like you’re the type of guy to wear those polo shirts they’re polo

Shirts and they like go under and you button them like that yeah you’re the type of guy to wear those sweatpants that say I love my girlfriend right in the front you’re the type of guy to buy kid shoes 13 John you’re the type of guy to go that would be

Good oh my right in the Tracer oh good ball coming with me that’s really high but pretty good W you’re the type of guy to wear those underwear that has like the corn sticking out that you put your thing in and you’re like all right dude you’re

Going way too far kind of a long ways out on a part 4 I got eight iron downhill ey nothing much else to it oh right at it sit did did that fly the green you’re asking the wrong guy here I can never see the ball John where are you up there oh

Gosh so freaking bad oh my gosh I just I zoomed in on the ground yeah I should be fired how did I hit that so dang far that I think that flew the bunker too been going to the gym I guess so taking roids not bad from there really just get

The up and down here cuz ‘s on his fourth shot keep going left got to go up and down assuming he doesn’t make it to go on sit wow good touch that’s a great shot you’re practicing no not really actually kind of just came out

Here what you need to make this if you make this you go on if you miss it I go on no way k no way gosh no way dude that’s crazy all right boys I’m up to Four Points still in after that hole team Jay to the top hey good try good

Try it out welcome back hey he’s back in it I’m back in it current scores five four points zero points all I have to do is tie Johnny to become the current King of the cor so Johnny you need to play well this hole yes I

Do that should be money you want a little more left but that could be really good just didn’t SI he’s not happy it’s so tough going from not playing to playing again throws your entire momentum and Rhythm off oh here’s the ball oh and good eye I

Actually have somewhat of a shot hope has been restored mankind is so wonderful it’s in the Fairway 112 that’s where the ash killer comes out shot that’s what I’m talking about 80 yards John’s in there so tight oh gosh that’s got to get way down it’s way

Over gives you a power pot if I make a birdie here that’s an extra point for me take the hole and I get a point I don’t know just kind of praying for a miracle at this point it holy fast holy fast how you want the flag out oh cool me

Too is that fine there oh what is that it circles all the way back here it’s good hole well played 65 and oh hey oh for Owen and zero points Dam man back I just want to win something I wasn’t on your team two holes ago but now I’m on your team

Operation taked down John all right boys how the turntables no come left that’s so bad you say left that’s your right that question it’s 150 I’m going 9 but it’s in the but the thing is with the eight iron assole I flew it

Like 180 do I go 9 right go n okay this is short here go n right oh boy heads up C sir it’s a little left took an aggressive line yeah it’s a little left holy smokes switching up the game plan finding Fairways that’s the main goal if

I have to hit 4 I’m going to hit 4 driver’s been killing me today all this is a really tough one over this bunker here wow go ahead no way holy cow holy cow wow that’s insane he’s playing out of his mind no it’s fine though dude if

You tie this hole make the up and down hey don’t let that get in your head though you’re going to hit a good one here oh I know downhill it’s going to come out a little bit lower you can land it short not bad it’s not bad at all go make that

Putt let’s go good putt huge that’s the program that’s H go all right yeah this doesn’t even that it doesn’t count two great pars you see those pars right there oh my God that’s the reason to stay in this video and keep watching two points for you you’re on the board let’s

Go camman is on the board they were down they were doubting me but I came back and I’m going to execute you’re the man that was your putt made up for that last that that was yeah that 100% that’s a makeup putt I like seeing John behind

That damn camera yeah he’s been in front of it for a while now he has he had to get taken out you know guys it’s them two versus me it’s like are you on team o and a or team J come on I need some support over here I’m all Lonesome whole 7 par 4 like 350 something if I win this one the confidence is going to go from here to here then I get back in I’m going to bring that back down okay yeah I couldn’t have hit it much better than that I think we’ll have a shot we’ll

Have a shot we’re fine what’s up guys I’m touring Dubai and we’re going to go ride some camels later fivewood into the wind just need to find a fairway be set uhoh oh is that okay I does it open up I don’t know if it opens up I don’t know

That’s really aggressive I don’t know where right here oh I’m perfect let’s go I’m up here right there are you serious yeah you might have to take your medicine John let me down honestly he told me to go driver I’m not going to be too aggressive I’m kind of just oh and

It’s tucked all the way left I’m just going to go out the center of the green go go I think it went in that bunker got 84 yards I don’t even know where Owen just went but I’m son of the green two P par get out of

Here it’s not bad yeah I would be careful I haven’t hit a bunker shot in like a while it’s been a hot minute you’re out two po par and then get out that’s all I had to do of course you hate to see such a bombed drive not turn

Out you know sucks but we’ll be in it next hole I currently have seven points you have six Owen has two it’s 188 this is anyone’s game it’s really up to who has a hot streak or really who battles it out to the

End it’s got to go got to go got to go oh oh it did short wow that’s got to go oh she went she went she went don’t ever tell my ball got to go wow flying by the skin of his teeth folks pretty much have to chip in

Here oh it doesn’t break I thought I made it is that good or no yeah it’s good that what the heck was that thought it broke it did not break wow that was horrible how did this guy shoot so well in high school like putting on

Wow welcome back thank you I have eight points Ash has seven points and camman has a whopping dose two points you need to pick it up I I will I’ll get there the front nine is my warm up uh Owen hey and you can’t miss over there

Door’s opening for himo I did it for you you got it you’re cheering me on bro when your competitor’s cheering you on that’s when you know you got to start picking it up and that’s the other way that’s going to be on that uh part five whole two you’re on the other part

Five you guys remember whole two of this course we both might not be safe on this I know that’s tight dang bro what get your calories in huh of course found Owen here he’s absolutely screwed I’m actually not screwed I’m just going to go wedge over these trees we’re going to

Be chilling that aim a lot left Aim way too much right dude I’m going to at this tree to the right trees are that way right I’m going to go this way I’m going to hit the trees it’s fine though you’re right trees uh mostly air all right I was telling you I’m

Frazzled dude found it all right I just got a punch out that was really stupid go we’re good you in the rough yeah Owen’s on his 400th shot I’m taking a drop right here so I’m going three here 180 four yards out Oh that’s oh good

Swig all right we’re on let’s going make a birdie puff that works that’s good that works what shot is this for you are you going for eight this is five oh this is my fifth shot I want to make up and down for bogey sit wow just releas I just have to

Two putt here I beat him bird you want me to make this real quick yeah make it to end it good pot y good pot John secures the hole he the oh you need to listen to me bro I was trying to help you with that wood Shot getting 215 or 195 I think it’s 2151 really L says 215 on that trying to give me the wrong Back N this is where kings are made so after the front nine John has 10 points I have eight points Owen has two points back nine this is

Where kings are made Johnny lead us off this hole is 25 yards 220 to a back pin Ash tried to tell me he was 195 oh wind’s taking it right I’m on the other tea box wow it’s not looking good for me holy cow I think the wind ate that I’m not

Going to lie I’m on like a throne right now are you yeah I want see it that way you only got a few more holes to make your way back up worry about your next shot short sided over the cart path and the green runs away from him all right well

That’s bad I take this kid off his throne that’s for anire it’s really all I needed unless he holds this shot no way Oh I thought you did it yeah you can’t hold the screen okay um that’s good all right I’m the new cameraman current score 9 10 and

Two making a comeback no I’m making a comeback that’s what’s happening that’s true Owen has the making it come back I he’s trudging his way along I like it oh and you want to go first yeah I’ll go first all right folks that’s a tactic

I use he bombs driver I hit for gets him in his head he starts thinking really liking my strategy here stay probably in the rough I don’t know do you know where I went I do yeah matter of fact don’t worry the viewers know my game plan I told them before you

Hit so what my game plan yeah yeah and then when John panned over to me they they know it’s a good ball smart play thank you my game plan is going perfectly all righty what do you guys think about this video format is this a cool format

Comment down below what do you think what CL did you hit I hit driver I know I took an aggressive play I I’m just not hitting my long iron good so 131 yards here I got to beat on should we be worried about that drone probably are we

Going to move it no cuz you’re going to put it in the hole right cuz I’m going to put it inside of it he indeed did not hit the well I should have backed off the ball I was over that for way too long should have backed off

91 yds got a simple little 56 into the screen we’re going to aim right and fade it up in there oh gosh it’s coming right at us get the Drone is he trying to destroy our stuff like seriously Owen the Drone what the hell the Drone what I should have just

Kept the Drone where it was what the heck are you doing hitting it towards it where did I land right next to the Drone oh dude I almost hit it that’s why you’re saying that exactly I freaking hate chipping stink at it literally just bail

Every time I have to try and get cute bail sit sit wow holy cow he hit the flag oh no who put the flag there oh no you put it there who pulled it oh didn’t tell me to move it that’s two strokes no way I think I

Think a gentleman gives it to him yeah well I’m not a gentleman you put it he did not ask you to pull that out he’s chipping it’s fine I’ll give it to you oh I’ll give it to you I’ll be nice today better hope you give it to me well

You you didn’t tell me to move it this isn’t freaking the PGA we could make it to PGA so what do I have to do here T yeah technically I win are you going to give it to me though I’m going to give it to you all right I wouldn’t have never

Pulled that pin well it doesn’t matter in golf it doesn’t matter you should have told me to move it or put it back in Ash is a Karen yeah okay man back on the leaderboard back on the leader board with a bogey flying by the skin of my

Teeth 4109 if I win this next hole dude who knows what will happen Iron’s off the tea yeah we got a little weird part four going iron off the tea watch out Trac watch out oh more left more good shot let’s go it’s a good shot

Stay oh I don’t think it’s enough uh-oh the tables have turned turn Owen I thought that was money no it was good I’m actually so sorry do you realize what you could just stop picking your nose me you realize what you could just do you win this hole I could win this

Hole and be back right in it the tables could turn here I’m not playing all that well cuz I’m not winning holes I’m tying holes and you can’t tie holes in this format but if Owen wins this hole that takes JN squeezes his lead down I don’t

Know I literally I took a good line and then I had a little draw on the wind overemphasized it I’ll drop right here drive out hopefully I don’t hit Ash that’s got to go so hard boys I’m sorry I stink it filming my gosh just unfortunate off the te 110 dead into the

Wind set good shot than well remember how I say I stink at filming yep John bladed his wedge and I missed it I can see the hole it’s your ho you got it and I got a birdie putt yeah make this birdie putt get a

Point oh oh I gave her a run current score comes down to Owen with four Ashton with nine me with 10 no that’s six oh you just won that hole Yeah okay back to back wins for o good Hole actually starting to get nervous coming down to the Wi it is my it’s actually getting up let’s go uhoh go I chunked it this a little chunky but that might be fine whole 13 I’ve got six IR in my hand trying to take this a little bit more aggressive

Though wrong Zoom bunker I can’t tell that’s deceiving I think that’s bunker we some great t- shot I’m definitely in which just how far did I hit it hey we’re chilling 163 uphill I’m going to hit a iron oh that’s money that might go in like seriously folks wow folks he’s in the

Bunker too that’s a lot of pressure for I that’s the perfect Club Choice 139 into the wind see that yeah see that ball no I saw it on the Drone it’s a tough shot it goes oh it’s way short this could be like a crazy comeback for Owen if he makes this

For birdie he wins the hole moves him to nine tied with Ash it’s 9 N and 10 moving forward it’s getting close make that for birdie you go nine right yeah and then you tie with Ash yeah I know if I make the up and down and he misses

That I can still win this hole that’s exactly what we needed that’s solid he could send me home okay put a mark put a mark on this you can bet I’m going to have you put a mark on that one I thought I made

That he’s got to put it if he misses it then we tie and I win yeah ice they were doubting me at home they were doubting me this is the comeback of a come back holy cow Ash what do you think about that hole need

Some water my issue is I try and play to their level I come down to their level to just try and beat them I don’t play my game I can still win this thing I’m not out of It all right we’re on the whole 14 scores are 8 n and 10 getting close like you are right back in it I’m right back in it just a few holes ago it was 2 N and 10 anything can happen in this in this game sit I just clobbered

That oh hey it’s your day good for you it’s your day oh no get lucky I think it’s open over there I saw on the thing is it all right well John’s definitely in the Fue should I take a drop right here yeah all right I’m gone

I guess I’ll look for two seconds John you’re right here driving up to the green oh my goodness wow almost took a drop all right it’s 35 out I need to knock this C in out of his momentum I think Ash wouldn’t care if I did that

Now oh looks good good shot good shot I ain’t backing down to you I love it if I go out with that that’s fine be good he likes it w stay up good shot that’s pretty good A it’s rolling down I got to go for it I’m not trying to Cozy

It up got to get it to the hole go in oh my go oh my gosh oh my gosh I had a feeling he was going to make that I’m not going to lie that’s three points he’s tied for the lead if I don’t make this oh my God yeah if you

Don’t make that but you got a point for that good okay you have a guaranteed one point I could hear the people cheering for me at home I could I could hear you guys all the team they wanted the underdog to make that putt they wanted the man of the people

Yeah oh boy it’s kind of lost his momentum on the back nine here folks and Owen gister has picked up every single bit of it am I winning now you’re at 11 I’m winning now he’s winning I got to give it to you you’re really picking it up here thank you I

Didn’t think I would have a chance at being in the lead but he’s coming to play today huh I love the kid but for goodness sake he’s using our clubs he doesn’t using his that’s his driver though it’s his driver that’s the only thing is

It oh he skyed it good thing he wasn’t using mine yeah good thing he wasn’t using my my driver okay you guys are in my head good not Li we need that can’t even get mad you have a five win streak that should be just fine should

Be good should be a good ball you guys are going to be wondering is Cam man better than ashon and I I got to ask that question myself but maybe he’s been practicing and we just don’t know about it I think I’m in this long grass here

Though I think you are we found my ball I kind of got a gap I’m not in a good lie though it’s so deep in there go fly off the cart wow that’s good there’s your beloved C girl oh thank gosh uh-oh play the course not the player center of the Green in

Front of the cart girl get down thing flew play the course not the player in front of the cart girl shutting you down good get out of here bro you guys want me out of here so bad huh so badly I’ve never wanted you out of the video so

Badly see how he turns on you earlier was on your team all right here we go cart girl time are you thirsty oh I’m so dehydrated are you thirsty for her or the drinks the drinks okay all right I’ll take uh zero sugar blue Gatorade

Okay sorry I don’t have 50 oh that’s all right check out Ash risen up Mom’s out here that’s what he’s doing things are looking up for the 18am hydrated turn of the green what if I make this go one thing you’ll learn Owen early in life really hard to beat a

Kid on his a game that didn’t make any sense at all no set in the heart that’s a pretty good pot ash takes the hole I take the hole as takes the hole that brings my current score to 11 11 10 we couldn’t have asked for a tighter match it’s neck and neck

You want to talk about neck and neck you’re looking at it no I I believe it if it was NE neck and neck I would have to walk like this 157 yds playing 149 down hill good strike that’s solid nine my goal is really just hit a green

Here oh that’s got to go hard oh that’s there dang it bunker King is coming to play if you guys have been here from the OG times you’ll know I’m the bunker King sit that’s a really good shot from there yeah that’s well done thank

You okay it did what was on that okay I need to make this in order to stay wow I pushed it I thought I missed it back to back wins takes me to 13 11 10 this is tight if you win the next toll we’re tied

Going into 18 yeah and I can’t play and you can’t play so Johnny would have to clutch up Johnny would have to win but if you win this next hole you win if I win this next hole we win the entire thing after nine I would have said John

Wins it by a landslide I know I wouldn’t have said you made a comeback and I wouldn’t say I’m in the lead coming in 17 crazy I was pretty confident yeah you were you were a stick yeah is that on the green pretty close to the green that may be on the green

Bro that was s on the club face I released that perfectly good ball good ball thanks wait I actually might be on the green man’s hit the green this may be the end oh my gosh this is not even giving me a shot here I needed ow to win

This in order to let me play 18 oh my gosh I’m on the green tup birdie and I do I win it if I two put bir if he two putut I could go up and down though and I I win the hole put yeah he asked Cam man if I play in

College that’s the biggest compliment I’ve I’ve ever gotten sit sit come on Owen you can make that come on oh I needed that I know that wasn’t that’s not comfortable that’s not comfortable this is a big put this is for Eagle if I make this put I

Shut on out but if I miss he has to make that in order to move on to whole 18 hit the ball de blasi wow it’s straight uphill he’s got some meat on the that’s that’s there’s meat on that holy cow if I make this ash that that would be

Absurd okay it’s a tough one uhoh okay if I make this now and you miss that I win if I make this I shut him out I pushed it right off the face I just three putted for par after driving the green no wonder you didn’t

Go to college holy cow if he makes this he wins and I didn’t even get a birdie point this ain’t an easy pot no this green is not easy at all must make left to right slider down the hill Oh my god oh no oh my gosh I won

I’m the king that’s just a tough keep walking that’s a tough pot it’s one of the hardest puts in golf downhill slider air rated green I just didn’t read it right I’m the champion king of the course Crown me y that is crazy weang right you had

To make if you made that had a chance I don’t know how we didn’t realize that he had to make it if you guys did enjoy this format by far our most competitive format we have this was so competitive like we haven’t had anything like this

Came in you came in you played great today than got to give it the unexpected Warrior that we all needed that was it was great playing that wraps it up if you guys did enjoy this piece of content and you guys want to see more content just like it cck one right here


  1. What do you guys think of the new format?!

    Ps… our next videos are bangers from Arizona👀

  2. More of this format, please.
    Maybe make it series, like Breaking Course Records Series, and have a running total.
    Again, great vid.

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