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NASCAR Q&A – SRX Postponed, Final Offseason Stream, Rowdy CANNED, Netflix Doc, Everything In Between

Let’s have fun for a little over an hour or so tonight for the final live stream of the offseason before the NWP Season 7 Premiere.

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Photo Credits:
Juan Ocampo
Marissa Green
Rowdy Energy

#NASCAR #racing

He Hello there how’s it going everybody um if you see me looking down I am looking at the chat and uh I don’t know if it’s coming across well or not but uh I’m just going to let you know that I am getting over a bit of a cold uh

So if I sound bad or I’m coughing or I just sound all out nasty I apologize now but I’d rather get out of the way now than than deal with it during the season um so what’s up what do you got uh what what would you like to talk about

There’s totally nothing to talk about tonight uh yes I I do have a beard it will not be lasting very much longer I’ve had this for like four months now and I’m getting sick of it I am getting sick of it um all right I got that up

There I mean there’s there’s a lot I guess we can look at really quick I wanted to uh talk to you guys and thank you guys God I swear I wanted to thank you guys because we currently are sitting 71 subscribers away from 70,000 subscribers so thank you all very much

For that I I appreciate all the support um man there’s a lot of stuff I’m I’m sorry I’m not keeping the beard this time um I I will not cave to public opinion on this one uh but yeah we’re we are uh we are well on our way to

70k um hey what’s up Eric um uh how’s it going um but I wanted to lead off with that just to thank you guys because a lot of people I know have come on over the winter and it’s really cool to see all y’all come in

Uh no I will not be shaving the beard on stream uh that is that is also I mean I don’t know it it would it would have to take it’ have to take a lot a lot I don’t know I don’t know what it would

Take but it would take a lot I can’t I will never say never but I’m the closest thing to never um I guess we should probably roll into what the uh the first real big point that come across I think everybody’s news waves today is the

SRX uh the SRX is at least for now uh no more uh from what it looks like the SRX will be at least postponed uh for 2024 I don’t know if it’ll be uh any more than that I mean I I have what they put out right here I have their

Statement right here uh and it looks like at the moment they’re saying for the fourth season but I feel like we’re kind of you know you can kind of read the writing on the wall on this of the SRX not I don’t think it’s coming back personally uh especially when we have

The news of Ira uh filling a very similar space Ray everham there and then you have Tony Stewart on on the SRX side who I I feel like has been pulling out of a lot of the stuff he’s doing being very very uh I I don’t think narrow

Sighted is the right way to put it but being very particular I think with what he wants to do with his post NASCAR career um and and you have to think too I mean he’s picking up uh for his wife right now on the NH side so he’s going

To be busy with the racing side um so I I do not I do not think it’s coming back uh for me I think I look like a Midwest Millennial I’m not a millennial but I was from the Midwest and thank you NASCAR fanatic for the two with Iraq

Returning could they buy out SRX uh I don’t even think they have to buy it out I think they just they they probably will fill the space uh I think the big problem that the SRX had is that it really after the first season had no

Identity uh I think that was the problem uh because the first season I felt like they did have that identity they wanted to be more of like a short trck version of what iro was bring people from different disciplines have uh what I think was my favorite part of the SRX

Was have that Hometown hero com in uh but it really just felt like Seasons two and especially three was just trying to make it NASCAR light and you know if people want to watch Nascar they’re going to watch NASCAR and I think that’s where you started running into issues

You know low car counts it it there was no real identity and I would say after the first season there was nothing really defining it all that much like yeah you had you know like Nappa racing fan points out you know you had the Thursday night Thunder and you had the

Member berries for everybody that were that were uh coming back but other than that I mean the racing I think the racing had gotten better over time but that alone is is not going to make a series survive and it it especially I have it somewhere I have the the

Viewership of it somewhere in here I have a million notes um I mean looking at the first season every single race on CBS had over a million people watching uh they averaged a million but 20% off the year before in 2022 um and then right until the end

They were under 400,000 on ESPN on Thursday night averaged I believe half a million if not less down 50 or so per from the year before uh you know they they definitely put a spotlight I think on tracks that fans uh Nationwide probably should have known better uh and and the short track

Scene so I think that might be a defining piece of it I think a lot of fans learned about great tracks you know like Stafford uh as well as others but it just it it didn’t it didn’t feel like they had anything that really defined it they could rally around I think my

Favorite moment personally of the SRX was granted I was in person at this one with a lot of friends but the 2021 Nashville Fairgrounds race love that track um but they they had Chase and Bill Elliott against each other and I wish I should have I

Should have put it in OBS before um but I I didn’t think about it because I didn’t think this news was going to break right away uh but I got this really cool picture from it if I can find it uh yeah and it did the rounds on

Social media and you know the story of it and all let me let me make sure that I have this right but I got a picture of Chase and Bill Elliott at uh Nashville Fairground and I believe turn three yeah this turn three um and it was an awesome

Moment I mean it’s something that you’re never going to probably see again in any other series uh other than the SRX but it’s just there’s only so much you can do with it without upping the car count without getting flashy things you know and and I think that’s that’s just a

Huge issue with it um great picture quality shot on iPhone uh I it it was it was a great moment I mean it really was and there were there was I believe 15,000 seats that were sold out at Nashville Fairgrounds there was standing room only the the entire infield was

Packed uh I mean it was it it was an amazing experience to be at and from what it looked like on TV plus it was pretty cool cuz both Nashville races one way or another I ended up on TV so that was cool got to meet darl Waltrip stuff

Like that but you know great moments but it it just it does suck I’m I’m going to put a poll on this for you guys I want to know what yall think of it um will will you miss the SRX um and I guess if so how much

Uh so yes a lot if I can spell they don’t need me to spell that much yes a little me and not at all because I know some a lot of people had different views of the SRX in different ways um it it it’s one thing for me that it’s really going to

I think one thing for me that that’s really going to show why the SRX uh is going to be missed this year though is I’m looking at the July August calendar in that area where NASCAR’s off and there’s a bit of racing going on those weeks um you know because this is

Post Brickyard 400 the weekend after um you have Salem ARCA and uh F there’s an F1 race on uh is as well as if you’re more into the late model scene cars tour is at Hickory uh and then the weekend after that or the week after that uh

There’s another ARCA race uh but outside of that there is there’s only one major like and when I say major there’s no disrespect to caror or to ARA um but you really only have one majorly known Motorsport race on in that two basically 3 week span after the Brickyard uh so

You’re definitely going to have that emptiness there I think um I I will say I I’m wondering if part of it was uh what was a sponsor maybe pulling out too or or just tracks couldn’t nail down dates uh maybe it’s something like that but it it sucks it it it sucks uh

Whether you’ll miss or not I mean I’m looking right now and uh definitely the majority will from what it looks like with the poll uh though there is still a very large amount of of you guys who you know could care less uh but we’ll keep

Going uh off of that there’s there’s so much more going on right now um you know I see Dustin in the chat here saying that Kyle Larson just raced his heat race in the Chili Bowl that’s going on right now so definitely check that out um but there’s there’s so much other

Stuff going on really quick a reminder this will be the last stream of the off season until the end of January January 31st NASCAR weekly podcast on my channel tons of cool stuff lined up this year uh you know we got we got new different what’s the what’s the word segments new

Segments coming um we have probably I would assume uh I will not tell you guys though we do have more guests uh we have more things to get you guys all involved it’s going to be a lot of fun it’s going to be a lot of fun

Heading into February uh a very busy February for this channel as well um I’ll be doing stuff with IDK player on the iRacing side in February for Daytona uh and of course the post race streams will be coming back maybe I I’ll try and revamp them a little bit make

Them a little better but we got a lot of good stuff coming up I see a lot of you guys are happy and and excited uh in the chat so I just wanted to remind you guys about that right now yeah I think we can get SLA back on I don’t see why

Not um let’s see uh why did the 05 Chicago land race watch long get taken down I mean it was just awful I don’t know what happened but everything that could go wrong did go wrong in that stream and it was just awful and I I wanted to take it

Down because it was bad uh you can barely hear me I don’t know it’s just I I fixed a few issues on obs side that caused it and it seems like we’re doing good now um but it was it was an entire OBS thing and

It was not fun it was not fun um now crash the Hedgehog for five says uh what you think of Legacy motor club’s major changes into 2024 personally I’m hyped I expect good things from them I think the big thing is the new Toyota uh Camry I

Think yeah by the way yeah I think we can get David Lan um the the new Camry I think is going to be the X Factor of this whole deal uh they had talked about being like I think a third tier team at Chevrolet and you know it’s the results

Especially last year really prove that uh I will say though they were damn fast in 2022 at times and could not capitalize on it uh they brought great cars and if they were if they were the tier three team at that point damn they got a lot of good people there and I

Hope they didn’t get rid of all of them uh but as for legacy in general I think if they can get their arms around the Camry really quickly then I think that they’re going to be just fine uh I think that Eric Jones is the biggest mystery driver heading into

2024 I think that you know I did not pick him at the moment to make the playoffs uh because I do want to see for first what Legacy can do uh if they you know go out the first half of the regular season and completely crap to

Bed then okay I’m I’m good that I didn’t take that extra risk um but I could totally see them coming out and just excelling I I think a place to watch them at is Kansas uh just because for one that team has been quick before and those drivers have been quick before

Intermediates but two Toyota is just has their arms around Kansas I love going to Kansas think it puts on some of the best races of the year with the nextg I have been at all but one Kansas race since this new car uh was implemented I I

Implore all of you if you can go to a Kansas race now because it’s about the best it’s ever been uh but the Toyotas have the advantage and then you got the sponsorship talking about um Dollar Tree family I there’s so many damn dollar stores but the they got the dollars uh

For every event one of the two cars will have one of the dollars on it um and I think having that sponsorship too I mean we saw when Focus Factor uh was pull had pulled their support we saw the the issues Family Dollar there’s so many

Damn dollars let’s be real like the way it is nowadays with inflation it’s probably like family5 uh and then like blue Jimmy said you know Jimmy’s going to be a do I did not know he’s going to be at do when I made the prediction I’m still pretty

Confident that Jimmy isn’t going to be all that great but I’ll say if you’re a Jimmy fan go see him uh I got you know I I I went and saw Junior when he came back for Xfinity races and it was well worth it uh but I do think this team has

Incredible upside I think it has the most upside going into 2024 uh because there’s so much that if it works out will vastly improve how they stand among the other teams uh you’re not going to see another Furniture Rose situation Levine situation cuz they’re not attached to

The hip to jgr the way that those teams were uh so that’s something I think it’s a positive uh I think it’s just good moves all around uh good long-term and good stability moves that I think every team should be aiming for uh Alex thank you for the five uh

Are you going to indd 500 this year I am looking forward to it I am looking forward to it as well especially having the vested interest with uh Kyle Larson uh I don’t know I mean I only live I only live like if I allegedly went a few miles an

Hour over the speed limit I I could make it to Indianapolis four hours I could I could Pro depending on how long the race goes in the traffic I could probably go to Indianapolis and then drive back home and watch the last 300 laps of the Koch

600 so I am tempted I am tempted uh I from what I’ve heard seems like it’s going to be a pretty big crowd there’s a lot of uh excitement around it it it is probably the most excited I have been for an Indie 500 just because of the

Double and and the Larson connection and all that I I’ve made I have made no secret whatsoever that I think Kyle Larson currently is one of if not the most talented drivers on Earth so it intrigues me of what he’ll do and and I know that this is very much

A possibly once in a generation opportunity to see somebody so high-profile in this race he’s still got to make the race I I don’t want to jump that far to conclusions he still has to make the race but I I’m interested man I am I am really

Interested in going and and I and I might I might I don’t know yet if not we’ll probably do something on this channel about it because while while we are a NASCAR Channel and we do have the NASCAR connection there uh it’s a pretty pretty cool opportunity in general with

It uh really quick before I read your Super Chat Beal but thank you by the way for that $10 Super Chat uh the poll went here as 38% missing SRX a little 36% of you are going to miss it a lot 177% went me and 7% said not at all so

That is a let’s see 24% saying H not really all that much and a hold on did I do my math right I swear let’s see that’d be a 74% the math ain’t mathing a little bit unless I’m just an idiot uh be metal though thank you for

The 10 I know people were debating on NASCAR and NBC theme songs a while back I think for 2024 they should do face to the floor by chevel good Rhythm and lyrics relevant to Modern NASCAR thoughts on or other songs um I think that’d be a really good one uh I don’t I

Don’t know if NBC would go for it but I totally would I have seen chel in person play that song and it there’s a great energy with it I think that would be a good one um what do you guys think leave leave me some in the in the chat uh what

Are what are some songs you think would be good for NBC this year uh real gone would be uh Zoomer Nostalgia I I feel like you still got to get that grit you know like I and and you know I guess you don’t have to but I would prefer it

There’s most most of the time I prefer for like like a fuel I love that one um I I’m in the minority on this but I loved the zzy ward Running Down a Dream um and uh I they had that one dude that did that like kind of slower song

Uh he you know the bigger dude and and I had uh I’d made a granted it’s probably not the the greatest joke but I made a joke saying like man we we had this like awesome pump you up song with all these different NASCAR Legends and a really

Pretty girl singing this song and now we got some greasy fat guys singing really slow like delet a in that’s getting me into NASCAR um but I I would go to that uh looking at some of the ones you guys got in the chat uh hinder is good I think that one

Just the way they did that song is so dated um and I love that era of music like I love that you know pop pong kind of era but L Lincoln Park Points of Authority that’d be good um let’s see I think the Browns and lions Super Bowl is more

Likely lions are frauds they’re just like the Vikings last year um best of luck best of luck on that uh I I I I really quick my Super Bowl prediction going into the playoffs is Ravens ners I think those two teams are on a another level um but see Bad to the

Bone that’s a good one um Kickstart what say I saw a Kickstart My Heart earlier Highway Star Shut Up and Drive uh I mean when Rihanna back in like the early 2000s when ESPN came on shut up and drive was one of the two or three main theme songs along with

AOS Smith and their own that ESPN had uh fuel born for this what up Maloney BG # greasy fat guys oh man uh let’s see Alex sent a super chat with an idea uh Greta Van Fleet doing a cover of Highway Star well they do got Highway

Tune I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be opposed to that I mean I I feel like if they did it in kind of like a zeppelin style like that like as much as they deny it they’re Z they’re they’re basically a zeppelin uh you know like mini Zeppelin

As Zeppelin Jr I feel like that would be pretty good rats by ghost Seven Nation Army um what’s the one I’ve been listening to lately because that might be an idea I I’m just thinking because they always do so many old songs and I I like old songs I think like the average

Release year of all of my songs on my phone is like 92 um which is not necessarily old like but well I guess but yeah I feel like you got to do something either have to do a new one for each race or one of that’s

Newer uh I mean if you really wanted to buy into what people are getting back into you should have like one of them with Creed opening up can you take me higher um I mean I think that’d be good uh hell if uh you really really I’m looking back at at

The different songs I have in my phone I’m like maybe we can’t use most of these um but there’ll be a lot of good ones I I I do feel like they need to change it up uh I I do feel like they they they need to have some kind of

Identity I know they had their own NBC theme back you know 2015 and then the early years of the contract uh but they need they need something the way that they had like the ‘ 04 to 06 opening when it was on NBC and TNT I think that’d be a good one uh

Andrew Meer I like this one if autoc Club was still around California Love would be dope as hell well I mean if autoc Club does come back I think if autoc Club does come back they’re going to make it the finale because they need that California market so bad I I at

Some point it’s going to be in the rotation it’s an ISC track they’re you know short track and they’re pushing that um and Need for Speed is going after my heart with backat country uh love me some avenge 7 fold uh but I I feel like you could do that you could do

That man um as for the auto club stuff I know I I had to take down an auto my autoc club video just because uh there’s there’s a lot of iffy stuff I don’t I don’t know all the whole nine yards of it but all I know is that there’s just

Some there’s some issues there and there’s they’re they’re not giving that that timetable that you would assume they’d give and I’m just I’m worried about autoc Club because it it’s so difficult especially with the economy the way it is now but it’s so difficult in California uh to be able to build and

It’s so expensive right now it worries me that it’s going to sit as a ripped up track everything’s going to build up around it and they’re going to want the last 100 acres or whatever it is left and and want that um that’s that’s my worry with with autoc Club on that

Uh Mr Penguin for five do you see track house starting Infinity Series or Truck Series team in the future with all the drivers are signing um maybe I know that I think SVG is is driving with colleague so maybe they’ll have a alliance with colleague uh I I think it would be good

For them in the future to do so but they also could just be uh you know partnered up with different Chevy teams through the rank so they don’t have to necessarily put in all of the money and assets into it um I mean they don’t necessarily have to at the moment but I

Do think down the road especially if it’s profitable they should um but from what it sounds like they’re probably not going to NASCAR fanatic thank you for the two are you going to any local short tracks I want to make it to the fairgrounds at least once I did some pit

Reporting there in October um and if I ever had the opportunity again and it fits scheduling and all that I would love to uh to do that again um but it it’s going to be difficult usually I would go to the Rockford Speedway but that is update on the

Rockford Speedway I’ll just give it to you now uh nothing has been dug up really in it it sounds like they’re going to build around it uh but there’s just from you know I I was talking with family last night at dinner and uh sounds like nothing’s really happened uh

So that sucks uh but natural Fairgrounds is definitely one I know uh Danny Danny V talks he wants to take me um and Darion and John IDK player want to take us out to to tazzle Speedway at some point and and if you show me pictures it looks pretty badass

So I’d be down to we getting over this cold I’ve still been working out through I’ve lost um 15 lbs in 11 days so I I’m I’m I’m ready to get rid of this I keep coughing crap up and it’s disgusting uh but when it comes to the

Short track stuff it’s really I have to know closer to it um I should probably just see what slap’s doing and see if I can piggy back off him for a bit uh and David Bell thank you for the membership I appreciate it um I I should probably stream more during the

Offseason so we don’t have these issues of people losing membership so I appreciate it uh very much uh and really quick to upate update you guys we are 68 now 68 away from 70k so that’s pretty cool oh man I was really sick towards the uh end of last

Year uh now looking at some other stuff you know Iraq coming back I saw some people asking where I think that Iraq would have a race I don’t know necessar neily because there’s so few details on on uh on what Ray everham wants to do and and stuff like that

So for me I I am always a proponent of of going to older uh worn out tracks um if you wanted to go for the member berries but NE not necessarily growing the brand out to a new generation and audience I’d say maybe like in north

Wesboro um if you want a bit bigger of a track Rockingham that would be a good one I think God sorry if I sound gross I apologize uh I you know I’m biased I’ll say Chicago land uh but I I I don’t know why I just keep coming back to Michigan

I don’t know why um I don’t think they should take it to a super speedway especially if they’re going to use the old cars like no do not make it even more of a chance that one of them might get destroyed but but the thing for me

Is that if you’re going to have all of these Champions come in from different series I I I want it to be all in I think that’s a big problem I talked about earlier I had with the SRX is they want all in on following NASCAR and that’s nice for for getting NASCAR

Drivers to come and getting crowds that might come a day early for the NASCAR races but but it’s not going to bring in you know the Indie Car crowd it’s not going to bring in the the dirt crowd The Late Model crowd um so if for me I if they they need to

Go all in on on multiple series on on making the biggest grandest thing you can uh and I think going with One race this year might be the good move one exhibition race uh bring in as many champions and and major drivers of the modern day as

You can and then maybe fill it in with some older drivers um and go from there uh but you know kind of like Milton said you can’t out NASCAR NASCAR and that was part of the problem that Iraq had at the end is it tried just being little

NASCAR You Need To Be Your Own Thing If you’re trying to be something else and we’ve seen NASCAR do this trying to be a stick and ball Sport with different changes at times it doesn’t work uh at least not with the Motorsport fans uh so

That’s that’s kind of where I am with it I’m excited I remember watching the last few seasons of the irck series um back in speed that was fun I mean that’s the thing I want to have fun with this I I don’t want to you know oh look uh

They’re letting in the you know round of eight guys from Nascar and two or three indie car drivers and uh a world Outlaw driver like no I I want to see I want to see the wildest combination that they can conjure up uh and and try in some ways to to even the

Field I know if if you’re going to do like Iraq was it’s going to be difficult to the the the Open Wheel drivers and different disciplines will be at disadvantages at different places and different ways but um you know it’s kind of like Andrew Mayer’s saying here

Imagine an iro race coming down to Ryan blay and Joseph New Garden like that’s the kind of stuff I want to see no disrespect to those drivers that were in SRX I like pretty much all those drivers but if I wanted to watch Kyle Bush and

Brad keslowski race for a win I’d either watch any you know races between them in the last what 15 years uh or I’d watch a modern NASCAR race you know if I wanted to watch uh Bill Elliott and Tony Stewart race I’d watch races from like 199 9 to

2003 um it’s cool in the moment and it’s cool for for people who are there to meet those people uh you know I thought it was awesome I got to meet guys like Caston NES I got to meet Paul Tracy multiple times before he did Paul Tracy things um Tony

Stewart uh Haley Degan Ernie Francis Jr like that I got to meet a lot of those people I got to meet Daryl Waltrip I got to talk to different people that I grew up watching uh but that doesn’t really translate to a TV audience I I guess I’m

Trying to if I’m trying to get that across um but but that’s I that that’s kind of the the gist of it that I have with the irck SRX back and forth I feel like as much as neither announcement made anything known about the other uh it definitely felt

Like they’re they’re connected I I mean between the ray everham connection the connection that they’re so similar to each other in in just ground level all that that’s that’s kind of where I am with it it has to be connected and if Iraq succeeds for more than three years

You know say five six 10 or becomes a thing again um then inevitably there will be the comparisons forever to what SRX did and and where did SRX go wrong stuff like that um um but kind of going back to the NASCAR side here because we got a lot of NASCAR

Stuff to talk about and I don’t know if my voice will last um by the way I appreciate y’all coming in about 150 of y’all lick that like button let’s see if we get to about a 100 by the end of the night uh looking at the subscriber side we are slowly but

Surely inching our way to that 70k Mark um let’s talk about the some other news that came out this week part of the thumbnail uh Netflix the trailer and release date for the new NASCAR Netflix doc I believe it’s full speed is what it’s called NASCAR full speed uh was

Released January 30th which is a Tuesday uh the day before the NASCAR Wu podcast comes back uh for season 7 um it looks good I mean there’s there’s only so much you can take out of a trailer I believe it’s five episodes there’s only so much

You can take take out of it um before actually watching it uh but I like that it’s I believe Dale Jr uh some people from Nascar Productions and those who did the Last Dance are involved with this and you know what if it can bring NASCAR to that

Newer audience I’m all for it uh I don’t think it’s immediately going to be a drive to survive I hope I hope it’s not a carbon copy of drive to survive because because I feel like at that point it’s going to fall flat to a lot

Of people who might have watched that I will say as a DieHard Nascar fan do not expect this to be something where you’re like man I learned a million things and this is exactly how it was they’re probably going to dramatize some stuff they’re probably going to be very basic

About stuff so that those new people coming in will learn about NASCAR but you have good people involved um I will say I do think it’s going to be better than the one on USA Network that debuted at like 10 p.m. on a Thursday night against Thursday Night Football

Um so I I I am excited about it uh even if it’s not my cup of tea I’m excited I I hope it’s something akin to the quarterback documentary they did it had um Pat Mahomes Marcus Mariota and Kirk Cousins uh and it changed how a lot of

People viewed all three of those guys and it humanized them showed during the week not just the three hours you see them on TV and any press conferences like it showed who they are in some ways and I hope it does that with NASCAR so that when those new fans come in that

Don’t know as much about NASCAR but might be interested well then you have uh something that us die hards can like about those drivers in particular um listen if we can just have Chase Elliot smile it already would be better at at pushing him out to a general

Audience than him playing Mad Libs I don’t know if y all saw that but Chase Elliott uh there was a video of him playing Mad Libs with hendrik Motorsports and it was just awkward um it was bad I mean it was bad and so if you were able to do something like

That that Netflix did for for those players on the NASCAR level I think that would be a slam dunk because you would learn so much about him I think the the setting of the trailer is my favorite part of all of this because they took it

Serious uh they it wasn’t just you know Clint Boer and Daryl walri you know oh my God look at this like no no it was these guys are doing something that barely anyone else on Earth can do that could kill them and they want to do it that’s badass um brought Marty Smith

Somebody who is very palatable to the kind of Normy Sports crowd uh he’s been on ESPN for so long doing so much more now than NASCAR a very someone that’s very likable from what I can tell on social media by pretty much any fan base uh I I like a lot of it

Um if I guess if Kyle bus wasn’t included you know I I don’t know I don’t want to judge just off of the trailer you know because you we can start people start judging you know more about Elliot like there’s there’s going to be stuff with Elliot in it there’s you cannot

Avoid even if he’s in a down year the most popular driver NASCAR by the way skull Vikes too I like that um and Long live Nascar like that too all right uh but I’m excited I am very excited about this I think this is going to be

Something that it’s going to be a long haul this is not something I think that we’re going to see immediate return on do not expect that all a sudden a bunch of people you’re friends with are just going to love NASCAR because this came on uh it’s going to be something that

Will’ll have to build over time for a couple years now if there’s no real change at all in anything after this for like I don’t know three four five years okay then that’s messed up there’s something wrong here um but kind of like Milton says no magic bullet but a good

Start uh I’m excited to see some of the lower level drivers in popularity per se and and maybe not lower level but not the ones that are like the Kyle Bush Ross Chastain uh Chase Elliott Kyle Larson types but but like a Tyler reic um you know somebody like him that is a

Great personality I I’ve been blessed enough to to be able to talk to Tyler reic uh actually a lot of times um now that I think about it and he is always somebody that’s very interesting to talk to and very engaging uh and and and he’s a great personality that doesn’t

Necessarily get shown by Nascar or by the Brad broadcast that I think would be very interesting to follow uh and and wow Netflix has 247 million subscribers good God man um no money for SRX with the ESPN paying Pat Max Fe 85 mil um but yeah I mean that’s that’s that’s

A really big part and and something else I guess to keep keep kind of moving here talking about expansion stuff like that um alesandro ask Jarrett in your opinion uh which country outside of the United States will host a cup race in the near future I’m going Canada on that one uh

Canada is just the logical uh way to go with it they have a very maybe not as big as the United States just because of the size of the population uh but a very DieHard Motorsports base kind of a cult following um but there there is that Motorsports culture up there it’s it’s

Close to the United States it’s not going to cost too much more compared to like if they want to do England or Germany or something like that or Australia um I think Canada would be a good one I think Canadian racing fans especially Canadian NASCAR fans have been severely underserved by not having

A cup race up there uh time and time again I see it in my analytics I see it in analytics from people I talk to with with different things that they do whether it’s on YouTube or or websites articles whatever um there is a sizable base in Canada and NASCAR needs to tap

Into that I mean it’s the Motorsport and especially Sports Marketplace in general is increasingly becoming more International now I do not want this to be mixed up in any way I am not saying that we need to have like half of our races all over the world the way that

You know Formula 1 has race races in different countries I’m not saying that at all and I do not think that that uh NASCAR should change that identity and try and be Formula 1 we just talked about that with SRX trying to be NASCAR

Uh but what I do think is is if we had maybe not all cup weekends but three or four weekends a year where there are international races like if uh a truck race up in in Canadian Tire or or an exfinity race in Mexico like we used to

Have I don’t think that’s a bad idea um you know Mexico is another base that’s getting bigger we see NASCAR building uh in Brazil and the Euro series and and series all over the world now I believe there’s certain countries you should and shouldn’t go to um but I think starting

With Canada and Mexico are are very good starts for NASCAR and I I hope that there is a race up in Canada at least one cup race in 20125 I think that would be awesome just because of how many fans who would normally never get the chance

Or would have to save up forever to come to the states would get that chance to go you would introduce an entirely new country to Cup racing in person uh I I love having that happen um you know and and and I know logistically it is difficult to have them in in different

Countries um I just think the ones that border the United States it’s a great start to have maybe have exhibition races in different countries you know Brazil has a very size base you want to do an exhibition race there at some point uh you know maybe one in Europe at

Some point you know with the Euro series uh I know Australia has a pretty sizable base there are big bases of NASCAR fans all over the world you know nowhere near the United States size but but all over the world um and NASCAR definitely needs to to push that

Direction um you know and and I see a lot of people leaving different countries in there it’s again you got to start with the first steps and and I do think they are I mean I I know at least from my end I’ve heard different things

Back and forth of of like what people in the industry want to do um not necessarily the decision makers but just those like thinking man you know a race in Canada be good well get your passports maybe we can do something in Mexico um I think that would be a good

Start I mean it it’s relatively safe too when it comes to to risk of of taking that chance I say go for it especially Canada number one on that list um man y’all are getting a little Rowdy which uh reminds me of Rowdy energy I don’t know if uh anyone’s

Missed this but Rowdy energy is being discontinued and it believe I believe there is a lawsuit I think in California with it because different Rowdy energy was found to have way too much lead and mercury in them uh there will be certain Kyle bus fans on social media that like to make that

Their personality that will uh may maybe maybe need to worry a little bit if if that’s the case um believe it or not I I do not want to be like Gen X and have way too much lead in my system like they did I grant that was due to gasoline

Fumes but you know that same basis here I don’t like having lead in my system um or Mercury either even though I do like eating fish uh which reminds me I’m going to pull you guys at the end of this on what I should have for dinner

Tonight because I don’t know what to choose and all of it sounds good and I need somebody else to be a decision maker for me for one night um I tried rowy once I had like three of them over the span of a week I just I couldn’t do

It you know I I wanted to support NASCAR support Kyle bus with that but I it just didn’t do it for me man I don’t know what it was it just did not do it for me though I I didn’t I felt like the taste was too watered down at

Times or too strong at times and some of them like would leave like a weird kind of like filmy feel on my teeth and I just I some people liked it uh wasn’t my cup of tea um but yeah I’m not I I’ve gotten rid of uh energy

Drinks as well out of my diet I’ve actually gotten rid of energy drinks and alcohol and U pretty much all sugars um that’s again why I plus between the two to three hours a day working out and running I I’m I’m on I you guys majority of you didn’t have a New Year’s

Resolution based on the poll before the show um my New Year’s resolution I’ve stuck to it and I’m doing pretty damn well right now um I’ve cut all that stuff out um I don’t know how many of y’all have tried amp cuz I I

Used to drink amp when um when I was a teenager just CU Dale Jr had it and I was dumb uh and I I would drink it when I was on the road for like 12 18 hours when I was like driving to races doing stuff work-wise um all I’m going to say

Is this when you go to the bathroom It’ll like glow in the dark it’s gross um it’s like think of Mountain Dew but way too much jinang and way too much sugar um I uh I regret drinking it now uh I’m going stick with water uh but I always wanted to try

Stacker energy wasn’t that a fat loss thing like I I I know stack or two at least but I mean that I remember seeing that on cars when when I was like five six or so 20 years ago um so to me New Year’s resolution stupid as

No I don’t know listen I think New Year’s resolutions are stupid when people aren’t all in on it I’ve been wanting to get healthy I’m all in on it and I’ve done this before um they’re they’re only dumb when people don’t take it serious uh because if you do it any

Other day of the year then just it’s just a goal like that’s all it is it’s just a goal it’s not it’s not New Year’s resolution any other day of the year um it’s to me a New Year’s resolution is just making a goal and having like a specific starting date is

All I don’t judge people who do them I don’t normally do them but yeah have I tried Mountain Dew energy drink isn’t that just amp I know they have the amp Mountain Dew energy and my New Year’s resolutions are just to survive I feel that I feel that um

But I do want to finish off a couple more things and then we’ll get on out of here uh just an update we are now 62 away from 70k so that’s pretty cool oh Kickstart no I haven’t tried Kickstart um so let’s oh yeah I mean Chrome diesel

In the chat thanks to so-called fans who have the attention span of a goldfish stage cost are returning at road courses listen I think the thing that pisses me off about that is NASCAR’s like you know basically washing their hands like we tried it y’all didn’t like it well it’s

Like if NASCAR didn’t put out such a piss poor product at the road course just because of the problems they made with their car we wouldn’t have these issues that’s my problem with that uh if we had the Gen 6 back at the road courses and short tracks and you took

Stages or stage cautions away we would not have these issues it would be I would think a lot more entertaining especially with what’s at on the line especially if they were to implement rain tires or any of that in those kind of situations I hate the fact that it’s

Like well you know the racing wasn’t all that good well whose fault is that that’s where I get with get just irked with you know it’s kind of like um it’s kind of like uh the the arrow Chang that NASCAR keeps making it’s like well when you continuous like when you

Don’t fix the core issues of course it’s not going to be as good obviously like I’m not breaking new ground here but this this whole half-assing these changes between Arrow you know Arrow changes that we pretty much all know aren’t going to work and changing the stage stuff back

To the way it was pre- last year Road courses um the way they did with the roal like it’s clear as day NASCAR just wants to Bunch them back up and like hope there’s like maybe a wreck or two or something or just some action

Like it irks me man like I love I I loved road course racing pre-stage racing um and it’s true Timmy wolf it’s 100% true I’ve been saying this since I got on YouTube in 2018 stage yellows are just Phantom debris cautions rebn bred now now we have an excuse to throw them

So fans won’t be as pissed about it um and and you know we can all have our roundabout ways that we’ll try and justify it but it’s true I mean it’s true uh I I hate it uh can can Harvick improve Fox’s coverage in 2024 I damn

Well hope so man yes there we go slap you’re on my team with that I know you are I saw your video you agree with me on that like ah it just it just I’m sorry it just pisses me off man like I every every time like it gets brought up it

Just it’s like ripping the scab right back off all over um God man I I think one of my first videos before I even started doing stuff in 2018 I had said something like that I’d have to look back I don’t know I don’t look too much on it slap says yeah

The stats are in Phantom yellows went away the moment stages were introduced yeah I mean and like there’s very few debris cautions I see anymore unless it’s needing to spice up something and it’s it’s true it is it is it is clear yeah I I’m like having a

Conversation back and forth it is it is obvious what’s going on with um God I’m I’m I’m going to be pissed off all night about this man all night uh Nicholas thank you for being a member for 6 months what size are your shirts on daily down for shop uh I believe

They’re small to like 2 XL I’m not sure on the past like one or two XL um but I believe it covers hold on I can look that up right now we will do this on the Fly we the where am I at there I

Am uh by the way do check out daily downforce I help out a lot with this with this Channel and and with a lot of other YouTubers as well I saw I believe blone burger njj and Ellie Productions now are on there uh so a lot of good people on there uh let’s

See you’re like watching basically my on air production meeting where’s it at all right come on um I have to work on that I don’t see the size on there so I have to uh let me see because if it if it doesn’t have it given right away uh I’ll make sure

That’s covered but I believe it does cover like I said those major ones I agree slap I I do love Ellie uh he is he’s becoming one of my favorites as well and then and especially I got to say this props to Ellie for the let me pull up how long it

Was I believe it was like an seven or six hour 5 Hour stream reviewing all those paint schemes props to him uh I’ve I don’t know what the longest stream I’ve ever been a part of was but Jesus Christ like I I watched the start of that turned it

Off for a bit because I was up north of my family and then started watching I watched an entire documentary on Netflix like an entire five episode documentary and still caught like the last I believe hour and a half of his stream uh that was that was damn good

Damn good stuff I definitely want to get him on SLAP by the way since you’re watching at some point we need to get you back on the show this year um and I need to get you to a track that isn’t dying as well like you’re going to be

Taken down um really quick I promise you guys I’d do this and since I am bad at decision- making uh I’m going to ask you another poll here because again I cannot make decisions to save my life when they’re not overly important um what should I have for dinner tonight

Uh and to be I’ll let you know now the top option is something I’d just make the other ones I will uh the other ones I will uh what’s it called order uh where’s the other one I swear to God I can’t spell to save my life and I apologize

Now all right what should I have for dinner now here’s here’s the options shrimp and veggies scallops and rice chipot leg or a chicken wrap I know it’s not the most fun ones but uh uh M Martin fan for life who will be the surprise breakout driver this

Year I mean I talked about Eric Jones a lot earlier so I think he’s somebody to watch um one second I’m going to go to the list I mean thing is I’m like going through the list of drivers and I don’t really see like I don’t think anyone from shr is going to

Be any good uh I have no faith in the colleague side of it Chris busher already was the breakout driver I’m just like going down the number list here um I don’t I don’t see John Hunter I’m I don’t see John herek doing anything breakout driver wise

Um I mean I I I don’t know man because like even Spire doing better like I don’t think Carson hos ofar Zayn Smith is going to take over the entire Series so I I guess if we’re talking about breakout driver like really really good and and

Competing a lot more I think Tai Gibbs as much people hate him like he’s a damn good driver um but I think either you know maybe Bubba Wallace I think Bubba Wallace will get multiple wins um where’s the raisin canes button they have not built it yet in

Hendersonville trust me they tore down my favorite Mexican restaurant to build it Eric um oh they opened one on Broadway I don’t go to the city I am not I am not a city d to say the least like the the closest that I want to be

To a city for the most part is quick is is like far enough away that within 10 minutes I can be out in the country doing something better than being in a city I am not a city person uh by the way it’s looking like chicken wrap is

Winning at least that’s good I don’t have to make something tonight so I’m happy with that um let’s see but yeah I mean I think bubble Wallace would be somebody if you’re looking for who’s going to win more him or TI Gibbs I would say um but God

Damn one second I’m gonna mute myself so you don’t have to hear my ugly cough okay um but yeah I think those will be the guys if if you’re talking about winning uh them are Eric Jones um I see we’re having a conversation about BL burger and Canes

Let’s see kanes needs to set up shop in South Carolina with that Z be country that’s thing I I’ve been I’m trying to eat more healthy too so I’m not going to eat at canes or probably Zach be that much so but chicken R is T is taking the the

Lead right now uh I I I feel like this is just going to lead into the podcast where we’re going to have that Meme come back of of chicken all over again uh Alex for1 uh I hope that Kevin Harvick will be like F1 champ James Hunt when it

Comes to announcing do not mince words and call some drivers idiots if they deserve it I think you will uh I don’t see them silencing Harvick from valid criticism uh I I I also don’t see I don’t see him being the magic fix for it all um I always thought NBC was

Decent not great but decent from 15 to 17 and when Dale Jr came in they went to another level just because of the energy and what he brought in um and he’s Dale Jr like you’re not going to shut him up if you want to I same thing with Kevin

Harvick I just I don’t know if Kevin Harvick has that same personality factor to fix Fox there’s a there’s I think a lot of issues with the fox broadcasting I think that Harvick is a good step P that though and I think letting Clint Boer actually act like Clint Boer and

Not a a meme and joke of Clint Boyer that’s a big change that that would be justified as well um Hunter Nick and fishing thank you for the five uh do you think Kyle Bush can tie or surpass dor har and wi I think he can get close uh what’s what’s

He at right now he’s in the 50s uh so he’s like what 20 away or 20ish away I don’t know the exact I have the win list on my phone because of course I do Um let’s see he has 63 okay 63 so I was a little off on that one um so 14 away um how old is he got got to be close to 40 okay so it’s going to be 39 this year it’s going to be it’s realistic I

Think it’s going to be difficult because it if RCR if he can’t carry RCR year in and year out I mean how long do we think Kyle Bush is going to be racing for like is he going to be racing till he’s 45 he’s going to be racing for only a

Couple more years that’s the question and then and when you’re at um yes we’re not forgetting Chick-fil-A uh I had Chick-fil-A last week I don’t I’m trying not to eat the same at every place um but as Kyle Bush gets older he’s not going to be at least in my opinion

Unless he’s you know even Kevin Harvick showed this he’s not going to be able to carry a team that the equipment alone can’t get to Victory Lane forever um I mean if he got two wins a year for the next seven years he would tie Dale Earnhart he got three last

Year um I think he’s still pretty good for the most part for another four or five years he can probably he can prob I would think he can probably get two wins a year I just don’t know especially after last year and how that

Team fell off at the end of the year I don’t know if I can consistently say he’d win two races a year I think he’s going to have some winless seasons in there um he wants to continue in cup till his son is at least 16 that’s think plans

Change I mean Dale Jr back in 2011 talked about racing 10 to 15 more years and he raced six more years after uh plans change um Ryan what are the Vikings doing this offseason Mr Iceberg same thing they’ve been doing for 60 some years they are uh finding

Out how to come up just short in different ways new creative ways um I’m fine with the higher draft pick we can at least get higher up before the disappointment happen KY Bush needs to break gant’s record of 53 I mean if he he race that long that’d be

Uh then he could I mean I think it’s if if IID give a percentage chance I’d give it 30 like plausible not probable um do I think Kirk is staying probably probably signing k to a 5year 300 mil deal thing is Kirk ain’t the problem man Kirk ain’t the

Problem uh there’s so many problems this team has I’m I’m I’m I’m on team blow it the [ __ ] up that’s what I’m on the team of uh but we are I think that’s about covering it we got pretty much everything down that that we needed to

Um 20 days 20 days at at this time in 20 days will’ll be six minutes into season 7 of the podcast uh we’re going to end the poll here chicken wrap it is all right 40% I’m just 40% 23 20 okay we’re good starts at G starts at the GM it’s true it’s

True it is true unfortunately um at least I got baseball on and NASCAR uh but that’s that’s probably going to cover it I am I am going to go and run three or four miles and uh hope I don’t get a shin splint on the on the treadmill

Doing that thanks for everybody coming out I appreciate it a ton almost at 70k so that’s going to be a lot of fun too uh but thank you guys so much for coming out can’t wait to see you on the 31st and whenever we upload something else um

But thank you so much for watching and until next time have a good one night y’all I


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