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Awesome Stories With 2023 NASCAR Champ Ryan Blaney

Episode #38 of “Kenny Conversation” is 2023 NASCAR Cup champion Ryan Blaney!

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Hello everyone and welcome back to the Kenny Wallace show brought to you by Jags the leader in high performance after market car parts remember to go to for everything and anything you need for your vehicle you you see my smile on my face I’m smiling because I’m so excited

That this man right here Ryan Blain won the 2023 Nascar Cup Championship and I’m going to tell you why I’m smiling in just a minute but Ryan welcome in my friend oh man Kenny I appreciate you having me I uh I love watching all your stuff uh it’s always always great to see

You and it’s good to talk to you so it’s good well thank you so uh the reason I’m smiling and uh I know you will remember this uh you know I’m not breaking my arm but I remember I remember your very first um I we we went from the bush

Series to Nationwide then xinity maybe you would have been in the Nationwide but your very first Nationwide race at Richmond yeah man I was amazed with your ability it was the first time I watched you race Richmond’s my track and you ran third and it shocked the hell out of me

So when the race was over I came to your car do you remember oh yeah I remember that was a uh that was obviously a fun night you know we were running for Tommy bald one um you know Dad was running cup cars for him at the time yeah I remember you

Coming up to me after the race yeah yeah and you know so I saw Talent before anybody else did and of course we’ve had Dale Jr on here just a little bit ago and we had fun with him Dale Jr choosing you to win the championship and we went

Back and forth on it but uh so you did it right my friend let’s start like like this you’re a hero you win the championship then you propose to your fiance uh tell me about that that was really fun to watch definitely definitely a really good um

November good December uh you know for us in our home and yeah I mean I uh you know the proposal you know with Gian and I I planed on doing that for a while you know I mean that was Championship or not right I already had that in my back

Pocket and um yeah I mean obviously just an amazing year uh both personally and professionally and uh just couldn’t I don’t know how you top it I I really don’t so hopefully it doesn’t go downhill from here hopefully it can can maintain of like a good uh good Peak so

It was yeah it was it was a great end of 23 and looking forward to to 24 this year you know you’re only 30 years old uh I feel like with somebody your age you’re so young that it will benefit everybody if we just do a little uh talk

About how you got to where you are because I’m totally shocked that and I know you’re tired of it but we all keep saying did you start it in dirt racing and you’re like no don’t got anything to do with it yeah yeah everyone thinks that everyone thinks you know just

Because my dad and Grandpa you know that’s how I started and um I did very little dirt you know um very very little and and I’ve rbe I’ve run a dirt modified a couple times I ran a dirt Sprint car a couple times um but I I haven’t sat behind the wheel

Of a Sprint car in over 10 years and um it was really just location where I grew up you know by the time I was old enough to start racing dad was in the cupside and we were in North Carolina and especially then you know there wasn’t a

Lot of dirt options around you know it was kind of mainly asphalt country in North Carolina and um Bobby Leon built a great quarter [ __ ] track in Salsbury um ncqma and that was really close to where I grew up was high point and um you know that was a great Avenue for me

To get started with Dad um you know just because it was all these great people around and then that led to the Past series the pro All-Star series was really big uh in the super late model side so yeah from quarter midgets to run in Legend cars and bandalos uh to the

Past series you know it was it was just a lot of opportunities and asphalt and and that’s really who dad knew at the time right he was really into knew everybody on the asphalt side and uh so that was really the reason if I grew up

In Ohio I probably would have did the dirt route and I don’t know where I would have ended up but yeah location is is why uh why I didn’t do much dirt and everyone asked me like especially the dirt race at Bristol they’re like oh you’ll be really good you’re a dirt guy

I’m like I have no idea what I’m doing so um that it’s always fun to bring up and and I think people are finally realizing like okay he didn’t do much dirt but yeah that was a big question I would always get asked you know a lot especially early let’s keep the Dynamics

Right where it’s at right now so so um my daughter Britney uh she’s married now to uh Brody pompy but Britney uh loves your family uh you know I always say my daughter Britney hangs out with the blaines in the boats your your family uh they’re a wonderful Dynamic uh your

Sisters your mom your dad um it makes me happy every time I see your family it looks like you really love your sisters and your mom and dad dad looks like you all have a really good thing going on yeah you know I was really lucky to uh

You know have a a really great family around me and and be close to my family and and remain close to them uh and like you said you know I have two sisters that were uh that were amazing when I was you know kind of getting going in in

Racing and still are and still support me and and my parents my mom and dad are obviously dad was a huge part of my racing career but I always say like Mom I think was the MVP of everything right I I feel like it gets overshadowed sometimes of how much Mom sacrifice when

They have children involved in sporting events and stuff like that of how much running around they do and how much that they you know push to the side to put their kids first and um you know and she was always amazing at that so really F fortunate to have an awesome you know

Family around me to where I had a great you know support group growing up and for them to still support me and and just as much as when I was 10 years old you know to this day 20 years later it’s still uh still amazing so I can never

Thank them enough for that what about uh Grandpa Lou uh I like it that you name drop his name every once in a while I is Lou where it all started your dad’s dad yeah yeah you know um you know that’s really how the racing Dynamic got

Started mainly um you know was from Lou my grandfather uh you know got my dad into racing got my Uncle Dale into racing uh you know and Lou raced from the 60s all the way to the early 2000s and um you know just and he was only a

Dirt guy you know my grandfather never really transitioned into asphalt uh he was mainly a dirt Sprint Car Guy dirt modified Guy and um just really really successful up in you know the Ohio Pennsylvania Indiana area and um you know unfortunately you know he got sick

Uh when I was pretty young um you know he had Alzheimer’s and um you know I I always think back now that you know I’m older it’s like man I I I could like change one thing was just I wish I was older you know I got to know him before

He got sick and before he passed away you know just because you want to hear old stories and you want to hear the the history of your family so whenever I can meet people who they say oh I grew up watching your grandfather race or I knew your grandfather and or hearing old

Stories from Dad and Dale it’s just always great and um you know so it’s it’s really something that I appreciate uh the history of your your family and and where you come from and how it all started but yeah L is the the biggest piece and um it’s led to you know three

Generations of racers and and hopefully it continues you know continue that generational you know racing and we’ll stay right here just a little longer uh your your dad uh brother I believe Dale yeah Dale I know him uh of course haven’t seen him in a while but I mean

He he’s won a big race at Elora I believe I believe he’s won some really big stuff uh he’s still racing what what’s Dale up to yeah Dale uh yeah I mean he was um you know he was huge in the All-Star series you know D one All-Star championships and tons and tons

Of races and uh was an amazing basketball player too for those people know yeah if you’re if you’re 6’4 and and you’re not you know doing something like that I don’t know but yeah he went to West Virginia he’s in the West Virginia Hall of Fame for basketball and

Was actually drafted by the Lakers back in the 80s um I don’t know how many people know that but uh yeah he’s uh he’s still racing a little bit now um you know but his Leah she has a couple kids now so he’s got the grandfather

Role going on too but I saw him at Christmas he came over so it’s always good to see Dale and um you know he kind of bounces back and forth from Ohio to North Carolina so yeah he’s uh had huge success in his racing career and and

Still does it just like my dad races and you can’t get it out of them I mean you know that you can’t you can’t stop it and uh they do what they love and and it’s great that they still love it as much as they do for as long as they’ve

Done it and that’s uh it’s just a bug that you can’t get out of you I I think you just reminded me why I asked you about the family Dynamics because maybe 10 years ago all of a sudden we have Dave blay uh Dale blay you Ryan blay we

Have the two boat sisters then we had Leah Blain and I’m like man they’re coming they’re coming out of the Woodworks and you’re right and Leah has babies now and uh so one more thing before we go on to your incredible career um always remind everybody you know I I’ve

Did my studying butt up so does your dad still own Sharon Speedway in Sharon Ohio yeah yeah he’s a part owner he’s one of three guys that own it um and he’s own that that place for a long time but yeah he’s still owns it and and uh he runs

There a good bit he’s got a handful of Sprint car races he does there a year and uh is a big part of it didn’t he win a World of Outlaw race there two years ago yeah two years ago um f that was amazing he and uh it was super cool and

I think he loved it too because you know he was racing Sheldon Han shield for the win right and you know my dad and Jack raced for a long time together in The Outlaw series and it was cool that Dad could run against Sheldon and race with

Him for the win and yeah for Dad to win that Outlaw show at his home track one he owns to do it how he did compete against the best guys and he doesn’t run all the time you know so that’s just a huge feat and uh we were at Kota uh for

The race weekend and I remember I was sitting in the motor home with it was me Chase Elliot and Bill Elliott were sitting there watching and I mean the bus was rocking we were jumping up and down I mean it was just one of the coolest things ever and um that’s

Something I never foret I got His Banner from that night in my barn so I always look at it and and appreciate it so that’s something he’ll never forget and I’ll never forget either well there’s no doubt that you have your your dad’s Talent uh everybody in the industry says

You know if if a wheel doesn’t fall off here a couple times you know your dad had so many Cup races won and you know at the very end something would fall off so I you know people inside the industry they know that your dad Dave is a winner

A champion and uh well let let’s just go right there let me Herman’s got he’s getting older nowadays so let let’s do it like I do everybody let’s remind everybody now remember you’re young but boy you’ve already done it all uh Ryan blay 30 years old 10 Cup wins gosh that’s unbelievable

Seven exfinity wins four truck wins now let’s get to let’s get to the good stuff as the song says let’s get to the good part 2023 coch 600 winner that’s a big one you got to be strong and you’re strong 2022 Allstar winner 2018 win 150 winner 2021 coch 0400 winner at Daytona

So this this is the part where I say okay you’re only 30 when I read all that stuff off to you where’s your brain go what do you think I wish I could have had more you’re only 30 hold on oh yeah I mean I’ve been you know

Super Lucky obviously my whole life uh and especially in my professional career to to have been around great people right and and you know in racing right you want to surround yourself with good people and uh and I’ve been lucky for that you know from Tommy Baldwin to the

Wood Brothers to Pensky um Brad kazlowski I’ve been really fortunate to drive or some amazing owners and and people that you know have been in the race Shops and and worked with through my career that’s given me opportunities I just I can’t ask for any more you know

And and I’ve been really lucky and and it’s cool to see it all come full circle you know in 23 and for us to you know pull off the championship and yeah just you can’t do it without good people around you so I I don’t take

Any of the credit it’s all the people you surround yourself with and um those are the folks that made it possible I have wrote down here and I need you to help straighten me out uh it’s fun though so when you came into the Cub series I think you came in with

The Wood Brothers is that yes so I made I made two starts in 2014 with uh pensy it was actually it was in the 12 car which was pretty interesting uh I ran it Kansas was my first race and I ran Talladega uh but then in 15 16 17 I ran

For the Wood Brothers so I had three years with the Wood Brothers and then I went back to the 12 car okay so was the Wood Brothers uh basically supported by Pinsky racing or was the Wood Brothers all by itself yeah so when uh 2015 came

Around uh and we were going to do a partial schedule I think we ran like 15 races that year and um Trevor Bane was in it before me and they had a partnership with Rous and uh when I when we uh when the plan was for me to jump

In that thing it kind of transitioned to being a Pensky sister car you know um so uh you know for years we they had a shop in moresville uh the Wood Brothers did but we ran you know a lot of stuff out of the Pensky Race shop in morisville so

Really full support from the Pensky group working with the Wood Brothers so it was a great Dynamic of kind of combining the two teams and that’s still how it’s operated to this day you know from Harrison Burton’s running it it’s still a Pensky you know team car great

Affiliation and um I think that makes us even stronger right if you can add a car like that to the stable of you know Pensky and the Wood Brothers that’s just uh that’s just huge so yeah they were they were along with me every step of

The way so here’s the point I’m getting to uh it seems that you have the ability to do something maybe you know Jeff Gordon has done and I don’t know any other drivers you have the ability to basically drive for one organization maybe your whole career have have you

Ever thought that here you are you know of course my brother Rusty drove for Roger I did some stuff for you know Rusty started Pensky South so uh you know you all are reaping the fruits of Rusty’s labor he started Pinsky South have you ever thought that you might be

Able to drive for Pinsky racing your whole NASCAR career has that ever uh you know I’ve Mr Pensky and I talk about it you know a good bit and especially when you know I resigned with them last year you know I told him I was like can you

Believe it’s been 10 years since I walked in the building here you know and um it’s unbelievable how time flies like that and uh so yeah I mean I I personally couldn’t imagine being anywhere else uh especially now in my career I just know everyone there very

Well they’ve treat be great you know the Wood Brothers are fantastic you know Eddie Len Leonard you know it was amazing to know Glenn uh you know they were just a great family and and good people and they’ve always told me even if you’re not driving for us anymore you

Know you’re still part of our family and uh that’s just amazing that they have that mindset and uh so yeah I mean I I would love to drive for Roger my whole career right I mean that’s that’s what I want to do and fortunately they have

Kept me around long enough uh that I have the opportunity do that so hopefully it keeps going let’s get into last year uh here we are already I got to look at my calendar we get so busy I’m like what year is it yeah oh me too yeah

2023 uh you win the championship and and I don’t say that lightly it’s it’s unbelievable it’s a big deal but I noticed at the end of the year especially when you got to to Martinsville uh I’m going to go into racer mode right now uh seemed like your

Car gained a lot a really good forward drive at Martinsville and then I think you know and listen I’m just saying what I see then when you went to Phoenix it carried on so the question at hand is this uh you were you were right there

But you weren’t up here and but at Martinsville I looked at your car and it would that the ass in was sinking Man Killer forward drive did your team find something at the end there you know I definitely think we we did and um you

Know I look at the whole year of 23 and I thought we you know people thought that oh they ran bad all year it’s like well not really like I mean we won the 600 in May heck I was the points leader after the 600 and then we just went

Through a slump in the summer you know we just we just lost a little speed some teams found something we were playing a little bit of catchup and you don’t know how this stuff goes I’ve always I’ve always kind of compared Motorsports to just a big circle you know like some

Teams will be up top and then you’re going to you’re going to go to the bottom at some point you’re going to struggle for Speed and then you find it and it’s all about finding it at the right time and um so we worked really hard in the summer when we were

Struggling you know to to figure out hey we’re locked in the playoffs we won the 600 we’re lacking speed here here’s where we need to get better and let’s just go to work let’s challenge our ourselves to be better by the playoffs and that’s what we did I mean we had a

Deadline we need to beat and once this playoffs started going our first round was okay um but then once we got into the you know second round um one Talladega and our team was I always refer Talladega as like the Tipping Point for our team like we were on the

Verge of okay we’re running better I think we have good speed we just need one good thing to happen to us and then it’s like Full Speed Ahead we’re going to be dangerous and we won Tega and it was just on you know we had great run at

Vegas had a shot to win Homestead ran up towards the front cu the mile and a halfs we struggled at and uh when we found speed at the mile and a halfs it was a huge confidence boost for us it’s like all right we found the location and

The spots where we need to get our cars faster and uh let’s let’s really use that and run with it so um I thought we we did a great job of working through the hard times and not getting down on ourselves just doing the work and

Figuring it out and it benefited us when the playoffs started and um once we went to it was we were dangerous and I knew it and uh the things we found you know through through the summer and what we worked on for the fall really applied

And uh we were able to keep you know all the momentum in the world uh and and be great you know when it counted and uh we’re able to capitalize on it as I listen to you intently I think of Bill Elliott uh Bill Elliott uh would

Talk to me and as you said you’re friends with Chase and you all were in the motor home but Bill said to me one time he taught me this he said Herman he said this racing is all about timing and circumstances and uh you know great

Teams Peak at the right right time but I I can’t help to think you’re only 30 you are racing in the highest form of Motorsports in America and and I got lost in that I forgot about that do do you ever think that you are racing against the world’s greatest race car

Drivers the best race car drivers Ryan they find their way to The Cup Series you’re racing against Kyle lson Christopher Bell do you ever do you ever think yourself damn I’m in the I’m in the largest form of Motorsports there is in America and I’m the Champion yeah you

Know I feel like it’s it’s easy to get lost in it every now and then because you do it all the time right like you you know i’ been in the cup series for seven years something like that and it’s easy to get lost in it right of of

Taking a step back realizing man I’m I’m really lucky and fortunate to be competing at the top level especially living in Charlotte yeah yeah and and like I get to go out each weekend compete against the best racers in America and I feel like when times are

Hard and you’re not running well you have to take a step back and look at that and appreciate it because you can get down you can get frustrated you know when things aren’t going well but you have to take a step back and appreciate it like okay we can do this we’re here

For a reason let’s figure it out you know so I feel like I did that in the summer I was like you know I was frustrated a little bit we weren’t running good but then you kind of take it look at the big picture it’s like all

Right it’s pretty special we’re here uh let’s make the most of this you know but it is easy to lose track of like that thought of how lucky you are to be competing against the best groups of men and women in the world and and especially in America and uh to go out

And you know just run with them week in and week out is is great and let alone compete with them for wins and champion ships is uh is is pretty special too yeah I was My Own Worst Enemy uh as you know I lived down in Charlotte for 27

Years and it wasn’t until like right around now now I’m 60 and I look back and I said man I was so damn hard on myself uh that leads me to this Pensky racing is such an incredible organization well oiled machine is there anybody in Pensky racing to talk to I

Mean I understand that we’re all tough guys you know but you know there’s Sports Therapy you you all work out you’re in the Sim you know there’s all this new technology uh do do you drivers at Pinsky all of you even on the Indie Car Side do they have a sports

Psychologist uh or you know I mean I hear you’re one of your best friends you know Bubba Wallace he talks about that or do you are you just that strong you don’t need anybody no I I I I think everyone kind of uses someone different right there is a great

Guy that we use um that I’ve personally used throughout the years and um he those people really help you out you know I feel like I think that’s important you know somebody talk to yeah you know and and good or bad you know me and you know this guy I talked

To you know I I always point out the bad right because it’s how do you work on it right how do you work on the bad you can talk about the good stuff all day long great you’re doing good in this area and this area but it’s like all right here’s

Where I struggle and he’s here’s where he sees that I struggle and he thinks I can do better and it’s like all right well let’s go to work on those and sometimes that’s not fun right it’s not fun pointing out things you don’t do well but it’s like if you don’t address

Those things you’re going to continue to do those things poorly so he’s been amazing um his name’s Jeremy who you know has really helped me out um you know he sits down with me and and Jonathan hasser my crew chief you know you know a good bit and just just talk

It out and and it’s it’s good it just gets you in a different mindset you know and um I think it’s healthy it’s healthy if especially if you’re in a a grueling sport to where you’re on go all the time and it can get the ups and downs and

Your emotions are everywhere like it’s and I also think it’s easier as you get older to like accept those things and not be as hard on yourself um get a little more mature but uh yeah I think that stuff’s important to do and I think everyone kind of has their own guy or

Somebody like that to uh who helps them out along the way I think they’ve been around for years and I think they’ve been hidden I don’t think anybody’s ever talked about him uh I came up in an era where you know Dale Senor was a badass

And Rusty was and they were all trying to show their strength and Jimmy Spencer once said to me he said I could have never been as good as Rusty and Senior because they were stronger mentally and you know I did some TV was Spencer and I looked at him and I

Thought you know he he’s right and and I never thought I would hear that come out of a tough guy like Spencer but he said Dale senior and Rusty were just mentally stronger you could never break them they were like Boulders and I want to thank

You for just sharing that because I mean I hear all the drivers talk about it and uh I wish I would have had somebody like that that I could have talked to yeah and I think everyone’s different right like yeah Dale and Rusty those those folks who can do that they’re a

Different breed of people oh yeah right you know like and some people are like that you know and do some people have that mentality who can just man they’re they’re just mentally tougher than everybody else and and even nowadays you know all the cup guys now I think there

Are a couple who are just mentally tougher than everybody else um but you just have that you know that’s just personalities and everyone’s mentals a little bit differently than someone else’s but uh yeah I mean you you you watch Dale and Rusty like you can’t get

In those guys heads right I mean they would get into your head and it’s just an advantage that they had and it’s just with their demeanor of how they went about you know their Sport and um it obviously benefited them very well throughout their throughout their careers I’m laughing because my response

To what you just said is I remember myself at do I’m looking in the mirror and I could see that black number three coming soon as he got to me I just pulled over let him go yeah because he only gave you like a straightway right

You know there was none of this well I was GNA pull over in one more laugh I you know just he he taught us that and I tell people I said listen nhart was the man I said but it got easier on him because he taught us all if you don’t

Pull over he gonna wreck you right right exactly uh so here you are the 2023 NASCAR champion you are the most incredible Dynamic perfect demographic you’re a good-look man you’re 30 years old and Nascar has just got to be s elevating that got to be going oh my God

Oh my God this is it now it it’s out in public they realize they’re playing catchup they built this building across from the Concord Regional Airport I’ve been on them I talked to Ben kennedy down in in ke arer we were both down there about a month ago he

Said Herman I like your show and that made me happy but the next thing is is okay when are you going to start putting these d driver faces out there so I feel like you’re the Marquee guy now Nascar has announced we’re going to put these drivers faces out there because we can’t

Get the sponsors to do it very much although I did see manard use you in a commercial so where is Nascar right now developing you as the 2023 NASCAR champion are they using you yeah you know I feel like they’ve been doing a good job you know and especially

Recently I feel like they’ve made a bigger commitment to doing that right and um and that’s great I mean that comes from Ben that comes from Steve Phelps um I think it comes from a lot of different people who who want to push these drivers and it’s it’s the right

Time to do it right I mean what a perfect time I mean we they just signed a new TV contract you’re bringing in you know a couple different partners uh on the TV side and streaming side um so they’ve done a great job we have a lot

Of stuff planned soon this year uh for me that I’m really excited about can’t talk about it right now but I’m excited about it uh so yeah I think they’ve done a good job and I’ve always been somebody who’s always been open to doing it you

Know I’ve I’ve wanted to do this stuff because it’s all it’s pushing the sport but it’s also helping you out you know it’s getting your face out there it’s a win-win for everybody like you know I’ve never understood the people who don’t want to do anything and maybe okay I can

Understand maybe it’s just that your personality and and whatever but I’ve just always been somebody who’s been open to this stuff and wanting to do it and don’t get me wrong I’ll say no to a lot of stuff but you have to say yes to a good amount of things that they come

Up with because that’s how working together you know goes right okay yes I’ll do this you know it’s G to help the sport and it’s also going to help me and let’s you know continue to grow together because I want to be in this sport for a

Long time and if the Sport’s healthy I’m going to be happy too right you don’t want to be you know you don’t want the sport to not do well and and you’re involved in it right you want everything to operate well and it to grow and be

Big and reach different audiences is so they have some great things in the pipeline for me and uh I definitely want to do all the stuff that they want because you know yeah you’re representing the sport this year as the champion of the previous year and I

Think it’s it’s part of your duty to to do that stuff Dale erard Jr bragged on you about what you just said he noticed that you were like that early flying out to California doing some sitcoms now on the other hand I don’t want to say the name or names but I have

Watched drivers lose their ride and they’re in the cab bir seat cup drivers kept saying no to golf tournaments for their sponsors and they lost their ride uh I like what you’re doing and like golf okay you look at golf um you know it’s all about etiquette and golf golf is about history

And promoting the sport you know it gave golf gave you know Tiger Woods so much but yet there he is with his son so I like it that you think that way because look at what Nascar is given us uh did you learn that from anybody or did you

Just did anybody talk to you um I think I was I was fortunate at a young age to be around dad when he was part of the sport you know I grew up around it um I watched all this stuff I watched you know I was lucky to see a lot of things

As a young kid cuz dad was in it like got to see how race shops operated I got to see how race weekends kind of operated and flowed um I got to see all the outside stuff from it you know sponsorship stuff you know opportunities that you know sponsors or NASCAR is

Willing to give drivers um or drivers that go out and push for this stuff right so I think I just had an appreciation for it as a young kid and um it’s really weird because I’ve always been kind of a shelled personality um and it took me a while to kind of get

Out and and be comfortable doing this stuff um but but yeah I think it was a lot of just growing up around it and and understanding it and um so I think that was just kind of mentally embedded in me when I was a kid so uh obviously I’m

Offc centered but I’m all there and you’re everybody that hangs around you tells them you’re witty you’re fun we see the pictures of you dressing up for Halloween so I mean so you’re you’re you’re there to have fun yeah yeah you know I try to you have time at I’ve

Always like people ask me you know I feel like it’s important to turn it on and off you have to you have to know when to do that right you have to have fun with everything but it’s ALS there’s also serious time right to where you’re

Doing your job and right so it’s it’s able it’s being able to flip a switch right and um I think that’s really important now you know because all the even at track like before we get in the race car to go race all right here is my sponsor and partner shaking hands

Face and you have fun with those people and you show them a good time but as soon as you’re on Pit Road ready to go national anthem goes I mean you flip a switch right it’s compete mode now and um I think that’s just part of it you

Know that’s that’s how you do it and um at least that’s how I’ve I’ve always just kind of looked at it being able to turn it on and off and know what what your role is at what point right so you can’t be funny and all the time uh you

Know and Whimsical all the time you have to know when it’s time to get serious when you’re doing your job but yeah at other times you got to be relaxed and and have fun so I um I drove for Felix sabatus and uh he told me he was trying

To find his karaoke records because him and Roger Pinsky you know 20 years ago they they’d go on their yacht and they’d get out in the middle of the ocean and they’d have a good time they caraoke and I said Roger so you’re right uh you know

It gets very intense and U I like that so January 30th now this is this is one or two days old what I’m going to ask you about uh Netflix uh now let me say this when you were a kid a baby I did NASCAR 360 and it was incredible and when they

Stopped that well first of all I was like you know Kenny Wallace and you do this and then after I did NASCAR 360 I was getting shears like I was Dale Jr with this January 30th release of Netflix now you know and Dale Jr says on Twitter yesterday that he likes that

They’re they really went inside number one are you are you part of this and what do you think of it yeah I’m big part of it um good there was I think there was a handful of drivers that they really followed in their personal life too um it was like me and

Chastain and Denny and a couple other guys I think and and they followed us around I mean yeah JN and I they came to our house a few times you know on camera and just kind of what’s your what’s your week like you know what are you doing a lot of behind the-scenes

Stuff and and uh I was pretty open to him you know like okay yeah come on in film you know because I was trying to look at the big picture of like all right how is this gonna look when they put it out because it’s a big opportunity you know a Netflix crew

Coming in there we obviously everyone knows how big Netflix is right and um you know I thought it was a cool inside look at the sport at track away from track the behind the scenes things and I think it just it can reach a broad audience and I’m looking I I I think

It’s going to be great um obviously it’s it’s great being the champion of that show that’s gonna be even better um but yeah just some of the behind the scenes stuff that they did um that they’re going to put out there I can’t wait for

Everyone to see it and um I I I definitely I don’t normally watch shows that I’m in just because that’s just I don’t want to watch myself but uh I’m probably going to have to tune in on this one because uh I think is going to be really unique and I’m excited for

What people think about it I really feel like NASCAR is getting it right right now you know there’s an old saying it’s hard to win them all and uh you know I’ve talked with Steve Phelps I’ve shared my feelings with him and and I feel like back in the day we we relied

On the brand Winston we relied on our sponsors uh to do all this and now we find NASCAR that themselves having to do some of this leg work um I feel like when the fans watch this Netflix you know these specials that they’re going to be able

To you know love the sport more I’m I’m looking for fans to love NASCAR more after they watch Netflix what what do you think that how the fans will react I hope they enjoy it I I think it’s going to give a great Insight of it you know I

And like you said at the start of that statement was you know NASCAR is doing it right and I think they are right now they’re pushing really hard of of growth and NASCAR is what they’ve been doing a great job I’ve even seen it from the

Start of my cup career how they’ve been progressing to the heights that they’re at now and it just it it grinds my gears a little bit when people just say oh the Sport’s just going downhill it’s going downhill like what what are you talking about it’s going uphill it’s it’s just

It’s rapidly going uphill and uh in a in the negative world that we live in I guess you’re gonna have that all the time but um I I think they’re doing a great job and and I feel like that’s NASCAR’s job right you have to push your

Athletes right I think that’s any League or you know Association you know NBA NFL MLB that’s your job to push your athletes and promote them right like the teams and sponsors right they have their role too but as a as far as like getting all of your drivers out there as a whole

That is the organization’s role right and and in this case it’s NASCAR and they’ve taken on the challenge and they’ve done a good job and I’m excited to see the heights that it’s going to continue to grow to um so it’s it’s been I’ve been really fortunate to be a part

Of it at a great time to where it’s really on a great rise right now and you can you hope you can do what you can to help that out I’m thinking to myself how lucky and excited I am to interview have this conversation with you because somewhere

In me I feel like I think this is the first time I’ve interviewed a 30-year-old NASCAR clup champion and I’m thinking to myself how old was Ryan when we didn’t have social media and here’s where I’m going with this and I want you to respond people are at the racetracks

Right now let’s say Phoenix with that awesome infield area where the fans are drinking they’re hooting and hollering they’re having a time of their life and then somebody gets on social media and says I don’t like ncar this race is boring in the meanwhile the people that

Are at the racetrack are having the time of their life yep so in my day we hardly had social media and I feel like you’re the first driver Champion to maybe you know get this success and see this what is your thought about what I just

Said yeah you know I the social media world I’ve always said there’s uh social media can be amazing but social media can be very very bad as well um for multiple reasons right um but I feel like the people who I see on on the internet who are like this is boring yada

Yada get your they’ve never been to a race before in their life I don’t think I I don’t think I mean really don’t and or they’re just a negative person and they like complaining about everything um so I you know you have to go and experience this stuff and nowadays it’s

Not just a race anymore there is so much so many things to do throughout the weekend if you come to the race from Friday to Sunday there’s things going on there’s racing on track there’s practice there’s concerts going on there’s places you can take your kids and go have fun

Like you just mentioned the new Phoenix infield is amazing um and everyone’s doing know tala just put in a couple years ago the brand new uh entertainment space in the garage area Richmond did the same thing you know and so you’re seeing this Atlanta’s working on it

Right now you know so there’s a there’s a part you have to you’re making it an experience not only a race and I feel like that’s what makes people more excited uh to go to these events and that’s what that’s with every sport I feel like nowadays every sport every

Ballpark stadium in America they’re building towns around the ballparks for things for people to do before you go to the game or after you the game yeah you know and it’s that’s good that’s fun it makes it even even better experience I think staying right in line with that uh

Marcus Smith uh he owns SMI Speedway Motorsports Incorporated which will remind the fans that SMI which is Marcus Smith he owns Bristol Charlotte you know runs the coda race owns the Texas Motor Speedway on and on he calls me about a year ago and says Herman I want you to fire that NASCAR

Race day deal back up but we’re not going to use any TV and uh so we’ve done it and it’s it’s been an incredible hit uh you were there yep at something we were trying at at Texas we had you in the infield and we did something new there

Uh but Bristol’s Bristol and all these other tracks it’s you know we got 5,000 people out there what do you think about Marcus bringing the legendary show back without National TV but you see the F the fans get their cars parked and they come listen to you you’re you’re the one

That makes it popular yeah you know I think Marcus has done a great job of uh you know of doing things at the racetracks that he owns you know whether it’s you know throwing dirt on Bristol the RO right I mean those are competition sides but like the you know

Like you said the stage and fan experiences you know where you have drivers up there talking you know you you up there as well you know I forget who else was up there with us in Texas but John Roberts yeah yeah and and I feel like it’s it’s great you know it

Gives fans access to talking to these people and uh it just shows them hey and this was like it was on race day right like it was you were there I was impressed so like you know hey I’m about to get in the car in a few hours and

You’re asking me about the race what do I think of it what can fans expect you know it’s just a good little insight of of what to look forward to you know for the next couple hours and and uh understanding what the driver’s mindset is before we jump in these cars because

Everyone’s a little different but uh it’s just those little tiny pieces that people who aren’t immediately involved in the sport like not on a race team or things like that they get to know you know okay I wonder how they do this how do they prepare themselves it’s fun to

To give that information out to people these fans are coming to the RAC tracks now uh they can listen to you before the race Chase Elliott all these drivers so much to do well as we kind of come to the end here it’s like we’re starting

All over again uh we’ve been going for almost an hour already and here we are 2024 and you are getting ready to head out to uh the LA Coliseum celebrate three years of racing inside the LA Coliseum I believe the the NASCAR Mexican series is going to race with you

All separately U what are you looking forward to uh as the year gets ready to fire off here within weeks yeah it’s it’s here before you know it you know I feel like just yesterday we were wrapping up Phoenix and and things like that and boom you know we had to La here

In a few weeks and uh yeah I mean I’m excited to go back to LA I think people have really enjoyed that it’s great that the the NASCAR Mexico series is going to be out there with us competing um I think that’s that’s going to be really

Really great um yeah I mean there’s a lot of lot of cool things i’ I’m excited for this year um you know I feel like this the schedule has been it’s different laid out in a way to where it’s it’s been pretty unique brist a lot later yeah Bristol’s a lot later the

Playoffs are there there’s some different races in there uh you know two super Speedways in the playoffs I call Atlanta Super Speedway because it is now yeah that’s a little different that’s going to be a little interesting um but yeah I think it’s I don’t know I’m just

Looking forward to defending our title I mean that’s that’s like the biggest thing trying to get three in a row for Pensky uh is gonna be fantastic good point yeah so that’s so you know we have the rare opportunity to do that so I know we’re going to be trying hard at

Our group but yeah just just trying to get everything back going I’m excited to you know we don’t test anymore yeah really that much in the offseason I did the Phoenix test about a month ago but um I Miss uh I miss the sounds of the

Racetrack I miss the smells um you know and you just miss strapping into your race car so all that stuff I enjoy like a month of off season yeah and then I get antsy man I I get ready to go and and just want to go compete again so uh

Yeah it’ll be here before you know it that’s for sure I didn’t think I’d ever talk about this but you bring up something really good and make you see my smile uh that rubber smell that we’ve smelt our whole lives the brakes burning yeah that’s kind of cool ain’t it yes it

Was it was it’s been my favorite smell ever since I was a kid it’s it’s a it’s a smell you can’t you can’t replicate no you know I uh remember that TV ad with the cologne the burnt rear with Good Year oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I wish

They would have actually made that cologne and captured that smell I really wish I would wear it all day that smell yeah I thought it’ be great that might be a good million-dollar idea we should come up try to find that smell and sell it as a cologne or even a perfume I

Think would be uh would be nice but yeah I just that’s a smell that all Racers love you know and and they can’t get enough of it and um it’s easy to miss that’s for sure well Ryan blay you you’re incredible uh congratulations 30 years old won the 2023 NASCAR

Championship got engaged uh the sun is shining uh you need sunglasses right because as the cliche says your your future is so bright you got to wear shades and listen everybody uh we are in podcast form now and uh you can listen to Ryan on your way to

Work and it’s so long that you turn it right back on and listen to it when you go home you can find this Spotify iTunes and Charlie says we’re really showing up now on podcast so Ryan thank you so much of course man it’s uh I was excited when

He texted me asking me to come on because I I love uh I loved all your stuff uh on Twitter you know your videos after races and stuff I I I watched larsson’s interview with you on this you know so I was I was super happy you

Asked me so thank you hopefully we can do it again sometime hey hold on okay the show’s over but now you just you just did something I got to get your comment please comment on Kyle lson just cannot get enough of racing I love it oh

Man he’s going to do the double uh so he’s going to run the Indie 500 and he’s going to run the C 600 and here we are early in the winter and he’s running V and he’s on a plane and he’s over to the chili bow this guy’s incredible I mean

He’s a he’s an animal I don’t you know I mean it’s unbelievable it’s unbelievable I mean you I think everyone will agree that I think he is arguably if not the best racer out there right now I mean the most well-rounded guy I mean who

Else can go jump from a cup car win races go jump in a [ __ ] go win races compete at the Chili Bowl go jump in a 410 Sprint car and win races the guy is unbelievable his talent is endless it was tons of fun racing him for the

Championship because I have I have so much respect for Kyle I mean how can you not for what he does and he’s a good guy too so I couldn’t do that personally I mean that’s another gear that he has and and uh you want to look at somebody who

Loves racing you got to look at Kyle Larson so uh yeah I’m I just saw he was yeah going to the Chili Bowl because I thought he wasn’t going to run it and then couldn’t take it he couldn’t take it couldn’t take it so uh I’m going to

Be watching that’s for sure and um it’s going to be a good one yeah all right everybody we’ll leave it right there and remember the Kenny conversation just keeps on rolling uh until next time see y’all later see you


  1. Kenny, you are the man. No matter who you choose to interview on your program & no matter who you have on going forward, it can only get better after this one.

  2. Kenny, you bring the best out of the drivers you interview. Great job bud. Love your show. Also coffee with Kenny is one of my favorites!

  3. Congratulations on the Ryan Blaney interview!! I'm still holding out hope that you will have on Chastain for a Kenny conversion one day!

  4. Great interview Kenny loved it and also what Ryan said about ALL the NEGATIVE NANCY'S that Nascar is going downhill? Been watching since 1989 and I agree with Ryan that Nascar is doing ALL they can to keep it exciting I have been to the Championship Race in Phoenix the last three year's.

  5. Great interview, I’m a little bit more of a R Blaney fan! Separate thought, How about some of the ladies behind the scenes! Claire B, Jamie Little, Kelley E… They bring a lot to the sport and really are making a difference from the seats of their respective roles.

  6. I'm happy for Ryan. He's a pretty laid back guy. He and his team sure peaked at the right time. Thanks Herm !

  7. What really set the Raceday show for me was , at the Roval 2 hours before the race AJ was on stage with Herm cutting jokes on what he’d do if he won , just for hours later AJ wins the roval. Knowing that AJ was 20 feet in front of me cool as could be pre race then he went out and did , I’m a hugeeee Blaney fan great to hear his insight on the sport , you rock Herm, (shoulda passed dale at dega in ‘00) 🏁💪🏼

  8. You killed it again Herman. I grew up here in Ohio. Watched the Blaney's race from Lou on down. I still have season tickets at Sharon Speedway. His grandpa would definitely be proud.

  9. YRB, I believe, can be very, very good for our sport, that is, IF NASCAR takes advantage of his personality. He said it here. He's willing to do what ever it takes.
    Let's look back at our last three champions: Chase Elliott (see my avi) is my man. But when it comes to out going personalities he just isn't there. Yet. He reminds me of how Dale Jr was before Amy, and Steve Letarte came into his life. Introvert. Maybe with age!?
    Kyle Larson is a good guy. Once in a generation racing talent but still is lacking when it comes to fan appeal.
    Joey Logano, outside of the car he seems to be one of the friendliest guys around. But, when he gets behind the wheel!! Oh my word….. I, being one, fans just don't like Joey and his take no prisoner attitude.
    Ryan though, and even though he can be a hot head in the car, he's not a dirty driver. I haven't heard anybody, drivers included, that don't like him. I'm really looking forward to see what he'll be able to accomplish in the 2024 season.

    Oh, and Alex Bowman is another driver, who has one of the funniest, self-deprecating, dry personalities that would be perfect for NASCAR to promote. I love me some AB.

  10. Nascar champion, 12 hours later, 3k views. Nascar is so dead, its not even funny anymore. Had a mediocre season, won the last race, and hes proud of it lol. What an embarrassment to what was once a great sport

  11. That hour seemed like five minutes let’s do it again 😀thanks boys now let’s go racin🏁🏁🏁

  12. Love your Nascar podcasts Blaney is my new favorite driver since dale jr and Harvick retired and all time favorite is dale Earnhardt and I've followed each of Blaneys career wins 🏆 😀

  13. I understand how Ryan feels I was the youngest in my family and my Youngest niece's grandpa also had Alzheimer's and she regrets not knowing him before that time

  14. NASCAR 360 was the best. That’s how I became a Harvick fan – watching him play pranks on DeLana’s dad. I miss SPEED channel. They had so many good shows. Then I went to XM. Please have Claire B on. She has awesome stories and this might be a safe place for her to let us know what happened. Bigger mistake than putting playoff football on streaming

  15. A large segment of your audience (including me) are racers/former racers/gearheads.
    With that said, one of my favorite people on this Earth is Jeffrey Thousand (Penske employee for over 40 years) and he told me how impressed he was with Ryan when he was the test team driver.
    I wish you had developed this aspect in your interview.
    He logged so many laps in Penske cars long before he was a "driver" for Penske – he put in the work. I think people would appreciate that aspect of his story even more…
    Example – " Ryan, what was it like to spend all those laps in those cars that others would race and win in?" " Did you wonder if you'd ever get a shot?"
    Dave Marcis is another of the few who could articulate those feelings, but he was already a "driver".
    Thanks for doing these shows – they are needed.

  16. ryan blaney PAPER CHAMPION wouldnt had a chance if wasnt running for pensky who in fact got a penality removed….he makes me puke!

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