Golf Players

QnCOLB #17 – SAME ol BAKER? IT’s PAT? 49ers COOKED? ravens kinda good low key







PR Than Friend Come Is E C For On We got a special guest Curtis here today I I forgot to check if Curtis mic work Curtis make sure your mic work oh it’s good it’s good okay yeah your [ __ ] working your [ __ ] working all right I’m just making sure it work on the thing uh

But this is q and code yeah I we gonna talk about cat y’all I we going to get the cat I promise you you go get we going to get the cat we going to get to these Baker jokes all of this stuff we going to get to but the

First thing that I have listed out is well let’s just talk about cat man let’s get it out the way man let’s hey people requested this bro people requested this they want we was going to talk about the Ravens and cheese and everything n we talking about

Cat all right all right Co set us up set us up man set us up tell tell the people who might not know why it is that we try to talk about this right now all right all right all right all right so last night the 18th anniversary

Of when Kobe Bryant scored 81 points shout out Kobe shout out me me Jo Jo wow Laker fan making this about Kobe oh hey look the anniversary it is what it is but anniversary so like 81 backwards are you done that’s poetic anyway Joel andb scored 70 points

And we was all happy we was like yeah man good for Joel he broke will Chamberlain’s record the team for 76ers was like good for yeah same time and yeah they won they won W Wy Wy got his first uh welcome to the league moment

He had 30 but when the other dude gets 70 what can you do what can you do plus minus wasn’t great he he can’t even do the aho like n man bro got 70 bro had to do the pat bath the pat B at the pr I promise you we

Try Pat B Lou Williams we did everything I promise you but what’s crazy is you would think like a player getting 70 is just insane in and of itself at the same time we checking the other scores cat got like cat got like 45 at halftime he got like 5 Rivals right I

Would say they Rivals but you they got a little they got a little animosity maybe a little bit but we like dang people two people might get two people might get 70 in the same night that’s like history that’s like that’s crazy so you

So you know I flip I flip you know I don’t watch too many temper wvs games but I’mma tune in for this cat you know cat hooping you know what I’m saying I’m tune in fourth quarter comes along oh yeah cat got like 62 so you know he

Probably cut towards the end of the quarter so you know he not going to get 70 but he got a 60 ball you know what I’m saying I watched Chris Finch is the head coach of the Minnesota Timberwolves the on SE Timberwolves right who are down to the Charlotte

Hornets even though cat has [Laughter] 62 hey you know what he excuse me wait wait wait what Carl Anthony had 6 two points and they are losing to the Charlotte Hornets so you’re telling me Carl Anthony TOS is doing something statistically impressive but only to Carl Anthony tows

Like is that that what you telling me right now that Carl tows was out here balling and they losing yeah yeah yeah losing losing to the I don’t even think the horners are in the playin in the East right now I don’t even think they’re they’re our playing Team they’re Lottery team yeah

They’re a lottery team they’re bad yeah I watch think the Cavs beat him by like 20 a couple weeks ago I’m pretty sure they did he benched cat at the end of the game because they needed to get a stop and they were going on to lose they

Were going to lose the game he benched cat because they needed to get a stop to get a stop had to bench the man with 62 points cat cat is the most seven foot for no [ __ ] reason ass manad I’ve ever seen SE in my life you big for no

Reason dog like don’t let you when you hoop at the wreck and you and you get a big man who just ain’t doing none of the big man [ __ ] don’t that make you the most furious that you can ever be on the basketball court it’s like you are 66 at

This [ __ ] wreck where everybody else 510 Max and you not getting no rebounds that’s that’s C and C was getting rebounds I think he had 15 of them [ __ ] bches you know what’s crazy though they had liability oh they had opportunity to had opportunity to tie the game so they came

To ball the cat he was on the Block he tried to turn around they they to be fair I’m pretty sure they fouled the [ __ ] out of but they just blocked it I was like I was like bro this so unfair it’s so unfair to C the chat saying he shot the lead

[Laughter] away oh no oh cat cat I looked at that box like he went 10 to 15 from three damn hey hey you know what’s crazy and we was talking about it before we came off how you how you got 62 and your plus

Minus at the G the game zero Hey chat is on his ass my gu Adam said he had an NBA record 44 points in the first half and shot them out the [ __ ] game hey Q you know what I said after that game was over I was like this how

NBA Twitter narratives this is how NBA Twitter narratives stick [ __ ] like this stuff like this is why I was like Justin Herbert is NFL cat like NFL Carl Anthony TOS like it’s stuff because what did you expect something like this for the Chargers that’s who the Chargers were

This year they were classic cat like classic cat like there was a part of all of us when we saw that cat had 44 in the first half have and we all kind of do how’s cat going to make us not respect this like how how’s cat going to make us find

A way not to respect this amazing athletic performance he’s going to do and he found a way like that’s the thing about cat cat can do some impressive stuff and you still not g to take it serious because he’s cat he gonna do some [ __ ] but yeah that makes

Sense Co would would you describe what 63 points and having to get take it out because your team has a better chance when you win it on the bench uh what you describe that is pretty much like Poetic to cat’s whole career it’s so crazy bro because it’s

Like he’s not a bad player at all bro he’s not he’s not bad like he’s really not bad he’s actually really he’s really talented offensively it’s just that like one of the most talented offensive players of Our Generation like he’s he’s probably the best shooting big in the league not even

Probably he is the best league according to Carl TOS yeah he he shouldn’t have said that but hey hey who you know at 7 foot one splatting 10 threes also who you know at 7 foot one shooting 15 threes dog 15 he he be hit though he be

Hit he be his though you 15 threes he and on one hand it’s impressive that he got to 10 makes it is it’s really impressive on the other hand it should never happened that a man his size should shoot 15 to the most like 50 that’s nuts that’s that’s why he

Gotta get taken off the court you gotta think about it he play with rud he plays with Rudy goar so he has he’s gonna be on the perimeter like he has they need the space they need space why does he play with Rudy Gober Cove then we don’t

Ever answer that question why does he play with Rudy go it’s not like it just happened to him why does he have to play with Rudy go there somebody gotta play defense bro he’s the most useless seven-footer of all time he would literally be a better player if he was

Six foot F like he’s the only NBA player you would say hey if he were smaller he’d be better it’s Carl towns because the thing about Carl towns he Bigg as [ __ ] and he can’t do none of the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] like he can’t they posted him

Up on that block try to get easy bucket one with aat splat couldn’t finish through contact that’s cat that’s cat right there hey hey K guard you got 27 Footers and you got to bench one of them to guard the rim that’s nuts that’s nuts that’s absolutely insane but that’s cat

That’s cat the most you there has there ever been a player in NBA history like yo they would be much better if they were smaller like you look at cat like if cat were a two guard it would make sense it would be better if they’re Smaller I ain’t never looked at sha and been like damn man what a shack was 65 honestly dog I can’t think of any top you got anybody who who’s ever made you feel like hey dog he need to give this hyp to somebody like you know who needs

This hyp PJ Tucker give them extra five inches to PJ Tucker so we get going like whoa this why we can’t do the show live no more man we can’t do the show live hey hey Chad that wasn’t crazy that was crazy I’m just talking about basketball yeah’s let’s not stop talking

About Charles Barkley don’t get real why hey if if Charles Barkley were seven foot he’d have a ring all I’m saying all I’m saying dog Carl Anthony toes is everything Charles Barkley is not and does not stand like I want to know what Charles Barkley says in between the commercial breaks

About cat I know him and shaqi having some crazy conversation cracking on him crazy hey Charles Charles when it comes to guys I know could have play in my era Carl cat cat we would have got that hand work like they they be talking all kind of crazy [ __ ] he’s

Just soft you know CH be like CH be laughing what you say [Laughter] Shaq he would C would have got benched in an 9 so fast like he would have took one three off the [ __ ] Court dog get him off the court oh man oh man

Oh my goodness but yes that he’s a waste of height it is a man who is not the tallest I look at him as a disgrace that’s why I don’t like cat so much I’m like dog you got all this height and you trying to kick it like me like what are

You doing what are you doing damn I here hooping like Kyrie at seven foot what the what is this cat what is it why are you shooting like Klay Thomson oh man tell me who you respect least cat or somebody you play a basketball with that shoots a three and

Shouts cat as they shoot the three like what if you ran into a cat stand in real life let’s be real nobody nobody’s nobody shouting out Cat when they shoot I’m pretty sure there some soft talk no there’s some soft T kid in Minnesota that’s out there playing uh wreck

Basketball Lifetime Fitness and he’s like cat every time he shoots a three nobody’s I bet you I bet no I don’t think no no no way there’s no way damn man so you say so you say cat one of them ones that Jayla Rose was talking about in that

Documentary hey man hey man we got to talk about we hey you don’t know what I’m talking about search jayen Rose Duke okay hey B B if you don’t know if you don’t know what B is chat just looking up on Urban Dictionary what do you mean

That’s that’s from the TV show Atlanta it’s the Black American [Laughter] Network hey hey no dog that’s nuts he got 63 points still can’t get no respect like what else can cat do this is why I want what else can cat do that we would not respect him for because he got 63

Points and like yeah but he had a neutral plus minus it’s crazy bro it’s it’s it’s like you know how hard it is to have a neutral plus minus when you got bro if you get 40 your plus minus should be crazy it a like like I would understand if like

This happened and Joel was on the other team and went for 70 no no no he got a neutral plus minus off the combined efforts of Miles Brides a rookie Brandon Brandon Miller Brandon Miller some name PJ okay like like that that’s the front court

That abused Cat by the way there were no Setters in that description it was all scoring fours like maybe Bridges is more of a more of a big but none of those like my man played point guard in Alabama man like Brandon Miller and that was still too much for cat doll

His coach lowkey called him a stat patter at the end of the game he’s like we just we just can’t play we can’t play that Brandon basketball hey no no this don’t make no sense how big is Brandon Miller he’s like 68 and like 200 pounds right like

He’s not very big 68 probably like 215 yeah around that height okay so 68 25 yeah that’s what we have here okay 67 six7 how tall is how big is cat cat is seven foot 280 how does he not how does he defend he is like how is he such a good

Offensive player but then on defense he turn he turns into Robin Lopez like I don’t understand this [ __ ] dog oh and then the most flagrant thing was that people were like putting out that tweet of uh Magic Johnson talk about the Olympic team practice and he’s

Like uh after Joel got that 70 uhuh Carl you better get him [Laughter] back oh man oh my God oh [ __ ] hey man man shout out to uh quiny Isaiah who played Magic Johnson on winning Tom because he has the same like don’t you be watching like yeah that that’s he got

That same just a magic face on like all the time he like [ __ ] be going wrong he be like oh he don’t nobody look more perplexed when the mood gets bad than Magic Johnson in real life and on that show like that is nuts to me like he

Nailed that I it’s the greatest acor performance I’ve ever see he got the magic like oh y’all y’all not happy right now face on like I haven’t seen that since he left the [Laughter] Lakers oh man you know what’s crazy you know it’s crazy when people wanted us to

Talk about cat they say ESPN to put out a graphic that was saying cat versus Brandon Miller come on bro come on bro won Brandon Miller won we out here more impressed with the 27 points that Brandon Miller got instead of your 62 hey hey shout out to cat

Man hey you can’t you can’t shout out that man after everything we just said hey no cause you know what man it’s the middle of January the Brown’s already been eliminated we try to find things to talk about on this show and you know who always come Ste cat like

Always always we need some [ __ ] to talk about here come cat all right that’s who I like hey since we talk about basketball real quick real quick real quick we gotta talk about it we gotta talk about it why the hell is Tristan Thompson taking peeds to play 14 minutes a game

Hey it’s been the best 14 minutes he’s given a team since 2016 dog that’s why you know what the crazy thing is is during that Paris game when he got into altercation with I think it was cam Thomas and I saw him bump into Cam Thomas and cam Thomas fold I’m like that

Don’t look like Tristan man like there’s no way there’s no way way little aggressive so aggressive for he like damn man I a never seen Tristan like this like hey you know what Tristan and when you get back lay low for a little bit but if we play the Nicks again

Brother we going to have to you going to have to get back on that sawce or whatever the [ __ ] you was what is SAR what is s a RM what does that even mean I thought he had Corona virus I was I was like damn they still enforce a

Protocol like that 25 games that’s nuts where’s Aaron Rogers when you need him come on man come on yeah yeah yeah man Tristan got caught that is some designer stuff dog like hey he on that new D he took he taking Peds to shoot four baby hooks a game hey

Man hey no no no no he get the four rebounds too now the four rebounds he be boxing out I’m like bro what is this what is this hey man he got to stay in the league that is a man who realized he was one Bad season away from being a

Permanent member of keeping it with the Kardashians when [ __ ] that show was called out like he was one one from having his own reality show he was like I got to stay in the league at least one more man Cleveland the best place to

Make it work he put in them cars man and look shout out to Tristan because he Ain get caught doing some regular [ __ ] he got caught doing like what I would assume is is the designer of steroids right like that is that’s not no [ __ ]

You could just get at the mall like dog like that’s some you got to know some people I bet he had to go to Germany to get that illegal [ __ ] like that don’t seem like no regular stuff like man he just you know he probably just hit up a

Former teammate you know what I’m saying he probably just hit a performing teammate you know get the plug you know had had to get never play with Kobe you know who he did play with dear Fox anyway Baker Mayfield oh man we not gonna do that we not g do oh wait they said Terry Rosier only had 11 against cat got [Laughter] traded you only got 11 against cat get the [ __ ] out of here dog you sorry even for the Hornets TI the straight up to Miami that’s way way

Better I want to know what that [ __ ] talk sounded like when cat was going off like we talk about Pat Mahomes having some of the funniest soundest [ __ ] talk of all time but we know Carl was in there like yeah I’m like that get off of me too

Small hey hey you think he called himself big Pur think you call Big [Laughter] Pur he call himself big kitty big kitty go per every time he shoot do oh man oh no oh hey man cat C how how is cat this supposed to be in some way the success

Of the kg like how did the same franchise that gave us Kevin Garnett give us Carl Anthony towns and me I remind you there was a point in time where Kevin Garnett was a part of that franchise wow was on the [ __ ] team like I just need to know what those

Interactions were like you know what’s really crazy if you look at the the top scoring performances in Timber worlds history cat has like the top three he’s a racing Kevin gett we GNA talk about Kevin gett as if he didn’t score points because of cat

Like hey I want look I bet Kevin Garett when he was working with the timle Wolves at the end of his career was going into that front office like I don’t understand these new dudes man I don’t understand these new dudes you got Andrew Wiggins and Cat around me

All the time like nah man and then Jimmy got there and Jimmy was like these new dudes are incredible athletes oh my goodness look at how they can score we gonna be nice and what what Jeff teag say three days into that [ __ ] he was like man these new dudes

Suck I need the ball oh man oh man damn cat appreciate you Mane that was a good way to start out the podcast you know what I mean like some nice cat slatter like good barbecue like it’s just you can’t have it every day right

You can’t have it every day but boy boy every when you get it it’s good and they say all the sides fixes oh yes this was a thank you Cat and like shout out to Joe for making this even funnier cuz like Joel and be got 70 points and

Nothing but respect like even though we know the Sixers about to fold in the second round of the playoffs like we know this [ __ ] so Co I got to ask you a question oh here go who what’s the bigger rivalry the Bills versus the second round or the 76ers versus the second

Round because it damn sure ain’t the Bills and Chiefs because the Chiefs always win it when it matters but you know who don’t ever win against the second round the and bills okay like this this cemented but this was the bills’ best chance to get out the second

Round and they didn’t do it to me it’s over with like it’s over with with taking the bill seriously even if they do get past the second round I’m like nah something gonna happen that’s where I’m with the bills it’s it’s over with because they got a massive cap hit from

Their quarterback on the way so that like this was this season was their best shot to try to make something happen yeah you you got a point there because after that game was over with I’m thinking to myself hey man you can’t run it back with this group

Concering the fact that you could have easily beaten this Chiefs team this Chiefs team was not nearly as good as they’ve been in previous years their offense is just Pat Mahomes Pacho Kelsey and Rashid rice and you couldn’t beat them and nvs was balling this one

Too don’t even put that man in that conversation anyway catching that ball finally finally he was saving it for the playoffs that’s what he was doing I told you dog like they gonna get it right they gonna get it right like they gonna start looking like the

Chiefs again in due time like I’m hoping that doesn’t happen but if you’re Buffalo you have to like think like extensively like you can’t run it back with this group because if you do what’s do you have any confidence in this group actually going forward because you have three players with huge

Cap hits Von Miller I don’t know why they gave him that big deal to begin with he was virtually non-existent and I think he was the same I ACL when V Miller walked on to that field I was like oh [ __ ] he not hurt for the year I

Thought he was out for the season his stats they posted his stats for the year and I was like man they no don’t nobody said people be treating miles Garrett like he like he did what Von Miller did this season like had no sacks I think he had like 14 tackles or

Something that’s something crazy he’s played all year I think he was not all year not all year but like he’s played enough where he shouldn’t have those stats damn it’s just when I watched him it was like man he doesn’t look healthy he looks kind of washed but he’s pretty

Old yeah he is old he’s like in his mid-30s but that was probably the one time they could have beaten the Chiefs that was their year to beat them because look if you can’t beat them at their worst you’re probably not gonna beat them at all you can’t so you know that

Was probably the most suffering fact for most Bills fans I’m like hey man we might just be ass and we can’t be the Chiefs if they’re like this like it’s probably the worst feeling in the world honestly they can’t even live that down Co when did the Clippers realize they

Were never getting out the second round like what year was it where the Clippers were like you know what dog we never doing it what what year what attempt was that was that attempt five man I don’t I don’t want to compare them to the clippers because we we know who

The Clippers are at the NFL it’s the Chargers so like like I don’t want to compare them to the Clippers it’s kind of they kind of remind me of the 76ers n yeah honestly I think because the 76ers do that same [ __ ] this year it’s done Joe’s gone everybody gone

Yeah like they remind me of the 76ers yeah they’re 76ers they can’t get out the second R they can’t do it and now it’s a [ __ ] thing like that’s the thing now now it’s a thing because last year you got dismantled by Cincinnati who we didn’t even think look that good

In the first round of the playoffs cuz they barely beat Tyler Huntley right okay so you get dismantled by them by the way at home last year you get beat by the Chiefs cuz you choke at home this year you lost to the Chiefs because you’re choked in Arrowhead two years

Before that well when the [ __ ] are we supposed to take this team serious like where what what indicates that Buffalo is going to get to the third round of this playoffs wa when Joe bur’s back like what’s going to happen next year CJ St is going to have another year

Under his belt Joe Burl’s going to be back the Browns are going to have Nick chub and maybe some stability at quarterback too like wh what what what is left for the Buffalo and Stefan digs been wanting to go since yesterday hey man that’s the biggest thing because hey you remember what Josh

Was looking like before Stefan got there now look I would think that some of that Josh is improved but yeah it’s not going to look great because you’re not about to get another Stefan digs unless you just pluck Justin Jefferson out and do the same [ __ ]

But it it it looks like it’s done for them like this was their best chance this was their absolute you’re the two seed you’re playing the weakest Kansas City team that I’ve been told has no shot to repeat or do anything that they have done before so like this is it this

Is this is It’s served on a golden PL this was the equivalent and I know that the Chargers are the are the Clippers but this was the equivalent of when the Clippers blew that 31 lead where it was like you know what dog it’s over I don’t

Care who you have on the [ __ ] team I’m never buying into you again that’s where I’m at with the bills it’s over I’m like they fumbled the ball they the chiefs were about to put this game away and they gave it back to the to Buffalo Bills and the Buffalo Bills could do

[ __ ] with it can we talk about I’m glad we’re talking about the game glad we’re talking about the game because I had something happened during the game that has bothered me since I saw it that [ __ ] fake punt to Demar H like this is a goddamn hey Shan MC tried to sh Shan

Mcder tried to win back to PR Wars I was like I was I like this is not this is not a Disney movie what in the [ __ ] are you doing put the ball put the ball I knew when they did that you I knew for a fact oh yeah they’re gonna lose they’re

Losing because they’re legitimately like what if some magic happens like that’s how beaten down they are by the second round of the playoffs is that they’re like hey man what if some magic happens [ __ ] it put in dear like that’s that’s what they’re down dear ain’t even that

Kind of athlete like I was I was sitting there so confused I was like did they did they just somebody said that the bills are the AFC Cowboys and I can’t even say that because like the Cowboys were like the best team in the

NFC or one of the best teams in the NFC all year we thought the bills were done halfway through the season and then they just kind of clawed back into it because the Dolphins kind of fumbled away their chance to win that division so and like they’re not even like the cowboy they’re

Just done like they’re done this was it this was their run they’re done instead of being the bills of the 90s that got to the Super Bowl four times and could have get over the hump they’re the bills of the 2020s which couldn’t get out the

Second round and just found ways to lose it like this is what the fourth time they’ve lost in second round I think so yeah I believe so yeah third or fourth yeah they got there with 2019 they gave up the this is how bad their playoff history has well how unfortunate their

Runs have been 2019 was the deshun Watson comeback which by the way if they if that iteration of the team lives through two deshun Watson losses hey dog I got nothing to [Laughter] do hey hey man that’s GNA be a crazy pod hey hey do we going be like

Hey damn man but if you see him in the second round it’s probably happening like it they not getting past the second round dog they just don’t have it um but yeah 2019 they lost to desha Watson 2020 they lost to did they they played the

Ravens in the first round no no no did they beat the Ravens did they get the AFC Championship in 2020 they did beat they did they they got to the AFC Championship game in 2020 who they lose to a batter beaten up Kanas City Chiefs

Team but you know what they had they had Pat and that’s all they needed to get past the bills they had no offensive line everybody was hurt that team got smacked by the uh the Buccaneers in the Super Bowl that year but you know who they could beat the goddamn bills all

Right was that 13 seconds that was that was 13 seconds right no no no no no the next year was 13 seconds I don’t even believe that 2020 championship game was close correct me if I’m wrong it wasn’t memorable we don’t remember it at all we

Just know that Pat Mahomes won it all right uh 2021 was 13 seconds 2022 you got dismantled by the buff the uh the Bengal and in 2023 you lost the game in multiple different ways that you were eventually going to lose cuz like look once they could not score that touchdown on that

Drive I went to use the bathroom and mount my echo on the wall because I was like yeah dog it’s cooked they not win it this game’s going to be at least tied and Pat going to have the ball with 145 left in two timeouts get the [ __ ] out of

Here we know what about to happen we knew it was about to happen they were Tyler baz saved them some stress in in Buffalo that’s what he did he saw he looked over like they got Pat mahalles 140 let me just shank this [ __ ] so don’t nobody so everybody can just get the

[ __ ] out of here without having a heart broke real quick man real quick hey Tyler bass is a criminal dog that there was no suspense to that whatsoever you know what Tyler I appreciate it I appreciate it Tyler he saved everybody a good 15 minutes like you got to do

Something else with your life in 15 minutes because Tyler bass missed that kick instead of watching The Inevitable okay because you know what’s going to happen I that thing goes into overtime and you get your heartbroken or Pat your scores on that drive either way them people in Buffalo would have been

Freezing their ass off for no reason cuz they wasn’t winning that [ __ ] game like it wasn’t happening that [ __ ] was not happening the second you didn’t score that touchdown you should the game was over and Tyler bats was like he knew what it was and said let me get these people

Home man they cold sh them shake it let me get these people home yes they shovel the snow like why torture them even more why torture these poor folks through overtime Co why put them through that just so we can watch Josh Allen flounder and then Pat M hold Thrive like

What why do why why would you want to watch that we know it was going to happen it wasn’t happening for them dog oh man and that’s the thing that that sucks for bills F just ain’t even know what if you got all the breaks they had a

Touchdown that fumbled out the back of the end zone They had multiple turnovers in the Red Zone the Kansas City Chiefs did have in this game they still beat you but M Harvey f with the game away somebody else fumbled the game like multiple opportunities for the Buffalo

Bills to win this game and you still couldn’t do it or the weakest Kansas City Chiefs team that we’ve seen in maybe the last four years you still could do it it’s cooked it’s cooked it’s cooked it’s done how it’s wrapped oh man it’s over and it happened

In the worst way possible because sha mcder coach well enough to keep the [ __ ] job so if you needed big time changes it ain’t happening this could have been a great you could have been like you know what we got to fire you cuz that 9911 stuff and the team flattered not the

Stretch we going to hire Bill okay we going to get Jim Harbaugh in here maybe it might be different hey Jim changed The Narrative of Michigan he could probably do it with the Buffalo Bills right d nah they gonna be stuck with uh mcdermit and then they gonna stink dog

Shout out to the bills man hey you got to stop shouting out things after after we [Laughter] sh out to you got stop shout out to the people of Buffalo disrespectful what he does man spend 25 minutes talking [ __ ] about your favorite team to talk about shout out to y’all

Man shout out to Bill’s Nation hey you better chill crazy Bill’s Mafia people are crazy you better chill out they be jumping through tables man don’t want to go down that path they don’t have internet con connections over there dog I’m good they don’t have broadband and

Buffalo hey you going to have you going to have gelda at your door don’t call me either when it I’mma have Westside gun at the door no don’t don’t don’t try to get me to help you either I can’t do I would just simply apologize what you think I’m about to do

Fight him like say anime I’m not about to battle these like they come up to my door I profusely apologize sorry about what I said about the Buffalo Bills and then they gonna leave I’mma lock that door I’m come back on here be like yeah but the [ __ ] still

Ain’t getting out the second round [Laughter] though arm here what oh man I said that’s the last last thing you g hear is yeah but shout out to the Buffalo Bills Man hey man you know what we gotta talk about though right you know we you want to talk about your boy your your favorite Browns quarterback of all time he my he my boy now my boy now yeah yeah all right he look look look I take I

Take Flack that I don’t deserve for two things in life Quincy Avery’s tweets and CO’s opinions on Baker Mayfield somehow whenever one of them says anything about Baker Mayfield or anything else I get blamed for it all right people be in my mes mad about what

Other people say so all I’m going say here is come on man y’all knew that y’all knew what that [ __ ] was with B dog y’all knew what that [ __ ] was I can’t believe people are acting surprised that he threw that interception and come on come on even Baker STS work surprised

Okay like for for the first time all season they were quiet in my mentions they you know they was just like trying talking big [ __ ] too on that comeback attempt in the second half oh yeah I heard them oh yeah I bet you regret it

Now we about to get to that he’s about to have more playoff accomplishment the brows and I’m like it’s Baker Mayfield dog wait till the end of the [ __ ] game to talk this [ __ ] like have you not realized this with Baker like you got Baker definitely one of them

Quarterbacks you got to wait till the end of the game it’s like being a Carl Anthony Town stand right like you can’t talk [ __ ] while Carl doing some [ __ ] you got to wait till the end of the game to see how this play out because something

As great as a 63p point performance can turn into an Al forat right like that is the truth that’s who Baker is he’s NFL Cal times you finally you finally found your perfect NFL I can make fun of at the same time dog you finally got this is so

Great I feel so happy right now dog like bro y’all don’t understand people in the chat people in the chat people who watch us know Q has been trying to find the perfect quarterback to call Carl infiny T you tried to do with just to her but I

Was like no it don’t work it don’t fit and you finally got it with B yeah D’s too good like D’s too good like yeah Baker Baker’s Carl TOS yes yeah and shout out to the Ant-Man Mike [Laughter] Evans no but bro bro it was so funny it

Was so funny when I was watching the game because I’m watching Baker I’m like Baker’s Baker’s been good like Baker’s been good in the postseason that first pick that first pick he threw early in the game was not his fault that was on Mike Evans he should have caught the

Ball was not Baker’s fa at all oh yeah we hear that all the time man that pick wasn’t Baker fault but that actually that one actually wasn’t his that one actually was for every pick that’s not Baker’s fault there are five that don’t go get catched that are his fault so I’m

Like yeah man it averag is out it averages out it usually averages out like I’m I’m sorry I’ve never seen an inter interception total that did not reflect the play of quarterback that was on the field like I people say oh like that interception wasn’t his fault we

Got to cop the on word his fault but I’m like you know what man enough people drop these interceptions so it averages out to where I’m like you know what if the man threw 20 interceptions I think he was putting the ball in danger like I

Think it’s safe to say that he was doing that like it’s one of the stats that I think is pretty uh pretty fair it’s a pretty fair stat like anyway he was playing well played well against played well against the Eagles oh yeah he played well down he

Played kind of well down the stretch too I mean he had the one b game versus Carolina but you know for the most part he was all right but I’m not gonna lie bro when I was watching him and after the game was over I was just like bro this is just

Another version of of 2020 in Cleveland like that’s what it was even even down to who he had to play even who down to who he had to play to win a playoff game in the first game because you remember in Cleveland we played the Steelers then

They start off like weren’t they like 11-0 when they started 12 they they were 11 and0 they won 12 games that year yeah and they finished they finished the season was it 12 and five or 12 and four it was still 16 games yeah still 16

Games they did a very Eagles likee slide yes yeah been losing games been losing games the last two months before they got to the playoffs you know what I’m saying losing game for the last two months and he cooked him and Cleveland he got a little bit more help you know

What I’m saying got a little bit more help in Cleveland but this year year he just straight up cooked he straight up cooked the Eagles you know what I’m saying straight up cooked the Eagles going to the next game playing really well but then you get to the end of the

Game and you need Baker Mayfield He’s got one drive left game on the line Gotta Get In The End Zone what’s he do immediately throws a [ __ ] pick and that my only thought when it happened my only thought was that is exactly why he’s not in Cleveland anymore that’s the thing with Baker

Mayfield he don’t even give you like that level of suspense before he does something like usually it’s like a man right off the back it ain’t happening you know CRA thing is I was watching the game with my dad and he was talking about the entire time as soon as

He got the ball back he was like see watch it’s goingon to happen right now I’m like it’s not going to happen interception I’m like ah damn he was right it did happen hey man black dad wisdom is crazy dog like don’t black dad wisdom is crazy like I

Be thinking I know what the [ __ ] I’m talking about my dad be like no watch this he gonna fumble this I like what fumble like oh [ __ ] oh oh that’s nuts it’s how know he just knew can’t wait till I get that like gotta level up to that that’s crazy

But that that’s just who I’ve been saying this all year and like depending on what time of the year it is if Baker’s playing well when I say this I’m a hater if Baker’s not playing well when I say this I’m I’m an apologist Baker’s

Just up and down like he’s just up and down he’s Ryan Fitzpatrick that’s what he is he’s new Ryan fit Patrick remember we thought Ryan fit Patrick could be a franchise quarterback somewhere he got the bag by Buffalo and several other teams and then people just realize hey

Man he might give you a hot five games cuz every time we talk about Baker Mayfield’s good [ __ ] it ain’t even whole Seasons Co we talk about hot runs like hey man remember those last eight games of 2018 hey man remember those last seven games of 2020 like here’s how I

Knew it was cooked for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I was like man Becker been playing really good well that’s not continuing he’s been playing too good he’s been playing too good for this [ __ ] to happen like n like he always balances out by the way I know we riding high on

It Jared g ain’t throwing the interception in about a month hey dog it might not be a good look for this NFC Championship game for the Detroit Lions don’t put that on the allance don’t put that on allance I’m putting that out there we’re going to that topic yes I am

Telling you right now jarro G has been playing too well at some point we’re going to remember who Jared G is either in the NFC championship game or in the Super Bowl it’s going to happen that we’re going to f remember that that’s Jared Golf and I just hope it happens in

The NFC championship game because I need somebody strong to be there to compete against the Ravens if they make it okay oh yeah I’m hating I’m on hater mode all playoffs like anybody but the Ravens like I’ll gladly root a second Pat mahes Championship like lamard got

The playoff bucket off his back like now he don’t got to worry about that one cool we got to deal with that agenda he can lose now ain’t no shame of losing the pat hey man I I think he had to be Josh right like he had to beat Josh if he did

Not beat Josh it would have been pandemonium in the streets on his name people been talking all kind of [ __ ] all this stuff about Lamar it would have been crazy all of a sudden his MVP is invalid or whatever it is so he had to

Win this one I understand that one as a Browns fan I was willing to accept that hey can we talk about can we talk about how how how not get how not getting a a Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen AFC Championship was good for America save the country save the country save the

Country we don’t need this tension this an election year officially we don’t need this tension to streets hey the entire country would have been divided immediately it would have been a whole lot of quarterback in an election year in an election year one team’s colors is red white and

Blue the other team’s colors is black and purple the colors that we associate heavily with faka black gold and purple they this what black panther suit look like oh my God no let’s just get Pat Lamar let’s [Laughter] just hey shout out to the CIA shout out shout out to the United

States government we have to make sure that happen FBI CIA collaboration on that one okay wow look how far we’ve come look how far we’ve come the CIA working to put a black man in a favorable position look how far we come oh man we come a long way we’re gonna get

Cancelled you talking about what a grisela come knocking at my door Co are you worried about who might come knocking at your door I figur it would happen eventually like I could apologize to them dog all right but yeah yeah they did they did a a solid they whatever they did to that

Ball when Tyler bass kicked it they it’s a solid hey man you know how bad you are when the field goal to tie the game doesn’t go in like you’re not happy about that field goal to begin with so you just like just make the [ __ ] kick like all right let’s kick the

Ball then the goes out it just it never has a shot didn’t that happen to Ohio state was it Georgia kick to tie the game didn’t even have a chance y’all would have definitely won the National Championship imagine what the narrative would be if y’all won that game win the national championship and

Then Michigan wins the national championship after it would be Ohio State Michigan on top like battling as equals and now we out here I heard somebody say on Twitter that Ohio State’s just Wisconsin with the Gucci belt and I was like that’s just disrespectful what people are out here

Saying about Ohio State you know I don’t I don’t feel that way I don’t feel that way now because you know RI Riot day got some nil funds he spending he’s spending it he spending I can’t wait to see what him and Bill O’Brien cook up cuz the problem at Ohio State has

Always been Talent right like that’s been an issue the last couple years Ohio State ain’t been talented enough oh yeah that’s going to fix the problem yeah yeah you guys are talented again that that’s go yeah Ohio State about to fix it y’all Y Ohio State about to get

Talented this year that’s going to fix the problem you know I hey CJ straw a be Michigan he he look like the CEST [ __ ] in the NFL but you know hey act like we don’t act like we want watching Kyle mcord throw the ball last year come on

Manent that’s talent hey that’s talented the results was the same when it was CJ the problem he was throwing a Marvin Harrison Jr it shouldn’t have mattered if it was Kyle mcord if the coaches was right but you know like I’m pretty sure Bill O’Brian might figure something out right you

Know he’s got to be better than whatever whoever right was it Chris Ash was who was his offensive coordinator last year bro I don’t even know I don’t even remember I to get him out of there he he had to get him out of there clearly to

Get exactly exactly so it’s got to it’s got to be better than that but you know who you don’t got walking through that door next year Marvin Harrison the third hey bro you know what just happened you know what just happened while we was on here what the Bucks fired their head

Coach Ohio State no like no the Milwaukee Bucks just hired their just fired their head coach Adrian like literally just did it like 30 minutes ago man shout out Yiannis man what he going on bro they not even bad like he parked at giannis’s space hey that was a that that fire

Sounds like a pure Giannis was like if I got to be around look I’m jannis been stressed this year Cole he’s been stressed he’s clearly been stressed this year he almost fought somebody over a damn ball like I’m telling you right now man y’all just ain’t like her going to work and

They like well we can’t have that hey you know they said you know who they said is the a great candidate to replace him doc River oh man do rivers do rivers Doc Rivers that’s nuts Doc Rivers that’s that’s the plan Doc Rivers that’s the best who wrote that

Article you know with Shams you know with Shams Shams Shams Doc Rivers get off the phone dog get off the [ __ ] phone sham put the [ __ ] phone down Doc Rivers hey man he’ll figure it out I guess no he not when has he figured anything

Out I mean to be fair to be fair last time he coached a team with green jerseys they won it all that’s not the last time he coached a team with green jerseys the last time he coached a team with green jerseys they was getting that

Ass beat by LeBron and he got [ __ ] fired okay that’s what happened the last time he was coaching the team that was the first time he coached a team with the green jersey he W he won a championship he won a championship yeah the first year and

Then proceeded to be a fraud for the next 10 like what do you mean the last time he wore a green jersey they went they went back to a finals after that did they win I know you know the answer to that no they did okay

You waiting for the TV show to cover that by the way waiting time is amazing I want to see uh uh whatever they gonna do like it’s it you can’t do it now because Kobe died too recently but like 105 years I want to see the behind the

Scenes uh television production of that Shaq and Kobe beef dog we never we never we never get no we’re getting it it’s too juicy it’s too Shaq was out here DJing and DJ and is shout out Kobe’s charges on the team playe like no man that’s got to be on television that’s

Nuts that’s nuts they can’t do that they can’t do that they can’t do that no not while Shaq work at UH not not while Shaq works at Turner they got to protect that asset dog hey what is wrong with you bro Turner Turner’s a subsidiary of uh

Warner and water owns HBO you definitely can’t you cannot have that on the same family of networks like that’s that’s just pure Common Sense there like n n no no they gonna make that then somebody ABC got to do that [ __ ] or something [Laughter] like it’s some ugly stuff that was out

There about both of them but yeah anyways let’s get to some safer territory well what were we talking about before we even got here we got to Ohio state that wasn’t even on the [ __ ] rundown like you know how it go on here man you know how it go on

Here all right did we talk about we talked about the Lions about the lose uh we talked about the Chiefs and the oh yeah I guess let’s talk about these little Ravens real quick I they look all right you g hate no they look pretty good hey

Man I mean like I don’t want to say the Texans I don’t want to say it but I’m I’m go I’m gonna say it I don’t want to say it but I’m say no no no no no no we not about to say this [ __ ] here’s what we about to

Say here’s what we about to say I’ve seen Kansas City beat me Miami an 11- win team I seen Kansas City beat Buffalo an 11 win Team all I saw was the Baltimore Ravens kind of beat a 10- win team in in the in the Houston Texans I mean

Like man they took got away from they got away from don’t do that don’t do that all I’m saying is that they ain’t played Pat yet they ain’t play Pat we’re Frozen yes we’re Frozen I’m fixing it but they a play pack yeah we got Curtis all yeah we good

We good we good keep going hey man I’m G say this I’m G say this though I’m say we got double Curtis all right there we good we good we we good but man all keep doing this man keep doing this every time you do this it ends up

Being wrong come on get all excited about Lamar all this stuff all Lamar is doing this stuff and is not the other quarterback on the other side of the ball let me stop you right there let me stop you right there have when have I been wrong about Lamar

So far this season I said early he was goingon to win his second MVP like early early I said he was gonna win his second MVP yeah I’m not saying that you’ve been wrong about Lamar I’m just saying look man Lamar is great but that don’t mean

He could just wash out a pat mom card like that it’s that’s still Pat dog it’s still pack it’s it’s less about it’s less about Lamar and more about that defense this is not the bills defense okay now this is this is this is where

I’m just going to have to stop it all right not the bill def not the Bill’s def that that Ravens defense is cool it’s a good defense that’s still [ __ ] Pat mahol I don’t give a [ __ ] what defense you have going against Pat Mahomes I don’t care if it was the

Browns defense the Ravens defense the Ravens and the Browns def defense combine with Michael parses on it that’s still Pat Mahomes dog like I’m sorry all of that [ __ ] matters less than Pat all of that matters less than Pat we do this every year oh it don’t matter Pat ain’t

Got this they gonna shut down that Pat’s gonna be in hell and then Marquez valz scler end up with 155 yards some [ __ ] like that I’m just saying dog we did this with Tom where it’s like hey man look at the matchups it matters and this and that okay I understand they got

Tom Brady on the other side but you know we got this and that and what ended up mattering Tom [ __ ] Brady at least in the AFC all I’m saying is that’s still Pat man that’s still Pat and we out here talking about everything but Pat for why the Kansas City chief

Going lose this game but if it ain’t Pat then they probably ain’t losing Curtis Curtis how you feel about this man how you feel about this if I say what I want to say I’m G annoy some people but if Pat wins this I’m G feel like there’s no hope

Like this Chief team is not strong at all like I was hoping Josh Allen could finish the job last Sunday and they [ __ ] it up I was that I can’t believe it I could not even imagine how I felt after that game I’m like hey man did

They really just lose these D bro like I sat there and I’m like like if the bills can’t beat him I gotta put my faith on Lamar and if Lamar can’t beat him I gotta put my faith in either Brock birdie or jarro G it ain’t happening that’s not happening it’s not

Happening it’s just at a point where you know if you can beat Mahomes then it’s got to be like luck but Baltimore probably has a good shot beating them you know the defense can get the defense can cause some issues against um Patrick Mahomes because look that bills defense

Was banged up half of their starters were out they had someone who they just caught up from the practice squad Baltimore is full strength and I think they could beat them but there is a world in which Pat Mahomes goes off and the Ravens defense just completely has

One of their worst games and we wondering to ourselves like hey man if you doing it with no nobody’s and whatever’s left to Travis Kelce I’m like hey man we it it’s just not meant to be it’s not meant to be like really it’s just hey remember who used to make you

Feel like that Tom right oh this is this gonna be it dog if you beat Tom this year and then what happened every year Tom Tom get there Tom probably wi most of the time he do and look this Ravens team is pretty good good I’m not denying that

They’re a really good team they got a really good quarterback but they also have their own flaws right their wide receivers aren’t that good like quietest cap um like they do a lot of production through Isaiah likele and they’re getting Mark Andrews back and then they’re going to try to integrate Z

Flowers is doing okay but like they’re trying to integrate Mark Andrews back into this offense there could be some holes there with a really good Chief secondary um and the Chiefs get good pressure on the defensive line and you see it when the team has a good secondary can get pressure with the

Defensive line that’s the one way that you could disrupt Pat I mean not Pat Mahomes Lamar Jackson so like the we we we get so focused on the pat Mahomes part of this question that it eliminates other obstacles that other guys have to go and that Chief’s defense is a

Legitimate obstacle for Lamar Jackson and then you flip the ball on the other side and yes does that Ravens defense good sure but if you’re patient enough or if you’re accurate enough downfield you can pick apart that Ravens secondary we’ve seen it happen I mean like deshun Watson’s in no way Pat

Mahomes and he figured out a way to do it so like the the idea that like this defense is so good that even Pat Mahomes can’t get can’t crack the Cod on it I think is a little ridiculous like come on like there there have been quarterbacks this year who have not been

As good as Pat that have figured it out that have been able to move against it if you’re going to try to confuse Pat at the line of scrimmage that’s not a good idea if you’re going to try to bit Blitz pat on the line of scage which just an

Even worse idea um like they’ve been through all of these moments they’ve been through all of these plans they’ve been to six AFC Championship Game Baltimore and Lamar Jackson have been to one of these games like the moment is guaranteed not to be too big for Pat

Mahomes I don’t know if that’s true for Lamar Jackson all of these factors are here it’s not just it’s Pat Mahomes even though it’s a fun way to to package that tape but it’s like it’s a reason why the teams that get there the most win the

Most is because they’re used to being there and they know what needs to be done in those moments to take advantage of it now again the rest of that team I don’t know if they Championship quality but it doesn’t matter cuz Pat is like it just

Is it is what it is when you have the bar nun knockout best quarterback in the NFL there’s no debate we’re not debating that right we all love Lamar Jackson here we all think Lamar Jackson is the second best quarterback in the NFL Bar None right

Now pets one with a DOT like a permanent dot we know what is when you have that dude I don’t want to hear about oh they got ran Smith okay like okay they got roquan Smith o That’s GNA stop him like that’s not what’s going to stop him um so that’s

What I mean like what is the plan for Pat Mahomes do they have a real plan and is it a plan that can stop him and also like what’s they’re playing for that Chief’s defense they’re still a really good team and everything points to me that the Chiefs have been playing good

Football lately they’ve been having wide receivers catch the ball rased Rice’s went off Mark hazes went off are we going to get a cadarius Tony game no no we’re not getting cadar Tony game under under no circumstances will we ever get a cadarius game who knows who knows somebody like somebody always

Steps up and people are call me a dick rider or whatever it is in the chat y’all called me that last year when I pointed this out who was right okay who was right oh man Joe burrow looks just as good did you see how they dismantled the bills the Chiefs

Didn’t even just all this nonsense and what happened Pat mahom won it didn’t matter they had pat pat out here scrambling for 45 yards like he out here running the football now that’s all I’m saying is that hey until you have a quarterback that’s better than Pat that’s the main problem that’s who

Has the favor to win this game is the team that has Pat Mahomes because in the playoffs we found this out the hard way as Browns fans if [ __ ] matters who your quarterback is it just does right Hey Joe flacko was fine for the end of the season then you get to the

Postseason oh boy it matters it matters that Joe Flaco’s in there right it matters that he’s not as good as CJ stoud uh we are better team than the Texans right we’re a better team we have a quarterback who’s not that much worse than CJ St at least we thought at that

Time and then it [ __ ] matter and in the playoffs these things matter Pat momes being the best quarterback in the NFL that matters and it ain’t like this team is a disaster like everybody is saying they’re just not as good as they were three years ago

Which you could argue they was the case last year and they still went to the championship and won yeah that’s the thing though because last year you know you look at that team I look at them this year more a lot differently than I looked them last year because this year

Their defense is actually quite good when have we seen a Kansas City Chiefs defense with Patrick Mahomes be this good not often this defense is pretty damn talented it’s just the offense just is bad it stinks outside of Rashid rice and whatever’s left Travis Kelce and Isaiah beo their pass caters have been

Fairly disappointing they’re top of the league in drops this is not a good wide receiver room but it don’t matter cuz you got number 15 back there and he’ll make something happen that kind of scares me a little bit but I can’t see a world in which Baltimore you know

Figures it out they could figure it out but you know you got Mahomes against Lamar who knows how that’s GNA go honestly hey oh they say cadarius Tony been a healthy stretch for last two weeks by the way thank you for that Ray sh I told

I told you I told I don’t think he’s I was like under no circumstances are we getting to game no circumstances but this what I’m saying this is what I’ve been with the Kansas City Chiefs all year if your biggest problem with the Kansas City Chiefs is the

Offense then that’s a team you don’t want to play in the playoffs because okay that could get solved real quick I think they put up 30 in both games or close to 30 in both games last two weeks they what’s crazy is that they had more 20 plus yard um plays than Buffalo

Last week bual had none that’s what I figured out like they were buffalo was Buffalo running that thing dog Buffalo was running that thing they tried they tried to do it a whole different way they tried to do it a whole different way whole new approach

We are running the rock we are toting the football because we try to take time off the clock and score and it’s it just it just didn’t work it just didn’t work didn’t work hey man it’s Pat It’s Pat dog I I did this to myself with

Tom Brady where I was hating on Tom Brady right and I wanted Tom Brady’s downfall and all my adolescence I was like yeah man I can’t wait till Tom Brady stinks and loses and then I turned into a grown ass man and this man still just winning games just every game just

Every big game he just [ __ ] win it and at some point I had to just accept it’s time man like it’s just time like hey he’s good he got luck on this side God love him I don’t know what it is but the man just don’t lose in these

Moments hey man we’ll see we’ll see hey man people are people are people like it what makes me confident in this too if people thought the chiefs were going to roll over the Ravens I think the Ravens would have a shot it’s the fact that people think

It’s going to be the opposite way where I’m like now that’s just ridiculous it’s going to be a game it’s gonna be to be honest with you I’m glad this is the AFC Championship because this is the best version knowing what we know about the other teams now this was

The best version of the AFC Championship game that we were going to get realistically like this is going to be the most competitive this is the most competitive AFC Championship game we could have got it’s probably gonna be the most entertaining and I just want to

Put it out there now I am not rooting for the Baltimore Ravens love Lamar probably my favorite quarterback in the league but he played for the Ravens so I need to Chiefs to go ahead and do that you like a lot of division opponents man you ever notice that Curtis don’t he

Smell like a op to you like he is an admitted Laker fan like You’ been waiting you’ve been waiting you’ve been waiting to get somebody to get on your favorite quarterback is Lamar Jackson your favorite head coach is Mike Tom who’s your favorite wide receiver Jamar Chase no Amari Cooper Amari Cooper uhuh

Amari Cooper yes convenient that’s convenient what do you what do you notice what do you notice about Lamar and Mike mhm mhm look I ain’t say your favorite quarterback your second favorite quarterback was Joe B but I don’t think they look if we were doing a

Different list I do think Joe Bro would be at the top of it for you no absolutely not absolutely I don’t know I don’t know man I feel like Mike Tomlin and Lamar Jackson have similar experiences with how they are perceived by other people and that’s why I support

Them you think that’s convenient too you think that’s convenient too yeah racism is [Laughter] convenient yep don’t you try to hide behind valid social issues hey man if y’all if y’all clip if y’all cliping you in the comments you clipping part guy please get racism misconvenience why you trying set me up

See that’s stuff right there like ctis he trying to set me up he trying to set me up you going act like that’s not funny you act like that’s not funny it’s funny right now that Jason whitlock’s complimenting me and then I’mma be furious at you all right

Like like don’t you dare ever do anything that makes Jason wh lock the I [ __ ] with him n playing a dangerous game here especially after what we said about America already hey man I got them blocked on Twitter I don’t need to worry about them quot but

Anyways anyways I’m just saying I’m just saying man what who your favorite Browns you know where where’s the Shawn Watson and you hey hey who you like better okay okay okay Mr I like them persevering over social constructs who you like better Joe Flack or Desa Watson and to the next [Laughter]

Topic fifth fif you was sweating yeah little bit your chest got remember Austin’s C whenever somebody would your chest got tight huh got that pepper in your mouth yeah getting a little hard to breathe huh sometimes to say is nothing at all hey dog sometimes you just need a

Putt sometimes you just need to put give me the trick back what what K Carmen say don’t get worked into a shoot uhhuh I was I’m reading Stephen A’s book right right now and I’m on a chapter where he got in trouble for saying what he said about that Ray Rice situation

And the whole chapter he’s explaining himself I’m like Stephen you just needed to putt he’s like I needed to say something that that connected with the audience and I need to say something that was going to what up Skip and I’m like see your dumb ass needed to punt

You trying to wind it down and [ __ ] just punt the ball Stephen what you mean am I supposed to say the same thing to skip Bay said yes he ain’t get in trouble why you trying to debate this this ain’t the debate we try to see like

Nah n I’m reading that book and hearing Stephen A justify that I was like hey dog the power of punting you don’t need to have a stance on everything man you ainos sometimes you ain’t supposed to have a take man sometimes supposed to have sometimes your T ain’t supposed to stand out

Right say what everybody else said just say what everybody else say man sometimes your take is just supposed to be bored brother like it just is what hey every take can’t be good TV man you got to punt that [ __ ] all right um speaking of Tes that need to be

Punted hey what are y’all thoughts on the backlash of Gerard Mayo being the head coach of the New England [Laughter] Patriots anybody all right did you see that was like Hey man most racist [ __ ] I’ve ever seen in my life came backg that was crazy oh oh man oh

Man they called him a black hey Curtis like what did I sign up for dog like Cur I thought we was going to have fun and talk about cat what the [ __ ] nah dog what is this no no no we go we G to talk about the Browns looking for a new

Offensive coordinator that’s don’t worry Curtis oh hey it’s a good thing Greg wasn’t here for this one Greg we might have lost Greg working on our producer might lost our producer oh [ __ ] all right Browns are looking for a new offensive coordinator they’re looking for a new offensive

Coordinator I think people have gotten the reason that they’re looking for a new offensive coordinator kind of wrong and they’re coming up with a lot of wrong conclusions because of it I think people thought that Kevin was giving up control at the offense and that he was he was firing

The offensive coordinator because he didn’t want control Kevin wanted different voices in there he wanted to expand the comfort zone of the Browns offense right to get comfortable doing rpos read options all of that stuff that they did with desan like his first week back that they didn’t keep in the

Offense they wanted to expand their comfort zone the problem with Alex vanel isn’t that he’s not a good coach they have the same exact comfort zone him and Kevin stfy right it was part of the reason I felt like Joe Woods need to get out of there because Joe Woods demeanor

Wise is just like Kevin so if you’re not just like Kevin and you’re on that locker room you have nobody to really relate to because everybody act like Kevin that’s why they had to hire somebody like Jim Schwarz who’s much different than Kevin right same thing on the offensive side of B I

Think they need to get some new influences some new people in that collaboration process with different Comfort zones in order to get the Browns where they need to get with some of the shotgun stuff um and it was clear to me that Alex vanel wasn’t going to be the

Guy that was going to fix them shotgun issues cuz no disrespect to Alex Van pel but his big innovation was putting Nick Harris big ass at fullback in the gun that was his big shotgun Innovation that’s what we rolled out with right we go we got all these tricks of shotgun

And what did we roll out with Nick Harris in Ender rounds all the Ender rounds it just was not a collaborative process that was uh expanding the comfort zone sufficiently enough and I think that’s why they had to get rid of it Kevin still in charge of the offense

I wouldn’t be surprised me personally if the Browns went pass game coordinator Run game coordinator instead of offensive coordinator um but what are you guys’s takes on it to me and my fault Curtis I’ll let I’ll let you go I’m not yeah yeah the thing is I hate when Browns

Fans try to come with these elaborate dumbass think pieces about oh why is Kevin sansy giving up play call I’m like man maybe he just wants to change it up it’s like change is good and everyone was complaining about oh when Alex vanel got fired people were so angry I’m like

Angry about what the offense need to be changed so why are you so upset about this like I was able to rewatch a few Browns games and I was watching them offensive snaps like a couple and the one thing that stood out to me is like

Hey man there’s not a lot of motion going on in this offense because when I see offenses like the Rams the Lions specific offenses that are in the playoffs right now they use a ton of motion different formations different skill sets to help with their offense

And Cleveland just lined up and said all right we’re going to use different formations we’re not going to use any motions and then teams kind of figure that out why do you think Christian Harris had that interception against Joe flacko because he kind of figure out what the offense was the offense was

Kind of stale you kind of need to go in a New Direction you can’t be complacent because if you are that’s how you’re going to lose your job and AVP letting him go was smart because you got to change up the offense to fit the quarterback because if you don’t have

The quarterback and you don’t have the offense that’s a bigger problem and that’s when things go south so I have no problem with them going outside their comfort zone getting maybe a passing game coordinator or running game coordinator just find someone who can get Deshawn Watson and say hey mad the

Stuff we’re going to run are you comfortable with it because if you aren’t comfortable with it it’s just going to create more problems just find someone who can run the same stuff that he did in Houston and everything will be fine but other than that I’m not surprised they moved

Off their offensive coordinator it was inevitable they need to make a change but people are making it seem like oh there’s something wrong with the Browns getting rid of their defensive coordinator special teams coordinator and now their offensive coordinator I’m like maybe they just want to change it

Up good teams move off their offensive coordinators all the time Sean McVey did it ah Jim Harbaugh did it like John Harbaugh Jim same thing but anyway it’s just people need to stop with these elaborate think pieces about why the Browns do specific moves because hey man

Just like think for five seconds as to why he’s doing it and not try to make it a deeper meaning because let’s be real I think I saw one tweet that said oh it was something about you know the Browns moving off of corn like maybe they just

Want to change that’s all they need to do it Chang is good I have no problem with it hey man I’m I’m not Li Baltimore did this with uh what with with Todd mckin they got a they got a coordinator in here who fit where their quarterback

Had evolved to right with Lamar Jackson where it’s like Lamar had evolved this passer enough that they needed to expand what they were doing with passing the football and they moved towards that um now this is a bit of a different situation where the quarterback position in general has just evolved right like

It’s not the same thing that it used to be guys are more mobile it’s expected that quarterbacks be mobile um it’s expected that you run out the gun most of time instead of under the center um and the Browns had a offense that was really cool for like you know it was

That West Coast offense and it was like something that Joe flacko could come in there and and walk in day one and and and remember because he used to run it that might be the problem right it just wasn’t that different from what he used to run in Baltimore 10 years ago and

That has some advantages that has some negatives you saw one of the negatives in that game where demo Ryan was looking around like oh yeah I prepared for this exact moment when I played Baltimore and they had Gary kubak and Joe flacko was the quarterback and they ran stick they

Run it this way he still runs it this way so just stand right here Christian and you going to get a pick eventually right just stand right here I promise you just stand right here you’re going to be late you going get a pick that’s the problem like they needed to evolve

This thing they needed to move this thing forward um and Advance it and also like I think we’re focusing a lot on the desan part of this which is a big part of it right desan needs to play better all of that but I think that has more to

Do with desan just staying on the field like I just don’t think he stayed on the field long enough to really put anything together that would show you that he’s any better because every time he’s had like two games in a row like oh yeah he

Looks good and then he gets hurt for like five [ __ ] games or the rest of the year um I think that’s been more the issue with DeShawn I think this was really like hey that run game after Nick chub got out was just unacceptable like it

Was just bad um and I think that was one of the main things they feel like they needed to adjust they need to be able to run this ball out of shotgun more right if that’s where the League’s going if that’s where everybody’s moving is they’re running this ball out of shotgun

Then we’re going to have to get better at that and that’s the one thing that the Browns just could not figure out all season was running this ball out of the gun they could not figure it out consistently they couldn’t figure out what running backs they needed to have

In um and I think that I wouldn’t be surprised if that run game got overhauled behind Nick chub so we’re talking about basically maybe even Jerome Ford not even being a big part of that next year um but I think that’s where the big overhaul is going to come

Is like how they go about run blocking and run cuz like I think also what they’re realizing is they don’t have the Personnel at tackle to run the ball how they want to with WID zone right uh Jed Wills Is Not the Run stuffer you wanted

Him to be he’s a good enough player but he’s not the Run stuffer you wanted him to be Dean Jones is Not That dude as a run blocker he’s that dude as a pass blocker he’s not that dude as a run blocker so you want to morph your

Personnel into something that can roll with that and if you have Elite guards and centers running out the gun makes sense guard Center guard that makes sense but if you couldn’t figure that out or get comfortable doing that you need to get people who were and if Alex vanel was

Not comfortable doing that then he had to go I I think this is just more about them trying to get back to being ahead of the curve on offense and not being behind the curve because at times it truly felt like this Browns offense was behind the curve especially when they

Had deshun Watson out there because it looked like it was supposed to be Advanced but then you look at it you’re like they still running stick like they still running this these basic concepts like it’s like it’s still the same [ __ ] they just running it out of gun and I

Think that was the issue they want to run more of those downfield schemes they want to do things that des’s more comfortable with I remember I had a conversation with Co earlier this year where I was like I think if you put deshan in the offense he’s more

Comfortable with he’d look fine like I don’t think he’s physically deteriorated I don’t think mentally he’s any different than what he was I think he’s fine like we seen him make these great throws and great reads at time when he had more freedom with the offense I

Think he’s fine as a quarterback like I don’t know if he’s top five or anything like that but he’s fine um and I think that you need to just put him in a situation where he’s more comfortable in I you need to run rpos and look what the quarterback Direction

They headed with this right they drafted DTR DTR is not like a stand in the pocket type quarterback he moves around like he scoots so you need to get comfortable doing those things and that’s what you need to do to advance this is what they had to do um and I

Honestly see that as a positive because they had every excuse in the world to stick with that old [ __ ] right Joe Flack got in here ran it well we just need to Shan to run this old [ __ ] well right basically as we could have really went

In there and said that and nobody would have B than I because of how that season ended right like we would all been like well desan needs to figure it out nobody’s really putting that pressure on Kevin right now Kevin’s not the one we’re worried about we’re worried about

The shine so to make a move like this tells me okay you’re seeing pass yourself you’re seeing the issues and you’re diagnosing them and you’re trying to do something about it because shout out to Jake Burns he been on Twitter all year saying this [ __ ] need to change dog

We are starting to get behind the curve on even we were winning even we were winning Jake would be like Noah man it’s not gonna work it’s like I don’t know how long we can come out here rolling out the 2010 offense right like it’s basically what look at Pittsburgh

They’ve been running the same offense for 10 years and look where they’re at well when you talk about Pittsburgh though we talk about Pittsburgh though you know you know what I’m saying Mike tried to you know what what was the offensive coordinator’s name I already forgot

About him he he’ been gone for two seconds Co my point my point here’s my my point is M Canada my point is the one thing that you can criticize Mike Tomlin for right he gets a lot of unfair criticism the one thing you can criticize Mike tomin

For he has not been willing to be bold enough on that offensive side of ball when it comes to finding Solutions nope absolutely not that’s going to be his downfall because you just look at that offense for Pittsburgh it’s like hey man what are they doing like trying to just

Watch them play offense is like physically painful because there’s nothing there it’s just Bland and when you look at look back at why they kept Matt Hanah for so long I’m like hey man the longer you keep this dude the longer you’re going to realize like they’re G

To get rid of you eventually and they took him what later in this season like oh he’s the problem like hey man he could have been gone last year because you saw what Cleveland and Baltimore did when they had an issue got rid of them but the the

Issue existed before Matt Canada right the issue was there with finkner before Matt Canada the issue was there with whoever was Todd Haley before that right like the issue always existed is that they kind of just revert to the same comfort zone and if you don’t evolve

Your comfort zone you’re going to be one of those guys out like Matt lafl Shawn McVey and Kyle Shanahan they all technically run the West Coast offense you wouldn’t be able to tell it by looking at them because they’re variated they have variated so far from that or

Original uh premise that they look very different but they’re all from that same base that’s what Kevin looked at and was like how are we this far behind sha mcfey how are we this far behind Kyle Shanahan how are we this far behind Matt laflor like how are they able to do all

Of this stuff with I keep calling him Bryce young cuz he kind of looked like him Jordan love with all of this this stuff right like how are we this behind and then you flip to Cleveland and we’re like we’re not doing any pre- snap motion we’re not running out the gun

Most of the time we’re not playing out the gun most of the time we got Deshawn Watson and we’re doing no rpos we did a RPO with Joe flacko we can’t figure figure out no RPO with desan you know what’s funny somebody pointed this out on Twitter too he’s like the two

Offenses that our defense got cooked got got cook by like seriously this season the Rams and the Texans the two offenses that do a lot of the stuff and somebody was like hey we don’t do we don’t do none of that stuff they probably didn’t even know what they was leaving they

Can’t even practice against it right because they don’t think nothing but I’ll go further I’ll go further Shane Sten Shane Sten Co us too Co cooked us too Seahawks cook us and they’re running a lot of that [ __ ] that’s why we’re interviewing offensive line coach to be a running game coordinator or running

Backs coach or whatever the [ __ ] we doing with them right cooked us and then you can detections every single Advance off every offense were like oh they doing some new [ __ ] except for Kyle shanan who took that L and then two more L’s after that and then started doing some new [ __ ] right

Like like it’s it’s not it’s not it’s not crazy to see what the issue was not only are we hurting our defense well not only we hurting our offense by not being ahead of the curve we’re hurting our defense by not letting them be aware of this [ __ ] or practicing against it in

Real time so I think the team’s gonna be better look it wasn’t a bad thing when they got rid of Joe Woods it wasn’t an indication of Kevin stans’s lack of control over the team it was just Kevin being like hey he not good we changing

Him out I’m glad you that’s Kevin doing his [ __ ] job and then you know what Kevin did with the offense he did his [ __ ] job because it would have been real easy to keep his homeboy on the roster oh yeah we ain’t that bad Deshawn

Was hurt Nick chub we going to run it back and we going to be just fine next year thousands of Browns coaches would have done that but you know what Kevin did his job and he’s being criticized for that as if he’s on the hot seat meanwhile Andrew Barry did a press

Conference yesterday where he compared this [ __ ] to Andy Reid and said he’s the best of us I don’t think he’s going anywhere I’m glad you said this though I’m glad you said this because the initial reaction by Browns fans is that there’s an issue that he’s because he’s replacing AP first of all

Most of these people probably couldn’t even tell you what AP does on a week to we basis you probably don’t even know here’s what do here’s whatp does to these fans though Co even know do know here’s what AP does to these fans because I’m like yeah he collaborates

And helps them put together to play sheep basically that’s what ap’s job is but nobody who complains about Kevin knows that right what AP does for these fans that complain about Kevin is everything think that Kevin that they don’t like about Kevin they think AVP is great at oh

Kevin should give up the play call in the AP why like seriously people people said this Kevin should give up the play calling who does Kevin have to give up the play calling to Alex vanel right like if he were to give up the play calling during season have to

Go why do people think that’s a good answer Alex Vel caught a game versus the Steelers and was remarkably similar to what Kevin defy was calling like to the point to where what got him out of the game cuz remember it was getting tight it was getting tight they were doing the

Same Kevin [ __ ] like hey man we trying not to lose this lead and then they threw a screen and Nick chub broke it and that busted the game open but it wasn’t like that was the most aggressive play call in the world right Kevin is significantly more like you want a

Conservative version of Kevin stefansky like that’s crazy to me but people it it never was about Alex vanel it was about the idea of Alex vanel because they put they backup quarterback ised him right where the backup quarterback is all of a sudden good at all the [ __ ] you hate to

Stter for not being good at that’s basically what they did to Alex vanel they made him something that he wasn’t well all Alex vanel was the dude who understood the offense with Kevin and ran the same [ __ ] that Kevin wanted to run so if you wanted to run something

Different Alex got to go like it makes a ton of sense to me like if you want to go from being top bottom three in the shotgun in shotgun uh running plays out of shotgun to top 10 Alex velt ain’t gonna bring you there right Alex Van pelt’s not bringing Kevin

Out of his shell to get into the shotgun because Alex Van Pelt don’t want to run shotgun too somebody else has to do that somebody else that Kevin Powers has to do that in order for there to be any change and I think that’s what’s remarkable about the Browns did and I

Promise you we’ll come back to this and be like hey man hey by by October CO’s going to come on here and he’s going to be like hey man Q you want to talk about it you want to talk hey lowkey getting rid of Alex vanel might be the move of the

Year and then you know what we gonna do remember all these [ __ ] that was saying it was a bad idea you you know us too well you know us way too well this is gonna happen in October cause the sh probably gonna play better because he’s more comfortable

What he’s doing and you’re playing to his strengths he’s still super talented like that didn’t go anywhere our faith in it has disappeared because he hasn’t been consistent in a little while but I think that has more to do with the fact that he sat out 700 games and then

Literally could not stay on the [ __ ] field it’s just that it’s just that I hate whenever the Browns do something that’s you know inevitable when it yes like normal people are saying ah why are they do doing this because they want to change that’s that’s why like I’m so

Sick of these people trying to create these damn think pieces on why they get rid of certain players or coaches like shut the [ __ ] up and just think critically for one second like it’s annoying like when people when they hired the tight end Coach from um

Alabama Tommy re I see people saying oh is he gonna call the play I’m like do like calling plays I was like did y’all watch Alabama versus Michigan in the college football playoff he’s absolutely not calling play for the CLE Brown here’s the thing too no way here’s

The thing kev’s not a bad play caller exactly kev’s a good play caller like this is this the best season he’s had as a as a play caller since he’s been in Cleveland literally has been his best season calling plays and they want to replace him Tommy Reese for Tommy Reese

Less like I don’t get what the issue is if you think Kevin Kevin stfas is not experienced enough to be calling these plays when he been calling plays for like five [ __ ] years at this point they’re like why do you want Tommy Reese who was my age five

Years ago like to be calling these plays like that’s nuts to me Tommy ree was out here battling it out in the usfl two years like nah man like it it’s so weird how people go to these lengths or people are somehow acting as if the brown had a

Failed season this year like that’s the other thing that gets lost we didn’t fire our coordinator cuz we stunk this year we fired our coordinator because we want to get better they wanted 11 games with with the previous offense at is like what you can argue the previous

Offense was being ran at the worst possible State you didn’t have Nick chub you didn’t have a quarterback you have a [ __ ] offensive line by the end of the season you were down to Christian Watson was that was that who he had it Leroy wats garan Christian and James Hudson

And Leroy Watson no no no no no James Hudson James got hurt James got hurt it was Leroy Watson and garon Christian yes oh Lord yeah so this is who you were down to you ran this offense at the worst possible way it could be ran uh

Personnel wise and then you still got to 11 games and that’s enough of an excuse to say we could run it back but they decided to get better and every time the Browns decide to get better there’s some dork that points out oh well who’s we gonna blame next year Deshawn Watson who

That’s who we gonna blame next year if [ __ ] don’t go right like is it not obvious that if it doesn’t go well next year Des Shawn Watson is going to get blamed for this like how do we write all these articles about how Joe flacko success is making the burden and the

Pressure heavier on deshad Watson it’s going to make it so that if they don’t reach the same level of success it’s going to be seen as deshad Watson’s fault and it being like Oh yeah actually it’s going to be Kevin’s fault because he fired a coordinator no it’s the

That’s who the pressure going to be on is desan if they stink next year Co are you going to be cussing out Kevin stefansky or are you going to be cussing out desan because you’ve won 11 games two times with Kevin tansky I forgot who in brow Twitter I

Was I was talking about I think uh Brett subleski I think that might be his name so seski soes whatever his whatever his name is whatever his name shout out to Brett but is this a Quincy shout out or it’s just like hold on I don’t want to get

Disrespectful I’ll let y’all I’ll let y’all interpret and determine what it is but shout out to BR but he was like I was basically like hey man if this don’t work out next because he was doing the whole like Doom and Gloom like oh we’re fired another coordinator there’s not

Going to be anybody left to blame but Kevin and I was like two things first of all when he fired the last two coordinators he fired those two phases of the game immediately got significantly better IM immediately got significantly better and let’s not forget Mike prefer

And and Joe Woods were both his boys both his boys he was like yeah man y’all not it replace them defense got significantly better special teams got significantly better so I was like it him firing the court I don’t know why people got so up in arms about it in the

First place the last time he fired coordinators it was a good thing second of all nobody’s blaming Kevin nobody with sense I should say is blaming Kevin stfas anymore we are so far removed from that it’s ridiculous to even talk about it he’s about to get extended in the

Next month or two he’s going to be here for the foreseeable future if this [ __ ] don’t work they are blaming the quarterback and Andrew Barry will take steps to replace that quarterback at the 20125 NFL draft if this [ __ ] don’t look the way that it’s supposed to look

They’re about Kevin’s about to be a two-time coach of the year he won 11 games with Joe flacko Dorian Thompson Robinson PJ Walker and PJ get it right two one XFL All Pro uh and and honorable MVP PJ Walker see I hate when people like oh PJ’s a XFL quarterback he’s a

All Pro XFL quarterback mind you okay first team All Pro XFL quarterback put some respect on Mr Walker’s name that is who he won 11 games with at this point Kevin is more valuable than the quarterback that we have and that’s just the truth that is just the truth yeah

It’s just for the first time in forever the Browns are a stable organization and people are thinking oh they fire a coordinator same old Browns I’m like no man this team won 11 games with multiple injuries after after the roster on IR this a different team now a new age new

Day and people are making it seem like this franchise is still the same like no like for the first time ever ever it’s stability and people tend to not think about that when they want to fire a coach because players look into that free agency even Hell Draft picks if

You’re firing coaches and GMS year in and year out do you think I want to go and play for you like no like they’re stable for the first time ever and for some reason people don’t know how to react to that like they’re fine they’re doing the right things for once ever

They’re not screwing things up they’re doing things the right way getting the right people in the building getting the wrong people out of the building and somehow some way people will try and twist it as a negative it’s not it’s literally a positive if you can do the

Same thing with the Detroit Lions you can do the same thing for the Cleveland Browns don’t know why people want to do it but you know we can connect the do test to why they do it but you know you can say what we want to say but

Here here’s the thing too we use these parallels to Pittsburgh when they’re convenient but then we throw them out when they’re not to whatever point the people are trying to make right cuz when Pittsburgh does something and the Browns don’t do it like oh look Pittsburgh’s

Doing this stuff and we don’t ever do this stuff and we got to hear about how Pittsburgh so much better than us even though I don’t know about that I don’t know I would argue I would argue that we’ve been better R but here’s the here’s the big issue with that you know

What all these other teams that keep their head coach for a while do all the time they switch out their coordinators you know why well here here’s why one because there’s turnover right guys get hired that that happens and two hey man in this division Kevin stfy is still the newest head

Coach everybody’s been here since 2020 you got to change it up like even if it’s working you got to change it up because everybody knows everything that like if you play for Baltimore and you get traded for Cleveland I promise you you’ll learn the playbook in like five

Minutes cuz cuz you know it you’ve been playing against them for like 5 years like you know their playbook you know what they like to do that you’ve been preparing for that same offense for five years the same way the Browns have been preparing for the same [ __ ] that the

Steelers do every it’s why the AFC North always looks much better against the AFC North because we’ve played every single team millions of times the same teams the same coaches the same offenses it’s been the so you got to switch stuff up Baltimore had to switch stuff up by the

Way we’re doing exactly what Baltimore did nobody’s that out right nobody nobody who’s writing these Doom Gloom pieces aren’t like well you know it worked for Baltimore right they fired their defensive coordinator and got TJ McDonald hey very good decision right I we would argue that defense has made a

Significant jump since getting rid of wink marindale and then offensively they got rid of Greg Roman they got Todd mckin it was a little shaky at the beginning but they needed games together to figure the offense out kind of like with the shwn and I’m not saying they’re

Gonna be like the Ravens next year deshun Watson is never GNA be as good as Lamar Jackson is right now like anybody who has dreams of that happening it’s not Lamar’s old I mean deshun is older and he’s been injured much more he’s not going to be as good as Lamar Jackson but

This team doesn’t require him to be as good as Lamar Jackson not even remotely made the playoffs with the carcass of Joe flacko and allpro XFL quarterback PJ Walker and an all Pack 12 DTR all Pack 12 yeah I mean all Pack 12 let me give a shout out to 2014 pro

Bowler Joe Flo right like you know what I mean but that’s who they were able to do it with they still look like a dangerous team in the playoffs until it started to matter that the quarterback was not that good right and the one thing with the Shan that we

Have seen is that he’s kept the turnovers down when he’s out there to a to a to a point right there’s that Pittsburgh game where he turned the ball over a ton but also let’s remember this when we talk about what the quarterback situation is for next year Co that

[ __ ] had one bad game like one bad game like one bad game can’t tell the timeline that no no that one bad game man that it was bad it was bad we can’t and you know what but he followed it up with eight Str it was so bad like like we can’t

Even just say it was bad like he he leg leg it was on national TV he was the reason we didn’t win yes in that game absolutely absolutely but dog it was one game like it was one game he was pretty good in every other game like definitely a

Credit towards winning in literally every other game helped you win in Cincinnati for sure uh Tex Tennessee game I would say he was a significant part of the reason they won that game Arizona oh yeah he kind of [ __ ] B in that game Baltimore he was pretty big in

That fourth quarter like yeah he had the one but he kind of paid it back by the time he got hurt like it is what it is I understand why nobody’s gon to be excited for desha Watson because like yeah he’s not a good person or at least

He doesn’t appear to be a good person allegedly from things he’s been accused of like it is what it is but on the field on the field in the building off the field off the field out the building I’m not sure but on the field in the building like

You know this is not as big as a question mark as people are making it sound like to me that’s a thing though it’s just when I rewatched a couple of his games like the talent’s still there there’s some things I wish he would not do like learn how to slide for one

Reason that’s the one thing oh yeah see that’s the big issue can he stay healthy that’s the big issue for me is like I’m if he’s healthy and the Browns have him next year they’ll probably be in the division race back to winning 11 12 games they’ll be really good I’m not

Concerned about deshun Watson figuring out the offense I think he’ll be fine my biggest concern is like can he stay healthy that’s that’s what’s a huge concern to me because nothing indicates that that man is willing to stay healthy because you know what we talk about this

Right and it’s heroic in the time he had a high ankle sprain and a broke shoulder that would take him out for the whole season and he still played that does not sound like somebody who health is a high priority to also did not just still

Play ended the game on a 30 yard scramble in which he still took a hit like which hey look when we watching and we like damn man what a warrior and it’s like dog stop doing this [ __ ] not me I wasn’t saying that I was saying that on the timeline being like that’s

What a warrior right but that’s the stuff that needs to like hey man Health needs to be a priority to him and that’s the thing I’m wondering like is that ever going to is he going to think he’s going to come back from these injuries

And be fine I joke about it but man he turned 28 dog that body don’t react the same like hey man that finger injury not going to go away after you sleep dog like it’s going to still be there for a whole week like you keep [ __ ] around like this

Especially all that damage he done did and then I look back at his injury history one of the things you see all the time when you look at deshan Watson’s injury history return too soon comes back too soon all the time Coast game I mean like even going back

To college he returned from an ACL injury too too early at Clemson and he got hurt Health has to be a bigger priority than whatever image of toughness he’s trying to put out there I think when he came back yeah I think when he came back

Against the CT he was trying to prove a point I’m like hey man you don’t need to prove a point to these people man like you were clearly not healthy by the way that you were playing and the way that he was playing I’m like yeah you should

Have sat out a week so you know I blame him for that but I feel like a part of me thinks like he’s trying to prove to people that you know he’s trying to take on that identity of Cleveland I’m like hey man you don’t got to prove nothing

To these damn people man just go out there and play ball that’s all I what are you trying to prove bro this is the thing dog we don’t need you to play like you trying to prove people wrong anymore bro like I just need you I just need you

To fit it that’s all I need you to do just fit in do what Kevin tell you to do just do what Kevin tell you to do you know keep yourself out of Harm’s Way make the plays when it air hit the layups that’s all I need you to do dog

We don’t need you to be Superman here we really don’t as a matter of fact I actually would say it’s pretty detrimental to what we got going on in Cleveland right now dog just do do the small stuff do the small stuff that’s all we need yeah last quarterback who

Tried to be Superman you already know how that turned out I was there when B tried to be like Superman against the Arizona Cardinal 2021 that was a quiet car home that was a quiet car ride home I got him with my Dad we went back home

I didn’t say nothing and the mo the following day I woke up I’m like damn man Baker might be trash dog like I just woke up in disbelief and my dad texted me while I woke up he said you come around on Baker I’m like yeah I might be

And I just I just shook my head you take away anything from this podcast like d wisdom two for two two for two that that was your Baker moment listen to your dad dog that was your that was that game was your come to Jesus moment on Baker that

Was that game no that Christmas no that Christmas game that really contemplated so many things saw me in the living room and I was just sitting there and disbelief I’m like and my dad called me I didn’t even answer the phone I saw my dad on the

Call ID I’m like not going I just sat there I sat there in the I’m like get this man I am having a very bad day today I am in no mood he’s just sitting on there desponding looking like Stan every time he was looking like Stefan digs every time the bills get

Eliminated oh man just standing there oh the TV still on they got the news on he’s still looking at that [ __ ] like the gang still on you know your team took a bad a when you watching the local news after the game go off the [ __ ] air like you haven’t even

Changed you just sitting there like nah man it’s got to come back on dog that couldn’t have been real no when your when your favorite team get they ass beat you literally just being shot for like 15 minutes now see get your ass beat is one

Thing right because you get over that by the time the game ends it it is it is when your team like the Jets game in 2020 2022 when you do some [ __ ] like that where it’s like hey man I thought we was going to win like when you think

You about to win in the third quarter and it it’s the fourth quarter and you lost like no that’s that’s when that TV stay on and you give it a local news an extra viewer okay like like you just like you just watching it’s keny krupted on TV right

Now you still waiting for the Brows game to come the [ __ ] back on a when you miss a field goal that could have set the when you missed the field goal that could have set the game into overtime that is the face that you have the shout up shout out KY krupted man

You just remind k k with Kitty that has happened to me twice this year because I watch the Seahawks sometimes so I watched them play against the Ravens I watched that whole game by the way and I’m like sitting there thinking did we just get our ass kicked

Like that like I was just looking around in the Browns run so I’m like I don’t care the Browns one the Ravens just literally kicked our ass and I just watched every single minute of it and don’t even get me started on what happened on Thanksgiving with the

Seahawks with the 49ers I’m like hey man this dud might be trash bro like I was just sitting there in disbelief like I can’t watch this anymore like when your team is getting taken to the Woodshed it’s like you try to you want to fight

Back but you just can’t you just got to sit there and watch it happen this is this is when I was out on Baker Mayfield it was that same game it was Christmas Day against the Packers and I was trying to really just figure out

What happened in that game and I said to myself you know it’s crazy he threw all them interceptions might have been the best game he played in four weeks because he had been so much worse he had been so much worse because before that game was the game that

Killed Cove right that was the interception game I talk I don’t want to talk about it I don’t want to talk about it think about that that’s the kind of run he was on he did that he did another he had it was that the Detroit game was

In that run and then he had that Green Bay game and he came back around on Monday night football and Big Ben’s retirement record and almost gave TJ wat the [ __ ] sack record and then he decided he didn’t want to play no more I was like how is anybody still

Rocking with this man like please don’t make me please don’t make me relive that please don’t make me that was the worst month i’ ever experienced in my life when it comes to the Browns I was like ain’t no way every time I think it’s gotten so bad it’s got to get better

It gets worse it gets so much worse and then you know what that season [ __ ] with us cuz we thought we was going to turn around cuz we beat the Bengals out of nowhere just beat the [ __ ] out the Bengals we was like oh we fixed it we

Just cut all down and we beat the [ __ ] out the bagels we back baby o o reality came smacking back at us quick that year that was look everybody talk about everybody talk about everything else with Baker nobody want to talk about how that 2021 season ended those

Stretches exist too with Baker Mayfield and Tampa Bay about to be paying a significant amount of money for what I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a pretty significant stretch of that to Baker Mayfield which he man shout out to them hey man Baker got his money man he

Can’t be mad got his money let’s make sure he gets it let’s make sure he gets it but we know what they we know it’s a mistake with do it but yeah that that back to the Browns though like I think they’re fine I think literally the Browns I think this is

Like the least I’ve been worried about this team during the off season they’re gonna get Nick chub back sounds like Nick chub’s working really hard they might be able to trade Jack Concklin for something maybe some cap space that’s what I’m hoping for you know maybe get rid of him for like a

Fifth round pick somebody eat that cap be nice add some guys they’re going to restructure a bunch of contracts I wouldn’t be surprised they extended Nick chub a little bit um to free up some space for this year they’re going to be pretty good they were a really good team

Last year their their biggest problem was injuries right we’ll see if desan lives up to being a $230 million quarterback even though every year every offseason $230 million feels like less money but Baker might break that like that ain’t [ __ ] no more that ain’t [ __ ] no more Jordan love might break that for

Real Jordan love is going to break that for real do that hey somebody’s gonna do it though he’s young they’ve only seen one year if you ignore that that very last play it looked pretty good so it’s tell it looked like a good idea if you ignore

That last play well it’s like if you ignore all the bad Jordan love stretches right cuz there have been stretches for Jordan love looks like the most uncoordinated franchise quarterback you’ve ever seen in your life where you’re like this dude has no athletic ability like he has no coordination he’s

Like a good athlete let me rephrase it Jordan love is a good athlete who’s not coordinated like he be falling over a lot for a dude as athletic as he is cuz he be throwing the ball on the run all this [ __ ] but then he’ll fall during like a quarterback

Sneak like just weird [ __ ] like that so he’s just he’s hard to get a Ras small but he’s so young and he played so well in the playoffs somebody going to give him somebody going to give him top money if it ain’t the for if it ain’t the Green

Bay Packers it’s gonna be somebody and you know what shout out to the who who who did this who lost shout out to the Cowboys for making another millionaire a black millionaire at that you know what I mean like d for the people that got for the people that got

For the people that give it back that give it back man more like d more like d the [Laughter] blue hey Jordan love loves Dak Prescott man he loves Dak Prescott he like hey thank you for what you changed my life hey shout out who would hey you know that Jui meme we

Changed this BR mother thefuck is life hey real talk nobody changes more lives of mediocre quarterbacks than the NFC East nobody does nobody changes more life I mean they got nothing but mediocre quarterbacks in the NFC east and then if you go up and you beat one

Of them NFC east teams your mediocre quarterback might get their life Chang too Baker Mayfield like Baker Mayfield about to get that bag off the NFC East Jordan love about to get that bag on the NFC East hey man somebody’s about to get the $300 million simply because they beat the

Cowboys and I wonder who Brock perie is going to get $300 million in his next contract and he’s going to do it off the head of the [ __ ] Cowboys I already know it you know he going to put up like 405 on them [ __ ] and then they G to

Give him the 400 the $300 million over five right then and there ain’t that far Joe B got what 275 MH it’s coming hey and the way they like Brock pie and it’s underpaid as Brock P’s been you GNA run me to Max by the way Brock P not taking a pay

Cut he done did his time he was a seventh round pick he he definitely ain’t taking no pay cut been Brock Brock P been making Sports Talk salaries all right for the last four years not taking no pay cut dog St Stephen A Smith has made much more money

Than Brock pie in the last five years dog like there’s no shot that he’s taking a pay cut he’s running the 300 mil when’s his contract du I think next year oh yeah so here’s what’s gonna happen Baker gonna run it to 230 like so the mediocre quarterback bags going to

Go up and then ooh Tua still got to get paid that one’s goingon to be funny that one’s goingon to be interesting they GNA do it that’s that’s goingon to be interesting they going do it brother they gonna do it because you can’t you can’t give him the money man you cannot

Give him the money every time we say this we acknowledge that it’s a bad idea and teams end up doing it anyways made me the one quarterback we were like hey man you cannot give them that money and they decided to give him that money maybe the world quarterback they did not

Give the money to that we thought should have get the money they gave the money [ __ ] Jimmy Garoppolo who got benched by Aiden okano and they never looked back that’s the second late round pick that has replaced him in the last three years yeah man this gonna be a funny day

With t get that bag when he get that bag it’s gonna be a funny day and when he gets that bag and resets the market Jordan love about to reset the market and T is about to be like well I got to do it again we going to be

Talking about Tu Tavo a $285 million quarterback yes yes yes oh Lord and then we’re gonna be talking about Brock pie $295 million at quarterback and then just when you think it gets ridiculous enough you know who’s up for a new deal it’s Pat Mahomes hey that that 400 that 400 going

Be crazy hey that 400 over 40 about to be [Laughter] nuts hey hey hey Deshawn will not have the guaranteed contract record for long somebody is getting over 230 like what Joe Bro already at like 229 yeah it like 229 or something something Tu might break that and look

We feel just as sure about the shot is they feel about two which is to say hey man both teams are at a position we’re like hey man we’ll see what happens with this [ __ ] apparently that’s worth a lot of money hey man somebody could [ __ ] up and

Give Russ money this offseason we haven’t even accounted for that no no why do I feel like the Steelers about to do that I feel like the Steelers somebody can [ __ ] up look cuz look Russ agent can get in there be like 26 touchdowns 13 interceptions this is the price this is

What they get Bryce BR Jordan love just did this so this is what Russ is worth 280 I pray the Steelers do it I hope I hope the Steelers do it I hope or even nastier even nastier 170 over three get your money Russ get your money black

Man get your money black man hey you know Kurt Cousins don’t [ __ ] around you think Kurt Cousins looking at the Sha Watson contract thinking he not about to get something he for around the way he leaving here with something he he started this [ __ ] Kurt Cousins is a soldja boy of fully

Guaranteed contracts you think he about to just let this [ __ ] happen to him as a free agent Des desan the man who has K was in a pool with chains on at that last bik he gave he said in a message he said message every sent I

Need all of it he tried to buy coals dog hey what you people like let’s just get Kurt Cousins you think that’s going to be cheap just go get Kurt Cousins yeah Kurt Cousins ain’t going nowhere unless he making at least 45 dog like and that 45

Got to be in the bank account today like some of y’all ain’t got it like that some of y’all ain’t got it like that like nah man Kirk about to run it up uh Russ about to run it up Jordan love about to run it up Baker

Mayfield about to run it up up hell it’s going to be a hell of a battle to see which one of these quarterbacks sign first because that’s the sucker you trying to wait no I need two to sign I need Tu to sign his first oh

Tu like which one of you suckers are about to take the worst deal hey I know for a fact the two who won’t Russ and Kirk they wait hey Russ just had a Russ just had to smack somebody dog over his money you think he about to sign that

Deal first get the [ __ ] out Russ face man you know you know who signed it first you know who signed it first oh Baker Baker I’m just happy to be here [Laughter] boss he understand his fraud too you didn’t even read how much for giving whatever it is you’re going to

Regret it in like four years it doesn’t matter hey go get to the Super Chat dog just get to the Super Chat oh [ __ ] Jared G is he doing new contract I think so I think I think he might be doing new contract oh my God hey Brock P $300 million quarterback is

Happening oh oh [ __ ] Brock py $300 million quarterback is happening CJ stra might be a billionaire by the time we get to see J CJ might be able to buy apple with this contract oh [ __ ] oh oh he’s not just in the well he’s in the last year of his

Deal so he’s going to get an extension I think his deal ends in 2025 he’s an unrestricted free agent oh but yeah man let me tell you something he only scheduled for zero dollar guaranteed that contract’s up like as far as Jered go and his people are concerned this contract is

Done my guarantees have been up for a couple of years yeah yeah jerck about to run that [ __ ] up you know what jar when the [ __ ] is Super Bowl man Lamar already got his money I’ll try to see this [ __ ] go Nash hey you are sick yeah run it up

Jared run it up you sick Jared golf first Team all bank one thing you can’t play with Jared G he got them checks we didn’t think he deserved the first bag and he about to get the second one dog we spent all his first contract complaining about how bad of a contract

That was for jarro G the Rams traded out of it it was such a bad contract and he’s about to walk out of this contract and get himself a fat contract shout out to Jared G get the bag Allstar get get the bag first ballot Hall of Fame put

His [ __ ] gold jacket green jacket on put that [ __ ] on Jared but like get the bag Legend who else got who else a legend like that like d Dak only got the one deal right yeah Dak only got that one deal not like Kurt Cousins he about to get

The he about to get us get the bad oh get get the get the bad goat oh yeah get the bad go innovator Deshawn Watson is not here without Kurt Cousins hey if Des Shan gets a second contract get the back Allstar if he finess another if he

Finess another one and we not even gonna be mad at it because it’s like hey the shot need you want a Super Bowl run but we kind of know like all right man [ __ ] it five more years I don’t know I don’t know hey and Barry might be like ah thanks for that’s

Thing Andrew Andrew might trade him remember Andrew might to trade Baker Mayfield in 20120 but yeah some it’s gonna be some crazy bags getting out there chat did I miss anybody yeah Jared’s about to run it off that’s if we really about to be talking about like is Baker going to get

A a a a like do you think Baker is at the point where he could get a league maximum like a a resetting the contract deal or is he going to be in that he’s in the Daniel Jones like Daniel Jones he might get the Daniel Jones rank

But if I was Tampa I do what Seattle did with Gino is give him that contract and try to move off of him in a year because the down year will happen eventually but if they give him a Daniel Jones level contract good luck with that good luck

With that hey Baker Mayfield signs extension with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 170 over three I’m like oh that’s that that’s that thank you for last year thank you for last year deal hope you enjoyed this run young brother Mike Evans get the [ __ ] out of [Laughter] there hey hey that Tu

Contract Tu $280 million over five well we don’t have to worry about the Dolphins anymore it was a nice run Mike MCD but you about to get fired in the year to dog like that’s nuts oh dog we really opened this pod up laughing at Carl Anthony towns and

People want us to do that I know I feel like we know for being bullies like I’m not great feel I don’t feel great about the reputation we have a masked among the people hey man the people like it it is what it is all right let’s get to these super

Chats man D John Thorne says just want to say what’s up and thank you for making my day let sporing appreciate that we appreciate that appreciate that hope we hope you got some laughs man hope you got some laughs we make you laugh cry and sometimes we make you think you know

It’s a three level it’s a three level podcast you know you forgot the fourth level if you forgot the fourth level oh yeah sometimes we make you Furious but that’s that that we’ll hit you with the next laugh don’t worry if you’re mad for like just you going to be mad for like

10 minutes you get the next laugh though you know right there right there a yeah that’s why I like him you be all right you be all right this why this is three- hour pod baby Mike says Isaiah Thomas and Mugsy B probably hate cat I can’t think of

Somebody who hates how cat kicks it more than Isaiah Thomas both of them both there’s levels to that there are some levels to that I keep seeing his big ass stand out there shoot threes I’mma choke him you know how you know how he smile when he say everything right like I’mma

Kill him I’m kill like hey hey dudes who used to fight in the 80s they all smile when they talk like you ever get a old head talk to you like hey young fella you don’t want to do that that’s somebody who might choke you out dog

Like he he was like that in the 80s I don’t know if you want to try that like hey you ever seen them old photos of like the E brothers when they used to wear all the when they used to wear all the like sequins and stuff like that oh

Yeah with the belts and fingerless gloves yeah and everybody was like I was like Hey Y’all cracking jokes but them are the dudes who would literally murder you back in the day and didn’t walk away slinking off like this and [ __ ] like with your girl like like them dudes used to leave

Alone back in the look hey hey Magic Johnson be smiling he also used to fight a ton you know who I’ve never seen fight Kareem Kareem never smiled it was that it was a reverse situation back then dog U Mike wack says no I already got mik back Ray rag says

I’ve been saying this all year Josh Allen equals Brett Favre 2.0 his refusal to take a six-yard throw um they were giving him on the last Drive ruin any chance that they have to win hey man I’m not going to lie I felt like I feel like that one throw where

People were mad where he threw it in the end zone I feel like that was the right decision the execution was just terrible yeah I mean like I I thought that would have been that would have been a touchdown if it was there he was it was

There it was he was there you can’t ask Jos Allen like here’s the thing you can’t ask Josh Allen to not be Josh Allen you know what you’re dealing with so if you gonna have Josh Allen being Josh Allen you gotta have guys who can

Win downfield I’m just I’m be real bro I feel like he didn’t really make any mistakes any like huge mistakes in that game dog literally made all the big mistakes in that game they still [ __ ] won they still won he had drops they weren’t on they weren’t on him like he

Had like three different drops down the field that this is what makes that loss even more devastating for the Buffalo Bills the Chiefs did everything wrong that they could do wrong and bills everything right they basic run at Demar Hamlin fake fake punt we can’t forget that one but they

Did mostly everything right they still couldn’t do it it’s done it’s cooked you ain’t never beaten him this is like this is like when the Clippers lost that 31 series and Josh Smith was the one that took him out like when Josh Smith takes you out because he’s making threes remember that

One the Rockets man man yeah that’s the live City Clippers too dang yeah that was JJ Reddit Josh Smith took him out shooting threes which was hilarious cuz we all know Josh Smith Couldn’t Shoot Josh Smith yes when that [ __ ] happens to you it’s a rap you ain’t never even when

It’s the [ __ ] Rockets you’re never getting past them James Harden unlucky playoff ass still that’s just what you knew it was never happening James hard plays for the Clippers right now that’s gonna be funny with Russ [Laughter] they have the all time and they got Russ and PG they have the alltime hilarious

Playoff team and then they have him paired with probably like one of the most impressive playoff performers in NBA history in kaai Leonard like how much can Kawai do like I wonder how it’s gonna go because they winning right now they’re do you remember when James Harden and Russell

Westbrook played against each other in the first round of the playoffs it was a game seven and it was the most hilarious 3 minutes to the end of a game seven because it was literally both teams were just fumbling the game away and then James made a [ __ ] free throw shot in

The ended the game like that that’s who they have in crunch time dog they got both of them and they wearing Clippers jersey so you know it’s a negative 30 buff on them like it’s nuts dog it’s nuts hey man think what you want about the Lakers if they play the Clippers

Wining dog like I got I have the Lakers like I have whoever they’re playing it could be the [ __ ] Pelicans I have whoever they play in the first round over them um but back to the super chats let’s get back to the people big Cav with a pair of super chats us Browns

Fans shouldn’t talk trash about Baker getting absolutely destroyed by a rookie head coach and a rookie quarterback hey man why you talking about old [ __ ] Kev we had 26% of salary cap on IR they had 100% of Baker Mayfield [ __ ] out my face hey man can we can we establish

This once and for all bro we don’t hate Baker you know who we hate we hate Baker STS hate Baker STS yeah yeah we don’t hate Baker bfield We Hate You Baker bfield yeah I respect I respect B the baker Bros oh yeah y’all can go to hell

Honestly the deepest part I don’t like them I really don’t like I respect Baker for the time that he was here but the fan base very annoying very irritating like it’s just to a point where I can’t even root for the player right way because y’all gotta gas him up and I’m

Like that’s why I don’t that’s why y’all this is why the main this one of my main issues with that group like enough like we get it dude is the best thing you’ve ever seen still don’t matter he ain’t ging no more but you know what do I know that’s all I

Gota say about that and F be terrible you are aligned with skip Bess think about that oh God skip you are aligned with skip Bess in 2024 I want you to really consider the path that you are on when you are aligned with skip bis you talking about the fits the with the

Jord the fits are terrible the fits are terrible that’s my main issue with the baker stands it’s like I’m not about to have this [ __ ] Ted to me by somebody in no puffy Jordans get the [ __ ] out of my face like I work too hard I work too hard to to to sit

Here and have this to sit here and have this conversation with a man with puffy Jordan like get the [ __ ] out my face I’m sorry puffy Jordans is crazy Jord man those Jordans look like they squeak when they touch the ground get the [ __ ] out of here dog

Like I’m like I’m definitely Jordan brand ain’t they like they not Jordans they Jordan brand you did not stand at any line you didn’t have to order them online you just went straight to the store and bought them shits didn’t you okay oh yeah it’s the fits it’s the

Fits with your rebot B Mayfield Jersey on like come on now come on come on not about to argue with you it’s like why I don’t argue it’s why I don’t argue with Dallas Cowboy fans did you see did you see he did you

See what my man my man cam put on uh Twitter when they lost he put a picture of them blue 13 the blue 13s you already know he was like in the eyes of an Angel oh man when the Cowboys lose is so funny I’m mad they can only do it in the

Playoffs once like why can’t the Cowboys lose in the playoffs every round like can we just bring them back so they can lose again oh Lord Oh Lord the best thing about the NFL season is when the Cowboys lose a whole a high pro okay there’s nothing better oh man Stephen Hey

Stephen A Smith is the funniest man in the world with the Dallas Cowboy with Dallas Cowboys L he the funniest man on the planet he turned into Eddie Murphy in the 80s dog like it’s he be locked in dog he be locked in he on they ass on they ass

Immediately talking [ __ ] to Michael irvan he turn like LeBron down 31 he just coming back backtracking blocking [ __ ] like my guy Big C with the other Super Chat says saying he didn’t want to win in Cleveland don’t mean nothing especially after 45 and 14 in the wild card and Watson completely is regressing

In Cleveland I guess big Cav is not a fan of what we were saying it’s okay Big C it’s okay you’ll be all right sorry man I hope your fits good like I hope you’re not a baker Mayfield fan like like you just heard about the

Playoff loss that’s one thing man we all heard about that but like y Mo on you know what I’m a sound off I hate Browns fans who be doing that [ __ ] right they want the approval of other fan bases fans so they go out of their way to be

Like well we shouldn’t be acting like that I’m like there’s a word for what you’re doing that’s not ever appropriate for me to call you in this context but I can’t think of a better way to vocabul what I want to call you but I’m not so it’s that you know what I

Mean the one cuss word we don’t say on here can’t say that it’s not a cuss word it’s a description but you know I mean you usually don’t get caught this for no reason but you know I just feel like it’s a lot of like

Oh plea it’s a lot of pick me activity how about that you know okay there we go we go get it’s pck me right oh we shouldn’t be happy we got be no shut up okay we ain’t talking about none of that [ __ ] right now we talking about B

Mayfield throwing the interception stop it stop it pick me man stop getting people to try to like you they not they don’t like you okay they going to be making the the jokes the second it becomes cool to make them again and you you going to be the recipient of it they

Go it’s like with the sh we like oh man he tried to earn the people back you ain’t never earning these [ __ ] back so just [ __ ] it they never going to be on your side again and that’s fair so like just let it go stop trying to win the people back

You ain’t winning them ain’t a touchdown big enough for you to win the people back I’mma keep it a be bro even if you win a Super Bowl not going to win these people back as a matter of fact they going to get even more Ang it’s a controversial Super

Bowl look superow Watson makes a Super Bowl we go to hear Jim N in that that Jim Nance tone right where you got to talk about something serious like whenever there’s injured player he goes from hey welcome to the Super Bowl he’s like well it’s an interesting tone

Around the Super Bowl this year with controversial quarterback deshun Watson at the Helm of the Cleveland Browns well you know it’s not really about desan they going to be highlighting the [ __ ] out of Miles Garrett okay in Nick CH hey there is nothing he can do all the

Touchdown passes but not showing who throwing them hey he gonna start celebrating cut high five Nick chub okay oh Kevin what’s Kevin doing look man them people in that broadcast truck ready to ready to take two take two take two we see a lot of Kevin see a lot of

Mr F you fist fist PPS hey you going to be like why is the side why is the sky cam on the sideline when the Browns are on offense it’s going to be a lot of fan shots it’s going to be about the city of Cleveland that’s what this going to be about

Like do he not going to win the people back the people don’t want him to be won back there’s no Redemption story to be had here dog just play like that’s it just play you’re not winning nobody back man um but yeah man yeah I hate fans who be

Doing that pck me [ __ ] stop it stop it right now I gotta be reasonable and then the other bangle like the other fans like oh reasonable Browns fan they get off on that [ __ ] shut up speaking of Bangals fans they’ve been they’ve been talking a lot lately and it’s just

Annoying stuff it’s like I think it was Sunday they were saying oh I can’t believe you know I think someone made a post about Joe burrow and they was like oh the playoffs Jo B I’m like no they don’t like we don’t enough man like it’s every week

They bringing it up I’m like y’all are at home because y’all went one and five in the AFC Mark you let Mason Rudolph goow for over 300 and from a national audience Curtis I will say this though the [ __ ] live in Cincinnati or Cincinnati adjacent they got to have

Something to talk about right hey like they could do [ __ ] with their time like you know mean like they live in Cincinnati like if they want to talk about Joe burrow for an extra couple weeks like that’s what they got to do cuz the state fair a until like what three weeks

That’s the next [ __ ] that they got coming in town like you know that’s all they got is Chile and the Cincinnati bagels and the Reds ain’t playing right now so like when they Ain got no team like they they just look man we not I

Got accused to be in classes here for my takes on streaming boxes and I feel like we just got to treat Cincinnati like you know we can’t make fun they clo we know they broke man like all right all right come on man like it’s not fair

Like let them boys be happy about Joe burrow man they ain’t got nothing else to be happy about it’s just enjoy the games and they just got to bring it up I’m like all right man we get it for the second consecutive week they have one Red

Lobster in that City dog there is nothing to do on a Saturday night like of course they going to be out here talking about what else are they supposed to do you blame the circumstance Curtis not not the results not of the circumstance man you got to fight the power on that one

Dog hey Q is crazy bro look I find new and inventive ways to disrespect teams I don’t like that’s why they hate me so much that’s why there always be like a fan in here because I be finding ways to get a day skin I’ll just be saying the

Same [ __ ] nah I be hitting with that different [ __ ] like Roan Smith like roquan Smith average death a tackle you ever look at that [ __ ] four and a half yards oh tackle machine though you know where that’s at 30th you know where J is at top two under

One I’m interested to see howo looks again real I I’d be interested to see how that goes hey man for Roan’s sake better have a good game oh that’s gonna be that’s gonna be a funny P that’s gonna be a funny P you thought you thought you thought the cat segment was

Funny oh don’t let cat don’t let don’t let Pat do it to you roquan you thought that cat y’all thought that cat stuff was funny job’s not done Roan job’s not done roquan yeah hey he was talking big boy [ __ ] before that Texas game we about to

Kick them out of their misery okay what you about to say before you play Pat say the wrong thing to Pat when you touch him in the back field and Pat like you [ __ ] I’m coming right after you yeah Real’s talking [ __ ] I’m like that oh there’s the cover there’s the

Cover Hey There It Is My Guy Pat m is about to be he they down at me they didn’t think I could do it cuz I was on the road do we have more Super chats in fact we do rayx [Laughter] 14 hey if I ever get a job at ESPN I got

To delete this channel 100% 100% yeah 100% [ __ ] like explain this clip well that’s my Pat mahom voice and he sound that sounds like Pat don’t act like y’all don’t be thinking about that when he truck somebody like when Pat broke off that 40 yard against Buffalo Bills can you not

Can you just not can you just not do it you [ __ ] can’t touch me I’m nice you didn’t know I could move like that huh oh I’m so sick of this dude [Laughter] bro Ray says is there another team of Coach that’s gotten more out of one

Championship than Doc Rivers in the 08 Celtics no no literally no hey man think about like how much run Doc Rivers and that team got that one that one championship and how little that [ __ ] mattered to Frank vogel’s rest of his career Frank vogle won that one Championship it didn’t mean nothing Tylo

Won that one championship in 2016 he out here coaching the [ __ ] Clippers hey man if you hear if you hear those old Celtics players talk about that 08 title you would think they won like three straight yeah it’s so funny it’s so funny to me well know the Lakers went back to

Back right the Lakers went back to back right after that and they don’t even talk about it like that to be fair you know the the Boston Celtics are a historic franchise in the NBA and they’re the Bedrock foundation of the NBA and honestly the NBA isn’t here

Without Boston Celtics greats Like Larry Bird and Bob Koozie and guys like that and you know like I think you know you’re letting your your purple and gold fanaticism kind of cloud your judgment of this whole sit situation but the reason they talk about the 08 Championship so much is cuz it’s the

Greatest championship of all time simply because it’s the last time the Celtics were relevant so like and that’s the that means that’s the last time that the NBA was relevant because the NBA is only relevant when the Celtics win you know the Lakers could never carry that

Torch the next Super Chat how did you feel did it make you feel good when you did that when you that [ __ ] yeah it felt great it felt great Lakers the Lakers have w three Titles since that title happened hey look if the Lakers were like that Frank vogle would be milking

That Championship like the uh Boston Celtics are milking that one from 08 you know they just don’t meet as much over there in Laker land you with Bri when Bri win the title he get the credit see that’s the problem you it’s not it’s all about the individual out

There in LA it’s not about the team red hour back one all right uh Q got Pat mahom like no no scope got on Brady okay [ __ ] you Ray [Laughter] rxs oh man uh yeah that’s the that’s the canar Tony will we already got that one

So so train says how big of a deal is getting a left tackle right this year heyy dog I don’t know what to tell y’all 71 going to be the left tackle yeah outside of outside of somebody becoming available that we don’t foree becoming available they could actually

Get it’s going to be Jed that’s gonna be no it don’t matter if somebody’s available unless you draft somebody who could take over for Jed I was about to say that too yeah unless you that’s the only way you can get out of it um because Jet’s about to make $20 million

Year that [ __ ] blocking dog and you know what after watching Gary on Christian for eight weeks I’m ready to see J again okay was out here like gion Christian it’s better than Jed Wheels no face you not watching close enough no like J J would block somebody for at least two

Seconds like Gary you would even got he was SL out there do no disrespect to no disrespect to gion at all but he no no this is a disrespectful conversation it’s it just is what it is man like it ain’t no disrespect or respect on this dog it’s just hey do he

Got cooked yeah I’m pretty sure he GNA be good in the UFL though uh my guy Ray Rags for well no he’s good enough to stay in well no he was out The League before the Browns picked him up he might get a Futures hey but you know who we are

Going to see in that spring League Leroy Watson who is playing [ __ ] right tackle against Will Anderson in that playoffs game you know he only like two you know he only like 265 or something crazy like that cuz he used to be a tight end yeah man he he ain’t big enough he

So you telling me he would have been better off just putting David of joku at right tackle maybe then he could he couldn’t run routes um Co is good as Mike Tomlin has been only had one season since 2018 with more than 10 wins and the Steelers are

Almost at Marvin Lewis levels of complacency with them ooh ooh they kind of are like the Marvin Lewis Bengals I hope they stay I hope he don’t never get fired then I hope they I hope he stays keep him right where he is keep him right where he is that’s what we

Need that’s favorite coach yeah always support the black man especially if he helping us especially if he helping the Browns the long round is there another dude where wait who are all the blackhead coaches in NFL right now de Ryan uh okay Mike m Mike mcdels um oh yeah

Yeah forget football logic you know what I’m saying football logic um I feel like did somebody else just just get hired uh Antonio pi oh J Gerard Mayo Gerard Mayo anio perius yeah they just got hired um and uh dud Tampa D Tampa uh t t BS

Yeah to balls hey man they really said we at never giv Eric bamy this [ __ ] job dog like what did he do no he a never hey we made that upar about Eric viy getting a job and the owners are like let me tell you something you just ruined his

Future as a matter of fact we goonna hire other black coaches yeah we gonna start hiring brothers from the defensive side the ball since y’all want to talk [ __ ] like I’m like damn Antonio Pierce Deo Ryan like that’s nuts that’s nuts Anton I’m happy Antonio

Pierce got his job though I feel like he deserved it nobody is even talk about Eric be should had that job in Washington no that that’s how far we just gave up on it we like you know what man I feel bad for Eric Bey cuz he got

Used as this thing right to push this idea that was valid like hey there’s not enough blackhead coaches and he was the dude that was super qualified that wasn’t getting the job and he got you news as the point and he is definitely getting punished for that and he had

Nothing to do with that [ __ ] he was just doing his job well and now it’s like well can you bring him in he’s controversial for what did he do to who is he controversial to you know what’s crazy the like by the way 4,000 yard passer every year he’s been an offensive

Coordinator crazy crazy people were like why isn’t Brian Flores getting head coaching jobs I was like well he has an active lawsuit against the NFL so that is 100% Bri Flores should be happy he’s still in the [ __ ] League yeah that is 100% he’s a great great defensive coordinator great defensive coordinator

But 100% he’s not getting a head coach job ever ever well yeah yeah yeah like he’s still in leite because it would be bad Optics to his lawsuit if he got black ball out of it uh but yeah it’s tough it’s tough it’s tough yeah he he But Eric bemy man he

Might never get a job that’s crazy as good as he’s been as a offensive coordinator man it is I don’t know what I don’t knowen the Chiefs still haven’t looked the same without him like they should hire him back 100% who’s their offensive coordinator Matt is it Matt nagie yeah it’s m

Naggie by the way hey look we it looks different with naggie than it did with with the Enemy and the whole argument was that well they he had Alex Smith like like right that was the whole argument with nagie I’m just saying nobody has gotten punished for no reason

Like Eric beamy has gotten punished for no reason like absolutely no reason he is being out here being punished cuz it’s not even a sniff people ain’t even mad at it he not even getting the Rooney Ru interviews anymore they’re giving that to Brian Johnson who just got fired from the

Eagles that’s so crazy can we just get rid of the Rooney Rule like can we just honestly just get rid of it dog get rid of it’s gonna get worse David Shaw got an interview with the Chargers that’s how bad it’s got yeah it’s not the rule that’s the problem

It’s the people who are making the decisions that are the problem and why the rule is ineffective the rule is meaningless unless people are invested in actually achieving what the spirit of the rule is meant to achieve which is to get more people from diverse backgrounds into coaching roles but if they’re not

Dedicated to it then it doesn’t matter what rule that you have it’s not going to happen because that’s the problem the problem isn’t that the rule is there the problem is is that they ain’t trying to hire them like for whatever reason they not trying to do it and that’s the

Bigger problem to me you can have the rule you canot have the rule but if we just F focusing on the rues so much and not focusing on what the bigger problem is is the people making these decisions who have already decided to consider other candidates and basically just

Throw away the Rooney Rule uh interview then that’s thing like the NFL is begging people to make like competent decisions they’re begging people hey man just consider everybody who’s qualified you might get a third round pick out of this right you might get this and they’re they’re literally begging you to

Just consider everybody but that’s not what people want to do who are making these decisions and the the people who make the decisions also make the rules so that’s the big problem there um with that and that’s not going to get solved um because like if if if incentives

Towards winning can’t solve it which is literally how we got integration like I don’t know what it is right because that’s the story about integration hey man Alabama lost by 40 to USC and they decided that day they needed to integrate the campus right like that’s what needed to

Happen if that ain’t going to solve it then I don’t know what you going to do with that man like I think the rule is kind of like we focus so much on arguing about the Rooney Rule when the issue isn’t the Rooney Rule the Rooney Rule is

Supposed to be there for like okay so make sure you at least consider one candidate now they just not gonna consider nobody like if it ain’t there like that’s the thing then you got GNA have anybody get these interviews they be like oh well we can’t have this guy

Be on here because he has an interviewed for coaching so he’s not even experienced enough and all this and it’s is going to be a even worse version of what we’re on already living through so I mean the problem is ownership that’s what needs to change unless that changes

Nothing nothing will uh now we got another Super Chat here uh I would never give forgive Baker’s best game of 2020 of being the same game he do four interceptions on Christmas 2 running at Wild F holiday I told you cuz he was kind of balling in between those

Interceptions and I was like this is this this cannot I cannot live like this I cannot continue to live like this that’s the problem with Baker Mayfield man I’m not talking I’m not talking about that 2021 year because I have I have talk about the game and I

Don’t want to talk about the game I don’t want to talk about it I I just I try not to do it I’m not gonna do it could you imagine that team the playoff at year it like blown out by the Chiefs how much matter we would have been at it

Like Kevin might have not survived that Alexander says my first time going to my first time going to NFL games was Browns at Ravens andar thre four interceptions and we still lost that’s what I knew Baker Mayfield wasn’t it okay [ __ ] it I’m gonna talk about

It I can’t believe I cannot believe he did that I can’t believe let me look up what his numbers were in that game I what broke me Q This is what broke me Kevin Sai calls a perfect screen to Nick chub there is nobody within like 20

Yards of him all baker has to do is get the ball out and it’s a touchdown and they probably win the game and this [ __ ] fumbles the ball I couldn’t I could not believe it yeah Mar through one touchdown four interceptions no rushing touchdowns worst game he’s ever played in his life

20 of 32 165 18 Baker went 18 to 37 247 yards a touchdown took two sacks and he had a fumble I was like I need him gone I need him gone I’ve never been I’ve never been that heartbroken in my entire life I’m so glad they lost that game man

They would have won that game LeBron would have made the playoffs and they would had to fire some people man that team was destined to fail that team was so destined to fail all right Mike says Hey guys great pod today as always shout out from the work from home crew

You guys make my day go by faster appreciate you Mike appreciate you shout out to my work from home people U and then Soul Train says Baker Bros are the and this is from Soul Train don’t get mad at me people because this is the

White man that said this all right so I don’t I don’t need y’all getting mad at me I’m just repeating what was said to me Baker Bros are the angriest white dudes on X facts you know what I find egregious about that statement he called Twitter X like get

The [ __ ] out of here dog like you going to find something to antagonize somebody dog you going to find something it’s Twitter it’s Twitter it’s Twitter man you g buy anything to I’m old Spirit like little things bug me man it’s the small stuff man you shout out to Soul Trey man

Shout out to Soul Trey I mess with most of what you said there Twitter I’m not calling it X is Mama call it Twitter I’mma call it Twitter okay all right all right my God Professor K says the does the w Joe’s start next season oh yes

Absolutely 100% 100% Ray rag says kg and Paul Pierce act like they rued LeBron like those Cavs teams weren’t way less talented to them didn’t they didn’t that Cavs team even when that that year they won say it went to seven yeah they took him to seven yeah it took him to seven

Man you know what broke my heart we never really got that Kobe we never got that Kobe Brown finals that we needed that broke my heart why did it break your heart because that was the all time that’s like one of my alltime sports regrets bro because we needed that like just as

Basketball fans we needed SLE debate yeah just to settle the debate man and just to see it because we never really get that like old generation New Generation playing against each other for for a chip like we never really get that you know what supp to in a way I

Think that’s the best thing that LeBron like had never happened to him yeah he wasn’t ready to beat the Lakers at that point use that [ __ ] against him his whole career 1,00% oh yeah Kobe would Kobe would won those debates Kobe would still be winning those debates if that I

Remember I had to have this debate with somebody in the barers shop talking about like Kobe and BR I’m like Kobe is one of the best players of all time and he’s one of my favorite players to ever watch but Bron is definitely better like

From a standpoint of hey man I saw when Kobe didn’t have nobody around him they was the eight seed like when LeBron didn’t have anybody around him they beat the world they beat the defending world champions and somehow ended up in the NBA Finals like that’s they’re two

Different players so it’s like kind of hard to compare him it’s like the issue with comparing him to Jordan because LeBron elevates guys in a much different way than Jordan did but to me it’s like that’s the one thing LeBron’s always been able to do is like it kind of don’t

Matter like when he was in his prime he’s not in his prime anymore but when he was in his prime it literally you could put you could put me Cove and Curtis on the [ __ ] team with Bri and you know what we getting out we the finals we final finals we getting out

The East we hey I want to be clear I want I want I want to be clear we gonna get smacked when we get to the finals but we it’s going to matter that we got me we got me uh running the three and Cole running point and Curtis running the

Center like that’s going that’s going to matter that’s going to matter yeah it’s going to matter when we play The Warriors you know it’s going to matter when we play the Spurs yeah but hey when we playing the Pacers hey they gonna be like Curtis might get a contract next

Year dog he put up 30 against them boys hey coold smacking threes look we paid Booby Gibson off the strength of braon shout out Bo man mov and had a 12year career off the strength of Braun okay we talk about zuda zalis way differently than we would have ever

Talked about him if he had never played with LeBron James hey respect Z he was a allar before hey man he was Allstar he was the number two to LeBron all of this but let me tell you something man we not out here acting like big Z is basically

Austin car levels of royalty if he didn’t play with Leon like hey love he got traded from Minnesota and throw right into that braon backpack baby everything you remember Kevin Love doing in the Cleveland cavaliere uniform happened after LeBron left the team but everything that will ever get

Kevin Love brought back happened during LeBron’s run right Hey Kevin you did the stop hey the stop baby hey LeBron only had make one of the greatest defensive plays of all time Kyrie only had to make one of the greatest NBA final shots of all time you stood in front of Steph

Curry while he made a bad decision like that it’s still counts it’s still he still his moment still you were a part of it too Kevin we not gonna talk about how bad he was that finals we not gonna talk about the fact he had an eight points in that

Game pretty sure Dante Jones had more we’re not going talk Tristan Thompson outscored him that whole series cuz Tristan went off in game six y’all forget that Tristan went off in game six hey hey he had that he had that SARS in him do like hey Mo people forget Mo

Williams was on that team Mo couple sh gave you a good four remember Dante Jones came in there dunked like that’s why I was like oh we winning game six dog Dante Jones in here sh and Fry was going crazy you know what I’m saying knew there was two

Moments I knew in which that game was over in the NBA Finals game six and I was like the Cs might win the series now there was the Tristan Topson alleyoop duck to open the game where I’m like oh this will be on Tristan catching these

Lobs uh oh uh oh and then LeBron blocked his shot blocked Steph Curry shot and then saying something that we have never figured out to this to this day very aggressively in the direction of Step I was like oh LeBron Hest LeBron saw a window open dog y’all done y done [ __ ]

Up I know Warrior fast like oh [ __ ] I think Tristan made a jumper in that game that’s how crazy it was going do wait let me look up the uh stats the 2016 NBA Finals Lord how how long have we been on here dog three hours we about to after

This my airpod’s about to die how you don’t be doing this too long all Right oh it’s ESPN all right so Tristan goart racing click the link to all right so Tristan went for [ __ ] 15 in that game Kyrie gave you 23 bra 41 Kevin Love seven with a plus or minus of negative six all right we have to do that we have to do that to

JR Smith had [Laughter] 14 hey Mo Williams had four okay Mo Richard Jefferson three points plus or minus plus 15 G G hey I think he had a dunk I think that I think the three points was an and one I think he had an and one yep let me

Look he did not make a three-pointer he made a field goal and a free throw that and one and one y hey Matthew delova even got points in that game shout out Deli man we forget about Deli hey man shout out to Chad and Fry he the only one didn’t play in game

Six they played James Jones in game six that that game they did not play Channing pry what the [ __ ] man CA Shannon pry was smacking threes in the series before like why did they do that to shenon like uh he didn’t get a single minute he was a

DMP hey man CH got his sh got his ring man that’s all that matters they gave Matthew delova and James Jones two minutes in that game they couldn’t they couldn’t just check in chanted fry too you know Ty you know when When Ty at the rotation that’s over with it’s over

With they gave Timothy mozgov minutes in that series were you aware he was still on the team in 2016 I was yes I was because that’s before that’s before he got paid with the Lakers the Lakers gave oh yeah you guys are the one that I remember that oh yes yeah I remember

That dark times Dark Times yeah y’all suck back then oh my God y’all was like contemplating paying Earl [ __ ] Clark back then that was just rough Tim Mo all day you know what I’m saying oh yeah people forget people forget y y a little bit I

Don’t hey man Kyle kman might save this franchise Lonzo and Koz man I had hope I had real hope I was out there praying praying for the [Laughter] Revolution you know what’s going Brak us back to to the prominence that Kobe Bryant brought us

To Lono B and K [ __ ] kba and BR what were Y which who else was that he’s like Josh Hart you know what’s crazy all of them all of them are are good to are decent to good players but hey thinking about Brandon egam oh [ __ ] Julius Randall allar Allstar all NBA Julius

Randle you’re young Julius Randall I feel like Julius Randle one of them dudes feel like he been old for like 10 years but he’s not well you really think about it bro like all the all the players they drafted like Julia’s an allar all NBA Brandon engam was an allar Josh Hart’s a

Starter K is a starter Lonzo was a starter like like they weren’t bad players they’re just not ad and LeBron oh yeah y’all had uh my boy Luke Walton as a coach luk luk y’all went through some coaches man y’all use that M cut check picking [Laughter]

Up Scott oh my God it was just the winter Time season 2 roster up in that pointy man oh my God this team is awful oh man what did y’all have being around in this [ __ ] 2015 Brandon Bass Tariq black Anthony Brown Jordan claron Roy Hibert is that correct Roy Hibert Roy

Hiber Larry Nance Jr Ryan Kelly Julius Randle D’Angelo russer I remember Robert sakur got minutes I remember that too I remember Robert sakur got minutes L Williams forgot he played for the Lakers oh I forgot he play for the Lakers too Nick Young getting minutes met World Peace getting

Minutes Jeremy Lyn was on that team I think I don’t think he was no the year after that might be the year after because Boozer was on the team too oh my God oh my God Tim mozgov David and bwa David NOA oh y’all had Thomas Robinson on the team did he

Play he got there a little bit oh my God man this I forgot how sad the Lakers were until LeBron came back oh my it was it was all bad it was all bad hey man look everywhere LeBron’s gone it’s gotten significantly better like that’s the one

Thing the Cavs before him the Cavs after him the heat before the heat after look say what you want about Bri nobody’s done what they’ve done with Bri without since they had Brun that’s a hell of a sentence right there y’all had Andrew bogot on the team yes and Brook Lopez

Yep was crazy was crazy Julius Rand and they should have kept Brook they should have kept Brook and they should have kept zubac oh y’all had Shannon fry yeah what the [ __ ] were y’all doing dog I don’t know man I don’t know all right all right man can talk I remember kcp was

Like a good good half for y’all for a little bit I remember kcp he was kind of ingal to that championship team in 2020 right he was he was yeah KY kosma Andre Ingram remember that story that was like the basis of the 2K My Player series for

Like three years is Andre Ingram you had to play for the [ __ ] Mad Ants because Andre Ingram had a good week of basketball he got a bad he got P he got paid for that weak of basketball shout out andream yeah was he a rookie that year technically yes Andre Ingram was a

Rookie he was born in 1985 hey man shout they went to American University yeah where where is that a real school that’s nuts but do I got any more Super chats all right we got one more oh no we got the Jesus how many we we got we got four all

Right oh Lord what we been doing we we just be rapping dog we just be rapping all right uh Ray rag says I would never forgive the Cavs for letting Boozer walk nothing you had a team option not trading for Mari St because of JJ

Hexon who’s in jail by the way so the Boozer thing wasn’t the cast fault that was cause Carlos boozer’s agent at the time was now general manager of the Los Angeles Lakers Rob palinka and Rob did some uh not so great business and that’s why Boozer ended up

In Utah AKA he robbed the blind man yes yes that is what he did all right Chris custa says I remember when I was at the Ravens game in Baltimore and I was all struck by the amount of Raven fans being iffy on paying Lamar I shouldn’t be the one

Telling them that not signing Lamar is a bad idea Hey Man Raven fans are really acting like we could just let this roll with uh w w with my guy what’s the guy’s name Tyler Hy oh Tyler Huntley yeah pro bowler the pro bowler pro bowler Tyler

Huntley Soul Train says it’s Twitter but Baker Bros do hate miles Garrett and love TJ not touching that touching that not touching that one not touching that one hey we said a lot of crazy stuff on here we said a lot of crazy stuff on

Here if we say a lot of stuff we probably shouldn’t but I don’t want to touch that one because that can only go one way that is I’m not trying to end up in y’all culture wars man I can go one way yeah we gonna end up on Hannity all right feel it

Dangerously what I don’t even think that exist anymore U what’s this person’s name nah we don’t need to do it again we don’t what’s his name Super Chat huh what’s what’s no I’m talking about the one you was just about to say d is it pH dangerous oh Phil dangerous 113 that’s

What you talking about oh I feel like I know what this is about no no he’s he’s he he had that just a couple years ago he been he’s a pretty normal super get off my man yeah yeah don’t me say again don’t say get off my mask like

You don’t be purposely antagonized in these antagonizing our super CH how not be antagonizing my super Chatters man I just be having conversations with them treat them like everybody else see I if you say I antagonize them I probably done antagonize you and Curtis at some

Point during this podcast hell I do it for fun y’ I here wear anime shirts on here talk about antagonizing anybody KN I don’t [ __ ] with anime both y Curry’s got the anime strong in that frame get out of here act like I don’t know I’m being antagonized but you going to say

I’m antagonizing stop it stop it stop it though what that shirt say okay yeah I knew this was coordinated and by the way y’all been doing a lot of anime comps on the timeline and I’m like okay they attacking me you because you know I see Curtis’s tweets whose anime comp is this

He Man uhuh uhhuh uhhuh I see what’s going on here no you’re not about to do me like that so so feeling dangerously I will graciously read your super chat now that the disrespect is ended for my co-host today hey q and Cove he spelled your

Name wrong as [ __ ] and you know what q and cob that’s what it is yeah it’s q and cob now he said hey q and cob and guest gu hey yeah yeah well to be fair we Ain got your name on here nothing that’s Curtis

By the way coob is spell with the c it’s in the logo right there um he did it with the K yeah he gave you with a k bro never mind you can antagonize no man he don’t be nothing by it he just hit the wrong button all right

Uh who I look forward to making my Tuesdays the best I just joined behind on like three hours well C well well feel it dangerously you going to have an interesting experience reacting to how we reacted to your super chat in about 3 hours we appreciate you greatly man we

Appreciate you we just playing around y’all know that we just playing around all right see now you got soul train in here talking about my hero Academia this is exactly we got to put an anime B hey hey hey hey hey what he say what he say

What he say he said my hero Academia for the win you you Haka you you Haka ftw2 what the [ __ ] is he talking about what y’all got in my chat y about to get me baned show what is this see if you watch it you will understand but you w’t be

Watching it I don’t want to understand get this I’m telling y’all man once I one time me and do this pod and he going be like n man I definitely just watch random anime and I love I’m telling you it’s G happen he gonna give in at some

Point at some point he gonna give in I hate what y’all doing to this chat nelon Gonzalez with the $2 super sa says shout out to my hero Academia guy plus Ultra what the [ __ ] does that mean yes [ __ ] does that mean yes plus Ultra Plus [Laughter]

Ultra see if you watched it you would know is that like is that the director’s Cut Is that the director’s cut of this is it the one where you get more access to Fighters like like Street Fighter like what what’s going on you gotta watch it watch it plus Ultra yeah watch you

Understand gota watch it gota watch it they gonna come on and cosplay and Q gonna be so confused I I don’t do no we’re not going to do that too far see that would confused me sister cosplay so like I I know what that whole thing is

I’ve seen it I can’t be shocked by anything I see in that thing I seen the sister watch anime your sister watch she big anime head she like all the she ain’t recommend nothing she ain’t recommend nothing for you to get started she knew this was a losing

Battle from the start she was born with me dog like she this she known me for 20 n 28 years she know I’m not budging on this one you going budge they all like no no you act like everybody you think you think everybody just watching anime

Everybody anime yeah my girl got her mom watching anime now you think JayZ just be watching anime hey hey you be surprised you be surprised you I watch you you hocket show like no it’s not happening do you just have Impressions ready of everybody I have a

No q i i really read a study it said that like 67% of Millennials in Jers watch anime who watch anime when they have free time I’m like that and you know what I see it when I have to argue with these [ __ ] on Twitter and that’s why I hate these new

[ __ ] so I hate these new dudes man I just had to I just had to put bro on my muted words because I’m like every time I hear a sports take and somebody goes bro really I’m like I hate you I hate whoever just did that tag bro I hate how y’all

Talk this clears I hate y’all I don’t I don’t resent it but I hate it like I get it language going to move on how people talk is GNA be different but I can’t stand how these how these gen Z’s and Alphas be out here

Just speaking I be like oh my God I hate how they talk we gonna get you to watch JoJo’s bizar Adventure at some point sound like no absolutely not come on man you actually like it they got a JY song playing at the end come on they do have

A JY song played at the end and it’s great well what JY song isn’t and I’ll gladly listen to the JY part of it but I’m not about to watch JoJo plus 10 what the [ __ ] you got Q to say plus Ultra in his

An anti-an anime rant love it N I just I feel like I’m being I feel like I’m being bullied right now hey hey if y’all in the chat if y’all in the chat make sure you make sure you uh make sure you clip him saying plus Ultra we need that

The streets need that what the [ __ ] is plus Ultra Man like got am I saying a slur just clip make sure y clip that one we need that one why am I being clipped the [ __ ] y’all out here doing man it’s some weird [ __ ] all right Ray

Rag says Co in the chat treating Q like a boomer who is learning about their new smartphone I hate y [Laughter] I hate j z no man I like Snap music okay R&B oh man Eddie Murphy movies y’all making me mad I’ll go to anime Rave in Orlando

Next week week bro can you imagine Q reacting bro see look jenzy bro can you imagine Q of reacting to anime on tit Attack on Titan episode five oh know what the [ __ ] that means bro not gonna be able to sleep oh my God I hate

Chat this is beautiful this is what we here for this exactly what we here for I just get bullied I just get bullied hey yo Q watch your tack on type tell us what you think tell us what you think I will never just watch the I just watch the

First episode that’s all you need to watch watch the first episod let watch chainsaw man that’s good all right man what’s it on what’s on streaming where’s it on streaming Hulu it’s on Hulu yeah I’m pretty I’m pretty sure tackle Titans on Netflix too uh I think I don’t I haven’t used

Netflix in a while I use all the time that’s cool I got both of them commercial free I a watching Q jjba what the [ __ ] is thatv yeah okay I’m not watching that I love Jo hey Jojo bizar Adventure one of my favorite animes it’s hilarious

It’s so funny it’s such a good show I start watching it’s it’s good I like it well this is Curtis’s last appearance on the show you know we gonna vent these guests because you know every guest that Cole wants to bring on be on some anime [ __ ]

JP now him who you got next respect respect JP bro talking aboutall JP was talking about football JP really good at talk about football he also talked about the anime hey a lot of the players that you cover a lot of the players that you cover watch look I will recuse myself from

That information so I can maintain a level of respect for what these players do out here but if I found out that my Martin Emerson was out here watching my hero Academia I’m I I would lose Faith I’ll be like what that can’t be how he

Kicks it that can’t be like you know with every player that does [ __ ] I don’t like I’m like they was watching anime Ronnie Hickman Greg Nome miles Garrett yeah that’s what it was everybody that was everybody that Flatline in that playoff game watched too much anime today before I blame

That Miles Garrett was watching that anime what was he watching what’s the new hot one in the streets hey that’s why that’s why everybody be treating you like a boomer because you say that what’s hot in the street what was these hot what was this hot new anime in the

Streets we need to get miles Garrett on here and not talk about football and just like have me and him argue about the tenaments of watching anime lose I would lose but you know what it would be the most irritated B Garett interview you’ve heard since mea

KH had to interview him after that thing okay like it would be the most watch it would be the second most watched miles scare interview of all time that’s our goal get miles gar on here talk about anime oh I’m sorry argue with Q about

Anime yeah be like hey M first I’m g go to Camp I’m g go to camp this year be like miles what the [ __ ] is plus Ultra you [ __ ] dork if he doesn’t kill me he might laugh and then I’mma get the interview IM miles Garett turning

Looking at me like a dinosaur for Jurassic Park like I like oh I’m cooked like I’m going just stand real still hope you can’t see me but all right man y’all we we we anime out man Quincy’s a anime Boomer was was JJ jjk hot right now yeah

Jjk is hot right now yeah it is it is it is bro Q watching my dress up darling would be hilarious all right we get we getting into a whole different right good see look I don’t Cory Christian Corley says miles Garrett loves anime yeah he do you know that’s cool he

Also has better interest you know I mean like maybe once he lets go of the anime he might be better you know what TJ over miles TJ don’t waste time watching no anime that’s crazy that’s why he suck a playmaker that’s you don’t switch up on

A whole fan base because of yeah yeah [ __ ] sacks over pressures play Renegade you did this to yourself Browns fans go bully me for 20 minutes cuz I don’t know none of the [ __ ] y’all talking about and apparently my audience is a lot of anime fans I don’t know how this

Happened I wouldn’t over I wouldn’t over your fan base man one anime fan at a time you know how like Kevin had to make a change because he didn’t like where the offense was going I’m like man we about to be we about to be doing this podcast

At a convention if I don’t do something quick about this offense dog hey we gonna make some real money too we to switch this out you know so much had to put in the Old Reliable ay G Bush come on in yes at the call the homie at the call

The homie man hey real quick whoever in your chat talk about my dress up darling you are a sicko I just want you to know that bro you you may not know what’s going on but I know what’s I don’t know I don’t want to know you really don’t you really don’t really

Don’t sounds like some gross [ __ ] see y’all out here bringing all this ungodly this into the chat was that you Curtis that I asked you I was like are there people really like fantasizing about video game characters and Curtis is like brother I’m not g not gonna say nothing

Not gonna say nothing we’ll talk about this when we go off here but I remember I was shocked at the conversation people were having about a video game character and Curtis informed me that this was not abnormal at all for that community and I was like oh gross this is why this is

Why I feel so old sometimes because I’m just was like you know what man I checked out a long time ago on some of this [ __ ] like hey man L after video game character is why I draw the line no dog look I turned 25 and decided to just

Straight up watch nothing but football that’s football family that’s all I be so everything else I’ll just be like all right man like I’m just looking forward to the spring football season everybody be talking about all this other [ __ ] do hey make it to the end of the Pod

This is what they this is what they love yeah yeah if you make it here you make it you make it here this what you this what you came these are the Pringle crumbs at the bottom of the can this the Cheeto dust at the bottom of the bag the bonus

Fries at the bottom of your McDonald’s you know the milk uh when you eat cinnamon toast crunch the milk at the bottom this what you want this is this is the sugar Scoops at the bottom of the bowl right it ain’t good for you oh but

You love it hey but you keep doing [Laughter] it okay I just got an idea for what that man just made me say all right ban him from chat what was it what was it but that’s going to be it for Q and C y’all gonna have a great

Day enjoy these while they still up y’all got somebody in here asking about Final Fantasy 7 rebirth all right get the [ __ ] out of here J RPGs


  1. Hilarious… iGreat show 💯💪🏽👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🔥…. Hey Q&Colb special guest Curtis..a.k.a lineup….there reviewing and reacting to other Browns creators content now🤨🤔🤨Sooooorhey done opened Pandora's box that all im saying 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀well i def enjoyed it.. its about to get spicy out here in these YouTube streets😁i know yall ready but some creators aint built the aame.. ijs.. p. S. Shout out to Curtis.. i was born with an "Old Man " crooked hairline.., 😆so its all, 🖤🖤🖤Love what yall doing keep it up💯👏🏾🌄

  2. Ain’t no fucking racism today. It’s just a small few bunch of idiots left. Get passed it. Racism will only exist if we keep talking about it.

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