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Fred Hoiberg, Jake Peters, Alexis Markowski, Drew Christo on Sports Nightly: Fri, January 26th, 2024

Sports Nightly, presented by the NDOT Highway Safety Office with Greg Sharpe & Jessica Coody, live from our ✨brand new✨ studio in East Memorial Stadium. 6-8pm CT, M-F!

Good evening. I’m David Switek and our sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative of the Husker men’s basketball team. Has a road game tomorrow against the Maryland Terrapins. Husker men’s basketball head coach Fred Hoiberg discusses what he wants his team to focus on for the road game. We weren’t very

Good against Iowa in that regard and we were unbelievable against Kansas State. And you know, it’s funny how it works out. You get an unbelievable road win against a team in a hostile environment. And then you get your you know, you get your butt handed to you when

You don’t do those things. You know you say little things, but it’s actually a huge thing. So you know, our guys have been better since that game. But it’s been in our home arena and Ohio State when we hit that adversity in the first half to get down nine, I thought our

Guys talked our way out of it. And you know, the next thing you know, we got a 8 or 9 point lead at halftime. So you know we’re certainly capable of doing it. We’ve just got to be willing to do it. And it’s got to be a full 40 minute

Commitment. It can’t be for 30. We’ve done that on the road. We’ve played 30 minute games and it’s not good enough. You got to play a complete 40 minute game. If you want to walk away with a Big Ten road win coming up in the show, we will hear more from head coach

Fred Hoiberg. The Australian Open is coming to a close soon and the finals are set in stone. On the men’s side, it will be Italian Jannik Sinner and Russian Daniil Medvedev, with no Novak Djokovic to continue his streak after losing in the semifinal for the women’s side will be Chinese

Quinn Wen Jiang and Belarusian Aryna Sabalenka. Both matches will occur tomorrow in Melbourne, Australia. Finally, not a busy day for college hoops, but on the men’s side, we have number 13. Wisconsin matched up against Michigan State tonight. That tip off is set for 7 p.m. The Badgers have

Won eight of their last nine games, but the Spartans have won their last three games, making the game tonight very interesting. And on the women’s side, number three Colorado is facing number 25. Oregon State. And number two UCLA is hosting against Washington. Both matchups there are set to start

For some late night action at 9 p.m. Our sports ticker, sponsored by the 1890 initiative. Do you want to support Husker student athletes through name, image, and likeness? If so, visit the 1890 Coming up next is the first hour of sports nightly right here on the Huskers radio network. Coming

To you live from Memorial Stadium. It’s Sports Nightly all the Huskers, all the time. Sports nightly is presented to you by the n d o t highway Safety office, who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down. Its Williams a drop step reverse layup with the left

Hand and mast is just dissecting Eddie early in this game. Deep left wing Kelly to take the lead. You betcha. Kelly bombed a triple from the left wing and the big red lead at 3634 on the right side to Hoiberg. Right to left, top of the circle. Reverses it off the

C.J three is good. Got it. Bang a rag C.J Rucker is on fire. Goes off the bounce. Goes behind her back. Works foul line Potts for three. Top of the key you betcha Natalie Potts the Big Ten Freshman of the week with a triple 15 on the shot clock. Now. Now he

Comes to the left side after spinning away from Berry high post on a pop out to mass nine on the shot clock. The handoff and the shot by Tominaga got it, got it. Bang bang bang ring. Casey Tominaga. Here are your host Greg Sharp and Jessica Cootie on the Huskers

Radio network. Here we are with a Friday night edition of sports on. I hope you had a great week. Hope you’re ready for a big weekend. A lot of Husker sports will be taking place over the next 48 hours, and we have a we have a full buffet of Husker sports tonight

We’re going to hear from Fred Hoiberg. So we’re going to talk men’s basketball. We’re going to hear from one of your favorite guys in this recruiting class Jake Peters. Yes. So little Husker football Alexis Markowski. So Husker women’s basketball. And Drew Cristo Husker baseball. First official practice today. How

About that. That’s a wide swath right there. That’s kind of these next couple months. What the shows are going to look like probably because it’s crossover season. We’ve got a lot of sports at action. So but I love that. I love when we’re talking a lot of different

Sports. We’ll keep our eye on wrestling. They they start at seven against northwestern in in North Chicago. So about an hour away from that. We’ll keep you up to date on what’s going on. That we have women’s gym at home over the over the weekend on Saturday at three you’re on

The call and then on BTN plus. Yes. And should be a great matchup. Michigan is once again one of the top teams in the country, one of the best. The defending Big Ten champs. But boy, the Nebraska women came off a really impressive showing last week. They put up season

High scores in every for all four events, had some personal bests, and I think they’re starting to get some confidence. And this is a big one. This is certainly a big one. And you know the thing about gymnastics too, it’s not just like, oh, you if you match

Up head to head, you lost this match. Whatever for it’s all about like you’re building your scores and your cumulative scores. So just because you might lose like your score, it’s still important to put together a good score to continue to, to be, to show the kind of numbers that you can

Put up as a team in regards to the postseason. So it’s less about the head to head matchup in gymnastics and more about, you know, building, continuing to build those scores. And so certainly they would like to build off of what they did last week because it was certainly impressive. Now having said

That, in the Husker gymnastics room, I know they want to beat Michigan. Oh that’s yes, that’s their rival in that sport. That’s the big rival for Nebraska is Michigan. Absolutely. No. I mean, there’s no doubt about it. They want to go in and they want to win.

They want to put up a better score. But I’m just saying in terms of the big picture with gymnastics, it’s less about your win loss record than it is with other sports. And more about how those scores continue to build. So and they did put up a great number last week. So

Continuing to build off of that is the key. So it was Illinois last week. Michigan tomorrow. One of the perennial powers not only in the Big Ten but in the country for women’s gymnastics. That will be fun tomorrow. All right. Uh, news from Fred Hoiberg today before the team

Left to fly to Maryland. No no. Juwan Gary again tomorrow. He’s out. Not surprising I don’t think. And I think they can be cautious with him. And bring him along the you know they perform pretty well without him. The two games. So you know don’t be don’t push anything.

And we heard the same thing with rank. We’ve heard the same thing with Casey throughout this. They’ve got a deep enough bench. They have some guys stepping up that are rising to the challenge that you don’t have to push anybody to come back and risk the long season. We were talking about that

We’re halfway through, but a lot to play for. Still on the line. You’re going to need Juwan Gary down the road. So I they I don’t think they’re going to they’re going to be very very cautious with him. Especially a guy he’s been pretty injury prone right. And

So I don’t think it’s a guy that they really want to push and risk further injury. So but hey do what you did. Ring mass, do what you did. Uh, last last time out. And Josiah Alex stepped has stepped up big. And so that that’s the mentality of

This team next man up. So they’ve got to be able to perform without him. You mentioned the biggest thing they they’re two and oh without him. Yeah So again those are both at home. It’s different home and road I get all that. But yeah there’s 11 games left

In the regular season. So you want to have him for that stretch run. Make sure he’s close to 100% before you go out. We’re going to hear more from the coach. He didn’t meet with the media before they left today. Will play some of those clips coming up here in just a

Little bit. John Rothstein, who’s a big national college basketball writer, tweeted out today. We’ve been waiting for the Big Ten to make some decisions about the sport of basketball. We know the football schedule is out for next year with the addition of Washington and Oregon and UCLA and USC, but we’ve been waiting

On what would the league do for basketball. Now, this is just men’s what John’s reporting. But right now the men play 20 conference games. And according to John Rothstein they’re going to keep that number the same. They’re not going to go to 22 or 24. They’re going to leave

It at 20, which will leave you 11 nonconference games as far as the tournament, according to John Rothstein, next year, the league goes to 18 teams. Jessica they’re going to take crazy. They’re going to take 15 to the postseason tournament. So they’ll be three teams that will be left at home that will

Not qualify for the big time. What are the number one overall seed gets a bye I guess the top I think the top nine are going to get byes and then I think you would have ten play 15, 11, play 14, 12, play 13, 16. I don’t know, I don’t make it

Like a full like where it’s not a weird bracket, but I think they want to reward the teams that have a good year, giving them at least a round off would be my guess. That’s what they want to do. So that’s John Rothstein. It’s no official announcement from the

Conference, but that these are tough things. I thought they might even leave it at 14, which is what it currently is. And to say sorry for of you be better. Yeah Be better to get there next year. It’s just wild when you just said 18 teams, right? I know that that’s

What’s happening, but it’s just still has not sunk in 18 teams. But they needed to do that because it’s already so tough to with what it is. The Big Ten is a just it’s such a grind and it’s so hard for a team to sustain throughout an entire conference season. And I think

That’s why sometimes maybe you see the Big Ten not compete as well, um, in the postseason when they get to the NCAA tournament because it’s just it’s so such a challenge to go through a full conference and maintain your resume and trying to get a top seed. So um, it’s

I, I think that’s good not to extend and make the teams play any more conference games. So with it being at 20 for the regular season, you’re going to play. 17 one offs and then you’re going to play three teams twice. So they’re probably going to assign you, I

Would guess, kind of natural rivalries. So Iowa, Wisconsin, maybe Minnesota Nebraska. That would be my guess is what they will do and you will see then everybody else one time now the women I’m waiting on the women because they have only been playing 18 conference games as

Opposed to 20 for the men. What do the women? I got to think the women are going to push it up to 20. I got to think they’re going to do that. Yeah, just with the TV revenue and the matchups that they probably want to have on TV, all that. I

Mean, just with the big massive TV contract that’s coming and I wouldn’t be surprised either. Well, I just I think if you left it at 18, that would mean you would play somebody twice, just one team twice, because you play everybody else. That’d be 17 games. And then one team

Twice. So I got to think that they’re going to marry the two up and make them the same. And both have about kind of weird that it’s not the same. Anyways. Right. Why isn’t it so. And again the coaches do have input. Maybe the women’s coaches don’t want more than

18. They’ve kept it at that level. But I think now with the addition of those four, they need to go to 20. Yeah. So absolutely. All right. Women play tomorrow at Iowa against the Hawkeyes. They are on the road. So it’s I hate this actually that both the men and

Women are gone. I mean put one here. I don’t know why that’s so hard. Um, leave one of them in town. Well and another thing too, and I noticed that it. I think someone texted in the other night during Trev show about playing at the same time. Right. That’s also. Well, they

Are two hours apart tomorrow. I know, but the other night it happened when it was Rutgers and Michigan here. Yes. The women played Michigan here. Yeah. And then it’s going to overlap probably especially if it’s a close game. So you’re you’re missing the front half of the women’s game to, to

Probably close out the end of the men’s game. And so yeah I mean I there is a buffer. There is a window here. This time. But it happens quite often. Yeah. That they overlap. And I know Husker fans would like to see both. I wish they would address that to like keep one

Home, one on the road, but then also don’t make them compete against each other right. That’s going to get harder to do with 18 team conferences. It’s going to get harder to find enough windows to put all those games in. So that’ll be fun tomorrow. So John Rothstein

Again, just want to give him credit. Don’t want to make he feels like we stole some content and didn’t talk. Give him credit. But he did put out that earlier today. Not not this time when we had Trev on. But I think it was the December show. Trev mentioned that

Nebraska had submitted their recommendation on what they wanted that that was their vote. Here’s what we’d like to do. So I’m not surprised that some of this is leaking out and getting ready to go. All right. Anything else good? Yeah Cole, are you good over there? It kind of feels weird, I guess,

To be here on a Friday. Yeah. Didn’t you have a full show last night? Yeah, but I guess you weren’t here. DB was here. Damian was here. Held it down. Yeah, but it’s still, I don’t know, just. I know Friday night you kind of wish you. I’d like

To be at a high school basketball game. And I think it’d be fun to be at a high school game tonight, but here we are. So we’re going to make the best of it. We’re gonna have a little party time here tonight. I know the folks in the chat room are fired up.

They always love party show. Friday night, Friday party show. Yeah. So, uh, one minute, all of that is happening, folks. If problem gambling is burning up your money, there is a way out. Help is free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families. There’s no judgment, just help. Visit life

After We’re back to play some clips from Fred Hoiberg’s press gathering from earlier today. We’ll have that for you next. Let’s face it, nothing makes you look older than you really are than thinning hair. But what if you could not only increase your hair count, but promote new hair growth without surgery,

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Acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. Back on our Friday night show, before we get to some Fred Hoiberg cuts, Michigan has made it official as we I think a lot of us were pretty

Rejected thought would happen. Sharon Moore, who’s been their offensive coordinator, was their interim coach for those games that Harbaugh was suspended, has now been given the full time head coaching status, apparently a pretty popular pick in the locker room. A lot of the players were hoping that Coach Moore would

Be the new head football coach, and he is so Michigan has moved on and now has their new guy. I’m not. I’m not surprised by that at all. I’m not either. I think it in this day and age two, when you’re talking about losing a bunch of guys to the

Transfer portal, keeping that that team together, he seemed to be pretty popular. He took on a pretty big role with, uh, you know, all the drama with Coach Harbaugh over the last year. So, um, yeah, not surprised at all. And, um, you know, I guess maybe some people

Thought maybe they try to get a big, splashy name hire. But in terms of what that program needs, they probably really thought about how they could keep a lot of that core. They I mean, yes, they are losing some, but they’ve they’ve got some young talent there and they’ve recruited well over the

Last couple of years. Yeah. And my guess is he’ll probably keep a good chunk of the staff. He’ll make a couple tweaks. Everybody does. But I think he’ll keep a lot of the same assistant coaches. We’ve been getting a lot of reaction. I’ve seen it on some of the Husker

Boards with Ernest Housman. Want to come back now that Harbaugh has left. But making it you promote more? I don’t know that I would hold my breath on on that. All right. Fred Hoiberg met with the media today after their practice and before they headed to the airport to fly to College Park

For their match up early tomorrow, 11 a.m. central, 10:00. Pregame coverage. And he was asked about this. What, uh, what his perception of this Maryland team is. Really, really good win. Really good couple of weeks for them. The Illinois win was really impressive on the road. Obviously they’re playing at an

Extremely high level right now and that’s a hard road game to win. And then obviously what they did to Iowa in the last game, I thought defensively they were they were really, really good. And that’s uh that’s when you look at their numbers. They’ve done a phenomenal job on the defensive

End of the floor. And you know Jahmir Young is playing at an incredibly high level right now. They’ve got experience with with Scott with uh with Reese and they’ve got they’ve got good guard play. So you know, it’s a it’s a game we’re going to have to be firing on

All cylinders. We’re going to have to get off to a good start. It’s very important in those early games to try to come out of the gate and set the set the tone, and you know, they’re they’re going to pressure. They’re going to get out on us and we have to do a

Good job of handling that. We have to take care of the basketball. So, you know, when you talk about keys with this team, take care of the ball, get back in transition and rebound. Jessica, as he mentioned, they’ve had some good road wins Maryland. They won the other night at Iowa.

They won a couple of weeks ago at Illinois. So they’re kind of finding their game. They were a big time disappointment in November and December. But they’re talented. It’s every team. It’s going to be a challenge when you go on the road and this. But this is important. This this team’s got

To find a way to get some confidence on the road. Yeah, it’s just paramount that they find a way to get a win on the road to add to the resume. Yeah it’s proven you can do it at home. You got to translate some of that on the road. And so

Hopefully this is maybe the game that they get over in the win column. But it’s certainly no easy task to go and try to knock off. Maryland coach was talking about some of the strengths of the Terps. Another one is they they lead. They’re one of the top teams in the

Conference in shot blocking wreaths. They’re big tall center is a good rim protector. And you think about Nebraska likes to take the ball to the basket. They like those backdoor cuts. They get a lot of shots at the rim. And here’s the coach talking about that challenge from the Maryland

Point of view. Yeah I mean yeah we talk about that every game. You know we’re still taking too many of them. I think we were two for 11 on contested shots at the rim in our last game. And we’ve played some really good shot blockers in the last

Couple of weeks with with Cliff and uh, would we play them tonight? Yeah With uh, with Harper, obviously a very good shot blocker and the same thing with Reese and the guy that’s a really good shot blocker on this team is Geronimo. And he’s another guy that has a lot of

Experience at this level playing at Indiana. And we’re going to have to be smart. The other thing they do anytime you spin there, right. They’re converging on the ball. So we have to play under control. And if we do that, hopefully we’ll get some shots. If we play

Smart. If not, they’re going to capitalize. They’re as good as any team in our league. In the country of, uh, capitalizing on turnovers and you know, pick sixes are death against this team. So we really have to take care of the basketball. We were much better the other night

Against Ohio State than we’ve been the previous two games. But that’s going to be a huge, uh, key to this game if we’re going to have a chance to win, can we just take a second for those guys that are watching on the YouTube stream? Shout out Seamus for helping us out and

Getting that video. Yeah he did. He was there on the spot and sent us the video. So I was going to say it was David, but you, Seamus, that that, you know, you got to give credit where credit is due. Seamus. Also though the sad team here, they’re just great all world

Aren’t they. All of them from top to bottom. I’m going to tell you a scary story. I’m getting way off base here. Jeff Greci, who is our great analyst on our women’s broadcast, women’s basketball. Sid um, was coming back from lunch the other day from the training table and was walking under the

Stadium, coming out of the academic wing, and they were kind of going to go back door to their elevator to go up. And so he’s under the stadium, but it’s wet down there. He hit some black ice, went down hard, cut his head. Oh my goodness.

He’s okay. He’s going to be on the broadcast tomorrow with with coat. But yeah that man that disc that gives me the willies thinking about slipping on ice. I hate that stuff. Well and it’s so deceiving. It’s you. It looks just like I. I’ve kind of slipped a little bit on

The sidewalk taking Sonny out to potty, and it’s boy, it’s slip, it’s slick. Yeah It’s awful. Not. And you said driving it was not good. It was not good this morning. There were a lot of wrecks around town and Lincoln today because there was that kind of freezing fog early this morning and

Before it got above 32, there were multiple wrecks around Lincoln, so be careful. But glad she’s all right. Yeah, he’s not going to miss a broadcast because what number would that be? Well over 750. Yeah Uh, but yeah. So he goes he goes down and then Scott Brown, who is the official

Photographer for Husker athletics, was trying to help him up. And he bit it. No. So it was like a train wreck. Video of this anywhere. Oh, God. I wish there was. There’s got to be security footage somewhere. There might be. Cole, work on that. All right. Uh, last thing from the coach

Here. Um C.J. Wilcher, man, as he just been dynamite for Nebraska. Instant offense off the bench and just doing so many things. Here’s the coach talking about C.J. elevating his game right now. C.J, you know the thing I’m most proud of, C.J. pleased with C.J. is just his overall leadership.

He’s been so good every day, setting the tone of his voice and he has really grown into that role where last year, Rissole Bandmill walked here, they did a lot of that for us, and we needed somebody to step up and C.J. has probably been our most consistent in regards

To being that that leader, that vocal leader that we need to set the tone in practice and games. And I’m really, really proud of him for the progression. He’s made to get to the point he’s at right now. And then obviously his play is speaking for itself right now.

He’s he’s just playing with so much confidence and it’s been fun to see. Nobody puts more time in the gym than C.J, and it’s always fun to see that hard work paying off. Uh, we have talked a lot about C.J. Wilcher and deservedly so. I mean, you want to talk about

Just a huge role that he’s playing. He’s been as big, you could argue as big as anybody. And what this team’s been able to do, uh, especially winning these last few games. You think about some of these games recently where Nebraska a little slow start kind of sluggish and all of sudden he

Comes in and boom, boom. And now the run goes and it seems like to even on the nights that maybe the team haven’t shot it, well he’s still shot it. Well yes. You know, so even in that regard where you can still rely on him when things aren’t falling from the outside, it

Seems like he’s just it’s like I said the other night, he’s shooting it. So confidently and it’s the most confident. I feel like we’ve seen CJ Wilcher since he’s been in a uniform, and I just I think he’s embracing his role. He likes this team. That’s a big part of

It too, right? And a lot of these guys like playing with each other. They like being a part of this team. And so, you know kudos to him. And I know I went back go back to the summer and I talked to Derrick Walker about this a little bit. But

You know after those guys left and C.J. saw the kind of leadership that they had last year and knew that it was going to be important for someone to step up in that regard. And there there’s a lot of experience. Right. But C.J. is the guy that was he was here.

He experience it. He’s now one of those he’s the older guy and has been here for longer than anybody. Three years. This is his third year. He was here before Jajuan got here. Um he and Casey came in at the same time. Yeah yeah. Uh, what? Are you sure? I thought Casey was

Here one year before. Uh, I thought C.J. was here one year before Casey went to look that up, so. But either way, like, they they’re the guys that have been around, been here, been a part of this program and have been here when it was not really fun. And, uh, so for him

To really embrace his role, he’s been absolutely critical in what this team’s been able to do. Continues tomorrow. 11:00 tip 10:00 pregame coverage here on on the network. Carla says only good place for ice is in a glass with an adult beverage. I hope everybody stays safe and upright this weekend. Amen to

That, Carla. All right. Uh, Woodhouse, auto family, they are your trusted auto partner. 20 brands, 20 convenient, safe and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms . Visit us online at Woodhouse .com 402 413 2400. That’s the number. If you want to be a part of the program, the call

Or a text, when we come back, we’re going to hear one of Jessica’s conversations from National Signing Day back in December. We’re going to go offensive line. And Jake Peters, a young guy from the state of Iowa from the same hometown as the Husker Athletic director. We’ll have that conversation next. It’s time

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Active to do the things I love. Chiropractic gets safe and effective for all ages. Make chiropractic your first choice to reduce pain, improve your mobility and feel better. Naturally, it works for me and it can work for you too. Learn more at Nebraska Chiropractic. Org stay active with chiropractor. Back inside our

Huskers radio network broadcast center sponsored by Acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. Denis, on our text line said on Walking on the ice. Have you heard of the Waddle? I’ve Dennis, I’ve perfected the

Waddle. Uh, it’s like scoring a touchdown on the ice. I shuffle along like I’m 96 years old on the ice. I’m just so afraid of it. But I’ve bitten it a few times, so I kind of do that. Uh, last we had Trev on a couple nights ago, and he

Mentioned Jake Peters because they’re from the same hometown, Cedar Falls, Iowa. So Nate Lenser, by the way, Husker men’s assistant basketball coach at and Jessica, on National Signing Day, had a chance to catch up with Jake and talk about his commitment and then eventual signing with the Huskers. Well, we welcome

In the offensive lineman out of Cedar Falls, Iowa. Jake Peters, thanks for joining us. Congratulations. You’re officially a Husker. How does it feel that I know it can be a process, but to have signing day here and to actually make it official, how does it all feel? Yeah, it feels amazing to

Be a part of, uh, Nebraska and to officially call myself a Nebraska Husker. Uh, and I’m super excited to be a part of, uh, coach Rhule and coach role as, uh, football team. That’s awesome. Well, take us through your decision. I know that you were kind of waiting on a power

Five offer, and then it came in, but how? You landed on Nebraska, how you felt like it was the right fit for you? Yeah. So during the summer, I was going into football camp season without really a power five offer. And then Nebraska calls me and invited me to go

To their camp. And so I thought that was a pretty good opportunity, and I thought I had a chance to get an offer. So I went into camp, uh, camps pretty well, and then really liked how coach Raiola was coaching there. And how he coaches, um, and then after

That camp, they decided to offer me and then, uh, obviously super excited to get offered by a place, uh, with the history that Nebraska has. Um, and then I decided to set up an official visit the next week just so I could get to know the coaches, get to know

The campus, and all that stuff a lot more so then the next week, I went on my official visit there. Um, and it just felt like home. I got to spend some time with the offensive linemen and I’m just super pumped to be able to, uh, be around those group of guys

Because. Cause everybody around there talks about how close that offensive line room is. And so I’m really excited to be a part of that and just be a part of a big friendship. And it’s really a family there. And so I really want to be a part of a family. That’s amazing.

You know, the coaching staff has talked about how important the camps are going to be. And so for someone like you, how good is that to be able to have that opportunity to go earn an offer and to be able to maybe catch some eyes in a way that

Maybe you hadn’t had that opportunity before. Before. Yeah, that was super special opportunity. It’s kind of those ones that you dream about as a kid. You go to camp coaches really like what you did there, and then you get to go to the head coaches office and they

Offer you right there. I mean, that was a dream come true. And so that’s super special. And it just holds true, like to what they said, I can be an example for those kids to come to show why you want to perform well at camps and what the coaches can

Do for you if you perform well That’s awesome. What did you feel like you did that that caught their attention there at that camp? Uh, I just tried to be myself, uh, my coaches told me to just try and be the best high school athlete that I can

Be. So I just tried to showcase that at that camp, and I just tried to put my best foot forward and I think I did that, and they saw that and they liked what they saw. You know, every offensive lineman that we talk to, whether it be the guys

That are already here playing for Coach Raiola or the ones that are committing to play for Coach Raiola, have mentioned that family aspect of it and how close knit and tight knit that group is. What does that mean to you as an offensive lineman? How important is it to

Have that close knit type of feel as an offensive line group? Yeah that’s super important. I can already feel it like they had us go to one of the volleyball games after a football game, and I got to see Ben Scott and Murray Neely there, and I just started

Talking to him like I had known him for like a few years. I mean, those guys are great and I just enjoy every second I get to talk with them and also you can see the family aspect just with the commits. Right now, I mean, every Saturday I’d go to

Or I’d go to their home games and I’d just pick up right where I left off with all the guys. Uh, I think we’re probably one of the tightest, uh, classes in the country. And I think that’s super attractive for other people to see just how close knit people are,

Because that’s what people want to be a part of. They want to be a part of a family. Very cool. You said you like Coachella and his coaching. What is it about him that you wanted to be coached by him? Yeah, I just really love the style that he coaches with. Uh,

When I first had that official visit, Ethan Piper was my player, host, and I kind of asked him like, hey, what do you think of Coach Rayola? And the first thing he told me was, he’s a father figure. And just so how he takes those guys under his wing and he really

Preaches that he wants his offensive line room to be a family. And how he wants their guys to always be hanging out with each other and, and, uh, coach rail also talks about how he wants his guys to see him as just a regular guy, too. He doesn’t want him just to see

Him as a coach. He wants to see him as just a normal guy, too. So you had some offers from some pretty impressive schools with high, high academic standards. Not easy to get into whether you’re playing football or not. How important is the academic aspect to you and why

Is it important to you? Yeah that’s super important to me because it sets up my future. Uh, football only lasts a certain amount of time for everybody, no matter what level you play to. And so as long as I can just keep my academics, uh, and keep working hard in

The classroom, that’ll translate over onto the football field. And that’s just kind of how I take everything. I just want to do everything to the best of my ability. And so that’s why I work super hard in the classroom. So your dad played college football at South Dakota, right? Was an All

American. How big of a role did he play in who you became as a football player? He played a massive role in who I am today. I mean, not the football player on the field, but just the person I am today. I look up to him every day. He’s just a

Humble person. Uh, who had some pretty impressive accomplishments as a football player. But you wouldn’t be able to tell off the field. He just carries himself super well, um, but also, he inspired me to become a college football player. He talks about all the stories off the field that he

Just enjoyed being a part of a football team. And so I really wanted to be a part of that. And so he just was a big role model for me to play football. And he also showed me what hard work looks like. He grew up in a small town where nobody

Really recruited him. That much. And then so he went to South Dakota and was a true freshman there. He I think he was bottom of the depth chart when he got there. And just put his head down and worked and worked and worked until he got his starting spot. That’s

Awesome. What a cool story. So he play defensive lineman right ? Right. How did you become an offensive lineman then? Yeah, I don’t know. He always tells me that I have better feet than he did. So he always would tell me that I’m going to be an offensive lineman just because

Of my feet. But yeah, he was super quick as a defensive lineman. So I get a little bit of that from him too. So did you have any choice to play football? I guess it sounds like your dad probably didn’t push it on you or didn’t make

You play it. How did you find your own love for it? Yeah, I just love football. Ever since I was a kid, I just love playing sports. I’m a competitive person. Um, it doesn’t even have to be sports. I’m always trying to compete with people and so I just found

The love for football. I love the physicality aspect of it. I love the team aspect of it. You know, football is one of those sports where not one guy can take over the game. All 11 people matter, and if one guy screws up, well, it’s not going

To work out very well. And so I think that’s super cool to be a part of. Very cool. So what are kind of your plans you’re going to finish out your, uh, high school basketball season, but what are some of the goals for yourself before you get here in

The summer to be able to come ready to roll? Yeah, I’ve already been talking with Coach Rayola about different things that I’m going to do in the off season, different drills that I’m going to be working on, uh, because they want me at center and that’s a new position for

Me. So I’m just going to be working on that. Um, I just want to like, I said earlier, I want to be the best high school athlete that I can possibly be. So I’m going to work hard in basketball. And then I also throw shot and discus for track

And so I’m looking forward to doing that. As well. So, uh, I read a cool story that your family and your sister came with you and your official visit, and she’s going to Iowa and even when she came here to Nebraska, she said, it feels like home. Can you tell us that

Story and how much that meant to you to have your family feel like it was home, too? Yeah, that was a really cool experience. It was the first night of our official visit. We came back to the hotel after touring campus and doing all that stuff, and we just kind of

All looked at each other and knew that this was home for me. My sister smiled and just said, I can understand why you like this place so much. And she knew right for me, because we’ve grown up together our whole lives together. Um and so she knew what was right for me.

And that was just just a great feeling to have is that it’s going to be home. Oh. Very cool. Okay. Got some fun questions for you Husker fans. Get to know you a little bit. Who was your favorite player or athlete growing up? Growing up, I think my dad’s a Cowboys fan,

And so he would always tell me the stories of when they were going to win all those Super Bowl titles. And so Larry Allen, who’s actually my favorite player growing up, just to see how strong he was, how good he was at the offensive line position. And so

That’s the guy that I love to watch. Awesome. What’s your favorite hobby outside of football? Outside of football, I love to fish. Uh, my dad does fly fishing up in northeast Iowa. Uh, he ties flies and goes out there for seven hours on a day. So sometimes I’ll go

Up there and do that with him. And then we got some great rivers around here. And so I love to get out and fish. So you’re going to have to find a spot to come fishing here in Lincoln, huh. Oh I’ll have to get get those spots found. That’s awesome. Okay. Favorite

Cereal. Favorite cereal I think I’ll have to go with Reese’s Puffs. I love those as a kid. I still have a bowl every once in a while, but yeah, those are great. Uh, I love it, I love it. Okay. Rank these cookies. All right. From first or from last to first? Chocolate chip,

Peanut butter macadamia nut or oatmeal raisin. All right, so last macadamia nut. And then after that I’ll go peanut butter and then oatmeal raisin is going to be the second best because my grandma makes some great oatmeal raisin cookies. And then number one, chocolate chip. It’s just the basic it’s

Always good. So I think I’ll go number one chocolate chip. I love it I love it. All right. Jake Peters, appreciate your time. Congratulations once again. Can’t wait to see you here on campus in Lincoln. Appreciate you having me. Thank you. You understand why he was

One of my favorites to talk to. It was great. Impressive. And good. The academic part of it. He’s just so. He’s so smart. He had some incredible offers that you have to have good grades to get into. I it was right after I talked to him. I had ran into

To Donovan Raiola and I said, talk to one of your guys and he is impressive. And uh, he said, which one? I said, Jake Peters. He goes, it’s not surprising at all. So I just I think the way he’s carried himself and handled himself from camp and then on, they’re excited about

Him and what a great group of offensive linemen coming in. When you continue to build that, that room, that depth and it just you have to build it from within and it takes time. But they got a good group here, this this freshman class coming in love that group love that

Group a lot. Shane in the chat room likes the fact that he likes to fish. Get a guy likes a fish. You’re good. You know, if you want to pass along some suggestions, you got any offers for him to go fishing? We can probably get those offers to

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National Champion and Super Bowl champ Tony Veland. Throughout my football career, chiropractic care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game. Today Play regular chiropractic care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love. Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages. Make

Chiropractic your first choice to reduce pain, improve your mobility and feel better naturally. It works for me and it can work for you to learn more at Nebraska Chiropractic .org. Stay active with chiropractor, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska exist to be there with you from the

First bell to final exams. They are rooting for the schools and teachers who make our communities great throughout the year. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska and Nebraska Athletics will be honoring outstanding educators who help Nebraska’s students reach their potential. If there’s a teacher you want to recognize for the

Impact they’ve made in your community, find a nomination form at. was back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast center sponsored by acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field. You know, it’s

Been a it seems like it’s been forever since the women have played. I mean, I know it was a Sunday game and they play tomorrow, but this was kind of I guess their their bye week in a way. Yeah. And um, Amy Williams said you heard her say

Last night that it came at a good time and they needed this week to really focus on themselves and have a couple extra days prep for Iowa. Now, I was on also on their bye week, so it’s not like they’re playing a game and Nebraska is not. But just to have those

Couple extra days to get a little bit of rest on the bodies, extra day of rest on the bodies. It was a good time, she said. So hopefully they took advantage of it and come out ready to go tomorrow. They’ve played well traditionally over in Iowa City. They’ve they’ve shot the

Ball really well over there. So I think they’ll compete. I mean , it’s a tall task. That’s a really good basketball team. Great game. Last night nationally between South Carolina and LSU. That was a terrific game. Did you see that text I sent you from the Ole Miss coach? Yeah she’s very

Passionate. She went on a pretty it was it was really good. But didn’t you get the feeling she doesn’t feel like they’re being supported very well. Yes exactly. That’s exactly where she’s going with it. And she was she was talking about that game with LSU, South Carolina, the Iowa game, some

Of these other games. And they don’t get over five. They don’t average 5000 fans. And you just I’ve said that so many times here, but I think it’s not to be taken for granted. And I don’t think our women’s coaches do it all, but they’re almost into the sweet 16 last year and

They are begging people to go watch. And you think you think a sweet 16 team here? I mean, that would people would show up and that would be sold out for that. So it’s just um, it’s pretty fascinating because it was on the same night that it had happened with the South

Carolina LSU. And, I mean, I think Kevin Durant was tweeting about it. It a lot of people were tuning in and watching that because I was such a great matchup. Gotcha. Winners and losers for next hour I do yeah Cole said. They spent all afternoon on it. So I’m going

To be wowed by whatever they he and David come up with. Are they different or are they tag teaming it? You guys better be different. Okay okay. Better be different. All right. Our one of the book’s good fun hour. There Coming up next hour we’re going to hear from Alexis

Markowski. Jessica talked to her. In fact, it’s a podcast that’s up now. We’re going to play a part of that. I’m going to sit down with Husker Pitcher , uh, Drew Christo, who is now a junior, is uh, it’s kind of his time to shine with this baseball program. They had

Their first full practice today in the Hawks Championship Center. We’ll have drew coming up in our number two. And those winners and losers headed your way as well. All right. Um big game Sunday. You got your picks? I’m going Baltimore for San Francisco. I’m boring. I’m going. Chalk. I got to think

About it, David Cole later got a pick for the Sunday football finals. That’s a deep breath. Lions you know. Oh, you’re going Lions I want I want them to win so bad I do too. But man I just don’t know if they can win. They’re a seven point underdog. I’ll go Ravens. Lions

Because that’s what I want. Yeah. Same I don’t want that but I want the Chiefs. Lions. But I think the Ravens are going to win on Sunday. Should be two great games though. All right. One hour in the books. We’re back with our two. Come on back. Have some fun.

Hit us up on the text line. Text 402413 2400 with your Husker thoughts. Hi this is Husker National Champion and super Bowl champ Tony Veland. Throughout my football career, chiropractic care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game. Today, regular chiropractic

Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love. Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages. Make chiropractic your first choice to reduce pain, improve your mobility and feel better naturally. It works for me and it can work for you too. Learn more at Nebraska Chiropractic. Org stay active with

Chiropractic. Not all companies is proud to support Husker athletics as a leader in commercial real estate, we create thriving communities, discover what’s new in the builders district in north downtown, Sunnyside, exurban and rowhouse townhomes on Leavenworth. Not all companies is adding Omaha’s first hybrid timber building to the skyline.

Soon to follow is Builders Green Park, surrounded by mouthwatering food, exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses. Not all companies building a better Nebraska. For more information, check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Go Huskers Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska exists to be there with you. From the first

Bell to final exams, they are rooting for the schools and teachers who make our communities great throughout the year. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska and Nebraska Athletics will be honoring outstanding educators who helped Nebraska’s students reach their potential. If there’s a teacher you want to recognize for the impact

They’ve made in your community, find a nomination form at at Groundworks. We take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basements to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways, we’d like to thank our customers choose us because of our attention to detail, or

The fact that we’re the nation’s leading foundation solutions provider. What gives our customers the most comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska . Visit for a free estimate. Ground Works Foundation Solutions crafted with pride. The official foundation company of the Huskers. Good evening. I’m David Suszek and our sports ticker is

Brought to you by the 1890 initiative. The Huskers men’s basketball team has a road game tomorrow against the Maryland Terrapins. Husker men’s basketball head coach Fred Hoiberg discusses what he wants his team to focus on for the road game. I’m not very good against Iowa in that regard and we were unbelievable against

Kansas State, and it’s funny how it works out. We get an unbelievable road win against a team in a hostile environment. And then you get your, you know, get your butt handed to you when you don’t do those things. You know, you say little things, but it’s actually a huge thing. So you

Know, our guys have been better since that game. But it’s been in our home arena and said Ohio State, when we hit that adversity in the first half to get down nine, I thought our guys talked our way out of it and, you know, the next thing

You know, we got a 8 or 9 point lead at halftime. So you know, we’re certainly capable of doing it. We’ve just got to be willing to do it. And it’s got to be a full 40 minute commitment. It can’t be for 30. We’ve done that on the road.

We’ve played 30 minute games and it’s not good enough. You got to play a complete 40 minute game if you want to walk away with a Big Ten road win. The Australian Open is coming to a close soon. In the final are set in stone on the men’s

Side will be Italian Jannik Sinner and Russian Daniil Medvedev, with no Novak Djokovic to continue his streak after losing in the semifinal for the women’s side will be Chinese Kun Wen Jiang and Belarusian Aryna Sabalenka. Both matches will occur tomorrow in Melbourne, Australia. Final not a busy day

For college hoops, but on the men’s side we have number 13 with Wisconsin matched up against Michigan State tonight. That tip off was set for 7 p.m. and started moments ago. The Badgers have won eight of their last nine games, but the Spartans have won their last three games, making the game

Tonight very interesting. And on the women’s side, number three Colorado is facing number 25. Oregon State. And number two UCLA is hosting against Washington. Both matchups are set to start for some late night action at 9 p.m. Our sports ticker, sponsored by the 1890 initiative. Do you want to support Husker student athletes

Through name, image and likeness? If so, visit 1890 Coming up next is hour two of sports nightly right here on the Huskers radio network. Coming to you live from Memorial Stadium. It’s sports nightly all the Huskers all the time. Sports nightly is presented to you by the n d o t

Highway Safety office. Who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down in its Williams a drop step reverse layup with the left hand and last is just dissecting Eddie early in this game. Deep left wing to take the lead. You betcha Shelley Bob the triple from the left

Wing and the big red lead at 3634 on the right side to Hoiberg. Right to left, top of the circle. Reverses it off the C.J three is good. Got it. Bang A rang C.J. Wilcher is on fire It goes off the bounce goes behind her back. Works foul

Line Potts for three. Top of the key. You betcha Natalie Potts the Big Ten Freshman the shot clock. Now he comes to the left side after spinning away from Barry High post on a pop out to mass nine on the shot clock. The hand off and the shot by Tominaga got it,

Got it. Bang bang bang ring. Casey Tominaga. Here are your host Greg Sharp and Jessica Cootie on the Huskers radio network, and we’re back. Final hour of the night. Final hour of the week of sports on. So glad you’re with us here on our party show on a Friday night.

We got a big hour coming up. Going to hear from Alexis Markowski, who has had a terrific season at this point. Coming off a 19 rebound effort against Penn State on Sunday. That’s coming your way in just a few minutes. And today was Will Bolt’s first full practice

With the Huskers. On for the baseball season. We’re going to hear from Drew Cristo, the junior pitcher from Elkhorn. We’ll talk to drew coming up in just a little bit. And we have winners and losers for you at the end of the hour, if you want to be a part of the

Program with a call or a text 402413 2400 but earlier this week, Jessica debuted a new podcast about women’s sports for the Huskers and her first guest was Alexis Markowski. Here’s part of that podcast you know, we’ve talked to you a lot throughout your career here, and you’ve certainly been a

Voice that we’ve heard a lot from, but just kind of getting to know your back story a little bit. And one of the things that I hadn’t talked to you much about this season is just kind of going into this year, and your junior season, and you got a chance to play

For team USA and go through that this summer. How did that maybe change your approach or your mindset, your confidence going into this season? You know, it kind of changed a lot for me. You know, um, I realized that I am capable of competing with the best in the

Country and, um, kind of my future is in my hands. And how I approach every day is kind of like a professional and just taking everything, like, a little more seriously than I did my first two years here. Just Nutrition Live testing, conditioning, like doing my individual workouts and, um,

Just really realizing that all my confidence and, um, my ability on the court comes from all of those things that I take care of myself and just taking that all more seriously, I feel like has just helped me become an overall better basketball player and leader for this

Team. How much is that? Just a process for an athlete? Just because you know you’re given this talent, you’re really good throughout your high school career, but realizing that if you want to be, if you really want to separate yourself, it’s much more than just going and working extra hours in the gym,

Right? Yeah it’s so much more. And I think especially college, it is just more mental as well. And it can really take a toll. Like the seasons so long and just with wins, losses like you got to bounce back really quickly so you take time in those processes and trust

Yourself and your training. I feel like your performance on the court is just so much better. You said that it showed you that you could compete with the best, and it’s kind of in your hands. Was there any doubt in your mind that you were at that level before you went to

That? I mean, how did that I guess that kind of work out for you just before for that and then after that, where did you feel like you stood? I guess as an athlete? Yeah. You know, for me, I, I really was not a very highly recruited high school

Athlete or, um, I played on a local club, Nebraska Lasers, and I loved every minute of that. But, like, we weren’t part of, like, a big circuit or anything like that. So you know, I came into Nebraska, obviously this was always my dream school. And my dad had

Played here and I was just really happy to be here, and I wanted to contribute in whatever way I needed to. And as a freshman, I felt like I could. I was like, I’m going to come off the bench like I’m a competitor. Like I love competing and winning. And I

Was like, that’s what I’m going to bring to the team. And I was like, happy in the role and it just kept evolving and I’ve just blossomed, aimed here, really. And, um, I think it’s just a whole process and learning experience. But yeah, I mean, I’ve definitely doubted

Myself. I feel like people have doubted me and, um, but I think just sticking with the whole process and just trusting yourself and believing in yourself and having people like Coach Williams believe in me and my abilities, um, has also been huge. But yeah, when I met with Coach Williams and she was

Like, USA wants you to try out. And I was just like in shock, I couldn’t believe it. Like, I was like, what? Like it just was like an unreal experience. And I think I took a lot. I’ve learned a lot from that. I met a lot of really cool people

There as well. And just to be able to try out for four days and, um, meet a lot of great, amazing coaches. Um was just really cool and something that really changed my life. I mean, that’s a great perspective because not everybody comes in as a five star recruit and like

You’re saying and maybe doesn’t have all the hype, but just that it can be a process, but not to give up on that. Right? I mean, that’s that’s such a great perspective. Yeah. No, I just I think that’s, it’s just a mindset like really like you know, once you’re given an

Opportunity, you have to take it and like you have to just dive full in and, um, you know, if you give everything you got, you that’s the best you can do. And yeah, that’s great. We had Juliana CB and Jessica Keller in here on the Nebraska women’s basketball show on the radio

Show. And they had talked about how when I was asking about your rebounding, which you’re one of the best rebounding your stats are off the charts leading the Big Ten, one of the best in the nation, lead the Big Ten in double doubles as well. But they were talking

About Julian brought up that maybe it had something to do with your volleyball background. And just the timing of all of that. Yeah. And maybe people forget that you did play volleyball. You were a heck of a volleyball player. Have you found now, too, that maybe that volleyball, some of the things

That you learned in volleyball have applied to what you’ve been able to do in college, at the collegiate level, when the basketball regards. Yes I think like so much like I love I was a middle blocker. So like blocking and timing and footwork was all like key and

Just like that touch at the net, like I like to tip the ball back to myself on rebounds. And I don’t think a lot of people do that. And I think that’s something I, I learned when I was playing volleyball. So. And you love volleyball, right? I did I

Really did love it. I thought I was going to play my freshman year of high school. I really wanted to play college volleyball, and I just had more opportunities in basketball that summer. So decided to go with basketball. But when you say, you know, I think people know your story, your dad

Played here, but you know, local kid, but at what point do you remember was there a time when you’re like, okay, I can play college basketball and I want to play at Nebraska? I remember when I would go to the gym with my dad, we would go to like all these, like little

Gyms, like Madonna, like just where my mom would work out, like to go and shoot. And we would go through these workouts and I would always like, get really frustrated. And I would tell myself, like, you’re going to be in Nebraska men’s basketball player one day, like when I was like in middle

School or whatever it was. But yeah, I mean, that was always my dream. Like, I always knew I wanted to play college sports at Nebraska and for the longest time, it was basketball. And now I’m doing it as just the coolest experience. Being that your dad played here and, um,

Had such a career, was that ever pressure at all or did how did he balance that and how did you balance that knowing hey, I’m a I’m a daughter of a legacy and there are certain expectations that come along with that. Yeah People would always come up to my dad and be

Like, oh my God, it’s Andy Murkowski. And we’re like, he’s really not that cool. Like, like who? Like what? Like like it always is. Just like a joke. And, um, I was like, I’m going to go and break all your sets. Like, I’m going to be way better than you. Like, I don’t

Even care. Like it’s just like a competitive thing. So I wouldn’t really say like, pressure. I mean, maybe if I was like a boy. Yeah, like, and playing men’s basketball would be a little bit different. But I feel like there’s enough separation, but still, like, I think I have been all his stats

. So yeah, it’s fun. We like to joke about it and he’s just like the biggest supporter. Like he had a work trip in Florida and flew to Penn State and then like back home. And Ava had a game the next day. Like he just loves that I’m

Playing here and that we share that. And um, just really supports me. What about when you. Because I think it started back when you were a freshman, he had never made a three, right? Yeah You make a three. But then you are your your name is already all over the

Nebraska women’s basketball record books. When you do give him a hard time about that, how does he take it when you’re like, hey, dad, I’ve done stuff. He can’t really say anything. Like he’ll be like, oh, like he won a the NIT and he’s like, did you win the NIT?

I’m like, shoot. Like, you got me there. Like, I’ll let you have that. But, uh, well, you have to get to the NCAA tournament, NCAA tournament game, then you win a game. Yes All across it. You know, you recently were able to see Jordan Hooper and get her

Jersey retired. You were part of the phone call when you called and told her when Coach Williams called her and told her it was happening, what was that experience like for you knowing like that was a player that you watched growing up? And then to kind of be a part

Of her being honored in the way that she was a couple weeks ago. Congrats to Jordan. Like just such an awesome person. And accomplishment. And it was really fun to be a part of. You know, we had her a alumni dinner before, and I got to meet all the girls. Emily,

Katie, Haley, sample, Jordan, just all of them. And, um, it was just a surreal experience. And, um, coach Williams, I like, told her. I’m like. I’m like, fangirling right now. Like, these are the girls I like, looked up to and coach Williams, like, gave a speech and like just about, like how

The impact they had on me and like that I’m kind of doing that now too. And I don’t know why I got emotional. Like, it just is like such a cool thing to like, see and like hopefully now I’m doing that for someone else. Yes, you absolutely are.

And um, with Jordan, um, just the advice, like she had given me and it just was so cool. And I think the best thing about Jordan was it didn’t matter. Her stats, like her teammates don’t really remember all of that, but just how amazing of a person she was and teammate.

And she just always had a smile on her face and, um, that’s someone who I look up to and want to be like, so being that that you were that little girl in the stands and then now here you are chasing a lot of her records and she wants you to

Break those. I mean, I talked to her and she just is one of your biggest fans now, how does that I guess, sink in to you knowing that, hey, this is someone that I watched and now I’m chasing her records and now she wants me to beat those

Records. It’s so cool. Like it really is just like a sisterhood and just, um, you know, for me, it isn’t really about the records and all of that. Like, I’m just. I’m just playing to win. And, um, I think Jordan was the same exact way. Like, she just did what

She needed to do and what her team needed her to do. And at the end of the day, it’s just about being a good teammate in person and having that positive impact on the people around you. You know, I’ve done a few pieces where I’ve talked to little girls about who their

Favorite player is, and you are your I’m your name, that little girl said in the stands now and think, oh, I want to be doing that one day. Do you ever go inside pinnacle Bank arena and just kind of look up in the stands or take it in how? Hey,

I was in the stands at one point watching some of these players. I was in that spot at one point in my life. Yeah, it’s always before tip when it’s like everyone’s like up on their feet Cheering and I just like look around and just try to take it all in. And just

Like I just always get goosebumps. Like, right before the tip I’m like, oh my gosh. Like I am doing this. Like I’m playing here. Like I’m so grateful and like I love just my teammates. It’s my team. This program, the fans. It’s just so fun. And like after

Every game, win or loss, I always make sure that I go out there and just interact with the fans and make sure that, you know, it’s more than just about the wins and losses. Have there been any cool stories that you’ve been able to interact with any of the fans

Or anything like that that’s really stuck with you? Yeah. Um, a few girls have cried and it’s like, so sweet. And I’m just like, I swear I’m not that cool. Like, I’m just like you, like, you know, and then I signed, um, someone’s forehead once, a few times. That’s been

Been a thing. But yeah, it’s super, like cute. Like, I go my younger sisters have played AAU and my brother does. So going to like their tournaments and stuff. Just seeing watching them play, you know, teams just talking with them and they’re all very sweet. When you do

Camps, when you coach, when you talk with teams, what are some of the things that you want to instill will portray to them as someone that now that they look up to, what are some of those words of advice that you try to pass along, or some of the

Things you want to instill in those, those young kids? Yeah, I think it’s just have fun. First of all, just enjoy what you’re doing. Enjoy the people you’re with, your teammates. Because I think that’s the best part about basketball, in my opinion, is just the relationship that you build.

Like I’m so friends with people I played with in third grade. Yeah, like I was neighbors in the suites with the girl that her name is, Katie Carpenter. And like, we have played basketball since we were in third grade together. And now she just goes to school here. But those relationships just

Mean so much. And I think also just for me, it’s just keep working, keep keep doing your thing. Like you know, I feel like I’ve doubted myself and I wasn’t good enough as a kid, but just if you just keep working and sticking with it, and if you love it and you love

What you’re doing, that’s the most important part. Uh, great conversation there with Alexis Markowski. Perfect person to start off this new series. Husker Women’s Wednesday, which is, um, powered by emeritus emeritus, is proud to power Husker Women’s Wednesdays and all of Husker women’s athletics. Huge shout out to emeritus their title sponsor

For all of our women’s sports. And they’ve been just a great supporter of volleyball. And now they’re getting in on sponsoring women’s basketball and softball. And so appreciate them sponsoring that podcast. Every Wednesday we’re going to try to bring you one of those, um, kind of getting it rolling

Off the ground here. But if you have suggestions, I’ve had a few that have come my way since we launched this podcast. But if there’s a woman that you want to hear from, whether it be a student athlete, a coach, or a member of the staff here across all of Husker athletics,

Let me know. Send me, send those suggestions my way and we will try to get them in the lineup. I do have a request and I talked to Doctor Elza, Suzanne, Elza. So she’ll be back, hopefully coming up, Jolene, the trainer for volleyball, that was a suggestion back when we were

Doing The Dig. And so we’re going to have her on coming up here soon. And so just kind of giving a platform every single week to the great women that are here across the board here at Nebraska Athletics. Very cool. You know, I hope that that team is excited for

Tomorrow. What a great opportunity. Yeah, I you know, I think Iowa at times has shown some warts. Yes. It would be a big upset if it happens. But I mean just go play the pressure is on Iowa to take home court. Let’s go play tomorrow. Yeah. And I think they’ll get up for

It. I do too I really think this team they’ve um, you know, have shown some flashes of being a team that can really light up the scoreboard. We know that I was going to do that. I also thought it was pretty fascinating to talking with Amy Williams about how do

You slow down? Caitlin Clark a lot of times it’s not about slowing her down. It’s maybe slowing everybody else down because Caitlin is going to get hers. But just to see that match up and, um, it’s going to be a fun one. Big opportunity here for Nebraska and Iowa is

Coming off a loss to they’re probably going to want to get back. They’re going to be pretty fired up too. But maybe maybe they have a hangover or two from there. And the crowd crowd storming at Ohio State. But it should be a great matchup. 1:00 1230 pregame coverage here on the network.

You got a wrestling update for us, Caleb Smith was a winner. What at 125. Oh and Jacob Vandy looks like he is 11 seconds away from securing. Oh he’s nope. He is one in. What is the . So is it six zero. He won. Oh major decision. Major decision. Yeah okay. Major decision

There. Huskers up to a good start up in Evanston. And their duel with northwestern tonight on the mat. We’ll keep you posted as we make our way through the hour folks. Have you heard about the putt for a Porsche put on by Porsche of Omaha? You could be the next

Contestant of one of the remaining games. If you go online and get yourself registered. Huskers .com/ putt get a chance to go win you a Porsche. That’ll be cool. All right, when we come back, we’ll talk some baseball. Drew Crystal the junior right hander for the Cornhuskers. He’ll join

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Team practice today and delighted to be joined tonight by Drew Kristo, the junior right handed pitcher for the Cornhuskers. My goodness, where did the time go? You’re already a junior. How about that? Does it feel like you’re you’ve been here three years, drew? It doesn’t. It feels like I just

Got on to campus and now we’re three years in, so it definitely has gone by in a in a flash. I remember seeing some of your family members two years ago when we were down at Globe Life opening that season up, and it just goes by so fast

. You, I think, are I think the coaches are expecting you and I’m sure you have expectations for yourself to take on a bigger role this year. What what was fall like and what was getting prepared to launch this season for you? Yeah, the fall was a really good experience

For me. Um, building off a good summer up in Alaska, baseball wise, I was able to get up there and get some innings under my belt and really ride that into the fall, where, you know, I had some sustained success. And so, um, getting ready for the season, you know,

After coming off break, a lot of throwing and ramping up before we get back into team practice, which is starting today. So um, everybody on the team is coming in feeling healthy and feeling pretty good. What was Alaska like? I’ve never been there. It was amazing. Yeah. I mean, um,

Definitely quite the complete opposite of Nebraska. Yeah, yeah. You look around and there’s mountains everywhere. There’s nothing flat up there. But it was beautiful. It was about 60 and sunny every day. And the sun didn’t go down till about three in the morning. So whatever you wanted to do, you

Could do it for, for the whole night. Were you nervous about being that far away from home or were you excited about that? I was kind of excited about it Um, the biggest difference was definitely the time change. It’s about, you know, three ish hours of difference. So you

Know, I was waking up when my family was well on with their day. So that was kind of unique. I bet last year you had some really the Omaha appearance comes to mind for me where you were just so dominant in then. I think it was a four inning stretch that you had

Against the Mavericks. How much confidence did you take out of that, that appearance? Yeah, you know that was really probably my first real taste of collegiate, you know, success and dominance and you know really that was just came from drawing on a competitive attitude. And that’s really the

Thing that I’ve trying to been focused on over this past year, this summer and this fall is really reaching into that competitive spirit and using that to fuel me when I’m on the mound. So you and the other arm on this team, you’re getting used to Coach Childers now the

New pitching coach, what’s that been like? How big of an adjustment has that been for you? Uh, Coach Childress has been amazing, I think not only for myself, but for all the other pitchers on the staff. Um, you could definitely tell day one the wisdom that he brought into the into the job

And he really wasted no time implementing that into the pitchers daily schedule, into our daily routines. And I think it’s it’ll show this season what we’ve been doing over the last couple of months. When I hear him talk, drew, I hear him talk about, I want competitive guys on the mound. What what

Are some things he does to kind of instill that in you guys, to just ramp up that competitiveness out there on the mound? Yeah, I mean, there’s competitive settings in the pitchers, um, routines daily in practice when you’re throwing bullpens, you’re going head to head with another guy

And there’s stuff on the line when we’re throwing in these live settings during practices. Um, you know, there’s this this past week, it was 11 minutes on the on the stepping stairs for at speed 11. So there’s always something on the line. And then we also did this thing. It’s called unification. And

Basically the group of pitchers you know, it was some condition challenges that we all had to do together that, you know, really instilled a competitive level where, you know, winners were treated a little bit differently. Well, is that okay with you? You kind of thrive on

That. Yeah, it I do and I think this team does. And we understand that there is a difference between winners and losers. And everyone on this team wants to be a winner. And I think that’s why this team will be special is because we’re driven by that will to win. What what what

Expectations what goals are you putting in place for yourself for this year? Have you have you thought about that? Yeah. I mean, I’ve thought about it and I really didn’t want to put like numbers on it or anything like that. I think for me this year, um, if I can accept the

Role that I’m given, whatever that capacity is and really use my position on the team to, um, you know, bring others along, um, I think whatever that role ends up being, if I can do that to my best of my ability, it’ll be good for not only me, but

For the team. So that’s really kind of an overarching goal for me. Is just to embrace my role and bring others along. We talked to Coach Bohl after fall ball was over and he, your name was mentioned as one of 3 or 4 guys that he thinks will be a

Weekend starter for this team. Is that something that you would would embrace? If that’s the if that’s what the decision is 100. And, you know, that’s something that, you know, I’ve always wanted to do. Um, that’s obviously a highly valued position. And so I would be really honored if that was my

Role on this team. And, and like Coach Bolt probably told you we have a handful of guys that are capable of that role this year. Um, which is exciting. When I, when I saw some of the scrimmages in the fall drew, it looked like there’s just an awful, awful

Lot of guys with some pretty good velo. Yeah On this team. I mean, it used to be if you saw a college pitcher hit 90, it was pretty rare. Now it seems like pretty much not everybody on this staff, but a good chunk number of you guys can throw 90

Plus. Yeah And you know that’s one thing. But it’s another thing that, you know, the emphasis is on strike throwing and having secondary pitches, which this pitching staff definitely does have. So um, it’s an intriguing combination Well, you certainly had that velo, that fastball. Yours can be really electric at times.

What about your secondary pitches? Where is that? What do you like to throw? Yeah. So, um, actually the summer was a big step for me in developing an off speed pitches. I added, um, somewhat of a slider, um, cutter type pitch to my arsenal , and that was probably honestly my best pitch

Throughout the fall. Um, so that’s been something that I’ve really, um, benefited from adding over the summer. And then I also throw a changeup and a curveball as well. So those that’s what I’m working with for the off speed. How about the guys you’re throwing to. Looks like you know Josh

Missed some time in the fall with some injuries Ben Columbus looks like a pretty good guy that can receive the ball back there. What about what about the catchers for this team? Yeah Ben and Josh are both exactly what you want out of a catcher. Um, they do their work

And they, um, they voice their opinion to the pitchers. They They’re getting us back into counts. You know, if we fall behind and they’re encouraging us with their their body language behind the plate. And so really throwing either one of those guys, you’re going to have a good time as a pitcher.

And they don’t lose anything when they go to the plate. I think you know Ben from the left side and Josh from the right side. They both are some of the better hitters on the team, which is kind of unique for the catching position. You know usually it’s a defensive

First position. But both of those guys can really impact the ball with the bat. All right. Pitchers best friends are the people behind him helping him out. Make him play. Tell tell Husker Nation what what are you seeing from the guys behind you? I mean, Dylan Carey certainly was a plus guy

At third base last year. Looks like the plan is to move him to short this year. What are you seeing? Yeah. So I mean, starting with Dylan. I mean, as a freshman, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody play a better third base than I have. Um, you

Know, in my lifetime. And he did that as a freshman, so, you know, moving him over to shortstop. Um, it’s been a really easy transition for him. That was his natural position in high school. Um, and he’s just got range and a strong arm. Um, Cayden Brumbaugh guy

Played a lot at second base for us this fall. He missed the year last year with a shoulder injury, but he’s really crafty middle infielder. He’s got really good soft hands. And so he’s been making plays up the middle. Got a lot of range at second base. And then um

Another pitcher’s best friend is the center fielder. Yeah Uh, Riley Silva has been huge for us, especially on the defensive front. He’s got elite elite speed. Um, and so he made some plays this fall where balls were hitting in the gap. Um, that definitely shouldn’t have, shouldn’t have been made. And

He stole an out that would have been an extra base hit. So you might be tipping your cap some to him. Yeah, 100. And so, you know we’re really strong up the middle. And then we’ve got guys on the corners. You know returning in the outfield with with Gabe and Cole and Garrett,

Guys that have known how to play in Haymarket and know the park. And so um, defensively it’s a really strong squad that I feel confident pitching in front of visiting Drew Christo here on Sports Awning on the Huskers radio network. Huskers three weeks out from their opener against the Baylor Bears

At Globe Life down in Arlington. And today is day one of the full team practices for the big Red. Drew this is the second year of the pitch clock in college baseball. Was it an adjustment for you? Did you have any issues with that? Uh, me personally, I never really

Noticed it. I’ve always been a pitcher who likes to pitch with tempo. Um, and really, for this team, I don’t think it will be an issue for us. That’s one of the things that we really preach as a pitching staff is control the tempo of the game. And being the aggressor on the

Mound. Since, you know, we have the ball in our hand, we can kind of dictate that tempo. Um, and we feel like we’re at our best when we’re pitching fast and when we’re pitching aggressive. And so I don’t see that as being an issue for anybody. I haven’t seen it this

Fall, and I think it actually is something that will work to our advantage when we’re able to push that pace onto a hitter. It seemed like everybody made pretty good adjustments to it. We opened last year in San Diego, and I think it got called 4 or 5 times at first weekend, mostly

On their pitchers, not ours, but I think everybody kind of adapted to it now. Longtime hardline baseball people drew. They don’t like it. They think there should not be a clock in baseball. I kind of think it’s really added a positive spin to the sport. Yeah I like it. You

Know, personally, just as a pitcher, like I said, you know, it keeps you on your toes and it keeps you going. Yeah. And when you’re in a rhythm, when you’re in the rhythm, the hitter can’t really step out as much. And so it kind of benefits us. And I think the

Hitters you know they’re definitely probably the people that might have the most problem with it. But they’ve adapted. And um, you know, there’s time rules and everything with the with the time outs now. So I’m personally a fan of it. Good. All right. Uh, your dad obviously played football here

For the Cornhuskers. Did you have was there any other option in your household growing up than than to be a Husker? I mean, uh, not for me. For me. I always wanted to be a Cornhusker. You know, that was the dream as a kid. And so it’s pretty neat being able to live

That that childhood dream. I bet, I bet. How about the schedule? There’s some pretty fun games that are going to be early in the season. Excited about this? Yeah, we’re really excited. Um, you know, obviously right out of the gate being able to play, you know, in a ballpark like that, like

That’s pretty cool. I think we might actually be the first game since the World Series game on that on that field. So I mean, that’s super unique. And then going down to Phenix and playing against a good team in Grand Canyon and then over to a really cool place in

Charleston. So we start the year off in some really, really cool places. And we’re excited for that. You’re one of the names that Husker fans are familiar with. There’s a lot of new guys that are going to be taking the mound and taking the ball. This spring. For the big

Red. You’ve been working out with them for six months. Is there talent there? What are you are people going to be happy with what they see? Yeah, I think people are going to be really happy. It’s a really deep roster this year. I think. I think we have guys, you know,

Um, from the hitting lineup perspective, I think we’re 15, 16 deep on guys who can really impact the baseball offensively and have a spot, um, on defense. And then in terms of pitching, it goes for, you know, the similar thing can be said. We have, um, you know, upwards, I think there’s about

20 some arms on the team. Um, and a lot of those guys are actively competing for roles, even right now. So nothing’s really defined. And, um, in terms of our roles yet, just because so many guys have been so competitive throughout the fall and the early pre-session here. Um, and I think that’s

Really what is going to make this team the best it can be, is that there’s so much competition between positions that, you know, if you show up, you’re forced to be the best version of yourself because there’s a guy right behind you. Um, and so that’s something

That we, we really like to have very good. All right. This is your third time through this. What what are the next couple of weeks like to get ready for the first game? How intense does it get? What is it like as a player in this system? Yeah I

Mean this is obviously a big part of the year, you know, because it’s a pretty quick turnaround. And um, you know, we only got I think what is it, three weeks. Yeah. Three weeks to the day almost to get ready, you know for the first game. And this is our first day of,

Of full length practice. And so, you know, a lot of the preparation was done before actual team practice. You really had to work over the off season to put yourself in a good spot. Um, so going into the next couple weeks, it’ll be, you know, in our situation, hopefully we can get outside.

That’s one of the things that’s different about playing in the Midwest, but we’re super, super lucky. We have amazing facilities here that allow us to, you know, run full infield outfield drills and simulate that real life game. So so doing a lot of scrimmaging and a lot of high intensity game

Repetitions to get you ready for that first weekend. And you’re playing indoors the first weekend. Exactly. So you don’t need to see the sky feel like home. Yeah. Very good drew. Thanks for coming in. Looking forward to watching you. I think it’s going to be a fun spring. Yeah, I’m looking

Forward to it. Thanks for having me. Drew. Christo with us here on Sportsline. Woodhouse auto family, they are your trusted auto partner. 20 brands, 20 convenient sales and service locations. We’re making car buying on your terms. Visit us online at Woodhouse .com. More sports highly coming up for generations, hard working

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For every field. Greg Sharp, Jessica Cootie with you Friday night, just a little bit left for us here on our final show of the night. Boy, are the Husker grapplers doing well up in Evanston, huh? They’re dominate up 20 to nothing. Ridge Lovett just absolutely destroyed the guy that he was

Wrestling. That guy is on a mission. Ridge Lovett is this year. Yes. He is so the Huskers have had a couple of major decisions, and they’ve got a pen and they’re without Peyton, Rob and Brock Hardy tonight. Right. And still the guys that are filling in, um, are you

Would they’re not missing a beat here. This styles guy here that’s wrestling at 157 is a freshman. So you know just hey here’s your opportunity to make the most of it. So I’d imagine that just with we know the history of Peyton Rob and being that it’s such a long grueling

Season. They’ve got a big one coming up on Sunday. Nash not in this lineup either. And so I think probably for them they’re letting some of these guys rest tonight and be ready to go on Sunday. Does do you see can you see if Peyton or Brock are there. They’re they’re they’re

They’re spotted him. Yeah. They’re both on the sideline. So then they got in uniform because they’re not coming back to Lincoln. They’re just going to bus over to Madison. So they could wrestle Sunday. Yeah, I would imagine that we’d see one of them on Sunday back in the

Lineup. But you know, I just I think it’s just such a long season and your body gets tired and it’s the Big Ten. Wrestling is no joke, you know. So I think probably just giving them a little break. And we talked about this some with Damon and you and I have talked about

This, but I think with Nash it’s so different being in wrestling shape. And he does add a certain he certainly adds a lot to the lineup. But I think it’s probably for him maybe not quite ready to do too . Two duels in a weekend. You know, have two to wrestle twice

In one weekend. Still probably working up to get that stamina going to where he can. But what is he going to wrestle in the Big Ten? I don’t know how he could do that because you’ve got him. You have 4 or 5 matches over about a 24 to 36

Hour period of time. I don’t know that he he’s ready for that, don’t you? We’ll see. I guess we’ll see how it progresses. But yeah. Well dominant performance on the mat up in Evanston for the Cornhuskers as they are dominating the other end. You in wrestling. Couple guys in

The um chat we’re asking about the pitch clock for college baseball. It’s 20s between pitches and the clock starts once the pitcher receives the ball back from the catcher, that’s when the clock starts. You also have a count where the batter has to be ready to bat,

Or if they’re not, they can be given a strike for the batter. So it does affect both pitchers and batters. That got Bryce a couple times right. The batting I think it did. You know, the one thing that was really odd last year is Nebraska was batting. Jessica and the other

Team. The guy just missed beating the clock through the pitch. Huskers hit a home run. Well then the umpire is like no, no pitch clock violation is just a ball. I think what you should do is give your team the option, right. If you hit a home run, like heck we’ll take

It. We’ll take this. Yeah, it’s kind of like a in football. You get a flag on the defense, you go ahead and you throw a touchdown pass. You can go, I’ll take that. Or the penalty Yeah we’ll we’ll decline that penalty. Yeah I think they maybe can still work on some of

That. All right. My favorite part of the week getting ready to come up winners and losers there on the other side. Come on back. Not all companies is proud to support Husker athletics as a leader in commercial real estate. We create thriving communities, discover what’s new in the builders district in downtown.

Sundays at aksarben and row House townhomes on Leavenworth. Not all companies is adding Omaha’s first hybrid timber building to the skyline. Soon to follow is builders Green Park, surrounded by mouthwatering food, exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses. Not all companies are building a better Nebraska for more information, check us

Out on Facebook and Instagram. Go Huskers! Hit us up on the text line, text 42413 2400 with your Husker thoughts. For farmers, productivity isn’t an option. It’s everything. And at Valley, we feel the same delivering game changing technology and irrigation solutions that advance agricultural productivity with the results to prove it from

Our leading irrigation technology ag to expert advice, you can always rely on Valley to bring out the best in your farm. At Valley, productivity is in an option. It’s everything. Visit your local valley dealer or Valley today. It’s time for some Nebraska farm facts. Want to know a fast way to rev

Up our Nebraska economy while helping the planet? It’s right in your tank when you fill up with soy based biodiesel, you’re increasing Nebraska biodiesel production while reducing greenhouse gases by up to 74. So look for biodiesel where you fill up it benefits our air, our economy, and our farmers. This message is

Brought to you. Nebraska soybean farmers growing opportunity from the ground up We are back inside our Huskers radio network broadcast center sponsored by Acres, the Midwest premiere John Deere dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance agriculture and much more. Acres solutions for every field time of the

Week for our winners and losers of the week. Jessica what do you got? Well, I will start with the loser. It was all those folks that thought somebody like Mattrillionhule or Brian Kelly was going to Michigan. Yeah, those hot takes that people putting out that they thought that they knew

What was going to happen there at Michigan. And we talked a little bit about that like that. That’s crazy that they would even have Matt Rhule on that list. So some of those guys that try to be hot takes and get some clicks and pull the trigger a little too soon.

On on that Michigan coaching search. Love it. My winner is going to go to the Harris family. Andy Harris and his family. They they welcomed in a new baby, Charlotte Rose. Andy is one of our OGs on the chat and he has been around and so

He had sent me a picture of him and Charlotte watching sports nightly the other night. Love on on his TV in his garage. So I’m going to give it up to the Harris’s in Phenix, Arizona and welcoming Charlotte Rose. Fantastic. Good stuff. Mr. David. Hello. Hello. All right.

So I’m going to start with the winner first. I think it’s the Detroit Lions. In my opinion. Love it because I haven’t I’m trying to think back of a time when the Detroit Lions were, like, elite in my life. And I hate to say it, they haven’t they haven’t been. And my one

Of my good friends, he’s been a he’s a huge Detroit Lions fan and he’s jumping for joy. So I’m happy for him. And the Detroit Lions and then for the loser I mentioned it in the ticker, but Novak Djokovic, he has won the Australian Open ten times, which is the record. And

Now instead of playing on the court, he’s got a he’s got to watch it in the stands which is probably not the best for him. But yeah, yeah, it’s kind of hard to call him a loser as much as he’s won, but it’s nice to get some new blood into one

Of those Grand Slam finals. So it didn’t hurt my feelings. And Yannick, uh, got, uh, Joker got knocked out in the semifinals, so. Good stuff. All right, Mister Cole, my loser for the week. And I do have a loser. They. I saw this headline that somebody in Wichita, Kansas cut

Down a statue of Jackie Robinson. It was like a bronze statue of Jackie Robinson. They cut it down and they stole it. Still missing. It was in front of a nice ballpark in Wichita. And so whoever did that, that’s my loser, a loser. Yeah You are a loser. My winner is rink.

Nice. Got to go to the rink. Nice. Unbelievable performance Tuesday. Unbelievable. 34 points. He was his. He could have beat anybody in horse that night. Everything was going in right. Throwing it in the ocean. Absolutely Yeah. Yeah. Drop it in there. So good. He was on my list. I have to

Prepare since I go last. I have to prepare like five of these, uh, because you guys usually take them. My losers of the week are going to be Buffalo Bills fans. As the poor kicker, Tyler Bass misses the kick that would have tied the game of the

Minute 30 to go. He was getting death threats the next day from fans. I mean, come on people. He missed a kick in a windy day at a football stadium. That’s from 44 yards. It wasn’t like it was a chip shot. So I feel bad for him. Cuckoo. They kind

Of are. I mean, they’re diving on tables and stuff and I mean even the big dog would probably do that too, wouldn’t he? I know we’ve heard some stories from him, so that that’s my loser, my winner. I’m going to go Brian Callahan, the son of Bill Callahan, the former

Husker football coach, got named yesterday. The Tennessee Titans head coach, Brian, had been the offensive coordinator with the Bengals with another Husker connection as Zach Taylor. Obviously the head coach of the Bengals. So congratulations to Brian, who would have been a young pup when his dad, Bill, was here.

And I know a lot of people don’t like to hear the name Bill Callahan, but he is a heck of a football coach and his son’s obviously following in his footsteps. So congratulations to Brian Callahan, now a head coach in the NFL. That’s a cool deal. We had lots of different kind of

We did talk about a buffet. A you said at the beginning our winners and losers were buffet all over the place. I’m surprised nobody picked Caitlin Clark. I thought about it for the flop. I thought about it, but I thought somebody else would go with that too. But I

Also didn’t really want it because it’s about safety too. I mean, it’s yeah, it was a little dramatic, but also there is there is a little bit of an issue there. Another one of my winners on my list that I didn’t have to use because nobody thought was Joel and

Bead. Do you see what he did the other night? 70 points. Wow. With a six Philadelphia 76 ers. That’s that’s a heck of a game 70 points. All right. Nova’s two by the way. Somebody Shane said that on the chat. The way that the volleyball fans showed up for them in

Omaha over 11,000. Yeah. All right. Uh good luck on the call tomorrow. Thanks. Good luck to Husker basketball. Both men and women play tomorrow. The men at 11, the women at one. Uh, both on the road. Don’t like that? Men are at Maryland and the women are at Iowa. Somebody

Needs to be here every weekend during the conference season. That’s just my rant. Thanks to David and Nicole and all of you for listening and watching tonight on our YouTube channel. Have yourself a great weekend. Be safe out there on that black ice. If you come across that in

The next couple days, we want you back here with us on Monday. Good night. Hit us up on the text Line. Text 402413 2400 with your Husker thoughts us at ground Works. We take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basements, to fixing crawl

Spaces or lifting concrete driveways, we’d like to thank our customers. Choose us because of our attention to detail, or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading foundation solutions provider. What gives our customers the most comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska . Visit for a free estimate. Groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted

With pride. The official foundation company of the Huskers Noddle companies, is proud to support Husker athletics as a leader in commercial real estate. We create thriving communities, discover what’s new in the builders district and north downtown Sunny’s at Aksarben and Row House Townhomes on Leavenworth. Noddle companies is adding Omaha’s first green

Timber building to the skyline. Soon to follow is Builders Green Park, surrounded by mouthwatering food, exciting retail and a hub of thriving businesses. Not all companies building a better Nebraska. For more information, check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Go Huskers! For generations, hard working people have relied on

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