Golf Players

MINDSET || Jason Day plays a hole with MINDSET

Bridgestone Golf is proud to introduce MINDSET, a breakthrough visual technology for maximum performance.
Proven mental approach provides key to superior focus on every shot.

The Bridgestone mindset technology and process is available on the entire tour B series mindset is a complete process that any player can utilize from te to Green my name is Jason Goldsmith and I’m here with Jason day and we’re going to talk about the mindset process yes the

First step is identifying your target uh Gathering all the information so we’re at the cave club nin hole par five uh the wind is down off the left there’s a hazard to our left there’s a hazard to the right so I know okay the only information I really need to gather is

Like the wind because I’ve got plenty of Runway I don’t need to worry about running long or anything like that I know I need it the Fairway and I visualize so I ask the question what does the driver fade look like off that

Tree to my tent and then I I go in and I visualize a shot and get that feeling of of what it feels like to feel what would that feel like and then from there I stay connected to the Target and go out and execute look at the Green Dot stay

Connected so what do you think of that shot it was good like I mean if I like if I was sitting there after the shot I’d be like okay that started a little bit further left than I wanted to it just started left of the tree line but

My target where it landed was right on my target would you say it was pretty close to matching the intention yes yeah yeah so like if if like that shot was a 9 out of 10 right and 10 out of 10 was exact yes I mean wouldn’t you say that

That most of the time like eights and N seven eights and NES win gol seven eights and NES when got like I mean even you can go down as far as Sixers you know what I mean it’s just there’s there’s a thing called human error that

We have we’re not robotic and we can’t like replicate exactly the thing that we want all the time but you’re you’re trying to minimize the large misses and make the misses that you your misses be really cut the dispersion itself to be really tight how is having this mindset

Process going to help the average golfer play better golf well I I just think they they’re going to set themselves up for for better shots I’ll take this for example okay it’s a second shot into the par five so we got two bunkers Fairway bunkers out

There to the right that’s my layup so I’ve got about 190 Ys to the first uh bunker on the right about 205 y to the to the second bunker on the left and we’re trying to you know trying to hit about 180 yards okay so what would be

Your 180 yard CL so right now it’s a little bit into the wind I’m going to take a little bit off the 6 IR um um 6 ons usually go 195 y but there’s a little bit of wind in out the left so I’m I’m probably most likely going to

Take 5 to 10 yards off this six on my plan is to go dead straight in the middle of those two bunkers decision is over you have the club in your hand now we’re ready for step number two yep which is visualization so like for me

Personally I like to kind of hold it up against that wind because I kind of want to see a little draw here so right now I’m just going to go straight between the uh the two bunkers I’m going to pick my shot I say what does a straight 6 IR

Look like I visualize it go through and then hit the [Applause] shots I flared it out to the right a little bit but I know that I had so much room to work with hey that was like a four out of 10 but I’m still in play and I’ve got a

Third shot straight up the green to the pin so so Jason here we are about 110 yards getting ready to hit our third shot and we can’t quite see the mindset logo on the golf ball yeah so I think it’s you know appropriate for us to talk

About like all it is is really there to cue you yes in this process that you’ve used for a long time but that’s really all it is is a queue so it’s going to take a little bit of effort for the average golfer at home to practice this

Process so that it becomes second nature the thing is the Mind step three three-step process that is going to help me as a professional goer because sometimes I I’m not disciplined enough the process is going to actually help you get back into balance I’ve got a 52

From 10 y the wind is in out right now because we’ve we’ve actually changed angles there’s about 15 y from the edge of the bunker on the right to the pin that’s kind of where I’m going to go [Applause] [Applause] so we’re on the green now and uh this is where we can actually utilize uh mindset uh threep process because we can actually place it down and and and remind us okay what do we need to do so for me I’ll go from here to the back of the hole sometimes I’ll

Read it sideways but majority of the time I’ll come in and go okay I’m trying to feel this and I’m going back here trying to connect those two together when I when I do visual visualize that line and I’m seeing that line I’m also visualizing speed cuz

Speed is the most important part of um having consistent putting but this is where I’m like going okay it’s going to go along here and I’m visualizing a line that will Trace all the way into that [Applause] cup and then you just hold aart but

That’s part of the steps that I take to to hold apart so Jason we just finished playing in the nthf at the Kake Club how how do you think this mindset process is going to help the average golfer well I think the beauty of this process um is

Going to not only help professional golfers it’s going to help Elite level amers Junior golfers to your weekend Warriors I mean it’s going to help every different type of golfer out there it fits everyone’s game doesn’t matter who you are I actually think Jason this is going to help the high handicap golfer

Much more than it’s going to help the professional you guys are just looking for incremental gains but I think the High handicapped all for not having a process is going to is going to shave tons of Strokes off their score and do it quickly too right and they’re going

To enjoy it yeah and that’s the biggest part is like once you once you do it you just learn to love the game at a whole different level I agree Redstone golf’s mindset Focus to Perform

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