Golf Players

He ALREADY Wants another NEW Club?! But What NOW?!

He ALREADY Wants another NEW Club?!

Guys welcome back to the Battle Royale so we are out here at waterfont playing nine holes and I’m playing against Dave so everybody wanted to see this Dave is currently one up he had a fantastic week last week chipping and putting really saved you to be honest who taught me

That then well I don’t know some uncertain on the channel but Dave put it and shipped really well we’ll put some of those highlights as you’ll see on screen you know it’s highlights real it’s like watching batrick banford no it’s not nothing’s well he has got a

Highlight reel but it’s not for good stuff oh come off it what goal goal of the century almost he’s got one goal Dave that’s been good we could show you a highlight of a million misses if you I heard a radio interview and that is actually In

Fairness to BL that is what he said D do five wood here the tactics behind this for Dave is that he doesn’t think I’m going to get a par so he’s going to lay up which I get a shot you see you do get a shot Dave Dave gets

Seven shots over this nine holes will then get six shots when we play off the yellows in the coming weeks or next month that’s your best one of the day Dave let’s see where that comes down yeah top of the hill don’t think so

Yeah I lost it in the air to be honest not going to lie it’s pretty much down the middle so happy day it was that was your best shot of the day so far you taking Chris which is all worrying that it’s the best shot of the day for Dave

And he’s already won up I’ve got a seven wood oh you think you’ll get there with it sure just get there depending on the wind but there is no wind it’s a bit cold Chris for the seven one oh not a man of my calber there a good Tower in Flight

Should catch the left side of the green no maybe you chipping well might be chipping for Dave we’re chipping right guys so up here middle of the greenish just left of the green Dave’s left himself a tactical 60 yard let’s see how he does 63 yards

Chris according to me m he’s there for none shot oh trying to get me damn okay not bad should to put from there so I need to get up and down right so yeah it did dive left a bit dang just took a turn but I need to get up and

Down from here I think D was going a two after the Ping we saw last week uh which is still today I think I need something close o oo not bad but run on a little bit yeah I just thinking you know the first three hours I’ve had three puts

Three puts for Dave in three holes hopefully not another one here so certainly some work left to do for me Dave’s got around about 30 ft up hill here so uphill it’s going to take some get in there which is the worry yeah I that with my just got the green

Chris just got a little past is it there I think it been far away it’s not bad Dave we’ll see it in though I need everything all the help I can get the boys are out swishing the greens hopefully that helps me out and puts Dave off hopefully he loses his speed

Clutching it straws already da it could be like we said a long year this [Laughter] year don’t feel down Chris I think we need to check it’s only three hours mate I think we need to check your handicap is what we need to do I didn’t think I was going to get

Aart he did part it after all who knew didn’t think I was going to get a par how negative of Dave right this for half Dave let quickly turn around on him you never know let’s see you finish moving no I’m just getting the good the fans are good pan

Round doing it in silence just got there Dave just got enough though is it still you Dave par five hopefully this is where I can take advantage of these conditions it’s par six for me is it because I get a shot yeah par six for you but also playing

700 yards due to the conditions as long as you can get it past the ladies Dave thought they were green Keepers 100 yards past the L ladies on this s best push that just in a little bit I don’t want to uh roof it like James obviously the green staff here don’t

Know Dave’s Miss is left well the S will queuing up on the left hand side guys comment below do you play a lot of match player which game format do you prefer I’ve always preferred match play always preferred match play I like the uh what’s the word I’m looking for not the banter

The the give and take no I’ll think about it no I was going to think about it again the only thing I never really won anything stroke play but match play I did win more than I did in stroke play pitched to the L I tell you what

That’s run on actually to say that it’s so wet that has doing quite well still low on the face Chris not the ball fight we’re looking for but no it’s not still one up right I’m going to start it at the green Keepers they won’t be in fear because they know it should

Fade which it has done that will do better drive we get in there de so guys comment below what should this series be called it’s again it’s going to be a year-long series Dave if he do win over the season then he is going to be able to choose where he

Wants to go and play some golf towards the end of the year is it going to be in the UK is it going to be abroad comment below where would you go if you where M Addison let me go well that is very true com Below guys where would you go if you

Could choose if you was doing this where would you go and play as a one-off if you didn’t have to pay Dave has just made the Fairway by a couple of yards we can still see we’ve got a long way left the green is all the way there you can

See the left edge of the green we can’t see the flag yet Dave no so I think it’s everything and a bit more so you five wood will be getting a little bit more action well it’s the only thing I’ve really it will well that’s true com Below guys is anyone playing in

There winter match plays again they can be a little bit of a slog when the conditions are like this they canceled that was it gford ridiculous yeah no Scottish PA we’re um we’re Champions that that one year oh well many a moon ago I’m sure about three years I think three years

Yeah Co interrupted as well obviously yeah probably helped you helped you regroup I did say I did say this hole can play long I think Dave’s just done himself there by saying it’s the only Club who’s been hitting well it’s going to get another go now well it is maybe

Another couple we’ve not had to walk far we haven’t got to mine yet so Dave is going to be up again here aren’t you Dave yeah but like I just said camera it’s um three month layoff you see I’ve not really played I mean you’re playing

Just about every day it’s a three month layoff now it changed to being just before Christmas and now is it a couple of bad ones it’s quickly changed I suppose I’m bright side I’m still one up you are one up here for one can’t compaining against a pro no very true got see

Anything up faway Chris I’m bit worried about yours no it’ll just be off the Fairway I think focus on this fivewood after the last one yeah clean strike bit low I mean it’s a runner it’s a worker wasn’t your best but it’ll do it’s going to after Chris it’s all I’ve

Got so guys like we mentioned last week when you play match play what do you do do you play the partner that you’re playing against do you play against the course a lot of people get caught out here I certainly enjoy match play and again when I’m playing match play I more

Think about just playing the course so just playing right if I get good scores hopefully that’s going to help me win the match I’m not too concerned what Dave’s doing I do I always I I was always told to to play the opponent because doesn’t really matter what you

Score so long as you just won better than them well true two different ways to play it guys so com below what do you do and which is your favorite format right get it down there with the trusty 7 wood H that’s decent well that should do

A bit closer than Dave put the pressure on da have a quick look here how far it is I’m a little bit further down there let’s see if we can see mine I think that’s mine that far away you can’t see it Chris is that what

You’re try my eyes it could be a yard in front and I might not see it so so how far have you got Dave 190 to the back Chris to the back so again it’s the trusty fivewood the third attempt for the fivewood and it needs pretty much

All of it doesn’t it I would say so yeah although I’ll just take if it gets on cuz you know that would be net three W it uh yeah there for net three with your chipping and putting so far should be no problem get up is over the bunker oh

It’s over the bunker it should be there on The Fringe y not bad bit low again again so Dave missed this bunker by about a millimeter however and it’s done well so he’s down there he’s got a chip to that back flag 60 y similar to what I

Had on the second hole last week I did pull it a little bit so yeah it wasn’t your best shot that Chris it wasn’t stay T better oh B sh under the hole start pretty quick long chip made a good chip on the uh third hole last week and then

Hold a good p you’ll see on screen that’s very chill yeah that is where got him his lead one up that’s another fantastic chip Dave great distance that’s got to be within tour average is it it is well inside s aage there da a good chip moved a little

Bit on the slope you take that all day up a put it is we know what your putting’s like 40 ft I would expect again T average will be to three put from from here but not going to three put I’m going to get this nice and close

Put the pressure on I don’t know how the pressure is now on Dave but or on me well not really I’m one up oh we got a go it’s not the pressure that I wanted to I’ve seen them closer I’d like to give it but I’m not

Going in Dave yeah it’s fine as it is thanks when he rattles it in this for 6 or five can’t remember is it yeah yeah cuz you’ve hit year five or four times aren’t you three times driver three times and a chip yeah thanks for that Chris well just checking Dave just remind

Everyone didn’t turn I thought that had to turn Dave I’ll give you that too kind I know seven for six yeah so this to go all square Christopher could turn it all around here no shot on the next not this put the pressure on side door

Again you convinced me it was straight I now realize what James has got to put up with Dave did the class there tried to put me off saying it was straight and then I’ve nearly missed to the right but that was probably more my fault but no shot on the

Next right Dave’s going to get me a yardage here with his millsy what have we got 154 unusually Chris you’re first off I know first uh did I go off on the first I think it’s first time for a while anyway right I’ve 154 I’m going to go with an eight

Time right straight at it here 8 154 that’s a shame not the best swing just slightly short Chris but nearly on members bounc there Dave it keep towards the flag not the biggest surprise I don’t think it you’ve been getting recently what view got Dave I’ve got a six hybrid Chris six hyd

HD again guys when you’re playing match play you’re always looking in your opponent’s bag don’t always usually for bags of crispy you though well true for snacks I don’t think it’s the best thing to do can certainly put you off sticking to what he knows oh it’s a great great shot

Dave it is a great shot just short and that made look green I think I think so it’s getting I think it’s next at Pin you might be giving me that Chris it’s getting better as it goes on members bounce as you say right just short but

An uphill put Dave’s got a bit of a slider downhill there no shot for Dave take it away not the best put I’ve ever done but that’s a three all square what can Dave do not a bad putt yet today Dave I won’t say well until now that is thanks so

Much is that spring clean Dave was just saying they wanted a new putter I I’m thinking about it yeah I me there’s nothing wrong with it but you know I like your things right come on turn turn oh never wasn’t enough is that within gimme range you can have it Dave and we’ll

Move on guys that’s all square so I have managed to get it back I didn’t manage to take the lead the final three holes are coming up are holes that Dave gets a shot on every single one so I’m up against it what can we do and guys

Comment below what should this series be called and where would you play if you could play anywhere for free


  1. Chris, You need to get your Defender in one of your Vlogs. Maybe a pre-round driving segment on your way to the course. I have been wanting to see the work you had done.

  2. Love this series but if I had to pick one course over there it would be St. Andrews, in the United States it would be Augusta

  3. Great match. Is the phrase you’re looking for Dave ‘cut and thrust’? As for a title, how about’Hinge & Bracket on Tour’?

  4. Dave before you play the next match watch Danny Maude as you seem to be swinging shoulders around watch his last video and that will explane

  5. I love winter golf! So unpredictable and gives us handicap golfers a chance agains the better players and makes it more social. What a great sport!

  6. I notice that on a lot of the winter tees the white and the yellow markers are in the same place, hopefully Dave is playing off the whites and enjoying the extra couple of shots it'll give 😂
    Our winter knockout is matchplay on the very short par 3 course which I hate playing on, I can't wait for the new summer knockout on the full course

  7. Well coach, one would be the Firestone C.C. both north and south courses, Forest Dunes in Mi., Treetop Resorts 5 courses. In Georgia, The Frog at the Georgian, & University of Georgia GC. Great public courses. Played terrible in each and everyone of them and I had a blast. Have good week Coach.

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